Minecraft Wiki
This article is about Minecraft data collection. For type of fish, see Tropical Fish § Varieties.
This page describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Minecraft. 
This feature used to be in the game but has since been removed.
Dark Oak Sapling
This article is a stub. 
You can help by expanding it.
Example Snooper Settings

Example Snooper Settings Page

Snooper was a feature Mojang used to collect data on users, either by the Client or by the Server. This feature was removed in 1.13 globally because of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulations[1]. The reason for including the collection was to know "where the biggest problems where" in the game.


Client Fields (C)

Name Type Notes
client_brand String
cpu_cores integer
current_action String
display_frequency integer
display_type String `windowed` or `fullscreen`
endianness String `big` or `little` endianness
fps integer
gl_max_texture_size integer
java_version String
jvm_arg[...] String Launch arguments
jvm_args integer Number of launch arguments
launched_version String
memory_free integer
memory_max integer
memory_total integer
opengl_vendor String
opengl_version String
os_architecture String
os_name String
os_version String
resource_packs integer
run_time integer
snooper_partner UUID
snooper_token UUID
version String
vsync_enabled boolean

Server Fields (S)

GL Caps

OpenGL keys for the client.
