Minecraft Wiki

Differences between versions

ItemVersion from 15:54, 2 August 2019 by Madminecrafter12Version from 16:04, 2 August 2019 by Madminecrafter12
Basic information
Preventing meme material from being added to the Creeper page, probably better than only allowing admins to edit it. Not enabled yet, but it seems to work. -Mad
Preventing meme material from being added to the Creeper page, probably better than only allowing admins to edit it. Not enabled yet, but it seems to work. -Mad
Filter no longer applies to users with over 15 edits or anybody with the abusefilter-modify right (GRASP, admins, staff, etc.), just in case
Filter conditions
) & contains_any((lcase(added_lines)),
) & contains_any((lcase(added_lines)),
& user_editcount < 15
& !"abusefilter-modify" in user_rights