Minecraft Wiki


Adds experience to a player.

  • Java Edition
experience add <players> <amount> [points|levels]
experience set <players> <amount> [points|levels]
experience query <player> <points|levels>
  • Bedrock Edition
xp <amount: int> [player: target]
xp <amount: int>L [player: target]
amount (BE: amount: int)
Specifies the amount of experience to give to the player. Must be between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas).
If an L is added to the end, adds levels instead. Levels must be between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas) — negative values remove levels instead of adding them.
player (BE: player: target) (optional)
Specifies the target of the command. If not specified, defaults to the command's executor. Not optional in command blocks.
Fails if arguments are not specified correctly, or if player fails to resolve to one or more online players.
On success, adds experience or adds/removes levels. Total experience and levels will not be reduced below 0.
To give 7 experience to yourself: xp 7 or experience add @s 7
To give 3 levels to Alice: xp 3L Alice or xp add Alice 3 levels
To remove all levels from all players: xp -2147483648L @a or xp set @a 0 + xp set @a 0 levels
