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This feature is exclusive to Java Edition. 

<player>.dat files are used by servers to store the state of individual players. The format is also used within level.dat files to store the state of the singleplayer player, which overrides any <player>.dat files with the same name as the singleplayer player. These files are in NBT format.

NBT structure

  • The root tag. In level.dat files, this tag is called "Player".
    • Tags for all entities, except the id, CustomName and CustomNameVisible
    • Tags common to all entities
    • Tags for all mobs, except HandItems, ArmorItems, HandDropChances, ArmorDropChances, CanPickUpLoot, PersistenceRequired and Leash
    • Tags common to all mobs
    •  abilities: The abilities this player has.
      •  flying: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player is currently flying.
      •  flySpeed: The flying speed, always 0.05.
      •  instabuild: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player can instantly destroy blocks. This is true for Creative mode, and false for other game modes.
      •  invulnerable: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player is immune to all damage and harmful effects except for void damage (damage caused by the /kill command is void damage). This also makes all mobs, whether hostile or not, passive to the player. This is true for Creative and Spectator modes, and false for Survival and Adventure modes.
      •  mayBuild: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player can place and destroy blocks. This is true for Creative and Survival modes, and false for Spectator and Adventure modes.
      •  mayfly: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player can fly. This is true for Creative and Spectator modes, and false for Survival and Adventure modes.
      •  walkSpeed: The walking speed, always 0.1.
    •  DataVersion: Version of the player NBT structure. Is increased with every new snapshot and release.
    •  Dimension: The ID of the dimension the player is in. Used to store the players last known location along with Pos.
    •  EnderItems: Each compound tag in this list is an item in the player's 27-slot ender chest inventory. (Note: when empty, list type may have unexpected value.)
      • An item in the inventory, includes the Slot tag - slots are numbered 0 to 26, inclusive.
    •  enteredNetherPosition: Optional. The Overworld position from which the player entered the Nether, for use with the minecraft:nether_travel advancement trigger. The tag is set every time the player passes through a portal from the Overworld to the Nether. When entering a dimension other than the nether by not respawning, the tag is removed. Entering the Nether without using a portal does not update the tag.
      •  x: The X coordinate.
      •  y: The Y coordinate.
      •  z: The Z coordinate.
    •  foodExhaustionLevel: See Hunger.
    •  foodLevel: The value of the hunger bar; 20 is full. See Hunger.
    •  foodSaturationLevel: See Hunger.
    •  foodTickTimer: See Hunger.
    •  Inventory: Each compound tag in this list is an item in the player's inventory. (Note: when empty, list type may have unexpected value.)
    •  LastDeathLocation: May not exist. Location of the player's last death.
      •  dimension: Dimension of last death.
      •  pos: Coordinates of last death.
    •  playerGameType: The game mode of the player. 0 is Survival, 1 is Creative, 2 is Adventure and 3 is Spectator.
    •  previousPlayerGameType: The previous game mode of the player.
    •  recipeBook: Contains a JSON object detailing recipes the player has unlocked.
    •  RootVehicle: The root entity that the player is riding. Optional.
      •  Attach: The UUID of the entity the player is riding, stored as four ints.
      •  Entity: The NBT data of the root vehicle.
    •  Score: The Score displayed upon death.
    •  seenCredits: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player has entered the exit portal in the End at least once.
    •  SelectedItem: Data of the item currently being held by the player, excluding the Slot tag. Only exists when using the /data command, this value is not saved in the player.dat format.
    •  SelectedItemSlot: The selected hotbar slot of the player.
    •  ShoulderEntityLeft: The entity that is on the player's left shoulder. Always displays as a parrot.
    •  ShoulderEntityRight: The entity that is on the player's right shoulder. Always displays as a parrot.
    •  SleepTimer: The number of ticks the player had been in bed. 0 when the player is not sleeping. In bed, increases up to 100, then stops. Skips the night after all players in bed have reached 100. When getting out of bed, instantly changes to 100 and then increases for another 9 ticks (up to 109) before returning to 0.
    •  SpawnDimension: May not exist. The dimension of the player's bed or respawn anchor. These tags are only removed if the player attempts to respawn with no valid bed or respawn anchor to spawn at at these coordinates. They are unaffected by breaking a bed or respawn anchor at these coordinates, and are unaffected by the player's death.
    •  SpawnForced: 1 or 0 (true/false) - may not exist. True if the player should spawn at the below coordinates even if no bed can be found.
    •  SpawnX: See below.
    •  SpawnY: May not exist. The coordinates of the player's bed or respawn anchor. These tags are only removed if the player attempts to respawn with no valid bed or respawn anchor to spawn at at these coordinates. They are unaffected by breaking a bed or respawn anchor at these coordinates, and are unaffected by the player's death.
    •  SpawnZ: See above.
    •  warden_spawn_tracker: Contains data about the warden spawning process for this player.
      •  cooldown_ticks: The number of ticks before the warning_level can be increased again. Decreases by 1 every tick. It is set to 200 game ticks (10 seconds) every time the warning level is increased.
      •  ticks_since_last_warning: The number of ticks since the player was warned for warden spawning. Increases by 1 every tick. After 12000 game ticks (10 minutes) it will be set back to 0, and the warning_level will be decreased by 1.
      •  warning_level: A warning level between 0 and 3 (inclusive). The warden will spawn at level 3.
    •  XpLevel: The level shown on the XP bar.
    •  XpP: The progress/percent across the XP bar to the next level.
    •  XpSeed: The seed used for the next enchantment in enchantment tables.
    •  XpTotal: The total amount of XP the player has collected over time; used for the Score upon death.

Item structure

Items are used both in the player's inventory and Ender inventory, and in chest tile entities, dropped item entities, furnace tile entities, brewing stand tile entities, and Villager trading recipes. Sometimes a Slot tag is used to specify the slot the item is in, such as with chests; other times there is no Slot tag, such as with dropped items.

  • The root tag.
    •  Count: Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, even if unstackable through normal means. Values below 0 cause the item to be treated as air, resulting in the item being removed.
    •  Slot: The inventory slot the item is in.
    •  id: Item/Block ID. If not specified, gets treated as air, resulting in the item being removed.
    •  tag: Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items. Unlike other entity or block NBT, this tag is never deserialized and can hold user defined tags that are not used by the game by standard.

General Tags

Items with durability can be made unbreakable and never lose any durability. Additionally, items can have specifications for Adventure mode to describe which blocks may be broken with them.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  Damage: The number of uses consumed (not remaining) of the item's durability.
    •  Unbreakable: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, the item doesn't lose durability when used.
    •  CanDestroy: The only blocks this item may break when used by a player in adventure mode.
      • : A block ID. Validated the same way as the block_predicate command argument, meaning block states and block tags are accepted, as well as client-side only block entity NBT tags.
    •  CustomModelData: A value used in the "custom_model_data" item tag in the overrides of item models.

Attribute Modifiers

All items can be given Modifiers which affect various Attributes of the player or mob wearing or holding them. Note that if an item has default attribute modifiers, these cease to exist if this tag is added (e.g. a diamond sword given an empty AttributeModifiers list no longer provides a boost to damage). Also note that default attribute modifiers do not use this tag, and as such, it does not appear on a natural item.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  AttributeModifiers: Contains Attribute Modifiers on this item which modify Attributes of the wearer or holder (if the item is not in the hand or armor slots, it has no effect).
      • : A single Attribute Modifier.
        •  AttributeName: The name of the Attribute this Modifier is to act upon.
        •  Name: The name of the Modifier. Has no known effect.
        •  Slot: Slot the item must be in for the modifier to take effect. "mainhand", "offhand", "feet", "legs", "chest", or "head".
        •  Operation: Modifier Operation. See Attribute Modifiers for info.
        •  Amount: Amount of change from the modifier.
        •  UUID: The modifier's UUID, stored as four ints. Used when equipping and unequipping the item to identify which modifier to add or remove from the entity.

Block Tags

Blocks can be given tags to specify what blocks they may be placed against in Adventure mode, and to specify what Tile Entity NBT tags to apply to them when placed.

  •  tag: Parent tag
    •  CanPlaceOn: Determines which blocks that blocks with this tag can be placed against in adventure mode.
      • : A block ID. Validated the same way as the block_predicate command argument, meaning block states and block tags are accepted, as well as client-side only block entity NBT tags.
    •  BlockEntityTag: Block entity NBT tags which are applied when this block is placed.[1] Used to store data on banners and shields or on blocks obtained in creative by holding ctrl (or ⌘ Cmd on mac) and pressing pick block on a block containing a block entity.
    •  BlockStateTag: A compound where each key is a block state key, and the value is the block state value to force place for this block.
      •  Block state key: The block state value of the block to edit, for example, facing: "east".

Display Properties

Leather armor can be colored, and all items can have custom display names and lore. Various tooltips can also be hidden.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  display: Display properties.
      •  color: The color of the leather armor. The tooltip displays "Dyed" if advanced tooltips are disabled, otherwise it displays the hexadecimal color value. Color codes are the hex code of the color converted to a decimal number, or can be calculated from the Red, Green and Blue components using this formula:
        Red<<16 + Green<<8 + Blue[2]
      •  Name: The JSON text component to use to display the item.
      •  Lore: List of strings to display as lore for the item.
        • A JSON text component representing a line of text for the lore of an item.
    •  HideFlags: Bit field determining which parts of the tooltip to hide on an item. 1 for "Enchantments", 2 for "AttributeModifiers", 4 for "Unbreakable", 8 for "CanDestroy", 16 for "CanPlaceOn", 32 for various other information (including potion effects, "StoredEnchantments", written book "generation" and "author", "Explosion", "Fireworks", amount of items in a bundle, and map tooltips), 64 for "Dyed" on leather armor, and 127 for armor trim information. For example, setting to 3 (1 + 2) would hide both "Enchantments" (1) and "AttributeModifiers" (2) tags, and setting to 127‌[until JE 1.20]/255‌[upcoming: JE 1.20] would hide everything.


There are two ways enchantments are associated with items; the first way is that the item is actually enchanted and the enchantment affects the behavior of the item, and the second way is that the item is an enchanted book which simply stores the enchantments without actually affecting the behavior of the item. There is also the RepairCost tag which tracks anvil usage for items, making them more costly with every use of the anvil.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  Enchantments: Contains enchantments on this item that affect the way the item works.
      • : A single enchantment.
        •  id: The name of the enchantment.
        •  lvl: The level of the enchantment, where 1 is level 1. Values are clamped between 0 and 255 when reading.
    •  StoredEnchantments: Contains enchantments for enchanted books.
      • : A stored enchantment, identical structure to each enchantment in Enchantments.
    •  RepairCost: Number of experience levels to add to the base level cost when repairing, combining, or renaming this item with an Anvil.

StoredEnchantments tooltips are not displayed if edited onto an item other than an enchanted book. Enchantments stored in Enchantments, however, are always displayed in the tooltip and cause the item to glow, even if they cannot have any effect.

Potion Effects

Potions, splash potions, lingering potions, and tipped arrows can have multiple, customized effects via the CustomPotionEffects tag. These effects are added to the default effect under the Potion tag if present. In addition the color can be overridden with the CustomPotionColor tag.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  custom_potion_effects: The custom potion effects (status effects) this potion or tipped arrow has.
      • One of these for each effect.
        •  id: The resource location of the effect.
        •  amplifier: The amplifier of the effect, with level I having value 0. Negative levels are discussed here. Optional, and defaults to level I.
        •  duration: The duration of the effect in ticks. Values 0 or lower are treated as 1. Optional, and defaults to 1 tick.
        •  ambient: 1 or 0 (true/false) - whether or not this is an effect provided by a beacon and therefore should be less intrusive on the screen. Optional, and defaults to false.
        •  show_particles: 1 or 0 (true/false) - whether or not this effect produces particles. Optional, and defaults to true.
        •  show_icon: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if effect icon is shown. false if no icon is shown.
    •  Potion: The name of the default potion effect. This name differs from the status effect name. For example, the value for an "Instant Health II" potion is "minecraft:strong_healing". A potion or tipped arrow getting its effects from this tag is named with the proper effect. The default value is "minecraft:empty", which gives it the "Uncraftable" name.
    •  CustomPotionColor: The item uses this custom color, and area-of-effect clouds, arrows, and splash and lingering potions use it for their particle effects. This color does not extend, however, to the particles given off by entities who ultimately receive the effect. The numeric color codes are equal to the hex code of the color converted to a decimal number, or can alternatively be calculated from the Red, Green and Blue components using this formula: Red<<16 + Green<<8 + Blue. For positive values larger than 0x00FFFFFF, the top byte is ignored. All negative values produce white.

Armor Trim

When armor is trimmed, it has the following NBT:

  •  tag: Parent Tag.
    •  Trim: Properties of Armor Trim.
      •  material: The material which decides the color of armor trim.
      •  pattern: The pattern of armor trim.

Armor Stands, Spawn Eggs and Item Frames

Armor stands, spawn eggs and item frames may contain potential entity data.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  EntityTag: Stores entity data that is applied to the entity when created.

Book and Quills

Book and quills use NBT data to save their contents.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  pages: The list of pages in the book.
      • : A single page in the book. Each page is a string and uses the escape sequence \n for a line break. However, the command parser does not accept \n, so line breaks need to be set by a player or using loot tables.

Written Books

Written books use NBT data to save their contents as well as miscellaneous extra information.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  filtered_pages: [needs testing]
    •  filtered_title: [needs testing]
    •  resolved: Optional. Created and set to 1 when the book (or a book from the stack) is opened for the first time after being created. Used to determine whether to resolve advanced components within JSON, because their values become fixed at that point.
    •  generation: Optional. The copy tier of the book. 0 = original, 1 = copy of original, 2 = copy of copy, 3 = tattered. If the value is greater than 1, the book cannot be copied. Does not exist for original books. If this tag is missing, it is assumed the book is an original. 'Tattered' is unused in normal gameplay, and functions identically to the 'copy of copy' tier.
    •  author: The author of the written book.
    •  title: The title of the written book. Lower priority than the item name set by tag.display.Name. Can not be used to open locked containers.
    •  pages: The list of pages in the book.
      • : A single page in the book. Each page is a serialized JSON text.

Buckets of Aquatic Mob

Buckets of aquatic mob may contain potential entity data.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  BucketVariantTag: The variant data of the tropical fish in the bucket. Applies only to Bucket of Tropical Fish.
    •  EntityTag: Stores entity data that is applied to the aquatic mob when it is poured out. If this data includes a tropical fish variant, it overrides the one provided in BucketVariantTag.


Bundles use NBT data to save what item is stored.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  Items: List of items in the bundle.
      • : An item in the bundle.
        • Tags common to all items


When used as a lodestone compass, compasses store information about their targeted lodestone.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  LodestoneTracked: Optional. 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the compass is connected to a lodestone. When false, LodestoneDimension and LodestonePos is not automatically removed when the lodestone is destroyed, but the compass still points to that location.
    •  LodestoneDimension: Optional. The dimension of the lodestone to which the compass is pointing.
    •  LodestonePos: Optional. The coordinates of the lodestone to which the compass is pointing.
      •  X: x coordinate
      •  Y: y coordinate
      •  Z: z coordinate


Crossbows use NBT data to save what item is charged in the crossbow

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  ChargedProjectiles: The items this crossbow has charged, normally one entry (three if enchanted with multishot)
      • : A charged item.
        • Tags common to all items
    •  Charged: If the crossbow is charged.

Debug Sticks

Debug sticks use the NBT to save the block state to edit for each block.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  DebugProperty: A compound where each key is a block ID, and the value is the block state key to edit for that block ID. Block tags are not supported.
      •  Block ID: The block state key of the block to edit, for example "minecraft:oak_fence": "east".

Firework Rockets

Firework rockets use the tag tag to store information about their effects.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  Fireworks: One of these may appear on a firework rocket.
      •  Explosions: List of compounds representing each explosion this firework causes.
        • : A firework explosion.
          • Tags common to all firework explosion effects
      •  Flight: Indicates the flight duration of the firework (equals the amount of gunpowder used in crafting the rocket). Can be anything from -128 to 127.

Firework Stars

Firework stars use the tag tag to store information about their effects.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  Explosion: The explosion effect contributed by this firework star.
      • Tags common to all firework explosion effects


Maps may be scaled.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  map: The map number.
    •  map_scale_direction: Only internally used when scaling a map, after that directly removed: The amount to increase the current map scale by when crafting. Always 1.
    •  map_to_lock: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the map should be locked after being taken out of the cartography table. Only internally used when locking a map, after that directly removed.
    •  Decorations: A list of optional icons to display on the map. Decorations that are removed or modified do not update until the world is reloaded.
      • An individual decoration.
        •  id: An arbitrary unique string identifying the decoration.
        •  type: The ID of the map icon to display.
        •  x: The world X position of the decoration.
        •  z: The world Z position of the decoration.
        •  rot: The rotation of the symbol, ranging from 0.0 to 360.0, measured clockwise. A rotation of 0 displays the icon upside-down compared to its appearance in the icon texture.
    •  display: The display tag.
      •  MapColor: The color of the markings on the item's texture.

Player Heads

Heads of the player variety can be associated with a specific username to take on the skin of that player when placed. The hand-held item is also updated with the new skin. Within this section, the "owner" of a head means the player whose head it is a copy of, and a player whose inventory contains a head is called the "holder".

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  SkullOwner: The username of the player this is a skull of. This gets converted to the compound version on almost any action.
    •  SkullOwner: Different definition for the skull's owner.
      •  Id: UUID of owner, stored as four ints. Optional. Used to update the other tags when the chunk loads or the holder logs in, in case the owner's name has changed.
      •  Name: Username of owner. If missing or empty, the head appears as a Steve head. Otherwise, used to store or retrieve the downloaded skin in the cache. Need not be a valid player name, but must not be all spaces.
      •  Properties
        •  textures
          • : An individual texture.
            •  Value: A Base64-encoded JSON object.
              •  isPublic: Optional.
              •  signatureRequired
              •  profileId: Optional: The hexadecimal text form of the player's UUID, without hyphens.
              •  profileName: Optional: Player name.
              •  textures
                •  CAPE: Optional.
                  •  url: URL of a player cape (64x32 PNG).
                •  SKIN
                  •  url: URL of a player skin on textures.minecraft.net.
                  •  metadata
                    •  model: The model of the player skin. Can be "classic" or "slim".
              •  timestamp: Optional: Unix time in milliseconds.
            •  Signature: Optional.

Suspicious Stew

Suspicious stews store their potion effects.

  •  tag: Parent tag.
    •  Effects: The status effects this suspicious stew has.
      • One of these for each effect.
        •  EffectId: The numeric ID of the effect.
        •  EffectDuration: The duration of the effect in ticks. Values 0 or lower are treated as 1. Optional, and defaults to 160 ticks (8 seconds).

Inventory slot numbers

This shows the numbers used to specify the slot in the inventory while editing with an NBT editor.


Clock JE3
This section needs to be updated. 
Please update this section to reflect recent updates or newly available information.
Reason: Almost certainly missing a lot of prior history
Java Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Purple Dye|Purple Dye]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Purple_Dye_JE2_BE2.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Purple dye''' is a [[Dyeing#Secondary colors|secondary dye color]] created by combining [[red dye]] and [[blue dye]] in a crafting grid.

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

  |Blue Dye
  |Red Dye
  |Output=Purple Dye,2
  |Lapis Lazuli
  |Red Dye
  |Output=Purple Dye,2

=== Trading ===

[[Wandering trader]]s sometimes sell 3 purple dye for an [[emerald]].

== Usage ==

{{dye usage}}

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|ignore=Banner|continue=1}}
{{banner crafting usage}}

=== Loom ingredient ===
{{Banner loom usage|Purple Dye}}

=== Trading ===

Apprentice-level Shepherd villagers have a 20% chance to buy 12 purple dye for an emerald as part of their trades.{{only|bedrock}}

Expert-level Shepherd villagers have a {{frac|2|7}} chance to buy 12 purple dye for an emerald.{{only|java}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Purple Dye

{{ID table
|displayname=Purple Dye
|aliasid=dye / 5

== Video ==

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|Cx52CGo5QnI}}</div>

== History ==

{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|[[File:Purple Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added purple dye.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Added the ability to [[Armor#Dyeing|dye]] leather [[armor]] and [[wolf]] collars.}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Purple dye can now be [[crafting|crafted]] with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}} 
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|[[Stained clay]] can now be crafted.}}
{{history||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|With the addition of new [[flower]]s, many secondary and tertiary dyes are now primary [[dye]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=13w41a|[[Stained glass]] can now be crafted.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Due to [[lapis lazuli]] being [[renewable resource|renewable]] now, purple dye is also now renewable.}}
{{History|||snap=14w30a|Added [[banner]]s which can be dyed.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have now been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 351.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Purple dye is now [[crafting|crafted]] using [[blue dye]], instead of [[lapis lazuli]].
|[[File:Purple_Dye_JE2_BE2.png|32px]] The texture of purple dye has now been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|Purple dye can now change the text color on [[sign]]s to purple.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added the [[wandering trader]], which sells purple dye.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Purple dye can now be [[trading|bought]] by shepherd villagers.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Purple dye can now be used to craft [[purple candle]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=21w19a|Purple dye can no longer be used to craft purple candles.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Purple dye can once again be used to craft purple candles.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Purple dye can now change the text color on [[hanging sign]]s to purple.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Purple Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added purple dye. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Purple dye is now [[craft]]able with rose red and lapis lazuli.
|Purple dye can now be used to craft purple [[wool]].}}
{{History||v0.6.0|Purple dye can now be used to dye [[sheep]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Purple dye can now be used to craft [[magenta dye]].}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 11|Purple dye can now be used to craft colored [[terracotta]].}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Purple dye can now be used to dye tamed [[wolf]] collars.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Purple dye can now be used to dye [[water]] in [[cauldron]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Purple dye can now be used to dye [[shulker]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Purple dye can now be used to craft [[concrete powder]], colored [[bed]]s and dyed [[shulker box]]es.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Purple dye can now be used to craft [[firework star]]s, [[stained glass]] and patterns on [[banner]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Purple dye can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s and [[glow stick]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Purple dye can now be used to dye tamed [[cat]] collars.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Purple dye is now [[trading|sold]] by [[wandering trader]]s.
|Purple dye can now be used to dye white [[carpet]]s and undyed [[glass pane]]s.
|[[File:Purple_Dye_JE2_BE2.png|32px]] The texture of purple dye has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Purple dye can now be [[trading|sold]] to shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of purple dye has been changed from <code>dye/5</code> to <code>purple_dye</code>.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|switch=1.0.1|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Purple Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added purple dye.}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Purple_Dye_JE2_BE2.png|32px]] The texture of purple dye has now been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Purple Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added purple dye.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[cs:Fialové barvivo]]
[[de:Violetter Farbstoff]]
[[es:Tinte morado]]
[[fr:Teinture violette]]
[[hu:Lila festék]]
[[ko:보라색 염료]]
[[nl:Paarse kleurstof]]
[[pl:Fioletowy barwnik]]
[[pt:Corante roxo]]
[[ru:Фиолетовый краситель]]
| image = <gallery>
Wooden Axe.png | Wooden
Stone Axe.png | Stone
Iron Axe.png | Iron
Golden Axe.png | Golden
Diamond Axe.png | Diamond
Netherite Axe.png | Netherite
| rarity = Common
| renewable = 
* '''Netherite''': No 
* '''Others''': Yes
| durability = 
'''Bedrock Edition'''
* Golden: 33
* Wooden: 60 
* Stone: 132
* Iron: 251
* Diamond: 1562
* Netherite: 2032
'''Java Edition'''
* Golden: 32
* Wooden: 59
* Stone: 131
* Iron: 250
* Diamond: 1561
* Netherite: 2031
| stackable = No

An '''axe''' is a [[tool]] used to hasten the [[breaking]] of [[wood]]-based or other tough organic [[block]]s, strip or scrape certain blocks, or as a melee [[weapon]] that can disable [[Shield|shields]] it hits.

  |A1={Any Planks}; Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |B1={Any Planks}; Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |A2={Any Planks}; Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |Output= Wooden Axe; Iron Axe; Golden Axe; Diamond Axe
  |type= Tool
  |name=[[Stone Axe]]
  |A1=Any stone-tier block |B1=Any stone-tier block
  |A2=Any stone-tier block |B2=Stick
  |Output=Stone Axe
  |description=Can use cobblestone and its other variants interchangeably.
  |ingredients=Damaged Matching [[Axe]]
  |Damaged Wooden Axe; Damaged Stone Axe; Damaged Iron Axe; Damaged Golden Axe; Damaged Diamond Axe; Damaged Netherite Axe
  |Damaged Wooden Axe; Damaged Stone Axe; Damaged Iron Axe; Damaged Golden Axe; Damaged Diamond Axe; Damaged Netherite Axe
  |Output=Wooden Axe; Stone Axe; Iron Axe; Golden Axe; Diamond Axe; Netherite Axe
  |description= The durability of the two axes is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.
  |type= Tool

=== Upgrading ===
|Netherite Upgrade
|Diamond Axe
|Netherite Ingot
|Netherite Axe


|ingredients= 2× Damaged [[Wooden Axe]] or 2× Damaged [[Stone Axe]] or 2× Damaged [[Iron Axe]] or 2× Damaged [[Golden Axe]] or 2× Damaged [[Diamond Axe]] or 2× Damaged [[Netherite Axe]]
|Damaged Wooden Axe; Damaged Stone Axe; Damaged Iron Axe; Damaged Golden Axe; Damaged Diamond Axe; Damaged Netherite Axe
|Damaged Wooden Axe; Damaged Stone Axe; Damaged Iron Axe; Damaged Golden Axe; Damaged Diamond Axe; Damaged Netherite Axe
|Wooden Axe; Stone Axe; Iron Axe; Golden Axe; Diamond Axe; Netherite Axe
|description=The durability of the two axes is added together, plus an extra 5% of max durability.

====[[Anvil mechanics#Unit repair|Unit repair]]====
An axe can be repaired in an [[anvil]] by adding units of the [[tiers|tier]]'s repair material, with each repair material restoring 25% of the axe's maximum durability, rounded down.

===Mob loot===

==== Equipment ====
{{Main|Drops#Equipped items}}

A [[vindicator]] spawns with an iron axe and has an 8.5% chance (9.5% with Looting I, 10.5% with Looting II, and 11.5% with Looting III) of dropping it upon death by the player. It is usually heavily damaged and is sometimes enchanted.

A [[piglin brute]] spawns with a golden axe and has an 8.5% chance (9.5% with Looting I, 10.5% with Looting II, and 11.5% with Looting III) of dropping it upon death by the player. Also, {{in|java}}, [[Zombified Piglin|zombified piglins]] can drop their golden axe (with the same chance as piglin brute drop) if they have been zombified from a [[Piglin Brute|piglin brute.]]

{{IN|be}}, [[Vindicator]] and [[pillager]]s that spawn in raids have a 4.1% chance (5.12% on hard) to drop a badly-damaged iron axe, which is sometimes enchanted with a random enchantment. A vindicator can drop 2 iron axes, one from natural equipment and one from raid drops.

Novice-level [[Trading#Toolsmith|Toolsmith]] [[villager]]s have a 25% chance to sell a stone axe for one [[emerald]], journeyman-level Toolsmith villagers have a 25% chance to sell an enchanted iron axe for eight emeralds, and expert-level Toolsmith villagers have a 50% chance to sell an enchanted diamond axe for 13 emeralds.{{only|bedrock}}

Novice-level [[Trading#Toolsmith 2|Toolsmith]] villagers have a 40% chance to sell a stone axe for one emerald, journeyman-level Toolsmith villagers have a 40% chance to sell an enchanted iron axe for 7-22 emeralds, and expert-level Toolsmith villagers have a 66.67% chance to sell an enchanted diamond axe for 18-35 emeralds.{{only|java}}

Novice-level [[Trading#Weaponsmith|Weaponsmith]] [[villager]]s sell an iron axe for 3 emeralds as one of their trades, and master-level Weaponsmith villagers sell an enchanted diamond axe for 12 emeralds.{{only|bedrock}}

Novice-level [[Trading#Weaponsmith 2|Weaponsmith]] villagers have a 66.67% chance to sell an iron axe for 3 emeralds. Master-level Weaponsmith villagers always offer to sell an enchanted diamond axe for 18-35 emeralds.{{only|java}}

The enchantments are the same as the ones obtained from an [[enchantment table]] at levels 5–19.

=== Villager gifts ===
[[Trading#Toolsmith 2|Toolsmith]] [[villagers]] occasionally throw stone axes at players with the [[Hero of the Village]] status effect.{{only|java}}

[[Trading#Weaponsmith 2|Weaponsmith]] [[villagers]] occasionally throw either stone, gold, or iron axes at players with the [[Hero of the Village]] status effect.{{only|java}}

===Structure loot===
{{IN|JE}}, a sealed room in [[woodland mansion]]s can appear that has a chest always containing an [[Efficiency]] I iron axe.


An axe is used to break [[logs]], blocks derived from wood and some other blocks faster than by using other tools. An axe uses 1 durability to break 1 block. For blocks that break instantly, it uses 0 durability.

Each tier of axe has a different durability:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Material
! [[Durability]]
| {{itemLink|Wooden Axe|Wood|link=Axe}}
| 59
| {{itemLink|Stone Axe|Stone|link=Axe}}
| 131
| {{itemLink|Iron Axe|Iron|link=Axe}}
| 250
| {{itemLink|Diamond Axe|Diamond|link=Axe}}
| 1561
| {{itemLink|Golden Axe|Golden|link=Axe}}
| 32
| {{itemLink|Netherite Axe|Netherite|link=Axe}}
| 2031

The following table summarizes the speed at which axes of different qualities perform.
{{breaking row|Wooden Trapdoors|link=Trapdoor|sort=1|simple=1}}
{{breaking row|Wooden Doors|item=1|link=Door|sprite=oak-door}}
{{breaking row|Barrel}}
{{breaking row|Cartography Table}}
{{breaking row|Chest}}
{{breaking row|Trapped Chest}}
{{breaking row|Crafting Table}}
{{breaking row|Fletching Table}}
{{breaking row|Lectern}}
{{breaking row|Loom}}
{{breaking row|Smithing Table}}
{{breaking row|Bamboo Mosaic}}
{{breaking row|Block of Bamboo}}
{{breaking row|Campfire}}
{{breaking row|Fences}}
{{breaking row|Fence Gates}}
{{breaking row|Jukebox}}
{{breaking row|Logs}}
{{breaking row|Planks}}
{{breaking row|Wooden Slabs|link=Slabs|sprite=all-wooden-slabs}}
{{breaking row|Wooden Stairs|link=Stairs|sprite=all-wooden-stairs}}
{{breaking row|Bookshelf}}
{{breaking row|Chiseled Bookshelf}}
{{breaking row|Banners}}
{{breaking row|Jack o'Lantern}}
{{breaking row|Melon}}
{{breaking row|Pumpkin}}
{{breaking row|Sign|sprite=oak-sign}}
{{breaking row|Hanging Sign|sprite=hanging-oak-sign}}
{{breaking row|Note Block}}
{{breaking row|Mangrove Roots}}
{{breaking row|Wooden Pressure Plate|sprite=oak-pressure-plate}}
{{breaking row|Beehive}}
{{breaking row|Ladder}}
{{breaking row|Bee Nest|drop=0}}
{{breaking row|Composter}}
{{breaking row|Bamboo}}
{{breaking row|sprite=red-bed|Bed}}
{{breaking row|Cocoa}}
{{breaking row|Daylight Detector}}
{{breaking row|Mushroom Block|sprite=mushroom-blocks}}
{{breaking row|Vines|drop=0|foot=1}}

=== Stripping ===
{{control|Using}} an axe on a [[log]], [[wood]] block, [[block of bamboo]]\, or [[block of copper]] causes it to become a [[stripped log]], [[stripped wood]] block, [[block of stripped bamboo]], or removes one layer of oxidization or wax, respectively. This consumes one point of durability from the axe.

An axe loses 2 points of durability when used as a weapon. 

==== Bedrock Edition ====
{{IN|bedrock}}, axes always attack instantly and deal {{hp|1}} less damage than a [[sword]] of the same quality but it lowers the durability of armor and shields faster than any other tool in-game.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Bedrock damage"
! Material !! Damage
| {{ItemSprite|Wooden Axe}} Wooden || rowspan="2" |{{hp|4}}
| {{ItemSprite|Golden Axe}} Golden
| {{ItemSprite|Stone Axe}} Stone ||{{hp|5}}
| {{ItemSprite|Iron Axe}} Iron ||{{hp|6}}
| {{ItemSprite|Diamond Axe}} Diamond ||{{hp|7}}
| {{ItemSprite|Netherite Axe}} Netherite ||{{hp|8}}

====Java Edition====

Attacking a [[shield]] user with an axe should have a chance to disable the use of the shield for 5 seconds, but currently this always disables a shield.<ref>{{bug|MC-197537}}</ref> The base chance is 25%, plus 5 percentage points per level of [[Efficiency]] on the axe, plus 75 percentage points if attacking while sprinting. [[Vindicator]]s, [[piglin brute]]s, or other [[mob]]s with commands always disable the player's shield. Damage done when using an axe as a weapon is more than that of a [[sword]] of the same tier, though they take longer than a sword to [[Damage#Attack cooldown|recover]], resulting in lower <abbr title="Damage/Second">DPS</abbr> (with the exception of [[gold]]en axes). The damage dealt and cooldown time depends on the type:

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Attack damage"
! Material
! {{ItemSprite|Wooden Axe|text=Wooden}}
! {{ItemSprite|Golden Axe|text=Gold}}
! {{ItemSprite|Stone Axe|text=Stone}}
! {{ItemSprite|Iron Axe|text=Iron}}
! {{ItemSprite|Diamond Axe|text=Diamond}}
! {{ItemSprite|Netherite Axe|text=Netherite}}
! Attack Damage
| {{hp|7}}
| {{hp|7}}
| {{hp|9}}
| {{hp|9}}
| {{hp|9}}
| {{hp|10}}
! Attack Speed
| 0.8
| 1.0
| 0.8
| 0.9
| 1.0
| 1.0
! Recovery time
| {{convert|1.25|sec|tick|sep=}}
| {{convert|1|sec|tick|sep=}}
| {{convert|1.25|sec|tick|sep=}}
| {{convert|1.11|sec|tick|sep=}}
| {{convert|1|sec|tick|sep=}}
| {{convert|1|sec|tick|sep=}}
! <abbr title="Damage/Second">DPS</abbr>
| 5.6
| 7.0
| 7.2
| 8.1
| 9.0
| 10.0
! Lifetime damage inflicted<ref group="note">The formula to find the total lifetime damage is <code>ceil(''durability'' ÷ 2) × ''damage per hit''</code>. The durability is halved then ceiled because axes take double durability when used as a weapon, and the last 1 durability can also deal damage. The formula also ignores enchantments and critical hits, and assumes each attack is performed at maximum charge.</ref>
| {{hp|210}}
| {{hp|112}}
| {{hp|594}}
| {{hp|1125}}
| {{hp|7029}}
| {{hp|10160}}

=== Enchantments ===
An axe can receive the following enchantments:
{| class="wikitable col-2-center col-3-right"
!Max Level
|[[Fortune]]<ref group=note name=exc>Silk Touch and Fortune are mutually exclusive.</ref>
|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Silk Touch]]<ref group=note name=exc/>
|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Sharpness]]<ref group="note" name="exc2">Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, and Cleaving{{upcoming|java Combat Tests}} are mutually exclusive.</ref>
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Smite]]<ref group="note" name=exc2/>
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Bane of Arthropods]]<ref group="note" name=exc2/>
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Fire Aspect]]{{upcoming|java Combat Tests}}<ref group="note" name="sword">Fire Aspect, Looting, Knockback, and Sweeping Edge currently exist, but they can be used only for [[sword]]s.</ref>
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Looting]]{{upcoming|java Combat Tests}}<ref group="note" name="sword" />
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Knockback]]{{upcoming|java Combat Tests}}<ref group="note" name="sword" />
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Cleaving]]{{upcoming|java Combat Tests}}<ref group="note" name="exc2" />
|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Sweeping Edge]]{{upcoming|java Combat Tests}}<ref group="note" name="sword" />
|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Curse of Vanishing]]
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}


=== Fuel===
Wooden axes can be used as a fuel in [[furnace]]s, smelting 1 item per axe.

===Smelting ingredient===
{{Smelting|showname=1|Iron Axe;Golden Axe|Iron Nugget;Gold Nugget|0,1}}

{{EntityLink|Piglin|Piglins}} are attracted to golden axes and run toward any golden axes on the ground, and inspect it for 6 to 8 seconds before putting it in their inventory.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Axe strip1.ogg
|sound2=Axe strip2.ogg
|sound3=Axe strip3.ogg
|sound4=Axe strip4.ogg
|subtitle=Axe strips
|description=When an axe strips a log or wood block
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Wax off
|description=When an axe unwaxes a [[block of copper]]
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Axe scrapes
|description=When an axe deoxidizes a block of copper
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|subtitle=Item breaks
|description=When an axe's durability is exhausted

{{Sound table
|sound=Wood hit1.ogg
|sound2=Wood hit2.ogg
|sound3=Wood hit3.ogg
|sound4=Wood hit4.ogg
|sound5=Wood hit5.ogg
|sound6=Wood hit6.ogg
|description=When an axe strips a log or wood block <ref group=sound name=stripsoundbug>{{Bug|MCPE-106552}}</ref>
{{Sound table
|sound=Stem step1.ogg
|sound2=Stem step2.ogg
|sound3=Stem step3.ogg
|sound4=Stem step4.ogg
|sound5=Stem step5.ogg
|sound6=Stem step6.ogg
|description=When an axe strips a stem or hyphae block <ref group=sound name=stripsoundbug/>
{{Sound table
|sound=Bamboo wood step1.ogg
|sound2=Bamboo wood step2.ogg
|sound3=Bamboo wood step3.ogg
|sound4=Bamboo wood step4.ogg
|sound5=Bamboo wood step5.ogg
|sound6=Bamboo wood step6.ogg
|description=When an axe strips a [[block of bamboo]] <ref group=sound name=stripsoundbug/>
{{Sound table
|sound=Cherry wood step1.ogg
|sound2=Cherry wood step2.ogg
|sound3=Cherry wood step3.ogg
|sound4=Cherry wood step4.ogg
|sound5=Cherry wood step5.ogg
|sound6=Cherry wood step6.ogg
|description=When an axe strips a cherry log or cherry wood block <ref group=sound name=stripsoundbug/>
{{Sound table
|description=When an axe unwaxes or deoxidizes a block of copper {{More info|Is use.copper used as well?}}
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|description=When an axe's durability is exhausted

==Data values==
{{ID table
|displayname=Wooden Axe
{{ID table
|displayname=Stone Axe
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron Axe
{{ID table
|displayname=Diamond Axe
{{ID table
|displayname=Golden Axe
{{ID table
|displayname=Netherite Axe

{{ID table
|displayname=Wooden Axe
{{ID table
|displayname=Stone Axe
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron Axe
{{ID table
|displayname=Diamond Axe
{{ID table
|displayname=Golden Axe
{{ID table
|displayname=Netherite Axe

{{load achievements|MOAR Tools ;Oooh, shiny!}}

==Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Oh Shiny;Wax off}}

{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20100110|[[File:Iron Axe JE1.png|32px]] Added iron axes.
|An axe is used to gather [[log|wood]] 400% faster than by hand.
|When starting in a new world, the [[player]] is given one of each [[tools|tool]].}}
{{History|||snap=20100122|[[File:Iron Axe JE2.png|32px]] The texture of axes has been changed. Half of the axe head has been removed.}}
{{History|||snap=20100124|[[File:Iron Axe JE3.png|32px]] The texture of axes has been changed again. The other axe head is now used instead.
|A complete toolset is no longer given to the [[player]] on starting a new world. Instead, there are multiple [[chest]]s in the later called "[[Indev House]]" containing a stack of most accessible [[blocks]]/[[items]] including [[tools]].}}
{{History|||snap=20100128|[[File:Wooden Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Tools]] now have tiers. Wooden, stone, and diamond axes have been added.
|[[File:Iron Axe JE4 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of iron axes has been changed.
|An axe held by the player is now rendered to appear more 3D.
|They cannot be crafted yet, but have been added to the item chest in the Indev house.}}
{{History|||snap=20100129|Wooden, stone, iron, and diamond axes can now be [[craft]]ed.}}
{{History|||snap=20100130|[[File:Golden Axe JE1.png|32px]] Axes can now be made out of gold.}}
{{History|||snap=20100201-1|[[Tools]] now take [[damage]] when being used. Better tools now last longer.}}
{{History||20100206|[[File:Golden Axe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of golden axes has been changed.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|Gold [[tools]], including axes, now remove [[block]]s faster than diamond tools.}}
{{History||1.2.4|snap=release|[[Spruce planks]], [[birch planks]], and [[jungle planks]] can now be used to craft wooden axes.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w16a|Wooden and stone axes are now found in the new [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w18a|Wooden axes can now be used as [[fuel]] in a [[furnace]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w21a|Blacksmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1 diamond axe for 9–11 [[emerald]]s, and 1 iron axe for 6–7 emeralds.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w21a|Instead of replacing the barehanded [[damage]] ({{hp|1}}), axes now add their damage onto the barehanded damage, which results in all axes doing {{hp|1}} more damage than before.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=1.7.1|[[Acacia planks]] and [[dark oak planks]] can now be used to craft wooden axes.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Weapon smith villagers now sell 1 [[enchanting|enchanted]] diamond axe for 9–12 emeralds, and 1 iron axe for 6–8 emeralds. Unenchanted diamond axes are no longer sold.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w34a|Axes now use the attack speed combat mechanic meter. The time it takes for the meter to fill up for an axe is 1.2 seconds.}}
{{History|||snap=15w34b|Axes now have an attack speed of 0.8, taking about 1.25 seconds to fill the attack meter.}}
{{History|||snap=15w34c|Axes do {{hp|4}} more [[damage]] than previously.
|Axes now have an attack speed of 0.85.
|Axes can now temporarily disable [[shield]] use.}}
{{History|||snap=15w35a|The [[damage]] of axes has been reduced by {{hp|1}}.
|The speed of axes has been increased to 0.9.}}
{{History|||snap=15w37a|Stone and diamond axes now both do {{hp|9}} damage, instead of the previous {{hp|8}} and {{hp|10}} respectively.
|Axes now have attack speed based on the tier, with wooden and stone having a speed of 0.8, iron having a speed of 0.9, and diamond and gold having a speed of 1.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43a|Stone axes may now be found in [[igloo]] basement chests.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44a|The average yield of stone and wooden axes from [[bonus chest]]s has been decreased.}}
{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|Golden and iron axes now [[smelting|smelt]] down into one of their respective [[nugget]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 271, 275, 258, 279 and 286.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=18w07a|{{control|Using}} an axe on a block of [[wood]] or [[log]] now turns it into a stripped block of wood or log.}}
{{History|||snap=18w09a|Stone axes now can generate in the [[chest]]s of [[underwater ruins]].}}
{{History|||snap=pre2|{{control|Using}} an axe on a bark now turns it into a stripped bark.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Wooden Axe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Axe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Axe JE5 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Axe JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Axe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all axes have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Toolsmith villagers now sell stone axes, as well as enchanted iron and diamond axes.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Toolsmith villagers now give stone axes to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.
|Weaponsmith villagers now give stone, golden and iron axes to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Netherite Axe JE1.png|32px]] Added netherite axes.
|Netherite axes are obtained by combining one diamond axe and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.
|[[Crimson planks]] and [[warped planks]] can now be used to craft wooden axes.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|[[File:Diamond Axe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of diamond axes has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=20w10a|[[File:Netherite Axe JE2.png|32px]] The texture of netherite axes has been changed.
|Netherite axes can no longer be crafted.
|Netherite axes are now obtained by combining one diamond axe and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.}}
{{History|||snap=20w15a|Stone axes can now be crafted using [[blackstone]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Golden axes now generate randomly enchanted in [[ruined portal]] chests.}} 
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w30a|Enchanted golden axes can now be found in [[bastion remnant]] chests.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w08a|Stone axes can now be crafted using [[cobbled deepslate]].}}
{{History|||snap=21w11a|Axes can now be used to scrape wax and oxidation off [[copper block]]s.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[Mangrove planks]] can now be used to craft wooden axes.}}
{{History||1.20 (Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Added [[block of bamboo]], which when used with an axe gives a block of stripped bamboo.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Upgrading diamond axes to netherite axes now requires the netherite upgrade [[smithing template]].}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Iron axes can now be found in [[suspicious gravel]] and [[suspicious sand]] in cold and warm [[ocean ruins]].}}

{{History|upcoming java}}
{{History||Combat Tests|snap=1.14.3 - Combat Test|The attack speed for all axes has been increased to 2.
|All axes now deal {{hp|1}} more [[damage]] than their sword counterparts.}}
{{History|||snap=Combat Test 3|The [[Cleaving|Chopping]] enchantment has been added for axes, which adds 1 damage and 0.5 seconds (10 [[game tick]]s) of [[shield]] stunning per level and is mutually exclusive with [[Sharpness]].
|Axes now always disable shields for {{convert|1.6|seconds|ticks}}, instead of having a 25% to disable them for 5 seconds (100 game ticks).
|Axes now take 1 damage when attacking instead of 2.
|The [[Sweeping Edge]] enchantment can now be applied to axes.}}
{{History|||snap=Combat Test 4|[[Knockback]], [[Looting]], and [[Fire Aspect]] enchantments can now be applied to axes.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Stone Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added stone axes.}}
{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Wooden Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added wooden axes.
|Survival players no longer start with an infinite durability stone axe in the inventory.}}
{{History||v0.3.2|[[File:Iron Axe JE4 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Axe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added iron, golden and diamond axes.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Removed stone axes from the creative inventory.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 11|All axes are now available in the [[creative]] [[inventory]].}}
{{History|||snap=build 12|All axes have been removed from creative.}}
{{History|||snap=build 13|All axes have been re-added to creative mode.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Instead of replacing the barehanded [[damage]] ({{hp|1}}), axes now add their damage onto the barehanded damage, which results in all axes doing {{hp|1}} more damage than before.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Stone axes now can be found inside [[igloo]] basement [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Weaponsmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] iron axes for 6-8 [[emerald]]s as part of their first tier [[trading|trades]] and [[enchanting|enchanted]] diamond axes for 9-12 emeralds as part of their third tier trades.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Iron and golden axes are now [[smelting|smeltable]].
|Iron axes with the [[Efficiency]] I enchantment can now be found inside [[chest]]s in [[woodland mansion]]s.
|Added [[vindicator]]s, who rarely [[drops|drop]] iron axes.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Wooden and stone axes can now be found in [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Using an axe on a [[log]] now turns it into a stripped log.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Stone axes can now be found inside [[underwater ruins]] chests.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Wooden Axe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Axe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Axe JE5 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Axe JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Axe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all axes have been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[Vindicator]]s and [[pillager]]s that spawn in [[raid]]s can now [[drops|drop]] an iron axe.
|[[Trading]] has been changed, weaponsmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] iron axes for 3 [[emerald]]s and [[enchanting|enchanted]] diamond axes for 12 emeralds as part of their fourth tier [[trading|trades]].
|Stone axes, enchanted iron axes, and diamond axes can now be [[trading|bought]] from toolsmith villagers.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Axe BE1.png|32px]] Added netherite axes.|Netherite axes are obtained by combining one diamond axe and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.
|[[File:Diamond Axe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of diamond axes has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Netherite axes can no longer be crafted.
|Netherite axes are now obtained by combining one diamond axe and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.
|Stone axes can now be crafted using blackstone.
|Golden axes now generate randomly enchanted in [[ruined portal]] chests.
|Netherite axes now generate randomly enchanted in [[bastion remnant]] chests.}}
{{History||1.16.20|snap=beta|Added [[piglin brute]]s, who rarely drop golden axes.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Piglin brutes no longer spawn with enchanted axes.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Zombified piglins that are converted from piglin brutes now keep their golden axes.}}
{{History||1.16.220|snap=beta|Axes can now be used to scrape wax off copper blocks.}}
{{History||1.18.30|snap=beta|Axes can now temporarily disable [[shield]] use. This is not mentioned in the official changelog.<ref>{{tweet|kingbdogz|1504505321884196872|We missed a change in recent changelogs for the Bedrock beta that you may like - we have now made a parity fix that makes shields get disabled for 5 seconds when attacked by an Axe-wielding mob or player. We will make sure to list this properly in the next beta :)|March 17, 2022}}</ref>

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Wooden Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Axe JE4 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Axe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added axes (all five types).}}
{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|Iron and golden axes are now [[smelting|smeltable]].}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Wooden Axe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Axe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Axe JE5 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Axe JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Axe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all axes have been changed.}}

{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Wooden Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Axe JE4 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Axe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Axe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added axes.}}

{{issue list}}

*Before [[Java Edition 1.13]], in the language files, axes were referred to as Hatchets.<ref name="1.8 lang">''1.8/assets/minecraft/lang/en_US.lang'', line 915: '''item.hatchetIron.name= Iron Axe'''</ref>
*Weaponsmith villagers gifting stone, iron and golden axes is a reference to the story ''[[wikipedia:The Honest Woodcutter|The Honest Woodcutter]]'', where a woodcutter dropped his axe into a river, and is successively provided a silver and a golden axe by the river god.{{cn}}

== Gallery ==
Stone Axe SDGP.png|Stone axe in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].
=== Enchanted axes ===
Enchanted Wooden Axe.gif
Enchanted Stone Axe.gif
Enchanted Iron Axe.gif
Enchanted Golden Axe.gif
Enchanted Diamond Axe.gif
Enchanted Netherite Axe.gif

==See also==


== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--axe Taking Inventory: Axe] – Minecraft.net on February 6, 2020



?Added Unbreakable tag for tools.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Flower Pot|Flower Pot]]<br/>{{more images|The potted cherry sapling texture has been change in 1.19.4-pre2.}}
{{For|other uses|Pot}}
| image = Flower Pot.png
| image2 = Potted Poppy.png
| extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]
| transparent = Yes
| light = No
| tool = any
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = No

A '''flower pot''' is a decorative [[block]] that can contain flowers, bamboo, saplings, cacti, mushrooms, fungi, and other reasonably small plants.

== Obtaining ==
=== Natural generation ===
Flower pots naturally generate in [[witch hut]]s where they contain a red [[mushroom]], the basement of [[igloo]]s where they contain a [[cactus]], and in [[woodland mansion]]s, where they contain birch [[sapling]]s, dark oak saplings, dandelions, poppies, blue orchids, alliums, azure bluets, red and white tulips, and oxeye daisies.

Flower pots containing a dandelion can be found in some [[plains]] and [[savanna]] [[village]] houses. Flower pots containing a cactus or a dead bush can be found in some [[desert]] village houses. Flower pots containing a spruce sapling can be found in [[taiga]] village mason houses. Flower pots containing a poppy can be found in taiga village churches.

=== Breaking ===
Flower pots can be mined instantly using any [[tool]] or without a tool.

A flower pot drops itself as an [[item]] (any [[plant]] or [[mushroom]] in it separately) when pushed by a [[piston]] or washed away with [[water]].

[[Lava]] can flow into the space of a flower pot, destroying it.

=== Chest loot ===

=== Crafting ===
|A2= Brick
|C2= Brick
|B3= Brick
|Output= Flower Pot
|type= Decoration block

== Usage ==
A flower pot can be used to hold [[mushroom]]s, [[Fungus|fungi]], and various [[plant]]s. Plants that can be {{control|placed}} in a pot include any one block high [[flower]]s, [[sapling]]s, [[fern]]s, [[dead bush]]es, [[cacti]], [[bamboo]], [[azalea]]s, [[mangrove propagule]], and [[roots]].

Plants can be removed by using the interact button.

{{IN|je}}, flower pots can be placed on any block, or over [[air]].<ref>{{bug|MC-127036|||WAI}}</ref>

{{IN|be}}, they must be placed on top of a full-[[block]] top surface, or the top of a [[fence]], stone [[wall]], or [[hopper]]. They cannot be placed on [[slab]]s and [[stairs]] unless those blocks are upside-down. Pots may also be placed on an upward facing trapdoor. If the trapdoor is opened, the pot will break.

Flower pots are {{frac|3|8}} of a block high and can be stepped on. It is not possible to walk from the top of a flower pot onto a full sized block without jumping. It is possible to jump from a flower pot onto a fence.
The plant or fungus can be removed from the flower pot by pressing the {{control|use}} control. This places the item directly back into the player's inventory.<ref>{{bug|MC-169496|||WAI}}</ref>

They can be used to display cacti and wither roses without inheriting their damaging properties.<ref>{{bug|MC-2241|||WAI}}</ref><ref>{{bug|MC-138024|||WAI}}</ref>

Potted [[Fungus|warped fungus]] can be used to repel [[hoglin]]s.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Block/Normal}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Flower Pot
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Dandelion
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Poppy
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Blue Orchid
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Allium
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Azure Bluet
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Red Tulip
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Orange Tulip
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted White Tulip
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Pink Tulip
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Oxeye Daisy
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Cornflower
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Lily of the Valley
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Wither Rose
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Oak Sapling
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Spruce Sapling
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Birch Sapling
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Jungle Sapling
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Acacia Sapling
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Dark Oak Sapling
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Red Mushroom
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Brown Mushroom
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Fern
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Dead Bush
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Cactus
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Bamboo
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Azalea
|spritename=potted azalea bush
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Flowering Azalea
|spritename=potted flowering azalea bush
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Crimson Fungus
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Warped Fungus
|blocktags=flower_pots, hoglin_repellents
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Crimson Roots
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Warped Roots
{{ID table
|displayname=Potted Mangrove Propagule

{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Flower Pot
{{ID table

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}
{{IN|be}}, flower pots use the following block states:


=== Block data ===
{{IN|bedrock}}, flower pot has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.

See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format]].

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Pot Planter}}

== History ==
{{History||August 16, 2012|link={{tweet|Dinnerbone|236062188555624448}}|[[Dinnerbone]] tweeted the first image of flower pots.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|[[File:Flower Pot JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dandelion JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Rose JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dead Bush JE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Flower Pot (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added flower pots.
|At this point, plants inside of pots rendered much like they do outside of flower pots, not being subject to directional shading.}}
{{History|||snap=12w40a|A potted [[red mushroom]] can now be found on one window of a [[witch hut]]. This changed to an empty pot in a far later unknown version,{{info needed}} but returned again afterward.{{info needed}}}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|[[File:Potted Allium JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip JE1.png|32px]] Allium, azure bluet, oxeye daisies, blue orchids, red tulips, orange tulips, white tulips and pink tulips can now be placed in flower pots.
|[[File:Potted Poppy JE1.png|32px]] As the rose has been replaced with the poppy, the potted rose is also now replaced with the potted poppy as a result.
|Flower pots can no longer use data values because more than 15 plants can be potted, it now has a [[block entity]] instead.
|[[File:Potted Green Shrub.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cobweb JE1.png|32px]] Due to the tile entity handling, it is now possible to place any [[block]] inside of a flower pot via NBT editors. However, at this point, with the ones possible in vanilla [[survival]] aside, only [[grass]], [[shrub|green shrub]]s, and [[cobweb]]s actually render.
|[[File:Potted Grass JE1.png|32px]] Potted grass now exists can be placed in flower pots using [[commands]].
|[[File:Potted Grass (no tint) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern (no tint) JE1.png|32px]] Potted shrubs, grass, and ferns must now have block data value 11 to display biome colors, otherwise rendering as default/gray.}}
{{History|||snap=13w37a|Added {{cmd|setblock}}, allowing for the aforementioned potted plants to be obtained without map editing.}}
{{History|||snap=13w43a|[[File:Potted Acacia Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling JE1.png|32px]] Acacia sapling and dark oak saplings can now be placed in flower pots.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w06a|Many more blocks (almost all full cubes) placed into a flower pot by modifying the block entity now render, if in somewhat buggy fashion, as the texture is in a cross shape. {{LoadPage|Flower Pot/1.8 development gallery/14w06a|Click show to display all of the applicable blocks.|b}}
|[[File:Potted Cactus JE2.png|32px]] Potted cacti now appear as a cross formed of their bottom texture inside of a pot.<ref>{{bug|MC-47469}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=14w06b|Further blocks now render in flower pots than did in the previous snapshot. {{LoadPage|Flower Pot/1.8 development gallery/14w06b|Click show to display all of the applicable blocks.|b}}
|[[File:Potted Cactus JE3.png|32px]] The accidental potted cactus model change has been reverted.}}
{{History|||snap=14w07a|[[File:Potted Iron Trapdoor.png|32px]] The newly added [[iron trapdoor]] also renders in flower pots when created with commands.}}
{{History|||snap=14w17a|[[File:Flower Pot JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dandelion JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Allium JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Poppy JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Acacia Sapling JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dead Bush JE2.png|32px]] The flower pot model and rendering has changed. The insides are now subject to directional shading, rather than being fully lit, much like the changes made to [[hopper]]s and [[cauldron]]s in 14w10a. In addition, the outer face (as well as the cuboids comprising the cactus in potted cactus) are no longer subject to ambient occlusion. The potted cactus also now uses the side texture on the top face, rather than the top texture.
|Invalid blocks no longer render inside flower pots. This also includes cobweb and grass.}}
{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Potted Dandelion JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Allium JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Poppy JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Acacia Sapling JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dead Bush JE3.png|32px]] Potted cross shaped objects are now affected by directional shading.<ref>{{bug|MC-129826}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|A potted cactus can now be found on a table in [[igloo]] basements.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The block entity ID of flower pots has been changed from <code>FlowerPot</code> to <code>flower_pot</code>.}}
{{History|||snap=16w39a|Potted plants can now be removed from flower pots by pressing {{control|use}}.
|Flower pots now generate in [[woodland mansion]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different block states for the <code>flower_pot</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.
|Flower pots are no longer block entities.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this block's numeral ID was 140, and the item's was 390.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Flower Pot JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dandelion JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Poppy JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Allium JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Acacia Sapling JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dead Bush JE4.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Flower Pot (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of flower pots and their contained plants have been changed.
|[[File:Potted Cornflower JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Lily of the Valley JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Wither Rose JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Bamboo JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Cornflower, lily of the valley, wither rose and [[bamboo]] can now be placed in flower pots.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|[[File:Potted Cactus JE6.png|32px]] The texture of potted cacti has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w47b|[[File:Potted Poppy JE5.png|32px]] The texture of potted poppies has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Flower pots can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] mason houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Flower pots have become [[renewable resource|renewable]], as mason [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] [[brick]]s.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|The model of flower pots has been fixed and has been given an underside, which has changed the model from [[File:Flower Pot UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] to [[File:Flower Pot UNKVER3 (facing NWU).png|32px]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|[[File:Potted Crimson Fungus JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Warped Fungus JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Crimson Roots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Warped Roots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Crimson and warped [[fungi]] and crimson and warped [[roots]] can now be placed in flower pots.
|The model for potted plants has been fixed, so the bottom face now renders,<ref>{{bug|MC-170842}}</ref> which has changed the model from [[File:Potted Dandelion UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Poppy UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Allium UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Acacia Sapling UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dead Bush UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cornflower UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Lily of the Valley UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Wither Rose UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Bamboo UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] to [[File:Potted Dandelion UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Poppy UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Allium UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Acacia Sapling UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dead Bush UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cornflower UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Lily of the Valley UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Wither Rose UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Potted Bamboo UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w11a|[[File:Potted Bamboo UNKVER3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] An unneeded face has been removed from potted bamboo to solve a z-fighting issue.<ref>{{bug|MC-173156}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 3|[[File:Potted Cactus JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus UNKVER3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] The model of the potted cacti has been changed. The top face now uses the top texture of cactus, rather than the side texture and the bottom face has been changed to the top texture of the flower pot.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w28a|[[File:Potted Cactus UNKVER4 (facing NWU).png|32px]] The model of the potted cactus no longer has a hole in the bottom, although the texture is stretched.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=Pre-release 1|[[File:Potted Azalea JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Flowering Azalea JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[Azalea]] and flowering azalea can now be placed in flower pots.
|[[File:Potted Flowering Azalea (plant texture) JE1.png|32px]] Potted flowering azalea has own unused plant texture but uses normal variant for consistency with flowering azalea: [[File:Potted Flowering Azalea (bottom) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Flowering Azalea (bottom) JE2 BE2.png|32px]]}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[File:Potted Mangrove Propagule JE1.png|32px]] [[Mangrove propagule]]s can now be placed in flower pots.}}
{{History|||snap=22w18a|[[File:Potted Mangrove Propagule JE2.png|32px]] The western element of the flower pot in potted mangrove propagules has been deleted.<ref name="mc-251355">{{bug|MC-251355}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|[[File:Potted Mangrove Propagule JE1.png|32px]] The aforementioned western element has been restored.<ref name="mc-251355"/>}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|[[File:Potted Torchflower JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cherry Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[Torchflower]]s and [[cherry sapling]]s can now be placed in flower pots.}}
{{History|||snap=1.19.4-pre2|Changed the texture of potted cherry saplings.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Potted torchflower and cherry sapling are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.|Flower pot can now be found in [[suspicious gravel]] and [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].}}
{{History|||snap=23w13a|[[File:Potted Flowering Azalea JE2.png|32px]] Flowering azalea now uses own plant texture, changing appearance from [[File:Potted Flowering Azalea (bottom) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] to [[File:Potted Flowering Azalea (bottom) JE2.png|32px]] and breaking consistency with flowering azalea.<ref>{{bug|MC-230916}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=23w16a|Flower pot no longer generates in [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].|Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for the suspicious gravel within the [[trail ruins]]; flower pot now is in the common loot.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Flower Pot JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dandelion JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Allium JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Poppy JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Acacia Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling JE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Are these models the ones used in this version?}}<br>[[File:Flower Pot (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added flower pots.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Flower pots now generate in [[witch hut]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Flower pots now generate in [[igloo]] basements.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Flower pots now generate naturally in [[woodland mansion]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|[[File:Potted Bamboo JE1 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Is this how they really look in BE?}} [[Bamboo]] can now be placed in flower pots.}}
{{History||1.9.0|snap=beta|[[File:Potted Cornflower BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Lily of the Valley BE.jpg|32px]] Cornflower and lily of the valley can now be placed in flower pots.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Flower Pot BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Dandelion BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Poppy BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Allium BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Acacia Sapling BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling BE.jpg|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern BE.jpg|32px]]<br>[[File:Flower Pot (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of flower pots have been changed.
|Flower pots now generate in the new [[village]]s.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Flower pots can now be found in [[village]] mason [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|[[File:Potted Wither Rose JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Wither rose]]s can now be placed in flower pots.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Potted plants can now be removed from flower pots by pressing {{control|use}}.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Potted Crimson Fungus JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Warped Fungus JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Crimson Roots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Warped Roots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Crimson and warped [[fungi]] and crimson and warped [[roots]] can now be placed in flower pots.}}
{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:Potted Azalea JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Flowering Azalea JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Azalea]] and flowering azalea can now be placed in flower pots.}}

{{History||xbox=TU14|xbone=CU1|ps=1.04|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Flower Pot JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dandelion JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Allium JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Poppy JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Acacia Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dead Bush JE3.png|32px]]{{verify|Are these models the ones used in this version?}}<br>[[File:Flower Pot (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added flower pots.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Flower Pot BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dandelion BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Poppy BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Allium BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Acacia Sapling BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern BE.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Flower Pot (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of flower pots have been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Flower Pot JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dandelion JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Mushroom JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Brown Mushroom JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oak Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Birch Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Spruce Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Jungle Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Cactus JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Fern JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Allium JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Azure Bluet JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Oxeye Daisy JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Blue Orchid JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Poppy JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Red Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Orange Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted White Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Pink Tulip JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Acacia Sapling JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potted Dark Oak Sapling JE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Are these models the ones used in this version?}}<br>[[File:Flower Pot (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added flower pots.}}

Suggestion for itemframes.png|Original Reddit image suggesting item frames and flower pots.
FlowerPot.png|The first image of flower pots, released by [[Dinnerbone]].
Pots 1-100.png|An [[Java Edition 14w06a|14w06a]] example of some of the blocks that can be placed inside of flower pots, and their rendering.
Pots 1-100b.png|The same arrangement as prior in [[Java Edition 14w06b|14w06b]].

=== Flower pot "item" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Flower Pot}}

== Gallery ==
=== Renders ===
; Flowers
Potted Dandelion.png | 
Potted Poppy.png | 
Potted Blue Orchid.png | 
Potted Allium.png | 
Potted Azure Bluet.png | 
Potted Red Tulip.png | 
Potted Orange Tulip.png | 
Potted White Tulip.png | 
Potted Pink Tulip.png | 
Potted Oxeye Daisy.png | 
Potted Cornflower.png | 
Potted Lily of the Valley.png | 
Potted Wither Rose.png | 
Potted Torchflower.png

; Saplings
Potted Oak Sapling.png | 
Potted Spruce Sapling.png | 
Potted Birch Sapling.png | 
Potted Jungle Sapling.png | 
Potted Acacia Sapling.png | 
Potted Dark Oak Sapling.png | 
Potted Azalea.png | 
Potted Flowering Azalea.png | 
Potted Mangrove Propagule.png | 
Potted Cherry Sapling.png

; Mushrooms
Potted Red Mushroom.png | 
Potted Brown Mushroom.png | 
Potted Crimson Fungus.png | 
Potted Warped Fungus.png |

; Roots and bushes
Potted Crimson Roots.png | 
Potted Warped Roots.png | 
Potted Fern.png | 
Potted Dead Bush.png | 
Potted Cactus.png | 
Potted Cactus BE.png | 
Potted Bamboo.png
=== Other ===
FiveFlowerPots.png | Five flower pots in a player-created village.
== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==

* The flower pot is based on a suggestion from Reddit, like [[ender chest]]s and [[item frame]]s.<ref>{{tweet|dinnerbone|235747041286975488|My next task is going to be flower pots.|August 15, 2012}}</ref>
* Flower pots break [[falling block]]s.
* If a plant that has been [[Name Tag|named]] is put in a flower pot, the plant loses its name.
* The inside of the flower pot in ''Java Edition'' uses the center 4x4 pixels of the dirt texture while Bedrock Edition uses the center 6x6.




[[Category:Manufactured blocks]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Utility blocks]]

[[fr:Pot de fleurs]]
[[it:Vaso da fiori]]
[[ru:Цветочный горшок]]
[[uk:Квітковий горщик]]</li><li>[[Fire Charge|Fire Charge]]<br/>{{ItemEntity
|image=Fire Charge.png
|invimage=Fire Charge
|stackable=Yes (64)
|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 64

'''Fire charges''' are items that can be {{control|used}} as a single-use version of a [[flint and steel]] or shot as a [[small fireball]] from a [[dispenser]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Chest loot ===

=== Crafting ===
|Blaze Powder
|Coal; Charcoal
|Output= Fire Charge, 3
|type= Miscellaneous

=== Bartering ===
[[Piglin]]s may [[barter]] 1 fire charge when given a [[gold ingot]].

== Usage ==
[[File:Natural Fire Charge.png|200px|thumb|Dispensing Fire Charge]]

Fire charges can be used as ammunition for [[dispenser]]s, or as a substitute for [[flint and steel]].

When used, it instantly places a [[fire]], similar to flint and steel. The fire charge is consumed in the process. It can prime [[TNT]], light [[Nether portal|nether portals]], [[Campfire|campfires]], [[Candle|candles]], [[Cake|cakes with candles]] and [[creeper]]s{{only|JE}} like flint and steel.

When a fire charge is fired from a dispenser, it shoots a [[small fireball]].

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Ghast fireball4.ogg
|subtitle=Ghast shoots
|description=When a fireball is shot by a ghast
|distance=16 {{verify}}}}
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Blaze shoots <ref group=sound name=LousyEvents>{{Bug|MC-98316||Wrong subtitles caused by missing distinction}}</ref>
|description=When a fire charge is fired from a dispenser or a blaze
|id=entity.blaze.shoot|idnote=<ref group=sound name=LousyEvents/>
|translationkey=subtitles.entity.blaze.shoot|translationkeynote=<ref group=sound name=LousyEvents/>
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Fireball whooshes
|description=When a fire charge is used by hand
|id=item.firecharge.use|idnote=<ref group=sound name=nounderscore>{{bug|MC-177457}}</ref>
|translationkey=subtitles.item.firecharge.use|translationkeynote=<ref group=sound name=nounderscore/>
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Fireball whooshes
|description=When a fire charge is used to light a creeper
|id=item.firecharge.use|idnote=<ref group=sound name=nounderscore/>
|translationkey=subtitles.item.firecharge.use|translationkeynote=<ref group=sound name=nounderscore/>

{{Sound table
|sound=Ghast fireball4.ogg
|description=When something shoots or uses a fire charge

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Fire Charge

{{ID table
|displayname=Fire Charge

=== Entity data ===
{{main|Small Fireball#Entity data}}

== Achievements ==
{{Load achievements|Into the Nether}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|We Need to Go Deeper}}

== Video ==
<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|IiCTxsHg6SQ}}</div>

== History ==
{{for|information pertaining to smallmfireballs (which fire charges produce when shot from a dispenser)|Small Fireball#History}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|[[File:Fire Charge JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added the fire charge texture. It is currently only used by [[fireball]]s and [[small fireball]]s, both of which are entities, and is not used by any items.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w04a|Added fire charges, which use the above texture. They can be crafted only with [[coal]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w05a|Fire charges can now be crafted with charcoal.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38b|The [[sound]] when using the fire charge has now been changed; it now uses the same sound as [[flint and steel]].}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Fire charges can now be used to craft [[Firework Rocket|fireworks]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w31a|The sound when using fire charges to set fire has now been changed; it now uses the same sound as when fired from [[dispenser]]s.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w33c|Fire charges now appear purple and explode with [[dragon's breath]] when fired from dispensers. Whether a true dragon fireball entity is created or if this effect is purely visual is unknown.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44b|Fire charges once again appear as [[small fireball]]s when fired from dispensers.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w40a|The <code>life</code> tag is no longer used for anything, but still saved/read.{{info needed|Is this even relevant to the fire charge, or is it a remnant from the blaze page or something?}}}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 385.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Fire Charge JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of fire charges has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w42a|Dispensed fire charges{{info needed|as in the fireball, or a dispenser facing straight into a campfire?}} can now light campfires.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|Fire charges have a {{frac|5|109}} (~4.59%) chance of being given by the new [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], in a stack size of 1.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|20|226}} (~8.85%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}
{{History|||snap=20w10a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|40|411}} (~9.73%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}
{{History|||snap=20w11a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|40|417}} (~9.59%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}
{{History|||snap=20w13a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|40|424}} (~9.43%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Fire charges now generate in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}
{{History|||snap=20w20a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|40|423}} (~9.46%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w28a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|40|459}} (~8.71%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1.}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=Pre-release 2|Fire charges can now be {{control|use|text=used}} to forcibly detonate [[creeper]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-185618|||Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w06a|Added the [[fire charge]] to the "Ingredients" tab in the creative inventory.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Fire Charge JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added fire charges.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Fire charges can now be used to craft [[firework star]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Fire Charge JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of fire charges has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Fire charges can now be obtained from bartering with piglin.
|Fire charges can now be found in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of fire charges has been changed from <code>fireball</code> to <code>fire_charge</code>.}}

{{History||xbox=TU9|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Fire Charge JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added fire charges.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Fire charges now make [[sound]]s when igniting [[block]]s.}}	
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Fire Charge JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of fire charges has now been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Fire Charge JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added fire charges.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
GodPortal.png|A fire charge found in a [[ruined portal]] chest, together with an [[enchanted golden apple]].

== See also ==
* [[Flint and Steel]]
* [[Dragon Fireball]]
* [[Ghast]]

== References ==

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory-fire-charge Taking Inventory: Fire Charge] – Minecraft.net on January 11, 2019


[[Category:Recipe using Charcoal]]

[[cs:Ohnivá koule]]
[[es:Carga ígnea]]
[[fr:Boule de feu]]
[[pl:Ognista kula]]
[[pt:Bola de fogo]]
[[ru:Огненный шар]]
14w06aAdded CanDestroy for tools.
Added HideFlags to items.
14w07aAdded BlockEntityTag for all blocks.
14w10aAdded a 5th bit (value of 32) to HideFlags that hides potion effects.
14w33aAdded SelectedItem for all items.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Torchflower Seeds|Torchflower Seeds]]<br/>{{wip}}
| image = <gallery>
Torchflower Age 0.png| Age 0
Torchflower Age 1.png| Age 1
Torchflower Age 2.png| Age 2
| image2 = Torchflower Seeds JE1.png
| transparent = Yes
| light = No
| tool = N/A
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| rarity = Common

'''Torchflower seeds''' are seeds that have a chance to be dropped by [[Sniffer|sniffers]] when they finish digging.

== Obtaining ==
[[Sniffer]]s will occasionally bury their nose in the ground and start digging. Once the sniffer has finished digging, one torchflower seed will have a chance to be dropped on the floor as an item.

Sniffers can only dig for torchflower seeds in the following blocks:
*{{BlockLink|Grass Block}}
*{{BlockLink|Coarse Dirt}}
*{{BlockLink|Rooted Dirt}}
*{{BlockLink|Moss Block}}
*{{BlockLink|Muddy Mangrove Roots}}
They cannot dig for torchflower seeds on [[mycelium]], which is intended.<ref>{{bug|MC-260259||Sniffers cannot dig nor find seeds on mycelium|WAI}}</ref>

== Usage ==
=== Crop ===
{{main|Tutorials/Crop farming|title1=Crop farming}}

Torchflower seeds can be {{control|placed}} on [[farmland]], where they grow through three stages. Breaking the torchflower crop before it matures drops the seed, while breaking the final stage produces one [[torchflower]] and does not yield the seed.

Crops break if pushed by a [[piston]] or if their supporting farmland breaks or turns to dirt (i.e. by being trampled), dropping their usual drops.

Farmer [[villager]]s can plant torchflower seeds, but cannot harvest them after they have fully grown.<ref>{{bug|MC-263382|||WAI}}</ref>

=== Feeding ===
Torchflower seeds can be used to breed [[sniffer]]s and [[chicken]]s and reduce the remaining growth duration of snifflets and chicks by 10%. Also, if some torchflower seeds were fed to an injured sniffer, it will heal it by {{hp|2}} health points.

=== Taming ===
Torchflower seeds can be used to tame [[parrot]]s.

=== Composting ===
Placing torchflower seeds into a [[composter]] has a 30% chance of raising the compost level by 1.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Block/Crop}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Torchflower Crop
|blocktags=bee_growables, crops}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Torchflower Seeds

{{ID table
|displayname=Torchflower Crop
{{ID table
|displayname=Torchflower Seeds

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}


== Achievements ==
{{Load achievements|Planting The Past}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|A Seedy Place;Planting The Past;Little Sniffs}}

== History ==
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|[[File:Torchflower Seeds JE1.png|32px]] Added torchflower seeds behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].}}
{{History|||snap=1.19.4 Pre-release 1|Torchflower seeds can now be used to breed [[chicken]]s and tame [[parrot]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-260035|||Fixed}}</ref>|Torchflower seeds are now next to other seeds in the [[Creative inventory]].|Placing torchflower seeds in farmland now gives the player the "A Seedy Place" [[advancement]].}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|[[Sniffer]]s can now be obtained in Survival, making torchflower seeds [[renewable]].|Torchflower seeds are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.}}
{{History|||snap=23w14a|Torchflower seeds can now be picked up by farmer [[villager]]s.|[[Sniffer]]s can now be tempted with torchflower seeds.}}
{{History|||snap=23w16a|[[Villager]]s can now plant torchflower seeds.}}
{{History|||snap=23w17a|The player now get the [[advancement]] "Little sniffs" when they feed a [[snifflet]] using torchflower seeds, "Planting the past" when they plant torchflower seeds on [[farmland]].}}

{{History||Sniffer<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.70|snap=beta|[[File:Torchflower Seeds JE1.png|32px]] Added torchflower seeds behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20.0|Sniffer]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Torchflower seeds are now available without using the "Sniffer" experimental toggle.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* The final growth stage of the torchflower crop uses the same ID as the actual torchflower. This causes some side effects, such as the plant becoming offset and randomly jumping to the side.<ref>{{bug|MC-260472|resolution=wai}}</ref>
== Gallery ==
Torchflower Seeds stages.png|All the growth stages of torchflower seeds.

== Notes ==

== References ==

[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]

[[es:Semillas de plantorcha]]
[[pt:Sementes de plantocha]]
[[zh:火把莲种子]]</li><li>[[Map|Map]]<br/>{{about|the craftable map|maps showing the locations of certain structures|Explorer Map|other uses|Map (disambiguation)}}
| image = Map Zoom 4.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

A '''map''' is an [[item]] used to view explored [[Chunk|terrain]] and mark landmarks.

|A1= Paper
|B1= Paper
|C1= Paper
|A2= Paper
|B2= Compass
|C2= Paper
|A3= Paper
|B3= Paper
|C3= Paper
|Output= Empty Map
|type= Miscellaneous
|description=This variation is called an "empty locator map" {{in|bedrock}}, or an "empty map" {{in|java}}.

When the player first creates a map, it is blank. It needs to be activated by holding it and pressing ''{{Control|use item}}''. after which it records terrain and location markers as the player travels within (or close to) the area it maps.
|A1= Paper
|B1= Paper
|C1= Paper
|A2= Paper
|B2= Paper
|C2= Paper
|A3= Paper
|B3= Paper
|C3= Paper
|Output= Empty Map
|type= Miscellaneous

This variation is called an "empty map". It does not show location markers. It is intended for cloning and zooming locator maps without having to consume an additional [[compass]] (thereby saving [[iron ingot]]s and [[redstone dust]]), but it can also be {{Control|use|text=activated}} and later converted to a locator map by combining it with a compass on an [[anvil]], [[crafting table]], or [[cartography table]].

=== Natural generation ===
==== Chest loot ====

=== Cartography table ===
A map can also be created using a single paper on a [[cartography table]] to create an empty map, or a paper with a compass for an empty locator map.{{only|bedrock}}

=== Starting map ===
When creating a new world {{in|bedrock}}, the player can enable the "Starting Map" option to spawn with an empty locator map in the hotbar. The map's zoom scale is 1:8. The map is updated only while the player holds it.

=== Trading ===
Novice-level cartographer [[Villager|villagers]] sell a single empty map for 7 [[Emerald|emeralds]] as their trades.

{{IN|java}}, cartographer villagers may give players with the [[Hero of the Village]] effect an empty map.

== Usage ==
{{See also|Tutorials/Mapping}}

=== Mapping ===

Crafting a map creates an empty map. The map is drawn for the first time when it is held and used (with ''{{control|use item}}''). This map can then be adjusted to different zoom levels. After conversion to a drawn map item, it starts to draw a top-down view of the player's surroundings, with North pointing to the top of the map. A pointed oval pointer indicates the player's position on the map, and moves in real-time as the player moves across the terrain shown on the map. The map does ''not'' center on the player when created, rather, the world is broken up into large invisible grid squares, and the map displays the area of whichever grid square it is in when it is first used. For example, if a player uses a new map in a certain grid square, and then moves a distance away and uses another fresh map but is still within the same grid square, both maps appear identical. To make a map that is not identical to the first one, the player would have to move outside of the edges of the first map (because then they would be in a new grid square). This way, no two maps of the same size can ever partially overlap and every map can display only a fixed area.

To record the world on a map, that specific map must be held in the player's hands while the player moves around the world. The world is recorded as-is during exploration, meaning that if the world is modified, a player must revisit the area while holding the map to update the map's view. Maps can also be [[Map#Cloning|cloned]]. If a player holds a map whose one or more clones are on display in item frames, updates are made on all clone-connected maps. 

Other players are displayed on the map only if they have a map in their inventory cloned from the one being looked at. When placing a map into an [[item frame]], the map displays with a green pointer shown at the location of the item frame. This is to help the player see where they are in relation to the area that the map is showing. If the player leaves a map in an item frame and views a clone of it, the green pointer remains in the spot of the framed copy. This can be used to set up waypoints. Unexplored areas are transparent, making the item frame visible.

When the player leaves the area shown on a specific map, the player pointer transforms into a white dot that moves on that map. The marker shrinks to a smaller white dot if the player is far from the map's center: the area is 320 by 320 blocks per scale factor. The dot moves along the edge of the map to show the relative location of the player. However {{in|bedrock}}, the pointer remains as an arrow but shrinks until the player is near the area shown on the map.

While maps in [[the Nether]] work, they show only the red-and-gray pattern, regardless of the blocks placed. The only useful function is finding where the player is in relation to placed framed maps, which show as green pointers.  Additionally, the player pointer rapidly spins and is not a good indicator of direction. Placing a [[banner]] in [[the Nether]] still shows it on the map as usual.  Having a smaller map image while riding a [[strider]] in the Nether can help one to see one's footing while traveling over [[lava]].

{{IN|java}}, when using a map from another dimension, the map shows the player's position and direction when they were last in the dimension of the map. {{IN|bedrock}}, however, the player can use maps from one dimension while in another dimension. For locator maps, the place marker changes color depending on the dimension that the player is currently in (white for the Overworld, red for [[the Nether]], and magenta for [[the End]]). An Overworld map in the Nether shows the player's corresponding location and direction in the Overworld.<ref name=multiverse>{{ytl|EpP1diZdEdI}}</ref> Similarly, a Nether Map in the Overworld shows the player's corresponding location in the Overworld, but the place marker spins, just like a Nether map in the Nether. An Overworld map in the End shows the world spawn.<ref name=multiverse/> A Nether map cannot be used in the End — the map appears, but the place marker is not shown anywhere — and similarly, an End map cannot be used in the Overworld or the Nether.

A player can make a large piece of pixel art (128×128) facing upward, center a map on it, and place that map in an [[item frame]] to create a custom picture. Locking is recommended. See [[Map item format#Map Pixel Art]] for details on the techniques.

Maps display as a mini-map when held in the off-hand, or if the off-hand slot is occupied; the map is full-sized only when held in the dominant hand with both hands free.

A map always positions itself facing towards North when placed horizontally within an item frame regardless of how the map is placed.

=== Map content ===
{{Main|Map item format}}

Maps consist of square pixels arranged like pixels in a 128×128 square pattern, with each pixel representing a square portion of land. {{IN|java}}, the [[Map item format#Color table|color of a map pixel]] generally matches the color of the most common [[opaque]] block in the corresponding area, as seen from the sky. 'Minority blocks' in the target area have no effect on the color of the pixel, thus small features tend to be undetectable on zoomed-out maps.

{{IN|bedrock}}, the [[Map item format#Color table|color of a map pixel]] instead matches the single top-most opaque block in a grid sized by the map magnification pixel size (see the table in the "Player marker and pointer" section below). For example, a 3/4 magnification map has a pixel size of 8x8 blocks; this means the map will read only the top-most opaque blocks at the 0,0 coordinate, the 8,0 coordinate, the 0,8 coordinate, etcetera, ignoring all other blocks in the area. This means that {{in|bedrock}}, map pixel art requires only one block per pixel regardless of map magnification.

{{IN|bedrock}}, grass, foliage and water colors that are biome-dependent are represented accurately on a map.

{| class="wikitable"
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|je}}
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|be}}
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Map Zoom 4.png|alt=All banners marked on a map, alongside a named banner.|216px]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Map item BE.png|216px]]
| Biome colors on ''Java Edition''.
| Biome colors on ''Bedrock Edition''.

Maps also show ground up to about 15 blocks below the surface of the water in oceans as slightly lighter blue, to show where the ground rises. This is not true with land above water. Higher elevations in the world mean lighter colors on the map. The map records the surface even as the player moves below the surface.

A standard map represents 128x128 blocks (1 block per pixel, 8x8 [[chunks]]) but maps can be zoomed-out to represent up to 2048x2048 blocks (16 square blocks per pixel, 128x128 [[chunks]]).

Some relevant distances: 64 blocks (4 chunks) is the update radius from a player in the Overworld and the End. However, it is half this (32 blocks) in the Nether. Also, 1024 blocks is the minimum Overworld distance from a [[nether portal]], at which players can build another portal and expect to reach a new location in the Nether. This is the distance across a 1:8 map, and also from a 1:16 map's center to its edge.

=== Player marker and pointer ===
{{IN|java}}, every map contains a marker that marks the position of the player, and points in the same direction as the player. When a player moves out of a map, a big white dot appears and moves relative to the player's position. The pointer either disappears when the player moves away a certain distance from the border of the map or, in case of [[explorer map]]s, the big white dot changes to a smaller white dot. The distance required for the small white dot to appear(explorer maps) or for the big dot to vanish (normal maps) changes with the scaling of the map.
* '''Level 0/4 :''' 128×128 blocks (each map pixel represents 1 block)
* '''Level 1/4 :''' 256×256 blocks (2×2 blocks per map pixel)
* '''Level 2/4 :''' 512×512 blocks (4×4 blocks per map pixel)
* '''Level 3/4 :''' 1024×1024 blocks (8×8 blocks per map pixel)
* '''Level 4/4 :'''  2048×2048 blocks  (16×16 blocks per map pixel)
{{IN|bedrock}}, a map can be crafted with or without this marker, and a map without a position marker can add one later by adding a compass to the map.  When a map is crafted without a compass, it's simply called an "empty map", but when crafted with a compass, it's called an "empty locator map". The marker also turns red if the player enters the Nether with an Overworld map and shows the player's Overworld location relative to the Nether location. A map created in the End has a purple marker showing the player's location. If an Overworld map is used in the End, a magenta dot appears on the player's spawn point.{{/BE|position}}
|name=Map<br>(with marker)
|ingredients=[[Map]] or Empty Map +<br>[[Compass]]
|Map (no markers);Empty Map 
|Output= Locator Map;Empty Locator Map
|type= Miscellaneous
|description={{el|be}} only.
Maps crafted from only paper do not show the location marker; to add it, a compass must be added to the map.

{{IN|bedrock}}, a cartography table can also be used to add a pointer to create a locator map or empty locator map. This can be done by adding a compass to paper, or to an empty map or map.

=== Zooming out ===
[[File:Cartography table UI zoom.png|thumb|300px|{{IN|java}}, cartography table's UI, showing the map is being zoomed out.]]

A [[cartography table]] can also be used to zoom out, taking only one piece of paper per zoom level.

A blank map can not be zoomed out. A map has to have something already marked on it for the zooming to be possible.

  |A1= Paper |B1= Paper |C1= Paper
  |A2= Paper |B2= Map;Locator Map   |C2= Paper
  |A3= Paper |B3= Paper |C3= Paper
  |Output= Map;Locator Map
  |description=Locator Map {{el|be}} only.

==== Zoom details ====
The zooming function starts from when the map is created (zoom level 0) up to its fourth zoom step (zoom level 4).

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" data-description="Zoom levels"
! colspan="2" | 
! Zoom step 0  
! Zoom step 1  
! Zoom step 2  
! Zoom step 3  
! Zoom step 4
! colspan="2" |
| [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|116px|Zoom step 0, 1:1]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 1.png|116px|Zoom step 1, 1:2]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 2.png|116px|Zoom step 2, 1:4]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 3.png|116px|Zoom step 3, 1:8]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 4.png|116px|Zoom step 4, 1:16]]
! colspan="2" | Zoom level
| 0/4
| 1/4
| 2/4
| 3/4
| 4/4
! colspan="2" | 1 map pixel represents
| 1 block
| 2×2 blocks
| 4×4 blocks
| 8×8 blocks
| 16×16 blocks<br>(1×1 chunk)
! colspan="2" | Scaling ratio
| 1:1
| 1:2
| 1:4
| 1:8
| 1:16
! rowspan="2" colspan="2" | Map covers an area of
| 128×128 blocks
| 256×256 blocks
| 512×512 blocks
| 1024×1024 blocks
| 2048×2048 blocks
| 8×8 chunks
| 16×16 chunks
| 32×32 chunks
| 64×64 chunks
| 128×128 chunks
! colspan="2" | Smallest discernible features
| Blocks
| Trees, Paths
| Lakes, Buildings
| Mountains, Rivers
| Biomes, Mountain Ranges
! colspan="2" | Use cases
| Pixel art, Base plans
| Base surroundings
| Structure mapping
| Landscape mapping
| Biome mapping
! rowspan="2" | Total paper needed to zoom out from Level 0
! in anvil{{only|bedrock|short=1}} or crafting table
| -
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 8
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 16
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 24
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 32
! in cartography table
| -
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 1
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 2
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 3
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 4

Maps are always aligned to a grid at all zoom levels. That means zooming out any different map in a specific area covered by that map always has the same center. As such, maps are aligned by map width (1024 blocks for a level 3 maps) minus 64. A level 3 map generated at spawn covers X and Z coordinates from -64 to 959. All maps generated in this area zoom out to the same coordinates, guaranteeing that they are always 'aligned' on a map wall. For a zoomed-out map to cover a new area, it must start with a base (level 0) map that is in that area.

At zoom level 0, a map created on the point (0,0) has (0,0) at the center of the map. At higher zoom levels of the same map, the coordinate (0,0) is in the top left square of the map.

{{IN|java}}, zoom level can be seen on a map by turning on Advanced Tooltips (a [[Debug screen#More debug keys|debug screen]] option that can be toggled by using the key combination {{key|F3+H}}). The tooltip of the map then shows the zoom level, scaling factors, and map ID.

=== Cloning ===
[[File:Cartography table UI clone.png|thumb|300px|{{IN|Java}}, cartography table's UI, showing the map is being cloned.]]

A mix of empty maps and empty locator maps may be used. Whether the cloned maps show position markers is dependent only on the input map.

A [[cartography table]] can also be used to clone a map.

The parts of the world that have already been explored and mapped are copied, and newly explored areas appear on both instances. If one of the maps is later zoomed out, then the maps lose their connection to each other and function as completely separate maps that have to be individually filled by exploring.

In Creative mode, a map in an item frame may be cloned by using {{control|pick block}} on it, as long as that map is not also in the player's inventory.

It doesn't matter if the map to be cloned is at a higher zoom level (made of more paper) than the blank map. Upon copying the map, both resulting maps have the same magnification as the starting map.


=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|Map, Empty Map}}

=== Marking points ===
{{IN|java}} the player has the ability to mark spots on a map. To do this, {{control|use}} a map on a placed-down [[banner]], and the spot of the banner gets marked on the map. The mark takes the color of whatever the base color is for the banner, and if the banner has a name, the mark shows that name. Banner marks on a map are always oriented with their top facing north, regardless of the banner's actual orientation. If the banner is destroyed, the mark of the banner remains at first, but if the player gets closer to where the banner previously was, it disappears as the area is updated on the map.

If a map is mounted on an item frame and is within the area it depicts, the mounted map displays its current location with a green indicator rotated to match its orientation.

[[File:Map Marker Bedrock on Item frame.png|thumb|181x181px|{{IN|bedrock}} this is what a map lying on an item frame looks like, while showing markers.]]
{{IN|bedrock}} the player can place copies of locator maps in [[item frame]]s in order to create a land mark. The marker is a green dot that resembles the shape of the player's marker, but in green color. The position the marker points at depends on the direction the item frame is facing. It is worth noting that the markers work only on copies of the same map. Other maps of the same area do not show the existing markers that the player(s) had placed.

If a player has a cloned map in their inventory, their pointer appears white when viewed on the same map held by another player. Hence, if all players have the same cloned map in their inventory, all markers would appear white when the clone map is viewed. 

{| class="wikitable"
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|je}}
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|be}}
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Banner marked map.png|alt=All banners marked on a map, alongside a named banner.|216px]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Tracking map with markers bedrock.png|216px]]
| How every banner appears {{IN|java}} on a map, including named banners.
| {{IN|bedrock}} this is how a locator map shows map markers while held by a player.

[[File:Cartography table UI lock.png|thumb|300px|{{IN|Java}}, cartography table's UI, showing the map is being locked.]]

Maps can be locked when using a [[glass pane]] in a [[cartography table]]. This creates a new map containing the same data and locks it. All copies of this new map are also locked. A locked map never changes, even when the depicted terrain changes. {{IN|Be}}, locked maps have a unique texture.

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
! Condition
! style="width: 200px;" | Newly created map
! style="width: 200px;" | Map after terrain alteration
! Unlocked map
| [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|174px]] || [[File:Unlocked Map.png|174px]]
! Locked map
| [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|174px]] || [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|174px]]


== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Map drawn
|description=When a map is drawn
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Map drawn
|description=When a map is edited using a cartography table

{{Sound table
|description=When a map is drawn<wbr>{{Upcoming|BE}}
|id=ui.cartography_table.take_result|idnote={{Verify|Could be block.cartography_table.use}}
{{Sound table
|description=When a map is edited using a cartography table

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Empty Map
{{ID table
|translationkey=item.minecraft.filled_map, filled_map.buried_treasure, filled_map.explorer_jungle{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.explorer_swamp{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.mansion, filled_map.monument, filled_map.unknown, filled_map.village_desert{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_plains{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_savanna{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_snowy{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_taiga{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}

{{ID table
|displayname=Empty Map
|translationkey=item.emptyMap.name, item.emptyLocatorMap.name}}
{{ID table
|translationkey=item.map.name, item.map.exploration.mansion.name, item.map.exploration.monument.name, item.map.exploration.treasure.name

=== Metadata ===
{{see also|Bedrock Edition data values}}
{{IN|bedrock}}, maps use the following data values:


=== Item data ===
{{main|Player.dat format}}
<div class="treeview">
* {{nbt|compound|tag}}: The item's '''tag''' tag.

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].

=== Map icons ===
{{see also|Player.dat format|Map item format|map_icons.png}}
Map icons are 8×8 in ''Java Edition'', but 16×16 in Bedrock Edition. As such, there are minor misalignment issues in ''Java Edition''.<ref>{{bug|MC-214649|||WF}}</ref>
[[File:Map icons.png|thumb|128px|Map icons texture {{in|Java}}]]
[[File:Map icons BE.png|thumb|128px|Map icons texture {{in|Bedrock}}]]

{| class="wikitable"
! Java ID !! Bedrock ID !! Text ID !! Appearance !! Purpose !! Shown in item frames?
| 0 ||  ||<code>player</code> || [[File:Player (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Player (texture) BE2.png|16px]] White marker || Players (on map) || No
| 1 || 1 ||<code>frame</code> || [[File:Green Marker (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Green Marker (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Green marker || The current map in an item frame || Yes
| 2 ||  ||<code>red_marker</code> || [[File:Red Marker (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Red Marker (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Red marker || Position converted to Overworld when opening Overworld map in the Nether{{Only|bedrock}} || No
| 3 ||  ||<code>blue_marker</code> || [[File:Blue Marker (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Blue Marker (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Blue marker || Other players || No
| 4 ||  ||<code>target_x</code> || [[File:Target X (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] White X || Unused || Yes
| 5 ||5
|<code>target_point</code> || [[File:Target Point (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Target Point (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Red triangle || Unused || Yes
| 6 || 6 ||<code>player_off_map</code> || [[File:Player Off Map (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] Large white dot || Players off map, nearby{{only|java}} || No
| 7 || 13 ||<code>player_off_limits</code> || [[File:Player Off Limits (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Player Off Limits (texture) BE.png|16px]] Small white dot || Players off map, far away{{only|java}} || No
| 8 ||14
|<code>mansion</code> || [[File:Mansion (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Mansion (Texture) BE2.png|frameless|16x16px]] Woodland mansion || Woodland mansion || Yes
| 9 || 15 ||<code>monument</code> || [[File:Monument (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Monument Texture BE2.png|frameless|16x16px]] Ocean monument || Ocean monument || Yes
| 10 - 25 ||  ||<code>{{tooltip|banner_*|banner_white, banner_orange, banner_magenta, banner_light_blue, banner_yellow, banner_lime, banner_pink, banner_gray, banner_light_gray, banner_cyan, banner_purple, banner_blue, banner_brown, banner_green, banner_red, banner_black}}</code> || [[File:Banner White (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Light Gray (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Gray (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Black (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Brown (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Red (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Orange (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Yellow (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Lime (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Green (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Cyan (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Light Blue (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Blue (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Magenta (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Purple (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Pink (texture) JE1.png|16px]]<br>Banners in all 16 wool colors{{only|java}}|| Banner markers || Yes
| 26 ||4
|<code>red_x</code> || [[File:Red X (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Target X (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Red X || Buried treasure || Yes
| || 8 || || [[File:Magenta Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Magenta marker
| Position converted to Overworld when opening Overworld map in the End{{Only|bedrock}} || No 
| || 9 || || [[File:Orange Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Orange marker{{more info}}
|Other players
| || 10 || || [[File:Yellow Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Yellow marker
| Other players || No
| || 11 || || [[File:Cyan Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Cyan marker
| Other players || No
| -
| || [[File:Green Point (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Green Triangle
| Other structure such as stronghold, fortress, end city, etc. when used as explorer map destination{{Only|bedrock}} || Yes
It should be noted that even if the player used a NBT editor to add an additional icon on the map, ''Minecraft'' shows only the first one listed when the player loads up their world.

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Map Room}}

== History ==
{{see also|section=24|map_icons.png|Java Edition history of textures#Map icons}}
{{more images|section=24|{{bug|MC-72962}}}}
{{History||April 27, 2011|link=https://web.archive.org/web/0/http://notch.tumblr.com/post/4988431144/the-maps|[[Notch]] unveiled screenshots of the map.}}
{{History||April 28, 2011|link={{tweet|notch|63500114005721088}}|[[Notch]] said that he would try to make maps place-able on [[wall]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|[[File:Map (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added maps.}}
{{History||1.6.6|The ability to auto-craft maps using shift-click has been disabled.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Maps can now be found in library chests in the brand-new [[stronghold]]s.
|Auto crafting maps has been restored. Map cloning, therefore, is unavailable for a period of time.}}
{{History||1.8.1|Maps now work both while walking and flying.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|Prior to this update, the [[sun]] in ''[[Minecraft]]'' rose in the North, which threw off many [[player]]s and led to a common misconception that ''Minecraft'' maps/[[world]]s were oriented with East at the top. The sun now rises in the east and sets in the west, making navigation much more intuitive.
|Before the change in sun position, it was commonly said that ''Minecraft'' maps/worlds are oriented with East at the top; sunrise, by definition, occurs at the East, which means it is certainly true that the maps were oriented "East" since the Sun rose from the top (North). However, [[Jeb]] asserted (and [[Notch]] agreed) that the sun rose in the north.<ref>{{Tweet|jeb|87815841160237056}}</ref><ref>{{Tweet|notch|88155424880201728}}</ref> Most mods and map-making tools, however, used the terms East and North consistent with their actual definitions (e.g. a [[Programs and editors/Cartograph|Cartograph]]-generated map with North at the top is rotated 90 degrees from the in-game map).}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|[[File:Empty Map JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Crafting]] a map now creates an empty map. The map is drawn for the first time when it is held and right clicked, and is centered near the location of the [[player]] when clicked (not as before where it was centered on the location it was crafted.)
|Previously, in order to map a new area, the map had to be ''crafted'' in that area (rather than carrying a previously-crafted map to the new area). The point where a map is crafted becomes its permanent center, and could never be changed. 
|The pointer no longer disappears when leaving the map, but transforms into a white dot, indicating on what side of the map the player is located.
|Maps now align to a grid, making it easier to create adjacent maps.
|Maps can now be zoomed out (but not zoomed in).
|Maps can now be cloned and scaled.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34b|Maps now have a ''zoom level'', which was fixed at 1:8 prior to snapshot [[Java Edition 12w34a|12w34a]],<ref name="mapinfo">https://web.archive.org/web/0/http://notch.tumblr.com/post/4988431144/the-maps</ref> but  now starts at 1:1 and can be increased up to 1:16 by re-crafting an existing map.
|Maps are no longer numbered on the top-left corner and is labeled through the tooltip.}}
{{History|||snap=12w36a|New maps are now crafted at a scale factor of 1:1. A zoomed in map can be zoomed out by re-crafting it with another 8 sheets of [[paper]] on a [[crafting table]]. Each time this is done, the scale increases - 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16 with a map scale of 1:16 being the current maximum.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w38a|The map size has been increased when placed on a [[wall]] using the [[item frame]].
|More colors have been added to maps for different [[block]]s.<ref name="infodump2">https://web.archive.org/web/0/https://www.mojang.com/2013/10/minecraft-1-7-the-update-that-changed-the-world</ref>}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w31a|Zoomed maps now conform to an expanded grid based on their zoom level. Previously, careful considerations would need to be taken to creating a wall of adjoining maps.}}
{{History||1.8.1|snap=pre1|Some colors have been changed on maps to more accurately represent their respective [[block]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Maps now display as a mini-map when held in the off-hand, or if the off-hand slot is occupied; the (old) large version is visible only when held in the dominant hand with the secondary hand free.}}
{{History|||snap=15w34a|New maps can now be [[crafting|crafted]] at a scale factor of 1:4.
|A crafting recipe has been added for zooming in maps.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43a|The average yield of empty maps from [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s has been doubled.}}
{{History|||snap=15w45a|New maps are once again [[crafting|crafted]] at a scale factor of 1:1, as they had been before snapshot [[15w34a]].
|The [[crafting]] recipe, that was introduced in 15w34a, for zooming in maps has been removed.}}
{{History|||snap=15w49a|Map making now uses armor equipping sounds.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Maps now work in [[the End]].
|Empty maps are now [[trading|sold]] by cartographer [[villager]]s as their tier 3 [[trading|trade]].
|Added [[explorer map]]s, sold by cartographers as their tier 4 trades.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w17a|Maps now have separate colors for colored [[terracotta]] blocks from other colored blocks.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 358 and 395.
|Maps now use additional NBT to specify which map they contain. Prior to this version, they used the [[damage]] value instead.
|Map IDs are no longer limited to 32,768.}}
{{History|||snap=17w50a|Maps can now be placed on floor and ceiling [[item frame]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w10a|Spots on maps can now be marked using [[banner]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Empty maps can now generate in [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=pre7|Maps have been changed slightly, in regard to which [[block]]s are shown and which blocks are not.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Empty Map JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Map (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of maps have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Empty maps can now be found in chests in [[village]] cartographer houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w02a|Maps can now be cloned and zoomed out (extended) by using a [[cartography table]].
|Maps can now be locked by using a [[glass pane]] with a cartography table.
|The recipes for cloning and zooming out maps have been removed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w06a|Map making is now silent again.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Cartographer villagers now give empty maps to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w21a|Map making sounds are now the same as when using a cartography table.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Empty Map JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Map (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added maps.
|Maps are crafted using nine [[paper]], one for every slot of the [[crafting]] grid.
|Maps must be combined with a [[compass]] using an [[anvil]] in order to show the [[player]]'s position.
|Maps can be zoomed using an anvil.}}
{{History|||snap=build 3|New maps are now [[crafting|crafted]] at full zoom.
|Empty maps now have a "Create Map" button to initialize them.}}
{{History|||snap=build 7|New maps are now crafted at a scale factor of 1:1.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=unknown|Maps can now be crafted either with 8 pieces of [[paper]] and a [[compass]] ''or'' 9 pieces of paper, to get a map with or without a position marker.}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Different colors have been added to maps for different [[biome]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=?|[[Windows 10 Edition]] can now use the [[anvil]] as well as the [[crafting table]] to clone, zoom and apply markers, just as [[Pocket Edition]] in general could.
|Maps can now be found inside [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Empty maps with direction markers built-in are now called "locator maps".}}
{{History|||snap=alpha|"Locator maps" are now called "empty locator maps".
|Empty maps are now [[trading|sold]] by cartographer [[villager]]s for 7-11 [[emerald]]s as their tier 3 [[trading|trade]].}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Maps can now be found inside map room [[chest]]s in [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||?|The texture of the filled map overlay has been changed.}}
{{History||?|Maps now function in dimensions other than the dimension in which they were created.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Maps can now be found in cartographer house [[chest]]s in [[village]]s.
|[[File:Empty Map JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of empty maps has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Empty maps can now be created from 1 [[paper]] in [[cartography table]]s.
|Maps can now be zoomed, cloned, renamed, and have pointers added in cartography tables.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Cartographer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] empty map for an [[emerald]] as their first tier [[trading|trades]].
|Empty locator maps can now be [[trading|bought]] from cartographer villagers.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|[[File:Map (item) BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Locked Map (item) BE2.png|32px]] Filled maps and locked maps now have unique inventory icons.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Trading has been changed, novice-level cartographer now sell an empty map for 7 emeralds. Cartographer villager no longer sell empty locator map.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of maps have been changed from <code>emptymap</code> to <code>empty_map</code> and <code>map</code> to <code>filled_map</code>.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Map (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added maps. 
|The [[player]] spawns with a free map. 
|Maps are available only as zoom step 3 maps centered at coordinates 0,0. Biome colors do not appear on maps.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=none|Larger sized worlds on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch have zoom step 3 maps aligned to a grid with maps centered at 0, 1024, or 2048 on the X or Z coordinates.}}
{{History||xbox=TU21|xbone=CU9|ps=1.14|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Empty Map JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Crafting]] a map now produces an empty map.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|The outer end islands appear on different maps; even on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Vita, and Wii U editions.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Empty Map JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Map (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of maps have been changed.}}
{{History||ps=1.91|Maps can now be created and used in [[cartography table]]s.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* Use of the {{key|F1}} key can allow the player to hold a map without blocking their view at all.
* In ''Java Edition'', a map created using {{cmd|give}} can be any map by using the Map parameter to specify the map number desired. E.g. {{cmd|give [player] minecraft:filled_map{map:5<nowiki>}}} gives the specified player map_5. If no data value is supplied it defaults to map_0. If map_0 has not ever been crafted, it is centered on x=0, z=0.
* The maps are stored separately as their own data (<code>.dat</code>) file as <code>map_x.dat</code> with (x) being the map number, see [[map item format]] for more info. By manipulating this number, players can organize their maps to suit them, or if they accidentally create a map in the same location, they can delete their extra map so as to save the number they make.
* Certain programs can be used to make customized maps with images or text on them instead of actual maps, many people use these in adventure maps to show pictures or to tell a story.
* Since all copies of a map are links to the same file, copying an unfinished map keeps it synchronized with the copy as the player fills it in. Thus, a copy stored in a chest can act as a remote backup.
* A map that is in an item frame does not update itself until a player picks it up, lets it reload, and places it back again. However, if a player holds a clone of the map, both maps update.
* Filled maps are the only items that make 90 degree rotations in item frames, and also the only items that can expand the item frame into full block wide.
* On [[Legacy Console Edition]], the player always spawns with a map in their inventory after creating a world. This was later added to Bedrock Edition as an optional feature in the world creation menu.
* Maps on Legacy Console Edition always show the player's current coordinates, as a substitute for the optional [[Coordinates|coordinate display]] in other editions.
* A map cannot be created on [[New Nintendo 3DS Edition]]. Instead, the map is always displayed on the bottom screen along with the coordinates. Biome colors do not appear on maps.

== Gallery ==
MapItem1.png|A fully zoomed map.
MapRotation.png|Having a map in hand does not stop the ability to see ahead.
MapItem3.png|A world being recorded onto a map.
Mcmap4.png|Nearly fully explored map.
Zoomed Map.png|A map edited to the scale of 1.
Sky Map.png|A map mapping the [[Sky Dimension]].
MapOfVillage.png|A village and how it is represented on a map.
Pumpkin map.png|A map containing a custom image made by placing a large number of blocks.
Complete Map.png|A completely explored map.
MapZooms.png|A diagram showing how maps zoomed out before [[Java Edition 1.8]]. Notice how the larger maps have borders made of half and quarter small maps.
Map18zooms.png|From 1.8, zoomed maps are aligned to this grid exactly.
Large Biome Map.png|A map of a [[Large Biomes]] world.
Map0140-0160.png|A comparison of maps between versions in Pocket Edition Alpha [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0|0.14.0]] and [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.16.0|0.16.0]].
Mycelium Map.png|A map view of a mushroom biome, showing that mycelium appears purple on a map.
MiniMap.png|Maps held in the off-hand or in either hand while [[dual wielding]] appear as mini-maps.
Partly filled treasure map.png|Partly filled treasure map with an odd area at the bottom left. Normally a partly filled map would look striped (as in the top left), but this map seems to be bugged and is possibly showing caves, or something, in the bottom left.
Partly filled ocean explorer map.png|Partly filled ocean explorer map. Updating the game from an older version (in this case the area was first generated before 1.18) and buying a map after updating (in this case in 1.19.4) can result in the map displaying rivers and terrain where there is really a frozen sea.
Map Stained Glass 1.png|Stained glasses' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Map Stained Glass 2.png|Stained glasses' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Map Various Blocks 1.png|Various blocks' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Map Various Blocks 2.png|Various blocks' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Better Together Map.jpg|Holding a map in the offhand in ''Bedrock Edition''.
Better Together Map Icon.jpg|Holding a map in both hands in ''Bedrock Edition''.
File:MapFailedtoFill.png|A map that has not yet filled. A rare bug in Java.

=== The Nether ===
Nethermap.png|A map in [[the Nether]].
Maponnether.png|A map in the Nether; the arrow turns around itself, like in [[compass]].

=== The End ===
Jeb End Map.png|The first image of a map in [[the End]].
Endmap.png|A map in the End.

=== Maps in item frames ===
FramedMap.png|A map displayed on an item frame, as it looked before [[Java Edition 1.7.2]].
Structure Map Collection.png|Multiple maps in item frames. Notice a [[village]], two [[desert temple]]s and a lava lake.
Minecraft maps 3by3.png|A collection of 9 connected full maps.
Full Map.png|A combination of 25 maps pasted together as one map.
Map wall BE.png|A map wall on ''Bedrock Edition'', showing large areas of biome colors for each biome.
Map's in item frames.png|Maps can be placed into [[item frame]]s so they can be viewed together.
Comparing Maps.png|The comparison between 3 zooms of maps.
SuperflatMap.png|A map in a [[Superflat]] world, with some [[village]]s.
MapWallWithMarkers.png|A 3x3 map wall with banner markers.
Map Player Icons 1.png|First image of player icons on maps.
Map Player Icons 2.png|Second image of player icons on maps.

== See also ==
* [[Explorer Map]]
* [[Clock]]
* [[Tutorials/Navigation|Navigation]]

== References ==


[[fr:Carte (objet)]]
[[hu:Térkép (tárgy)]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul></nowiki>
pre1Added enteredNetherPosition to players, for use with the minecraft:nether_travel advancement trigger.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Lapis Lazuli|Lapis Lazuli]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Lapis Lazuli.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
{{About|the item|the ore|Lapis Lazuli Ore|the mineral block|Lapis Lazuli Block}}

'''Lapis lazuli''' is a mineral required to [[Enchanting|enchant]] items in an [[Enchanting Table|enchanting table]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mining ===

When mined with a stone [[pickaxe]] or better, [[lapis lazuli ore]] drops 4–9 lapis lazuli. With the [[Fortune]] III enchantment, a single block has a chance of dropping up to 36 items.

=== Crafting ===

  |Block of Lapis Lazuli
  |Output=Lapis Lazuli,9

=== Smelting ===
  |Lapis Lazuli Ore; Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore
  |Lapis Lazuli

=== Villager gifts ===

{{IN|java}}, cleric [[villager]]s give [[player]]s lapis lazuli if they have the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.

=== Trading ===

Apprentice-level cleric villagers sell one lapis lazuli for an [[emerald]] as part of their trades.

{{IN|bedrock}}, [[wandering trader]]s may sell 3 lapis lazuli for an emerald.

=== Chest loot ===
{{see also|Lapis Lazuli Ore#Natural generation}}

== Usage ==

=== Enchanting ===

1–3 pieces of lapis lazuli are required to use an [[Enchanting Table|enchanting table]] to enchant an [[items|item]]. More specifically, the enchanting table UI shows 3 options (see [[Enchanting mechanics]] for details): the first, second, and third options cost 1, 2, and 3 lapis lazuli, respectively.

=== Crafting ingredient ===

Lapis lazuli can be used to make [[blocks of lapis lazuli]] and [[blue dye]]. {{IN|bedrock}}, it can also be used directly as a substitute for blue dye.
{{crafting usage}}

{{IN|bedrock}}, lapis lazuli can be also used in banner patterns:
{{banner crafting usage}}

=== Loom ingredient === 
{{Banner loom usage|Lapis Lazuli}}

=== Dye ===
{{Dye usage}}

=== Smithing ingredient ===
|ingredients=Any Armor Trim +<br/>Any Armor Piece + <br/>Lapis Lazuli
|Any Armor Trim Smithing Template
|Netherite Chestplate
|Lapis Lazuli
|Lapis Trim Netherite Chestplate
|description = All armor types can be used in this recipe,<br/>a netherite chestplate is shown as an example.<br/>

;Trim color palette
The following color palette is shown on the designs on trimmed armor:
*{{TrimPalette|lapis lazuli}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Lapis Lazuli

{{ID table
|displayname=Lapis Lazuli
|aliasid=dye / 4

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Enchanter}}

== History ==

{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lapis lazuli.}}
{{History||1.2_02|[[Lapis lazuli ore]] can now be found at [[bedrock]] level and now drops 4–8 lapis lazuli per block mined (increased from 1) on [[singleplayer]] only. However, servers have not been affected yet.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Lapis lazuli can now be found in [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Lapis lazuli can now be used to [[Armor#Dyeing|dye]] leather [[armor]] and [[wolf]] collars.}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Lapis lazuli can now be [[crafting|crafted]] with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}} 
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft blue [[stained clay]].}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w41a|Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft blue [[stained glass]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Enchanting]] now requires lapis lazuli. Different enchantments require different amounts of levels and different amounts of levels now require different amounts of lapis lazuli (between 1-3).
|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1–2 lapis lazuli for 1 [[emerald]], making it a [[renewable resource]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w30a|Lapis lazuli can now be used to dye [[banner]]s.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|The average yield of lapis lazuli in [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s has been decreased.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Added the ability to dye [[shulker box]]es.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w06a|Can now be used to craft blue [[concrete powder]].}}
{{History|||snap=17w15a|Added the ability to dye [[bed]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 351.}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Lapis lazuli now generates in [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft [[blue dye]].
|Lapis lazuli can no longer be used as a [[dye]].
|All of the dye-related functions and crafting recipes of lapis lazuli (except lapis lazuli blocks) have been transferred to blue dye.
|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lapis lazuli has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Lapis lazuli can now be found in chests in [[village]] temples.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Cleric villagers now give lapis lazuli to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w08a|Lapis lazuli can now drop and be smelted from [[deepslate lapis lazuli ore]].}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Lapis lazuli can now be used as an armor trim material.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lapis lazuli.}}
{{History||v0.3.2|Lapis lazuli can now be crafted into lapis lazuli blocks, and vice versa.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Lapis lazuli is now required for [[enchanting]].}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Lapis lazuli can now be found inside [[minecart with chest]]s in [[mineshaft]]s.
|Lapis lazuli can now be used to dye [[water]] in [[cauldron]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1–2 lapis lazuli for 1 [[emerald]].
|Lapis lazuli can now be used to [[dyeing|dye]] [[shulker shell]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Lapis lazuli can now be used to dye [[shulker box]]es and [[bed]]s.
|Lapis lazuli can now be used to [[crafting|craft]] blue [[concrete powder]].}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be used to dye [[banner]]s, [[firework star]]s and [[glass]].}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be found in [[shipwreck]] treasure chests.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s and [[glow stick]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft [[blue dye]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli are now [[trading|sold]] by [[wandering trader]]s.
|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lapis lazuli has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be found in [[desert]] [[village]] temple [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] one lapis lazuli for one [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of lapis lazuli has been changed from <code>dye/4</code> to <code>lapis_lazuli</code>.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now drop and be smelted from [[deepslate lapis lazuli ore]].}}
{{History||1.19.80|snap=beta|Lapis lazuli can now be used as an armor trim material.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lapis lazuli.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|switch=1.0.1|Lapis lazuli can now be used in [[enchanting]].}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Lapis Lazuli JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lapis lazuli has been changed.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* In real life, lapis lazuli is a blue gem that can be ground and processed into ultramarine pigment. Lapis lazuli pigment has been famously used in the production of illuminated manuscripts, stained glass, and cave paintings. [[Wikipedia:Lapis lazuli|See the Wikipedia article for more information]].
* Lapis lazuli is the only [[ore]] that can be used as a [[dye]]{{only|BE|short=1}} or making a dye.
* It is the only item that can be put in the second slot of an [[enchantment table]].

== References ==



[[nl:Lapis lazuli]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Sweet Berries|Sweet Berries]]<br/>{{Block
| title = Sweet Berries
| image = <gallery>
Sweet Berry Bush Age 0.png| Age 0
Sweet Berry Bush Age 1.png| Age 1
Sweet Berry Bush Age 2.png| Age 2
Sweet Berry Bush Age 3.png| Age 3
| image2 = Sweet Berries JE1 BE1.png
| transparent = Yes
| light = No
| tool = Any
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| heals = {{hunger|2}}
| flammable = Yes (60 java, 30 bedrock)
| lavasusceptible = No

'''Sweet berries''' are a [[food]] [[item]] obtained from sweet berry bushes and are used to plant them.

'''Sweet berry bushes''' are quick-growing, [[Bone Meal|bonemealable]] [[Plant|plants]] that grow sweet berries, and damage and slow [[Player|players]] and most [[Mob|mobs]] moving through them. They can be found naturally in [[taiga]] and [[Snowy Taiga|snowy taiga]] biomes.

== Obtaining ==

=== Breaking ===
{{See also|Fortune#Discrete random}}
Sweet berry bushes can be mined instantly with any tool or by hand. A mature sweet berry bush yields 2–3 sweet berries. On its third growth stage, it yields 1–2 sweet berries. Each level of [[Fortune]] can increase the amount of drops by 1.

{{IN|ps4}}, the sweet berries drop into the player's inventory. In other editions, they drop on the ground.

=== Natural generation ===
Berry bushes commonly generate in [[taiga]] and [[snowy taiga]] biomes. Each [[chunk]] has {{frac|1|12}} chance to generate sweet berry bushes in [[random patch]]es. They also generate in both [[old growth pine taiga]] and [[old growth spruce taiga]].

=== Chest loot ===

=== Post-generation ===
Sweet berries can be collected from a sweet berry bush by {{control|using}} or {{control|breaking}} it, which yield 1–2 sweet berries in its third growth stage, and 2–3 sweet berries in its final growth stage.

== Usage ==
=== Placement ===
Placing [[sweet berries]] on a [[grass block]], [[dirt]], [[podzol]], [[coarse dirt]], [[farmland]]{{Only|Java}}, or [[moss block]] creates a small sweet berry bush that eventually becomes a fully grown sweet berry bush.

=== Growth ===
A sweet berry bush grows through four stages after it is planted. Its first growth stage is a small bush without any berries. It becomes a grown plant in its second stage, and produces berries in its third and fourth growth stage. The bush needs to be in light level 9 or greater to grow. {{control|Using}} [[bone meal]] on it increases its growth stage by one, and at full maturity, ejects the sweet berry item. The bush can be placed on a 1 block high space, but it cannot grow with a full, non-transparent block immediately above it.

=== Food ===

To eat sweet berries, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|2}} [[hunger]] and 0.4{{only|je|short=1}} / 1.2{{only|be|short=1}} hunger [[saturation]].

=== Composting ===
Placing sweet berries into a [[composter]] has a 30% chance of raising the compost level by 1.

=== Breeding ===
Sweet berries can be fed to [[fox]]es to [[breeding|breed]] them. Foxes are similar to cats when being fed as a wild animal; a sudden movement by the [[player]] may cause the fox to flee even if the player holds sweet berries. A baby fox bred by a [[player]] trusts the player and does not flee.

=== Trading ===
Master-level butcher [[villager]]s offer to [[trading|buy]] 10 sweet berries for an [[emerald]].

=== Entity movement ===

A sweet berry bush (at any stage) slows down all [[entity|entities]] (except [[Item (entity)|items]]) passing through it. At stage 1 and higher, it causes damage. [[Fox]]es are immune to both characteristics, however. Sweet berry bushes deal {{hp|1}} [[damage]] every 0.5 seconds, only if the entity is moving in the hitbox of the bush. Entities that move through sweet berry bushes slow down to about 34.05% of their normal speed, similar to how a [[cobweb]] slows down mobs to 15% of normal speed. This makes it impossible to jump a full [[block]] while inside the bush.

Mobs at standard block height in a [[minecart]] are not damaged when the minecart is pushed through sweet berries. Players in a sweet berry bush take no damage except from horizontal movement, but are unable to jump out of the bush, similar to a cobweb.

=== Bees ===
[[Bee]]s pollinate sweet berry bushes, and then increase the honey level in [[beehive]]s and bee nests by 1.{{only|java}}

== Sounds ==
=== Generic ===
==== Block ====
{{Sound table/Block/Sweet berry bush}}
==== Item ====
{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}
=== Unique ===
{{Sound table
|sound=Berries pick1.ogg
|sound2=Berries pick2.ogg
|subtitle=Berries pop
|description=When sweet berries are picked by a player
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Berries pop
|description=When sweet berries are picked by a fox
{{Sound table
|sound=Player hurt sweet berry bush1.ogg
|sound2=Player hurt sweet berry bush2.ogg
|subtitle=Player hurts
|description=When a player is damaged by touching a sweet berry bush

{{Sound table
|sound=Berries pick1.ogg
|sound2=Berries pick2.ogg
|description=When sweet berries are picked
{{Sound table
|sound=Player hurt sweet berry bush1.ogg
|sound2=Player hurt sweet berry bush2.ogg
|description=When a player is damaged by touching a sweet berry bush

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Sweet Berry Bush
|blocktags=azalea_log_replaceable, bee_growables
{{ID table
|displayname=Sweet Berries

{{ID table
|displayname=Sweet Berry Bush
{{ID table
|displayname=Sweet Berries

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

{{Load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet;The Parrots and the Bats;Two by Two}}

== History ==
{{History||September 26, 2018|link={{tweet|minecraft|1044587405779451906}}|Berries are announced to be part of the [[biome]] vote at [[MINECON Earth 2018]].}}
{{History||September 29, 2018|link={{tweet|minecraft|1046097775199498245}}|[[Taiga]] wins the [[biome]] vote, meaning berries are to be added to the game first.}}

{{History||December 3, 2018|link={{tweet|cojomax99|1069586461173919745}}|[[Cojomax99]] tweets an image of some berries.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w49a|[[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 0 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 1 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 2 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 3 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berry bushes.|
[[File:Sweet Berries JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berries.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Sweet berries can now be found within [[taiga]] [[village]] loot [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing a sweet berry into the new [[composter]] has a 10% chance of raising the compost level by 1.
|Added [[sound]]s for sweet berry bushes.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Sweet berries now have a 30% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.
|The [[sound]] for planting sweet berries has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w07a|Sweet berries can now be fed to [[fox]]es to [[breeding|breed]] them.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Butcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] sweet berries.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate sweet berry bushes.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-Release 2|Sweet berries now generate in [[giant tree taiga]] biomes.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=Pre-release 1|Sweet berry bushes no longer prevent mob spawning inside them.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w20a|The sound event for picking berries has been changed as to align better with that of glow berries.<ref>{{bug|MC-220063}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.18|snap=1.18-pre5|Sweet berry bushes in taigas are about 4 times more common than in previous snapshots.}}

{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Sweet Berries JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berries, which are available only through Experimental Gameplay.|[[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 0 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 1 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 2 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 3 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berry bushes, available only through Experimental Gameplay.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Sweet berries can now be used to fill [[composter]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Sweet berries and sweet berry bushes have been fully implemented and are now separate from Experimental Gameplay.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Sweet berries can now be [[trading|sold]] to butcher [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Sweet berries can now be fed to [[fox]]es to [[breeding|breed]] them.}}
{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate sweet berry bushes.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Sweet berry bushes now properly damage entities.<ref>{{Bug|MCPE-56142}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Bees no longer gather nectar from sweet berry bushes.}}

{{History||1.91|[[File:Sweet Berries JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berries.|[[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 0 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 1 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 2 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 3 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berry bushes.}}

=== Sweet berry bush "item" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Sweet Berry Bush}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list|berry|berries|sweet berry|sweet berries|berry bush|sweet berry bush}}

* {{IN|java}}, sweet berry bushes absorb [[fall damage]] like [[water]].<ref>{{bug|MC-149990|||WAI}}</ref>
* Foxes harvest mature sweet berry bushes that have grown into their third or fourth stage. Unlike how carrots eaten by rabbits are destroyed and not dropped as items, sweet berry bushes harvested by foxes drop as items, although the fox may pick up one of the dropped berries. The bush remains intact, allowing for automatic sweet berry farms.

== Gallery ==
Berry Bush.png|A close-up look of a sweet berry bush.
Naturally generated berry bushes.png|A naturally generated sweet berry bush.
Multiplebushes.png|Multiple bushes of sweet berries in Taiga biome.
BerryBushCloseToRavine.png|A berry bush that is close to a ravine.
Cozy Cabin Berries.jpg|Berry bushes near a cozy cabin.



[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Natural blocks]]
[[Category:Flammable blocks]]

[[cs:Sladké bobule]]
[[es:Bayas dulces]]
[[fr:Baies sucrées]]
[[ko:달콤한 열매]]
[[pl:Słodkie jagody]]
[[pt:Bagas doces]]
[[ru:Сладкие ягоды]]
18w01aName tag is now a text component.
Removed the LocName tag. Instead of LocName:"gui.toTitle", use Name:"{\"translate\":\"gui.toTitle\"}".
18w21aench tag has been renamed Enchantments.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Brown Dye|Brown Dye]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Brown Dye.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Brown dye''' is a [[Dye#Primary|primary color dye]] derived from [[cocoa beans]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Crafting ===
 |Cocoa Beans
 |Output=Brown Dye

== Usage  ==

{{dye usage}}

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|ignore=Banner|continue=1}}
{{banner crafting usage}}

=== Loom ingredient ===
{{Banner loom usage|Brown Dye}}

=== Trading ===

Apprentice-level Shepherd villagers have a 20% chance to buy 12 brown dye for an emerald.‌{{only|bedrock}}

Expert-level Shepherd villagers have a {{frac|2|7}} chance to buy 12 brown dye for an emerald.{{only|java}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Brown Dye

{{ID table
|displayname=Brown Dye
|aliasid=dye / 17

== History ==
{{expand section|Item textures and more from a development video on twitter by bartek.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Brown Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added brown dye.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|Brown dye now can change the text color on [[sign]]s to brown.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added the [[wandering trader]], which sell brown dyes.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Brown dye can now be [[trading|bought]] by shepherd villagers.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Brown dye can now used to craft newly added [[brown candle]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=21w19a|Brown dye can no longer used to craft brown candles.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Brown dye can once again used to craft brown candles.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Brown dye now can change the text color on [[hanging sign]]s to brown.}}

{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|[[File:Brown Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added brown dye.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Brown dye can now be [[trading|sold]] to shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of brown dye has been changed from <code>dye/17</code> to <code>brown_dye</code>.}}

{{History||1.83|[[File:Brown Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added brown dye.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[de:Brauner Farbstoff]]
[[es:Tinte marrón]]
[[fr:Teinture marron]]
[[ko:갈색 염료]]
[[pl:Brązowy barwnik]]
[[pt:Corante marrom]]
[[zh:棕色染料]]</li><li>[[Water Bucket|Water Bucket]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Water Bucket
| renewable = Yes
| image = Water Bucket.png
| stackable = No

A '''water bucket''' is a [[bucket]] filled with [[water]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Interacting ===
To fill an empty [[bucket]] with water, {{control|use}} it on a [[water]] source block. The water is consumed in the process. Flowing water does not fill a bucket.

{{control|Using}} an empty bucket on a [[cauldron]] filled with water (water level 3) empties the cauldron and fills the bucket.

Water buckets can also be filled by placing an empty one in the fuel slot of a [[furnace]], and a wet [[sponge]] into the oven slot. The bucket is filled when the [[smelting]] process completes, which also leaves the sponge dry and ready to be reused.

=== Chest Loot ===


== Usage ==
{{Control|Using}} a water bucket on a solid block places a water source block against that block, emptying the bucket; using a water bucket on a [[waterlogging|waterloggable]] block waterlogs the block. In [[the Nether]], however, the water evaporates, making a fire extinguishing sound and displays smoke particles while nothing gets placed.

=== Dispensers ===
A [[dispenser]] can be loaded with a water bucket, and when activated it places a water block directly before it, emptying the bucket. A dispenser loaded with an empty bucket and a water source right in front of it draws the source into the bucket when activated.

=== Cauldrons ===
A single water bucket can fill a [[cauldron]], and using an empty bucket on a water-filled cauldron fills the bucket. Empty buckets cannot be filled from partly-filled cauldrons.

=== Filling bucket with mobs ===
Water buckets can be used on a [[fish]], [[axolotl]] or [[tadpole]] to create a [[bucket of aquatic mob]].

=== Transportation ===
{{main|Tutorials/Elevators#Water elevators}}
Water buckets can be used as a means of quickly descending great heights in the [[Overworld]] and [[the End]], either by creating a waterfall or using the water bucket while falling to create a safe water landing.

Water buckets can also be used to climb vertical surfaces anywhere but [[the Nether]] by repeatedly creating higher waterfalls from the bottom and swimming up them.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Fill water bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill water bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Fill water bucket3.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket fills
|description=When a bucket is filled with water
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty water bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty water bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Empty water bucket3.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket empties
|description=When the bucket is placed
|volume=1.0 <ref group=sound>Except for the second copy of {{cd|empty1}}, which is 0.9</ref>

{{Sound table
|sound=Fill water bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill water bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Fill water bucket3.ogg
|description=When a bucket is filled with water
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty water bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty water bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Empty water bucket3.ogg
|description=When a water bucket is emptied
{{Sound table
|sound=Water Splash Old.ogg
|description=When a water bucket is placed in a cauldron<wbr><ref group=sound name=bucketsplash>{{Bug|MCPE-135919}}</ref>
{{Sound table
|description=When a water bucket is removed from a cauldron<wbr><ref group=sound name=bucketsplash/>

==Data values==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Water Bucket

{{ID table
|displayname=Water Bucket
|aliasid=bucket / 8

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Tactical fishing;The Cutest Predator;Bukkit bukkit}}

{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100615|[[File:Water Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added water buckets.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.2.6|{{control|use|text=Using}} a water bucket on [[block]]s with GUIs ([[chest]]s, [[furnace]]s, etc.) no longer places the water.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Water buckets can now be used to fill [[cauldron]]s.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w15a|[[Dispenser]]s have now been given the ability to dispense water buckets. They can also collect if activated again.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w25a|A water bucket is now shown as the icon when [[water]] is used as a layer in [[Superflat]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w25b|[[Smelting]] a wet [[sponge]] while an empty bucket is in the fuel slot fills the bucket with water.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|A full [[cauldron]] can now be emptied with a bucket, yielding a water bucket.}}
{{History|||snap=15w50a|Added sounds for collecting and pouring water using a bucket.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to the ''[[Flattening]]'' this item's numerical ID was 326.}}
{{History|||snap=18w08b|Water buckets can now be used to pick up [[fish]] mobs.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Water Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of water buckets has now been changed.
|Water buckets can now suck up liquids directly adjacent to the side they are facing. How this works is unknown, given the water bucket clearly already contains a liquid.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Water buckets can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] fishing cottages.}}
{{History|||snap=19w02a|Water buckets can now be used to put out [[campfire]]s.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w51a|Water buckets can now be used to collect [[axolotl]]s.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|Water buckets can now be used to collect [[tadpole]]s.}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w45a|Water buckets can now be emptied into [[waterlogging|waterlogged]] blocks, instead of placing water against them.<ref>{{bug|MC-127110|||Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History|upcoming java}}
{{History||Villager Trade Rebalance<br>(Experimental)|link=Java Edition 1.20.2|snap=23w31a|[[Wandering trader]]s now have a chance to [[trading|buy]] a water bucket from the player.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Water Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added water buckets.
|Water buckets were simply called "Bucket".}}
{{History||v0.7.4|Water buckets no longer stack to 64.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Dispensers can now shoot out water from water buckets.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Water buckets can now be used to pick up [[fish mob]]s.
|Moved all bucket items, including water buckets, from the Equipment tab to the Items tab in the [[Creative inventory]].{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---please check snapshots, only 1 major release version was checked each--->}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Water Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of water buckets has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of water buckets has been changed from <code>bucket/8</code> to <code>water_bucket</code>.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Water buckets can now be used to collect [[axolotl]]s.}}
{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|Water buckets can now be used to collect [[tadpole]]s behind the "Wild Update" experimental toggle.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Water Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added water buckets.}}
{{History||xbox=TU9|[[Dispenser]]s have now been given the ability to shoot out the [[liquids]] inside water buckets. They can also suck up the liquids if activated again, but a bug prevents the empty [[bucket]] from being filled. Whether this was ever fixed is unknown.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Water Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of water buckets has now been changed.}}

{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Water Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added water buckets.}}

{{issue list}}

Water Bucket SDGP.png|Water bucket in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].



[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[pt:Balde de água]]
[[uk:Відро води]]
18w43aLore tag is now a text component.
Added CustomModelData tag to set custom item model with resource packs.
19w06aAdded BlockStateTag for item forms of blocks.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Banner|Banner]]<br/>{{for|the image|Banner (image)}}
| image = <gallery>
White Banner.gif | Banner
White Wall Banner.png | Wall Banner
| rarity = Common
| transparent = Yes
| light = No
| tool = axe
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (16)
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = Yes

'''Banners''' are tall decorative [[blocks]], featuring a field that is highly customizable using [[dye]]s and [[banner pattern]]s.

== Obtaining ==

=== Breaking ===

Banners can be broken with or without a [[tool]], but an [[axe]] is fastest.
{{breaking row|horizontal=1|Banners|Axe}}

A banner also breaks and drops itself as an [[Item (entity)|item]] if the block the banner is attached to is moved, removed, or destroyed.

=== Natural generation ===

{| class="wikitable collapsible"
! Name !! Location !! Appearance !! Design
! Magenta Banner
| Outside of [[end cities]].
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:End City Banner.png|32px]]
| Magenta Banner
* Black Inverted Chevron
* Black Chevron
! Gray Banner
| In banner room in [[woodland mansion]]s.
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:Gray Banner.png|32px]]
| Gray Banner
! Light Gray Banner
| In master bedroom in [[woodland mansion]]s.
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:Master Bedroom Banner.png|32px]]
| Light Gray Banner
* White Flower Charge
|- id="Ominous Banner"
! Ominous Banner{{only|java|short=1}} 
Illager Banner{{only|bedrock|education|short=1}}
| Carried by [[raid captain]]s.<br> Located in [[pillager outpost]]s.

{{IN|java}}, the ominous banner cannot be crafted or copied because the design uses 8 patterns.

{{IN|bedrock}}, the illager banner is a separate type that cannot be placed in a loom.
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:Ominous Banner.png|32px]]<br/>[[File:Ominous Banner BE.png|32px]]
| White Banner{{only|java|short=1}}
* Cyan Lozenge
* Light Gray Base
* Gray Pale
* Light Gray Bordure
* Black Fess
* Light Gray Per Fess
* Light Gray Roundel
* Black Bordure
Separate type entirely{{only|bedrock|short=1}}
! Brown Banner
| Outside of some houses, meeting points, and pillar fountains in savanna [[village]]s. 
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:Brown Banner.png|32px]]
| Brown Banner
! Black Banner
| In altar room in [[woodland mansions]].
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:Black Banner.png|32px]]
| Black Banner

=== Crafting ===

Banners can be crafted from six [[wool]] and a [[stick]] in a pattern resembling a [[sign]].
|A1=Matching Wool |B1=Matching Wool |C1=Matching Wool
|A2=Matching Wool |B2=Matching Wool |C2=Matching Wool
|Output=Matching Banner
|type=Decoration block
|description=Once the banner is crafted, its base color cannot be changed.{{only|java}}
|Any Banner
|Output=White Banner
|type=Decoration block
|description=Bleach can be used to remove the color of a banner, resulting in a white banner. This includes removing patterns from a white banner.{{only|bedrock|education}}

=== Trading ===
Expert-level cartographer [[villager]]s always offer to [[trading|sell]] 1 or 2 blank banners of a random color for 3 [[emeralds]]. Expert-level shepherd villagers have a {{frac|2|7}} chance of offering the same trade.{{only|java}}

{{IN|bedrock}}, expert-level cartographer and shepherd villagers both offer to sell one of 16 blank banners for 3 emeralds as part of their trades.

=== Mob loot ===

[[Illager]]s that spawn carrying an ominous banner{{only|java|short=1}} / illager banner{{only|bedrock|education|short=1}} always drop it upon death.

== Usage ==

[[File:Standing banner with block.png|thumb|upright|Overlapping block on a banner.]]
[[File:Wall banner with block.png|thumb|upright|Overlapping on a wall mounted banner.]]

There are 16 colored blank banners, and numerous patterns each available in each of the 16 colors. A banner can feature up to 6 different patterns. The top layer of a banner (or the last pattern added) can be washed off by {{control|using}} it on a [[cauldron]] containing water.

Banners, much like signs, can be placed both on the ground facing in any direction, or on a wall. They gently sway as if affected by a breeze, regardless of dimension or location. 

Banners have no collision mask as they are completely non-solid, so [[entities]] can move through them.

Other blocks (including other banners) can be placed on any edge of a banner's hitbox, which is only one block high despite the banner appearing as two blocks tall. This makes it possible to overlap another solid block on the top half of a banner for floor banners, or the bottom half of wall banners.

When a banner is placed on the side of a block, its position is set by the top block, and it is possible to place it so it appears half buried.

Banners can also be placed in [[item frame]]s, where they simply appear as their item model.

[[Water]] and [[lava]] flow around banners. {{IN|bedrock}}, banners can be [[waterlogged]].

File:Wall banner with water below.png| Water can be placed below wall banners
File:Water flowing around banner.png| Water flows around a banner on the ground

Lava can create [[fire]] in air blocks next to banners as if the banners were flammable, but the banners do not burn (and cannot be burned by other methods). Banners also cannot be moved by [[piston]]s.

If a banner is renamed on an [[anvil]], it retains its name when a pattern is added, but not when a pattern is removed.

=== Helmet ===
While a banner cannot be equipped in the [[Helmet|head slot]] in [[Survival]] mode, equipping it using commands causes it to appear on top of the player. This is how [[raid captain]]s wear banners{{only|java|short=1}}.

=== Chestplate ===
While a banner cannot be equipped in the [[chestplate]] slot in Survival mode, equipping it using NBT editors causes it to appear on top of the player. This is how [[raid captain]]s wear banners{{only|bedrock|education|short=1}}.
Steve wearing White Banner.png|
Alex wearing White Banner.png|
Pillager with Ominous Banner.png|
Vindicator with Ominous Banner.png|
Evoker with Ominous Banner.png|Illusioner with Ominous Banner.png|

=== Crafting ingredient ===

[[Shield]]s can have patterns applied to them using banners. The shield pattern has a smaller resolution than the banner pattern, causing them to look different or offset. Banners that have more than six patterns, such as Ominous Banners or banners obtained through inventory editors, will be reduced to six patterns on the shield.

|Matching Banner; Ominous Banner
|Output=Matching Shield; Ominous Shield
|description=Applies the banner pattern to the shield. The banner is consumed.<br>The shield must have no pre-existing patterns.<br>Does not change existing durability or enchantments on the shield.

=== Copying ===

Banners can be copied with a blank banner to make multiple identical banners. Banners with more than 6 patterns applied using commands cannot be copied in this manner.

|Matching Banner
|Matching Banner
|Output=Matching Banner
|type=Decoration block
|description=Copies pattern; both banners must have the same base color, and the one having a pattern copied onto it must have no preexisting pattern.

=== Map marker ===
[[File:Banner marked map.png|alt=All banners marked on a map, alongside a named banner.|thumb|right|How every banner appears {{IN|java}} on a map, including named banners.]]

{{IN|java}}, {{control|using}} on a standing banner with a [[map]] selected places a marker of the banner's position on the selected map, and {{control|using}} on the banner again removes the marker. Note that wall banners cannot serve as map markers. The marker has the same color as the banner's base without decorations. The marker is removed if the banner is destroyed unless the map is locked using a [[cartography table]]. If the banner is renamed, the name appears below the marker.

=== Patterns ===
{{see also|Banner/Patterns|title1=List of patterned banners}}
[[File:Spawned-in Banner.png|thumb|100px|Example of a banner with more than 6 patterns, a result of using the {{cmd|give}} command.]]

A banner may have up to six layers of patterns, which are overlaid with the last-crafted on top. A banner can have up to 16 layers of patterns with the use of commands. The total number of unique banners is approximately 2.3x10^16 (or 23 quadrillion).

Any color banner can be used; the pattern overlays the color. {{IN|java}}, a [[loom]] is used to make patterns. However, {{in|bedrock}}, the patterns can be made in a [[loom]] or a [[crafting table]].

A banner can have more than six layers of patterns through the commands <code>/[[Commands/give|give]]</code>, <code>/[[Commands/setblock|setblock]]</code> or <code>/[[Commands/fill|fill]]</code>. This only works in ''Java Edition'', as Bedrock Edition doesn't have any NBT commands. Here is an example of a mining banner with seven different patterns. There is specific codes for the [[Banner#Item data:~:text=white-,Item,-In Java Edition|colors]] and [[Banner/Patterns|patterns]] that you have to input. 

<code><nowiki>/give @p white_banner{display:{Name:"\"Mining Industries Banner\""},BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Pattern:"cr",Color:15},{Pattern:"bs",Color:15},{Pattern:"sc",Color:12},{Pattern:"ms",Color:0},{Pattern:"hh",Color:15},{Pattern:"bo",Color:15},{Pattern:"tts",Color:8}]}} 1</code>

{{LoadPage|Template:Banner pattern loom recipes|Loom recipes|h4}}
{{LoadPage|Banner/Banner pattern crafting recipes|Crafting recipes|h4|transcluded=1}}

=== Renaming ===
{{IN|java}}, a banner can be given a custom name that remains as the banner is placed and retrieved. The player can use an [[anvil]] to rename the banner item, or may change the <code>CustomName</code> tag using the {{cmd|data}} command on the banner block.

=== Fuel ===
Banners can be used as a fuel in [[furnace]]s, smelting 1.5 items per banner.

=== Note Blocks ===
Banners can be placed under [[note block]]s to produce "bass" sounds.

== Sounds ==
=== Generic ===
{{Sound table/Block/Wood}}
=== Unique ===
{{edition|java}}: ''None''

{{Sound table
|sound=Water Splash Old.ogg
|description=When all patterns are removed from a banner using a cauldron

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=White Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Orange Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Magenta Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Blue Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Yellow Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Lime Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Pink Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Gray Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Gray Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Cyan Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Purple Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Blue Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Brown Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Green Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Red Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Black Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=White Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Orange Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Magenta Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Blue Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Yellow Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Lime Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Pink Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Gray Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Gray Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Cyan Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Purple Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Blue Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Brown Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Green Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Red Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Black Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity

{{ID table
|translationkey=tile.standing_banner.black.name, tile.standing_banner.red.name, tile.standing_banner.green.name, tile.standing_banner.brown.name, tile.standing_banner.blue.name, tile.standing_banner.purple.name, tile.standing_banner.cyan.name, tile.standing_banner.silver.name, tile.standing_banner.gray.name, tile.standing_banner.pink.name, tile.standing_banner.lime.name, tile.standing_banner.yellow.name, tile.standing_banner.lightBlue.name, tile.standing_banner.magenta.name, tile.standing_banner.orange.name, tile.standing_banner.white.name
{{ID table
{{ID table
|translationkey=item.banner.black.name, item.banner.red.name, item.banner.green.name, item.banner.brown.name, item.banner.blue.name, item.banner.purple.name, item.banner.cyan.name, item.banner.silver.name, item.banner.gray.name, item.banner.pink.name, item.banner.lime.name, item.banner.yellow.name, item.banner.lightBlue.name, item.banner.magenta.name, item.banner.orange.name, item.banner.white.name
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity

=== Metadata ===
==== Item ====
{{IN|Bedrock}}, banner items use the following data values:
{| class="wikitable"
! DV !! Banner color
|| 0 || black
|| 1 || red
|| 2 || green
|| 3 || brown
|| 4 || blue
|| 5 || purple
|| 6 || cyan
|| 7 || light gray
|| 8 || gray
|| 9 || pink
|| 10 || lime
|| 11 || yellow
|| 12 || light blue
|| 13 || magenta
|| 14 || orange
|| 15 || white

=== Item ===
{{IN|Java}}, banner items use the following data values:
{| class="wikitable"
! DV !! Banner color
|| 15 || black
|| 14 || red
|| 13 || green
|| 12 || brown
|| 11 || blue
|| 10 || purple
|| 9 || cyan
|| 8 || light gray
|| 7 || gray
|| 6 || pink
|| 5 || lime
|| 4 || yellow
|| 3 || light blue
|| 2 || magenta
|| 1 || orange
|| 0 || white

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

=== Block data ===

A banner has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block. 

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format]].

{{see also|Block entity format}}

=== Item data ===

{{main|Player.dat format}}
Banners, as items, use an NBT tag <code>BlockEntityTag</code> to indicate the patterns and details when it is placed.

<div class="treeview" style="margin-top: 0;">
* {{nbt|compound|Item}}: The item
** {{nbt|compound|tag}}: Additional information about the item. This tag is optional for most items.
*** {{nbt|compound|BlockEntityTag}}: The details of the shulker box.
**** All block data, except tags common to all block entities.

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Fruit on the Loom}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Voluntary Exile}}

== History ==
{{info needed section|The Nether Update}}
{{History||1.8|snap=July 21, 2014|slink=https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/491238882789572608|[[Jeb]] posted a picture of banners, and stated that he is working on them.}}
{{History|||snap=14w30a|[[File:White Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Light Gray Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Gray Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Black Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Brown Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Red Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Orange Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Yellow Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Lime Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Green Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Cyan Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Light Blue Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Blue Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Purple Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Magenta Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Pink Banner Revision 1.png|22px]] Added banners.}}
{{History|||snap=14w30c|Added four additional patterns: Cross (+), Border, Curly Border and Thing (Mojang logo).}}
{{History|||snap=14w31a|Added two additional patterns: Inverted Halves and Base Gradient.
|The banner pattern terminology has been changed based on vexillology advice [[Jeb]] received from [http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/2bkxej/i_made_a_huge_mistake_banners/ his Reddit post].
|Banners can now be used as a [[fuel]] in [[furnace]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.8|snap=pre|The number of layers attainable by using [[commands]] is now limited to 16 per banner.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|[[File:End City Banner.png|17px]] Magenta banners with a black chevron and inverted chevron are now naturally generated on the outside walls of [[end city|end cities]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w33c|Banners can be used to apply patterns to [[shield]]s.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w33a|Banners now require a [[dye]] when applying a pattern that uses a non-dye [[item]], such as a [[mob head|creeper head]] or [[golden apple|enchanted golden apple]]. Previously, the lack of a dye would have applied the black variant of the pattern.}}
{{History|||snap=16w39a|Black and gray banners, and light gray banners with a white flower charge are now naturally generated in rooms of [[woodland mansion]]s.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=January 24, 2017|slink={{tweet|jeb_|823817090511601664}}|[[Jeb]] tweets a screenshot of the changes to the banner color palette.}}
{{History|||snap=17w06a|[[File:White Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Black Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Brown Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Red Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Orange Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Yellow Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Lime Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Green Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Cyan Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Purple Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Magenta Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Pink Banner.png|17px]] Changed banners' [[tint]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=pre6|"Chief fess" and "base fess" banners are now just "chief" and "base" banners.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The colors for the <code>banner</code>, <code>wall_banner</code> and <code>standing_banner</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[block]]s' numeral IDs were 176 and 177, and the [[item]]'s 425.}}
{{History|||snap=18w10a|{{control|Using}} a [[map]] on a banner now mark the spot of the banner on the map.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[Loom]]s have been added to help the [[player]] edit banners more easily.
|All recipes for banner patterns have been removed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w45a|[[File:Ominous Banner Revision 1.png|17px]] Added [[illager patrol]]s, where the leader of an illager patrol carries an [[illager]] banner.}}
{{History|||snap=18w46a|[[File:Ominous Banner.png|17px]] The pattern of [[illager]] banner now has a black border.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Cartographer and shepherd [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] banners.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-Release 2|"Illager Banners" have been renamed to "Ominous Banners".}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w46a|The unused "base" pattern has been renamed to the "field" pattern and given proper translation strings (its ID is still "base").}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w43a|The ominous banner is now available in the Creative inventory.}}

{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|[[File:White Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Black Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Brown Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Red Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Orange Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Yellow Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Lime Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Green Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Cyan Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Purple Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Magenta Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Pink Banner.png|17px]] Added banners.
|[[File:End City Banner.png|17px]] Magenta banners with a black chevron and inverted chevron are now naturally generated on the outside walls of [[end city|end cities]].
|Black and gray banners, and light gray banners with a white flower charge are now naturally generated in rooms of [[woodland mansion]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|The white banner can now be crafted from a colored banner and [[bleach]], which also removes all patterns, if used on a white banner.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[Loom]]s have been added to help the [[player]] edit banners more easily.
|Brown banners now generate in new [[savanna]] [[village]]s.
|Black banners now generate in [[pillager outpost]] watchtowers.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Gray banners now generate in pillager outpost watchtowers, instead of black banners.
|[[File:Ominous Banner BE.png|17px]] Added [[illager captain]]s, which drop an [[illager]] banner upon [[death]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Illager banners now generate in [[pillager outpost]] watchtowers, instead of gray banners.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Banners can now be [[trading|bought]] from cartographer and shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Banners can now be used to customise [[shield]]s.}}

{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|switch=1.0.1|[[File:White Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Light Gray Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Gray Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Black Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Brown Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Red Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Orange Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Yellow Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Lime Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Green Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Cyan Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Light Blue Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Blue Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Purple Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Magenta Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Pink Banner Revision 1.png|22px]] Added banners.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|switch=1.0.1|[[File:End City Banner.png|17px]] Magenta banners with a black chevron and inverted chevron are now naturally generated on the outside walls of [[end city|end cities]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|[[File:White Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Black Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Brown Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Red Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Orange Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Yellow Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Lime Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Green Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Cyan Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Purple Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Magenta Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Pink Banner.png|17px]] Changed banners' [[tint]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[Loom]]s have been added to help the [[player]] edit banners more easily.}}
{{History||ps=1.91|[[File:Ominous Banner BE.png|17px]] Added [[illager]] banners, which generate with [[pillager outpost]]s and are [[drops|dropped]] by [[illager captain]]s upon [[death]].}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* With 16 blank banners, 38 patterns of 16 colors each (608 uniquely-colored patterns), and 0 to 6 patterns per banner, the number of uniquely crafted banners is 16 × (608<sup>0</sup> + 608<sup>1</sup> + 608<sup>2</sup> + 608<sup>3</sup> + 608<sup>4</sup> + 608<sup>5</sup> + 608<sup>6</sup>) ≈ 809 quadrillion - 809 with 15 zeros (809,573,616,779,945,488). The number of visually distinct banners is smaller, because one or more patterns may completely cover other patterns, or the entire banner, or be duplicated due to the symmetric set of patterns (e.g. field or (yellow) + per pale azure (blue) = field azure + per pale or inverted).
** Not 38 patterns are available on BE, but 40 patterns of 16 colors each (640 uniquely-colored patterns), so the number is even greater. 16 × (640<sup>0</sup> + 640<sup>1</sup> + 640<sup>2</sup> + 640<sup>3</sup> + 640<sup>4</sup> + 640<sup>5</sup> + 640<sup>6</sup>) ≈ 1 quintillion - 1 with 18 zeros (1,101,232,303,249,827,856). This increases the number by almost 1.4 times, or almost 292 quadrillion, despite the addition of only 2 patterns.
* If a banner has over 6 patterns, only the six bottom-most patterns are displayed when hovered over in the [[inventory]].
* The Mojang logo is called "Thing" in-game, which could be considered an alternate translation for [[wiktionary:mojäng|mojäng]]. If [[wikipedia:Google Translate|Google Translate]] is used, it translates to "thingys" or "contraption".
** In the Swedish translation of the game, this pattern is, in fact, called ''mojäng''.
* [[List of block textures#Banner Textures|Banner textures]] are located in \assets\minecraft\textures\entity\banner.
** There are 40 monochrome textures, each containing all 6 sides of the banner.
** The texture of the back side is the mirrored texture of the front side.
** Compared to the texture files, textures' colors are inverted in-game due to them acting as masks for the re-colored base texture, base.png. That means white is visible, while black is transparent.
* Banners that have the purple NBT+ line in the bottom (obtained by holding Ctrl and middle-clicking the banner, which also copies the NBT [[tag]] of anything that the player points their crosshair to) actually have no difference with the base banner obtained by middle click.
*The Illager Banner in Bedrock Edition is available as a separate item but is just a second variant of the white banner.
**Standard variant of white banner is set to type 0.
**Illager variant is set to type 1.

== Gallery ==
Banners Jeb.png|The first image of banners, as tweeted by Jens Bergensten.
Iceland and Norway Flags.png|Another banner image from Jeb.
Searge Banners.png|Several banners made by Searge.
The Bountiful Update.png|Banners in the official 1.8 poster.
BannersBeforeAndAfter.png|An image, tweeted by Jeb, showcasing the changes he made to the banner color palette in the 1.12 update.
Gradients Overlay.png|The result of using gradient different numbers of times, each time increasing the level of gradient by 1.
All positions and rotations of a banner.png|All positions and rotations of a banner
Item Frame with Banner.png|A banner with the [[Mojang]] logo in an [[item frame]].
EndCityBanners.png|Banners floating outside of an [[End city]] tower.
Woodland mansion 1x2 d1.png|Banners hanging above the doorway of a [[woodland mansion]] master bedroom.
Replaceitembanner.png|Banner put in the helmet slot by using the command {{cmd|replaceitem}}{{Only|BE}} or {{cmd|item replace}}{{Only|JE}}.
Better Together Banners.jpg|Banners in ''Bedrock Edition''.
Better Together Banner Crafting 1.jpg|A banner in the hand.
Better Together Banner Crafting 2.jpg|A banner in the inventory.
Better Together Banner Crafting 3.jpg|A banner in the crafting grid.
Better Together Banner Crafting 4.jpg|A banner being given a pattern.

=== Renders ===
Ominous Banner.gif
White Banner.gif
Light Gray Banner.gif
Gray Banner.gif
Black Banner.gif
Brown Banner.gif
Red Banner.gif
Orange Banner.gif
Yellow Banner.gif
Lime Banner.gif
Green Banner.gif
Cyan Banner.gif
Light Blue Banner.gif
Blue Banner.gif
Purple Banner.gif
Magenta Banner.gif
Pink Banner.gif
Ominous Wall Banner.png| 
White Wall Banner.png| 
Light Gray Wall Banner.png| 
Gray Wall Banner.png| 
Black Wall Banner.png| 
Brown Wall Banner.png| 
Red Wall Banner.png| 
Orange Wall Banner.png| 
Yellow Wall Banner.png| 
Lime Wall Banner.png| 
Green Wall Banner.png| 
Cyan Wall Banner.png| 
Light Blue Wall Banner.png| 
Blue Wall Banner.png| 
Purple Wall Banner.png| 
Magenta Wall Banner.png| 
Pink Wall Banner.png

File:Ominous Banner.gif|Ominous banner pattern in Java Edition.
File:Ominous Banner BE.gif|Illager banner pattern in Bedrock Edition.
File:Ominous Banner Revision 1.gif|Old Ominous banner pattern.
File:Ominous Banner washing.gif|Washing with cauldron shows how to apply the ominous banner pattern.

=== [[Lego Minecraft]] Banners ===
File:Lego Red Creeper Banner Collage.jpg|Lego banners from 21127 and 21131
File:Lego Melon Banner.png|Lego banner from 21138
File:Lego Fish Banner.png|Lego banner from 21142
File:Lego Beetroot Banner.png|Lego banner from 21144
File:Lego Wheat Banner.png|Another lego banner from 21144
File:Lego Carrot Banner.png|A third lego banner from 21144
File:Lego Crossbones Banner.png|Lego banner from 21152
File:Lego Green Creeper Banner Collage.jpg|Lego banners from 21155
File:Lego Ominous Banner.png|Lego ominous banner from 21160

== References ==


[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]
[[Category:Manufactured blocks]]
[[Category:Block entities]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]

[[zh:旗帜]]</li><li>[[Trial Key|Trial Key]]<br/>{{Item|
|image=Trial Key .webp
|stackable=Yes (64)
{{in dev|java|bedrock|1.21|1.21.0}}

A '''Trial Key''' is an item found in [[Trial Chambers]].

Its functionality remained a mystery for a pretty good time, but on the Minecraft Monthly of January 2024, it has been revealed to open vaults, which once opened will drop an item. It's still unknown what will the loot be, but was seen dispensing the following:
Enchanted iron helmet, enchanted iron leggings, enchanted crossbow, enchanted diamond chestplate, iron, gold and diamond horse armour, enchanted golden apple, saddle, enchanted diamond axe, enchanted iron pickaxe and enchanted iron Shovel. 

The trial key can currently be obtained from trial spawners (50%), or from pots and chests (8%).


[[ja:Trial Key]]
20w27aAdded Flag 64 to HideFlags to hide "Dyed" on leather armor.[3]
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Honeycomb|Honeycomb]]<br/>{{distinguish|Honeycomb Block}}
| image = Honeycomb.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Honeycombs''' are [[item]]s obtained from [[bee nest]]s and beehives.

== Obtaining ==
{{See also|Tutorials/Honey farming}}
When a bee nest or beehive at {{cd|honey_level}} 5 is [[shear]]ed, it drops 3 honeycombs and angers any [[bee]]s inside, causing them to attack. Having a lit [[campfire]] or lighting a [[fire]] underneath the nest or hive prevents the bees from becoming hostile.

A [[dispenser]] with [[shears]] inside can be used to shear the nest or hive without angering the bees. A honeycomb item drops out after using the shears.

== Usage ==

=== Signs ===

{{Control|Using}} a honeycomb on a [[sign]] or a hanging sign prevents the sign from being edited.

=== Waxing ===
{{Control|Using}} a honeycomb on a [[block of copper]] changes the block into its waxed variant, preventing oxidation of the copper.

=== Crafting ingredient ===
{{crafting usage}}

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Beehive shear.ogg
|subtitle=Shears scrape
|description=When honeycombs are collected from a beehive
{{Sound table
|sound=Wax on1.ogg
|sound2=Wax on2.ogg
|sound3=Wax on3.ogg
|subtitle=Wax on
|description=When a honeycomb waxes something

{{Sound table
|sound=Beehive shear.ogg
|description=When honeycombs are collected from a beehive
{{Sound table
|sound=Wax on1.ogg
|sound2=Wax on2.ogg
|sound3=Wax on3.ogg
|description=When a honeycomb waxes something

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Wax on;Wax off}}

== History ==
{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|[[File:Honeycomb JE1.png|32px]] Added honeycombs.
|Honeycombs can be used to craft [[beehive]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=19w41a|Honeycombs can now be used to craft [[honeycomb block]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 3|[[File:Honeycomb texture change 1.15pre2 to 1.15pre3.gif|32px]] The texture file of honeycombs has been slightly changed. The color channel of transparent pixels are now filled to black. The in-game texture has not been changed.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Honeycomb can now be used to craft [[candle]]s and [[waxed copper]].}}
{{History|||snap=21w11a|Honeycomb can now be used to wax copper blocks by right clicking or dispensing honeycomb onto the block.}}
{{History|||snap=21w14a|Honeycomb can now be used to wax oxidized copper blocks.}}
{{History|||snap=21w19a|Honeycomb can no longer used to craft candles.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Honeycomb can once again used to craft candles.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|[[Sign]]s and hanging signs can now be waxed with honeycomb to prevent them from being edited.}}

{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|[[File:Honeycomb BE1.png|32px]] Added honeycombs.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Honeycomb BE2.png|32px]] The texture of honeycombs has been changed to match {{el|je}}'s.}}
{{History||Caves & Cliffs (experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.17.0|snap=beta|Honeycomb can now be used to craft [[waxed copper]].
|Honeycomb can now be used to wax copper blocks by right clicking or dispensing honeycomb onto the block.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Honeycomb can now be used to wax oxidized copper blocks.}}
{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|Honeycomb can now be used to craft [[candle]]s.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.80|snap=beta|[[Sign]]s and hanging signs can now be waxed with honeycomb to prevent them from being edited.}}


== Issues ==
{{issue list}}


[[cs:Plástev medu]]
[[fr:Rayon de miel]]
[[ko:벌집 조각]]
[[pl:Plaster miodu]]
[[pt:Favo de mel]]
[[ru:Пчелиные соты]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Raw Iron|Raw Iron]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Raw Iron.png
| renewable = No
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Raw iron''' is a raw metal resource obtained from mining [[iron ore]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Mining ===
[[Iron ore]] and [[deepslate iron ore]] mined with a [[stone pickaxe]] or higher drops 1 unit of raw iron. If the pickaxe is enchanted with [[Fortune]], it can drop an extra unit per level of Fortune, allowing for a maximum of 4 with Fortune III. If the ore is mined using a pickaxe enchanted with [[Silk Touch]], it drops the ore block instead.

=== Crafting ===
|Block of Raw Iron
|Output=Raw Iron,9

== Usage ==
The primary usage of raw iron is smelting it into [[iron ingot]]s.

=== Crafting ===
{{crafting usage}}

=== Smelting ingredient ===
|Raw Iron
|Iron Ingot

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Iron

{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Iron

== History ==
{{History||1.17|snap=21w14a|[[File:Raw Iron JE1.png|32px]] Added raw iron.}}
{{History|||snap=April 13, 2021|slink={{Tweet|JasperBoerstra|1381991999952277513}}|[[File:Raw Iron JE2.png|32px]] [[JAPPA]] shows a new raw iron texture.}}
{{History|||snap=21w15a|[[File:Raw Iron JE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw iron has been changed.
|Raw iron can now be used to craft [[block of raw iron]].}}
{{History|||snap=April 16, 2021|slink={{Tweet|JasperBoerstra|1383047666037325829}}|[[File:Raw Iron (pre-release).png|32px]] [[JAPPA]] shows a new raw iron texture again.}}
{{History|||snap=21w16a|[[File:Raw Iron JE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw iron has been changed.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Raw Iron JE2.png|32px]] Added raw iron.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Raw iron are now available without enabling [[experimental gameplay]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Raw Iron JE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw iron has been changed.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

JE 1.17 Dev Raw Metals.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 1.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 2.png|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 3.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 4.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 5.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.


[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]

[[es:Hierro en bruto]]
[[fr:Fer brut]]
[[it:Ferro grezzo]]
[[pl:Surowe żelazo]]
[[pt:Ferro bruto]]
[[ru:Необработанное железо]]
[[uk:Необроблене залізо]]
Pre-release 1Enchantments[].lvl tag is now read as short and clamped between 0 and 255.[4]
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Chalkboard|Chalkboard]]<br/>{{Education feature}}
Chalkboard Slate.png|Slate
Chalkboard Poster.png|Poster
Chalkboard Board.png|Board
|stackable=Yes (16)
A '''chalkboard''' is a [[block]] that can display more text than a [[sign]].<ref>https://education.minecraft.net/support/knowledge-base/using-slates-posters-boards/</ref> Three sizes are available: 1×1 (slate), 2×1 (poster), and 3×2 (board).

== Obtaining ==
In ''[[Education Edition]]'', chalkboards can be obtained in the [[Creative inventory]] or through the {{cmd|give}} command.
In ''[[Bedrock Edition]]'', chalkboards cannot be obtained by commands or the creative inventory, and can only be obtained by using glitches or inventory editors.

== Usage ==
A chalkboard can be used similarly to a [[sign]], to display text. Once placed, select the chalkboard and enter the desired text and click the "OK" button. The "×" in the upper right corner of the board closes the edit screen.

=== Placement ===
Chalkboards may be placed on the top or side of other blocks (including non-solid blocks like [[fence]]s, [[glass]], [[rail]]s, and other chalkboards). To place a chalkboard, {{control|use}} a chalkboard item while pointing at the block the chalkboard should be attached to. To place a chalkboard on a block that can be interacted with by the {{control|use}} control (for example, [[chest]]s, [[note block]]s, etc.), {{control|sneak}} while placing the chalkboard.

1×1 slates placed on the top of a block stand on a short post, facing in the direction of the player who placed it, in any of 16 different directions. 2×1 posters and 2×3 boards can be placed in any of 4 different directions. Chalkboards placed on the side of a block simply float there, even if the block doesn't make contact with the chalkboards.

=== Text ===
When entering text, six lines of text are available for the slates and posters, while fifteen lines of text are available for the 2×3 boards. To switch between lines, the player can press Enter or the up/down arrow keys. The location of text currently selected has a flashing cursor.

While editing, typing and backspacing can occur at any point in the line by moving the cursor using the left and right arrow keys. Once the end of the line has been reached, the word is hyphenated and is continued on the next line.

After the editing window is closed, right-clicking on a chalkboard reopens the editing menu. Copy and paste can be performed, and no more than the basic/shifted keyboard characters may be entered.

=== Interaction ===
Chalkboards act as though they have a {{control|use}} action, so {{control|sneaking}} is required to place blocks or use items while the cursor is pointed at them.

Unlike signs, boards block a [[piston]] from moving.

Boards have no collision box (they are completely non-solid), so [[item]]s and [[mob]]s can move through boards blocks. Other blocks (including other boards) can be placed on any edge of a board.

[[Water]] and [[lava]] flow around boards. Lava can create [[fire]] in [[air]] blocks next to boards as if the boards were flammable, but the boards do not burn.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Block/Stone/BE}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|translationkey=tile.chalkboard.oneByOne.name, tile.chalkboard.twoByOne.name, tile.chalkboard.threeByTwo.name}}
{{ID table
|translationkey=tile.chalkboard.oneByOne.name, tile.chalkboard.twoByOne.name, tile.chalkboard.threeByTwo.name

=== Metadata ===
{{see also|Data values}}
Chalkboards uses the following data values:

*Slate: 1
*Board: 2
*Poster: 3

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}
{{info needed}}

== History ==
{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Chalkboard Slate.png|32px]] [[File:Chalkboard Poster.png|32px]] [[File:Chalkboard Board.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Chalkboard_Slate_(item)_BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chalkboard_Poster_(item)_BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chalkboard_Board_(item)_BE1.png|32px]] Added chalkboards, likely as an accidental addition.
|Chalkboards can be obtained and placed using the {{cmd|give}} and {{cmd|setblock}} [[command]]s respectively. However, they serve no purpose.}}
{{History|||snap=build 2|Chalkboards have now been removed. However, the textures still exist.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Re-added chalkboards. They still exist as entities, but can't be spawned. The items can't be spawned either.}}
{{h||1.17.30|snap=beta|Chalkboards can now be placed consistently.}} 

{{History||MinecraftEdu|link=MinecraftEdu|[[File:Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png|30px]] [[MinecraftEdu]], Education Edition's predecessor, had "[[Big Sign]]s", 3 block wide signs that served a similar purpose.}}
{{History||1.0|[[File:Chalkboard Slate.png|32px]] [[File:Chalkboard Poster.png|32px]] [[File:Chalkboard Board.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Chalkboard_Slate_(item)_BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chalkboard_Poster_(item)_BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chalkboard_Board_(item)_BE1.png|32px]] Added chalkboards.}}
{{History||1.0.2|The UI of chalkboards now has a locked option.
|[[Player|Students]] now can place their own chalkboards even without a worldbuilder ability.}}

== Gallery ==
Education Edition Exclusive Features.png|The chalkboard placed in a world along with other Education Edition features.
Chalkboardsingamepe.png|The chalkboard in [[Pocket Edition v0.16.0 alpha build 1]].

== References ==

{{Education Edition}}

[[Category:Utility blocks]]
[[Category:Block entities]]
[[Category:Education Edition blocks]]
[[Category:Education Edition items]]

[[pl:Tablica kredowa]]
| image = <gallery>
Leather Boots.png | Leather
Chainmail Boots.png | Chainmail
Iron Boots.png | Iron
Diamond Boots.png | Diamond
Golden Boots.png | Golden
Netherite Boots.png | Netherite
| durability = 
* Leather: 65
* Chainmail: 195
* Iron: 195
* Golden: 91
* Diamond: 429
* Netherite: 481
| renewable = 
* '''Netherite''': No
* '''All others''': Yes
| stackable = No
'''Boots''' are a type of [[armor]] that covers the feet of the player. There are six types of boots: '''leather boots''', '''chainmail boots''', '''iron boots''', '''diamond boots''', '''gold boots''', and '''netherite boots'''.

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

  |A2= Leather;Gold Ingot;Iron Ingot;Diamond
  |C2= Leather;Gold Ingot;Iron Ingot;Diamond
  |A3= Leather;Gold Ingot;Iron Ingot;Diamond
  |C3= Leather;Gold Ingot;Iron Ingot;Diamond
  |Output= Leather Boots;Golden Boots;Iron Boots;Diamond Boots
  |type= Combat
  |ingredients=Damaged Matching [[Boots]]
  |Damaged Leather Boots; Damaged Golden Boots; Damaged Chainmail Boots; Damaged Iron Boots; Damaged Diamond Boots; Damaged Netherite Boots
  |Damaged Leather Boots; Damaged Golden Boots; Damaged Chainmail Boots; Damaged Iron Boots; Damaged Diamond Boots; Damaged Netherite Boots
  |Output= Leather Boots; Golden Boots; Chainmail Boots; Iron Boots; Diamond Boots; Netherite Boots
  |description= The durability of the two boots is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.
  |type= Combat

=== Upgrading ===
|Netherite Upgrade
|Diamond Boots
|Netherite Ingot
|Netherite Boots

=== Repairing ===
==== Grinding ====
|ingredients=2x Damaged [[Leather Boots]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Chainmail Boots]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Iron Boots]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Golden Boots]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Diamond Boots]]  or<br>2x Damaged [[Netherite Boots]]
|Damaged Leather Boots; Damaged Chainmail Boots; Damaged Iron Boots; Damaged Golden Boots; Damaged Diamond Boots; Damaged Netherite Boots
|Damaged Leather Boots; Damaged Chainmail Boots; Damaged Iron Boots; Damaged Golden Boots; Damaged Diamond Boots; Damaged Netherite Boots
|Leather Boots; Chainmail Boots; Iron Boots; Golden Boots; Diamond Boots; Netherite Boots
|description=The durability of the two boots are added together, plus an extra 5% durability.

==== Anvil ====
Boots can be repaired in an [[Anvil mechanics#Unit repair|anvil]] by adding units of the [[armor material]]'s repair material, with each repair material restoring 25% of the boots' maximum durability, rounded down. Chainmail boots may also be repaired in this way using iron ingots.

They can also be [[Anvil mechanics#Combining items|combined]] with other boots. When doing this, the item's enchantments are not lost, and can even be raised.

==== Crafting ====
You can craft two sets of boots together using a crafting table, but enchantments are removed.

=== Mob loot ===

If a [[zombie]], [[husk]], [[stray]], [[piglin]], or [[skeleton]] is wearing armor, there is a 8.5% chance (9.5% with Looting I, 10.5% with Looting II and 11.5% with Looting III) for the mob to drop boots upon death. The boots are usually badly damaged, and may be enchanted.
[[File:Zombie With Boots.png|alt=Zombie is shown wearing boots|thumb|Zombie is shown wearing full iron armor set, including boots.]]

{{IN|bedrock}}, [[vindicator]]s and [[pillager]]s that spawn in [[raid]]s have a chance to drop iron boots, which are usually badly damaged and have a 50% chance to be enchanted.

=== Chest loot ===


=== Trading ===
{{IN|java}}, novice-level armorer [[villager]]s have 40% chance to sell iron boots for 4 [[emerald]]s. Apprentice-level armorers have a 50% chance to sell chainmail boots for an [[emerald]]. Expert-level armorers always sell enchanted<ref group="note" name="enchantment" /> diamond boots for 11–27 [[emerald]]s. Apprentice-level leatherworker [[villager]]s have {{frac|2|3}} chance to sell leather boots for 4 [[emerald]]s.

Armorer [[villager]]s may give the players with the [[Hero of the Village]] effect chainmail boots.{{only|java}}

{{IN|bedrock}}, novice-level armorer villagers have a 25% chance to sell iron boots for 4 emeralds. Apprentice-level armorers have a {{frac|1|3}} chance to sell chainmail boots for an emerald. Expert-level armorers have a 50% chance to sell enchanted<ref group="note" name="enchantment">When creating an enchantment offer, the game uses a random enchantment level from 5 – 19. The enchantments are never treasure enchantments.</ref> diamond boots for 8 emeralds. Apprentice-level leatherworker villagers have a 50% chance to sell leather boots for 4 emeralds.


=== Bartering ===
[[Piglin]]s may [[bartering|barter]] iron boots with [[Soul Speed]] when given a [[gold ingot]].

=== Fishing ===

Leather boots can be caught as a "junk" item when [[fishing]].

== Usage ==

Boots can be placed in the fourth armor slot of a player's [[inventory]] for activation.

=== Defense points ===

Defense points are each signified by half of a chestplate in the armor bar above the health bar. Each defense point reduces any damage dealt to the player that is absorbed by armor by 4%, increasing additively with the number of defense points. Different materials and combinations of armor provide different levels of defense.

The following table shows the amount of defense points added by boots.

{| class="wikitable" data-description="Boots defense points"
!scope="col" | Material
!scope="col" | Defense points
!scope="row" | Leather
| rowspan="3" | {{armor|1}}
!scope="row" | Golden
!scope="row" | Chainmail
!scope="row" | Iron
| {{armor|2}}
!scope="row" | Diamond
| rowspan="2" | {{armor|3}}
!scope="row" | Netherite

=== Knockback resistance ===
Netherite boots provide 10% knockback resistance.

=== Durability ===

The following table shows the amount of damage each piece of armor can absorb before being destroyed.

Any "hit" from a damage source that can be blocked by armor removes one point of durability from each piece of armor worn for every {{hp|4}} of incoming damage (rounded down, but never below 1). Damage taken that armor doesn't protect (such as [[Damage#Fall damage|falling]] or [[Damage#Drowning|drowning]]) does not damage the armor, even if it is enchanted to protect against that type of damage. The following chart displays how many hits boots can endure.

Netherite armor is not damaged by [[lava]] or [[fire]] when worn.

{| class="wikitable" data-description="Boots durability"
! Material
!scope="row" | Leather
| 65
!scope="row" | Golden
| 91
!scope="row" | Chainmail/Iron
| 195
!scope="row" | Diamond
| 429
!scope="row" | Netherite
| 481

=== Enchantments ===
Boots can receive the following [[enchantment]]s:
{| class="wikitable"
! Enchantment !! Max Level !! Notes
| [[Fire Protection]] || IV || <ref group=note name=exclusive>Fire Protection, Blast Protection, Projectile Protection and Protection are mutually exclusive.</ref>
| [[Projectile Protection]] || IV || <ref group=note name="exclusive"/>
| [[Blast Protection]] || IV || <ref group=note name="exclusive"/>
| [[Protection]] || IV || <ref group=note name="exclusive"/>
| [[Feather Falling]] || IV ||
| [[Unbreaking]] || III ||
| [[Thorns]] || III || <ref group="note" name="anvil">Only from using an [[anvil]] and [[enchanted book]]s.</ref>
| [[Depth Strider]] || III || <ref group=note name=exclusive2>Frost Walker and Depth Strider are mutually exclusive.</ref>
| [[Soul Speed]] || III || <ref group=note name="anvil">Only from using an [[anvil]] and [[enchanted book]]s.</ref>
| [[Frost Walker]] || II || <ref group=note name=exclusive2 /><ref group="note" name="anvil2">Only from using an [[anvil]] and [[enchanted book]]s, or by finding enchanted boots in an [[End city]] chest.</ref>
| [[Mending]] || I || <ref group=note name="anvil2" />
| [[Curse of Binding]] || I || <ref group="note" name="anvil2"/>
| [[Curse of Vanishing]] || I || <ref group="note" name="anvil2"/>

=== Smelting usage ===

{{Smelting|showname=1|Iron Boots;Chainmail Boots;Golden Boots|Iron Nugget;Iron Nugget;Gold Nugget|0,1}}
=== Piglins ===
{{EntityLink|Piglin|Piglins}} are attracted to ''golden'' boots and pick them up, examining them for 6 to 8 seconds. Other boots do not attract piglins but can be worn by them. They prefer stronger boots over weaker boots, with one major exception: They always prefer golden boots over all other boots, throwing out stronger boots to equip them. Enchanted boots are preferred over unenchanted boots.

=== Powder snow===

Leather boots can be used to safely cross [[powder snow]] without sinking in it. The block behaves similar to [[scaffolding]], allowing the player to sink in by pressing {{control|crouch}} and move up by pressing {{control|jump}}. The boots also prevent the wearer from taking freezing damage.

It is possible to upgrade armor with trims. This requires a [[Smithing Template#Gallery|Smithing Template]], an armor piece, and an ingot or crystal ({{ItemSprite|iron-ingot}}iron ingot/{{ItemSprite|copper-ingot}}copper ingot/{{ItemSprite|gold-ingot}}gold ingot/{{ItemSprite|netherite-ingot}}netherite ingot/{{ItemSprite|emerald}}emerald/{{ItemSprite|redstone-dust}}redstone dust/{{ItemSprite|lapis-lazuli}}lapis lazuli/{{ItemSprite|amethyst-shard}}amethyst shard/{{ItemSprite|nether-quartz}}nether quartz/{{ItemSprite|diamond}}diamond).

These trims have no effect on the gameplay or strength of the armor. 

{{Smithing|Any Armor Trim Smithing Template|Netherite Boots|Amethyst Shard; Copper Ingot; Diamond; Emerald; Gold Ingot; Iron Ingot; Lapis Lazuli; Netherite Ingot; Nether Quartz; Redstone Dust|Amethyst Trim Netherite Boots; Copper Trim Netherite Boots; Diamond Trim Netherite Boots; Emerald Trim Netherite Boots; Gold Trim Netherite Boots; Iron Trim Netherite Boots; Lapis Trim Netherite Boots; Netherite Trim Netherite Boots; Quartz Trim Netherite Boots; Redstone Trim Netherite Boots|head=1|tail=1|ingredients=Any Armor Trim +<br>Any Armor Piece +<br>Any Ingot/Crystal|showdescription=1|description=}}

{{Sound table
|sound=Equip leather1.ogg
|sound2=Equip leather2.ogg
|sound3=Equip leather3.ogg
|sound4=Equip leather4.ogg
|sound5=Equip leather5.ogg
|sound6=Equip leather6.ogg
|subtitle=Leather armor rustles
|description=When leather boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Equip chain1.ogg
|sound2=Equip chain2.ogg
|sound3=Equip chain3.ogg
|sound4=Equip chain4.ogg
|sound5=Equip chain5.ogg
|sound6=Equip chain6.ogg
|subtitle=Chain armor jingles
|description=When chainmail boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Equip iron1.ogg
|sound2=Equip iron2.ogg
|sound3=Equip iron3.ogg
|sound4=Equip iron4.ogg
|sound5=Equip iron5.ogg
|sound6=Equip iron6.ogg
|subtitle=Iron armor clanks
|description=When iron boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Equip gold1.ogg
|sound2=Equip gold2.ogg
|sound3=Equip gold3.ogg
|sound4=Equip gold4.ogg
|sound5=Equip gold5.ogg
|sound6=Equip gold6.ogg
|subtitle=Gold armor clinks
|description=When gold boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Equip diamond1.ogg
|sound2=Equip diamond2.ogg
|sound3=Equip diamond3.ogg
|sound4=Equip diamond4.ogg
|sound5=Equip diamond5.ogg
|sound6=Equip diamond6.ogg
|subtitle=Diamond armor clangs
|description=When diamond boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Equip netherite1.ogg
|sound2=Equip netherite2.ogg
|sound3=Equip netherite3.ogg
|sound4=Equip netherite4.ogg
|subtitle=Netherite armor clanks
|description=When netherite boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|subtitle=Item breaks
|description=When a pair of boots' durability is exhausted

{{Sound table
|sound=Equip leather1.ogg
|sound2=Equip leather2.ogg
|sound3=Equip leather3.ogg
|sound4=Equip leather4.ogg
|sound5=Equip leather5.ogg
|sound6=Equip leather6.ogg
|description=When leather boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Equip chain1.ogg
|sound2=Equip chain2.ogg
|sound3=Equip chain3.ogg
|sound4=Equip chain4.ogg
|sound5=Equip chain5.ogg
|sound6=Equip chain6.ogg
|description=When chain boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Equip iron1.ogg
|sound2=Equip iron2.ogg
|sound3=Equip iron3.ogg
|sound4=Equip iron4.ogg
|sound5=Equip iron5.ogg
|sound6=Equip iron6.ogg
|description=When iron boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Equip gold1.ogg
|sound2=Equip gold2.ogg
|sound3=Equip gold3.ogg
|sound4=Equip gold4.ogg
|sound5=Equip gold5.ogg
|sound6=Equip gold6.ogg
|description=When gold boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Equip diamond1.ogg
|sound2=Equip diamond2.ogg
|sound3=Equip diamond3.ogg
|sound4=Equip diamond4.ogg
|sound5=Equip diamond5.ogg
|sound6=Equip diamond6.ogg
|description=When diamond boots are equipped
{{Sound table
|sound=Equip netherite1.ogg
|sound2=Equip netherite2.ogg
|sound3=Equip netherite3.ogg
|sound4=Equip netherite4.ogg
|description=When netherite boots are equipped.
{{Sound table
|sound=Water Splash Old.ogg
|description=When leather boots are dyed using a cauldron
{{Sound table
|description=When leather boots' dye is removed using a cauldron
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|description=When a pair of boots' durability is exhausted

==Data values==
{{ID table
|displayname=Leather Boots
{{ID table
|displayname=Chainmail Boots
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron Boots
{{ID table
|displayname=Diamond Boots
{{ID table
|displayname=Golden Boots
{{ID table
|displayname=Netherite Boots

{{ID table
|displayname=Leather Boots
{{ID table
|displayname=Chainmail Boots
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron Boots
{{ID table
|displayname=Diamond Boots
{{ID table
|displayname=Golden Boots
{{ID table
|displayname=Netherite Boots

=== Item data===
When leather boots are dyed, it has the following NBT:
<div class="treeview">
*{{nbt|compound|tag}}: Parent tag.
**{{nbt|compound|display}}: Display properties.
***{{nbt|int|color}}: The color of the leather armor. The tooltip displays "Dyed" if advanced tooltips are disabled, otherwise it displays the hexadecimal color value. Color codes are calculated from the Red, Green and Blue components using this formula:<br>'''<span style="color:red">Red</span>[[wikipedia:Logical shift|<<]]16 + <span style="color:green">Green</span><<8 + <span style="color:blue">Blue</span>'''<ref>For positive values larger than 0x00FFFFFF, the top byte is ignored. All negative values produce white.</ref>

{{load achievements|Iron Man;Tie Dye Outfit;Let It Go!;Cover me in debris;Oooh, shiny!}}

{{load advancements|Suit Up;Cover me With Diamonds;Oh Shiny;Cover Me in Debris;Light as a Rabbit}}

{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20091231-2|[[File:Studded Boots (item) JE1.png|32px]] [[History of textures/Unused textures#Studded armor|Studded boots]] are now capable of being seen in the [[inventory]]. This was taken directly from one of [[Notch|Notch's]] game's ''[[Legend of the Chambered 2]]''.{{more info|When were they removed?}}}}
{{History||February 9, 2010|link=wordofnotch:380486636|[[File:Notch revealed armor.png|32px]] [[Notch]] revealed new models for armor, which included boots.}}
{{History||20100218|[[File:Leather Boots JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chainmail Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Leather Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chainmail Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cloth, chain, iron, gold, and diamond boots{{verify|edition=java|type=change|Below, it says "wool armor" was renamed to leather, which name is incorrect, wool or cloth? Also, was it "gold" or "golden"?}}
|Boots can now be [[crafting|crafted]] and worn.
|Boots now function, giving {{Armor|3}}. Boots have limited [[item durability|durability]], with lower tier boots less durable than higher tier boots.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.8|"Wool boots" have been renamed to "leather boots", despite item names not existing at this time.
|Leather boots are now [[crafting|crafted]] with [[leather]] instead of [[wool]].}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|The armor protection behavior has been changed. Previous to this update, the total armor protection is based in this equation: (((''total equipped armor damage reduction'' − 1) × (''all equipped armor max damage'' − ''total equipped armor damage'')) ÷ (''total equipped armor max damage'' + 1)).}}
{{History|||snap=October 3, 2011|slink={{tweet|notch|120859830339637249}}|The first images of a [[player]] wearing enchanted armor, including boots, are revealed.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Iron boots can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] altar [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|Boots can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]].}}
{{History||1.1|snap=12w01a|Iron boots can now be found in the new blacksmith [[chest]]s in [[village]]s.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=1.2|Changed "Golden boots" to "Golden Boots".}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w15a|{{key|Shift}}+clicking can now be used to equip boots.}}
{{History|||snap=12w21a|Chain boots can now be obtained legitimately in [[survival]] mode through [[trading]].
|Blacksmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] chain boots for 5–6 [[emerald]]s.
|Blacksmith villagers now sell diamond boots for 7 emeralds.
|Blacksmith villagers now sell iron boots for 4–5 emeralds.
|Butcher villagers now sell leather boots for 2-3 emeralds.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w32a|[[Mob]] armor has been reintroduced. A partial or full set of any armor is now sometimes worn by [[zombie]]s, [[skeleton]]s and [[zombie pigman|zombie pigmen]], with the likelihood increasing with difficulty.}}
{{History|||snap=August 17, 2012|slink={{tweet|Dinnerbone|236445090929844225}}|[[Jeb]] and [[Dinnerbone]] tweeted pictures of [[dye]]able leather armor, including boots.{{citation needed|Link to Jeb's tweet?}}}}
{{History|||snap=12w34a|Leather boots can now be dyed by [[crafting]] leather boots with [[dye]]s. Dyes can be removed by {{control|use|text=using}} dyed leather boots on a [[cauldron]] with [[water]].
|[[File:Leather Boots JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Leather Boots (item) JE2.png|32px]] Default leather boots are now slightly darker.}}
{{History|||snap=12w36a|[[Dye]]d leather boots are now more saturated and have a slight tint of tan in respect to the default armor color.
|[[Wither skeleton]]s can now spawn wearing boots.}}
{{History|||snap=12w37a|[[File:Leather Boots (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] Leather boots now have non-dyed parts. This has been implemented so that [[player]]s can distinguish between other types of armor and similarly colored leather armor.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w04a|Boots in the [[player]]'s hand can now be equipped by right-clicking.
|[[Dispenser]]s can now equip nearby players with boots.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Leather boots can now be obtained as one of the "junk" items through [[fishing]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Armorer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] chain boots for 5–7 [[emerald]]s.
|Armorer villagers no longer sell diamond boots.
|Armorer villagers no longer sell iron boots.
|Leatherworker villagers no longer sell leather boots.}}
{{History|||snap=14w05a|Boots no longer turn red when [[mob]]s and [[player]]s are hurt.}}
{{History|||snap=14w06a|Boots are now visible on [[giant]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=14w25a|Chain boots [[Java Edition removed features#Chain armor|can no longer be crafted anymore]] due to the [[item]] form of [[fire]] being [[Java Edition removed features#Obtainable until 1.8|removed]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Enchanted iron and diamond boots can now be found in [[end city]] ship [[chest]]s.
|[[Mob]]s now wear armor from the bottom to the top, rather than from the top to the bottom. This means that a mob with three armor pieces, for example, spawn with all armor except a helmet.}}
{{History|||snap=15w34b|Boots' [[item durability|durability]] now affects armor value.}}
{{History|||snap=15w36a|Armor value and[[enchanting|enchantment]] calculations have been changed. For the original values, see [[Armor/Before 1.9|here]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w36d|Boots' durability affecting value has been removed.
|Boots now have an attribute controlling the defense points.}}
{{History|||snap=15w50a|Added {{cd|equip}} [[sound]]s for boots.}}
{{History|||snap=16w02a|Armor value and enchantment calculations have been changed again.}}
{{History|||snap=16w05a|Armor value calculations have been changed, once again.}}
{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|Golden, chain and iron boots can now be [[smelting|smelted]] down into one of their respective [[nugget]]s. Chain boots smelt into iron nuggets.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 298 through 317.{{more info|Specific values for boots}}}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Enchanted leather boots can now generate in the chests of [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w20a|Chain armor boots have been renamed to "chainmail".}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Leather Boots JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Chainmail Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Leather Boots (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Chainmail Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of leather, chainmail, iron, golden, and diamond boots have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Leather boots can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] tanneries.}}
{{History|||snap=19w08a|[[File:Golden Boots (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of gold boots [[item]]s have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Armorer villagers now sell iron and enchanted diamond boots, making diamond boots effectively [[renewable resource|renewable]] again.
|Leatherworker villagers now sell randomly [[dye]]d leather boots.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Armorer villagers now give chainmail boots to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Netherite Boots JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Netherite Boots (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added netherite boots.
|Netherite boots are obtained by combining diamond boots and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|[[File:Diamond Boots (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of diamond boots [[item]]s has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=20w10a|[[File:Netherite Boots JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Netherite Boots (item) JE2.png|32px]] The texture of netherite boots has been changed.
|Netherite boots can no longer be crafted.
|Netherite boots are now obtained by combining diamond boots and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Netherite boots now generate randomly enchanted in [[bastion remnants]] chests.
|Golden boots now generate randomly enchanted in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}
{{History|||snap=20w17a|Diamonds boots now generate in place of netherite boots in bastion remnant chests.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w46a|Leather boots can now be used to safely walk on [[powder snow]].|Leather armor now protects against [[powder snow]]'s freezing.}}
{{History|||snap=21w13a|Leather Boots now prevent fall damage when landing on [[powder snow]].}}
{{History||1.18.2|snap=22w03a|Netherite boots knockback resistance is no longer random.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1|Added the [[Swift Sneak]] enchantment, which can only be applied to boots.}}
{{History|||snap=22w12a|The [[Swift Sneak]] enchantment can no longer applied to boots.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Non-leather boots can now be trimmed using a [[smithing table]].
|There are 10 types of material that determine the color of the trim:
|Upgrading diamond boots to netherite boots now requires the netherite upgrade [[smithing template]].}}
{{History|||snap=23w05a|Leather boots can now be trimmed using a smithing table.|Boots can now have trims of the same material it is made out of.}}
{{History|||snap=23w06a|Swapped {{cd|iron}} and {{cd|iron_darker}} palette, then made {{cd|iron_darker}} darker overall.}}
{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w05a|Boots can now be swapped by {{ctrl|using}} them in the hotbar.<ref>{{bug|MC-216270|||Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History||?|Boots can now be swapped in [[armor stand]]s by {{ctrl|using}} them in the armor stand's slot.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|The pattern textures of dune and sentry armor trims are changed.|
Those previous patterns were left with different names: dune was renamed sentry and sentry was renamed shaper.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.6.0|[[File:Leather Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chainmail Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br> [[File:Leather Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chainmail Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added boots.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 2|{{InvSprite|Leather Boots}} The leather boots sprites have been changed to that of the [[Java Edition|PC]] version, but its armor [[model]] remains that of older versions.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Iron boots now naturally generates in [[village]] [[chest]]s and a [[stronghold]] altar chest.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Chainmail boots can now be obtained in [[survival]] mode from a mob wearing it.
|Leather boots can now be obtained from [[fishing]] as a "junk" [[item]].}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Leather Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Leather boots can now be dyed and the model has been updated.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[Enchanting|Enchanted]] iron boots and enchanted diamond boots can now be found inside [[chest]]s within [[end city]].}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Chainmail boots are now [[trading|sold]] by armorer smith [[villager]]s via [[trading]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Golden, chain and iron boots can now be [[smelting|smelted]] down into one of their respective [[nugget]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Chainmail boots now generate in [[buried treasure]] chests.
|Enchanted leather boots can now be found inside [[shipwreck]] supply room [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Iron boots now can be found in plains [[village]] weaponsmith [[chest]]s.
|Leather boots can now be found inside plains village tannery chests.
|[[File:Leather Boots JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br> [[File:Leather Boots (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of boots have been changed.{{more info|Did chain boots not change?}}}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Iron boots now can be found in [[savanna]], [[taiga]], [[desert]], [[snowy taiga]] and [[snowy tundra]] [[village]] weaponsmith [[chest]]s.
|Leather boots can now be found inside savanna, taiga, desert, snowy taiga and snowy tundra village tannery chests.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[Pillager]]s and [[vindicator]]s that spawn in [[raid]]s can now drop iron boots.
|Iron and diamond boots are now sold by armorer villagers.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[File:Golden Boots (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of golden boots [[item]]s have been changed.}}
{{History||1.12.0|snap=beta|[[File:Armor Stand with Leather Armor MCPE-44669.png|32px]] Leather boots no longer show as being [[dye]]d properly when worn by [[armor stand]]s.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Leather boots now appear dyed properly when worn by armor stands.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Boots JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Netherite Boots (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added netherite boots.|Netherite boots are obtained by combining diamond boots and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.
|[[File:Diamond Boots (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of diamond boots [[item]]s have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Iron boots with soul speed enchantment can be obtained from bartering with piglin.
|Netherite boots can no longer be crafted.
|Netherite boots are now obtained by combining diamond boots and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.
|Golden boots can now be found in [[ruined portal]] chest.
|Golden and netherite boots can be found in [[bastion remnant]] chest.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Diamonds boots now generate in place of netherite boots in bastion remnant chests.}}
{{History||1.16.200|snap=beta|Leather boots can now be used to safely walk on [[powder snow]].}}
{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Boots (item) JE2.png|32px]] The texture of netherite boots item has been changed to match ''Java Edition''.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Leather Boots JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Leather Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added leather boots.
|[[File:Iron Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added iron boots.
|[[File:Golden Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added golden boots.
|[[File:Diamond Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added diamond boots.}}
{{History||xbox=TU5|[[File:Chainmail Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chainmail Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chain boots.
|Added a quick equip for boots to the [[inventory]] interface.}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|ps=1.03|[[File:Leather Boots (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures for leather boots [[item]]s have been changed.}}
{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.05|Leather boots can now be [[dye]]d.
|[[Item repair]] can now repair boots.}}
{{History||xbox=TU25|xbone=CU13|ps=1.16|Boots now have the quick equip functionality.}}
{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|Golden, chain and iron boots can now be [[smelting|smelted]] down into one of their respective [[nugget]]s. Chain boots smelt into iron nuggets.}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Leather Boots JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Leather Boots (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of leather boots have been changed.
|[[File:Chainmail Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Chainmail Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of chainmail boots have been changed.
|[[File:Iron Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of iron boots have been changed.
|[[File:Golden Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of gold boots have been changed.
|[[File:Diamond Boots JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of diamond boots have been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Leather Boots JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Leather Boots (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] Added leather boots.
|[[File:Chainmail Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chainmail Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chain boots.
|[[File:Iron Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added iron boots.
|[[File:Golden Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added golden boots.
|[[File:Diamond Boots JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Boots (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added diamond boots.}}

==Issues ==
{{issue list}}

*Netherite boots are shorter in their item texture but are longer in their texture when being worn
*Leather armor originally used textures from one of [[Notch]]'s previous games, ''[[Legend of the Chambered]]''.
*Leather boots are the only piece of leather armor that has the same name as other armor materials.
*The netherite boots are the only type of boots to have a differently shaped item sprite when compared to the other boot types.
*Chainmail boots are the only boots that have transparent pixels in their texture currently


===Enchanted Boots===
File:Enchanted Leather Boots (item).gif
File:Enchanted Chainmail Boots (item).gif
File:Enchanted Iron Boots (item).gif
File:Enchanted Golden Boots (item).gif
File:Enchanted Diamond Boots (item).gif
File:Enchanted Netherite Boots (item).gif
File:Enchanted Leather Boots.gif
File:Enchanted Chainmail Boots.gif
File:Enchanted Iron Boots.gif
File:Enchanted Golden Boots.gif
File:Enchanted Diamond Boots.gif
File:Enchanted Netherite Boots.gif


==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--boots Taking Inventory: Boots] – Minecraft.net on November 24, 2019



22w14aAdded LastDeathLocation, together with the recovery compass.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Nether Brick|Nether Brick]]<br/><!--Please do not change "nether brick" to "Nether brick". According to style guide, item names are not proper nouns and should not be capitalized.-->
{{about|the item|the block|Nether Bricks}}
| title = Nether Brick
| image = Nether Brick.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

A '''nether brick''' is an [[item]] made by [[smelting]] [[netherrack]] in a [[furnace]], and is used to craft the [[Nether Bricks|nether bricks]] block and its variants. 

== Obtaining ==
=== Smelting ===
Nether brick can be smelted from netherrack.
  |Nether Brick

=== Bartering ===
[[Piglin]]s may [[barter]] 2 to 8 nether bricks when given a [[gold ingot]].

== Usage ==
=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|Nether Brick}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Nether Brick

{{ID table
|displayname=Nether Brick

== History ==

{{History||1.5|snap=13w01a|[[File:Nether Brick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added nether brick items.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|Nether brick items can now be used to craft [[red nether bricks]].}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The ID of nether bricks has been changed from <code>netherbrick</code> to <code>nether_brick</code>.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 405.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Nether Brick JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of nether bricks has been changed.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|Nether bricks now have a {{frac|10|109}} (~9.17%) chance of being given by the new [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], in a stack size of 1–4.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|Nether bricks now have a {{frac|20|226}} (~8.84%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}
{{History|||snap=20w10a|Nether bricks now have a {{frac|40|411}} (~9.73%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 4–16.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w28a|Nether bricks now have a {{frac|40|459}} (~8.71%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 2–8.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.6.0|[[File:Nether Brick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added nether brick items.}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 5|Added nether brick items to the [[Creative]] [[inventory]].<ref name="missing brick">{{Bug|MCPE-16556}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.1.3|snap=alpha|Nether brick items are now used to craft [[red nether bricks]].}}
{{History||1.9.0|snap=beta|Nether brick items are now used to craft nether brick [[fence]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Nether Brick JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of nether bricks has been changed.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Nether bricks now can be used as fuel for a [[furnace]].<ref>{{bug|MCPE-114216}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Nether bricks now have a {{frac|40|459}} (~8.71%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 2–8 to match {{el|Java}}.}}
{{History||1.18.30|snap=beta|Nether bricks can no longer be used as fuel in a furnace.}}

{{History||xbox=TU9|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Nether Brick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added nether brick items.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Nether Brick JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of nether bricks has been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Nether Brick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added nether brick items.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== References ==



[[cs:Netheritová cihla]]
[[de:Netherziegel (Gegenstand)]]
[[es:Ladrillo del Nether]]
[[fr:Brique du Nether]]
[[hu:Alvilági tégla]]
[[ja:ネザーレンガ (アイテム)]]
[[ko:네더 벽돌 (아이템)]]
[[nl:Netherbaksteen (voorwerp)]]
[[pl:Netherowa cegła]]
[[pt:Tijolo do Nether]]
[[ru:Адский кирпич (предмет)]]
[[uk:Пекельна цегла (предмет)]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Powder Snow Bucket|Powder Snow Bucket]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Powder Snow Bucket
| image = Powder Snow Bucket.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = No
A '''powder snow bucket''' is a [[bucket]] with [[powder snow]] inside.

== Obtaining ==

A powder snow bucket can be obtained by {{ctrl|using}} an [[empty bucket]] on a [[powder snow block]] or [[powder snow cauldron]].

== Usage ==

Pressing {{control|use}} while holding a powder snow bucket places a [[powder snow]] block. {{IN|Java}}, powder snow may also be placed inside empty [[cauldron]]s, creating powder snow cauldrons.

[[Dispenser]]s can also create and place powder snow buckets. However, they cannot do so with [[cauldron]]s. You can also use it to cushion falls in the [[nether]] by placing it below you when falling.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty powder snow bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty powder snow bucket2.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket empties
|description=When a powder snow bucket is placed
|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound>Each sound event can be 1.0, 0.95, or 1.1</ref>
{{Sound table
|sound=Fill powder snow bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill powder snow bucket2.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket fills
|description=When a bucket is filled with powder snow
|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound>Each sound event can be 1.0, 0.9, or 1.1</ref>
{{Sound table
|sound=Powder Snow break1.ogg
|sound2=Powder Snow break2.ogg
|sound3=Powder Snow break3.ogg
|sound4=Powder Snow break4.ogg
|sound5=Powder Snow break5.ogg
|sound6=Powder Snow break6.ogg
|sound7=Powder Snow break7.ogg
|subtitle=Block broken
|description=When a bucket is filled with powder snow

{{Sound table
|sound=Fill powder snow bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill powder snow bucket2.ogg
|description=When a bucket is filled with powder snow
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty powder snow bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty powder snow bucket2.ogg
|description=When a powder snow bucket is placed

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Powder Snow Bucket

{{ID table
|displayname=Powder Snow Bucket
|aliasid=bucket / 11

== History ==
{{History||1.17|snap=20w46a|[[File:Powder Snow Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added powder snow buckets.}}
{{History||Caves & Cliffs<br>(experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Powder Snow Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added powder snow buckets.
|The powder snow bucket replaced the powder snow block in the creative inventory.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Powder snow bucket are now available without enabling [[Experimental Gameplay]].}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

Cozy Cabin Powder Snow Bucket 1.jpg|Teaser image with a barely visible powder snow bucket.
Cozy Cabin Powder Snow Bucket 2.jpg|Teaser image with a barely visible powder snow bucket.
Cozy Cabin Powder Snow Bucket 3.jpg|Teaser image with a barely visible powder snow bucket.


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[es:Cubo con nieve polvo]]
[[fr:Seau de neige poudreuse]]
[[it:Secchio di neve polverosa]]
[[pl:Wiadro sypkiego śniegu]]
[[pt:Balde de neve fofa]]
[[ru:Ведро с рыхлым снегом]]
23w04aAdded flag 128 to HideFlags to hide armor trim tooltips.
Upcoming Java Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[End Crystal|End Crystal]]<br/>{{ItemEntity
|image=End Crystal.gif
|invimage=End Crystal
|stackable=Yes (64)
Height: 2 Blocks<br>Width: 2 Blocks
An '''end crystal''' is an [[entity]] that can be [[Crafting|crafted]] or found on [[the End]]'s main island, where it heals the [[Ender Dragon|ender dragon]]. It can only be placed on [[obsidian]] or [[bedrock]] and [[Explosion|explodes]] instantly when attacked or damaged in most ways.

== Spawning ==

=== Natural generation ===

An end crystal is found atop each [[obsidian pillar]] on the central island of the End, each on top of a piece of [[bedrock]]. There are 10 end crystals in total, of which two are protected in "cages" of [[iron bars]]. All end crystals respawn one after another as the respawning process of the [[ender dragon]] starts.

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

  |B2=Eye of Ender
  |B3=Ghast Tear
  |Output= End Crystal
  |type= Decoration block

== Usage ==

=== Healing the ender dragon ===

Their primary purpose is to recharge the health of the ender dragon, who gains a charge from the nearest crystal within a cuboid extending 32 blocks from the dragon in all directions. The dragon is healed {{hp|1}} each half-second. If multiple ender dragons are spawned, an end crystal can affect multiple dragons at the same time. The healing beam is neither obstructed nor is its power diminished by entities or blocks.

=== Respawning the ender dragon ===
[[File:End Crystals on the Exit portal.png|right|thumb|How to arrange end crystals on the exit portal to respawn the ender dragon.]]

As items, end crystals may be placed on bedrock and [[obsidian]], if the two blocks above the bedrock or obsidian block are air or replaceable blocks and no other entities intersect the area. When an end crystal is placed in [[the End]], a [[fire]] block is created at the end crystal location. If four are placed on the end [[exit portal]], one on each of the flat sides, the crystals respawn the original end crystals on the obsidian pillars, as well as resurrect the dragon itself, before exploding. The top of each pillar also explodes, destroying any player-placed blocks. This happens even if TNT explosions are turned off in settings.

If the exit portal is ever broken for any reason, end crystals can still be placed on obsidian blocks with the same location as the exit portal.

=== Explosions ===

End crystals explode when attacked or damaged in most ways, even by attacks that normally do zero damage. They are not affected by exploding fireworks, and if damaged by an explosion, they disappear instead of exploding.{{Only|Java}}<ref>{{bug|MC-118429||End crystals don't explode when destroyed by nearby explosions}}</ref> The end crystal's [[explosion]] has an [[Explosion#Explosion strength|explosion strength]] of 6, the same as a [[charged creeper]]. The end crystal's fire often remains after the crystal explodes. Any ender dragon charging from the crystal when it is destroyed takes {{hp|10}} damage.

{{IN|java}}, an end crystal's explosion can be [[blocking|blocked]] by a [[shield]].

Although an ender dragon damages most blocks and entities in its path, it cannot destroy end crystals simply by going near them.

Placing [[water]] on the end crystal will neutralize the blast effect, but not the [[damage]] or knockback.

End crystals with obsidian or bedrock below them will not damage blocks below them when they explode.

{{IN|bedrock}}, having the game rule {{cd|mobGriefing}} to {{cd|false}} will prevent the End Crystal from destroying any blocks. While {{in|java}} the same game rule will not prevent the End Crystal from destroying any blocks.

=== Beams ===
The end crystal naturally shoots a beam at the ender dragon and heals it when the dragon is within range. This beam can be manually created using the command {{cmd|data merge entity @e[type{{=}}end_crystal,limit{{=}}1] {BeamTarget:{X:0, Y:0, Z:0<nowiki>}}}}. The beam can be pointed in any direction, allowing it to mark locations or objects.

=== Properties ===
[[File:End Crystal (Slateless).gif|thumb|A base-less end crystal.]]  

End crystals are of two kinds: the ones with a base beneath them are created either by game mechanism or by the {{cmd|summon}} command; while the base-less ones are created by players by manually placing the crystal items on top of [[obsidian]] or [[bedrock]].

The base appears to be made of bedrock, with a crystal hovering over it. While in the End, a crystal continually generates fire at its current position, one block above the base (directly on top of the block the base is embedded in), replacing any other block at that location. This fire is capable of spreading.

The end crystal entity is not solid and can be walked through freely. End crystals can be pushed by [[piston]]s, but they explode if moved while on fire. Because fire is checked only when an entity moves, end crystals do not normally take damage from their own fire unless moved.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|description=When an end crystal explodes

{{Sound table
|description=When an end crystal explodes

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=End Crystal
{{ID table
|displayname=End Crystal

{{ID table
|displayname=End Crystal
{{ID table
|displayname=End Crystal

=== Entity data ===

End crystals have entity data that define various properties of the entity.

{{main|Entity format}}

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|The End... Again...}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|The End... Again...}}

== History ==
[[File:End Crystal 19w38a.gif|thumb|Java Edition 19w38a]]
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender crystals.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w04a|Previously, ender crystals could be spawned using [[spawn egg]]s with ID 200 (in a [[server]], these were created using {{cmd|give 383 1 200}}). The spawned crystal would be positioned where a natural crystal would be if there was a bedrock block at the location. It was still possible until 1.9 to obtain an end crystal spawn egg, but it would not spawn anything.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Ender crystals can now be spawned with the {{cmd|summon}} command.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w06a|Ender crystals now generate one [[block]] lower. The fire they generate destroys the [[bedrock]] block that is supposed to be underneath (see {{bug|MC-47526}}).}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Ender crystals generate at the correct Y-level again.}}
{{History|||snap=15w33c|Respawning the ender dragon now also respawns the ender crystals on the obsidian pillars.
|Ender crystals now have a compound BeamTarget tag that hold the X, Y, Z block location the beam points to.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44a|"Ender crystals" have been renamed to "end crystals".
|[[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] End crystals can now be obtained as an item.
|End crystals now drop from [[skeleton trap]] horses and can be placed only on [[obsidian]] or bedrock. Placing several of them atop the end exit portal respawns the ender dragon.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44b|End crystals are no longer dropped by [[skeleton horse]]s.
|Added crafting recipe for end crystals, making end crystals [[renewable]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w49a|End crystals now require [[air]]/replaceable [[block]]s and lack of [[entity|entities]] for placement.}}
{{History|||snap=15w51a|End crystals can no longer be placed in [[Adventure mode]].}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID has been changed from <code>EnderCrystal</code> to <code>ender_crystal</code>.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 426.}}
{{History|||snap=18w20b|Renamed to "End Crystal".}}
{{History|||snap=pre5|Entity ID has been changed to <code>end_crystal</code>.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal [[item]] have been changed.}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w43a|End crystal explosions can now be [[blocking|blocked]] by [[shield]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-188247|||Fixed}}</ref>}}

{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added end crystals.}}
{{History||1.6.0|snap=?|[[File:End Crystal BE2.png|32px]] [[File:End Crystal BE2.gif|32px]] The model of the end crystals has been changed. It has now two cubes instead of three.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:End Crystal BE3.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal item have been changed.}}
{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]] The model of the end crystals has been changed to have three cubes again, and to match ''Java Edition''.}}
{{History||1.19.70|snap=beta|Increased end crystal collision box size to match ''Java Edition''.|End crystals with obsidian or bedrock below them now will not damage blocks below them when they explode.}}

{{History||xbox=TU9|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added ender crystals.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Ender crystals now generate one block lower. The fire they generate destroys the [[bedrock]] block that is supposed to be underneath.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|"Ender crystals" have been renamed to "end crystals".
|[[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] End crystals can now be obtained as an [[item]]. 
|End crystals now drop from [[skeleton trap]] horses and can be placed only on [[obsidian]] or bedrock. Placing several of them atop the [[end portal|end exit portal]] respawns the ender dragon.
|Added a crafting recipe for end crystals.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:End Crystal JE2.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of end crystals and the end crystal item have been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||1.7.10|[[File:End Crystal JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:End Crystal (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added end crystals.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* According to [[Jens Bergensten|Jeb]], the reason behind the current crafting recipe using glass as opposed to [[Chorus Fruit|chorus fruit]] or any materials introduced in [[Java Edition 1.9|1.9]] is as a means for players to craft end crystals in older worlds that the dragon has already been killed in.<ref>{{tweet|jeb_|667000226524372992|The problem is that you need to be able to craft the crystals on worlds in which the dragon has been destroyed already|November 18, 2015}}</ref>
* A historical rendition of the [[beacon]] block featured an animated entity within it, which resembled a yellow miniaturized end crystal. The bedrock platform of the end crystal entity would also render below the beacon, though this would normally be hidden within the block below.
* Using a [[piston]] to push an end crystal's fire into an end portal block deletes the end portal block. However, natural portal blocks regenerate if the end crystal is moved.

== Gallery ==
End Crystal Usage.png|Using end crystals to respawn the ender dragon.
Crystal Link.png|An ender dragon being hit with the "healing beam" of an end crystal.
Ender Crystal.png|An end crystal.
EnderCrystalOverworld.png|An end crystal in the Overworld spawned using {{cmd|summon}} {{code|end_crystal}}.
Ender Dragon Revival.png|End crystals respawning the ender dragon.
CagedEnderCrystal.png|A caged end crystal.
Respawn ender dragon.png|A [[player]] trying to respawn the ender dragon.
End Crystal (item).gif|An animation of the item of the end crystal.

== References ==


[[el:Κρύσταλλος του Ender]]
[[es:Cristal del End]]
[[fr:Cristal de l'End]]
[[ko:엔드 수정]]
[[pl:Kryształ Endu]]
[[pt:Cristal do End]]
[[ru:Кристалл Края]]
[[uk:Кристал Енду]]
[[zh:末影水晶]]</li><li>[[Stick|Stick]]<br/>{{for|other uses|Stick (disambiguation)}}
| image = Stick.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

A '''stick''' is an item used for [[crafting]] many [[tools]] and [[item]]s.

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

|B2= Any Planks
|B3= Any Planks
|Output= Stick,4
|type= Material
|B2= Bamboo
|B3= Bamboo
|Output= Stick
|type= Material

=== Fishing ===

Sticks can be obtained as a "junk" item while [[fishing]].

=== Block loot ===

[[Dead bush]]es drop between 0–2 sticks when destroyed.

All [[Leaves|leaf]] types have a 2% chance to drop between 1-2 sticks when broken. Using a tool with [[Fortune]] increase these chances to 2.2%, 2.5%, and 3.3% for Fortune I, II, and III respectively.

=== Entity loot ===

[[Witch]]es have a chance of dropping 0–6 sticks upon death. This is increased by 3 per level of [[Looting]], for a chance of 0-15 sticks.

[[Boat]]s and [[Boat with Chest|boats with chest]]s drop 2 sticks when falling from exactly 12, 13, 49, 51, 111, 114, 198, 202, 310, or 315 blocks.<ref>{{bug|MC-119369}}</ref>.

=== Chest loot ===


== Usage ==

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Fuel ===

When used as a [[furnace]] fuel, a stick smelts 0.5 [[item]]s.

=== Trading ===

Novice-level [[Trading#Fletcher|fletcher]] [[villager]]s have a {{frac|2|3}} chance to buy 32 sticks for an [[emerald]] in ''Java Edition'', and they always offer the trade in Bedrock Edition.

== Video ==

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|SYoHAJBuoss}}</div>

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== History ==

{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20100129|[[File:Stick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sticks.
|Sticks are used to craft [[sign]]s, [[torch]]es, [[sword]]s, [[pickaxe]]s, [[axe]]s and [[shovel]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=20100130|Sticks are now used to craft [[bow]]s and [[arrow]]s.}}
{{History||20100206|Sticks are now used to craft [[hoe]]s.}}
{{History||20100219|Sticks can be used as fuel for the newly added [[furnace]].}}
{{History||20100223|Sticks are now used to craft [[painting]]s.}}
{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100607|Sticks are now used to craft [[ladder]]s.}}
{{History||20100618|Sticks are now used to craft [[rail]]s.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.1|Sticks are now used to craft [[redstone torch]]es and [[lever]]s.}}
{{History||v1.0.6|2 sticks now drops from breaking [[boat]]s.}}
{{History||v1.0.17|Sticks are now used to craft [[fence]]s.}}
{{History||v1.1.1|Sticks are now used to craft [[fishing rod]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.5|Sticks are now used to craft [[powered rail]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Sticks are now used to craft [[fence gate]]s.}}
{{History||1.2.4|snap=release|[[Spruce planks]], [[birch planks]], and [[jungle planks]] can now be used to craft sticks.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w16a|Sticks are found in the new [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w22a|Sticks are now used to craft [[tripwire hook]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w27a|Sticks no longer drops from breaking [[boat]]s.|Instead, it needs to fall certain heights to drop 2 sticks.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Sticks are now used to craft [[item frame]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w38b|[[Witch]]es now have a chance to drop sticks.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|Sticks are now used to craft [[activator rail]]s.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Sticks can be obtained as one of the "junk" [[item]]s by [[fishing]].}}
{{History|||snap=1.7.1|[[Acacia planks]] and [[dark oak planks]] can now be used to craft sticks.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w30a|Sticks are now used to craft [[banner]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=14w32a|Sticks are now used to craft [[armor stand]]s.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Sticks are now dropped by [[dead bush]]es.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44a|Sticks are now found in [[bonus chest]]s for more than double the average yield.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Sticks can now be found in 70.5% of bonus chests in stacks of 1–12.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 280.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Sticks can now be crafted from [[bamboo]].
|Sticks can now be used to craft [[crossbow]]s.
|Sticks are now [[drops|dropped]] by [[leaves]].}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Sticks can now be used to craft [[grindstone]]s.
|Sticks can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] cartographer houses.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Sticks can now be found in village fletcher houses and toolsmith houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w02a|Sticks can now be used to craft [[campfire]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Fletcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] sticks.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[Crimson planks]] and [[warped planks]] can now be used to craft sticks.
|Sticks can now be used to craft [[soul torch]]es.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w05a|Sticks are now dropped by [[azalea leaves]] and [[flowering azalea leaves]].}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[Mangrove planks]] can now be used to craft sticks.}}
{{History|||snap=22w13a|Sticks are now dropped by [[mangrove leaves]].}}
{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w07a|The [[crossbow]] and [[soul campfire]] recipes are no longer unlocked by sticks.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|Sticks are now dropped by [[cherry leaves]].
|Sticks can now be used to craft [[brush]]es.
|Sticks now drop when brushing [[suspicious sand]] in [[desert well]]s.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|The probability for the stick to generate in the [[suspicious sand]] in [[desert well]] has been changed from 1/7 to 1/8.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Stick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sticks. They are currently unobtainable and serve no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.3.0|Sticks are now [[craft]]able.
|Sticks can be used to [[craft]] wooden and stone [[pickaxe]]s, [[axe]]s, [[sword]]s and [[shovel]]s, [[ladder]]s, [[torch]]es, [[fence]]s and [[fence gate]]s.}}
{{History||v0.3.2|Sticks are now used to craft iron, gold and diamond [[pickaxe]]s, [[axe]]s, [[sword]]s and [[shovel]]s.}}
{{History||v0.3.3|Sticks are now used to craft [[bow]]s.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Sticks are now used to craft [[hoe]]s.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Sticks are now used to craft [[painting]]s.}}
{{History||v0.6.0|Sticks are now used to craft [[sign]]s.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 2|Sticks are now used to craft [[rail]]s and [[powered rail]]s.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Sticks are now used to craft [[fishing rod]]s.
|Sticks can now be found as a junk [[item]] from [[fishing]].}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Sticks are now [[drops|dropped]] when [[dead bush]]es are [[breaking|destroyed]].}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Sticks are now used to craft [[redstone torch]]es, [[lever]]s and [[tripwire hook]]s.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Added [[witch]]es, which have a chance of [[drops|dropping]] sticks.
|Sticks can now be used to craft [[item frame]]s.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Sticks can now be used to craft [[armor stand]]s and [[banner]]s.
|Sticks can now generate inside [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Sticks can now be used to craft [[sparkler]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Sticks can now be crafted from [[bamboo]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Sticks can now be used to craft [[crossbow]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Sticks can now be used to craft [[barrel]]s, [[grindstone]]s, and [[campfire]]s.
|[[Leaves]] now have a chance of [[drops|dropping]] 0-2 sticks when [[breaking|destroyed]].}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Sticks can now be found in [[village]] toolsmith and fletcher [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Sticks can now be [[trading|sold]] to fletcher [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Sticks can now be used to craft [[soul torch]]es.}}
{{History||1.20.0<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.70|snap=beta|Sticks can now be used to craft [[brush]]es.
|Sticks now drop when brushing [[suspicious sand]] in [[desert well]]s.}}
{{History||1.20.10|snap=beta|Sticks are no longer used to craft barrels.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Stick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sticks.}}
{{History||1.90|Sticks can now be [[drops|dropped]] by [[leaves]].}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Stick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sticks.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==

* The stick is used in 49 recipes in ''Java Edition'', and 50 recipes in ''Bedrock Edition'', more than any other item in the game. [[Iron ingot]] takes second place with 35 recipes, and [[planks]] take third place with 34 recipes.
* To craft each recipe once, a player would need 111 sticks, including 1 for the [[redstone torch]] in an [[activator rail]], while using the extra tripwire hook for the [[crossbow]]. This would require 56 [[planks]], or 14 [[logs]], for the sticks, and an extra 29 planks for the [[tool|wooden tools]], [[tripwire hook]], [[signs]], [[fences]], [[fence gate]], [[grindstone]], and slabs for the [[barrel]]. This means that the player needs a total of 85 planks, or 22 logs, plus 6 more for the [[campfire]] and [[soul campfire]].

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--stick Taking Inventory: Stick] – Minecraft.net on April 2, 2020


[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul></nowiki>
23w32aIn NBT format for item type potion, lingering_potion, splash_potion, and tipped_arrow, renamed CustomPotionEffects to custom_potion_effects.
In NBT format for item type suspicious_stew, renamed Effects to effects, also changed following fields in this field: EffectId (integer) -> id (string, resource location), EffectDuration -> duration


  1. Assuming the block is of a type that creates a block entity at all. If not, BlockEntityTag has no effect.
  2. For positive values larger than 0x00FFFFFF, the top byte is ignored. All negative values produce white.
  3. MC-49476
  4. MC-131290