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options.txt is the file that stores all the options changeable in the in-game options menu and various other information the game needs to store after quitting. It is found in the .minecraft folder and can be edited with any basic text editor to change your options. Most settings can be changed in-game, but a few can only be changed by editing this file.


Each line represents a single option or piece of data, with the option followed by a colon followed by the value of that option. A list of all available key/button numbers for the controls options is available at key codes.

Option name Meaning and range of values Default value Version added
version Version number of the options file itself; used for upgrading default settings. (numeric) 1.10-pre1 (1.10)
invertYMouse Whether mouse is inverted or not (true/false) false
mouseSensitivity How much a mouse movement changes the position of the camera (0–1) 0.5
fov How large the field of view is (floating-point). The in-game value is counted in degrees, however, the options.txt isn't. The value is converted into degrees with the following formula: degrees = 40 * value + 70 0.0
gamma Brightness (0–1) 0.0
saturation No in-game control 0.0
renderDistance The render distance in the chunk radius from the player (2–32 without external editing of options.txt) 12
guiScale Size of interfaces (0–3: 'Auto', 'Small', 'Normal', 'Large') 0 (Auto)
particles Amount of particles (such as rain, potion effects, etc.) (0–2: 'All', 'Decreased', 'Minimal') 0 (All)
bobView Whether or not the camera bobs up and down as the player walks (true/false) true
maxFps The maximum framerate 120
fboEnable Whether Framebuffer Objects is turned on (true/false) false
difficulty Game difficulty (0–3: Peaceful, Easy, Normal, Hard) 2 (Normal)
fancyGraphics Whether fancy (more detailed) graphics are turned on (true/false) true
ao Smooth lighting (0–2: Off, Minimum, Maximum) 2 (Maximum)
biomeBlendRadius Radius for which biome blending should happen (0–7) 2 18w15a (1.13)
renderClouds Whether to display clouds (true/fast/false) true
resourcePacks A list of active resource packs, with pack names in quotes (string); empty if only default pack is loaded []
incompatibleResourcePacks A list of the active resource packs that are also marked as incompatible with the current Minecraft version; empty if none are marked as incompatible []
lastServer Address of last server used with Direct Connect (string)
lang Language to be used (string) en_US
chatVisibility What is seen in chat (0–2: 'Shown', 'Commands only', 'Hidden') 0 (Shown)
chatColors Whether colored chat is allowed (true/false) true
chatLinks Whether links show as links or just text in the chat (true/false [links/plaintext]) true
chatLinksPrompt Whether clicking on links in chat will need confirmation before opening them (true/false) true
chatOpacity Opacity of the chat (0–1) 1.0
snooperEnabled Whether snooper functionality is turned on (true/false) true
fullscreen Whether the game will attempt to go fullscreen at startup (true/false) false
fullscreenResolution Resolution to use in fullscreen Not present 17w43a (1.13)
enableVsync Whether v-sync (vertical synchronization) is enabled (true/false) false
useVbo Whether Vertex Buffer Objects is turned on (true/false) false
hideServerAddress Whether server addresses are hidden by default; toggled by F1 when in Multiplayer menu (true/false) false
advancedItemTooltips Whether mousing over items in the inventory shows its ID and durability (true/false); toggled by F3+H false
pauseOnLostFocus Whether switching out of Minecraft without pressing Esc or opening an in-game interface automatically pauses the game (true/false); toggled by F3 + P true
touchscreen Whether touchscreen controls are used (true/false) false
overrideWidth Width to open Minecraft up with in pixels (0 means default to Minecraft's settings); no in-game control 0
overrideHeight Height to open Minecraft up with in pixels (0 means default to Minecraft's settings); no in-game control 0
heldItemTooltips Whether switching between items shows the name of the item (true/false); no in-game control true
chatHeightFocused When you press the chat button, how tall the chat span is (0–1) 1.0
chatHeightUnfocused How tall the maximum chat span is, when the chat button is not pressed (0–1) 0.44366196
chatScale The scale/size of the text in the chat (0–1) 1.0
chatWidth The span width of the chat (0–1) 1.0
mipmapLevels Amount by which distant textures are smoothed (0–4) 4
forceUnicodeFont Whether Unicode font should be used (true/false) false
reducedDebugInfo Whether the information shown on the Debug screen will be reduced (true/false) false
useNativeTransport Whether to use a Netty EpollSocketChannel for connections to servers instead of a NioSocketChannel (only applies if EPOLL is available on the user's system) true
entityShadows Whether to display entity shadows (true/false) true
mainHand Whether the main hand will display as left or right (left/right) right
attackIndicator When hitting, how the attack indicator is shown on screen (0–2: 'Off', 'Crosshair', 'Hotbar') 1 (Crosshair)
showSubtitles If subtitles are shown (true/false) false
realmsNotifications Whether Realms invites are alerted on the main menu (true/false) true
enableWeakAttacks Whether players can hit before their attack cooldown is 75% charged; currently has no effect[verify] (true/false) false
autoJump Whether auto-jump is enabled true
narrator Setting of the Narrator (0–3) 0 17w06a (1.12)
tutorialStep Next stage of Tutorial hints to display (movement, find_tree, punch_tree, open_inventory, craft_planks, none) movement 17w06a (1.12)
autoSuggestions True if brigadier's command suggestion UI should always be shown, instead of just when pressing tab true 17w47a (1.13)
mouseWheelSensitivity Allows making the mouse wheel more sensitive (see MC-121381) (1.0–10.0) 1.0 18w21a (1.13)
glDebugVerbosity LWJGL log info level (0: none, 1: HIGH, 2: MEDIUM, 3: LOW, 4: NOTIFICATION (only on some machines) 1 1.13-pre2 (1.13)
key_key.attack Attack control -100 (left mouse)
key_key.use Use Item control -99 (right mouse)
key_key.forward Forward control 17 (W)
key_key.left Left control 30 (A)
key_key.back Back control 31 (S)
key_key.right Right control 32 (D)
key_key.jump Jump control 57 (space bar)
key_key.sneak Sneak control 42 (left shift)
key_key.sprint Sprint control 29 (left control)
key_key.drop Drop control 16 (Q)
key_key.inventory Inventory control 18 (E)
key_key.chat Chat control 20 (T)
key_key.playerlist List Players control 15 (tab)
key_key.pickItem Pick Block control -98 (middle mouse)
key_key.command Command control 53 (forward slash)
key_key.screenshot Screenshot control 60 (F2)
key_key.togglePerspective Perspective control 63 (F5)
key_key.smoothCamera Mouse Smoothing control 0 (none)
key_key.fullscreen Fullscreen control 87 (F11)
key_key.spectatorOutlines Visibility of player outlines in Spectator Mode control 0 (none)
key_key.swapHands Swapping of items between both hands control 33 (F)
key_key.saveToolbarActivator Save current toolbar to a slot (in Creative Mode) 46 (C) 17w06a (1.12)
key_key.loadToolbarActivator Load toolbar from a slot (in Creative Mode) 45 (X) 17w06a (1.12)
key_key.advancements Open the Advancements screen 38 (L) 17w06a (1.12)
key_key.hotbar.1 Hotbar Slot 1 control 2 (1)
key_key.hotbar.2 Hotbar Slot 2 control 3 (2)
key_key.hotbar.3 Hotbar Slot 3 control 4 (3)
key_key.hotbar.4 Hotbar Slot 4 control 5 (4)
key_key.hotbar.5 Hotbar Slot 5 control 6 (5)
key_key.hotbar.6 Hotbar Slot 6 control 7 (6)
key_key.hotbar.7 Hotbar Slot 7 control 8 (7)
key_key.hotbar.8 Hotbar Slot 8 control 9 (8)
key_key.hotbar.9 Hotbar Slot 9 control 10 (9)
Music and Sound
soundCategory_master The volume of all sounds (0–1) 1.0
soundCategory_music The volume of gameplay music (0–1) 1.0
soundCategory_record The volume of music/sounds from Jukeboxes and Note Blocks (0–1) 1.0
soundCategory_weather The volume of rain and thunder (0–1) 1.0
soundCategory_block The volume of blocks (0–1) 1.0
soundCategory_hostile The volume of hostile and neutral mobs (0–1) 1.0
soundCategory_neutral The volume of passive mobs (0–1) 1.0
soundCategory_player The volume of players (0–1) 1.0
soundCategory_ambient The volume of cave sounds and fireworks (0–1) 1.0
soundCategory_voice The volume of voices (0–1) 1.0
Skin Customization
modelPart_cape Whether your cape is shown (true/false) true
modelPart_jacket Whether the "Jacket" layer of your skin is shown (true/false) true
modelPart_left_sleeve Whether the "Left Sleeve" layer of your skin is shown (true/false) true
modelPart_right_sleeve Whether the "Right Sleeve" layer of your skin is shown (true/false) true
modelPart_left_pants_leg Whether the "Left Pants Leg" layer of your skin is shown (true/false) true
modelPart_right_pants_leg Whether the "Right Pants Leg" layer of your skin is shown (true/false) true
modelPart_hat Whether the "Hat" layer of your skin is shown (true/false) true

Removed options

Option name Meaning and range of values Default value Version removed
anaglyph3d Whether 3D mode is turned on (true/false) false 17w43a (1.13)
anisotropicFiltering 1 14w25a (1.8)
allowBlockAlternatives Whether alternative block models will be used (true/false) true 15w31a (1.9)
streamBytesPerPixel The total bytes-per-pixel (BPP) that your livestream will output (0.0–1.0). 0.5 15w31a (1.9)
streamMicVolume Your microphone's output volume when your livestream (0.0/1.0). 1.0 15w31a (1.9)
streamSystemVolume Your system's output volume when you livestream (0.0/1.0). 1.0 15w31a (1.9)
streamKbps The bitrate (Kbps) of your video when you livestream. 0.5412844 15w31a (1.9)
streamFps The output FPS of your stream. 0.31690142 15w31a (1.9)
streamCompression If your stream's video output will be compressed or not (0/False, 1/True). 1 15w31a (1.9)
streamSendMetadata If you want to send extra metadata in your stream (true/false). true 15w31a (1.9)
streamPreferredServer The preferred ingest server of your livestream. 15w31a (1.9)
streamChatEnabled If your Twitch chat will be copied in your Minecraft chat (0/False, 1/True). 0 15w31a (1.9)
streamChatUserFilter If your Twitch chat is copied in your Minecraft chat, is it going to be censored (0/False, 1/True). 0 15w31a (1.9)
streamMicToggleBehavior Will a hotkey be used to toggle your microphone's output (0/False, 1/True). 0 15w31a (1.9)
key_key.streamStartStop Start/Stop Stream control 64 (F6) 15w31a (1.9)
key_key.streamPauseUnpause Pause/Unpause Stream control 65 (F7) 15w31a (1.9)
key_key.streamCommercial Stream Commercial control 0 (none) 15w31a (1.9)
key_key.streamToggleMic Microphone input control 0 (none) 15w31a (1.9)
showInventoryAchievementHint Whether the "Press 'E' to open your inventory" text will be shown in the upper right corner of the screen upon initially spawning (true/false); no in-game control true 17w06a (1.12)
