Minecraft Wiki
Light Blue Concrete Powder
The only archived copy of this version is edited. 
A copy of this version has been archived, however, despite the fact that it plays correctly, it is not bit-perfectly original.
If you believe you have a clean, unedited copy of this version, please post on this page's talk page.

rd-132211 is the first released pre-Classic version made on May 13, 2009, at 20:11 UTC.[1]. It is the oldest version available in the Minecraft launcher. The copy in the launcher is recompiled from source code, with dates edited to May 13, 2009, making it technically not original.



  • Placing and destroying blocks.
    • Left-clicking places a block. Right-clicking destroys a block.
  • Blocks cannot be placed past the existing border.
  • Players can place blocks on the space they are occupying.
  • Added a flashing white overlay that displays on the side of a block that the player has their mouse over.


  • The level can be saved by pressing ↵ Enter.
    • It will also save when closing the game.



  • Block types are handled depending upon where they are located within the world, as opposed to later versions where any block can be placed anywhere. Blocks at the same level as grass block turn to grass blocks and blocks at the same level as cobblestone or air turn to cobblestone.

World generation[]

  • Level generation improved to be not so messy and random (as shown in the Cave game tech test video), but instead completely flat.
  • The World generated is a parallelepiped of 256x256x42 blocks, with a maximum height of y=64.
  • The world is full of cobblestone up to y=41, only grass at y=42 and nothing for the remaining part.


  • This is the oldest version of pre-Classic in the launcher, listed as old_alpha rd-132211. It is also the earliest found version of Minecraft.
  • The "rd" before the version number stands for RubyDung, a game Notch was working on before Minecraft, whose codebase was later reused for Minecraft.
  • Holding down R causes the player to rapidly cycle through respawn locations above the level until it is released.
  • Level data is saved in a single level.dat file inside the launcher folder, unlike future versions which have dedicated folders.


