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Avatar for Nicolerenee

Hey there!

There are a few pages with broken file links and a few important requests.

Would you be able to upload

Can you fix the stair history (https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Stairs#History) as a lot of the texture history for Bedrock and console are showing as broken files?

Can you also add the Pocket and console history files for this page: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/End_Portal_(block) ?

On this page (https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Minecraft_Wiki:Projects/Texture_Documentation_Cleanup), there's requests for:

  • 19w08a's iron golem
  • "hydrated farmland with coarse dirt side textures for Bedrock Edition"
  • 18w43a's sugar cane block
  • 19w08a's smooth quartz
  • 19w09a's quartz
  • nether portal (block)'s texture update history
  • spider jockey with status effects (before and after Texture Update) since spiders have status effects
  • 18w43a horse armor renders
  • 18w46a horse armor renders.

Also, would you be able to change the InvSprites here (https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/index.php?title=Iron_Bars&action=edit&section=13) to files?

I have a few more requests, but I'll wait a bit. Thank you for always being so helpful!

Avatar for Pneuma01

I'd like to render the MCE image, but the game's installation package doesn't include the texture and I don't know how to get it. If I can find it somewhere, I'll render it. Other than that I knew about it, but if I have the motivation I may render it sooner or later. Thanks!