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This user page is about combinational logic. For basic logic gates, see User:YEAH_TOAST/Redstone_logic.

Advanced electronic mechanisms are mechanisms that deal with more complicated Redstone circuitry.

Combinational Chips[]

Using logic gates, we can arrange them to make binary calculations, like in a computer. When using the gates below, mind the inputs and outputs. You may be wondering why there are so many inverted signals being used instead of the regular signal. The adders below use XNOR gates rather than XOR gates because they are more compact. As a result, IMPLIES gates must be used instead of an AND gate, which also happen to be more compact. Therefore for the most compact adder, inverse signals must be used. These adders are too complex to be easily deciphered with 2 layers per square, so each single layer has been drawn separately to ease the building process.

Half Adder[]

Half Adder


Torches: 12

Redstone: 7

Blocks: 19

Size: 5X4X4

This adder will take 2 bits and add them together. The resulting bit will be the output of S (sum). If both bits are 1, there will be a carry over, and C will become 1 (C will become 0). This half adder can be modified to create a non inverted C output, but this configuration is used so that it can be implemented as the start of a chain of full adders.

Full Adder (1 Bit Adder)[]

AS A FOREWARNING THIS DESIGN IS WRONG! It uses an OR instead of an AND to combine the two half adders.

Full Adder (1 Bit Adder)


Torches: 16

Redstone: 32

Blocks: 48

Size: 6X12X5 Ceiling to floor, including I/O spaces.

This adder will take 2 bits and a carried over bit (actually C, rather than C, a value held in the redstone in the bottom left corner on layer 1) and add them all together, producing a sum (S) bit and a carry (actually C rather than C).

4 Bit Adder[]

4 bit Adder

Note! The least significant digit ("ones" digit) is on the left of the diagram so that the progression from half adder to the full adders can be seen more clearly. Reverse the diagram if you want a conventional left to right input.

Gates: XNOR (7), IMPLIES (4), NOT (4), OR (3), AND (3)

Torches: 56

Redstone: 108

Blocks: 164

Size: 23X12X5

This adder will take 2, 4 bit numbers (A and B) and add them together, producing a sum (S) bit for each bit added and a carry (C) for the whole sum. The sum bits are in the same order as the input bits, which on the diagram means that the leftmost S output is the least significant digit of the answer. This is just an example of a string of adders; adders can be strung in this way to add bigger numbers as well.



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