Minecraft Wiki

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/* Change watch tab's icon to that of a minecraft book
   [[File:Book-watch-icons.png]] */
#ca-watch.icon a,
#ca-watch.icon a:hover,
#ca-watch.icon a:focus,
#ca-watch.icon a.loading,
#ca-unwatch.icon a,
#ca-unwatch.icon a:hover,
#ca-unwatch.icon a:focus,
#ca-unwatch.icon a.loading {
	background-image: url("//d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/minecraft_gamepedia/2/28/Book-watch-icons.png");
	-webkit-background-clip: content-box;
			background-clip: content-box;
	text-indent: 40px;
	height: 16px;
	width: 16px;
	padding: 14px 7px 6px 12px;
    image-rendering: pixelated;
#ca-watch.icon a {
	background-position: 12px 15px !important;
#ca-unwatch.icon a {
	background-position: -4px 15px !important;
#ca-watch.icon a:hover,
#ca-watch.icon a:focus {
	background-position: 12px -1px !important;
#ca-unwatch.icon a:hover,
#ca-unwatch.icon a:focus {
	background-position: -4px -1px !important;
#ca-watch.icon a.loading,
#ca-unwatch.icon a.loading {
	background-position: -20px 15px !important;
	-webkit-animation: none;
	   -moz-animation: none;
	     -o-animation: none;