Minecraft Wiki
This is the documentation page. It should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Documentation for more information
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This template uses Module:Block value, with data stored in Module:Blast resistance values.
These scripts are written in Lua.

This template is the single source for all blast resistance values. It is meant to be the single source for this information; this way, when new blocks are added or values are changed, they can be changed here and automatically propagate everywhere they are used.


{{Blast resistance values|Obsidian}} becomes 1,200.

{{Blast resistance values|Non-existing value}} becomes ?.

Missing value

If you got here by following a "?" link, it means the value for this parameter is not defined. There are two main reasons this could happen:

  1. The page's name was changed, but it hasn't been updated in this template yet. Edit the module and fix the name.
  2. There is a new block, and data hasn't been entered for it yet. If you know the correct value, edit the template and and add a new entry. Please don't guess or put in something random just to make the "?" go away!

Pages with missing values are placed in Category:Missing blast resistance.

See also
