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This page describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Minecraft. 
This material was removed in Beta 1.8
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This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition. 
This article is about the phenomena that existed before Beta 1.8. For the area at the edge of the world, see World boundary. For the customizable world border, see World border.

Comparison of land before and after X/Z of ±12,550,821.


The "corner" of the Far Lands, at ±12,550,821 on both X and Z axes.

The Far Lands[1] were the area that formed the "edge" of the "infinite" world type in Java Edition versions prior to Beta 1.8. They are currently found in the Bedrock Edition.

Java Edition, pre-Beta 1.8

This section describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Minecraft. 
This feature used to be in the game but has since been removed.


The initial set of Far Lands occur between 12,550,821 and 12,550,825 on the positive X and Z axis', and always -12,550,825 in negative. This is equal to around 7,798.721 Miles. Putting the numbers together, a standard Minecraft map in Bedrock Edition or before Beta 1.8, is around 25,101,642 blocks wide along the X axes and 25,101,650 wide along the Z axes (or ~15,597.442 miles). For comparison, the equatorial circumference of Earth is about 24,901 miles (40,075 km).


Both areas of the Far Lands feature extremely strange terrain, although they are significantly different.

In both zones, any area beneath sea level, excluding regular caves, will be flooded with water. The Far Lands will generate biomes, but most biomes will be indistinguishable except by the color of grass. Desert biomes will be covered in sand and snow-covered biomes will be covered with snow, excluding the very top of the map due to the height build limit. Trees will generate somewhat normally, but can only be found in the upper areas of the map due to the need for grass. However, if the player opens the debug screen, it will always claim that the biome is a forest.

Ores can be found up to their respective maximum heights just like in the normal world. Unfortunately, due to the flooding, everything except for coal can be extremely difficult to acquire. In the solid areas of the Far Lands, normal caves will generate but will be limited and small. Along with the caves, dungeons (which are extremely rare) and lakes can be found in solid areas. Water and lava springs can be found out in the open and in caves.

Much of the open space in both areas is shrouded in darkness and thus hostile mobs run rampant, making the Far Lands as a whole incredibly dangerous. This is especially problematic in the Corner Far Lands due to its layered structure. The flooded zones have an abundance of squid.

Edge Far Lands

The boundary of the Far Lands' edge (that is, where it meets the regular map) looks like a solid wall, all the way to the top of the map (Y-coordinate 127) that is filled with gaping holes perpendicular to the edge. These holes are extremely long, perhaps "infinite", and on the whole seem to change very little no matter how deep the player ventures. They can be blocked, either partially or completely, but such blockages are rare and temporary. This "Wall of Swiss cheese" pattern continues beneath ground level, all the way to the bottom of the map, and seems to be partially caused by a large one-dimensional distortion in the map generator's output. This area is sometimes referred to as "The Loop".

The Edge Far Lands' average block composition: 36% stone, 25% air, 23% water, 10% dirt/grass block, 2% bedrock, and 4% others. (Based on a 14×14 chunk selection)

Corner Far Lands

At a corner, when two perpendicular Edge Far Lands sections meet, the Corner Far Lands begin to generate. Unlike the infinite-length holes in the Edge Far Lands, the Corner Far Lands contains more normal terrain. This terrain is "stacked" on top of itself to create a bizarre sandwich with layers of ground and air, which gives it its nickname, "The Stack". Each layer looks like a gigantic floating continent, hovering over the next layer, which is shadowed.

The majority of the generated world is Corner Far Lands, as the "normal" map (before ±12,550,821 mark) only makes the center of the world, and the Edge Far Lands only make its continued sides.

The number of layers isn't always the same and varies between five to seven (fusing together and splitting every so often). Layers can be grouped into three categories:

  • Top layer: This layer exists at the absolute top of the map. Occasionally there can be a lower area that isn't shadowed (this is technically a dry layer). The lower area is where a majority of the trees and passive mobs can be found, as the top layer receives almost all of the sunlight. Due to the lack of space, the area at the absolute top can't have trees or mobs. If you mod in other biomes, they will be most plentiful on the top as well.
    • The top layer tends to light incorrectly in day-night transitions. This is because the sunlight calculation doesn't work when the entire chunk is blocked at Y-coordinate 128 in early versions.
  • Dry layers: These generate slightly flatter than normal terrain and have grass, despite the darkness. At sea level, massive floating beaches can be found, which will collapse if modified. Hostile mobs' spawn rate likely approaches the maximum due to being in the shadow of the top layer. Rarely, there are holes in the top layer that allow sunlight to reach these layers. Caves that have one of these layers as their "surface" can occasionally be carved out of dirt instead of stone. These layers have cave-like ceilings made out of stone, gravel and dirt.
  • Flooded layers: Like the dry layers, these generate somewhat flat terrain, but it is comprised primarily of stone. Sand and sandstone will show up down here, even up to 30 meters below sea level. Except for coal, all the ores can only be found in these layers.

Sometimes, there are extremely tall pillars of gravel that stretch from the ground to the ceiling of a layer. Likewise, some of the beaches that collapse will create pillars of sand all the way down to the ground, despite there not being that much sand, to begin with. The Corner Far Lands is also prone to having near-perfect diagonal lines being carved into the ceilings or floors of layers. If traced, these lines all intersect at the corner (X/Z ±12,550,821). This seems similar to how the Edge Far Lands have a consistent pattern along lines perpendicular to their edge, but is much less pronounced.

The Corner Far Lands' average block composition: 40% stone, 16% air, 28% water, 10% dirt/grass, 2% bedrock, and 4% others. (Based on a 14×14 chunk selection)

The Farther Lands

Nether Star
This article's name is unofficial. 
An official name is yet to be given to the subject matter. Please add an official name when reliable sources confirm it.
Note: bug

The second set of Far Lands (henceforth named the "Farther Lands") generate when X/Z coordinates reach about ±1,004,065,811 (or 623,897.614 miles), which is about 80 times larger than where the first set initiates, at ±12,550,821. The terrain is similar to the first set of Far Lands, but is more stretched out. They also have Edge and Corner types.

File:Further Lands.png

The Farther Lands in Beta 1.7.2.

File:Further Lands - Described.png

The same location as above, but with captions.

File:Corner Further Lands.png

The Corner Farther Lands in Beta 1.7.2.

File:Corner Further Lands - Described.png

The same location as above, but with captions.

2018-07-05 20

From the red line to the right, the Edge Far Lands start to combine with the Edge Farther Lands, creating a hybrid mix.



The most noticeable side effect of the Far Lands, where the map takes longer to update according to the player's location.

Floating Point Precision Errors (X/Z: ±0 - ±2,147,483,519)

There are many effects that will be noticed after traveling millions of blocks away from the center of the map. The very first effect that will be noticed is the jumpy or stuttering movement of the map, which isn't directly related to the Far Lands themselves but instead to floating-point precision errors. In old versions of minecraft, when the game renders the map around the player, there are two different versions that are generated, the rendering of the blocks themselves (ie: entites, how much the block generates) and the visual aspect to the blocks (ie: the hitbox, block pixels etc). In Minecraft Java edition Beta 1.7 and prior, the visual aspect of world rendering lost precision, resulting in the jump movement. This jumpy movement is notable even at an X/Z of ±16,384, becoming increasingly noticeable around ±524,288. The intensity of such glitches doubles every time the player passes a coordinate that is a power of two (e.g 2,097,152 or 4,194,304). After about X/Z 16,777,216, the hitbox is a full block off, which makes placing and destroying blocks almost impossible. The floating point precision errors are no longer noticeable past X/Z 2,147,483,519, as surface textures stop rendering and blocks no longer generate.

At the center of the Minecraft world, the world would only be off by 14194304 (0.000000238...) blocks. Past the 32-bit limit, the world would be off by 256 blocks. For any position between n and 2n, where n is a power of 2, the world will be offset by n8388608 blocks, or n524288 block pixels. The precision errors also affect entities like Redstone dust and ladders. If the player performs the "Spawn Chunk Glitch", then Redstone dust and ladders will become noticeably stretched. They double in size for every exponent of 2 that the player travels from here on out. At X/Z: 268,435,456, Redstone dust is larger than one Minecraft chunk and at X/Z: 1,073,741,824, Redstone dust is 128 blocks wide. If terrain were to theoretically generate out to the 64-bit Limit (X/Z: ±9,223,372,036,854,775,807), or 5,731,137,678,988,939 miles, then the hitbox would be over 2.2 trillion blocks off and Redstone dust would be 2.2 trillion blocks wide as well.

Far Lands (X/Z: ±12,550,821 - ±1,004,065,920)

Players will experience extreme framerate drops and very high CPU usage, which will continue until Minecraft freezes completely. The framerate drops do not occur in multiplayer servers, though the server itself will lag depending on the server computer's RAM. In both singleplayer and multiplayer, the intense lag that is characteristic of the Far Lands is caused by massive numbers of falling sand or gravel entities. This in turn is caused (like most of the rest of the Far Lands' strange effects) by more floating-point precision errors, and will worsen as the player reaches X/Z: ±32,000,000 or 19,883.878 Miles, (because after X/Z 32,000,000 blocks, the terrain no longer generates; only air blocks that have the same textures as the surrounding terrain will generate). Lightning bolts that hit surfaces at the top of the map (Y-coordinate 127) will be invisible and will not cause a fire. The particles created when rain hits these surfaces will be black instead of blue. Snow will not accumulate on these surfaces either (because there's no space) unless a top layer tunnel peeks out.

Fake Chunks (X/Z: >±32,000,000)

As the player journeys even deeper into the Far Lands, the effects worsen to the point where the game is unplayable. At X/Z ±32,000,000, blocks are treated as permanently nonexistent, and will not generate even though they may appear to. When Minecraft generates and loads chunks, it loads an empty version of the terrain, complete with grass, stone and water textures that can't be walked on. This map generates out to the 32-bit integer limit. The game can only load chunks out to X/Z: ±32,000,000, causing a problem between the noise map and the chunk generator. To fix this problem, Minecraft removes the chunks generated beyond X/Z: >±32,000,000 and only generates the noise map. If the player tries to walk on this map, they will fall into the void. This value is hardcoded in the source code of Minecraft, meaning that it cannot be changed without editing the source files. Because chunks technically don't generate beyond X/Z: ±32,000,000, things like trees, falling gravel, falling sand, mobs, grass, and other entities will not generate either. This can make the map relatively stable and crashes can be somewhat rare; however, crashes can happen on low-end computers. In rare cases, if the player performs the "ghost spawn glitch" that worked in versions between Alpha 1.1.0 - Beta 1.7.3, the player can cause trees and plants to generate beyond ±32,000,000.

World Render Limit (X/Z: ±268,435,456 - ±2,147,483,647)

At excessive X/Z positions (depends on the operating system and version, but usually occurs between X/Z: ±268,435,456 and ±2,147,483,647, and early versions such as Beta), world render glitches out, resulting in terrain that will appear to flicker. This does happen at X/Z: <±268,435,456, but it becomes very noticeable at X/Z: >±268,435,456 and gets worse every power of 2 beyond that. This could most likely be that past X/Z: ±268,435,456 the Minecraft world is 32 blocks off, which is as large as 2 Minecraft chunks, though it is unconfirmed.

The Farther Lands (X/Z: ±1,004,065,920 - X/Z: ±53,905,378,846,979,747)

At X/Z: ±1,004,065,920 (or 623,897.614 miles away), the second set of Far Lands begins to generate, called the "Farther Lands". They generate almost 80 times further away than the Edge Far Lands. The Farther Lands are almost identical to the normal Far Lands, but this is where almost all the details that make up the Far Lands disappear and we get a very smooth version of the Far Lands. This is extremely apparent in the Corner Farther Lands, where the terrain almost never changes its shape.

Spawn Chunk Glitch (X/Z: ±524,288 - X/Z: ±1,073,741,824)

Using single player commands for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3, when the player teleports to 524,288 on only one axis and keeps their position along the other axis near zero, the player can allow the chunk they originally spawned in to re-appear. If done enough times, once the player reaches X/Z: 33,554,432, trees and entities can reappear inside the Far Lands, even though vegetation and entities are not supposed to generate out this far because of the block limit at X/Z: 32,000,000. However, because of the block render limit at X/Z: 2,147,483,519, the maximum distance that trees and entities can spawn at is X/Z: 1,073,741,824.

32-bit Limit (X/Z: >±2,147,483,647)

At X/Z: ±2,147,483,519, (or 1,334,384.395 miles away), blocks are no longer rendered, giving way to an empty sky. At X/Z: ±2,147,483,647 (maximum 32-bit Integer), the game will very likely crash or the player will get stuck. However, chunks will still generate along with clouds. Fast graphics clouds are however insanely stretched. With mods in later versions, there is a worldborder there. Touching it will cause the game to crash.

Cloud Render Limit (X/Z: ±25,769,803,000 - ±25,769,804,000)

Between X/Z: ±25,769,803,000 and X/Z: ±25,769,804,000 (or 16,012,613.214 and 16,012,613.835 miles) clouds stop rendering (Varies between maps, but they disappear somewhere in between these distances. Does not apply for fast graphics clouds). Beyond here, only the sky, sun, moon and void remain.

Chunk Overwrite Limit (X/Z: >±34,359,738,368)

If one makes it to X/Z: ±34,359,738,368 (235), or 21,350,151.595 miles away from spawn, chunks will start getting overwritten. As a result, this is the end of chunk generation in Minecraft. As soon as this limit is approached, the game will freeze and crash, resulting in an Out of memory screen. However, in some cases, the player may be able to move past this limit for a few seconds before Minecraft crashes. A chunk is 16 × 16 blocks, so it's likely due to the fact that Minecraft's chunk generation is also 32-bit, as 2,147,483,648 × 16 = 34,359,738,368.

Stripe Lands (X/Z: >±9,007,199,254,740,992)

(This limit is theoretical.) Minecraft: Java Edition uses 64-bit floating point precision for entity positions and other calculations. Most of the time, only 52 bits are dedicated to the fraction; therefore, after 2^53 blocks out, precision will break to only consider every second block, and so on.

Fartherer Lands (X/Z: ±53,905,378,846,979,747 - X/Z: ±4,312,430,307,758,379,832)

The low and high noise generators break for a second time upon reaching the value of (2^63)-1, or around 53905378846979747.9120 blocks out. While this limit is obviously too far out to see in game (and will be occluded by regular far lands), it can be seen through manipulating the noise generator (either in the game's code or using 1.8-1.12's custom world generator) to increase the noise period until it overflows at a conceivable distance.

Farthest Lands (X/Z: >±4,312,430,307,758,379,832)

At eighty times the distance of the Fartherer Lands, the selector noise overflows once more, marking the initiation of the Farthest Lands. These are even harder to discern from the regular Far Lands. Again, terrain generation must be manipulated to see these generate.

64-bit Limit (X/Z: >±9,223,372,036,854,775,807)

The highest signed value for 64-bit machines is X/Z ±9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (5,731,137,678,988,939 in-game miles). However, despite this being the limit any machine can go, it may not be possible to reach anywhere near this point, since the vast majority of people experience instant client freeze, followed by the client crashing. In some cases, it is possible to teleport to it however insanely difficult. If one manages to make it this far, the only things that will exist are the Sun and the sky, as shown by one user that managed to actually be out this far.

Previously, there was a theory that at this distance there would be no sun, the sky would be pitch black and the clouds would glow oddly. This has since been debunked as false.

1,024-bit Limit (X/Z: >±1.7 x 10308)

On August 1, 2018, a YouTube user named "Aura Gunner" made a video showing the player teleporting to 1.7 x 10308 (1.7 x 10305 Miles) on the X-axis.[2] Because 1.7 x 10308 is the maximum number that Java can understand, it caused the player's X coordinate to roll over to read "Infinity". It is impossible to go further since this is the physical limit at which Java can render, and the game will always crash at this distance. It is possible to get this far, however, Cheat Engine must be used to edit the coordinates in a way that allows continuous teleportation.

Vertical effects (Y: <-2,147,483,647)

In Beta 1.7.3, as the player falls below Y -2,147,483,647, the darkness of being in the void disappears. Instead of darkness, the void now looks like an empty world. It has a sky, a sun, and a moon, and they are all visible depending on the time of day. Despite this, the player will still receive damage from the void.

Map editors

When viewing the Far Lands in a 3D Minecraft map editor, the player will encounter errors. In MCEdit, the selection cubes start to distort and the map distorts when viewing. In addition, when the player rotates their view around a selected area, blocks will not be lined up right and will change how poorly lined up they are at random, making the whole world seem to shake like crazy.

Previous versions


The Far Lands in Minecraft Infdev


The Corner Far Lands in Minecraft Infdev

In Indev (the release of January 30, 2010), there are many limits that can be experienced when traveling beyond the world limit.

  • X/Z ±2,111, grass blocks stop rendering.
  • X/Z ±2,560. The sky stops rendering.
  • Every power of 2 that the player goes, the hitbox of the block that the player is facing becomes more and more distorted. At X/Z ±8,388,608, the player will fall through the blocks.
  • The hitbox becomes increasingly more corrupted and distorted until it disappears entirely at X/Z ±2,147,483,648.
  • The farthest distance the player can travel using this method is X/Z: 10128 , though the player can go further.

If the player teleports to X/Z: 2128 in the version of Indev that pushes the player back within the map, the player will be pushed from X/Z: 2128 to X/Z: 2,147,483,648 in about 5 minutes. As the player is pushed back, the sun and moon begin to render back in (Most likely at X/Z: 264) and then the game crashes at the 32-bit Integer Limit.

On the February 27, 2010 version of Infdev, many side effects would occur as the player walked thousands or even millions of blocks away.

  • X/Z ±512: Clouds stop rendering.
  • X/Z ±1,024: Sky box stops rendering.
  • X/Z ±2,048: Hitbox begins to subtly lose its shape.
  • X/Z: ±4,096: Footstep sounds play even if the player is not walking.
  • X/Z ±131,072: Chunks will begin to shake. This effect will then double for every power of two that the player walked away from the spawn point.
  • X/Z: ±2,097,152: World stops rendering completely at certain angles.
  • X/Z ±16,777,216: Blocks are no longer solid; player will fall and hit a layer of lava.
  • X/Z ±33,554,432: The Far Lands start to generate. They look very different from the normal Far Lands as they are just a giant wall of stone blocks that go from sea level to the height limit.
  • X/Z ±2,147,483,647: Terrain disappears completely. Beyond here, the game crashes.

On the March 27, 2010 version of Infdev, terrain generation changed and the Far Lands began generating at X/Z ±12,550,820. However, many of the side effects from before didn't appear. However, fire particles and doors would act strangely. There was no stuttering movement, and beyond X/Z ±32,000,000, the blocks would simply not render. Walking off the edge would cause the player to become stuck in a glitched position, unable to escape.

It has been confirmed that in Alpha v1.1.2, the blocks would not render beyond X/Z ±32,000,000, like older Infdev versions. The fake chunks started appearing in Alpha v1.2.0[3]


Far Lands at 32,000,000 X/Z in Minecraft Infdev. Note that blocks don't render beyond 32,000,000 and if the player tried to walk past here, they would get stuck forever. The "fake chunks" didn't appear until Alpha v1.2.0.

In previous versions of the game, if the player teleported as high as they possibly could, they were sent to a Y-Axis of 3.4x1038. In this zone, the player floats without a purpose, and dropped items will slide with what appears to be no friction before suddenly stopping after about 20 blocks. It has been reported that the X and Z-Axis sometimes flicker randomly in this zone. The memory pie chart also sometimes randomly jumps to 100% undefined memory usage, and then disappears upon re-entering the debug menu.

Java Edition, post-Beta 1.8

The contents of this section are not supported by Mojang Studios or the Minecraft Wiki.

The X/Z Far Lands were fixed from this version, so they will not exist without modifications to Minecraft.

The Y Far Lands were not fixed, but cannot be created in Vanilla 1.13 and above.


On the X and Z axes, the Far Lands and Farther Lands initiate as they did previously, with an identical chance of offset at positive positions. However, they are actually 256 blocks tall, instead of 128. There is a worldborder at the 32 bit integer limit.

On the Y-axis, the Far Lands initiate at around twice the former number, which is therefore ±25,101,648. Since blocks cannot exist above y=256 or below y=0 in the vanilla game, to observe the Far Lands in their natural habitats, mods such as the Cubic Chunks mod must be used to allow terrain to generate in such positions.

Farther Lands on the Y-axis most likely do exist, however they have not been investigated in sufficient detail yet.


The edge Far Lands and corner Far Lands, as well as their Farther variations, generate relatively identically to their pre-b1.8 counterparts, but utilising the entire height limit, causing them to generate all the way up to y=256, or in the case of infinitely high worlds, until they reach the sky Far Lands at y=+25,101,648 (and equivalently the void Far Lands at y=-25,101,648).

The Fartherer and Farthest Lands also still exist in vanilla worlds, but are impossible to access without using manipulated customized world presets that set noise periods ridiculously low (coordinate scale extremely high).[4]

Sky Far Lands

This section describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Minecraft. 
The Customized world type was removed in 1.13, so the Sky Far Lands can no longer be generated without mods.
Far lands on Y

The Far Lands generating on an unmodded modern custom world, before 1.13. A high coordinate scale was also used to generate this, resulting in repetitive terrain.

The Far Lands will generate at positive values of the Y-axis past y=25,101,648. Monoliths will generate up to this point if the player can get them to generate.

Void Far Lands


The Far Lands generating underground on a modded world.

TNT explosion snapped

A command-summoned TNT's explosion at 1 500 000 000 on both X and Z axis. The white and black smoke particles spawn in two different locations and different from the location of the TNT, due to floating-point precision errors.

The Far Lands will generate at negative values of the Y-axis past y=-25,101,648.

These do not seem to be obtainable without using mods in the same way as the Sky Far Lands.

Since every air block outside of caves and other generated structures is replaced with water below y=63, the void Far Lands are filled with water.

Vertex Far Lands

When the Sky or Void Far Lands meet with the vanilla Corner Far Lands, many interesting terrain features can be sighted. The content of these intersections appears to vary throughout worlds, with some being completely blank, some completely solid, and some generating like regular far lands material. In some cases, exciting diagonal patterns with large absent chunks will generate.[5]

Floating-point precision errors with entities and particles

Even in modern versions of Minecraft, the floating-point precision errors still exist, but only with entities. Mobs will spawn and move along grids, which has the cell edge length double at every power of two on the corresponding axis. They tend to move to the nearest intersection of two perpendicular lines of the grid. Other entities and particles (except items, certain entities, and particles spawned with commands) are also spawned on that grid; for example, an ignited block of TNT is "snapped" into another location on the grid.

Bedrock Edition


The Far Lands will initiate between X/Z: ±12,550,821 and ±12,550,824 as in the Java Edition, however only on phones/tablets and Nintendo Switch; in the Windows 10 and Xbox One Bedrock ports, terrain just cuts off to reveal bedrock and ocean.


The Bedrock Edition Far Lands are different from the Java Edition Far Lands, specifically:

The content of the Far Lands in the Bedrock Edition is slightly different in biomes and structure in positive coordinates. Sand and gravel don't fall from generating in Bedrock Edition. This results in relatively stable performance.

In the Windows 10 Edition, the traditional Far Lands do not generate at all, leaving bedrock, ocean, and in the Nether and End, skygrids.

In the Xbox One Bedrock port, there is nothing but oceans, bedrock and lava, and at extreme X/Z levels, stripe lands. Curiously, ocean ruin chests seem to spawn at sea level.

The Nintendo Switch port's Far Lands appear in the same way as in the tablet port. However, if players wish to move about this version of the Far Lands, they will need to use a simple trick with the elytra.

The features of the Far Lands in other Bedrock ports remain unknown.

Edge Far Lands

The Edge Far Lands initiate in an extremely similar fashion to the Java Edition's.

Near the Corner Skygrid, terrain may start to become extremely repetitive.

Despite Y=255 being the maximum buildable height, the Far Lands will still be cut off at Y=128, although trees will generate normally. (as the far lands existed before the height limit rised)

If fossils generate here, they usually generate in mid air without touching any block.

If an ocean biome generates in the Edge Far Lands, it appears as a "desert-like" patch, without any water in it. Shipwrecks and underwater ruins always generate above ground, sometimes higher than 128 on the Y axis. Buried treasure sometimes generates without touching any block.


In the Far Lands with negative X coordinates, after the positive X coordinates degrade, and everywhere in the Windows 10 Edition, the terrain will stop generating entirely, resulting in there being nothing present aside from the ocean and the bedrock layer.

Structures can generate here, with some such as desert temples having amusingly elongated foundations. Desert wells, dungeons, abandoned mineshafts, and woodland mansions cannot generate here.

In nothingness, Fossil will generate underwater, but not generate at bedrock floor.

Oddly, jungle temple generated here don't have foundation, just appear floating in water.

Strangely, if an igloo generates, it will generate underwater on the bedrock layer, replacing the bottom bedrock layer with stone bricks, and has a magenta bed.

Mobs such as dolphins and cod will still spawn normally. Sea grass and kelp still generate on bedrock. Underwater ruins and shipwrecks will always generate on the bedrock layer, and lava veins (with magma blocks, obsidian, and stone on top) will still generate near the bedrock layer, often creating bubble columns.

In the frozen ocean biome, the surface of the ocean will still freeze, and icebergs will still be able to generate. Polar bears are able to spawn without falling into the void.


In the Corner Far Lands, far lands with negative Z, and past the normal positive Z Far Lands, an extremely unusual and intimidating grid pattern of grass blocks will appear instead of the ordinary stack/loop. Tall grass and trees will generate on these blocks. This results in a perfect three-dimensional array of grass blocks levitating high above the ocean.[6] Structures generated here follow similar rules to that of the Nothingness.

Stripe Lands

Stripe Lands Swamp

The "Stripe Lands" at X/Z 16,777,216.

The Stripe Lands are an artifact of the game's rendering, rather than a quirk relating directly to terrain generation.[7][8] The Stripe Lands starts at X/Z ±16,777,216, under the same terrain effects as Nothingness and Skygrid. The Stripe Lands are probably caused by floating-point precision errors with the rendering engine.

Past ±33,554,432 blocks are rendered as two-dimensional.


In Bedrock Edition, the playable range is smaller than that of Java Edition, because of the usage of 32-bit floating-point numbers (as opposed to 64-bit on Java Edition). Many of the anomalous terrain-related effects do not occur on the Windows 10 edition, instead just being an ocean. This version also has a completely reversed precision loss than Minecraft Java Edition. The blocks themselves begin to lose position as the player travels thousands or millions of blocks away from the spawn. This can cause sections of blocks to considered "invalid" and not generate at all. If any entity's coordinates (including the player) fall within the "invalid" sections, they will fall through the world and into the void. However, the camera itself is not affected by the precision loss, as can be seen when the player looks around.

  • The smallest distance that the player can fall through the world is X/Z: ±2,048; however, the player must set their sensitivity low to move themselves slow enough to allow this to happen. Because of this, it is hypothetically possible to fall through the world at X/Z: 0.
  • Extremely minor jitteriness can be first experienced at X/Z: ±16,384.
  • At X/Z: ±32,768, it becomes impossible to sneak diagonally on soul sand that is below cobwebs while drawing back a bow;[9] this effect eventually evolves into being unable to move diagonally at all at far more extreme coordinates.
  • At X/Z: ±524,288, easily visible jitteriness is experienced and the further the player travels, the world gradually starts to become glitchy and unplayable.[8] It also becomes impossible to move forward or backward while on cobweb past this point.
  • Past X/Z: ±1,048,576, the jitteriness becomes considerably unbearable, making crashes very frequent at this point on low-end devices. Many blocks with 3D models, including cacti, levers, and torches start to render incorrectly. Some entities are glitched from this point onwards.[8] Sunflowers begin to become glitched, but this only occurs on the Z axis.
  • Past X/Z: ±2,097,152, it becomes impossible to move while sneaking and all entities become glitched in some form.
  • Just before X/Z: ±1,048,576, and especially after X/Z: ±4,194,304, the blocks' hit detection becomes glitched and can be only hit from behind or in front and the precision loss causes 1/4 of the blocks to not generate at all, as a result; entities less than 1.2 blocks high will fall through the world. However, it will also occur for the player randomly. This far out, the blocks are glitched without teleportation. Ender pearls, an elytra with fireworks, horseback, speed potions, and water are the only acceptable ways to travel from here onward.
  • Beyond X/Z: ±8,388,608, the jitteriness of the player and mobs causes them to fall through the world. However, the player can still continue traveling on horseback, so "walking" to the Far Lands is impossible without using speed potions. Speed 8 will allow players to walk past 8388608, but if they teleport past 8388608, they will fall through the world no matter what.

  • FarLandsEdge PocketEdition

    Far Lands on Minecraft Bedrock Edition

    The terrain erroring initiates at X/Z ±12,550,821, like in Java Edition.
  • Between X: ±12,561,029 and X: ±12,758,546 the Far Lands begin to take on a thinner "shredded" appearance, before fading out into either a Nothingness or Skygrid state.
  • What generates from there to the beginning of the Stripe Lands (X/Z: ±16,777,216) is just ocean, with a floor of bedrock. The bedrock generates in a pattern identical to how it normally generates underground. Biomes will still exist; swamps will darken the water and cold biomes will generate ice on the top layer of water. Generated structures, such as villages, witch huts, and jungle temples, will still generate here.
  • X/Z: ±16,777,216 The Stripe Lands begin to render. They are caused when the precision loss of the world causes 1 out of every 2 blocks to be considered "invalid". If the player manages to teleport into on of these "invalid" space, they wount be able to move their camera or move in any direction. The Large blocks of land will eventually phase out to become long thin strips and eventually dotted arrays of floating blocks resembling a 1-dimensional cross section of the skygrid. On the Z axis, instead of fading out into nothing, the terrain becomes a skygrid.
  • X/Z ±30,000,000 is the max teleportation distance; any attempts to teleport farther will put the player back at this coordinate. Manually flying beyond X/Z ±30,000,000 is also impossible, as there is an invisible wall. However this is not the case in older versions.
  • X/Z ±31,999,872 can be reached with the nether dimension, bulid a nether portal past X/Z ±399,984 in the nether to break world teleport limit is possible.
  • Beyond X/Z ±33,554,432 horizontal block render stops completely, making it appear like the terrain has been drawn on a canvass. Water can only be viewed from the side and becomes non-solid. Only vertical block rendering works beyond here and three out of every four blocks are considered "invalid".
  • Generated structures like villages and ice spikes may continue to generate as far up to X/Z: ±134,217,728. However, they appear two-dimensional at this distance. In the Windows 10 edition, there is no limit to how far out structures can generate and they can be seen at distances of over 2 billion blocks.
  • MCPEFarLandsEnd

    Far Lands at X/Z 1,073,741,823 in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

    At every power of two in the Stripe Lands, gaps between rendered blocks double. At X/Z ±1,073,741,824, blocks are 128 blocks apart and neighboring slices are invisible with a low render distance.
  • Near X/Z: ±2,147,483,647, the game freezes and crashes. However, not all devices are able to reach this point.
  • Blocks that are not full (stairs, fences, etc.) will appear as full blocks, usually stretched out.
  • At very large X/Z coordinates, the player can only move horizontally or vertically unless they sprint-fly, and has to hold down the directional keys before moving.
  • Caves generated close to the Far Lands will sometimes have an edgy "zipper" consistency, with sometimes only every second block being hollowed out.
  • Flying, elytra and horseback are the only ways to navigate the Far Lands. Traveling by foot is impossible as the terrain is made up of ghost chunks.


The Far Lands of the Nether, End, and would-be Sky Dimension share characteristics of the Overworld Far Lands, although with some differences.

The Nether


The Far Lands as seen inside the Nether.

The Nether Far Lands are similar to the Overworld Far Lands, except generated with Nether terrain features, with a lava ocean at Y=31.

In the Nether, the terrible lag associated with the Overworld Far Lands will not occur; most of the Nether is already dark enough for spawns in the first place, and there are less gravity-affected blocks (no sand, and gravel is rare).

If a nether portal is created in the Far Lands of the Overworld, entering will cause a teleportation to normal Nether, as X/Z 32,000,000, the limit at which block physics and lighting cease to function, divided by 8 (as 1 block in the nether corresponds to 8 blocks in the Overworld), is X/Z 4,000,000, within the limits of X/Z 12,550,820, where the distortion starts. Conversely, a nether portal built in the Nether Far Lands will not function, as even at the limit of 12,550,820 blocks at the beginning of the Far Lands, it would cause the player to come out at X/Z 100,406,560, far past X/Z 32,000,000. If a portal is entered beyond X/Z 4,000,000 in the Nether, it will cause the game to crash. Entering a portal at exactly X/Z: 4,000,000 in the Nether will teleport the player around 8-16 blocks from the 32,000,000 limit.

The Far Lands will not generate above the bedrock ceiling for obvious reasons, even if the Far Lands are modded into a more recent version.

The Nether can be a great way to reach the Far Lands in the Overworld, as every block in the Nether counts as 8 blocks in the Overworld. The player will need to travel to 1,568,853 or higher to spawn in the Far Lands. Teleporting just a few blocks less will allow the player to see the beginning of the Far Lands.

The End

The Far Lands have never existed in the End in the Java Edition without mods since the End dimension was added after the removal of the cause of the Far Lands. Nonetheless, they are available in the Bedrock Edition. They are not of much interest, being made of almost exclusively end stone, and appear a bit more squashed and stretched horizontally than the Overworld Far Lands. Micro-end islands still generate inside the Far Lands, even after the latter dissipates. Since there is no signature liquid of the End, they just generate down to a dry void; similarly, there is no bedrock floor.

Interestingly, if the Far Lands were modded back into the game before Java Edition 1.9, the End far lands would generate obsidian pillars everywhere on this landmass; end cities and chorus plants are generated as expected in more recent versions.

The End Far Lands are cut off at y=128, although structures still generate on top.

Sky Dimension

The Sky Dimension similarly has no trademark liquid and will generate no water/lava, and also no bedrock will generate. They appear squashed similarly to those of the End.

The Sky Dimension Far Lands will appear just like the End Far Lands, but with Overworld features.

This is also the area where the player is most likely to find diamonds. In any other area, the islands do not spawn low enough for diamonds to spawn. The Sky Dimension Far Lands do spawn all the way to Y: 0, so the player can find rare ores inside the Far Lands.


The terrain is generated based on 16 octaves of Perlin noise. Each noise generator takes floating-point inputs and uses those to interpolate between noise values at whole numbers. It does so by:

  1. Casting to a 32-bit integer, where Java rounds toward zero and handles overflow by picking the closest representable value;
  2. Subtracting one if the integer is greater than the original input, to always round down;
  3. Subtracting that integer from the original input to get a remainder in the interval [0, 1) suitable for interpolation.

It covers an interval of [−231, 231) without causing any problems. The problem is that many of the octaves cover a scale much smaller than a block, with up to 171.103 noise units per block. Indeed, 231≈171.103×12,550,824.053. Thus, the effects of the Far Lands start 12,550,824 blocks away from the center of the Minecraft world. Once this value is exceeded, the integer will always be 231−1, picking the same noise values on that axis every time. This is the reason for the long unchanging tunnels in the Edge Far Lands, and plains in the Corner Far Lands.

The Farther Lands are caused by an overflow in "selector noise", as opposed to the low and high noise that cause the initial set of Far Lands to generate; while selector noise does repeat more often than low and high noise, only half as many octaves are used, causing them to overflow much further out.

At the positive end, the remainder starts out relatively small but usually much larger than 1, and grows by 171.103 per block. At the negative end, the remainder starts at −232. This value is then adjusted by ((6x−15)x+10)x3 or in this case, ((6(12,550,824.053)−15)(12,550,824.053)+10)(12,550,824.053)3=1.8685826e+36 for quintic interpolation. Even one block in at the positive end, this is already around 1011. The negative end starts all the way around −1049! For the Corner Far Lands, multiply the values of both edges. When interpolation (really extrapolation) is attempted with values as large as these, it produces similarly large output. That output completely dwarfs all other terms that would normally give the terrain its shape, instead effectively only passing the sign of this one noise function through.

It was fixed by taking the remainder of the input divided by 224. Noise repeats every 28 units anyway, so it has no side effects. However, it does prevent the overflow. By removing these instructions, the Far Lands can be returned to current versions of the game.[10]

There are several other factors to the cause of the Far Lands effects, making things slightly more complicated:

  • Noise is only sampled every four blocks and linearly interpolated in between. This is why when 12,550,824 is affected by the bug, it reaches out three more blocks to 12,550,821.
  • Each noise generator picks a random offset in [0, 256) to add to its input. This will usually move the boundary under 12,550,824, starting the Far Lands at 12,550,821. With a few seeds, it might not, putting the start at 12,550,825. Very rarely, if the boundary is just barely within 12,550,824, the first couple blocks of the Far Lands might look somewhat normal. The southern and eastern Far Lands do this independently of one another. At the negative end, the Far Lands always start at block coordinate −12,550,825, with the positive edge of those blocks at −12,550,824.
  • There are actually two sets of noise generators, which are blended together based on another noise generator. This is responsible for relatively smooth alternation between two sets of tunnels or plains. Occasionally, one of the noise generators starts generating the Far Lands before the other because it uses a different offset, producing an incongruous boundary.


February 27, 2010
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Ankle Monitor|Ankle Monitor]]<br/>{{Joke feature}}
| title = Ankle Monitor
| image = Ankle Monitor.png
| renewable = No
| stackable = Yes (64)

The '''Ankle monitor''' was a joke foot item.

== Usage ==
Ankle monitors were equipped in the boots slot. In survival mode, when equipped, it could not be taken off. However, players in Creative mode are unaffected.

When equipped, the player would be afflicted with {{EffectLink|Slowness}} I.

During the night, being a certain number of blocks from the world spawn, above a certain minimum,{{checkthecode|how much?}} would prompt the following message in chat: "CURFEW WARNING! You are violating your house arrest! Get back by [distance] meters!"

If in [[the Nether]] or [[the End]], a different set of messages would be cycled through which can be seen in the section below.

=== Nether and End messages ===
* CURFEW WARNING! You are violating your house arrest! Uuuh... where are you anyway?
* CURFEW WARNING! Hello, are you there?
* CURFEW WARNING! I'm sure you have important things to do, but you need to go back!
* CURFEW WARNING! We're lonely back home!
* CURFEW WARNING! By "we" I mean I. I'm lonely.
* CURFEW WARNING! So... Where are you?
* CURFEW WARNING! Having a good day?
* CURFEW WARNING! Did you see that monster over there?
* CURFEW WARNING! Give it a whack, if you would be so kind.
* CURFEW WARNING! Ok, enough of this!
* CURFEW WARNING! Last straw!
* CURFEW WARNING! Now you die.
* CURFEW WARNING! Hehe, fun right?
* CURFEW WARNING! Ok, you will not hear anything more from me now!
* CURFEW WARNING! You'll be as lonely as I am.
* CURFEW WARNING! How does that feel?
* CURFEW WARNING! Stop. Please. Stupid.
* CURFEW WARNING! I know, I'll wipe my memory. That way, I can start over!
* CURFEW WARNING! *bzzzzttt*

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|description=When a notification is displayed

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Ankle Monitor

== History ==
{{History||1.RV-Pre1|[[File:Ankle_Monitor_(item).png|32px]] [[File:Ankle Monitor.png|32px]] Added ankle monitors.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|The inability to remove ankle monitors was somewhat implemented into the canonical game through the addition of [[Curse of Binding]].<ref>{{ytl|Vm6oplvyyh0|t=3m31s}}</ref>}}

== Issues ==
Ankle monitors are an unsupported [[item]] due to being an [[Wikipedia:April Fools' Day|April Fools']] joke, and therefore such issues relating to them will not be fixed.

== Gallery ==

TechGear.png|A [[player]] wearing the gear featured in this [[wikipedia:April Fools' Day|April Fools']] joke version.



[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]
[[Category:Joke items]]

[[es:Ankle monitor]]</li><li>[[Bread|Bread]]<br/>{{dungeons hatnote|type=item}}
| title = Bread
| image = Bread.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|5}}
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Bread''' is a [[food]] [[item]] that can be eaten by the [[player]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===


=== Chest loot ===


=== Trading ===

Novice-level farmer [[Villager|villagers]] sell 6 bread for one [[emerald]] as part of their [[Trading|trades]]. {{IN|java}} they only have a 40% chance of offering this trade.

=== Villager gifts ===

Farmer villagers may use wheat they have harvested to craft bread, which they can trade with other villagers.

Farmer villagers may throw bread at players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.{{only|java}}

== Usage ==

=== Food ===
{{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management|title1= Hunger management}}

Bread can be eaten with the use control while it is selected in the [[hotbar]]. Eating bread restores {{hunger|5}} [[hunger]] and 6.0 [[Hunger#Mechanics|hunger saturation]].

=== Breeding ===

Villagers can pick up bread items to become willing, allowing them to breed. Villagers require 3 bread to become willing.

=== Composting ===
Placing bread into a [[composter]] has an 85% chance of raising the compost level by 1. It is more efficient to compost [[wheat]] than bread made from wheat.

== Sounds ==

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==

=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Achievements ==

{{load achievements|Bake Bread}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== History ==

{{History|java indev}}
{{History||20100206|[[File:Bread JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Bread has been added, which now restores {{hp|5}}.}}
{{History||20100223|Bread now requires 3 [[wheat]] (1 row of 3) instead of 6 (2 rows of 3) to be crafted.}}
{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||?|Bread is no longer stackable.}}
{{History||20100625-2|Bread can now be found in the new [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Bread is now stackable to 64.
|Bread now restores {{hunger|5}} instead of {{hp|5}}.
|[[Dungeon]] [[chests]] now contain more bread, now that it stacks.
|Bread can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] storerooms and [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Bread can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] altar [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.1|snap=12w01a|Bread can now be found in the new [[village]] blacksmith chests.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w16a|Bread can now be found in the new [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w21a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 3–4 loaves of bread for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w37a|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The dark outline has now been removed from the bread texture.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|Bread can now be used to feed [[horse]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 2–4 loaves of bread for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w26c|[[Horse]]s no longer can eat bread.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|The average yield of bread from [[mineshaft]] and [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s has now been decreased.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Bread can now found in the new [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 297.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Bread JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bread has now been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Bread can now generate inside chests in cartographer houses, tanneries and plains [[village]] houses.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Bread can now generate inside chests in mason houses, and savanna and snowy [[village]] houses.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Bread can now generate inside chests in village temples, toolsmith, and desert and taiga [[village]] houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing bread into the new [[composter]] now has an 80% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Bread now has an 85% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Farmer villagers now give bread to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Bread JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bread.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Bread now restores {{hp|5}} instead of {{hp|2}}.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The dark outline has now been removed from the bread texture.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Bread now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Bread can now be found inside [[minecart with chest]]s in [[mineshaft]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|[[Villager]]s now require bread to become willing, in order to [[breeding|breed]].
|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 2-4 loaves of bread for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Bread can now be found in [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Bread can now be found inside [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Bread JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bread has now been changed.
|Bread can now be found inside [[plains]] [[village]] houses [[chest]]s, plains tannery house chests, village cartographer house chests and plains weaponsmith chests.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Bread can now be found in village chests other than plains.
|Bread can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 6 bread for one [[emerald]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Bread JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bread.}}
{{History||xbox=TU5|Bread is now stackable to 64. 
|Bread now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The dark outline has now been removed from the bread texture.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Bread JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bread has now been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Added bread.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--bread Taking Inventory: Bread] – Minecraft.net on February 25, 2021


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

Ever power of two from the spawn, various glitches with sound, the hit box, and chunk rendering will begin to take shape. At X/Z: >16,777,216 blocks are no longer solid, allowing for the player to fall through the world and into a layer of lava. A massive wall of stone will generate at X/Z: 33,554,432 and continue till the 32-bit limit.[11]
March 27, 2010
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Balloon|Balloon]]<br/>{{exclusive|bedrock|education}}
{{education feature}}
|image=White Balloon.png
|extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]
|invimage=White Balloon
|invimage2=Orange Balloon
|invimage3=Magenta Balloon
|invimage4=Light Blue Balloon
|invimage5=Yellow Balloon
|invimage6=Lime Balloon
|invimage7=Pink Balloon
|invimage8=Gray Balloon
|invimage9=Light Gray Balloon
|invimage10=Cyan Balloon
|invimage11=Purple Balloon
|invimage12=Blue Balloon
|invimage13=Brown Balloon
|invimage14=Green Balloon
|invimage15=Red Balloon
|invimage16=Black Balloon
|size=Height: 0.4 Blocks<br>Width: 0.4 Blocks

'''Balloons''' are [[entities]] that float upward when placed.

== Obtaining ==
Balloons are not available in the [[Creative]] inventory or [[commands]].

=== Crafting ===

|A1= Latex
|B1= Matching Dye
|C1= Latex
|A2= Latex
|B2= Helium
|C2= Latex
|A3= Latex
|B3= Lead
|C3= Latex
|Output= Matching Balloon
|type= Miscellaneous
|A1= Latex
|B1= Bone Meal; Lapis Lazuli; Cocoa Beans; Ink Sac
|C1= Latex
|A2= Latex
|B2= Helium
|C2= Latex
|A3= Latex
|B3= Lead
|C3= Latex
|Output= White Balloon; Blue Balloon; Brown Balloon; Black Balloon
|type= Miscellaneous

== Usage ==

When {{control|used}} on a [[mob]], a [[fence]], or a [[wall]], balloons attach to the mob or block, similarly to a [[lead]]. Balloons float into the air faster than the speed the [[player]] flies up, but remain grounded if tied to a fence. If tied to a mob, the balloon floats away and carries the mob into the air, before both eventually [[despawn]] or disappear.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: left;"
|+ Balloon-attachable mobs
! Mob
! Mass
| {{EntityLink|Chicken}} 
| 0.6
| {{EntityLink|Cow}} 
| 1.0
| {{EntityLink|Donkey}} 
| 1.0
| {{EntityLink|Horse}} 
| 1.0
| {{EntityLink|Iron Golem}} 
| 2.0
| {{EntityLink|Llama}} 
| 1.0
| {{EntityLink|Mule}} 
| 1.0
| {{EntityLink|Mooshroom}}
| 1.0
| {{EntityLink|Panda}}
| 1.5
| {{EntityLink|Pig}}
| 0.75
| {{EntityLink|Sheep}}
| 0.75
| {{EntityLink|Snow Golem}}
| 1.0
| {{EntityLink|Fox}}
| 0.6

When a balloon is shot by an [[arrow]] or a [[trident]], or floats into a solid block, it pops, summons [[particles]], and is destroyed. It drops nothing. A balloon tied to a fence post bursts when a player strikes it in any direction.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Balloon pop1.ogg
|sound2=Balloon pop2.ogg
|description=When a balloon collides with a block from above

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
{{ID table

=== Metadata ===
In ''Bedrock Edition'', balloon items use the following data values:


== History ==

{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|[[File:White Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silver Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Balloon BE1.png|32px]] <br> [[File:White Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silver Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added balloons.}}
{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[Bee]]s, [[boat]]s, tamed [[cat]]s, [[dolphin]]s, [[glow squid]]s, [[goat]]s, [[hoglin]]s, [[ocelot]]s, [[panda]]s, [[parrot]]s, [[polar bear]]s, [[squid]]s, [[strider]]s, tamed [[wolves]] and [[zoglin]]s can now be leashed.}}
{{History||1.18.30|snap=beta|Added the [[boat with chest]], which can be leashed.}}

{{History||1.0.27|[[File:White Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Balloon.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silver Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Balloon.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Balloon BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Balloon BE1.png|32px]] <br> [[File:White Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silver Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Balloon (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added balloons.}}
{{History||1.18.32|snap=|[[Bee]]s, [[boat]]s, tamed [[cat]]s, [[dolphin]]s, [[glow squid]]s, [[goat]]s, [[hoglin]]s, [[ocelot]]s, [[panda]]s, [[parrot]]s, [[polar bear]]s, [[squid]]s, [[strider]]s, tamed [[wolves]] and [[zoglin]]s can now be leashed.}}

=== Colors ===
Orange Balloon.png
Magenta Balloon.png
Light Blue Balloon.png
Yellow Balloon.png
Lime Balloon.png
Pink Balloon.png
Gray Balloon.png
Light Gray Balloon.png
Cyan Balloon.png
Purple Balloon.png
Blue Balloon.png
Brown Balloon.png
Green Balloon.png
Red Balloon.png
Black Balloon.png

=== [[Event servers]] ===
File:Legends Balloon.png|Differently designed balloons featured in the ''[[Minecraft Legends Live Event]]''.
File:Sniffer Balloon (Trails and Tales Summer Event) Render.png|A [[Sniffer]] balloon, featured in the [[Trails & Tales Event]].
File:Camel Balloon (Trails and Tales Summer Event) Render.png|A balloon of a [[Camel]], featured in the Trails & Tales Event.
File:Balloon Bundle (Trails and Tales Summer Event) Render.png|Bundle of balloons from the Trails & Tales Event.
{{Education Edition}}

[[Category:Education Edition entities]]
[[Category:Education Edition items]]

[[ru:Воздушный шар]]
|image=Oak Boat.png
|image2=Oak Boat (item) JE6.png
|extratext = [[#Gallery|View all renders]]
Height: 0.5625 Blocks<br>Width: 1.375 Blocks<br>
Height: 0.455 Blocks<br>Width: 1.4 Blocks
|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 1
{{for|other kinds of boats|Boat (disambiguation)}}
A '''boat''' is a drivable vehicle [[entity]] used primarily for fast transport of players and passenger mobs over bodies of water. '''Bamboo rafts''' look different, but function almost identically to other boats.

== Obtaining ==
Boats can be crafted with any Overworld planks; crimson and warped planks cannot be used to make boats.<ref>{{bug|MC-170868|||Invalid}}</ref>

Boats can be retrieved by repeatedly hitting them until they drop as an item.

[[Tool]]s and [[weapon]]s that deal more than {{Health|4}} damage will instantly destroy a boat in one hit.{{only|Java}}

=== Crafting ===
|A2= Matching Overworld Planks
|C2= Matching Overworld Planks
|A3= Matching Overworld Planks
|B3= Matching Overworld Planks
|C3= Matching Overworld Planks
|Output= Matching Boat
|type= Transportation

== Usage ==
Boats can be used for the transportation of [[player]]s and [[mob]]s, sold for emeralds, or [[Smelting|burnt]] as fuel.

=== Crafting ===
{{Crafting usage|match=end|Boat, Bamboo Raft}}

=== Trading ===
Master-level fisherman [[villager]]s always offer to buy a boat for an [[emerald]]. The type of boat depends on the biome outfit type of the villager; [[plains]] villagers offer to buy oak boats, [[taiga]] and [[Snowy Tundra|snowy]] villagers offer to buy spruce boats, [[savanna]] villagers offer to buy acacia boats, [[desert]] and [[jungle]] villagers offer to buy jungle boats, and [[swamp]] villagers offer to buy dark oak boats.

=== Fuel ===
A boat used as fuel in a [[furnace]] lasts 60 seconds, smelting up to 6 items.

=== Transportation ===
{{see also|Transportation|Riding}}
==== Entering ====

A player enters a boat by {{control|using}} it, if the boat is not fully occupied (boats can hold two entities). Unlike [[bed]]s, there is no message above the hotbar for attempting to enter a fully occupied boat.<ref>{{bug|MC-161251}} - resolved as “Works as Intended”</ref>

==== Exiting ====
A boat can be exited by {{control|sneaking}} or, {{in|BE}}, pressing down the right analog stick on a controller, tapping the "Leave Boat" button when using touch controls, or {{control|jumping}}. When exiting a boat, the player is placed in the direction the player is facing, or, if facing directly up or down, the player is placed in front of the boat. The exiting player is placed on land if possible from the dismounting position.

==== Motion ====
Boats do not turn with mouse-look. 

With a keyboard or gamepad, boats are controlled using the {{control|forward}}, {{control|left}} (turns left), {{control|right}} (turns right), and {{control|backward}} keys. Using the {{control|sprint}} key increases the field of vision, but does not increase speed as if [[sprinting]].

With touchscreen controls, two buttons for steering appear. The right button or key steers to the left, and the left button or key steers to the right. Pressing both buttons or keys moves the boat forward.

{{IN|Java}}, boats can be ridden against a current, but cannot be ridden upstream to a higher elevation. A boat lift, usually made from tripwire, pistons, and optionally a slime block, can be used to move a boat up. Bubble columns created with soul sand can also be used to push boats upward. These mechanisms can also be used {{in|bedrock}} but are usually unnecessary because boats can be ridden upward in descending water, as well as [[Tutorials/Water-powered boat transportation|follow upward stair-step currents]].

== Behavior ==
=== Speed ===
Boats move according to the player's control or water currents, with speed affected by the surface traversed. Boats move extremely quickly on ice,<ref name="MC-97803">{{bug|MC-97803||Boats going faster on ice than in water|WAI}}</ref> allowing for the construction of fast transportation systems in any dimension.
{| class="wikitable"
|8.0 blocks/s
|[[Ice]], [[Frosted Ice]], [[Packed Ice]]
|40 blocks/s
|[[Blue Ice]]
|72.7 blocks/s
|2.0 blocks/s

=== Floatation ===
[[File:Oak Boat shake.gif|thumb|right|The animation of an oak boat when atop a [[Bubble Column|bubble column]].]]
A boat floats atop still or flowing water. {{IN|java}}, a boat sinks if it enters a waterfall.<ref>{{bug|MC-91206|||WAI}}</ref> {{IN|bedrock}}, a boat does not sink when submerged but floats up. This feature lets a player contrive stepped uphill water flows to [[Tutorials/Water-powered boat transportation#Floating uphill|propel a boat uphill]] using only flowing water.

When a boat moves over a bubble column, it begins to shake. If the bubbles are caused by a [[Magma Block|magma block]], all passengers are expelled and the boat sinks.

{{IN|java}}, a sunken boat cannot be re-floated until a bubble column pushes it up or it is broken by the player. {{IN|bedrock}}, a boat resumes floating when it emerges from the currents keeping it down, or when the bubble column is blocked or removed.

[[Dolphin]]s chase players riding a boat in motion, occasionally bumping the boat, causing it to shake briefly.

=== Destruction ===
As boats are [[Entity|entities]], they have [[health]]. Boats effectively have just over {{hp|4}} (exactly 4 damage is not quite enough to destroy a boat), and regenerate {{frac|1|10}} per game tick. 

Boats can be destroyed by explosions, fire and lava (but not magma blocks), cactus, and by being punched by mobs, such as [[Drowned]]. Boats made invulnerable with commands cannot be broken by any of these, but they still cannot be used to travel on lava because they sink.

When a boat is destroyed under normal conditions, it drops itself in item form. In certain conditions, such as when falling for exactly 12, 13, 49, 51, 111, 114, 198, 202, 310, or 315 blocks,<ref name="MC-119369">{{bug|MC-119369}}</ref> it drops two [[stick]]s and three [[planks]] upon being destroyed.

=== Passengers ===
[[File:Multiple mobs in 2 boats.png|alt=|thumb|Multiple mobs in 2 types of boats.]]
Boats can support two riders, including [[mob]]s. Except for [[Enderman|endermen]] {{in|bedrock}}, a mob cannot exit a boat and is trapped until the boat gets destroyed, or until the player uses a [[Fishing Rod|fishing rod]] or [[lead]] to remove the mob. This can be used to transport mobs, although hostile mobs still attack while in boats. Mobs riding a boat don't despawn{{only|java}} and don't count toward the mob cap.<ref>{{bug|MC-182897|resolution=WAI}}</ref>

A player cannot both move (row) and use items at the same time. It is still possible to initialize item use (e.g. start eating) and row the boat while the item is still in the middle of the use animation. Although the rowing animation overrides the item use animation, the item can still be successfully consumed. This does not work with items that are triggered by the ''release'' of the use button (such as [[Bow|bows]] and [[Trident|tridents]]).{{only|Java}}

Being in a boat limits the player's mouse-look to the forward 210° arc {{in|java}} and 180° {{in|bedrock}}.

Underwater boat cannot be ridden. When the boat is underwater, all passengers in it are expelled.

=== Damage prevention ===
Riding a boat does not deplete [[hunger]], making it an efficient way to travel.

Boats can completely nullify [[fall damage]] for themselves and any players/mobs inside, making them useful for travel through mountains or through the Nether.<ref>{{bug|MC-105103|resolution=WAI}}</ref><ref>{{bug|MCPE-149490|resolution=WAI}}</ref> However {{in|java}}, due to a bug, boats can break when falling from certain heights, and the riders take fall damage.<ref name="MC-119369"></ref>

=== Collision ===
A boat has a solid collision box, which means players and other entities can't go through it even with high speed. Falling blocks are also blocked by boats.

{{IN|java}}, a boat falling on top of an entity stops on top of the entity. {{In|bedrock}}, a falling boat can go through other entities.

Riding a boat over a [[Lily Pad|lily pad]] causes the lily pad to drop, although the boat's speed stutters a bit.

=== Mobs ===
Most mobs can ride boats. Mobs cannot exit the boat unless the boat is destroyed, sinks, or moves over a bubble column. However, {{in|bedrock}}, [[endermen]] are able to teleport out of boats.

Mobs can be picked up into the boat when they collide with the side of the boat. A mob cannot control the boat. {{IN|java}}, a boat being ridden by a player cannot pick up a mob. {{IN|bedrock}}, mobs can be picked up by a boat being ridden by a player.

Mobs wider than the width of a boat cannot be picked up by a boat. [[Warden]]s, and [[wither]]s cannot be picked up by a boat. {{IN|java}}, baby [[sniffer]]s cannot be picked up either.

=== Lead ===
{{IN|java}}, leads cannot be attached to boats. {{IN|bedrock}}, leads can be attached to boats, though the lead can break when stretched too far due to boats moving much slower on land.

== Sounds ==
Boats use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.
{{Sound table
|sound=Boat paddle land1.ogg
|sound2=Boat paddle land2.ogg
|sound3=Boat paddle land3.ogg
|sound4=Boat paddle land4.ogg
|sound5=Boat paddle land5.ogg
|sound6=Boat paddle land6.ogg
|description=While a boat is rowed on land
{{Sound table
|sound=Boat paddle water1.ogg
|sound2=Boat paddle water2.ogg
|sound3=Boat paddle water3.ogg
|sound4=Boat paddle water4.ogg
|sound5=Boat paddle water5.ogg
|sound6=Boat paddle water6.ogg
|sound7=Boat paddle water7.ogg
|sound8=Boat paddle water8.ogg
|description=While a boat is rowed in water

{{Sound table
|description=While a boat is rowed in water

==Data values==
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Raft
{{ID table

{{ID table
|displayname=Oak Boat
|aliasid=boat / 0
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce Boat
|aliasid=boat / 1
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch Boat
|aliasid=boat / 2
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle Boat
|aliasid=boat / 3
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia Boat
|aliasid=boat / 4
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak Boat
|aliasid=boat / 5
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove Boat
|aliasid=boat / 6
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Boat
|aliasid=boat / 8
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Raft
|aliasid=boat / 7
{{ID table

===Entity data===
Boats have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the entity.

{{main|Entity format}}

:See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].

{{load achievements|Whatever Floats Your Goat}}

{{load advancements|Whatever Floats Your Goat!}}

{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.6|[[File:Oak Boat JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added boats. 
|Initially, boats broke upon being placed outside water, and on impact with land.}}
{{History||v1.0.6_01|Boats now only break on impact with land at high speeds. 
|Boats no longer break upon being placed outside water.
|Boat turning has been made smoother.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|It is now possible to score a [[Damage#Critical hit|critical hit]] against a boat.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w15a|Boats can now be shot out from [[dispenser]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of the oak boat [[item]] has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=12w21a|Boats no longer take [[damage]] when colliding with [[lily pad]]s. Instead, the lily pads themselves break.}}
{{History|||snap=12w23a|Boats can now accelerate to faster than previous speeds, and are now easier to control.}}
{{History|||snap=12w27a|Boats now drop their [[item]] instead of 3 [[planks|oak wood planks]] and 2 [[stick]]s if broken by a [[player]].|Instead, it needs to fall certain heights to drop 3 oak wood planks and 2 sticks.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16b|New boat physics with lower inertia, but {{control|left}}, {{control|back}} and {{control|right}} controls have been removed.
|Boats now take [[damage]] and break when colliding with many lily pads in a short time.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|[[Player]]s can now {{cmd|summon}} [[mob]]s riding boats, though mobs cannot control boats.}}
{{History|||snap=13w43a|Boats no longer inflict fall [[damage]] when running aground.
|Boats being broken by lily pads has been slightly improved.
|{{control|Left}}, {{control|back}} and {{control|right}} controls added again.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w06a|[[Mob]]s riding boats can now control them, so that they can chase or flee enemies, move toward food, move about randomly, or whatever they would do on land. The exceptions are the [[ghast]] and [[bat]], both of which cannot control boats.}}
{{History||1.8.2|snap=pre2|Boats can now survive crashes at higher speeds.<!-- They have to be going 0.2975 now, rather than only 0.2. -->}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w41a|[[File:Oak Boat JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Boats have been overhauled to match the boats from [[Pocket Edition v0.11.0 alpha|Pocket Edition Alpha 0.11.0]]. They now have oars for paddling and are more durable and now allows passengers to board.
|[[Mob]]s can now board boats, though they can no longer control them.
|A new set of controls have been introduced: it includes holding down the {{control|right}} and {{control|left}} keys to move forward, and using the {{control|right}} key to move the right oar, turning the boat to the left (and vice-versa). Mouse movement no longer turns boats, and the {{control|forward}} and {{control|back}} keys no longer have any effect. 
|[[Player]]s can no longer {{control|use}} [[item]]s or {{control|attack}} from boats unless they were at a complete stop.
|The [[crafting]] recipe for boats has been changed to require a wooden [[shovel]] as shown below.
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Recipe"
! Recipe
|A2= Oak Planks |B2= Wooden Shovel        |C2= Oak Planks
|A3= Oak Planks |B3= Oak Planks |C3= Oak Planks
|Output= Oak Boat
|The NBT [[tag]] {{code|Type}} (string) have now added for the boat [[entity]], taking values {{code|oak}}, {{code|spruce}}, {{code|birch}}, {{code|jungle}}, {{code|acacia}} and {{code|dark_oak}}.
|Boats no longer break [[snow|snow layers]] they run into.}}
{{History|||snap=15w42a|The new boats are now comparable in speed to the old boats (slightly faster than sprinting), though with less momentum.
|Players can now {{control|use}} items and {{control|attack}} immediately after they stop rowing.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43c|The texture of boats has been remapped, so that they now have a separate texture per oar and per side of the boat.}}
{{History|||snap=15w51a|Boats now [[drops|drop]] their corresponding [[planks]] when broken.}}
{{History|||snap=16w04a|Boats are now faster and now move forward and backward using the {{control|forward}} and {{control|backward}} keys respectively, and steer left and right using the {{control|left}} and {{control|right}} keys respectively. The rowing mechanism introduced in [[Java Edition 15w41a|15w41a]], holding the {{control|right}} and {{control|left}} keys, is removed and no longer moves the boat forward. The controls are now more similar to boats before the overhaul.
|Boats now sink when underwater, or within flowing water of any depth.
|The crafting recipe of boats has been restored to the original recipe, no longer requiring a wooden [[shovel]] as it has since 15w41a (though matching wood [[planks]] is still required).
|Riding a boat no longer subjects [[water]]-sensitive [[mob]]s to being damaged by water, and no longer protects sunlight-sensitive mobs from being damaged by sunlight.
|Dismounting in a boat now attempts to place the [[player]] on land.}}
{{History|||snap=16w05a|Boats now travel extremely fast on [[ice]], [[Packed Ice|packed ice]] and [[Frosted Ice|frosted ice]].<ref name="MC-97803"/>}}
{{History|||snap=16w06a|Riding [[entity|entities]] such as boats are now run by the client rather than by the server.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID has been changed from {{code|Boat}} to {{code|boat}}.
|The player's [[hunger]] bar is now visible when riding in a boat.}}
{{History|||snap=16w33a|Boats can now be used to fuel [[furnace]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=16w39c|Boats placed by dispensers now face the same way as the dispenser, instead of toward the dispenser.<ref>{{bug|MC-90074|||Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w17a|A boat paddles [[sound]] has been added.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The oak boat ID has been changed from {{code|boat}} to {{code|oak_boat}}.
|Prior to [[Java Edition 1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 333, 444, 445, 446, 447 and 448.}}
{{History|||snap=18w15a|Added [[Blue Ice|blue ice]], which allows boats to travel even faster on it.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Oak Boat JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE2.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all boats have been changed.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w50a|[[File:Oak Boat JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all boats have been changed to match the new [[planks]].}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Fisherman [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] boats.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w37a|Boats as fuel now [[smelting|smelt]] 6 [[item]]s in a [[furnace]] instead of 1.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w18a|Mobs in boats no longer [[Spawn#Despawning|despawn]].}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[File:Mangrove Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Boat (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mangrove boats.}}
{{History|||snap=22w12a|Boats can now be used to craft boats with chests.
|[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE3 BE5.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] The textures of all boat items (except mangrove) have been changed.<ref>{{bug|MC-94161|||Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=22w14a|Due to the addition of the [[mangrove tree]] and [[mangrove swamp]], mangrove boats are now obtainable and renewable.}}
{{History|||snap=22w15a|[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Boat (item) JE2.png|32px]] The textures of all boat item textures have been changed.}}
{{History||October 15, 2022|link={{ytl|yZRXmHiEh7U&t}}|[[File:Bamboo Raft JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Bamboo rafts were announced at [[Minecraft Live 2022]].}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|[[File:Bamboo Raft JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Raft (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added bamboo rafts behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].}}
{{History|||snap=22w45a|[[File:Bamboo Raft (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The item texture of the bamboo raft has been changed.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|[[File:Cherry Boat JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Boat (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added cherry boats behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Bamboo rafts and cherry boats are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.}}
{{History||1.20.2|snap=?|Riding height for mobs without a sitting position have been adjusted so their feet are at the bottom of the boat.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||September 19, 2014|link={{tweet|_tomcc|512935629026770944}}|[[Tommaso Checchi]] tweeted a picture of a [[player]] riding a boat, stating that the most important thing is to "get the paddling right."
|[[File:Minecart JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The model used by boats is currently a [[minecart]].}}
{{History||January 26, 2015|link={{tweet|_tomcc|559697958728654848}}|Tommaso Checchi tweets a screenshot of multiple riders in a single boat.
|[[File:Boat (pre-release).png|32px]] The model used by boats is now a minecart which has been squished vertically, and tinted brown.}}
{{History||February 20, 2015|link={{tweet|_tomcc|568844305491730432}}|Tommaso Checchi tweets a screenshot of multiple boats with only mobs in them.
|Boats now have a proper model with paddles.}} 
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Oak Boat JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added boats. Each wood type has its own respective variant, though they share the same sprite as [[item]]s.
|Boats can support two riders, including [[mob]]s.
|Boats are larger in size than {{in|java}}.
|Boats are more resistant to crashing against land than {{in|java}}.}}
{{History|||snap=build 12|Projectiles can now be shot from boats.}}

{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Added all boat variants to the [[Creative]] [[inventory]].
|[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] New [[inventory]] icons for boats have been added. The sprite now includes paddles and represents their respective wood color.}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Boats are now slightly faster than sprinting, and no longer deplete [[hunger]].
|[[Player]]s can now {{control|use}} [[item]]s and {{control|attack}} immediately after they stop rowing.}}
{{History|||snap=build 3|Boats now stack on top of each other.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Boats now move faster on [[ice]].}}
{{History||1.5.0|snap=beta|The steering of boats has been changed when using keyboard and mouse - W now moves the boat forward and S reverses it.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Boats can now sink or float on [[Bubble Column|bubble column]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Oak Boat JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all boats have been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Boats can now be [[trading|bought]] from fisherman [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, master-level fisherman villagers now offer to [[trading|buy]] boats based on their villager [[biome]] outfit.
|Due to trading changes, birch boats can no longer be [[trading|sold]] to fisherman villagers.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Custom named boats now save their name after placing and breaking.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|The item ID {{code|boat}} has been split up into {{code|<type>_boat}}.}}
{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[File:Oak Boat (item) BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] The item sprites of all boats have been changed. The paddles now represent their respective wood color (except spruce) and the inside rims of the boats are darker.
|[[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] An updated item sprite for dark oak boat has been added to the game files, but it's currently unused.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-151667}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.18.30|snap=beta|[[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE3 BE5.png|32px]] An updated item sprite for spruce boat has been added to the game files, but it's currently unused.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-152262}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Spruce and dark oak boats now correctly use their updated item sprites.}}
{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|[[File:Mangrove Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Boat (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mangrove boats.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Boat (item) JE2.png|32px]] Changed all boat item textures.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|[[File:Bamboo Raft JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Raft (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added bamboo rafts behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|[[File:Bamboo Raft (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The item texture of the bamboo raft has been changed to match ''[[Java Edition]]''.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.80|snap=beta|[[File:Cherry Boat JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Boat (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added cherry boats behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Bamboo rafts and cherry boats are now available without using the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.}}
{{History||1.20.10|snap=beta|The [[wooden shovel]] in the crafting recipe has been removed for all boat types except the bamboo raft.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|The bamboo raft recipe no longer needs a wooden shovel.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Oak Boat JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added boats.}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|The maximum number of boats in a world has been increased to 40.
|Boats now break when they hit land hard.}}
{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.04|Boats are no longer broken by [[Lily Pad|lily pad]]s anymore, instead they run straight through the lily pad now, breaking and sometimes dropping it.
|When boats crash, they can now sometimes [[drops|drop]] themselves as [[item]]s.
|Boats are now less glitchy and more responsive now.
|The maximum speed of boats has been increased.
|When exiting, [[player]]s now move from the boat.
|When broken by a player, they [[drops|drop]] a boat now.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|[[File:Oak Boat JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Boats have been overhauled to match [[Pocket Edition v0.11.0 alpha|Pocket Edition Alpha 0.11.0]] boats.}}
{{History||xbox=TU57|xbone=CU49|ps=1.56|wiiu=Patch 27|switch=1.0.7|The [[crafting]] recipe of boats has been changed to require a wooden [[shovel]].}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Oak Boat JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all boats have been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Oak Boat JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added boats.}}

==Issues ==
{{issue list}}

*[[Sand]], [[Sand|red sand]], [[Concrete Powder|concrete powder]], [[gravel]], [[anvil]]s, and [[Dragon Egg|dragon egg]]s drop as [[Item (entity)|items]] when they fall onto a boat that is in water.
*A [[chest]] is short enough that a boat falls onto it rather than crashes into it.
*{{IN|console}}, holding the movement stick to the side in a boat on [[Blue Ice|blue ice]] causes the player to spin quickly. If a passenger is in the boat while this occurs, when the player exits the boat after it reaches maximum velocity (attained after about three seconds), for most mobs, the mob's head may spin uncontrollably. For some mobs, however, nothing happens (such as [[slime]]s and [[ghast]]s). The mob may also get its head stuck at an angle. Thorough testing was done on Minecraft: Wii U Edition, although the glitch was originally discovered on the Xbox 360 Edition.

Oak Boat.png|Oak
Spruce Boat.png|Spruce
Birch Boat.png|Birch
Jungle Boat.png|Jungle
Acacia Boat.png|Acacia
Dark Oak Boat.png|Dark oak
Mangrove Boat.png|Mangrove
Cherry Boat.png|Cherry
Bamboo Raft.png|Bamboo raft
Oak Boat (item).png|Oak
Spruce Boat (item).png|Spruce
Birch Boat (item).png|Birch
Jungle Boat (item).png|Jungle
Acacia Boat (item).png|Acacia
Dark Oak Boat (item).png|Dark oak
Mangrove Boat (item).png|Mangrove
Cherry Boat (item).png|Cherry
Bamboo Raft (item).png|Bamboo raft

=== Screenshots ===
AllBoats.png|All types of boats next to each other.
Screenboat.png|The old boat floating.
BoatStackingFun.png|A bunch of pre-1.9 boats stacked up.
Boats boats boats boats!!.jpg|First image of boats in BE development.
I guess it's getting there.png|Second image of boats in BE development.
All aboard the hype boat!.png|Image of the completed Bedrock Edition boats.
Boatglitche.png|A trail of boats after a game crash while riding a boat.
BoatDock.png|A dock with many boats.
Minescape.png|A third-person perspective of a boat in [[Java Edition Alpha v1.0.6]].

=== Development Images ===
Jappa Boat.jpg|Jappa texturing a boat.
Nekofresa Making Bamboo Raft in Blockbench.png|Nekofresa making the bamboo raft in Blockbench.
Chiwi Boats 1.png|Boat item textures.
Chiwi Boats 2.png|Boat item textures.
Chiwi Boats 3.png|Boat item textures.
Chiwi Boats 4.png|Boat item textures.

=== Concept Art ===
Bamboo Raft Concept Art.png|Bamboo raft concept art.
Bamboo Raft and Raft with Chest Concept Art.png|Ditto.

=== Artwork ===
Sunny-boat.gif|Official artwork of [[Sunny]] riding a mangrove boat.
Mobile Adventure 640x960.png|Official artwork of [[Alex]] in a boat at sea with an [[Allay]].
File:Zuri Raft.jpg
Zuri on Bamboo Raft Pixel Art.png|Pixel art of [[Zuri]] on a bamboo raft with a baby [[panda]].
File:Cutout Blossom (Trails & Tales Event).png|Cutout of Zuri and [[Efe]] on bamboo rafts, featured in the [[Trails & Tales Event]].
File:This or That.jpg
File:Croc Ad 1.jpg|An oak boat as it appears in an advertisement for ''Crocs''.<ref> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/e1AJo7jU5MI</ref>

==See also==


== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--boat Taking Inventory: Boat] – Minecraft.net on October 4, 2019


First confirmed appearance of the Far Lands.
June 24, 2010
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Saddle|Saddle]]<br/>{{about|normal saddles|the removed horse saddle|Horse Saddle}}
| image = <gallery>
Saddle (Pig).png | Pig
Saddle (Horse).png | Horse
Saddle (Strider).png | Strider
| invimage = Saddle
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = No

A '''saddle''' is an [[item]] required to ride [[Pig|pigs]] and [[Strider|striders]] or control ridden [[camel]]s, [[Horse|horses]], [[Donkey|donkeys]] and [[Mule|mules]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Chest loot ===

=== Fishing ===
Saddles can be obtained as a "treasure" item from [[fishing]] with a base chance (without fishing rod enchantments) of 0.8%.

=== Trading ===
Master-level [[Trading#Leatherworker|leatherworker]] [[villager]]s have a 50% chance to sell a saddle for 6 [[Emerald|emeralds]] as their trade.{{only|bedrock}} This trade is always offered in ''Java Edition''.

=== Mob loot ===
Any mob that the player equips with a saddle drops the saddle upon death.

A [[strider]] may spawn being ridden by a [[zombified piglin]], which causes it to spawn wearing a saddle. This saddle always drops when the strider is killed.

A [[ravager]] always spawns with a saddle and always drops the saddle upon death. Looting does not affect the drop.

== Usage ==
[[File:SaddledHorse.png|thumb|right|A [[horse]] equipped with a saddle.]]
While [[camel]]s, [[horse]]s, [[donkey]]s, [[mule]]s and [[Skeleton Horse|skeleton horse]]s{{Only|Java}} can always be ridden, a saddle is required to control them. These mobs (only after being tamed, in the case of equine mobs) can be equipped with a saddle by placing it in their inventory, which can be opened by pressing {{control|use}} while holding a saddle or {{control|sneaking}}. The saddle can be unequipped by removing it from {{SlotSprite|Saddle}} the specific inventory slot. 

Saddles are required to ride [[Pig|pigs]] and [[Strider|striders]], but even with a saddle their movement cannot be controlled like other mobs. A [[Carrot on a Stick|carrot on a stick]] (for pigs) or a [[Warped Fungus on a Stick|warped fungus on a stick]] (for striders) is required to direct these mobs. {{control|Using}} a saddle on one of these mobs equips them with the saddle, and, since they have no inventory, there is no way to retrieve the saddle without killing the mob.

Animals can also be equipped with saddles by a [[dispenser]].

Although [[ravager]]s are equipped with saddles and sometimes ridden by other mobs, the [[player]] is unable to ride ravagers.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Saddle equip.ogg
|subtitle=Saddle equips
|description=When a saddle is equipped to a camel
{{Sound table
|description=When a saddle is equipped to a strider
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Saddle equips
|description=When a saddle is equipped to a horse, donkey, mule, skeleton horse, or zombie horse
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Saddle equips 
|description=When a saddle is equipped to a pig

{{Sound table
|sound=Saddle equip.ogg
|description=When a saddle is equipped to a camel
{{Sound table
|description=When a saddle is equipped to a horse, mule, skeleton horse, or zombie horse
{{Sound table
|description=When a saddle is equipped to a donkey

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|When Pigs Fly}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|This Boat Has Legs}}

== History ==
{{needs render|type=old|isolated saddles in 1.13 dev|section=11}}
{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100625-2|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Saddle JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added saddles.
|Saddles do not [[drops|drop]] from saddled [[pig]]s.
|Saddles can be found in the new [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.2.4|snap=release|When baby animals were introduced, baby [[pig]]s could be ridden just like adult pigs. After this version, baby pigs can no longer be saddled.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Saddles can now be [[trading|bought]] from butcher [[villager]]s for 6–7 [[emerald]]s each, and thus have become [[renewable resource|renewable]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w36a|Saddles now [[drops|drop]] from killing saddled [[pig]]s.
|Added [[Carrot on a Stick|carrot on a stick]] to direct saddled pigs, effectively controlling them.}}
{{History|||snap=12w37a|Pigs can now jump when being ridden.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w18a|Regular saddles can now be used to ride [[horse]]s, while previously they required [[Horse Saddle|horse saddle]]s.
|Added saddles to the loot tables of [[mineshaft]] minecarts, [[stronghold]] altar chests, [[village]] blacksmith chests, as well as [[Desert pyramid|desert]] and [[jungle pyramid]]s.
|Added chests to [[Nether Fortress|nether fortresses]], where saddles can be found.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Saddles can now be [[fishing|fished]] with [[Fishing Rod|fishing rod]]s and are described as treasure.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Trading]] has been changed: leatherworker [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] saddles for 8–10 [[emerald]]s each, and butchers no longer [[trading|trade]] saddles.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Saddles can now be found in [[End City|end city]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43a|The average yield of saddles in [[Nether Fortress|nether fortress]] chests has been slightly decreased.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44a|Saddles have been removed from [[mineshaft]] chests.
|The average yield of saddles in [[dungeon]] chests has been decreased.
|The average yield of saddles in [[desert pyramid|desert temple]] chests has been increased.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w45a|[[File:White Horse (Saddle) 17w45a.png|50px]] The models of the horse's saddle has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=17w46a|[[File:White Horse (Saddle) 17w46a.png|50px]] The models of the horse's saddle has been changed once again.}}
{{History|||snap=17w47a|Prior to [[Java Edition 1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 329.}}
{{History|||snap=18w03a|[[File:White Horse (Saddle) 18w03a.png|50px]] The models of the horse's saddle has been changed once again.}}
{{History|||snap=pre2|[[File:White Horse (Saddle) 1.13pre2.png|50px]] The models of the horse's saddle has been changed once again. The reins bit has now been rendered. Also, the lines of the reins are no longer rendered except when riding.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Added [[ravager|illager beast]]s, which [[drops|drop]] saddles.
|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Saddle (Horse) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Saddle JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of saddles have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Saddles can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] tanneries.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Saddles can now be found in chests in [[savanna]] village houses.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w13a|[[File:Saddle (Strider) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[strider]]s, which can be ridden with saddles.}}
{{History|||snap=20w15a|Saddles placed in a [[dispenser]] can now saddle pigs, striders, and tamed horses, donkeys and mules.}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Saddles now generate in [[Bastion Remnant|bastion remnant]] chests.}}
{{History|||snap=20w17a|[[File:Saddle (Strider) JE2.png|32px]] The texture of the strider saddles has been changed. The front and back orientation of the saddle has been corrected.<ref>{{bug|MC-176116}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Saddles may now be found in [[ancient city]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Saddles can be used to ride [[camel]]s with the use of a built-in experimental data pack.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Saddle JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added saddles. They are currently unobtainable and have no practical usage since they cannot be equipped on any mobs.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Saddles can now be obtained from [[village]] blacksmith [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Saddles can now be [[fishing|fished]] with [[fishing rod]]s and are described as treasure.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Saddles can now be found in [[nether fortress]]es.}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Saddles can now be found in [[desert temple]]s.}} 
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Saddle (Horse) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Saddles can now be used for riding [[horse]]s and [[pig]]s.|Saddles can now be found inside [[jungle temple]]s.}}
{{History||snap=?||Added saddles to the [[Creative inventory]].{{info needed}}}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Saddles can now be found in [[end cities]].}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Saddles are now [[trading|sold]] by leatherworker [[villager]]s for 8-10 [[emerald]]s as their only third tiers [[trading|trades]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Saddles can now be found in [[plains]] [[village]] tannery and weaponsmith [[chest]]s.
|Added [[ravager]]s, which [[drops|drop]] a saddle upon death.
|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Saddle (Horse) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Saddle JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of saddles have been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Saddles can now be found in [[savanna]], [[snowy taiga]], [[taiga]] and [[snowy tundra]] village tannery [[chest]]s.
|Saddles can now be found in savanna, taiga, snowy taiga, and [[desert]] village weaponsmith chests.
|Saddles can now be found in savanna [[village]] house chests.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed. Leatherworker [[villager]]s now have 50% chance to [[trading|sell]] saddles for 10 [[emerald]]s as part of their last tier [[trading|trade]].}}
{{History||1.12.0|snap=beta|The trading price of saddles has been lowered to 6 emeralds.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Saddle (Strider) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[strider]]s, which can be ridden with saddles.|Saddles now generate in [[Bastion Remnant|bastion remnant]] chests.}}
{{History||1.20.0<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|Saddles can now be used to ride [[camel]]s with the use of the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Saddle JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added saddles.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Saddle (Horse) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Saddle JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of saddles have been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Saddle JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added saddles.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* A saddle is considered "armor" by the game, but the value of protection to the animal is zero.
* A saddle on a pig can still be seen if the pig is afflicted with [[Invisibility]].
* When riding a saddled mob, the hunger bar is replaced by hearts (representing the mounted mob's health) resembling the look of the saddle.

== Gallery ==
File:Pig saddle.png|A [[player]] riding a [[pig]] (before [[Java Edition Beta 1.8|Beta 1.8]]).
File:Horse saddle.png|A player riding a [[horse]].
File:13w21a-new-HorseUI-inventory.png|The horse interface implemented in [[Java Edition 13w21a|13w21a]] that allows for the removal of saddles, but only on horses, [[donkey]]s or [[mule]]s.
File:Saddled Mule (picture).png|Mule equipped with both a saddle and a [[chest]].
File:GodSpawner.png|A saddle found in a monster room chest, which coincidentally contains an [[enchanted golden apple]].

== See also ==
* [[Transportation]]

== References ==


[[Category:Renewable resources]]
[[uk:Сідло]]</li><li>[[Lava|Lava]]<br/>{{About|the fluid|the [[bucket]]|Lava Bucket}}
| image = Lava.gif
| image2 = Lava BE.gif
| invimage = Lava Bucket
| invimage2 = Lava
| renewable = Yes
| transparent = Yes
| light = Yes (15)
| tool = Bucket
| infinite = No
| flowrate = 30 [[tick]]s/block (Overworld, End)<br> 10 [[tick]]s/block (Nether)
| flowdistance = 4 blocks (Overworld, End)<br>8 blocks (Nether)
'''Lava''' is a light-emitting [[fluid]] that causes fire [[damage]], mostly found in the [[altitude|lower reaches]] of the [[Overworld]] and [[the Nether]].

== Obtaining ==
Lava blocks do not exist as items (at least {{in|java}}), but can be retrieved with a [[Lava Bucket|bucket]]. {{IN|bedrock}}, they may be obtained as an item via glitches (in old versions), add-ons or inventory editing.

Lava may be obtained [[renewable resource|renewably]] from [[cauldron]]s, as [[pointed dripstone]] with a lava source above it can slowly fill a cauldron with lava.

=== Natural generation ===
During world generation, lava replaces [[air]] blocks generated in [[cave]]s and [[canyon]]s between Y=-55 and Y=-63. [[Aquifer]]s are sometimes filled with lava below Y=0. Lava does not replace air blocks inside [[mineshaft]]s, [[monster room]]s, [[amethyst geode]]s, or [[stronghold]]s.

Lava can also occur as lava flows from a single [[spring]] block, pouring down walls into pools. The spring block can be on the side of a cave, ravine, mineshaft, or stone cliff above ground.

Lava also generates as small [[lava lake]]s, which can be found above Y=0 within any [[biome]].

Two blocks of lava can also be found in plains, snowy plains, and desert [[village]] weaponsmith buildings, or one source in savanna village weaponsmith buildings.

Fifteen blocks of lava can be found in the [[end portal]] room of a [[stronghold]]: 3 along each side wall, and 9 below the portal frame.

Lava also generates in [[woodland mansion]]s: two blocks of lava generate in the "blacksmith room", and 25 blocks of lava generate in a secret "lava room".

In [[the Nether]], lava is more common than [[water]] in the [[Overworld]]. [[Terrain features#Lava sea|Seas of lava]] occur, with sea level at y-level 32, about a quarter of the total height of the Nether (as the usable space in the Nether is 128 blocks tall). They can extend down to about y-level 19-22. Lava also randomly appears [[Spring#Hidden lava|in single blocks]] inside [[netherrack]] formations. Lava is also generated as a single source in well rooms in [[nether fortress]]es. There are also large pockets of lava generated under y-19 and can reach all the way down to bedrock level. These pockets are generally over 12 blocks in height and often connect to a large lava lake on y-32; the size of these pockets in 1.18 can range from the size of a singular pre-1.18 ravine to multiple ravines combined.

Lava generates as [[delta]] shapes, which can be found commonly in the [[basalt deltas]] biome. Lava also generates in [[ruined portal]]s and [[bastion remnant]]s.

=== Post-generation ===
Unlike [[Water#Source blocks|water source blocks]], new lava source blocks cannot be created in a space by two or more adjacent source blocks. However {{in|Java}}, if the [[game rule]] {{cd|lavaSourceConversion}} is set to {{cd|true}}, new lava source blocks can form in a similar way to water source blocks.

== Usage ==
=== Fuel ===
When used in a [[furnace]], a bucket of lava lasts 1000 seconds (100 items).

=== Burning ===
[[File:Inside Lava.png|thumb|What it looks like inside lava.]]
[[File:Under lava fire resistance.png|thumb|What it looks like inside lava using Fire Resistance {{in|java}}.]]

Most [[entity|entities]] take {{hp|4}} damage every half-second while in contact with lava, and are set on [[fire]]. An entity/player in lava will also have its {{code|remainingFireTicks}} set to 300, setting it on fire for 15 seconds. This timer is reset to 300 every tick that the victim spends in lava, so it will only start counting down once the victim leaves the lava. Once the victim does exit the lava source, it will burn for just under 15 seconds, taking fire damage 14 times. This is due to the fact that for the first tick outside of lava, its {{code|remainingFireTicks}} decrease to 299, and entities take fire damage when {{code|remainingFireTicks}} is a multiple of 20 and greater than 0. If the victim touches water or [[rain]] falls on it, the fire is extinguished, but the lava continues to damage them directly.

In addition, a dense [[fog]] effect will be applied for players under lava to obscure vision. This can be slightly mitigated via the [[Fire Resistance]] effect.

An entity/player moving in lava has their horizontal movement speed reduced by 50% and their vertical movement speed reduced by 20%.

{{IN|bedrock}}, a player with the Fire Resistance effect or a total [[Fire Protection]] of 7 or higher does not catch fire. 

[[Vex]]es, [[zoglin]]s, Nether [[mob]]s (excluding [[piglin]]s and [[hoglin]]s), [[Wither|withers]], [[Warden|wardens]], and players or mobs affected by the [[Fire Resistance]] effect are not damaged when touching lava. 

The embers or fireballs that fly out of lava are purely decorative and do not cause fires or damage to entities. When rain falls on lava, the black ember particles appear more frequently.

A player in lava lasts a few seconds before dying:

==== ''Java Edition'' ====
* 2.5 seconds with no armor
* 3.5 seconds with full leather armor, no enchantments
* 4 seconds with full gold armor, no enchantments
* 4.5 seconds with full chain armor, no enchantments
* 5.5 seconds with full iron armor, no enchantments
* 10.5 seconds with full diamond armor, no enchantments
* 11 seconds with full netherite armor, no enchantments

==== Bedrock Edition====
* 2.5 seconds with no armor
* 3.5 seconds with full leather armor, no enchantments
* 4.5 seconds with full gold armor, no enchantments
* 5 seconds with full chain armor, no enchantments
* 6.5 seconds with full iron armor, no enchantments
* 12.5 seconds with full diamond armor, no enchantments
* 12.5 seconds with full netherite armor, no enchantments
If the player is wearing armor enchanted with [[Fire Protection]], they can last even longer. With the maximum bonus, the damage is small enough that the natural healing from a full hunger bar can outpace it {{only|JE|short=1}}, so a player could survive indefinitely as long as they have food and their armor holds up (non-netherite armor is damaged by lava). This maximum bonus can be obtained by wearing 2 pieces of armor with [[Fire Protection|Fire Protection IV]] and 1 with [[Protection|Protection IV]], or 1 piece of armor with [[Fire Protection|Fire Protection IV]] and 3 with [[Protection|Protection IV]].

==== Fire spread ====
Lava can cause fires by turning air blocks to fire blocks.

In order for air above lava to turn to fire, a block adjacent to the air has to be [[Fire#Burning blocks|flammable]], or one of the wood-constructed [[Fire#Non-flammable blocks|non-flammable]] blocks. Since catching fire depends on air blocks, even torches or lava itself can prevent a flammable block from catching fire.  Additionally, not all flammable or wood-constructed blocks can be ignited by lava.

The lava of any depth can start fires this way, whether or not it appears to have a current.

Additional conditions must be met, depending on the edition of Minecraft.

===== Java Edition =====
{{FakeImage|align=right|{{BlockGrid|scale=2|L=lava|w=Oak Planks|p=Orange Stained Glass|s=Light Gray Stained Glass|wwwwwwwww|wwsssssww|wspppppsw|wwspppsww|wwwsLswww|wwwwwwwww}}|Example for JE. The orange area represents areas<br>where air could catch flame if the<br>gray and orange areas contain<br>flammable blocks. The wood<br>is all at a safe distance.

Air block must be in a 3×1×3 area right above the lava or in a 5×1×5 2 blocks above the lava.

Note that an air block in the 5x1x5 area will not catch on fire if the 3x1x3 area is completely filled, even if the latter is filled with flammable blocks.

===== Bedrock Edition =====
The block to be set on fire must be in a 3×3×3 cube centered on a lava block, above which there must be either air or an ignitable block.

=== Flow ===
{{See also|Fluid}}

Lava flows from "source blocks". Most streams or "lava-falls" come from a single source block, but lava lakes (including the "flood lava" in the bottom 10 layers) are composed entirely of source blocks. A source block can be captured only with a [[lava bucket|bucket]].

In the [[Overworld]] and [[the End]], lava travels 3 blocks in any horizontal direction from a source block. Lava flows far more slowly than water (1 block every 30 game ticks, or 1.5 seconds), and sourceless lava flows linger for a short time more. In [[the Nether]], lava travels 7 blocks horizontally and spreads 1 block every 10 game ticks, or 2 blocks per second, which is half the speed as water in the Overworld. In all dimensions, lava spreading uses the same mechanic as water: for every adjacent block it can flow into it tries to find a way down that is reachable in four or fewer blocks from the block it wants to flow to. When found, the flow weight for that direction is set to the shortest path distance to the way down. (This can result in lava flows turning toward dropoffs that they cannot reach in the Overworld and the End.)

Flowing lava destroys the following in its path: [[sapling]]s, [[cobweb]], [[tall grass]], [[dead bush]], [[wheat]], [[flower]]s, [[mushroom]]s, [[snow]] on ground (but snow blocks are immune), [[lily pad]]s, [[vines]], [[lever]]s, [[button]]s, all three types of [[torch]]es, [[redstone]], [[redstone repeater|repeaters]], [[end rod]]s, and [[rail]]s. [[Sugar cane]]s hold back lava, but disappear if the sugar cane's water source is destroyed by the lava. Lava also slows down entities, including those that are normally immune to lava damage.

Using redstone wire, a one-block lava flow can be redirected by supplying power to the source block, which causes it to reset the flow toward the now-nearest terrain depression. It cannot, however, be reversed. This re-calculation is made because of the redstone wire when toggled changes the block from redstone (on) to redstone (off). Whenever a block updates on any side of the lava, the lava re-calculates where to flow, but does not cut off its current direction of flow. In Bedrock Edition using the /setblock command can be used to create stationary lava without the use of barriers. 

Flowing lava can push entities.

==== Flow arrangement tables ====

===== Overworld and the End =====
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" |Range
!Height in blocks

===== The Nether =====
{| class="wikitable"

{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" |Range
!Height in blocks

=== Lava and water ===

Water and lava can produce [[stone]], [[cobblestone]], or [[obsidian]] based on how they interact. Lava can also generate basalt when above soul soil and touching blue ice.

=== Light source ===

Lava blocks emit a [[light]] level of 15.

=== Other ===
[[File:LavaDropletsExample.png|thumb|If there is lava flowing above a [[block]], the lava seeps through.]]

Lava above a non-transparent block (does ''not'' include stairs, fences, and slabs) produces dripping particles on the underside of that block. These droplets do not do anything other than warn the player that a deluge of lava lies above that block. The particles function identically to their water counterparts, except that they drip slower.

Flowing lava can set off tripwires because it breaks placed string. Lava triggers a tripwire only once.

Any [[item (entity)|item]] dropped into lava is immediately destroyed, except for [[netherite]]-related items. [[Lodestone|Lodestones]], however, can be destroyed by lava despite containing netherite.<ref>{{bug|MC-176618|||WAI}}</ref>

Lava can be placed in an empty [[cauldron]].

If lava is above a non-transparent block supporting [[pointed dripstone]], dripping particles are created on the end. These can fill cauldrons with lava.

== Farming ==
{{main|Tutorials/Lava farming}}
Lava farms can be created by placing a lava source block on top of a solid block and a [[pointed dripstone]] and a [[cauldron]] underneath.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Lava pops
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Lava hisses
|description=When lava mixes with water, making a block
{{Sound table
|sound=Lava pop.ogg
|subtitle=Lava pops
|description=When a lava bubble particle spawns
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket empties
|description=When lava is placed with a bucket
{{Sound table
|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket fills
|description=When lava is collected with a bucket
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Fire extinguishes
|description=When something [[freezing]] is dunked into lava

{{Sound table
{{Sound table
|description=When lava mixes with water, making a block
{{Sound table
|sound=Lava pop.ogg
|description=When a lava bubble particle spawns
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg
|description=When lava is placed with a bucket
{{Sound table
|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg
|description=When lava is collected with a bucket
{{Sound table
|description=When something freezing is dunked into lava

== Data values ==

=== ID ===
{{ID table
{{ID table
{{ID table
|displayname=Flowing Fluid

{{ID table
{{ID table

Lava spends most of its time as stationary, rather than 'flowing' – regardless of its level, or whether it contains a current downward or to the side.  When specifically triggered by a block update, lava changes to 'flowing', update its level, then change back to stationary.  Lava springs are generated as flowing, and lava lakes are generated as stationary.

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

=== Fluid states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Stayin' Frosty;Super Fuel;Feels Like Home}}

== Advancements ==
{{Load advancements|Hot Stuff;Feels Like Home}}

== History ==
{{History|java classic}}
{{History||0.0.12a|snap=May 19, 2009|slink=Java Edition Classic 0.0.12a/Development#Lava test (May 19, 2009)|Lava is shown.}}
{{History|||snap=release|slink=Java Edition Classic 0.0.12a|[[File:Lava JE1.png|32px]] Added lava.
|The texture is transparent.
|Lava spreads by duplicating itself to open horizontal and downward squares.
|Lava is slower than [[water]] and can be easily outrun.
|Model has z-fighting with blocks below lava.}}
{{History||0.0.13a|[[File:Lava JE2.png|32px]] The texture has changed to be opaque.}}
{{History||0.0.13a_03|Lava lakes no longer generate.}}
{{History||0.0.15a|link=Java Edition Classic 0.0.15a (Multiplayer Test 1)|[[File:Lava JE3.png|32px]] The model is no longer shaded.}}
{{History||0.0.19a|[[File:Lava JE4.png|32px]] Added a [[Procedural animated texture generation|procedural animated texture]] to lava. Old texture is still retained for use as a [[animation placeholder texture|placeholder]].|Upscaled model 2% to fix z-fighting with blocks below lava. It's created lava or water models overlapping and z-fighting with each other.|Added lava layer to the bottom of the map.<!--as it traps the [[player]] and prevents the player from leaving unless [[water]] is let in and collides with it or if the player places a [[sand]] or [[gravel]] block, letting it [[drops|drop]] into the lava. If water is let into the area where the lava is, the lava becomes [[stone]], allowing the stone block to be removed to expose bedrock underneath.-->}}
{{History||0.0.20a_02|[[File:Lava JE5.png|32px]] Changed model scale back to normal with 1% offset on all coordinates.}}
{{History||0.0.22a|[[File:Lava JE6.png|32px]] Lava's generated texture has changed - it now appears brighter overall.}}
{{History||August 25, 2009|link=https://notch.tumblr.com/post/170887079/survival-mode-status-update-video-with-plenty-of|Lava has been shown to deal [[damage]].}}
{{History||0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST|Lava now deals damage.}}
{{History||0.26  SURVIVAL TEST|[[File:Lava JE7.png|32px]] UV mapping on side faces now has 11% v offset up.}}
{{History||0.28|[[File:Lava JE6.png|32px]] Fixed UV mapping.}}
{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20091223-2|Lava is now luminous.}}
{{History|||snap=20100110|Lava now sets [[fire]] to flammable materials.}}
{{History|||snap=20100122|Added [[lava spawner]]s that spawn lava on sides and bottom.|It appears in the player's inventory in a stack of 5.
|Lava now flows, but more slowly than water.<ref>[[wordofnotch:347976621]]</ref>
|Dropped [[item]]s now burn in lava.
|Shot [[arrow]]s catch [[fire]] and not burn in lava.}}
{{History|||snap=20100124|Lava spawner can no longer be found in the player's inventory. Instead, a full stack (99) can be found inside the [[Indev house]] chests.}}
{{History|||snap=20100125-1|Lava now has [[particles|particle]] effects.}}
{{History|||snap=20100130|Re-added the infinite lava sea to the bottom of the map.}}
{{History||20100219|[[File:Lava JE8.png|32px]] The model is shaded again.}}
{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100227-1|Lava no longer flows due to changes in chunk handling for infinite worlds.}}
{{History||20100607|[[File:Lava JE9.png|32px]] UV mapping now has 1% uv offset on top and bottom faces and 1% u, 11% v offset on side faces.}}
{{History||20100608|[[File:Lava JE8.png|32px]] Fixed UV mapping, once again.}}
{{History||20100615|[[File:Lava JE10.png|32px]] The model has been changed.
|Added flowing lava.
|Lava now creates flowing lava for a total distance of 7 blocks "away" from the source block.
|Flowing lava flows in a single line toward the nearest terrain depression within four blocks.}}
{{History||20100616-1|[[File:Lava JE11.png|32px]] Added flowing lava texture for sides and vertex offset.
|Lava and flowing lava now have visual connection to blocks.|A large lava flow is now visible in the dark from a long distance.}}
{{History||20100617-2|[[File:Lava JE12.png|32px]] Removed vertex offset.
|Lava now flows 3 blocks horizontally instead of 7.
|Lava and flowing lava touching water, flowing water, water spawner, or lava spawner now replaces with [[obsidian]].
|Removed the infinite lava sea at the bottom of the map.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.2_02|Flowing of lava has been tweaked.}}
{{History||v1.0.4|Added [[ice]] and [[snow]], which lava can melt.}}
{{History||v1.0.15|Lava now sets nearby [[block]]s on [[fire]].}}
{{History||v1.2.0|snap=preview|Added [[the Nether]], which contains lava.}}
{{History||v1.2.2|Lava now flows further in the Nether.}}
{{History||v1.2.6|Added [[lava lake]]s, which can generate at any [[altitude]].}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|[[File:Lava JE13.png|32px]] Changed [[lighting]].
|When lava is touched by [[rain]], it emits smoke [[particles]].
|Lava now generates in the blacksmiths of the newly added [[village]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Added lava dripping.
|Lava blocks now form [[stone]] when falling directly onto [[water]] source blocks.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Lava now generates in the newly added [[end portal]] rooms of [[stronghold]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|Only in this version, it is possible to create an infinite lava source using a plus-sign shaped arrangement of [[block]]s with four lava source blocks flowing into a central empty block.}}
{{History|||snap=RC1|[[File:Lava JE14.png|32px]] Faces on model now 0.1% moved to center to fix z-fighting on inner faces.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w05a|Lava (as well as the embers that pop out of it) now makes [[sound]]s. These sounds were in the game files for a long time, but they had not played in-game.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Lava can now be collected and dispensed by [[dispenser]]s containing buckets.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38a|Flowing lava now has a constant [[sound]].}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|[[File:Lava JE15.png|32px]] The model of lava now uses animated texture files.
|There is now "hidden lava" in [[the Nether]].
|Lava now flows much more quickly in the Nether.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w18a|Lava no longer lingers after the source is removed.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w37a|Flowing lava, which previously could be destroyed by a few [[block]]s of [[TNT]], can no longer be destroyed by [[explosion]]s.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w21a|[[File:Lava JE16.png|32px]] [[File:Lava (bottom view) 16w21a.png|32px]] Lava is now [[color]]ed red ({{color|#ff0000}}) except for the bottom face.<ref>{{bug|MC-102511}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=16w21b|[[File:Lava JE15.png|32px]] Lava is no longer colored.
|Added 2 [[splash]]es referencing colored lava: "Rule #1: it's never my fault", "Replaced molten cheese with blood?".}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Lava can now generate in [[woodland mansion]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=18w15a|[[File:Lava JE17.png|32px]] [[File:Swamp Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] [[File:Swamp Hills Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] [[File:Warm Ocean Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] [[File:Lukewarm Ocean Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] [[File:Cold Ocean Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] [[File:Frozen Ocean Lava 18w15a.png|32px]] Lava is now biome colored except for the bottom face. This is linked to new biome coloring for water.<ref>{{bug|MC-128233}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=18w16a|[[File:Lava JE15.png|32px]] Lava is no longer biome colored.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w09a|Lava now pushes [[Entity|entities]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w13a|Added [[strider]]s, which can be [[saddle]]d and ridden across lava.
|When lava flows over [[soul soil]] next to [[blue ice]], it now turns into [[basalt]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Lava now generates as part of [[bastion remnants]] and [[ruined portal]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 3|Visibility under lava is now slightly better when under the effect of [[Fire Resistance]].}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|[[Cauldron]]s can now be filled with lava.}}
{{History|||snap=20w48a|Added a [[renewable]] way of obtaining lava through cauldrons and [[pointed dripstone]].}}
{{History|||snap=21w06a|Lava no longer replaces air below Y{{=}}11.}}
{{History|||snap=21w08a|Lava now replaces air below Y{{=}}-53.
|Lava [[spring]]s are able to generate below Y{{=}}0.}}
{{History|||snap=21w11a|[[Spectator]] mode players can now see through lava.<ref>{{bug|MC-71530|||Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=21w13a|Lava is now fully renewable, as pointed dripstone can be obtained in Survival without custom generation.}}
{{History|||snap=21w15a|The changes to lava generation in 21w06a and 21w08a have been reverted.}}
{{History||1.18|snap=Experimental Snapshot 1|The changes to lava generation in the 1.17 snapshots have been reintroduced.
|[[Aquifer]]s below Y{{=}}0 sometimes generate with lava instead of water.}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w44a|Added [[game rule]] {{cd|lavaSourceConversion}}, which allows the formation of new lava source blocks when set to {{cd|true}}.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.1.0|[[File:Lava BE1.png|32px]] Added lava.}}
{{History||v0.3.3|Lava no longer creates [[fire]], due to a game breaking spreading bug.}}
{{History||v0.7.0|Lava now lights flammable [[block]]s around it on fire.
|[[File:Lava BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lava BE2.gif|32px]] Lava now has a flowing animation.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 5|Lava flowing directly into [[water]] now actually spreads out over it.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Underground ponds of lava can now be found, making lava much more easy to obtain.
|Lava dripping [[particles]] have been added.
|Lava now generates in [[village]] blacksmiths and [[stronghold]] end portal rooms.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[Player]]s are now able to [[swimming|swim]] in lava.
|Lava now generates in [[the Nether]].}}
{{History|||snap=build 6|[[File:Lava BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Lava BE3.gif|32px]] Lava is now brighter shaded.}}
{{History|||snap=build 8|Lava now cancels all fall [[damage]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Lava now generates in [[woodland mansion]]s.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[File:Lava BE4.png|32px]] The texture for lava has been changed to match ''Java Edition''.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Lava can now push entities.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Lava now generates as a [[delta]] that can be found in [[basalt deltas]].
|Lava now generates as part of [[bastion remnants]] and [[ruined portal]]s.
|When lava flows over [[soul soil]] next to [[blue ice]], it now turns into [[basalt]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Lava can no longer push entities.}}
{{History||1.17.30|snap=beta|Lava can now push entities, once again.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-75124}}</ref>}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Lava JE12.png|32px]] Added lava.}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Lava JE15.png|32px]] The texture for lava has been changed.
|Lava (as well as the embers that pop out of it) now makes [[sound]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=TU25|xbone=CU14|ps=1.17|Lava can be used in custom superflats. It appears as a 3D block in the block selection screen of the custom superflat interface.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Lava BE3.png|32px]] Added lava.}}

=== Data history ===
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these blocks' numeral IDs were 10 and 11.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* A player with [[Fire Resistance]] can swim in lava without taking damage, although the swimming speed does not become faster.
* A player cannot sprint-swim in lava.
* An arrow catches fire when shot into flowing lava, but not still lava.
* [[Water]] flows into lava-occupied blocks as though it were empty space, and vice versa.
* Although lava is a fluid, it is not possible to drown in lava. This applies to all mobs. However, it is still possible to suffocate in lava. This applies to almost every mob.{{only|bedrock}}<ref>{{bug|MCPE-17073}}</ref>
* A player sleeping in a bed cannot be damaged by lava.
* If the lava is changed to be transparent via a [[resource pack]], it does not become transparent.
* {{IN|bedrock}}, lava does not deactivate [[elytra]] like [[water]] does.
* Despite flowing identically to water while in [[the Nether]], it was not possible to create an infinite spring of lava before [[Java Edition 1.19.3|1.19.3]].
** Before Lava source conversion was implemented, the ''Minecraft: Combat Handbook'' (2014) stated the possibility to create infinite sources of lava by simply creating a cross shape with 4 nether bricks and placing lava in the middle. As expected, this turned out to be false, as confirmed by [[Nathan Adams|Dinnerbone]].<ref>[[bugtracker:MC-71088|MC-71088]]</ref>
* Geologically, lava in the Overworld is consistent with [[wikipedia:Felsic lava|felsic lava]], and lava in the Nether is consistent with [[wikipedia:mafic lava|mafic lava]]. Felsic lava is slow, sticky, and does not run as far as mafic lava, which is relatively thin and runny.
* When lava source conversion was implemented, any text where lava was supposed to be said "lave" instead.
** A splash text now says "Made with 'lave'".

== Gallery ==
Lavameltpattern1.png|Lava's melting pattern for snow and ice.
Water and lava springs.png|A natural lava spring near a waterfall.
Cave Lava.png|The lava "ocean" layer of [[cave]]s.
Lavastreamwithores.png|A naturally-occurring stream of lava next to diamond and iron ore.
Spawn Point Lava Warning.png|The warning in [[Legacy Console Edition]] when trying to place lava near the spawn point.
Lave found close under the dessert.png|A running lava source (origin not seen) uncovered six blocks below the surface of desert terrain.
Lava with Night vision potion.png|The inside view of lava with the night vision effect.
Ladders Blocking Lava.png|Ladders can stop lava from flowing.
Lava flowing off cliff.png|A lava [[spring]].
Minecraft Surface LavaFall.png|Lava spreading into dirt.
Exposed Cavern Lava.png|Lava in a ravine.
Lava in Ravine.png|Lava found in a snowy [[ravine]].
BedrockLava.png|Lava generates on bedrock. 
BedrockPostLavaRemoval.png| Lava being extinguished near bedrock. 
LavaRiver.png| Lava pool and water pool meeting each other naturally. 
Lavafall.png| Two lava springs meeting water in a savannah plateau.
Lava spring.png| Lava spreading in the Overworld. 
Minecraft lavalake.png| A lava spring spreading into a lava lake. 
Lava cane.png|Sugar cane growing with lava flowing around it.
TallLavafall.png|Tall lavafall flowing into ravine.
RavineandStornghold.png|Ravine with multiple ores, water and lava falls, and stronghold bridge over it.
Underground Lava Lake.png|Another example of underground lava lake.
Lwava.png|Lava pouring from a cliff.
Extreme Hills Falls.png|Lava and water pouring from a cliff.
Lavalake.png|Lava and ores in a cave underground.
Cavern2.png|Lava texture in Classic [[0.0.21a_01]].
Lavaspring.png|Lava setting fire to [[grass]].
File:Mobbo Destroyed Village.jpeg|A [[village]] ravaged by lava.
File:Lava Moodlight.jpg|An officially licensed lava block moodlight.

== References ==

== External links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/block-week-lava Block of the Week: Lava] – Minecraft.net on September 29, 2017
*[[wikipedia:Lava|Real-life lava on Wikipedia]]
*[[wikipedia:Magma|Real-life magma on Wikipedia]]


[[Category:Natural blocks]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]
[[Category:Light sources]]

First confirmed floating point precision errors that lasted till Beta 1.7.3.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Debug Stick|Debug Stick]]<br/>{{about|the item|other uses|Debug}}
| image = Debug Stick.gif
| rarity = Epic
| renewable = No
| stackable = No

The '''debug stick''' is an [[item]] used to edit the [[block states]] of [[block]]s. It is visually identical to a regular [[stick]], but with a glint (as if [[Enchanting|enchanted]]).

== Obtaining ==

The debug stick is obtainable via [[commands]] such as {{cmd|/give}} or {{Cmd|/item}}, or the Creative inventory if the player has the appropriate permissions. It can be obtained only in worlds with cheats on.

== Usage ==

The debug stick can be used to change block states. {{control|Hitting}} the block allows players to select the block state key they wish to change, for an example, switching between the ''conditional'' and the ''facing'' block state keys for a [[command block]]. {{control|Using}} the block allows them to cycle through the valid values for the block state key, again as an example, the player can make the command block face, ''down'', ''east'', ''north'', ''south'', ''up'', or ''west'' if they chose the ''facing'' block state key. {{control|Sneaking}} while {{control|hitting}} or {{control|using}} cycles through the block state keys or values in reverse order.

It is notable that {{Control|using}} debug stick directly on an interactive block without {{Control|sneaking}} uses the block itself instead of the stick.<ref>{{bug|MC-200199}} </ref>

The debug stick cannot be used while in Survival or Adventure mode. It works only in creative mode with cheats enabled. In modes other than Creative, it acts like a regular item — although when {{control|using}} it on a block, the player swings the stick as if interacting with it (but nothing happens).

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Debug Stick

=== Item data ===

<div class="treeview">
* {{nbt|compound|tag}}: The item's '''tag''' tag.
{{:Player.dat_format/Debug Sticks}}

== History ==

{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|[[File:Debug Stick.gif|32px]] Added debug sticks.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w10a|Debug sticks are now capable of editing [[fire]] due to its added hitbox.}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w44a|The debug stick is now available in the creative inventory, but only if cheats are enabled.}}
{{History|||snap=22w45a|Moved the debug stick behind the Operator Utilities tab in the creative inventory. The tab is only available if cheats are enabled and the "Operator Items Tab" option in the controls menu is turned on.}}

== Issues ==
The debug stick is not supported, and any issues resulting of its usage are closed as "Won't Fix" in the issue tracker.<br/> Issues with the stick itself are considered valid.<ref>https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-122323?focusedCommentId=419481&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-419481</ref><ref>{{reddit|7es23r||Just be aware that any weird state you create with it you cannot naturally create and any bugs that come from it will be shot down as 'Wont fix' :D|_Grum|November 22, 2017}}</ref>

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
*An [[add-on]] made by Mineplex was showcased in [[MINECON Live 2019]], which had an editor stick for {{el|be}}, similar to the Debug Stick.<ref>{{ytl|OZqNaEX8208|MINECON Live 2019 @ 1:05:02|Minecraft|September 28, 2019|t=3902}}</ref>

== Gallery ==
Technically Updated.jpg|Artwork of Steve and Alex wielding debug sticks.

== See also ==
*[[Block states]]

== References ==


[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]

[[es:Palo de depuración]]
[[fr:Bâton de débogage]]
[[ko:디버그 막대기]]
[[pl:Patyk debugujący]]
[[pt:Graveto de depuração]]
[[ru:Палка отладки]]
[[zh:调试棒]]</li><li>[[Rotten Flesh|Rotten Flesh]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Rotten Flesh
| image = Rotten Flesh.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|4}}
|effects={{EffectLink|link=Hunger (status effect)|Hunger}} (0:30) (80% chance) 
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Rotten flesh''' is a [[food]] item that can be eaten by the [[player]], with high risk of inflicting [[Hunger (status effect)|Hunger]] and low [[Saturation]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===

==== Zombies ====
[[Zombie]]s, [[zombie villager]]s, [[zombie horse]]s, [[husk]]s, and [[drowned]] drop from 0 to 2 units of rotten flesh. [[Looting]] can increase this by one per level, for a maximum of 5 rotten flesh.

==== Zoglins ====
[[Zoglin]]s drop 1-3. Looting III grants a maximum of 6.

==== Zombified piglins ====
[[Zombified Piglin|Zombified piglins]] drop 0-1. Looting III grants a maximum of 4.

=== Fishing ===
Rotten flesh can be obtained as a "junk" item while [[fishing]].

=== Chest loot ===


=== Cat gifts ===

Tamed [[cat]]s have a 70% chance of giving the [[player]] a gift when they wake up from a [[bed]], and the gift has a 16.13% chance to be a rotten flesh.

== Usage ==

=== Food ===
{{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management}}

To eat rotten flesh, press and hold {{control|use}} while rotten flesh is selected in the hotbar.

Eating rotten flesh restores {{hunger|4}} [[hunger]] and 0.8 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]], but has an 80% chance of inflicting {{EffectLink|Hunger (effect)|id=Hunger}} for 30 seconds. Note that the duration does ''not'' accumulate when eating multiple pieces. However, if more is consumed and the [[Hunger (effect)|Hunger]] status effect is inflicted, the duration resets to 30 seconds.

=== Wolves ===
Rotten flesh can be used to [[breed]] and heal tamed [[wolves]], lead them around, and make baby tamed wolves grow up faster by 10% of the remaining time.

Wolves are immune to the Hunger effect.

=== Trading ===
Novice-level [[Trading#Cleric|cleric villagers]] buy 32 rotten flesh for 1 [[emerald]] as part of their trades.

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Rotten Flesh

{{ID table
|displayname=Rotten Flesh

== Achievements ==

{{load achievements|Iron Belly}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== Video ==
{{Video note|The video is outdated, as rotten flesh can now be also gained from [[fishing]], [[trading]], or loot chests.}}

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|xTrUEVoe9Tw}}</div>

== History ==

{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|[[File:Rotten Flesh JE1.png|32px]] Added rotten flesh. 
|[[Zombie]]s and [[zombie pigmen]] now drop rotten flesh instead of [[feather]]s and [[cooked porkchop]]s respectively.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Food poisoning can now be stopped by drinking [[milk]].}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w03a|Rotten flesh can now be used to [[Breeding|breed]] wolves. When a wolf eats rotten flesh, it will not receive the [[Hunger (effect)|Hunger]] effect.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Rotten flesh can now be found in [[desert temple]] [[chest]]s.
|Priest [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] rotten flesh.}}
{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Rotten Flesh JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of rotten flesh has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=12w22a|Rotten flesh now generates in [[jungle temple]] chests.
|Priest [[villager]]s no longer [[trading|buy]] rotten flesh.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Rotten flesh can now be obtained as one of the "junk" [[item]]s from [[fishing]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 36–40 rotten flesh for 1 [[emerald]], as their tier I trade.}}
{{history||1.9|snap=15w43a|Rotten flesh may now be found in [[igloo]] basement [[chest]]s.}}
{{history|||snap=15w44a|Rotten flesh now generates in [[dungeon]] chests.
|The average yield of rotten flesh has been decreased in [[desert temple]] chests.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Rotten flesh can now be found in [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 367.}}
{{History|||snap=18w09a|Rotten flesh now generates in the loot [[chest]]s of [[underwater ruins]].}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|[[Drowned]] may now [[drops|drop]] rotten flesh upon death.
|Rotten flesh now sometimes generates in [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Rotten Flesh JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rotten flesh has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|[[Cat]]s now offer rotten flesh as [[Cat#Gifts|gift]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Rotten flesh can now be found in [[village]] temple chests.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|Added [[hoglin]]s, which can drop rotten flesh if killed.}}
{{History|||snap=20w07a|Rotten flesh has a {{frac|10|109}} (~9.17%) chance of being given by the new [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], in a stack size of 4–12.
|[[Hoglin]]s no longer drop rotten flesh.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|Rotten flesh can no longer be obtained by bartering with piglins.}}
{{History|||snap=20w14a|Added [[zoglin]]s, which drop rotten flesh when killed.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Rotten Flesh JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rotten flesh. 
|As the hunger bar has not yet been added, rotten flesh inflicts [[poison]] rather than [[hunger]].
|[[Zombie]]s and [[zombie pigmen]] now [[drops|drop]] rotten flesh.}}
{{History|||snap=build 11|Rotten flesh can now be used to feed [[wolves]].}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Eating rotten flesh now gives the [[player]] the [[Hunger]] status effect.
|Rotten flesh now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].
|Added [[zombie villager]]s, which [[drops|drop]] rotten flesh when killed.}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Rotten flesh can now be found inside [[desert temple]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Added [[husk]]s and [[zombie horse]]s, both of which drop rotten flesh when killed.
|Rotten flesh can now be found inside [[jungle temple]] chests.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Rotten flesh can now be found inside the basement [[chest]]s of [[igloo]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|36-40 rotten flesh can now be [[trading|sold]] to cleric [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Rotten flesh can now be found in [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Added [[drowned]], which [[drops|drop]] rotten flesh when killed.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Rotten flesh can now be found in some [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Rotten flesh can now be found inside [[underwater ruins]] chests.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Tamed [[cat]]s can now give the [[player]] rotten flesh as a gift.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Rotten Flesh JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rotten flesh has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Rotten flesh can now be found in [[desert]] [[village]] temple [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 32 rotten flesh for an [[emerald]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU5|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Rotten Flesh JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rotten flesh.}}	
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Rotten Flesh JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rotten flesh has been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Rotten Flesh JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rotten flesh.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--rotten-flesh Taking Inventory: Rotten Flesh] – Minecraft.net on June 8, 2020


[[cs:Shnilé maso]]
[[de:Verrottetes Fleisch]]
[[es:Carne podrida]]
[[fr:Chair putréfiée]]
[[hu:Rohadt hús]]
[[it:Carne marcia]]
[[ko:썩은 살점]]
[[nl:Bedorven vlees]]
[[pl:Zgniłe mięso]]
[[pt:Carne podre]]
[[ru:Гнилая плоть]]
[[uk:Гнила плоть]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]
?Beyond X/Z of ±32,000,000, phantom chunks generate that can be fallen through. Previously, no blocks were rendered beyond this point, and players were stuck there if they walked past the edge.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Mushroom Stew|Mushroom Stew]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Mushroom Stew
| image = Mushroom Stew.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|6}}
| stackable = No
'''Mushroom stew''' is a [[food]] item.

== Obtaining ==
=== Harvesting ===
Mushroom stew can be obtained by “milking” a [[mooshroom]] with an empty [[bowl]]. This is accomplished by {{Control|using}} a bowl on a mooshroom. The bowl gets replaced by the mushroom stew item. There is no cooldown for doing so.

If a stack of more than one bowl is used on a mooshroom, only one bowl is consumed, and the mushroom stew goes into an empty inventory slot, or is dropped if the player's inventory is full.

=== Crafting ===
|Red Mushroom
|Brown Mushroom
|Output= Mushroom Stew
|type= Foodstuff

== Usage ==
=== Food ===
{{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management|title1=Hunger management}}
To eat mushroom stew, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|6}} [[hunger]] and 7.2 hunger 

The bowl is returned to the player empty after the mushroom stew has been eaten, and can be reused to craft more, similarly to [[Rabbit Stew|rabbit stew]] and [[Beetroot Soup|beetroot soup]].

== Sounds ==
=== Generic ===
{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}
=== Unique ===
{{Sound table
|sound=Mooshroom milk1.ogg
|sound2=Mooshroom milk2.ogg
|sound3=Mooshroom milk3.ogg
|subtitle=Mooshroom gets milked 
|description=When a mooshroom is milked with a bowl
|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound name=milkpitch>Can be 1.0, 0.9, or 1.1 for each sound</ref>

{{Sound table
|sound=Mooshroom milk1.ogg
|sound2=Mooshroom milk2.ogg
|sound3=Mooshroom milk3.ogg
|subtitle=Mooshroom gets milked 
|source=Friendly Creatures
|description=When a mooshroom is milked with a bowl

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Mushroom Stew

{{ID table
|displayname=Mushroom Stew

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== History ==
{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20100130|[[File:Mushroom Stew JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mushroom stew.
|Restores {{hp|8}} [[health]].}}
{{History||20100206|Mushroom stew now restores {{hp|10}} health.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|[[Mushroom]] spreading mechanic added, making mushroom stew [[renewable]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Now restores {{hunger|8}} [[hunger]].}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|More fungi sources have now been introduced with the addition of the [[Mushroom Fields|mushroom biome]]. 
|A [[mooshroom]] can now be "milked" with a [[bowl]] to obtain mushroom stew.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Mushroom stew can now be crafted in the [[2×2 crafting grid]] in the [[inventory]]. Previously, the crafting recipe was shaped, now it's shapeless.}}
{{History||1.2.5|snap=release|The [[player]] milking a [[mooshroom]] with a stack of [[bowl]]s no longer results in receiving back a single bowl of mushroom stew.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=?|Mushroom stew now restores {{Hunger|6}} instead of {{Hunger|8}}.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 282.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Mushroom Stew JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of mushroom stew has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=Pre-release 1|Mooshrooms can now be milked for mushroom stew in Creative mode.<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|90969|Cannot get mushroom stew from mooshrooms / milk from cows in creative mode|date=October 19, 2015}}</ref>}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Mushroom Stew JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mushroom stew.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Mushroom stew now restores {{hp|8}} instead of {{hp|4}}.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|A mooshroom can now be "milked" with a [[bowl]] to obtain mushroom stew.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Mushroom stew now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Mushroom Stew JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of mushroom stew has now been changed.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|switch=1.0.1|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Mushroom Stew JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mushroom stew.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Mushroom Stew JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of mushroom stew has now been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Mushroom Stew JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mushroom stew.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

== References ==

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--mushroom-stew Taking Inventory: Mushroom Stew] – Minecraft.net on September 1, 2022


[[es:Estofado de champiñones]]
[[fr:Soupe de champignons]]
[[ko:버섯 스튜]]
[[pl:Zupa grzybowa]]
[[pt:Ensopado de cogumelos]]
[[ru:Тушёные грибы]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]
<references /></li><li>[[Armor Stand|Armor Stand]]<br/>{{ItemEntity
| image = Armor Stand.png
| image2 = Armor Stand BE.png
| extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]
| stackable =
* '''[[JE]]:''' Yes (16)
* '''[[BE]]:''' Yes (64)
| renewable = Yes
| flammable = Yes
| size = '''Normal:'''<br>
Width: 0.5 Blocks<br>
Height: 1.975 Blocks<br>
Width: 0.25 Blocks<br>
Height: 0.9875 Blocks<br>
| health = {{hp|20}}
An '''armor stand''' is an inanimate [[entity]] that can wear [[armor]]. It can also hold [[Item|items]] and be posed (but these are not possible in [[Survival]] in [[Java Edition]]).

== Obtaining ==
An armor stand can be broken by quickly {{control|attack|text=attacking}} it twice, dropping itself and any armor placed onto it.

=== Crafting ===
|A1= Stick
|B1= Stick
|C1= Stick  
|B2= Stick
|A3= Stick
|B3= Smooth Stone Slab
|C3= Stick
|Output= Armor Stand
|type=Decoration block

=== Natural generation ===
Two armor stands are found in each taiga [[village]] outdoor armory, one equipped with an [[iron helmet]], the other with an [[iron chestplate]].

== Usage ==
[[Player]]s can use armor stands to hold [[armor]], [[mob head]]s, [[carved pumpkin]]s, and [[elytra]]. [[Commands]] can be used to give them other [[item]]s. The stand does not have a GUI, so players interact with it directly. Armor stands are also able to be placed in different orientations, similar to [[banner]]s or [[sign]]s. Armor stands are [[entity|entities]], allowing them to be pushed by [[piston]]s, moved by flowing [[water]], pulled with [[fishing rod]]s, pushed by players (with knockback), and bounced by [[slime block]]s. 

{{Control|use|text=Using}} armor on the stand places the armor if done on a bare spot. Conversely, clicking on armor with a bare hand removes the armor and places it in the highlighted hotbar slot. It is not possible to take or place items from the armor stand's hands unless playing on Bedrock Edition.

Armor, mob heads, or carved pumpkins can be automatically placed on armor stands with a [[dispenser]].

Armor stands can be customized further to have arms, pose, disobey gravity, dual wield and other things by summoning them using {{cmd|summon}} with [[Tutorials/Command NBT tags#Armor Stand|NBT tags]].

In maps heavily using [[command blocks]], armor stands can be used to keep [[scoreboard]] objectives that are 'global' to the map, run [[commands]], etc. 

{{IN|bedrock}}, the pose of the armor stand can be changed by interacting with the armor stand (or pressing the {{btn|Pose|be=1}} button on mobile devices) while sneaking, or by using a redstone signal. There are 13 possible poses. Armor stands can also hold items by interacting with the armor stand (or pressing the {{btn|Equip|be=1}} button on mobile devices) while holding an item that cannot be worn.

;<nowiki>Below are the poses:
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
!No.!!Namespace ID!! Redstone power
! !! Image
|[[File:Armor Stand Default Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand No Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Solemn Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Athena Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Brandish Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Honor Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Entertain Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Salute Pose.png|128px]]
|8, 13 or more
|[[File:Armor Stand Hero Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Riposte Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Zombie Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Cancan A Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Cancan B Pose.png|128px]]


Because armor stands are entities, they obey gravity, allowing them to fall and rest on non-full [[block]]s such as [[enchanting table]]s, [[snow layer]]s and [[slab]]s.

Any [[armor]] on the stand drops when the stand is broken. Armor stands can display [[enchanting|enchanted]] and all forms of [[dye]]d armor. The effects of most enchanted armor have no effect when on an armor stand, with three exceptions: 
*[[Frost Walker]] creates [[frosted ice]] blocks on [[water]] as usual if an armor stand is pushed with a [[piston]].
*[[Depth Strider]] slows the movement of the armor stand when being pushed with water.
*A [[player]] may take damage from hitting an armor stand that holds armor enchanted with [[Thorns]].

Armor stands are not damaged by [[cacti]] but can be broken by [[arrow]]s. An armor stand destroyed by an explosion or a firework does not drop as an [[item (entity)|item]]. Armor stands in water and [[lava]] at the same time are not consumed by the lava.

{{IN|be}}, armor stands can be affected by [[status effect]]s. They can be 'killed' by [[Harming]] and [[Decay]] [[splash potion|splash]]/[[lingering potion]]s, lava, [[fire]], and [[campfire]]s, and they play the player death sound and fall to their side and disappear, yielding no armor stand item. If an armor stand is equipped with an item or armor, that item or armor is considered as "naturally-spawned equipment" with an 8.5% chance of dropping when the armor stand "dies" from the [[Instant Damage]] or the [[Wither (status effect)|Wither]] status effect. If the dropped item is any form of [[weapon]], [[tool]] or armor, it drops in a badly damaged state because the game considers it as "naturally-spawned equipment".<ref>{{Bug|MCPE-24341}}</ref>

The stand wobbles slightly when being hit by the player.

{{IN|java}}, it is possible to create an armor stand with arms using the {{cmd|summon}} [[command]]. It is also possible to change an armor stand without arms into a stand with arms by using the {{cmd|data}} command. The commands are as follows:

*<code>/data merge entity @e[type=armor_stand,sort=nearest,limit=1] {ShowArms:1}</code>, which changes the nearest armor stand into an armor stand with arms.
*<code>/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {ShowArms:1}</code>, which summons a new armor stand with arms shown.
*<code>/summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Rotation:[0.0f]}</code>, which summons a new armor stand that faces a desired direction (dependent on changing "0.0f" to other numbers like "90.0f" or "180.0f", otherwise it faces the same way as a default armor stand).

Armor stands use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.
{{Sound table
|sound=Armor Stand hit1.ogg
|sound2=Armor Stand hit2.ogg
|sound3=Armor Stand hit3.ogg
|sound4=Armor Stand hit4.ogg
|subtitle=Block breaking
|source=Friendly Creatures
|description=When an armor stand is damaged
{{Sound table
|sound=Armor Stand break1.ogg
|sound2=Armor Stand break2.ogg
|sound3=Armor Stand break3.ogg
|sound4=Armor Stand break4.ogg
|subtitle=Block broken
|source=Friendly Creatures
|description=When an armor stand is destroyed
{{Sound table
|sound=Stone dig1.ogg
|sound2=Stone dig2.ogg
|sound3=Stone dig3.ogg
|sound4=Stone dig4.ogg
|subtitle=Block placed
|description=When an armor stand is placed
{{Sound table
|sound=Wood dig1.ogg
|sound2=Wood dig2.ogg
|sound3=Wood dig3.ogg
|sound4=Wood dig4.ogg
|subtitle=Block placed
|source=Friendly Creatures
|description=When an armor stand falls onto a block at a high speed{{Info needed}}

{{Sound table
|sound=Armor Stand hit1.ogg
|sound2=Armor Stand hit2.ogg
|sound3=Armor Stand hit3.ogg
|sound4=Armor Stand hit4.ogg
|description=When an armor stand is damaged
{{Sound table
|sound=Armor Stand break1.ogg
|sound2=Armor Stand break2.ogg
|sound3=Armor Stand break3.ogg
|sound4=Armor Stand break4.ogg
|description=When an armor stand is destroyed
{{Sound table
|sound=Stone dig1.ogg
|sound2=Stone dig2.ogg
|sound3=Stone dig3.ogg
|sound4=Stone dig4.ogg
|description=When an armor stand is placed
{{Sound table
|sound=Wood dig1.ogg
|sound2=Wood dig2.ogg
|sound3=Wood dig3.ogg
|sound4=Wood dig4.ogg
|description=When an armor stand falls onto a block at a high speed{{Info needed}}

==Data values==
{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Armor Stand
{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Armor Stand

{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Armor Stand
{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Armor Stand

===Item data===

{{main|Player.dat format}}
<div class="treeview">
* {{nbt|compound|tag}}: The item's '''tag''' tag.
{{:Player.dat_format/Entity Spawners}}

:{{IN|bedrock}}, armor stands have no additional item tag.
:See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].

===Entity data===
Armor stands have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the [[entity]].

{{main|Entity format}}

:See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].

== Video==
Note: This video is outdated as Zoglins now attack armor stands
<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|tCFkdTfCleQ}}</div>

{{History||1.8|snap=August 5, 2014|slink={{Tweet|SeargeDP|496666952530538498}}|[[File:Armor Stand (pre-release).png|32px]] [[File:Armor Stand (item) (pre-release).png|32px]] [[Searge]] tweeted a image of an armor stand. The appearance was changed before release.}}
{{History|||snap=August 5, 2014|slink={{Tweet|SeargeDP|496673890148823040}}|Showed crafting recipe and name "[Armor Stand]", both were changed before release.}}
{{History|||snap=14w32a|[[File:Armor Stand JE1.png|32px]] Added armor stands.}}
{{History|||snap=14w32b|[[File:Armor Stand (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] The item texture has changed.
|Pick-block can now be used on armor stands.
|Armor stands can now no longer be crafted using [[slabs]] other than stone slabs.}}
{{History|||snap=14w32c|Added a <code>NoBasePlate</code> tag for the armor stand.}}
{{History|||snap=14w33a|Breaking [[particles]] have been added for the armor stand.}}
{{History||1.8.1|snap=pre1|Added <code>Marker</code> tag for armor stands.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Armor stands can now dual wield.
|<code>HandItems</code> and <code>ArmorItems</code> tags added for armor stands, which is intended to replace the <code>Equipment</code> tag.}}
{{History|||snap=15w33a|The <code>Equipment</code> tag has been removed from armor stands.}}
{{History|||snap=15w47a|The armor stand now wobbles when hit by the [[player]].}}
{{History|||snap=16w02a|Marker <code>ArmorStand</code>s now outline their equipment only when glowing.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID of the armor stand has been changed from <code>ArmorStand</code> to <code>armor_stand</code>.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 416.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Armor Stand JE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stands has been changed to the new [[planks|oak planks]] texture.
|[[File:Armor Stand (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stand [[item]]s has been slightly changed. (Comparison: [[File:Armor Stand (item) Texture Change 1.13 to 18w43a.gif|32px]])}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|[[File:Armor Stand JE3.png|32px]] The texture of armor stands has been changed again.
|Armor stands now generate in taiga [[village]]s.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w42a|Armor stands can now be placed by [[dispenser]]s.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|Armor stands no longer fall through fences and walls when placed.<ref>{{bug|MC-65951}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=20w14a|[[Zoglin]]s now attack armor stands.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|[[File:Armor Stand 20w45a.png|32px]] The model of the armor stand has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=20w46a|[[File:Armor Stand JE3.png|32px]] The model of the armor stand has been changed back to how it was in 1.16.}}
{{History||1.18|snap=Pre-release 5|[[File:Armor Stand JE4.png|32px]] Changed smooth stone texture on armor stand.}}
{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w03a|Armor stands now preserve custom names when placed and broken.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|An armor stand now appears in the smithing table GUI; arms are displayed as in Bedrock Edition.
|When an armor stand is placed, its model now changes in effect of the player's facing direction<ref>{{bug|MC-93533}}</ref>.}}
{{History|||snap=23w06a|The model no longer changes when the armory is placed. Also, the head, which tilted slightly to the lower right in the version from 1.8 up to 1.19.3, now faces forward from [[File:Armor Stand JE4.png|32px]] to [[File:Armor Stand JE5.png|32px]].}}
{{History||?|Armor can now be swapped in [[armor stand]]s by {{ctrl|using}} them in the armor stand's slot.}}

{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|[[File:Armor Stand BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Armor Stand (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added armor stands.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Armor Stand BE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stands has been changed.
|[[File:Armor Stand (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stand [[item]]s has been slightly changed.}}
{{History||1.12.0|snap=beta|[[File:Armor Stand with Leather Armor MCPE-44669.png|32px]] Leather [[armor]] no longer shows as being [[dye]]d properly when worn by armor stands.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Armor Stand wear Chicken.png|x73px]][[File:Armor Stand wear Rabbit.png|x73px]] [[File:Armor Stand wear Salmon.gif|x73px]] [[File:Armor Stand wear Pufferfish.gif|x73px]] [[File:Armor Stand wear Slime.png|x73px]] When armor stands hold a [[raw chicken]], [[raw rabbit]], [[raw salmon]], [[pufferfish]] or a [[slime block]], they now wear these [[mob]] counterparts.<ref>{{bug|mcpe-48629}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Leather armor now shows as being dyed properly when worn by armor stands.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Armor stands no longer hold certain [[mob]]s if they are holding a [[item]] related to them.
|Armor stands now have a smoother animation when changing poses.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=?|Armor stands are now targeted by zoglins.}}
{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|Armor stands are no longer attacked by [[goat]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Armor Stand JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Armor Stand (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added armor stands.}}
{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|Added [[sound]]s for armor stands.}}
{{History||xbox=TU60|xbone=CU51|ps=1.64|wiiu=Patch 30|switch=1.0.11|[[File:Armor Stand BE1.png|32px]] Armor stands now have arms and the [[player]] can now change the pose of the armor stand.}}	
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Armor Stand BE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stands has been changed.
|[[File:Armor Stand (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stand [[item]]s has been slightly changed.}}

Armour stand 1.png|The first image of the armor stand.
JE 1.8 Dev Armor Stand crafting.png|The first image of armor stand crafting recipe.
The Bountiful Update.png|Armor stands in the [[Java Edition 1.8|1.8]] poster.
Dual Wielding Armor Stand.png|A dual wielding armor stand.
Glowing Armor Stands.png|Armor stands with the [[glowing]] effect.
Armor Stand Chess.jpg|Chess with armor stands.

{{issue list}}

==Trivia ==
*Equipping armor stands with certain [[block]]s and [[item]]s can cause rendering glitches. According to [[Searge]] this is due to transparent rendering on entities not yet being supported.<ref>{{bug|MC-67415||"Armor Stands with Slime Block rendering entities behind them"}} resolved as "Won't Fix"</ref><ref>{{bug|MC-67674||"Armor Stand wearing a Skull and Holding Stained Glass causes Graphical issues"}} resolved as "Won't Fix"</ref>
*Bedrock Edition has a version exclusive armor stand [[model]], which includes posable arms.
*Using [[redstone]] to change the stands reverse the poses, starting with the can-can pose first.
*Placing the stand within three powered [[redstone dust]] always changes its pose to the honor pose. [[Redstone Repeater|Repeaters]] also switch the stand to the honor pose if not set four blocks from one.
*Using external tools, armor stand spawners can be placed.
*Secret signatures for [[Jasper Boerstra|JAPPA]], Chi Wong, and [[Michael Stoyke|Searge]] can be found at the bottom of the armor stand texture.

== Gallery ==
;Armor (Java Edition)
Armor Stand Leather.png
Armor Stand Golden.png
Armor Stand Chainmail.png
Armor Stand Iron.png
Armor Stand Diamond.png
Armor Stand Netherite.png

; Armor (Bedrock Edition)
Armor Stand with Leather Armor BE.png
Armor Stand with Golden Armor BE.png
Armor Stand with Chain Armor BE.png
Armor Stand with Iron Armor BE.png
Armor Stand with Diamond Armor BE.png
Armor Stand with Netherite Armor BE.png

Armor Stand Pose 0.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 1.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 2.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 3.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 4.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 5.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 6.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 7.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 8.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 9.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 10.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 11.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 12.png|

Armor Stand Demo.png|Armor stands in various positions with various [[armor]].
Armor Stand glass and sword.png|Armor stands can wear [[block]]s on their heads. This is accessible with [[command]]s such as {{cmd|item}}.
Bedrock edition armor stand poses.png|All armor stand poses as seen in {{el|be}}.
Netherite to the rescue!.png|An entire set of netherite [[armor]] on an armor stand.
Armor Stand Garage.png|An armor stand in a garage.

==References ==

==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--armor-stand Taking Inventory: Armor Stand] – Minecraft.net on March 16, 2023



[[es:Soporte para armadura]]
[[ko:갑옷 거치대]]
[[pl:Stojak na zbroję]]
[[pt:Suporte de armaduras]]
[[ru:Стойка для брони]]
[[uk:Стійка для обладунків]]
?The Far Lands ceiling is unchanged as Beta 1.6 eliminates ability to normally place blocks at Y of 127.
1.8Tropical fish also have assigned names that can be seen after capture. In Java Edition, the smaller text under the item name is displayed showing the fish name, similar to the text that displays enchantments under enchanted items. In Bedrock Edition, the item name is displayed showing "Bucket of <fish name>". Their colors are mostly named according to the colored block names, though with a few exceptions:
  • White
  • Silver
  • Gray
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Lime
  • Green
  • Teal
  • Sky
  • Blue
  • Plum
  • Magenta
  • Rose

The base color comes first, and if the pattern color is different, it comes after that. Lastly, the fish bucket is given a name according to the shape and pattern of the fish:

Flopper Glitter Betty
Stripey Blockfish Clayfish
Tropical Fish Patterns
Kob Snooper Brinely
SunStreak Dasher Spotty

Some tropical fish don't follow the normal naming system, and instead, reference real-life fish species. Apart from these names, these types of fish aren't different from regular tropical fish in terms of design or behavior.

These varieties are:

Name Type
Anemone Orange-Gray Stripey
Black Tang Gray Flopper
Blue Dory ‌[Bedrock Edition only] Gray-Sky SunStreak
Blue Tang ‌[Java Edition only] Gray-Blue Flopper
Butterfly Fish ‌[Bedrock Edition only]/Butterflyfish ‌[Java Edition only] White-Gray Clayfish
Cichlid Blue-Gray SunStreak
Clownfish Orange-White Kob
Cotton Candy Betta Rose-Sky Spotty
Dottyback Plum-Yellow Blockfish
Emperor Red Snapper White-Red Clayfish
Goatfish White-Yellow Spotty
Moorish Idol White-Gray Glitter
Ornate Butterfly ‌[Bedrock Edition only]/Ornate Butterflyfish ‌[Java Edition only] White-Orange Clayfish
Parrotfish Teal-Rose Dasher
Queen Angel Fish ‌[Bedrock Edition only]/Queen Angelfish ‌[Java Edition only] Lime-Sky Brinely
Red Cichlid Red-White Betty
Red Lipped Blenny Gray-Red Snooper
Red Snapper Red-White Blockfish
Threadfin White-Yellow Flopper
Tomato Clown ‌[Bedrock Edition only] Red-White SunStreak
Tomato Clownfish ‌[Java Edition only] Red-White Kob
Triggerfish Gray-White SunStreak
Yellowtail Parrot ‌[Bedrock Edition only]/Yellowtail Parrotfish ‌[Java Edition only] Teal-Yellow Dasher
Yellow Tang Yellow Flopper
Pre-releaseThe Far Lands were removed, as well as the floating point precision errors (or at least for the player).
Pocket Edition Alpha
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Shulker Shell|Shulker Shell]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Shulker Shell.png
|renewable = Yes
| stackable =  Yes (64)

{{about|the item that drops from the mob|the mob |Shulker|the storage block|Shulker Box}}

'''Shulker shells''' are [[item]]s dropped by [[shulker]]s that are used solely to craft [[shulker box]]es.

== Obtaining ==
=== Mob loot ===
{{IN|bedrock}}, [[shulker]]s drop 0-1 shulker shells. The maximum can be increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], which is 0-4 shells with Looting III.

{{IN|java}}, shulkers have a 50% chance of dropping a shulker shell when killed. This is increased by 6.25% per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 68.75% with Looting III.

== Usage ==
=== Crafting ingredient ===
{{crafting usage}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Shulker Shell

{{ID table
|displayname=Shulker Shell

== History ==
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|[[File:Shulker Shell JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shulker shells.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 450.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Shulker Shell JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the shulker shell has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|When a shulker is hit by a shulker bullet, the shulker can spawn another shulker depending on the amount of shulkers in the area, making shulker shells [[renewable resource|renewable]].}}

{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Shulker Shell JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shulker shells.
|Shulker shells currently have no purpose as [[shulker box]]es haven't been implemented yet.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Shulker shells can now be used to [[crafting|craft]] shulker boxes.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Shulker Shell JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the shulker shell has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.18.30|snap=beta|Shulkers now have a chance to spawn another shulker when hit by a shulker projectile, making shulker shells [[renewable resource|renewable]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|[[File:Shulker Shell JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shulker shells.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Shulker Shell JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the shulker shell has now been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||1.7.10|[[File:Shulker Shell JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shulker shells.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}


[[es:Caparazón de shulker]]
[[fr:Carapace de Shulker]]
[[it:Guscio di shulker]]
[[ko:셜커 껍데기]]
[[pl:Skorupa Shulkera]]
[[pt:Casco de shulker]]
[[ru:Панцирь шалкера]]
[[zh:潜影壳]]</li><li>[[Lava Bucket|Lava Bucket]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Lava Bucket
| image = Lava Bucket.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = No 
A '''lava bucket''' is a [[bucket]] filled with [[lava]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Interacting ===
To fill an empty [[bucket]] with lava, {{control|use}} it on a [[lava]] source block or lava in a [[cauldron]]. The block is consumed in the process. Flowing lava does not fill a bucket.

If there is a lava source above the [[pointed dripstone]] stalactite, there is a {{frac|15|256}} (~5.9%) chance for it to completely fill an empty cauldron within 10 blocks under the tip with lava after a [[random tick]]. This lava can then be scooped with a bucket, making it a renewable resource.

A lava bucket can be used to place down lava sources with the {{key|Use Item}} button. Doing so gives the player the bucket back. Lava buckets can be used to replace some transparent, non-full blocks such as [[tall grass]] and [[water]], both flowing and sources.

{{IN|java}}, lava buckets can be used to break [[Nether Portal (block)|Nether portal blocks]] by placing the lava on the side of a block next to the portal block.

=== Smelting ===
A lava bucket can be used as an efficient [[fuel]]. It has the longest burning value of 1000 seconds, compared to 800 seconds for a [[coal block]] (a lava bucket smelts 100 items, and a coal block smelts 80). After smelting starts, the lava bucket turns into an empty bucket.

=== Trading ===
{{IN|bedrock}}, journeyman-level armorer villagers buy a lava bucket for one [[emerald]] as part of their trades.

{{IN|java}}, journeyman-level armorer villagers have a 40% chance of offering to buy a lava bucket for one emerald.

=== Cauldrons === 
A lava bucket can be used to fill a [[cauldron]] with lava. The lava damages any entity standing inside the cauldron, unless the entity is immune to fire damage.<!-- ex: nether mobs--> Flowing water or waterlogging does not affect the lava in the cauldron.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket fills
|description=When a bucket is filled with lava
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket empties
|description=When a lava bucket is emptied

{{Sound table
|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg
|description=When a bucket is filled with lava
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg
|description=When a lava bucket is emptied

==Data values==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Lava Bucket

{{ID table
|displayname=Lava Bucket
|aliasid=bucket / 10

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Super Fuel}}

== Advancements ==
{{Load advancements|Hot Stuff}}

{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100615|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.1.0|Buckets of lava can now be used to fuel a [[furnace]] for 100 [[smelting|smelts]], consuming the [[lava]] and the [[bucket]]. This is the highest number of smelts of any single [[item]] in the game.}}
{{History||v1.2.6|{{control|use|text=Using}} a lava bucket on [[block]]s with GUIs ([[chest]]s, furnaces, etc.) no longer places the lava.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=1.2|Changed name from "Lava bucket" to "Lava Bucket".}}
{{History||1.3|snap=12w22a|[[Smelting]] in a [[furnace]] with a lava bucket now leaves an empty [[bucket]] for the [[player]] to retrieve.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w25a|A lava bucket is now shown as the icon when [[lava]] is used as a layer in [[Superflat]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w50a|Added sounds for filling and pouring lava buckets.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to the ''[[Flattening]]'' this item's numerical ID was 327.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Armorer villagers can now [[trading|buy]] lava buckets.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Lava buckets can now be used to fill a [[cauldron]] with lava.}}
{{History|||snap=21w13a|The lava bucket is now fully renewable, as [[pointed dripstone]] can now be obtained in Survival mode without custom generation.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}
{{History||v0.7.4|Lava buckets can now be used as [[fuel]] in a [[furnace]].
|Lava buckets no longer stack to 64.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Moved all bucket items, including lava buckets, from the Equipment tab to the Items tab in the [[Creative inventory]].{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---please check snapshots, only 1 major release version was checked each--->}}
{{History||1.9.0|snap=beta|Lava bucket can now be used to fill a [[cauldron]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Lava buckets can now be [[trading|sold]] to armorer [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of lava buckets has been changed from <code>bucket/10</code> to <code>lava_bucket</code>.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|The lava bucket is now fully renewable, as [[pointed dripstone]] can now be obtained in Survival mode without custom generation.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}
{{History||xbox=TU9|[[Dispenser]]s have now been given the ability to shoot out the [[liquids]] inside lava buckets. They can also suck up the liquids if activated again, but do not fill up the [[bucket]]s with the liquid dropped due to a bug.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}

{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

* One lava bucket has the highest number of [[smelting|smelts]] in the game at 100 items per bucket.
** This makes it 12.5 times more efficient than [[coal]] and [[charcoal]].
* A lava bucket is used as Steve's Down-Smash attack in the crossover fighting game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[pt:Balde de lava]]
[[uk:Відро лави]]
build 1First appearance of the Far Lands.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Brush|Brush]]<br/>{{Item
A '''brush''' is a [[tool]] used in [[archaeology]] to excavate [[suspicious block]]s for different items.

|B2=Copper Ingot
|Damaged Brush
|Damaged Brush
|description=The durability of the two brushes is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.

{{Main|Suspicious Block}}
{{Control|Using}} the brush on any block displays a brushing animation, slowing down the player and creating breaking [[particles]], but not actually damaging the block or brush. When continuously brushing a [[suspicious block]], a random item slowly emerges from it until it drops out, and the block turns into regular [[sand]] or regular [[gravel]], depleting 1 [[durability]] point on the brush. It takes 96 [[game tick]]s (4.8 seconds) to brush a single suspicious block. 

=== Enchantments ===
A brush can receive the following [[enchantment]]s:
{|class="wikitable col-2-center col-3-right"
!Max Level
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}   
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}   
|[[Curse of Vanishing]]
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}   

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
<!--All of these sounds are, in fact, different-->
|sound=Brushing sand1.ogg
|sound2=Brushing sand2.ogg
|sound3=Brushing sand3.ogg
|sound4=Brushing sand4.ogg
|subtitle=Brushing Sand
|description=While a brush is brushing suspicious sand
{{Sound table
|sound=Brushing gravel1.ogg
|sound2=Brushing gravel2.ogg
|sound3=Brushing gravel3.ogg
|sound4=Brushing gravel4.ogg
|subtitle=Brushing Gravel
|description=While a brush is brushing suspicious gravel
{{Sound table
|sound=Brushing generic1.ogg
|sound2=Brushing generic2.ogg
|sound3=Brushing generic3.ogg
|sound4=Brushing generic4.ogg
|description=While a brush is brushing any other block
{{Sound table
|sound=Brushing sand completed1.ogg
|sound2=Brushing sand completed2.ogg
|sound3=Brushing sand completed3.ogg
|sound4=Brushing sand completed4.ogg
|sound5=Brushing sand completed5.ogg
|subtitle=Brushing Sand completed
|source=Players<ref group=sound name=badsource>{{Bug|MC-260202}}</ref>|overridesource=1
|description=When a brush finishes brushing suspicious sand
{{Sound table
|sound=Brushing gravel completed1.ogg
|sound2=Brushing gravel completed2.ogg
|sound3=Brushing gravel completed3.ogg
|sound4=Brushing gravel completed4.ogg
|subtitle=Brushing Gravel completed
|source=Players<ref group=sound name=badsource/>|overridesource=1
|description=When a brush finishes brushing suspicious gravel

{{Sound table
|sound=Brushing sand1.ogg
|sound2=Brushing sand2.ogg
|sound3=Brushing sand3.ogg
|sound4=Brushing sand4.ogg
|description=While a brush is brushing suspicious sand
{{Sound table
|sound=Brushing gravel1.ogg
|sound2=Brushing gravel2.ogg
|sound3=Brushing gravel3.ogg
|sound4=Brushing gravel4.ogg
|description=While a brush is brushing suspicious gravel
{{Sound table
|sound=Brushing generic1.ogg
|sound2=Brushing generic2.ogg
|sound3=Brushing generic3.ogg
|sound4=Brushing generic4.ogg
|description=While a brush is brushing any other block
{{Sound table
|sound=Brushing sand completed1.ogg
|sound2=Brushing sand completed2.ogg
|sound3=Brushing sand completed3.ogg
|sound4=Brushing sand completed4.ogg
|sound5=Brushing sand completed5.ogg
|description=When a brush finishes brushing suspicious sand
{{Sound table
|sound=Brushing gravel completed1.ogg
|sound2=Brushing gravel completed2.ogg
|sound3=Brushing gravel completed3.ogg
|sound4=Brushing gravel completed4.ogg
|description=When a brush finishes brushing suspicious gravel

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Respecting the Remnants}}

== History ==
{{History||October 3, 2020|link=https://youtu.be/DBvZ2Iqmm3M?t=2178|[[File:Brush (pre-release 1).png|32px]][[File:Brush 2.png|32px]] Brushes were announced at [[Minecraft Live 2020]] with two variants.}}
{{History||?|link=https://youtu.be/klP9SrJFDU8?t=206|[[File:Brush (pre-release 2).png|32px]] Changed the brush's item texture.}}
{{History||February 10, 2023|[[File:Brush JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Sofia Dankis]] posted an article about upcoming archaeology features, including brushes.|link=https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/archeology-coming-minecraft-120}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|[[File:Brush JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added brushes with an updated texture behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].|The crafting recipe was originally three [[string]] and two [[stick]]s.
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Recipe"
! Recipe
{{!}}{{Crafting Table
|A1 = String
|B1 = String
|C1 = String
|B2 = Stick
|B3 = Stick
|Output = Brush
|type = Tool
{{History|||snap=1.19.4 Pre-release 1|The crafting recipe for brushes has been changed:
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Recipe"
! Recipe
{{!}}{{Crafting Table
|B1 = Feather
|B2 = Copper Ingot
|B3 = Stick
|Output = Brush
|type = Tool
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Brushes are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental data pack.
|Brushes can now brush [[suspicious gravel]].}}
{{History|||snap=23w14a|The brushing sound of brush is now controlled by the "Blocks" sound slider instead of the "Players" sound slider.}}
{{History|||snap=23w17a|The player now gets the [[advancement]] "Respecting the Remnants" when they use a brush on a [[suspicious block]] to obtain a [[pottery sherd]].}}

{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.70|snap=beta|[[File:Brush JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added brushes behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20.0|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.
|The crafting recipe is originally three [[string]] and two [[stick]]s.
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Recipe"
! Recipe
{{!}}{{Crafting Table
|A1 = String
|B1 = String
|C1 = String
|B2 = Stick
|B3 = Stick
|Output = Brush
|type = Tool
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.80|snap=beta|The crafting recipe for brushes has been changed:
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Recipe"
! Recipe
{{!}}{{Crafting Table
|B1 = Feather
|B2 = Copper Ingot
|B3 = Stick
|Output = Brush
|type = Tool
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Brushes are now available without using the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

== References ==

==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/brush Taking Inventory: Brush] – Minecraft.net on July 6, 2023


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[zh:刷子]]</li><li>[[Raw Salmon|Raw Salmon]]<br/>{{about|the item|the mob|Salmon}}
| title = Raw Salmon
| image = Raw Salmon.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|2}}
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Raw salmon''' is a food item that can be eaten by the [[player]] or cooked to make [[cooked salmon]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===
[[Salmon]] always drops 1 raw salmon when killed, unaffected by Looting.<ref>{{bug|MC-212795||Salmon & Fish mobs are not affected by Looting}}</ref> If it is killed while on [[fire]], it drops 1 [[Cooked Salmon|cooked salmon]] instead.
====Guardians and elder guardians ====
[[Guardian|Guardians]] and [[Elder Guardian|elder guardians]] have a 2.5% chance to drop a random fish, with 25% of them being raw salmon, which drops as cooked if the guardian was on fire. The chance of getting the fish drop is increased by 1% per level with [[Looting]] (for a maximum of 5.5% with Looting III), but the type of fish is not affected.
====Polar bears====
[[Polar bear]]s have a 25% chance of dropping 0–2 raw salmon when killed. The maximum amount can be increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 0-5 with Looting III. If killed while on fire, they drop cooked salmon instead.
=== Fishing ===
{{main|Fishing}}Raw salmon can be obtained from [[fishing]]. The wait time of one being caught is decreased with the [[Lure]] enchantment and the chance of one being caught is slightly decreased with the [[Luck of the Sea]] enchantment (named as such because it increases treasure, not fish).

Catching salmon awards 1-6 experience.

=== Chest loot ===


=== Villager gifts ===
{{in|java}}, Fisherman villagers throw raw salmon at [[player]]s under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.

== Usage ==

=== Smelting ingredient ===

|Raw Salmon
|Cooked Salmon

=== Food ===

Raw salmon restores {{hunger|2}} [[hunger]] and 0.2 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].

=== Cats ===
Raw salmon can be used to tame [[cat]]s with {{frac|1|3}} chance of success, get cats off of [[chest]]s, and [[bed]]s, [[breed]] cats, and make baby cats grow up faster by 10% of the remaining time. Additionally, raw salmon can be used to heal cats by {{hp|2|mob=1}}.

Raw salmon can be used to gain [[ocelot]] trust, breed ocelots, and make baby ocelots grow up by 10%.
=== Dolphins ===

A [[dolphin]] can be fed raw salmon to increase its trust of the player and cause it to interact with the player more often. However, unlike most other animal mobs, this does not cause them to breed.

Additionally, dolphins swim to the nearest chest in a [[shipwreck]] or [[underwater ruin]] after they are fed raw salmon. If the chest in the nearest structure is broken, they swim to another structure with a chest.

=== Trading ===

Apprentice-level Fisherman [[villager]]s have 50%{{only|bedrock}} or {{frac|2|3}}{{only|java}} chance to buy 6 raw salmon and one [[emerald]] for 6 cooked salmon.

Journeyman-level Fisherman villagers offer to buy 13 raw salmon for an emerald.

=== Wolves ===
{{IN|bedrock}}, raw salmon can be fed only to [[wolves]] not at full health, healing them by {{hp|2|mob=1}}. Unlike other wolf food, raw salmon cannot be used to breed wolves or to accelerate the growth of baby wolves.

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Salmon

{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Salmon

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Lion Hunter}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet;Fishy Business;A Complete Catalogue}}

== Video ==
<span style="display:inline-block">{{yt|s_GcAFeoREk}}</span>

== History ==
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|[[File:Raw Salmon JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw salmon.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w25a|Raw salmon is now obtainable rare drops from [[guardian]]s and [[elder guardians]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|Raw salmon can now be found in [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|Raw salmon is now dropped from [[polar bear]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>fish</code> and <code>cooked_fish</code> IDs have been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 349 and 250.}}
{{History|||snap=18w08b|Salmon has been added as a [[mob]], which drops raw salmon when killed (cooked while on [[fire]]).
|[[File:Raw Salmon JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture for raw salmon has been changed.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w48a|Raw salmon can now be found in chests in [[village]] fisher cottages.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Fisherman [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] raw salmon.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Fisherman villagers now give raw salmon to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Raw Salmon JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw salmon.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Salmon now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].
|Raw salmon can now be used to tame [[ocelot]]s.}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Salmon is now [[drops|dropped]] by [[guardian]]s and [[elder guardian]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Added [[polar bear]]s, which drop raw salmon.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Raw salmon is now found inside [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Salmon has been added as a [[mob]], which drops raw salmon when killed (cooked while on [[fire]]).
|[[File:Raw Salmon JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture for raw salmon has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[dolphin]]s, which can be [[breeding|bred]] with raw salmon.}}
{{History||1.5.0|snap=beta|Raw salmon can no longer be used to breed dolphins. 
|Giving raw salmon to dolphins now leads the [[player]] to nearest [[underwater ruins]] or [[shipwreck]].}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Raw salmon can no longer be used to tame [[ocelot]]s.
|Raw salmon can now be used to [[breeding|breed]] ocelots.
|Added stray [[cat]]s, which can be tamed by being fed raw salmon.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Raw salmon can now be [[trading|sold]] to fisherman [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|If [[salmon]] is [[death|killed]] while on [[fire]], then they now drop [[cooked salmon]] instead of a raw salmon.}}

{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|[[File:Raw Salmon JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw salmon.}}
{{History||xbox=TU69|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|[[File:Raw Salmon JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture for raw salmon have been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Raw Salmon JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw salmon.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== See also ==
* [[Fishing]]

== References ==


[[de:Roher Lachs]]
[[es:Salmón crudo]]
[[pt:Salmão cru]]
[[ru:Сырой лосось]]
[[tr:Çiğ Somon]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]
build 1Gaps between blocks at extreme distances no longer occur.[verify]
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Lava Bucket|Lava Bucket]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Lava Bucket
| image = Lava Bucket.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = No 
A '''lava bucket''' is a [[bucket]] filled with [[lava]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Interacting ===
To fill an empty [[bucket]] with lava, {{control|use}} it on a [[lava]] source block or lava in a [[cauldron]]. The block is consumed in the process. Flowing lava does not fill a bucket.

If there is a lava source above the [[pointed dripstone]] stalactite, there is a {{frac|15|256}} (~5.9%) chance for it to completely fill an empty cauldron within 10 blocks under the tip with lava after a [[random tick]]. This lava can then be scooped with a bucket, making it a renewable resource.

A lava bucket can be used to place down lava sources with the {{key|Use Item}} button. Doing so gives the player the bucket back. Lava buckets can be used to replace some transparent, non-full blocks such as [[tall grass]] and [[water]], both flowing and sources.

{{IN|java}}, lava buckets can be used to break [[Nether Portal (block)|Nether portal blocks]] by placing the lava on the side of a block next to the portal block.

=== Smelting ===
A lava bucket can be used as an efficient [[fuel]]. It has the longest burning value of 1000 seconds, compared to 800 seconds for a [[coal block]] (a lava bucket smelts 100 items, and a coal block smelts 80). After smelting starts, the lava bucket turns into an empty bucket.

=== Trading ===
{{IN|bedrock}}, journeyman-level armorer villagers buy a lava bucket for one [[emerald]] as part of their trades.

{{IN|java}}, journeyman-level armorer villagers have a 40% chance of offering to buy a lava bucket for one emerald.

=== Cauldrons === 
A lava bucket can be used to fill a [[cauldron]] with lava. The lava damages any entity standing inside the cauldron, unless the entity is immune to fire damage.<!-- ex: nether mobs--> Flowing water or waterlogging does not affect the lava in the cauldron.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket fills
|description=When a bucket is filled with lava
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket empties
|description=When a lava bucket is emptied

{{Sound table
|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg
|description=When a bucket is filled with lava
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg
|description=When a lava bucket is emptied

==Data values==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Lava Bucket

{{ID table
|displayname=Lava Bucket
|aliasid=bucket / 10

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Super Fuel}}

== Advancements ==
{{Load advancements|Hot Stuff}}

{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100615|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.1.0|Buckets of lava can now be used to fuel a [[furnace]] for 100 [[smelting|smelts]], consuming the [[lava]] and the [[bucket]]. This is the highest number of smelts of any single [[item]] in the game.}}
{{History||v1.2.6|{{control|use|text=Using}} a lava bucket on [[block]]s with GUIs ([[chest]]s, furnaces, etc.) no longer places the lava.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=1.2|Changed name from "Lava bucket" to "Lava Bucket".}}
{{History||1.3|snap=12w22a|[[Smelting]] in a [[furnace]] with a lava bucket now leaves an empty [[bucket]] for the [[player]] to retrieve.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w25a|A lava bucket is now shown as the icon when [[lava]] is used as a layer in [[Superflat]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w50a|Added sounds for filling and pouring lava buckets.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to the ''[[Flattening]]'' this item's numerical ID was 327.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Armorer villagers can now [[trading|buy]] lava buckets.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Lava buckets can now be used to fill a [[cauldron]] with lava.}}
{{History|||snap=21w13a|The lava bucket is now fully renewable, as [[pointed dripstone]] can now be obtained in Survival mode without custom generation.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}
{{History||v0.7.4|Lava buckets can now be used as [[fuel]] in a [[furnace]].
|Lava buckets no longer stack to 64.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Moved all bucket items, including lava buckets, from the Equipment tab to the Items tab in the [[Creative inventory]].{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---please check snapshots, only 1 major release version was checked each--->}}
{{History||1.9.0|snap=beta|Lava bucket can now be used to fill a [[cauldron]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Lava buckets can now be [[trading|sold]] to armorer [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of lava buckets has been changed from <code>bucket/10</code> to <code>lava_bucket</code>.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|The lava bucket is now fully renewable, as [[pointed dripstone]] can now be obtained in Survival mode without custom generation.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}
{{History||xbox=TU9|[[Dispenser]]s have now been given the ability to shoot out the [[liquids]] inside lava buckets. They can also suck up the liquids if activated again, but do not fill up the [[bucket]]s with the liquid dropped due to a bug.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}

{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

* One lava bucket has the highest number of [[smelting|smelts]] in the game at 100 items per bucket.
** This makes it 12.5 times more efficient than [[coal]] and [[charcoal]].
* A lava bucket is used as Steve's Down-Smash attack in the crossover fighting game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[pt:Balde de lava]]
[[uk:Відро лави]]
[[zh:熔岩桶]]</li><li>[[Smithing Template|Smithing Template]]<br/>{{for|the block|Smithing Table}}
| title = Smithing Template
| image = <gallery>
Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template.png | Netherite Upgrade
Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template.png | Armor Trim
| rarity = Rare
| renewable = No<!--Smithing templates are not renewable because diamonds, their only other method of creation, are not renewable.-->
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Smithing templates''' are items used in [[Smithing Table|smithing tables]] to alter [[Tool|tools]] and [[armor]]. They are consumed when used, but can be [[Crafting|duplicated]] using an existing template, its material and [[Diamond|diamonds]].

The sixteen '''armor trim smithing templates''' are found in a variety of [[Generated structures|structures]], and are used to apply various decorative trims (dependent on the variant) to armor using certain minerals for different colors.

'''Netherite upgrade smithing templates''' are required to upgrade diamond equipment with a [[Netherite Ingot|netherite ingot]]. They are only found in [[Bastion Remnant|bastion remnants]], but are guaranteed only in [[:en:Bastion_Remnant#Treasure_room|treasure rooms]].

== Obtaining ==
Smithing templates can be found in various [[Generated structures|structures]] and can be duplicated by using seven diamonds and a block based on what the template is.

=== Crafting ===
|A1=Diamond |B1=Matching Smithing Template                                                                                                                           |C1=Diamond
|A2=Diamond |B2=Netherrack;Cobblestone;Sandstone;End Stone;Terracotta;Terracotta;Netherrack;Cobblestone;Terracotta;Cobbled Deepslate;Blackstone;Purpur Block;Prismarine;Cobblestone;Cobbled Deepslate;Terracotta;Mossy Cobblestone |C2=Diamond
|A3=Diamond |B3=Diamond                                                                                                                                              |C3=Diamond
|Output=Matching Smithing Template,2

{| class="article-table"
|+ Duplication 
! Item !! Material
| {{ItemSprite|netherite-upgrade|text=Netherite Upgrade}} || {{BlockSprite|Netherrack|text=Netherrack}}
| {{ItemSprite|sentry-armor-trim|text=Sentry Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Cobblestone|text=Cobblestone}}
| {{ItemSprite|vex-armor-trim|text=Vex Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Cobblestone|text=Cobblestone}}
| {{ItemSprite|wild-armor-trim|text=Wild Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Mossy Cobblestone|text=Mossy Cobblestone}}
| {{ItemSprite|coast-armor-trim|text=Coast Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Cobblestone|text=Cobblestone}}
| {{ItemSprite|dune-armor-trim|text=Dune Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Sandstone|text=Sandstone}}
| {{ItemSprite|wayfinder-armor-trim|text=Wayfinder Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Terracotta|text=Terracotta}}
| {{ItemSprite|raiser-armor-trim|text=Raiser Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Terracotta|text=Terracotta}}
| {{ItemSprite|shaper-armor-trim|text=Shaper Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Terracotta|text=Terracotta}}
| {{ItemSprite|host-armor-trim|text=Host Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Terracotta|text=Terracotta}}
| {{ItemSprite|ward-armor-trim|text=Ward Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Cobbled Deepslate|text=Cobbled Deepslate}}
| {{ItemSprite|silence-armor-trim|text=Silence Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Cobbled Deepslate|text=Cobbled Deepslate}}
| {{ItemSprite|tide-armor-trim|text=Tide Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Prismarine|text=Prismarine}}
| {{ItemSprite|snout-armor-trim|text=Snout Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Blackstone|text=Blackstone}}
| {{ItemSprite|rib-armor-trim|text=Rib Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Netherrack|text=Netherrack}}
| {{ItemSprite|eye-armor-trim|text=Eye Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|End Stone|text=End Stone}}
| {{ItemSprite|spire-armor-trim|text=Spire Armor Trim}} || {{BlockSprite|Purpur Block|text=Purpur Block}}

{{IN|bedrock}}, spire, tide, and dune armor trims can be duplicated with more blocks than {{in|java}}. In addition to the normal blocks, Tide armor trims can be duplicated using Prismarine Bricks or Dark Prismarine, dune armor trims can be duplicated with smooth sandstone, cut sandstone, or chiseled sandstone, and spire armor trims can be duplicated with purpur pillars.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-172711||Tide, Spire, and Dune Armor Trims can be crafted from more blocks than in Java Edition}}</ref>

=== Mob loot ===
[[Elder guardian]]s have a 20% chance to drop 1 tide armor trim upon death. [[Looting]] doesn't affect this percentage, and the elder guardian doesn't need to be killed by a player in order for the trim to drop and can be duplicated with [[prismarine]].

=== Chest loot ===
Note: In Woodland Mansions, only chests with random loot have the chance to contain the Vex Smithing Template, chests in the "Allium room", "Sapling farm", "Tree-chopping room" and "Fake End portal room" always generate with the same, room specific, loot.

=== Suspicious block loot ===
Items can only be extracted from [[Suspicious Block|suspicious blocks]] using a [[brush]].{{#invoke:LootChest|base3|wayfinder-armor-trim-smithing-template,raiser-armor-trim-smithing-template,shaper-armor-trim-smithing-template,host-armor-trim-smithing-template}}

== Usage ==
=== Crafting ingredient ===
|A1=Diamond |B1=Matching Smithing Template                                                                                                                           |C1=Diamond
|A2=Diamond |B2=Netherrack;Cobblestone;Sandstone;End Stone;Terracotta;Terracotta;Netherrack;Cobblestone;Terracotta;Cobbled Deepslate;Blackstone;Purpur Block;Prismarine;Cobblestone;Cobbled Deepslate;Terracotta;Mossy Cobblestone |C2=Diamond
|A3=Diamond |B3=Diamond                                                                                                                                              |C3=Diamond
|Output=Matching Smithing Template,2

=== Smithing ingredient ===
Smithing templates are used at a [[smithing table]]. Netherite upgrade smithing templates are used to upgrade diamond gear into netherite gear by using a netherite upgrade, a piece of diamond gear, and a [[netherite ingot]]. 

|ingredients=Netherite Upgrade +<br>Any Diamond Gear +<br>[[Netherite Ingot]]
|Netherite Upgrade
|Diamond Helmet; Diamond Chestplate; Diamond Leggings; Diamond Boots; Diamond Sword; Diamond Pickaxe; Diamond Axe; Diamond Shovel
|Netherite Ingot
|Netherite Helmet; Netherite Chestplate; Netherite Leggings; Netherite Boots; Netherite Sword; Netherite Pickaxe; Netherite Axe; Netherite Shovel

{{FakeImage|{{Animate|Iron_Armor_with_Iron_Shaper_Trim.png; Golden_Armor_with_Golden_Shaper_Trim.png; Diamond_Armor_with_Diamond_Shaper_Trim.png; Netherite_Armor_with_Netherite_Shaper_Trim.png|180px}}|If the armor material and the trimming material are the same, the color palette used for the armor trim is darker.}}
Armor trim smithing templates are used to customize an armor piece's appearance by using a smithing template, an armor piece, and an ingot or crystal ([[emerald]], [[redstone dust]], [[lapis lazuli]], [[amethyst shard]], [[nether quartz]], [[netherite ingot]], [[diamond]], [[gold ingot]], [[iron ingot]], or [[copper ingot]]). Including all dyed leather armor colors and regular armor, there are ≈3.679x10<sup>9</sup> different possible armor pieces<!--5713438 leather colors, plus the 4 other armor materials = 5713442. 5713442 * 161 (the 160 trim combos (16 trims, 10 materials) + untrimmed) = 919864162. 919864162 * 4 (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots) = 3679456648 ≈ 3.679x10^9-->, and 7.16x10<sup>35</sup> <!--919864162 + 1 (no armor in that slot) = 919864163. 919864163^4 = 715969952015045562662444917041515536 ≈ 7.16x10^35 total possible armor combinations-->total possible armor combinations excluding enchantments and the player not wearing armor.

Already trimmed armor can be trimmed again by applying another template on it; the old trim pattern is overwritten in the process.<ref>{{bug|MC-262538||When combining armor trims the new trim deletes the old one|WAI}}</ref> Therefore, one piece of armor cannot possess multiple trims at the same time.

Most armor trims cover a small portion of the armor piece's surface with the trim material, except for the silence armor trim, which allows the trim material to cover a majority of the armor piece's surface.

All of the trims are purely decorative, and don't impact gameplay or strength(without the use of mods or plugins) of the armor they are applied to in any way. [[Piglin]]s do not pick up any gold-trimmed armor pieces, and they are not pacified by players wearing even a full set of gold-trimmed armor (unless, of course, the armor pieces in question are themselves golden), and netherite-trimmed armor pieces can still be burned by [[fire]].

|ingredients=Any Armor Trim +<br>Any Armor Piece +<br>Any Ingot/Crystal
|Any Armor Trim Smithing Template
|Iron Helmet; Netherite Chestplate;Golden Leggings;Diamond Boots
|Amethyst Shard; Copper Ingot; Diamond; Emerald; Gold Ingot; Iron Ingot; Lapis Lazuli; Nether Quartz; Netherite Ingot; Redstone Dust; Diamond; Emerald
|Amethyst Trim Iron Helmet; Copper Trim Netherite Chestplate; Diamond Trim Golden Leggings; Emerald Trim Diamond Boots; Gold Trim Iron Helmet; Iron Trim Netherite Chestplate; Lapis Trim Golden Leggings; Quartz Trim Diamond Boots; Netherite Trim Iron Helmet; Redstone Trim Netherite Chestplate; Diamond Trim Golden Leggings; Emerald Trim Diamond Boots

;List of color palettes for all materials
*{{ItemSprite|emerald         }} - {{TrimPalette| emerald         }}
*{{ItemSprite|redstone dust   }} - {{TrimPalette| redstone dust   }}
*{{ItemSprite|lapis lazuli    }} - {{TrimPalette| lapis lazuli    }}
*{{ItemSprite|amethyst shard  }} - {{TrimPalette| amethyst shard  }}
*{{ItemSprite|nether quartz   }} - {{TrimPalette| nether quartz   }}
*{{ItemSprite|netherite ingot }} - {{TrimPalette| netherite ingot }} (Darker: {{TrimPalette| netherite ingot |darker=1}})
*{{ItemSprite|diamond         }} - {{TrimPalette| diamond         }} (Darker: {{TrimPalette| diamond         |darker=1}})
*{{ItemSprite|gold ingot      }} - {{TrimPalette| gold ingot      }} (Darker: {{TrimPalette| gold ingot      |darker=1}})
*{{ItemSprite|iron ingot      }} - {{TrimPalette| iron ingot      }} (Darker: {{TrimPalette| iron ingot      |darker=1}})
*{{ItemSprite|copper ingot    }} - {{TrimPalette| copper ingot    }}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Smithing Template
|displayname=Netherite Upgrade
{{ID table
|displayname=Sentry Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Vex Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Wild Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Coast Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Dune Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Wayfinder Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Raiser Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Shaper Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Host Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Ward Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Silence Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Tide Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Snout Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Rib Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Eye Armor Trim
{{ID table
|displayname=Spire Armor Trim

{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Smithing Template
|displayname=Netherite Upgrade
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, upgrade.netherite_upgrade.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Sentry Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.sentry.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Vex Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.vex.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Wild Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.wild.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Coast Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.coast.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Dune Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.dune.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Wayfinder Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.wayfinder.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Raiser Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.raiser.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Shaper Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.shaper.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Host Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.host.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Ward Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.ward.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Silence Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.silence.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Tide Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.tide.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Snout Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.snout.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Rib Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.rib.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Eye Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.eye.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Spire Armor Trim
|translationkey=item.smithing_template.name, trim_pattern.spire.name

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Smithing with style}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Crafting a New Look;Smithing with Style}}

== Video ==

== History ==
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|[[File:Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added smithing templates behind the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.}}
{{History|||snap=23w05a|Smithing templates can be used to trim leather armor.
|Gold, iron, diamond, and netherite armor can be trimmed with their respective material.
|The dune, coast, wild, and sentry armor trims now always generate two templates in a chest when found.
|Increased the chances for all smithing templates that generate in chest loot to spawn:
*Netherite upgrade chance to find increased from 3.2% to 10%.
*Coast chance to find increased from 11.1% to 16.7%.
*Dune chance to find increased from 11.1% to 14.3%.
*Eye chance to find increased from 4.7% to 10% in alter chests, and to 100% in library chests.
*Rib chance to find increased from 4.7% to 6.7%.
*Sentry chance to find increased from 20% to 25%.
*Snout chance to find increased from 4.7% to 8.3%.
*Spire chance to find increased from 4.7% to 6.7%.
*Vex chance to find increased from 4.7% to 50%.
*Ward chance to find increased from 4.7% to 5%.
*Wild chance to find increased from 20% to 33%.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Smithing templates are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.|[[File:Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Host Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added wayfinder, raiser, shaper, host, and silence armor trim smithing templates.
|[[File:Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Changed the textures of the sentry and dune armor trim smithing templates.
|The pattern textures of dune and sentry armor trims are changed from [[File:Armor Trim Dune (sample model) JE1 BE1.png|24px]] [[File:Armor Trim Sentry (sample model) JE1 BE1.png|24px]] to [[File:Armor Trim Dune (sample model) JE2 BE2.png|24px]] [[File:Armor Trim Sentry (sample model) JE2 BE2.png|24px]].<br>
Those previous patterns were left with different names: dune was renamed sentry and sentry was renamed shaper.}}
{{History|||snap=23w16a|Wayfinder, raiser, shaper, and host armor trim no longer generates in [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].|Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for the suspicious gravel within the [[trail ruins]]; wayfinder, raiser, shaper, and host armor trim now are in the rare loot.}}
{{History|||snap=23w17a|The probability of the wayfinder, raiser, shaper, and host armor trim to generate in [[suspicious gravel]] in [[trail ruins]] has been changed from 1/11 to 1/12.|The player now get the [[advancement]] "Crafting a new look" when they craft a trimmed armor at a [[smithing table]] using a smithing template, "Smithing with style" when they apply these smithing templates at least once on their armor: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, and Wayfinder.}}

{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.80|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added smithing templates behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20.0|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Host Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added wayfinder, raiser, shaper, host, and silence armor trim smithing templates.
|[[File:Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Changed the textures of the sentry and dune armor trim smithing templates.
|The pattern textures of dune and sentry armor trims are changed from [[File:Armor Trim Dune (sample model) JE1 BE1.png|24px]] [[File:Armor Trim Sentry (sample model) JE1 BE1.png|24px]] to [[File:Armor Trim Dune (sample model) JE2 BE2.png|24px]] [[File:Armor Trim Sentry (sample model) JE2 BE2.png|24px]].<br>
Those previous patterns were left with different names: dune was renamed sentry and sentry was renamed shaper.}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Smithing templates are now available without using the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* Smithing templates were named "Smithing Blueprints" in the prototype but was changed because the word "blueprint" sounded modern and technical.<ref>{{ytl|klP9SrJFDU8|Minecraft 1.20: Armor Trims - What Do They Mean?|Minecraft|May 4, 2023|t=98}}</ref>
* When Mojang developer Gnembon was working on armor trims, he accidentally messed up their rendering, making them jet through the player's body in a weird fashion, similar to what appears in {{w|Salvador Dalí}}'s paintings where a hand might poke through a forehead.<ref>{{ytl|ghQODkq4ITI|Mojang Dev Comes To Hermitcraft! (Mojang Developer Gnembom Interview)|GoodVodsWithScar|June 23, 2023|t=1980}}</ref>
* Some of the armor trims feature patterns based on a [[mob]] or [[block]] that is found in the same [[Generated structures|structure]] as the corresponding smithing template.<ref name=":0">"Some of the armor trims reflect the place where you found the template, for example bastions contain a piglin-inspired trim."-[[Sofia Dankis]]-{{Mcnet|armor-trims-coming-minecraft-1-20|Armor Trims Coming to Minecraft 1.20|January 24, 2023}}</ref>
** The spire armor trim resembles a [[shulker]].
** The vex armor trim resembles an [[evoker]]. As an item in the [[inventory]], it resembles the wing or the vein texture of a [[vex]].
** The wild armor trim has moss growing on 3 of its corners.
** The coast armor trim appears to have barnacles attached to it.
** The ward armor trim, as an item in the inventory, resembles the faces inside a [[warden]]'s chest.
** The silence armor trim appears to have sculk creeping onto / infecting it.
** The tide armor trim resembles [[Prismarine|prismarine bricks]].
** The snout armor trim resembles a [[piglin]]<ref name=":0" />.
** The rib armor trim resembles a [[wither skeleton]].
** The eye armor trim resembles an [[eye of ender]]. There are also two eyes on the head part of the armor trim that resemble those of an [[enderman]].
* ''Netherite upgrade smithing template'' (35 characters with "_" and 32 characters without "_") and ''sentry armor trim smithing template'' (35 characters with "_" and 31 characters without "_") are the current longest name for item ID, while ''[[polished blackstone pressure plate]]'' and ''[[cracked polished blackstone bricks]]'' have 34 characters with "_" and 31 characters without "_".
* The silence armor trim is the rarest trim, due to being found in ancient cities in the deep dark, and having only a 1.2% chance to be per chest.
* When [[lapis lazuli]] is used as trim material, it is called "Lapis" instead of its full name "Lapis Lazuli"; this is the only instance of the abbreviation "Lapis" being used in-game.<ref>{{bug|MC-262486|||WAI}}</ref>

== Gallery ==
=== Sprites ===
Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template.png|Netherite Upgrade
Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Sentry Armor Trim
Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Vex Armor Trim
Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Wild Armor Trim
Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Coast Armor Trim
Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Dune Armor Trim
Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Wayfinder Armor Trim
Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Raiser Armor Trim
Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Shaper Armor Trim
Host Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Host Armor Trim
Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Ward Armor Trim
Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Silence Armor Trim
Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Tide Armor Trim
Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Snout Armor Trim
Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Rib Armor Trim
Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Eye Armor Trim
Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template.png|Spire Armor Trim

=== Armor trim patterns ===
Armor Trim Sentry (sample model).png|Sentry Armor Trim
Armor Trim Vex (sample model).png|Vex Armor Trim
Armor Trim Wild (sample model).png|Wild Armor Trim
Armor Trim Coast (sample model).png|Coast Armor Trim
Armor Trim Dune (sample model).png|Dune Armor Trim
Armor Trim Wayfinder (sample model).png|Wayfinder Armor Trim
Armor Trim Raiser (sample model).png|Raiser Armor Trim
Armor Trim Shaper (sample model).png|Shaper Armor Trim
Armor Trim Host (sample model).png|Host Armor Trim
Armor Trim Ward (sample model).png|Ward Armor Trim
Armor Trim Silence (sample model).png|Silence Armor Trim
Armor Trim Tide (sample model).png|Tide Armor Trim
Armor Trim Snout (sample model).png|Snout Armor Trim
Armor Trim Rib (sample model).png|Rib Armor Trim
Armor Trim Eye (sample model).png|Eye Armor Trim
Armor Trim Spire (sample model).png|Spire Armor Trim

=== Official Artwork ===
T&T Thumbnail.jpg|[[Sunny]] wearing amethyst armor trims.
Warden Chasing Alex with Silence Trim Pixel Art.png|A [[warden]] chasing Alex holding the silence armor trim.
Alex Trimming Armor in Smithing Table Pixel Art.png|Alex adding the silence armor trim and amethyst on iron armor.
Alex Wearing Iron Armor with Amethyst Pixel Art.jpg|Alex wearing the trimmed iron armor.
File:Live2023-01.jpeg|Noor working on trimmed iron armor.

=== Screenshots ===
Kingbdogz Armor Trim 1.jpg|Redstone trims on diamond armor.
Kingbdogz Armor Trim 2.jpg|Gold trims on netherite armor.
Too Many Trims.jpg|A large amount of armor trims.
Kingbdogz Armor Trim 3.jpg|Gold on netherite.
Kingbdogz Armor Trim 4.jpg|Diamond on diamond.
New Armor Trims in 23W12A.jpg|<ref>{{Tweet|kingbdogz|1638580472962850831|new trims got the drip The new "Silence" armor trim to the left is now the hardest trim to get, with only a 1% chance per chest to spawn in Ancient Cities. Definitely gonna be a challenge to get!|March 22, 2023}}</ref>
Emerald Armor.png|Emerald on gold.
Xilefian Armor Trims 1.png|[[Xilefian]] showing how armor trims work.
Xilefian Armor Trims 2.png|[[Xilefian]] showing how armor trims work.
Xilefian Armor Trims 3.png|[[Xilefian]] showing how armor trims work.
Armor Trims On Netherite Armors.png|A display of all eleven (before [[Java Edition 23w12a]]) armor trims and ten colors on netherite armors.
Armor Trim Showcase.png|A display of all eleven (before [[Java Edition 23w12a]]) armor trims, on netherite armor using emerald as the trim material.
Armor Trim Colors.png|A display of all ten armor trim colors, using the ward trim on a netherite helmet.
Silence Armor Trim on All Armors.png|A display of all ten colors of the silence armor trim on all armors.
Image 2023-06-07 154100087.png|A screenshot of every armor trim in every color(besides quartz) on leather armor.
Armor Trim Friends.jpg|Official screenshot of [[Alex]] and [[Zuri]] wearing armor trims.
LadyAgnes Armor Trims.jpg|Copper trims on netherite armor.
Trim Lineup.jpg
Fancy Delta.jpg|[[Kai]] wearing trimmed armor in a [[Basalt Delta]].
Trims & Pots.jpg
Noor Gold Armor Trim .jpeg
Noor Diamond Armor Trim.jpeg
Noor Netherite Armor Trim.jpeg
Noor Iron Armor Trim.jpeg

== References ==


[[Category:Bedrock Edition]]
[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]

[[es:Molde de herrería]]
[[fr:Modèle de forge]]
[[pl:Szablon kowalski]]
[[pt:Molde de ferraria]]
[[ru:Кузнечный шаблон]]
[[uk:Ковальський шаблон]]
build 1It is now possible to get to the Far Lands without modifying the game, due to the addition of the /tp command.


  • There is a chance of walking into a "bad chunk" that has such corrupt and unreadable data that it will cause huge lag spikes and possibly crash the game.
  • In Release 1.6.2 for 64-bit machines, the limit of how high up the player can teleport is +4,599,999,999,999,999 blocks high. Prior to Beta 1.8, the player could teleport up to the limit for 64-bit machines.
  • When at the Far Lands, fences either have a thin wall collision box on one side or no collision with mobs or the player.
  • Even though Beta 1.6 made it impossible to place solid blocks at layer 128, the Far Lands' flat "ceiling" still gets generated there.
  • Because of the debates over renaming endermen to "Far Landers," Notch jokingly suggested to rename the Far Lands to The End instead. This then became the name for the dimension where the Ender Dragon resides.[12]
  • Minecarts with chests will sometimes appear in phantom chunks, but as entities, they fall into the void shortly after they are generated.
  • One of the random splashes reads: "Check out the far lands!". Ironically, the splash was added to the game after the Far Lands were fixed.
  • In Beta 1.7.3 and below:
    • At every power of two after 225, a terrain glitch causes the area around the spawn to generate for a few chunks before generating distorted terrain again. This is the only occurrence where trees generate beyond X/Z: ±32,000,000, the limit at which block physics fail to function correctly and lighting ceases to work. This will continue until X/Z: ±2,147,483,647 (the point where world renderer stops working and surface textures fail to generate).
    • At X/Z: ±2,147,483,519, world renderer stops working completely, ending terrain generation in Minecraft. Things using 32-bit integers will overflow at this distance, causing the game to crash. Chunks will still generate, but there will be nothing inside them other than air. The map will stop generating surface textures past this point.
    • It is very dangerous to reach X/Z ±4,294,967,296 or higher, as the chances of crashing (assuming the player has 64-bit Java) are extremely high, and get higher the further the player goes.
  • In the fourth episode of Minecraft: Story Mode, Jesse and his/her group visit the Far Lands, in which a secret lab is located. The character Ivor describes the Far Lands as "a happy accident", and "nature's way of keeping life interesting". The bizarre terrain is featured and observed by the characters, although understandably, the glitches associated with it aren't present.
  • In Bedrock Edition, horses, donkeys, mules, spiders and polar bears are the only mobs that can stand in the Far Lands.
  • Nothing is really known about the Far Lands in Minecraft China, it may be similar to those in certain ports of Bedrock Edition.


Game Features

Offset bugs


Bedrock Edition

Old versions

See also

