Minecraft Wiki

Error in File:Minecraft brewing en.png[]

Your updates to this file on July 25 introduced an error. The potion name "Mundane Potion" was changed to "Mundana Potion". Also, redstone dust should not be listed as an ingredient for the Mundane Potion; instead, it produces the Long Mundane Potion, which is missing from the chart (and, like Mundane Potion, has no effect). – Auldrick (talk · contribs) 00:28, 27 July 2018 (UTC)

I have tested the Redstone Dust and other items in 1.13.They are just the same potion,the "Mundane Potion" .Using double-click it put the "Mundane Potion" and the called "Long Mundane Potion" in a chest at the same time. So they are the same potion--An Duan (talk) 02:41, 27 July 2018 (UTC)
That must be a difference between Java and Bedrock, then. I thought the Long Mundane Potion was already described on Potions, but I don't see it now. I guess I'll have to add it. Anyway, the chart has the legend "Brewing in 1.13", so I guess no change is needed as long as you don't care whether it's correct for Bedrock too. – Auldrick (talk · contribs) 02:57, 27 July 2018 (UTC)

Update: I also just noticed that "Sugar" is misspelled "Suger" and "Turtle Shells" should be just "Turtle Shell" (no final "s"). – Auldrick (talk · contribs) 00:33, 27 July 2018 (UTC)

I'm sorry about this. My native language is Chinese and insensitive to English words so these mistakes happened.I'll fix these mistakes later--An Duan (talk) 01:58, 27 July 2018 (UTC)

Brauen.png in German Minecraft Wiki[]

Hi An Duan! Thanks a lot for this incredible and accurate update of the Brewing-Sheet in German language <3 Sumpfhuette (talk) 14:31, 1 August 2018 (UTC)

Thank you.I'm glad to hear your praise.And if any wrong or missing in this image please tell me I'll correct them--An Duan (talk) 03:39, 2 August 2018 (UTC)

Fichier:Alchimie.png in French Wiki[]

Thanks a lot for the file update and your edits on the French Wiki. Can I suggest a few changes to make to the file, given that there is a few errors? • Koocks1337 (talk) 14:03, 3 August 2018 (UTC)

Certainly.Tell me the errors and I'll correct them later--An Duan (talk) 18:03, 3 August 2018 (UTC)
Okay so I suggest the following changes:
  • "Sans Effet" → "Sans effet"
  • "Potion de dégât" → "Potions de dégâts"
  • "Potion de respiration" → "Potion de respiration aquatique"

Koocks1337 (talk) 19:20, 3 August 2018 (UTC)

Done~:) --An Duan (talk) 23:47, 3 August 2018 (UTC)
Thank you very much. • Koocks1337 (talk) 11:07, 4 August 2018 (UTC)

File:Minecraft brewing pt-br.png in Portuguese Wiki[]

Hi An Duan, thanks for updating the file in wiki in Portuguese, but we need to change some name of potion and items. We use the Brazilian Portuguese translation and there was an update in the official translations, and a lot has changed. First of all, the translation no longer capitalizes the entire name of the item, for exemple, "Pó de Redstone" is now "Pó de redstone", etc. And some name have been changed, so I will make a list for you, if you can change them.

  • "Frasco de Vidro" → "Frasco";
  • "Poção de Arremesso" → "Poção arremessável"
  • "Hálito de Dragão" → "Bafo do dragão"
  • "Poção Mundana" → "Poção comum"
  • "Peixe Balão" → "Baiacu"
  • "Carapaça de Tartaruga" → "Casco de tartaruga"
  • "Membrana de Espetro" → "Membrana de phantom"
  • "Poção do Mestre das Tartarugas" → "Poção do mestre-tartaruga"

The other names should only be decapitalized like "Pó de redstone", with the exception of "Fungo do Nether", which remains as it is. So I would appreciate it if you could make these changes. Jhonabf pt.Wiki Bureaucrat (talk) 00:04, 12 May 2020 (UTC)

I got it.I'll make changes as soon as possible--An Duan (talk) 04:45, 12 May 2020 (UTC)
Thanks An Duan for updating, the only name that remains to be updated is "Poção Estranha" → "Poção estranha", but you don’t need to make this change now, you can do it when you need to make a major update. Jhonabf pt.Wiki Bureaucrat (talk) 21:05, 13 May 2020 (UTC)
I received it. I will do it in the next major update--An Duan (talk) 11:49, 14 May 2020 (UTC)