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{{about|the current system to customize assets|other uses|Texture pack (disambiguation)}}
{{about|the current system to customize assets|other uses|Texture Pack (disambiguation)}}
[[File:TexturesComparison.png|thumb|right|350px|The default textures, with a custom resource pack (Soartex Fanver) in the center.]]
[[File:TexturesComparison.png|thumb|right|350px|The default textures, with a custom resource pack (Soartex Fanver) in the center.]]

Revision as of 13:38, 5 September 2020

This article is about the current system to customize assets. For other uses, see Texture Pack (disambiguation).

The default textures, with a custom resource pack (Soartex Fanver) in the center.

The resource pack system provides a way for players to customize textures, models, music, sounds, languages, the end poem, splashes, and fonts, without any code modification.

Java Edition


Select resource pack

The default resource pack settings.

Resource packs can be placed in the folder resourcepacks within the .minecraft folder. Each resource pack is either a sub-folder or a .zip file within the resourcepacks folder. Once in the folder, a resource pack can be added from the options, where resource packs can be moved between "Available resource packs" and "Selected resource packs". "Selected resource packs" also contain the default assets on the bottom, which cannot be removed.

Resource packs load their assets based on the order of the packs on the list. The bottom-most pack loads first, then each pack placed above it replaces assets of the same name with its assets.

Default resource packs

A resource pack can be bundled with a world by saving it under the name resources and placing it directly in the world's folder. When playing the world, that resource pack appears as the default right above the default resource pack. A default resource pack can also be set on a server by adding a link to a .zip file download after the line resource-pack= in the server properties file. Users can still opt out of using the resource pack or choose not to download it though.

The old (pre-1.14) textures are available in a resource pack titled "Programmer Art".

Folder structure

  • (resource pack name)
    • pack.mcmeta
    • pack.png
    • assets
      • icons
        • icon_16x16.png
        • icon_32x32.png
        • minecraft.icns
      • (namespace)
        • sounds.json
        • blockstates
          • (blockstate).json
        • gpu_warnlist.json
        • font
          • (font)
        • icons
          • icon_16x16.png
          • icon_32x32.png
          • minecraft.icns
        • lang
          • (lang).json
        • models
          • block
            • (model).json
          • item
            • (model).json
        • particles
          • (particle).json
        • sounds
          • (sound).ogg
        • shaders
          • post
            • (post).json
          • program
            • (fragment shader).fsh
            • (program).json
            • (vertex shader).vsh
        • texts
          • (text).txt
        • textures
          • block
            • (texture).png
          • colormap
            • (texture).png
          • effect
            • (texture).png
          • entity
            • (texture).png
            • (entity type)
              • (texture).png
          • environment
            • (texture).png
          • font
            • (texture).png
          • gui
            • (texture).png
            • advancements
              • (texture).png
              • backgrounds
                • (texture).png
            • container
              • (texture).png
              • creative_inventory
                • (texture).png
            • presets
              • (texture).png
            • title
              • (texture).png
              • background
                • (texture).png
          • item
            • (texture).png
          • map
            • (texture).png
          • misc
            • (texture).png
          • mob_effect
            • (texture).png
          • models
            • armor
              • (texture).png
          • painting
            • (texture).png
          • particle
            • (texture).png

More than one directory for different namespaces may exist under the assets directory.


A resource pack is identified by Minecraft based on the presence of the file pack.mcmeta in the root directory, which contains a JSON file with the following information:

  • The root tag
    •  pack: Holds the resource pack information
      •  pack_format: Pack version. If this number does not match the current required number, the resource pack displays an error and required additional confirmation to load the pack. Requires 1 for, 2 for, 3 for, 4 for, 5 for and 6 for 1.16.2.
      •  description: Text shown below the pack name in the resource pack menu. The text is shown on two lines. If the text is too long it is truncated.
      •  description: Contains a raw JSON text object that is shown instead as the pack description in the resource pack menu. Same behavior as the string version of the description tag, but they cannot exist together.
    •  language: Contains additional languages to add to the language menu
      • Language code for a language, corresponding to a .json file with the same name in the folder assets/<namespace>/lang.
        •  name: The full name of the language
        •  region: The country or region name
        •  bidirectional: If true, the language reads right to left.

The root directory also contains an optional image called pack.png, which appears as the thumbnail for the pack on the resource pack selection menu.


Resource packs can create language files of the type .json in the folder assets/<namespace>/lang. Each file either replaces information from a file of the same name in the default or a lower pack, or it creates a new language as defined by pack.mcmeta.

Each line in the .json file is in the standard json format of "identifier":"name" followed by a comma in case it is followed by another value in the next line. identifier is the name that the game looks for to determine the name for something, and as such it should not be changed. name is the name that is displayed. For example, stone in the default language file is "block.minecraft.stone":"Stone", with block.minecraft.stone being the identifier, and Stone being the displayed name. Blank lines are ignored. The file needs to be valid JSON syntax, meaning it starts with a {, has a comma after every key value pair except the last one, and ends with a }.

Language files need to add only those lines that are changed by the pack. Any names that are not in the pack are loaded from the pack below, or default if no pack changes the names.


Main article: Model

Models are files in JSON format with the extension .json, which determine the shape and textures of blocks and items.

Blocks use a block state file from assets/minecraft/blockstates to determine which model is loaded for each variant from the folder assets/minecraft/models/block. Meanwhile, each item has an item model in assets/minecraft/models/item to determine its model, which either loads from a block's model, contains data for its own custom model, or uses the default "flat" or "entity" model.

Models and block states used in packs below the top one are still loaded unless overridden in the top pack, which may cause some textures and models used by the top pack to no longer be loaded.


Resource packs load additional sounds with the file type of .ogg. Each sound placed in the pack overrides the sounds from packs below, and packs also contain a file called sounds.json which is placed within assets/minecraft. Unlike most other files in resource packs, sounds.json merges sound information from packs below the top pack, rather than each sounds.json file overriding the previous completely.


File:Missing Texture Block.png

The "missing texture" for invalid or missing textures.

For block or item textures to function, they must have equal width and height (or height that is a multiple of the width if animated); otherwise it appears as a magenta and black checkerboard. For most other textures, the file is stretched to fit the required dimensions.

Most solid blocks turn any transparent area fully opaque. Some other blocks, which have "cutout" transparency (like glass) turn all pixels that are less than 10% opaque fully transparent and all other pixels completely opaque. Every other block renders textures with semi-transparency as-is. All items and any blocks or entities which are semi-transparent by default support semi-transparency.

If a file does not exist in any resource pack, including the default, it appears as a magenta and black checkerboard texture using the colors (


Block and item textures support animation by placing each additional frame below the last. The animation is then controlled using a .mcmeta file in JSON format with the same name and .png at the end of the filename, in the same directory. For example, the .mcmeta file for stone.png would be stone.png.mcmeta.

  • The root tag
    •  animation: Contains data for the animation
      •  interpolate: If true, Minecraft generates additional frames between frames with a frame time greater than 1 between them. Defaults to false.
      •  width: The width of the tile, as a direct ratio rather than in pixels. This is unused in vanilla's files but can be used by resource packs to have frames that are not perfect squares.
      •  height: The height of the tile in direct pixels, as a ratio rather than in pixels. This is unused in vanilla's files but can be used by resource packs to have frames that are not perfect squares.
      •  frametime: Sets the default time for each frame in increments of one game tick. Defaults to 1.
      •  frames: Contains a list of frames. Defaults to displaying all the frames from top to bottom.
        • A number corresponding to position of a frame from the top, with the top frame being 0
        • A frame specifies a frame with additional data
          •  index: A number corresponding to position of a frame from the top, with the top frame being 0
          •  time: The time in ticks to show this frame, overriding "frametime" above.

If the .mcmeta file does not exist in the pack and the texture does, the game assumes the texture is not animated, rather than loading a .mcmeta file from a pack below that pack. If no .mcmeta file exists for a texture with unequal dimensions, the texture appears as a purple and black checkerboard.


Textures from assets/minecraft/textures/entity/villager and assets/minecraft/textures/entity/zombie_villager support a .mcmeta file in JSON format containing additional effects to apply to the hat layer. The file is contained in the same directory as the texture, and has the same name as the texture, except appended with .mcmeta. For example, the file profession/farmer.png can have a properties file called profession/farmer.png.mcmeta

  • The root tag
    •  villager: Contains data for the texture

If the .mcmeta file does not exist in the pack and the texture does, the game loads the default settings, rather than loading a .mcmeta file from a pack below that pack.


Colormaps are 256×256 pixel images which tell the game which color to use in each biome. They are located in assets/minecraft/textures/colormap. The game contains two colormaps, foliage.png which colors plants such as leaves (except birch and spruce) and vines, and grass.png which colors grass and grass blocks. Colormaps can be disabled on individual blocks by removing the tintindex tag from the block model.


Textures from assets/minecraft/textures/misc support a .mcmeta file in JSON format containing additional effects to apply to the texture. The file is contained in the same directory as the texture, and has the same name as the texture, except appended with .mcmeta. For example, the file pumpkinblur.png can have a properties file called pumpkinblur.png.mcmeta

  • The root tag
    •  texture: Contains data for the texture
      •  blur: Causes the texture to blur when viewed from close up. Defaults to false
      •  clamp: Causes the texture to stretch instead of tiling in cases where it otherwise would, such as on the shadow. Defaults to false
      •  mipmaps: Custom mipmap values for the texture

If the .mcmeta file does not exist in the pack and the texture does, the game loads the default settings, rather than loading a .mcmeta file from a pack below that pack.


Three .txt files in UTF-8 format exist in assets/minecraft/texts which are used by the game to determine the text to display.

The file end.txt contains the text of the end poem, using formatting codes to apply the colors to the two speakers, and with the text PLAYERNAME being replaced with the player's name. After that file is shown, the contents of credits.txt are shown.

The file splashes.txt contains lines of text separated using line breaks to determine the splashes to display in-game. Any splash can be replaced with different text.


A font file is a JSON file located at assets/<namespace>/font within a resource pack and contains a list of providers that each tie a character set to a resource location along with some extra information. The default font is defined by the font minecraft:default while the default font used by enchantment tables is defined by the font minecraft:alt. The resource locations given in font providers should also include the file extensions.

  • The root tag
    •  providers: A list of providers that are merged onto this font.
      • A font provider. The contents depend on the value of the "type" tag.
        •  type: The type of the font provider. Can be one of the following:
          • bitmap: A bitmap font.
            •  file: The resource location of the used file, starting from assets/<namespace>/textures.
            •  height: Optional. The height of the character, measured in pixels. Can be negative. This tag is separate from the area used in the source texture and just rescales the displayed result. Default is 8.
            •  ascent: The ascent of the character, measured in pixels. This value adds a vertical shift to the displayed result.
            •  chars: A list of strings containing the characters replaced by this provider, as well as their order within the texture. All elements must describe the same number of characters. The texture is split into one equally sized row for each element of this list. Each row is split into one equally sized character for each character within one list element.
          • legacy_unicode: A legacy unicode font. This format is deprecated and only prioritized when the "Force Unicode Font" option is turned on.
            •  sizes: The resource location inside assets/<namespace>/font describing a binary file describing the horizontal start and end positions for each character from 0 to 15. The file extension of the target file should be .bin.
            •  template: The resource location inside assets/<namespace>/textures that leads to the texture files that should be used for this provider. The game replaces %s from the value of this tag with the first two characters of the hex code of the replaced characters, so a single provider of this type can point into multiple texture files.
          • ttf: A TrueType font.[more information needed]
            •  file: The resource location of the TrueType font file within assets/<namespace>/font.
            •  shift: The distance by which the characters of this provider are shifted.
              • Left shift
              • Downwards shift
            •  size: Font size to render at.
            •  oversample: Resolution to render at.
            •  skip: String or array of strings to exclude.
Default textures

The texture files of the default fonts contain a grid of white characters, which are automatically colored by Minecraft as needed in-game. The character sizes are automatically determined based on the last line of pixels containing any alpha value. Due to the way fonts are detected, filling the background of a character with a color containing a 5% alpha background causes the full width to render without having a visible background to the character.

  • Glyphs 0x20 (space) through 0x7E (tilde) display the standard ASCII characters,
  • Glyphs 0x7F through 0xFF display the Code page 437 characters.

The default texture is located in assets/minecraft/textures/font/ascii.png

The default texture used when displaying the enchanting "alien font" is assets/minecraft/textures/font/ascii_sga.png

Texture sheets

Minecraft generally does not store multiple different textures on sheets and instead stores them on separate files. Two current exceptions are map icons[1] and experience orbs as well as minecarts.[2]


Shaders are GLSL files that are compiled when loaded. They are used to modify the look of the game and come in two varieties, vertex and fragment. The vertex shaders modify the positions of individual vertices and are most often used to create waving foliage and water. Fragment shaders are applied to every pixel and can be used to add effects like bloom, god rays, and blur. The folder contains JSON files which link to the vertex and fragment shaders and provide info about them. If any error occurs when loading the shaders, the resource pack is unloaded and fabulous graphics are turned off.

"Post" JSON
  • The root tag
    •  targets: A list of render targets.
    •  passes: A list of passes.
      • : A render pass.
        •  name: The name of the render pass.
        •  intarget: The target to use as an input.
        •  outtarget: The target to output to.
        •  auxtargets: A list of auxiliary targets.
          • An auxiliary target.
            •  name: The auxiliary target's name.
            •  id: The auxiliary target's id.
"Program" JSON
  • The root tag
    •   blend: Settings for OpenGL blending. [verify]
      •   func: Operator to be used when blending. [verify]
      •   srcrgb: Source, most likely used as sfactor parameter of glBlendFunc.
      •   dstrgb: Destination, most likely used as dfactor parameter of glBlendFunc.
    •   vertex: The name (without file extension) of the vertex shader to be used.
    •   fragment: The name (without file extension) of the fragment shader to be used.
    •   attributes: Attributes to be used.
    •   samplers: A list of samplers that may be used in the shaders.
      • : A sampler.
        •   name: The samplers name.
    •   uniforms: A list of uniforms that can be used in the shaders.
      • : A uniform.
        •   name: The name of the uniform.
        •   type: The type of the uniform.
        •   count: The number of values included in values.
        •   values: The value of the uniform. The length of the list should be the same as count.


The folder structure of Vanilla Resource Pack:

Bedrock Edition

Main article: Add-ons

Similarly to skins, resource packs can be bought or made in Bedrock Edition. As of Alpha 0.15.0, iOS users can download resource packs on the system itself with the .mcpack and .mcworld file names. When these files are opened, they are automatically imported into the game without any need for file system access.


Java Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Totem of Undying|Totem of Undying]]<br/>{{redirect|Totem}}
| image = Totem_of_Undying_JE2_BE2.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = No
| rarity = Uncommon
|effects=: {{EffectLink|Absorption}} II (0:05)
: {{EffectLink|Regeneration}} II (0:45){{only|java|short=yes}}/ II (0:40){{only|bedrock|short=yes}}
: {{EffectLink|Fire Resistance}} I (0:40)
A '''totem of undying''' is an uncommon [[combat]] item that can save holders from death. It is dropped by [[Evoker|evokers]], which spawn in [[woodland mansion]]s and [[raid]]s.

== Obtaining ==
=== Mob loot ===
Evokers always drop one totem of undying upon death. The drop rate is not affected by [[Looting]].

== Usage ==
[[File:Totem of Undying Animation.gif|alt=The totem animation in Java Edition.|thumb|Animation of the totem activating {{in|java}}.]]
[[File:Totem of Undying Bedrock Animation.gif|alt=The totem animation in Bedrock Edition.|thumb|Animation of the totem activating {{in|bedrock}}.]]
If the [[player]] is holding a totem of undying in their [[off-hand]] or main-hand slot and receives otherwise fatal [[damage]], the totem saves the player from [[death]]. The totem of undying must be in the player's hand (main hand or offhand) for it to work—it does not work if it is in the [[Heads-up display#Hotbar|hotbar]], unless selected. Any [[mob]] that can hold a totem of undying (in a hand or in the mouth) can use it while holding it.{{only|JE}} The totem can be used only once; it disappears after use. It does not save the player from death caused by [[void]] damage, the {{cmd|kill}} [[command]]s or even a [[tipped arrow]] with [[Instant Damage|harming]] effect damage.<ref>{{bug|MC-206307}}</ref>

== Effect ==
When activated, the totem of undying restores {{hp|1}}, removes all existing [[status effect]]s, then grants 40{{only|bedrock|short=1}} or 45{{only|java|short=1}} seconds<ref>{{bug|MCPE-90716}}</ref> of [[Regeneration]] II, 40 seconds of [[Fire Resistance]] I and 5 seconds of [[Absorption]] II. An animation shows the totem of undying appearing to hover in front of the [[player]]'s screen, similar to the animation seen when a player receives the [[Bad Omen]] or [[Hero of the Village]] effect{{only|bedrock|short=1}} or encounters an [[elder guardian]]. When killed by an [[Instant Damage]] tipped [[arrow]], the arrow's instant damage takes effect after the totem has been activated.

The totem of undying also works in [[Hardcore]] mode.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Totem of Undying.ogg
|subtitle=Totem activates
|description=When something dies, using a totem of undying

{{Sound table
|sound=Totem of Undying.ogg
|description=When something dies, using a totem of undying

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Totem of Undying

{{ID table
|displayname=Totem of Undying

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Cheating Death}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Postmortal}}

== History ==
{{History||2016|[[File:Totem of Undying (pre-release).png|32px]] An early version of the totem of undying was seen during Minecon shortly before its reveal.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}
{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|The ID name has now been changed from <code>totem</code> to <code>totem_of_undying</code>.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 449.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Totem of Undying JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the totem of undying has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w47a|The totem of undying is now [[renewable resource|renewable]] as [[evoker]]s now spawn in [[raid]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w28a|The totem of undying now gives the [[Fire Resistance]] II status effect for 40 seconds.}}
{{History|||snap=20w29a|The level of Fire Resistance given by the totem of undying is now reduced from II to I.<ref>{{bug|MC-194220}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.20.2|snap=23w31a|Totems of undying now trigger [[sculk sensor]]s when they activate.<ref>{{bug|MC-261427||Sculk sensors and calibrated sculk sensors don't detect totem of undying activating|Fixed}}</ref>}}

{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Totem of Undying JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the totem of undying has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|The totem of undying is now [[renewable resource|renewable]] as [[evoker]]s now spawn in [[raid]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The level of Fire Resistance given by the totem of undying is now reduced from II to I.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-52364}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of totems of undying has been changed from <code>totem</code> to <code>totem_of_undying</code>.}}

{{History||xbox=TU54|xbone=CU44|ps=1.52|wiiu=Patch 24|switch=1.0.4|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}
{{History||xbox=TU56|xbone=CU48|ps=1.55|wiiu=Patch 26|switch=1.0.6|The totem of undying now applies [[Fire Resistance]] II when used.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Totem of Undying JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the totem of undying has been changed.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.91|wiiu=none|switch=none|The totem of undying is now [[renewable resource|renewable]] as [[evoker]]s now spawn in [[raid]]s.}}

{{History||1.9.19|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* If a [[mob]] holds a totem of undying, the mob also resurrects upon [[Health#Death|death]] and the [[sound]] effect plays. However, the animation does not appear.
* In the {{el|ds}}, the totem of undying can be put in any hotbar slot to activate it, due to the lack of an [[Dual wield|off-hand slot]] in that version.
* Being able to obtain totems of undying in [[raids]] without exploring [[woodland mansions]] is considered a "massive game play design flaw" by Mojang.<ref>{{ytl|YRPlscod34Y}}</ref>

== Gallery ==
File:Particle totem of undying.png|Screenshot of the totem of undying being used mid-animation after a [[drowned]] deals otherwise fatal damage to the player.
File:Totem of Undying activating.gif|Animation of the totem activating.
File:Totem animation in third person mode.png|The totem animation in third person mode.

== References ==


[[de:Totem der Unsterblichkeit]]
[[fr:Totem d'immortalité]]
[[ko:불사의 토템]]
[[nl:Totem der onsterfelijkheid]]
[[pl:Totem nieśmiertelności]]
[[pt:Totem da imortalidade]]
[[ru:Тотем бессмертия]]
[[th:Totem of Undying]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Raw Copper|Raw Copper]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Raw Copper.png
| renewable = No
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Raw copper''' is a raw metal resource obtained from mining [[copper ore]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mining ===
Copper ore and deepslate copper ore mined with a [[stone pickaxe]] or better drops 2–5 units of raw copper. If the pickaxe is enchanted with [[Fortune]], it can drop extra raw copper, allowing for a maximum of 20 units per ore block with Fortune III, or an average of 7.7 units of raw copper per ore block. If the ore is mined using a pickaxe enchanted with [[Silk Touch]], it drops the ore block instead.

=== Crafting ===
|Block of Raw Copper
|Output=Raw Copper,9

== Usage ==
The primary usage of raw copper is [[smelting]] it into [[copper ingot]]s.

=== Crafting ===
{{crafting usage}}

=== Smelting ingredient ===
|Raw Copper
|Copper Ingot

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Copper

{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Copper

== History ==
{{History||1.17|snap=21w14a|[[File:Raw Copper JE1.png|32px]] Added raw copper.}}
{{History|||snap=April 13, 2021|slink={{Tweet|JasperBoerstra|1381991999952277513}}|[[File:Raw Copper JE2.png|32px]] [[JAPPA]] shows a new raw copper texture.}}
{{History|||snap=21w15a|[[File:Raw Copper JE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw copper has been changed.
|Raw copper can now be used to craft [[block of raw copper]].}}
{{History|||snap=April 16, 2021|slink={{Tweet|JasperBoerstra|1383047666037325829}}|[[File:Raw Copper (pre-release).png|32px]] [[JAPPA]] shows a new raw copper texture again.}}
{{History|||snap=21w16a|[[File:Raw Copper JE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw copper has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=21w17a|[[Copper ore]] now drops 2-3 raw copper when mined instead of a single unit.}}
{{History||1.18|snap=21w40a|[[Copper ore]] now drops 2-5 raw copper when mined.}}

{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Raw Copper JE2.png|32px]] Added raw copper.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Raw copper are now available without enabling [[experimental gameplay]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Raw Copper JE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw copper has been changed.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

JE 1.17 Dev Raw Metals.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 1.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 2.png|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 3.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 4.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 5.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.


[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]

[[es:Cobre en bruto]]
[[fr:Cuivre brut]]
[[it:Rame grezzo]]
[[pl:Surowa miedź]]
[[pt:Cobre bruto]]
[[ru:Необработанная медь]]
[[tr:Ham Bakır]]
[[uk:Необроблена мідь]]
13w24aAdded resource packs, replacing the functionality of texture packs. Minecraft Texture Ender is available from Mojang to automatically convert 1.5 compatible texture packs to resource packs.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Warped Fungus on a Stick|Warped Fungus on a Stick]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Warped Fungus on a Stick.png
| durability = 100
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = No

A '''warped fungus on a stick''' is an item that can be used to control saddled [[strider]]s.

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

|A1=Fishing Rod; Damaged Fishing Rod
|B2=Warped Fungus
|Output= Warped Fungus on a Stick
|description=Crafting from a damaged fishing rod is available only {{in|bedrock}}. ''Java Edition'' requires a pristine fishing rod. The [[2×2 grid]] can also be used for crafting instead of a crafting table.
|type= Transportation
|Damaged Warped Fungus on a Stick
|Damaged Warped Fungus on a Stick
|Output= Warped Fungus on a Stick
|description= The durability of the two warped fungi on sticks is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.
|type= Transportation

=== Mobs ===
A [[zombified piglin]] that spawns as a strider jockey holds a warped fungus on a stick instead of a {{ItemLink|golden sword}}, and has an 8.5%{{Only|java|short=y}} or 25%{{Only|bedrock|short=y}} chance to drop it if killed by a player or tamed [[wolf]], or upon death when angry. chance is increased by 1%{{Only|java|short=y}} or 5%{{Only|bedrock|short=y}} per level of Looting, for a maximum of 11.5%{{Only|java|short=y}} or 40%{{Only|bedrock|short=y}} with Looting III.

== Usage ==
[[File:Strider riding.gif|A [[player]] shown using a warped fungus on a stick to ride a [[strider]] (click to see animation).|thumb|350px]]
Similar to how a [[carrot on a stick]] is used to control [[pig]]s, the [[player]]s can use a warped fungus on a stick to control a [[strider]]. To do this, the player simply holds the [[item]] in one hand and any nearby striders within view is attracted toward the player. If mounted on a [[saddle]]d strider, the strider moves in the direction the player is facing while holding the warped fungus on a stick. Right clicking with the item makes the strider go faster, but reduces the item's durability by 1 for every speed boost. If the item durability reaches 0, it turns into a fishing rod.

Due to a strider's ability to walk on [[lava]], this is a beneficial [[tools|tool]] for using striders as a safe transport across [[the Nether]]'s terrain, which is otherwise considered difficult to traverse.

=== Enchantments ===
A warped fungus on a stick can receive the following enchantments, but only through an [[anvil]]:

{|class="wikitable col-2-center col-3-right"
!Max Level
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Curse of Vanishing]]
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|subtitle=Item breaks
|description=When a warped fungus on a stick's durability is exhausted

{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|description=When a warped fungus on a stick's durability is exhausted

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped Fungus on a Stick

{{ID table
|displayname=Warped Fungus on a Stick

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|This Boat Has Legs}}

== History ==
{{History||1.16|snap=20w13a|[[File:Warped Fungus on a Stick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added warped fungus on a stick.}}
{{History|||snap=20w14a|Now has 100 durability instead of 25.
|Now takes only 1 damage every time the strider is speed boosted.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=Pre-release 1|The [[zombified piglin]] riding a [[strider]] now spawns holding a warped fungus on a stick.}}

{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Warped Fungus on a Stick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added warped fungus on a stick.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Warped Fungus on a Stick can now be enchanted.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The [[zombified piglin]] riding a [[strider]] now spawns holding a warped fungus on a stick.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

== See also ==
* {{ItemLink|Carrot on a Stick}}
* {{ItemLink|Saddle}}

== References ==


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[es:Caña con hongo distorsionado]]
[[fr:Champignon biscornu sur un bâton]]
[[pl:Spaczony grzyb na patyku]]
[[pt:Vara com fungo distorcido]]
[[ru:Удочка с искажённым грибком]]
[[zh:诡异菌钓竿]]</li><li>[[Brewing Stand|Brewing Stand]]<br/>{{Block
| image = <gallery>
Brewing Stand (empty) JE10.png | Empty
Brewing Stand (right) JE10.png | Right
Brewing Stand (left) JE10.png | Left
Brewing Stand (full) JE10.png | Full
| transparent = Yes
| light = Yes (1)
| tool = Wooden Pickaxe
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = No

A '''brewing stand''' is a [[block]] used for [[brewing]] [[potion]]s using [[Glass Bottle|bottles]] and suitable ingredients. It also serves as a [[cleric]]'s [[job site block]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Breaking ===

A brewing stand can be obtained using any [[pickaxe]]. If mined without a pickaxe, it drops nothing {{in|JE}}, while it drops itself {{in|BE}}.
{{breaking row|horizontal=1|Brewing Stand|Pickaxe|Wood|foot=1}}

=== Natural generation ===

Brewing stands generate in [[end ship]]s. They have two [[potion of Healing|Instant Health II potions]] in their holders. 

A brewing stand also generates in the basement of [[igloo]]s with a [[splash potion of Weakness]] in it.

Brewing stands can generate without potions in [[village]] churches.

=== Crafting ===
|B1= Blaze Rod 
|A2= Any stone-tier block |B2= Any stone-tier block |C2= Any stone-tier block
|Output= Brewing Stand
|type= Brewing
|description=Can use cobblestone and its other variants interchangeably.

== Usage ==
[[File:Brewing Stand GUI.png|thumb|right|176px|Brewing stand GUI {{in|java}}]]

By default, the interface  of a brewing stand is labeled "Brewing Stand", but this name can be customized by naming it in an [[anvil]] before placing it.

Brewing stands cannot be pushed by [[piston]]s {{in|java}}.

=== Brewing ===
The main purpose of brewing stands is to allow for the [[brewing]] of [[potion]]s. Its interface can be opened by pressing {{control|use}} on them.

Brewing stands need [[blaze powder]] as fuel. Each piece brews 20 batches of potions, with each stage of brewing counting separately. Unlike [[furnace]]s, there is no time limit; fuel is consumed only when there are [[Glass Bottle|bottles]] and an ingredient to brew into it.

Brewing stands interact with [[hopper]]s as follows:

* They accept brewing ingredients from hoppers pointing down into the top.
* Any valid potion recipe can be preloaded for "hands-free" brewing of a complex recipe, with the [[Nether Wart|nether wart]] falling through into the stand for the first step.
* Bottles and fuel are accepted from hoppers pointing into the side.
* Finished products can be pulled out by hoppers below, but each stage of brewing counts as a batch of "finished" potions.

{{IN|education}}, elements can be combined in the brewing stand to make the [[medicine]] potions: antidote, elixir, eye drops, and tonic.

=== Changing profession ===
If a village has a brewing stand that has not been claimed by a villager, any villager who hasn't already picked a [[job site]] block in the village has a chance to change their profession into cleric.

=== Light source ===
Brewing stands emit a light level of 1.

== Sounds ==

=== Generic ===
{{Sound table/Block/Stone}}

=== Unique ===
{{Sound table
|sound=Brewing Stand brew1.ogg
|sound2=Brewing Stand brew2.ogg
|subtitle=Brewing Stand bubbles
|description=When a potion finishes brewing
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Cleric works
|description=Randomly while a cleric is working
{{Sound table
|sound=Door close.ogg
|sound2=Door open.ogg
|subtitle=Chest locked<ref group=sound name=lock>{{Bug|MC-98316||Wrong subtitles caused by missing distinction}}</ref>
|description=When a player attempts to open a brewing stand locked using the {{nbt|string|Lock}} tag
|id=block.chest.locked|idnote=<ref group=sound name=lock/>
|translationkey=subtitles.block.chest.locked|translationkeynote=<ref group=sound name=lock/>

{{Sound table
|sound=Brewing Stand brew1.ogg
|sound2=Brewing Stand brew2.ogg
|description=When a potion finishes brewing
{{Sound table
|description=Randomly while a cleric is working

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Brewing Stand
|translationkey=block.minecraft.brewing_stand, item.minecraft.brewing_stand
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity

{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Brewing Stand
{{ID table
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}


=== Block data ===

A brewing stand has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.

{{see also|Block entity format}}

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format]].

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Local Brewery}}

== Advancements ==
{{Load advancements|Local Brewery}}

== History ==
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|[[Cauldron]]s are implemented to be used to brew [[potion]]s, but are not available in-game yet.}}
{{History|||snap=September 30, 2011|slink={{tweet|jeb|119762786619359232}}|[[File:Brewing Stand (pre-release).png|32px]] [[Jens Bergensten|Jeb]] reveals that brewing is done through a brewing stand instead of a [[cauldron]].}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (full) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added brewing stands.
|Brewing [[potion]]s with brewing stands currently take 30 seconds.
|When the first brewing stand was shown by Jeb, it had an additional 2D sub-stand for [[Glass Bottle|bottles]], but the stands for bottles are now designed in 3D.<ref>{{tweet|jeb|119763532312096769|I'm fully aware the potions are very thin (diet?), but it looks cute. (Always work in progress, of course)|September 30, 2011}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.1|snap=12w01a|Brewing time for brewing stands has been reduced to 20 seconds.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w15a|{{key|Shift}} + clicking can now be used to put items in brewing stands.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w11a|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (full) JE2.png|32px]] The [[model]] of brewing stands has been changed. Stands with no bottles appear glitched from some angles, the left and right slots appear identical when filled in (although both distinct appearences still exist as metadata), and the arm angles have changed due to the 22.5º rotation limit.
|Brewing stands' targeting [[hitbox]] is now a full cube - previously it was a cuboid around the base plates.}}
{{History|||snap=14w11b|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (full) JE3.png|32px]] Empty brewing stands' model have been fixed, although the other changes still remain.}}
{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (full) JE4.png|32px]] Brewing stand models have changed such that bottles in the left and right slots now indeed appear different. However, the leftmost one appears stretched. Arms are also now affected by directional shading.<ref>{{bug|MC-68302|||WAI}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Brewing stands now generate in [[End City|end cities]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w33a|Brewing stands can now brew [[Lingering Potion|lingering potion]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=15w33c|A bug where the [[player]] couldn't put in a [[splash potion]] to make a lingering potion has been fixed.}}
{{History|||snap=15w42a|Brewing stands now require [[Blaze Powder|blaze powder]] to operate.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43a|Brewing stands now generate in the basement of [[igloo]]s.
|Each blaze powder now fuels 20 brewing stand operations rather than 30.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44a|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (full) JE5.png|32px]] Brewing stand models no longer have a stretched bottle.}}
{{History|||snap=15w47b|[[Sound]]s have been added for brewing stands.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The block entity ID has been changed from <code>Cauldron</code> to <code>brewing_stand</code>.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[Java Edition 1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[block]]'s numeral ID was 117, and the [[item]]'s 379.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE6 BE2.png|32px]] <!-- [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE6 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE6 BE2.png|32px]] -->[[File:Brewing Stand (Full) JE6 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (item) JE2.png|32px]] The textures of brewing stands have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|[[File:Brewing Stand (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the brewing stand [[item]] has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Brewing stands now generate in the updated [[plains]] [[village]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Brewing stands now generate in the updated [[savanna]] villages and the new [[Snowy Tundra|snowy]] villages.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Brewing stands now generate in the updated [[desert]] and [[taiga]] villages.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03c|The three plates, but not the rod, of a brewing stand now use correct cullface arguments.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Brewing stands now serve as cleric [[villager]]s' job site block.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w28a|Brewing stands can now be [[crafting|crafted]] with [[blackstone]].}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w07a|Brewing stands can now be crafted with [[deepslate|grimstone]] (now deepslate).}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w08a|Brewing stands can no longer be crafted with deepslate.
|Brewing stands can now be crafted with [[Cobbled Deepslate|cobbled deepslate]].}}
{{History|||snap=21w11a|<!--[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (Full) JE7.png|32px]] Changed [[lighting]].-->Tweaked the brewing stand GUI texture.}}
{{History||1.18|snap=21w39a|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (full) JE8.png|32px]] The default [[brightness]] has been changed from "Moody" to 50.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (full) JE9.png|32px]] Changed texture and model.}}
{{History|||snap=22w17a|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE10.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE10.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE10.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (full) JE10.png|32px]] Changed base texture and model.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added brewing stands.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Brewing stands now generate in [[igloo]] basements.
|Brewing stands now generate in [[end ship]]s.}}

{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Brewing stands now require [[blaze powder]] to operate.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE6 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of brewing stands have been changed.|A brewing stand can now generate in [[village]] temples.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Brewing stands can now be [[craft]]ed with [[blackstone]].}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Brewing stands can now be [[craft]]ed with [[cobbled deepslate]].}}
{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE10.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (right) JE10.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (left) JE10.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (full) JE10.png|32px]] Slightly changed its texture, to make their arms connect to their bases.}}

{{History||xbox=TU7|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added brewing stands.}}
{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|Brewing stands now appear in [[igloo]]s. The lack of a fuel requirement means that potions can now be made without going to the Nether.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|Brewing stands now require [[blaze powder]] to operate.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Brewing Stand.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of brewing stands have been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Brewing Stand (empty) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brewing Stand (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added brewing stands.}}

File:Brewingstand Potion.png|The first picture of a brewing stand. A [[giant mushroom]] is also seen in this picture.

=== Brewing stand "item" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Brewing Stand}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* Even when the brewing stand is not in use, there is still smoke coming out of the top of it.
* In ''[[Java Edition]]'', when a brewing stand is broken, particles from a bottle appear, even if no bottle is in the stand.
* No matter what potion (including water bottles) is in the stand it always looks like a full red bottle.
* Brewing stands always face east, no matter what direction they are placed.
* According to [[Michael Stoyke|Searge]], for thematic reasons, a brewing stand was added to the basement of the [[igloo]]. Because of this, blaze powder was required for fuel to preserve game progression. In this way, the player is prevented from using it before going to the Nether.<ref>https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/meet-blaze</ref>

== Gallery ==
File:Brewing stand in action.png|A brewing stand in action.
File:Igloobasement.png|A brewing stand in an igloo basement.
File:1.8 and below brewing stand.png|The GUI of the brewing stand in 1.8.x and below.

== See also ==
*[[Glass Bottle]]
*[[Splash Potion]]

== References ==

== External links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--brewing-stand Taking Inventory: Brewing Stand] – Minecraft.net on October 11, 2019


[[Category:Job blocks]]
[[Category:Utility blocks]]
[[Category:Manufactured blocks]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]
[[Category:Block entities]]
[[Category:Light sources]]

[[es:Soporte para pociones]]
[[pl:Statyw alchemiczny]]
[[pt:Suporte de poções]]
[[ru:Варочная стойка]]
[[uk:Варильна стійка]]
reuploadFixed distorted font when HD font is used.[3]
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Raw Rabbit|Raw Rabbit]]<br/>{{for|the cooked version|Cooked Rabbit}}
| title = Raw Rabbit
| image = Raw Rabbit.png
| heals = {{hunger|3}}
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Raw rabbit''' is a food item that can be eaten by the [[player]], or cooked in a [[furnace]] or a [[campfire]] to make [[cooked rabbit]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===

{{IN|Bedrock}}, adult [[rabbit]]s drop 0-1 raw rabbit when killed. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 0-4 with [[Looting]] III. If killed while on [[fire]], they drop [[cooked rabbit]] instead.

{{IN|Java}}, adult [[rabbit]]s drop 1 raw rabbit when killed. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 1-4 with [[Looting]] III. If killed while on [[fire]], they drop [[cooked rabbit]] instead.

== Usage ==

To eat raw rabbit, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|3}} [[hunger]] and 1.8 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].

=== Smelting ingredient ===

  |Raw Rabbit
  |Cooked Rabbit

=== Wolves ===

Raw rabbit can be used to [[breed]] and heal tamed [[wolves]], lead them around, and make baby tamed [[Wolf|wolves]] grow up faster by 10% of the remaining time.

=== Trading ===

Novice-level Butcher [[villager|villagers]] have a {{frac|1|3}} chance to buy 4 raw rabbit for an [[emerald]] as their trades.{{only|bedrock}}

Novice-level Butcher villagers have 40% chance of offering to buy 4 raw rabbit for an emerald.{{only|java}}

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Rabbit

{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Rabbit

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Rabbit Season}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== History ==

{{History||1.8|snap=June 30, 2014|slink=https://twitter.com/TheMogMiner/status/483636993780232192|[[Ryan Holtz]] tweeted images of raw rabbits and some other new [[item]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE1.png|32px]] Added raw rabbit.}}
{{History|||snap=14w33b|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of raw rabbit has been changed. The new texture was created by [[wikipedia:Reddit|Reddit]] user [http://www.reddit.com/u/zeldahuman zeldahuman].<ref>{{reddit|2bjzes/a_reminder_of_the_blocks_and_items_added_in_18_so|cj69zie|context=3}}</ref><ref>{{reddit|2c5f35/minecraft_snapshot_14w31a_has_been_released|cjct7gb}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 411.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw rabbit has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Butcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] raw rabbit.}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Rabbits now always drop at least 1 raw rabbit when killed.<ref>{{bug|MC-96449|||Fixed}}</ref>}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw rabbit.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw rabbit has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Raw rabbit can now be [[trading|sold]] to butcher [[villager]]s.}}

{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw rabbit.}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw rabbit has been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw rabbit.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
File:Rabbit Items 2 Ryan Holtz.png|First image of the item by [[Ryan Holtz]].

== References ==



[[de:Rohes Kaninchen]]
[[es:Conejo crudo]]
[[it:Coniglio crudo]]
[[fr:Lapin cru]]
[[ko:익히지 않은 토끼고기]]
[[nl:Rauw konijnenvlees]]
[[pl:Surowy królik]]
[[pt:Coelho cru]]
[[ru:Сырая крольчатина]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Cake|Cake]]<br/>{{Distinguish|Pumpkin Pie}}
| title = Cake
| image = <gallery>
Cake.png|0 bites
Cake (1 bite).png|1 bite
Cake (2 bites).png|2 bites
Cake (3 bites).png|3 bites
Cake (4 bites).png|4 bites
Cake (5 bites).png|5 bites
Cake (6 bites).png|6 bites
|image2 = <gallery>
Cake with Candle.png|Unlit
Candle Cake (lit).png|Lit
| extratext = [[#Gallery|View all renders]]
| transparent = Yes
| light = '''Candle Cake''': Yes (3) when lit<br>'''Cake''': No
| tool = any
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64){{only|bedrock|short=1}}<br>No{{only|java|short=1}}
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = No

'''Cake''' is a [[food]] and a block that can be eaten by the player.

A '''cake with candle''' is a light-producing variation created when a [[candle]] is used on an uneaten cake.

== Obtaining ==

=== Breaking ===

Once the cake is placed, it cannot be recollected even with the use of [[Silk Touch]]. Candle cakes always drop their respective [[candle]] when broken.
{{breaking row|horizontal=1|Cake|drop=0}}

=== Chest loot ===

=== Crafting ===

|A1=Milk Bucket
|B1=Milk Bucket
|C1=Milk Bucket
|description= Empty [[bucket]]s remain in the crafting grid after crafting the cake.

=== Trading ===

Expert-level farmer [[villager]]s can [[trading|sell]] cake for a single [[emerald]] each. The chance is {{frac|2|7}} {{in|je}}.

== Usage ==

{{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management}}

Unlike most [[food]], the cake cannot be eaten as an [[item]] in the hotbar. Before being eaten, it must first be placed on top of a solid [[block]]. Placing the cake on a slab also works, as the slab acts like a solid block. The cake instead floats half a block on top of the slab.

Each cake has seven "slices"; each use consumes one slice progressing inward from the west. A single slice restores {{hunger|2}} hunger and 0.4 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]]. Eating all seven slices of a cake restores {{hunger|14}} hunger and 2.8 hunger saturation.

Since eating a cake comes with no animation, the cake can be eaten at a rate of one slice per [[tick]]. Multiple [[player]]s can eat from the same cake at the same time. {{IN|java}}, eating cake makes no [[sound]], unlike other foods.

As a [[redstone]] component, when connected to a [[comparator]], a whole cake emits a signal strength of 14. The signal strength decreases two units with each slice.

Cake destroys [[Entity#Falling Blocks|falling blocks]] if placed under them, similar to a [[torch]].

=== Pandas ===
Some [[panda]]s move toward a dropped cake to pick up and eat it. Some may not, depending on the cake's location. 

=== Composting ===
Placing a cake into a [[composter]] raises the compost level by 1.

=== Piston interactivity ===
A cake is broken when pushed by a [[piston]], and it drops nothing.

=== Cakes with candles ===
[[File:Cake with Candle.png|thumb|upright|A cake with candle created by placing a candle on an uneaten cake.]]
{{control|Using}} a [[candle]] on an uneaten cake creates a candle cake of that color (including uncolored). Eating the cake causes the candle to drop. 

{{control|Using}} [[flint and steel]], [[fire charge]], or any flaming projectile on an unlit candle cake lights its candle. Lit candle cakes emit light level of 3. Clicking on the lit candle (but not the cake) extinguishes it.

== Sounds ==
=== Generic ===
{{Sound table/Block/Wool}}

=== Unique ===
{{Sound table
|sound=Cake add_candle1.ogg
|sound2=Cake add_candle2.ogg
|sound3=Cake add_candle3.ogg
|subtitle=Cake squishes
|description=When a [[candle]] is placed on a cake

{{Sound table
|sound=Cake add_candle1.ogg
|sound2=Cake add_candle2.ogg
|sound3=Cake add_candle3.ogg
|description=When a candle is placed on a cake
{{Sound table
|description=After a player eats a cake

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with White Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Orange Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Magenta Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Light Blue Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Yellow Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Lime Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Pink Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Gray Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Light Gray Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Cyan Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Purple Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Blue Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Brown Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Green Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Red Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Black Candle

{{ID table
{{ID table
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with White Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Orange Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Magenta Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Light Blue Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Yellow Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Lime Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Pink Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Gray Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Light Gray Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Cyan Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Purple Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Blue Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Brown Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Green Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Red Candle
{{ID table
|displayname=Cake with Black Candle

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|The Lie;Birthday Song}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Birthday Song}}

== History ==
{{info needed section|{{bug|MC-45375}}}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||November 23, 2010|link={{tweet|notch|7118994444124160}}|[[Notch]] stated if ''Minecraft'' won the [[2010 Indie of the Year Awards]], he would add cake to ''Minecraft''.}}
{{History||1.2|[[File:Cake JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (1 bite) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (2 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (3 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (4 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (5 bites) JE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Since ''Minecraft'' won the title, cake has been added.
|Cake heals {{hp|18}}.
|[[File:Cake (6 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (7 bites) JE1.png|32px]] Cakes with six and seven bites exist, but are not accessible.
|[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]]<br>Cakes with eight through fifteen bites also exist. These have a glitched appearance, with misaligned cake textures as well as the block [[placeholder texture]] on the bottom (as the texture next to the bottom of the cake on [[terrain.png]], which it overflows to, is itself a placeholder).}}
{{History||1.5|[[Achievements/Java Edition|Achievements]] have been added, including "The Lie", which is rewarded when the [[player]] crafts a cake.}}
{{History||1.7|[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]]<br>The cake side texture shown from underneath has flipped to the other side.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Cake now restores {{hunger|12}}.
|[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE3.png|32px]]<br>Cakes with data 8 through 15 now use the red mushroom block texture with the addition of the red [[mushroom block]].
|Dropped cake items{{info needed|the proper item form, or the unobtainable one?}} no longer appear larger than normal blocks.}}
{{History|||snap=?|Cake is available both in item and block forms in the creative inventory.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=?|Cake blocks have been removed from creative.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=?|When cake is crafted, the empty [[bucket]]s are now moved to the [[player]]'s [[inventory]], rather than staying in the [[crafting]] grid.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|[[File:Cake JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (1 bite) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (2 bites) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (3 bites) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (4 bites) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (5 bites) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (6 bites) JE2.png|32px]] Cakes now use the inside texture for all orthogonal faces.
|[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE4.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE4 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE4 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE4 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE4 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE4 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE4 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE4 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE4 (facing NWU).png|32px]]<br>With the advent of major changes in texture storage and architecture, overeaten cakes now display other parts of cakes as well as part of a crop texture.
|From this version up until 14w08a, overeaten cakes start to draw from the textures next to them on the [[texture atlas]], in much the same way they previously did with terrain.png. However, as texture atlases are unstable and textures tend to change positions as new blocks and textures are added, overeaten cakes change the texture they draw from every time new textures are added, which includes when textures added by [[mods]].}}
{{History|||snap=13w03a|[[File:Cake JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (1 bite) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (2 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (3 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (4 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (5 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Cakes now use the outside side texture for the sides again.<ref>{{bug|MC-7119}}</ref>
|[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE5.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE5 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE5 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE5 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE5 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE5 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE5 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE5 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE5 (facing NWU).png|32px]]<br>Overeaten cakes now display a different part of the cake texture than before.}}
{{History|||snap=13w09a|[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE6.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE6 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE6 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE6 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE6 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE6 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE6 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE6 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE6 (facing NWU).png|32px]]<br>Overeaten cakes now display a crop texture on the side.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w17a|[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE7.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE7 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE7 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE7 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE7 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE7 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE7 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE7 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE7 (facing NWU).png|32px]]<br>Overeaten cakes now display a part of the powered [[redstone comparator]] texture.}}
{{History|||snap=13w18a|[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE8.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE8 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE8 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE8 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE8 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE8 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE8 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE8 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE8 (facing NWU).png|32px]]<br>Overeaten cakes now display the [[carrots]] texture. The inside underside also uses the feet of the [[cauldron]].}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w41a|[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE9.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE9.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (8 bites) JE9 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (9 bites) JE9 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (10 bites) JE9 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (11 bites) JE9 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (12 bites) JE9 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (13 bites) JE9 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (14 bites) JE9 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Cake (15 bites) JE9 (facing NWU).png|32px]]<br>Overeaten cakes now display a part of the block breaking texture, and the texture of the [[block of diamond]] inside.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1 cake for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w10a|[[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] Cakes with data values 7 and above now [[Missing model|have no model]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w28a|Cake slices available when eating cakes have been increased from 6 to 7, allowing the 6-bites cake to be obtained legitimately.
|Cake now emits a [[redstone comparator|comparator]] signal.
|When cake is crafted, empty [[bucket]]s now stay in the [[crafting table]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w37a|Cake can no longer be eaten in survival with the primary attack (left-click).}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this block's numeral ID was 92, and the item's 354.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Cake JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (1 bite) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (2 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (3 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (4 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (5 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (6 bites) JE4.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cake has been changed.
|Cakes can now be eaten by [[panda]]s when they are thrown to them.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing a cake into the new [[composter]] now raises the compost level by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w08a|[[File:Cake (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of cake [[item]]s have been changed, this time to have a large cherry in the middle to match its block counterpart.}}
{{History||May 17–20, 2019|link=none|[[File:10 years cake render.png|32px]] Cakes now display a "10" above them, textured with [[white concrete]], to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the first public version of ''Minecraft'' ([[0.0.11a]]) being released.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|[[File:Cake with Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with White Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Light Gray Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Gray Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Black Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Brown Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Red Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Orange Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Yellow Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Lime Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Green Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Cyan Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Light Blue Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Blue Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Purple Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Magenta Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Pink Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:White Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Candle Cake (lit) JE1.png|32px]] Added candle cakes.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w19a|The name of "Candle Cake" has been changed to "Cake with Candle".}}
{{History||1.17|snap=Pre-release 3|[[File:Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:White Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Red Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]][[File:Yellow Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]]  [[File:Light Blue Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] Changed lit cake with candle textures.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Cake JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (1 bite) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (2 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (3 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (4 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (5 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (6 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cake.
|Cake restores {{hp|18}}.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Cake now restore {{hunger|12}}.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Cake can now be used to emit a [[redstone comparator|comparator]] signal.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=?|Cake currently does not show its inside texture on two or more bites.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Farmer villagers now [[trading|sell]] cake for one [[emerald]].}}
{{History||unknown|Cake is now stackable.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Cake can now be found inside [[buried treasure]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Cake, as a dropped [[item]], can now be eaten by [[panda]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Cake BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (1 bite) BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (2 bites) BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (3 bites) BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (4 bites) BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (5 bites) BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (6 bites) BE2.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Cake (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cake has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Cake can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Cake [[trading|sold]] by farmers now has a 50% chance to cost 8 [[emerald]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Cake (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of cake [[item]]s has been changed, once again.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Cake [[trading|trades]] from farmer [[villager]]s have been reverted.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Cake now shows its inside texture on two or more bites.}}
{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:Cake with Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with White Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Light Gray Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Gray Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Black Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Brown Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Red Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Orange Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Yellow Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Lime Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Green Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Cyan Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Light Blue Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Blue Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Purple Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Magenta Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake with Pink Candle JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File: White Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Red Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Candle Cake (lit) JE2.png|32px]] Added candle cakes.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Cake JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (1 bite) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (2 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (3 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (4 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (5 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (6 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cake.}}
{{History||xbox=TU6|Cake has been made stackable, as a then-version exclusive.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Cake JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (1 bite) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (2 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (3 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (4 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (5 bites) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (6 bites) JE4.png|32px]]{{verify|Are these the textures/models used?}}<br>[[File:Cake (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The single, lone texture of cake has been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Cake JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (1 bite) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (2 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (3 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (4 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (5 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cake (6 bites) JE3 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Cake (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cake.}}

=== Cake "item" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Cake}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==

=== Interaction ===

* Because cake is only {{frac|7|8}} blocks wide, it is possible to stand on the edge of a [[block]] beneath a cake.
* It is possible to place cake on top of another cake by placing a cake on the ground, then placing another cake on the side of a block above and to the side of the first cake, similar to placing [[torch]]es on a [[chest]]. Eating the lower cake causes the upper cake to disappear, as does mining out the block of cake it is sitting on.
* It is also possible to place any block on top of cakes (including another cake) by [[sneaking]] and placing the block on top of a cake.
* [[Mob]]s on top of cakes rotate while attempting to move, a pathfinding oversight shared with [[fence]]s.
* If cake is placed in a hole one block deep, players can get across the hole without jumping, although a player standing on the cake must jump to get out of the hole.
* Cake can be used to create a functioning staircase, by placing a cake on each level of a 1 block by 1 block incline. This would be one of the most labor-intensive staircases available, given the requirements to craft a cake, compared to any other method of creating a staircase. This staircase is also extremely overpowered when combined with a horse being one of the fastest forms of travel.
*At some point, it was possible to push cakes into the void using pistons.<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxniEMGBXC4&t=340s</ref>

=== Miscellaneous ===
[[File:IOTY.png|thumb|100px|The 2010 Indie of the Year Awards logo.]]
* Cake was added to ''[[Minecraft]]'' following the ModDB [[2010 Indie of the Year Awards]]. [[Notch]] agreed to add cake to ''Minecraft'' if it won, which led to a campaign called "The Quest For Cake". ''Minecraft'' won 3 of the 7 awards, including the "Indie of the Year" award.
* Placing a cake makes the same sound as placing [[wool]].
* The player can place cake on top of a [[bed]], and while [[sleeping]], the cake shows on the player's screen as if it were on top of their head.
* The name of the achievement for crafting a cake is a reference to the internet meme "The Cake is a Lie", which originated from [[wikipedia:Valve Corporation|Valve Software's]] game, ''[[wikipedia:Portal (video game)#Plot|Portal]]''.
* On May 17, 2019, for the [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/10th-anniversary 10th anniversary] of ''Minecraft'', the cake [[model]] was changed to display a "10" above it, made of [[white concrete]].
* Unlike most foods, cakes don't count towards the advancement "[[A Balanced Diet]]" {{in|java}}.<ref>{{bug|MC-117561}}</ref>

== Gallery ==
=== Renders ===
{{hidden begin}}
<div style="clear: both"></div>
Cake (1 bite).png
Cake (2 bites).png
Cake (3 bites).png
Cake (4 bites).png
Cake (5 bites).png
Cake (6 bites).png
Cake with Candle.png
Cake with White Candle.png
Cake with Light Gray Candle.png
Cake with Gray Candle.png
Cake with Black Candle.png
Cake with Brown Candle.png
Cake with Red Candle.png
Cake with Orange Candle.png
Cake with Yellow Candle.png
Cake with Lime Candle.png
Cake with Green Candle.png
Cake with Cyan Candle.png
Cake with Light Blue Candle.png
Cake with Blue Candle.png
Cake with Purple Candle.png
Cake with Magenta Candle.png
Cake with Pink Candle.png
Candle Cake (lit).png
White Candle Cake (lit).png
Light Gray Candle Cake (lit).png
Gray Candle Cake (lit).png
Black Candle Cake (lit).png
Brown Candle Cake (lit).png
Red Candle Cake (lit).png
Orange Candle Cake (lit).png
Yellow Candle Cake (lit).png
Lime Candle Cake (lit).png
Green Candle Cake (lit).png
Cyan Candle Cake (lit).png
Light Blue Candle Cake (lit).png
Blue Candle Cake (lit).png
Purple Candle Cake (lit).png
Magenta Candle Cake (lit).png
Pink Candle Cake (lit).png
{{hidden end}}
=== In-game ===
Cakes stacked.png|A cake placed on top of another.
Cakeeating.png|The sizes of cake when eaten.
10 Years Cake.jpg|The 10-years cake [[model]] placed in the world.

== References ==


[[Category:Utility blocks]]
[[Category:Manufactured blocks]]

13w36aAdded the ability to apply multiple resource packs at once.
13w42aMoved files from assets/minecraft/music to assets/minecraft/sounds/music and files from assets/minecraft/sound to assets/minecraft/sounds.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Debug fourj item|Debug fourj item]]<br/>{{DISPLAYTITLE:<samp>debug_fourj_item</samp>}}
{{exclusive|Legacy Console}}{{Unobtainable||edition=console|section=}}{{Item
| image = Barrier (held) JE1 BE1.png
| renewable = No
| stackable = Yes (64)
| rarity = Common
| title = <samp>debug_fourj_item</samp>
<samp>'''debug_fourj_item'''</samp> is an unobtainable item exclusive to the [[Legacy Console Edition]] and can only be obtained through modding the game. It has the texture of a [[barrier]], no "What's this?" hint and no display name.

The only way to obtain this item is via inventory editors and other external tools.

The purpose of this item is unknown, and it cannot be placed. Although the ID<ref name="r">[https://youtu.be/IscH0rUw_20 "マインクラフト WiiU 全面の木、偽バリアブロックのアイテムID公開"] - YouTube, March 26, 2019</ref> suggests that it was used for debugging and testing purposes.

==Data values==
{{ID table|displayname=[No displayed name]
|showforms=y|form=item|nameid=debug_fourj_item|id=2255<ref group="note">Numerical IDs aren't supported on the Legacy Console Edition anymore.</ref><ref name="r"/>|shownumericids=y|translationkey=item.debug_fourj_item.name|generatetranslationkeys=y|foot=1}}
<references group="note" />

{{History||xbox=unknown|xbone=unknown|ps=unknown|wiiu=unknown|switch=unknown|[[File:Barrier (held) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added <samp>debug_fourj_item</samp>.}}

== Gallery ==
Debug fourj item in inventory.png|<samp>debug_fourj_item</samp> as it appears in one's inventory

==See also==

*[[Debug Stick]]

<references />

{{Unused features}}
[[Category:Articles missing historical information]]</li><li>[[Banner|Banner]]<br/>{{for|the image|Banner (image)}}
| image = <gallery>
White Banner.gif | Banner
White Wall Banner.png | Wall Banner
| rarity = Common
| transparent = Yes
| light = No
| tool = axe
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (16)
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = Yes

'''Banners''' are tall decorative [[blocks]], featuring a field that is highly customizable using [[dye]]s and [[banner pattern]]s.

== Obtaining ==

=== Breaking ===

Banners can be broken with or without a [[tool]], but an [[axe]] is fastest.
{{breaking row|horizontal=1|Banners|Axe}}

A banner also breaks and drops itself as an [[Item (entity)|item]] if the block the banner is attached to is moved, removed, or destroyed.

=== Natural generation ===

{| class="wikitable collapsible"
! Name !! Location !! Appearance !! Design
! Magenta Banner
| Outside of [[end cities]].
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:End City Banner.png|32px]]
| Magenta Banner
* Black Inverted Chevron
* Black Chevron
! Gray Banner
| In banner room in [[woodland mansion]]s.
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:Gray Banner.png|32px]]
| Gray Banner
! Light Gray Banner
| In master bedroom in [[woodland mansion]]s.
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:Master Bedroom Banner.png|32px]]
| Light Gray Banner
* White Flower Charge
|- id="Ominous Banner"
! Ominous Banner{{only|java|short=1}} 
Illager Banner{{only|bedrock|education|short=1}}
| Carried by [[raid captain]]s.<br> Located in [[pillager outpost]]s.

{{IN|java}}, the ominous banner cannot be crafted or copied because the design uses 8 patterns.

{{IN|bedrock}}, the illager banner is a separate type that cannot be placed in a loom.
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:Ominous Banner.png|32px]]<br/>[[File:Ominous Banner BE.png|32px]]
| White Banner{{only|java|short=1}}
* Cyan Lozenge
* Light Gray Base
* Gray Pale
* Light Gray Bordure
* Black Fess
* Light Gray Per Fess
* Light Gray Roundel
* Black Bordure
Separate type entirely{{only|bedrock|short=1}}
! Brown Banner
| Outside of some houses, meeting points, and pillar fountains in savanna [[village]]s. 
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:Brown Banner.png|32px]]
| Brown Banner
! Black Banner
| In altar room in [[woodland mansions]].
| style="text-align: center" | [[File:Black Banner.png|32px]]
| Black Banner

=== Crafting ===

Banners can be crafted from six [[wool]] and a [[stick]] in a pattern resembling a [[sign]].
|A1=Matching Wool |B1=Matching Wool |C1=Matching Wool
|A2=Matching Wool |B2=Matching Wool |C2=Matching Wool
|Output=Matching Banner
|type=Decoration block
|description=Once the banner is crafted, its base color cannot be changed.{{only|java}}
|Any Banner
|Output=White Banner
|type=Decoration block
|description=Bleach can be used to remove the color of a banner, resulting in a white banner. This includes removing patterns from a white banner.{{only|bedrock|education}}

=== Trading ===
Expert-level cartographer [[villager]]s always offer to [[trading|sell]] 1 or 2 blank banners of a random color for 3 [[emeralds]]. Expert-level shepherd villagers have a {{frac|2|7}} chance of offering the same trade.{{only|java}}

{{IN|bedrock}}, expert-level cartographer and shepherd villagers both offer to sell one of 16 blank banners for 3 emeralds as part of their trades.

=== Mob loot ===

[[Illager]]s that spawn carrying an ominous banner{{only|java|short=1}} / illager banner{{only|bedrock|education|short=1}} always drop it upon death.

== Usage ==

[[File:Standing banner with block.png|thumb|upright|Overlapping block on a banner.]]
[[File:Wall banner with block.png|thumb|upright|Overlapping on a wall mounted banner.]]

There are 16 colored blank banners, and numerous patterns each available in each of the 16 colors. A banner can feature up to 6 different patterns. The top layer of a banner (or the last pattern added) can be washed off by {{control|using}} it on a [[cauldron]] containing water.

Banners, much like signs, can be placed both on the ground facing in any direction, or on a wall. They gently sway as if affected by a breeze, regardless of dimension or location. 

Banners have no collision mask as they are completely non-solid, so [[entities]] can move through them.

Other blocks (including other banners) can be placed on any edge of a banner's hitbox, which is only one block high despite the banner appearing as two blocks tall. This makes it possible to overlap another solid block on the top half of a banner for floor banners, or the bottom half of wall banners.

When a banner is placed on the side of a block, its position is set by the top block, and it is possible to place it so it appears half buried.

Banners can also be placed in [[item frame]]s, where they simply appear as their item model.

[[Water]] and [[lava]] flow around banners. {{IN|bedrock}}, banners can be [[waterlogged]].

File:Wall banner with water below.png| Water can be placed below wall banners
File:Water flowing around banner.png| Water flows around a banner on the ground

Lava can create [[fire]] in air blocks next to banners as if the banners were flammable, but the banners do not burn (and cannot be burned by other methods). Banners also cannot be moved by [[piston]]s.

If a banner is renamed on an [[anvil]], it retains its name when a pattern is added, but not when a pattern is removed.

=== Helmet ===
While a banner cannot be equipped in the [[Helmet|head slot]] in [[Survival]] mode, equipping it using commands causes it to appear on top of the player. This is how [[raid captain]]s wear banners{{only|java|short=1}}.

=== Chestplate ===
While a banner cannot be equipped in the [[chestplate]] slot in Survival mode, equipping it using NBT editors causes it to appear on top of the player. This is how [[raid captain]]s wear banners{{only|bedrock|education|short=1}}.
Steve wearing White Banner.png|
Alex wearing White Banner.png|
Pillager with Ominous Banner.png|
Vindicator with Ominous Banner.png|
Evoker with Ominous Banner.png|Illusioner with Ominous Banner.png|

=== Crafting ingredient ===

[[Shield]]s can have patterns applied to them using banners. The shield pattern has a smaller resolution than the banner pattern, causing them to look different or offset. Banners that have more than six patterns, such as Ominous Banners or banners obtained through inventory editors, will be reduced to six patterns on the shield.

|Matching Banner; Ominous Banner
|Output=Matching Shield; Ominous Shield
|description=Applies the banner pattern to the shield. The banner is consumed.<br>The shield must have no pre-existing patterns.<br>Does not change existing durability or enchantments on the shield.

=== Copying ===

Banners can be copied with a blank banner to make multiple identical banners. Banners with more than 6 patterns applied using commands cannot be copied in this manner.

|Matching Banner
|Matching Banner
|Output=Matching Banner
|type=Decoration block
|description=Copies pattern; both banners must have the same base color, and the one having a pattern copied onto it must have no preexisting pattern.

=== Map marker ===
[[File:Banner marked map.png|alt=All banners marked on a map, alongside a named banner.|thumb|right|How every banner appears {{IN|java}} on a map, including named banners.]]

{{IN|java}}, {{control|using}} on a standing banner with a [[map]] selected places a marker of the banner's position on the selected map, and {{control|using}} on the banner again removes the marker. Note that wall banners cannot serve as map markers. The marker has the same color as the banner's base without decorations. The marker is removed if the banner is destroyed unless the map is locked using a [[cartography table]]. If the banner is renamed, the name appears below the marker.

=== Patterns ===
{{see also|Banner/Patterns|title1=List of patterned banners}}
[[File:Spawned-in Banner.png|thumb|100px|Example of a banner with more than 6 patterns, a result of using the {{cmd|give}} command.]]

A banner may have up to six layers of patterns, which are overlaid with the last-crafted on top. A banner can have up to 16 layers of patterns with the use of commands. The total number of unique banners is approximately 2.3x10^16 (or 23 quadrillion).

Any color banner can be used; the pattern overlays the color. {{IN|java}}, a [[loom]] is used to make patterns. However, {{in|bedrock}}, the patterns can be made in a [[loom]] or a [[crafting table]].

A banner can have more than six layers of patterns through the commands <code>/[[Commands/give|give]]</code>, <code>/[[Commands/setblock|setblock]]</code> or <code>/[[Commands/fill|fill]]</code>. This only works in ''Java Edition'', as Bedrock Edition doesn't have any NBT commands. Here is an example of a mining banner with seven different patterns. There is specific codes for the [[Banner#Item data:~:text=white-,Item,-In Java Edition|colors]] and [[Banner/Patterns|patterns]] that you have to input. 

<code><nowiki>/give @p white_banner{display:{Name:"\"Mining Industries Banner\""},BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Pattern:"cr",Color:15},{Pattern:"bs",Color:15},{Pattern:"sc",Color:12},{Pattern:"ms",Color:0},{Pattern:"hh",Color:15},{Pattern:"bo",Color:15},{Pattern:"tts",Color:8}]}} 1</code>

{{LoadPage|Template:Banner pattern loom recipes|Loom recipes|h4}}
{{LoadPage|Banner/Banner pattern crafting recipes|Crafting recipes|h4|transcluded=1}}

=== Renaming ===
{{IN|java}}, a banner can be given a custom name that remains as the banner is placed and retrieved. The player can use an [[anvil]] to rename the banner item, or may change the <code>CustomName</code> tag using the {{cmd|data}} command on the banner block.

=== Fuel ===
Banners can be used as a fuel in [[furnace]]s, smelting 1.5 items per banner.

=== Note Blocks ===
Banners can be placed under [[note block]]s to produce "bass" sounds.

== Sounds ==
=== Generic ===
{{Sound table/Block/Wood}}
=== Unique ===
{{edition|java}}: ''None''

{{Sound table
|sound=Water Splash Old.ogg
|description=When all patterns are removed from a banner using a cauldron

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=White Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Orange Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Magenta Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Blue Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Yellow Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Lime Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Pink Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Gray Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Gray Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Cyan Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Purple Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Blue Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Brown Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Green Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Red Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Black Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=White Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Orange Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Magenta Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Blue Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Yellow Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Lime Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Pink Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Gray Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Gray Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Cyan Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Purple Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Blue Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Brown Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Green Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Red Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Black Wall Banner
|blocktags=banners, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity

{{ID table
|translationkey=tile.standing_banner.black.name, tile.standing_banner.red.name, tile.standing_banner.green.name, tile.standing_banner.brown.name, tile.standing_banner.blue.name, tile.standing_banner.purple.name, tile.standing_banner.cyan.name, tile.standing_banner.silver.name, tile.standing_banner.gray.name, tile.standing_banner.pink.name, tile.standing_banner.lime.name, tile.standing_banner.yellow.name, tile.standing_banner.lightBlue.name, tile.standing_banner.magenta.name, tile.standing_banner.orange.name, tile.standing_banner.white.name
{{ID table
{{ID table
|translationkey=item.banner.black.name, item.banner.red.name, item.banner.green.name, item.banner.brown.name, item.banner.blue.name, item.banner.purple.name, item.banner.cyan.name, item.banner.silver.name, item.banner.gray.name, item.banner.pink.name, item.banner.lime.name, item.banner.yellow.name, item.banner.lightBlue.name, item.banner.magenta.name, item.banner.orange.name, item.banner.white.name
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity

=== Metadata ===
==== Item ====
{{IN|Bedrock}}, banner items use the following data values:
{| class="wikitable"
! DV !! Banner color
|| 0 || black
|| 1 || red
|| 2 || green
|| 3 || brown
|| 4 || blue
|| 5 || purple
|| 6 || cyan
|| 7 || light gray
|| 8 || gray
|| 9 || pink
|| 10 || lime
|| 11 || yellow
|| 12 || light blue
|| 13 || magenta
|| 14 || orange
|| 15 || white

=== Item ===
{{IN|Java}}, banner items use the following data values:
{| class="wikitable"
! DV !! Banner color
|| 15 || black
|| 14 || red
|| 13 || green
|| 12 || brown
|| 11 || blue
|| 10 || purple
|| 9 || cyan
|| 8 || light gray
|| 7 || gray
|| 6 || pink
|| 5 || lime
|| 4 || yellow
|| 3 || light blue
|| 2 || magenta
|| 1 || orange
|| 0 || white

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

=== Block data ===

A banner has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block. 

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format]].

{{see also|Block entity format}}

=== Item data ===

{{main|Player.dat format}}
Banners, as items, use an NBT tag <code>BlockEntityTag</code> to indicate the patterns and details when it is placed.

<div class="treeview" style="margin-top: 0;">
* {{nbt|compound|Item}}: The item
** {{nbt|compound|tag}}: Additional information about the item. This tag is optional for most items.
*** {{nbt|compound|BlockEntityTag}}: The details of the shulker box.
**** All block data, except tags common to all block entities.

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Fruit on the Loom}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Voluntary Exile}}

== History ==
{{info needed section|The Nether Update}}
{{History||1.8|snap=July 21, 2014|slink=https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/491238882789572608|[[Jeb]] posted a picture of banners, and stated that he is working on them.}}
{{History|||snap=14w30a|[[File:White Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Light Gray Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Gray Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Black Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Brown Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Red Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Orange Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Yellow Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Lime Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Green Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Cyan Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Light Blue Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Blue Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Purple Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Magenta Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Pink Banner Revision 1.png|22px]] Added banners.}}
{{History|||snap=14w30c|Added four additional patterns: Cross (+), Border, Curly Border and Thing (Mojang logo).}}
{{History|||snap=14w31a|Added two additional patterns: Inverted Halves and Base Gradient.
|The banner pattern terminology has been changed based on vexillology advice [[Jeb]] received from [http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/2bkxej/i_made_a_huge_mistake_banners/ his Reddit post].
|Banners can now be used as a [[fuel]] in [[furnace]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.8|snap=pre|The number of layers attainable by using [[commands]] is now limited to 16 per banner.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|[[File:End City Banner.png|17px]] Magenta banners with a black chevron and inverted chevron are now naturally generated on the outside walls of [[end city|end cities]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w33c|Banners can be used to apply patterns to [[shield]]s.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w33a|Banners now require a [[dye]] when applying a pattern that uses a non-dye [[item]], such as a [[mob head|creeper head]] or [[golden apple|enchanted golden apple]]. Previously, the lack of a dye would have applied the black variant of the pattern.}}
{{History|||snap=16w39a|Black and gray banners, and light gray banners with a white flower charge are now naturally generated in rooms of [[woodland mansion]]s.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=January 24, 2017|slink={{tweet|jeb_|823817090511601664}}|[[Jeb]] tweets a screenshot of the changes to the banner color palette.}}
{{History|||snap=17w06a|[[File:White Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Black Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Brown Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Red Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Orange Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Yellow Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Lime Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Green Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Cyan Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Purple Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Magenta Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Pink Banner.png|17px]] Changed banners' [[tint]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=pre6|"Chief fess" and "base fess" banners are now just "chief" and "base" banners.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The colors for the <code>banner</code>, <code>wall_banner</code> and <code>standing_banner</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[block]]s' numeral IDs were 176 and 177, and the [[item]]'s 425.}}
{{History|||snap=18w10a|{{control|Using}} a [[map]] on a banner now mark the spot of the banner on the map.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[Loom]]s have been added to help the [[player]] edit banners more easily.
|All recipes for banner patterns have been removed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w45a|[[File:Ominous Banner Revision 1.png|17px]] Added [[illager patrol]]s, where the leader of an illager patrol carries an [[illager]] banner.}}
{{History|||snap=18w46a|[[File:Ominous Banner.png|17px]] The pattern of [[illager]] banner now has a black border.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Cartographer and shepherd [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] banners.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-Release 2|"Illager Banners" have been renamed to "Ominous Banners".}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w46a|The unused "base" pattern has been renamed to the "field" pattern and given proper translation strings (its ID is still "base").}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w43a|The ominous banner is now available in the Creative inventory.}}

{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|[[File:White Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Black Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Brown Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Red Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Orange Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Yellow Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Lime Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Green Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Cyan Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Purple Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Magenta Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Pink Banner.png|17px]] Added banners.
|[[File:End City Banner.png|17px]] Magenta banners with a black chevron and inverted chevron are now naturally generated on the outside walls of [[end city|end cities]].
|Black and gray banners, and light gray banners with a white flower charge are now naturally generated in rooms of [[woodland mansion]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|The white banner can now be crafted from a colored banner and [[bleach]], which also removes all patterns, if used on a white banner.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[Loom]]s have been added to help the [[player]] edit banners more easily.
|Brown banners now generate in new [[savanna]] [[village]]s.
|Black banners now generate in [[pillager outpost]] watchtowers.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Gray banners now generate in pillager outpost watchtowers, instead of black banners.
|[[File:Ominous Banner BE.png|17px]] Added [[illager captain]]s, which drop an [[illager]] banner upon [[death]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Illager banners now generate in [[pillager outpost]] watchtowers, instead of gray banners.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Banners can now be [[trading|bought]] from cartographer and shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Banners can now be used to customise [[shield]]s.}}

{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|switch=1.0.1|[[File:White Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Light Gray Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Gray Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Black Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Brown Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Red Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Orange Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Yellow Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Lime Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Green Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Cyan Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Light Blue Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Blue Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Purple Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Magenta Banner Revision 1.png|22px]][[File:Pink Banner Revision 1.png|22px]] Added banners.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|switch=1.0.1|[[File:End City Banner.png|17px]] Magenta banners with a black chevron and inverted chevron are now naturally generated on the outside walls of [[end city|end cities]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|[[File:White Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Gray Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Black Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Brown Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Red Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Orange Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Yellow Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Lime Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Green Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Cyan Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Light Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Blue Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Purple Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Magenta Banner.png|17px]] [[File:Pink Banner.png|17px]] Changed banners' [[tint]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[Loom]]s have been added to help the [[player]] edit banners more easily.}}
{{History||ps=1.91|[[File:Ominous Banner BE.png|17px]] Added [[illager]] banners, which generate with [[pillager outpost]]s and are [[drops|dropped]] by [[illager captain]]s upon [[death]].}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* With 16 blank banners, 38 patterns of 16 colors each (608 uniquely-colored patterns), and 0 to 6 patterns per banner, the number of uniquely crafted banners is 16 × (608<sup>0</sup> + 608<sup>1</sup> + 608<sup>2</sup> + 608<sup>3</sup> + 608<sup>4</sup> + 608<sup>5</sup> + 608<sup>6</sup>) ≈ 809 quadrillion - 809 with 15 zeros (809,573,616,779,945,488). The number of visually distinct banners is smaller, because one or more patterns may completely cover other patterns, or the entire banner, or be duplicated due to the symmetric set of patterns (e.g. field or (yellow) + per pale azure (blue) = field azure + per pale or inverted).
** Not 38 patterns are available on BE, but 40 patterns of 16 colors each (640 uniquely-colored patterns), so the number is even greater. 16 × (640<sup>0</sup> + 640<sup>1</sup> + 640<sup>2</sup> + 640<sup>3</sup> + 640<sup>4</sup> + 640<sup>5</sup> + 640<sup>6</sup>) ≈ 1 quintillion - 1 with 18 zeros (1,101,232,303,249,827,856). This increases the number by almost 1.4 times, or almost 292 quadrillion, despite the addition of only 2 patterns.
* If a banner has over 6 patterns, only the six bottom-most patterns are displayed when hovered over in the [[inventory]].
* The Mojang logo is called "Thing" in-game, which could be considered an alternate translation for [[wiktionary:mojäng|mojäng]]. If [[wikipedia:Google Translate|Google Translate]] is used, it translates to "thingys" or "contraption".
** In the Swedish translation of the game, this pattern is, in fact, called ''mojäng''.
* [[List of block textures#Banner Textures|Banner textures]] are located in \assets\minecraft\textures\entity\banner.
** There are 40 monochrome textures, each containing all 6 sides of the banner.
** The texture of the back side is the mirrored texture of the front side.
** Compared to the texture files, textures' colors are inverted in-game due to them acting as masks for the re-colored base texture, base.png. That means white is visible, while black is transparent.
* Banners that have the purple NBT+ line in the bottom (obtained by holding Ctrl and middle-clicking the banner, which also copies the NBT [[tag]] of anything that the player points their crosshair to) actually have no difference with the base banner obtained by middle click.
*The Illager Banner in Bedrock Edition is available as a separate item but is just a second variant of the white banner.
**Standard variant of white banner is set to type 0.
**Illager variant is set to type 1.

== Gallery ==
Banners Jeb.png|The first image of banners, as tweeted by Jens Bergensten.
Iceland and Norway Flags.png|Another banner image from Jeb.
Searge Banners.png|Several banners made by Searge.
The Bountiful Update.png|Banners in the official 1.8 poster.
BannersBeforeAndAfter.png|An image, tweeted by Jeb, showcasing the changes he made to the banner color palette in the 1.12 update.
Gradients Overlay.png|The result of using gradient different numbers of times, each time increasing the level of gradient by 1.
All positions and rotations of a banner.png|All positions and rotations of a banner
Item Frame with Banner.png|A banner with the [[Mojang]] logo in an [[item frame]].
EndCityBanners.png|Banners floating outside of an [[End city]] tower.
Woodland mansion 1x2 d1.png|Banners hanging above the doorway of a [[woodland mansion]] master bedroom.
Replaceitembanner.png|Banner put in the helmet slot by using the command {{cmd|replaceitem}}{{Only|BE}} or {{cmd|item replace}}{{Only|JE}}.
Better Together Banners.jpg|Banners in ''Bedrock Edition''.
Better Together Banner Crafting 1.jpg|A banner in the hand.
Better Together Banner Crafting 2.jpg|A banner in the inventory.
Better Together Banner Crafting 3.jpg|A banner in the crafting grid.
Better Together Banner Crafting 4.jpg|A banner being given a pattern.

=== Renders ===
Ominous Banner.gif
White Banner.gif
Light Gray Banner.gif
Gray Banner.gif
Black Banner.gif
Brown Banner.gif
Red Banner.gif
Orange Banner.gif
Yellow Banner.gif
Lime Banner.gif
Green Banner.gif
Cyan Banner.gif
Light Blue Banner.gif
Blue Banner.gif
Purple Banner.gif
Magenta Banner.gif
Pink Banner.gif
Ominous Wall Banner.png| 
White Wall Banner.png| 
Light Gray Wall Banner.png| 
Gray Wall Banner.png| 
Black Wall Banner.png| 
Brown Wall Banner.png| 
Red Wall Banner.png| 
Orange Wall Banner.png| 
Yellow Wall Banner.png| 
Lime Wall Banner.png| 
Green Wall Banner.png| 
Cyan Wall Banner.png| 
Light Blue Wall Banner.png| 
Blue Wall Banner.png| 
Purple Wall Banner.png| 
Magenta Wall Banner.png| 
Pink Wall Banner.png

File:Ominous Banner.gif|Ominous banner pattern in Java Edition.
File:Ominous Banner BE.gif|Illager banner pattern in Bedrock Edition.
File:Ominous Banner Revision 1.gif|Old Ominous banner pattern.
File:Ominous Banner washing.gif|Washing with cauldron shows how to apply the ominous banner pattern.

=== [[Lego Minecraft]] Banners ===
File:Lego Red Creeper Banner Collage.jpg|Lego banners from 21127 and 21131
File:Lego Melon Banner.png|Lego banner from 21138
File:Lego Fish Banner.png|Lego banner from 21142
File:Lego Beetroot Banner.png|Lego banner from 21144
File:Lego Wheat Banner.png|Another lego banner from 21144
File:Lego Carrot Banner.png|A third lego banner from 21144
File:Lego Crossbones Banner.png|Lego banner from 21152
File:Lego Green Creeper Banner Collage.jpg|Lego banners from 21155
File:Lego Ominous Banner.png|Lego ominous banner from 21160

== References ==


[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]
[[Category:Manufactured blocks]]
[[Category:Block entities]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]

13w47aThe description value of pack.mcmeta can now be raw JSON text format.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Blaze Rod|Blaze Rod]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Blaze Rod.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Blaze rods''' are [[item]]s exclusively obtained from [[blaze]]s. They act as a fuel for both brewing and [[smelting]], and are required to craft [[eye of ender|eyes of ender]] used to access to [[the End]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===
When killed by a player or tamed [[wolf]], a [[blaze]] has a 50% chance to drop a blaze rod. The [[Looting]] [[enchantment]] can increase the drops by one per level, for a maximum of 4 blaze rods. Blazes do not drop any blaze rods if killed by any other source.

== Usage ==

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Fuel ===

When used in a [[furnace]], a blaze rod lasts 120 seconds (12 items).

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Into Fire}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Into Fire}}

== Video ==
{{Video note|This video does not mention the crafting of [[End Rod]]s.|minor}}

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|_mhRHuRlICY}}</div>

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Blaze Rod

{{ID table
|displayname=Blaze Rod

== History ==

{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|[[File:Blaze Rod JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added blaze rods.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Blaze rods are now used to craft [[blaze powder]].}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Blaze rods are now used to craft [[brewing stand]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w07a|Blaze rods are now held similarly to [[tools]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w44b|Blaze rods are now used to craft [[end rod]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 369.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Blaze Rod JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added blaze rods. 
|Blaze rods can be used to craft [[blaze powder]] and [[brewing stand]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Blaze rods are now used to craft [[end rod]]s.}}

{{History||xbox=TU7|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Blaze Rod JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added blaze rods.
|Blaze rods can be used to craft [[blaze powder]] and [[brewing stand]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|Blaze rods are now used to craft [[end rod]]s.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Blaze Rod JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added blaze rods.
|Blaze rods can be used to craft [[blaze powder]] and [[brewing stand]]s.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* As part of an official collaboration, blaze rods are included in a free add-on for the roleplaying game [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeons_%26_Dragons ''Dungeons and Dragons''].<ref>https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj9uvqlwIT-AhV7LUQIHYlVDiwQFnoECBAQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.minecraft.net%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Fgames%2Fminecraft%2Fsoftware%2FMinecraft-Monstrous-Compendium.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0aKOqpKAHSH11qgZhN_Bhx</ref> In the game, they are worth 100 gold pieces, create light, and can be broken to create an explosion.
* They are the spinning things surrounding the blaze's head


== References ==

[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[cs:Ohnivá hůl]]
[[el:Οι ράβδοι των Blaze]]
[[es:Vara de blaze]]
[[fr:Bâton de Blaze]]
[[it:Verga di blaze]]
[[ko:블레이즈 막대]]
[[pl:Płomienna różdżka]]
[[pt:Vara de blaze]]
[[ru:Огненный стержень]]
[[tr:Alaz Çubuğu]]
[[uk:Стрижень Блейза]]
[[zh:烈焰棒]]</li><li>[[Sparkler|Sparkler]]<br/>{{About|the Education Edition exclusive item|the new melee weapon available from the ''Minecraft Dungeons'' anniversary event|MCD:Sparkler}}
| image = <gallery>
Orange Sparkler.png | Orange
Blue Sparkler.png | Blue
Red Sparkler.png | Red
Purple Sparkler.png | Purple
Green Sparkler.png | Green
| image2 = <gallery>
Active Orange Sparkler.png | Active Orange
Active Blue Sparkler.png | Active Blue
Active Red Sparkler.png | Active Red
Active Purple Sparkler.png | Active Purple
Active Green Sparkler.png | Active Green
| renewable = No
| stackable = No
{{education feature}}
A '''sparkler''' is a [[Chemistry Update|chemistry]]-related [[item]] that emits particles when lit.
Sparklers are available in orange, blue, red, purple, and green colors.

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===
|B1=Chloride |B2=Magnesium |B3=Stick
|description= Calcium Chloride: Orange<br>Cerium Chloride: Blue<br>Mercuric Chloride: Red<br>Potassium Chloride: Purple<br>Tungsten Chloride: Green<br>{{only|bedrock|education}}

== Usage ==

{{ctrl|Using}} a sparkler ignites it, causing its texture to change. When lit, the sparkler emits colored [[particles]]; the [[durability]] meter depletes while the sparkler is burning. Sparklers are one of the few [[item]]s that can be held in the [[off-hand]] {{in|be}}. Unlit sparklers have normal lighting like most items, while lit sparklers appear to glow when held in the player's hand, similarly to [[glow stick]]s.

When the [[player]] uses another item while a sparkler is lit, or holds the sparkler in the off-hand, the sparkler's durability stops depleting.

If the player has a lit sparkler in their [[inventory]] and goes into the [[water]], the sparkler is destroyed immediately. However, it does not get destroyed if dropped in water. It also cannot float.

Despite having durability, sparklers cannot be enchanted with [[Unbreaking]] or [[Mending]].

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|description=While a sparkler is active
{{Sound table
|description=While a sparkler is being lit

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

== History ==
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|[[File:Orange Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Active Orange Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Blue Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Red Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Purple Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Green Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] Added sparklers.}}

{{History||1.0.27|[[File:Orange Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Active Orange Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Blue Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Red Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Purple Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Green Sparkler BE1.png|32px]] Added sparklers.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* The formula for sparkler roughly works in real life. Magnesium itself burns white in air, while the metal salts add [[wikipedia:flame test|color to the flame]].

{{Education Edition}}

[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]
[[Category:Education Edition items]]

[[pl:Zimne ognie]]
13w48aRemoved the ability to change the Mojang logo.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Chorus Fruit|Chorus Fruit]]<br/>{{about|the fruit that drops from [[chorus tree]]s|the building material|Popped Chorus Fruit|other uses|Chorus}}
| title = Chorus Fruit
| image = Chorus Fruit.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|4}}
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Chorus fruit''' is a [[food]] [[item]] native to [[the End]] that can be eaten, or [[smelting|smelted]] into [[Popped Chorus Fruit|popped chorus fruit]]. It can be eaten even when the hunger bar is full, and eating it may teleport the [[player]] up to 8 blocks in any direction.

== Obtaining ==
{{see also|Tutorials/Chorus fruit farming}}

Chorus fruit can be obtained by breaking [[Chorus Plant (block)|chorus plant blocks]]. Each block of chorus plant has a 50% chance to drop a chorus fruit. This is not affected by [[Fortune]].<ref>{{bug|MC-198924||Chorus Fruit doesn't have a higher chance with Fortune|Invalid}}</ref>

== Usage ==
To eat chorus fruit, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|4}} [[hunger]] and 2.4 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].

Unlike most foods, chorus fruits can be eaten even when the player has a full hunger bar.

The player may also be [[teleportation|teleported]]: up to 16 attempts are made to choose a random destination within ±8 on all three axes in the same manner as [[Enderman#Teleportation|enderman teleportation]], with the exception that the player may teleport into an area only 2 blocks high, or one block tall if the player is crawling. The player does not land in the average centroid of the block, but rather to any position within an 8-block range. The player will be teleported directly down to the ground regardless of the height it was used at if the player is too far from a valid destination.

The chorus fruit, unlike an [[Ender Pearl|ender pearl]], can teleport the player through [[solid block]]s. The algorithm tries to avoid [[fluid]]s; the player cannot teleport into a space occupied by [[water]] or [[lava]]. However, the player can be teleported onto dangerous blocks such as fire, cacti and magma blocks.<ref>{{bug|MC-102836||Enderman and chorus fruit can teleport to some dangerous places}}</ref>

If a teleport succeeds, a sound similar to an enderman teleporting plays originating from the teleportation origin location. Chorus fruit has a cooldown of 1 second before being able to be used again. The cooldown is represented by a white overlay on the chorus fruit in the hotbar. The cooldown is applied to all chorus fruits items, including those in the player's inventory and containers.<ref>{{bug|MC-88236|||WAI}}</ref>

Eating chorus fruit may teleport the player into areas protected by [[bedrock]], [[barrier|barrier blocks]], or other blocks that are otherwise unbreakable in [[Survival]] mode. However, it cannot teleport the player onto [[the Nether]] roof.<ref>{{bug|MC-84198|||Fixed}}</ref>

Chorus fruit is completely non-functional above the nether roof.

[[Fox]]es can also eat chorus fruit and the teleportation effect works the same as with players.

=== Smelting ingredient ===

|Chorus Fruit
|Popped Chorus Fruit

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Player teleports
|description=When a player teleports by eating a chorus fruit
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Fox teleports
|source=Players & Friendly Creatures<wbr><ref group=sound>{{Bug|MC-257516||"Fox teleports" sound plays for both Players and Friendly Creatures sound categories}}</ref>|overridesource=1
|description=When a fox teleports by eating a chorus fruit

{{Sound table
|description=When something teleports by eating a chorus fruit

==Data values ==

{{ID table
|displayname=Chorus Fruit

{{ID table
|displayname=Chorus Fruit

{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chorus fruit.}}
{{History|||snap=15w34c|A cooldown for using chorus fruit has now been added.}}
{{History|||snap=15w37a|The chorus fruit's teleportation range has now been reduced from ±32 to ±8.}}
{{History|||snap=15w50a|Added a [[sound]] for chorus fruit: <code>item.chorus_fruit.teleport</code>.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w21a|Chorus fruit can now teleport riders off their mounts.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 432.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of chorus fruit has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.20.2|snap=23w33a|Eating chorus fruit now resets fall distance.<ref>{{bug|MC-112133||Eating chorus fruit does not reset fall distance|Fixed}}</ref>}}

{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chorus fruit.}}
{{History|||snap=alpha|The cooldown of chorus fruit now has an animation.}}
{{History||1.7.0|snap=beta|The category that chorus fruit are apart of in the [[Creative inventory]] has been changed from "Nature" to "Items".}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of chorus fruit has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Chorus fruit has been moved back to the "Nature" section in the Creative inventory.}}

{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|switch=1.0.1|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chorus fruit.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of chorus fruit has now been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||1.7.10|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chorus fruit.}}

{{issue list}}


==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--chorus-fruit Taking Inventory: Chorus Fruit] – Minecraft.net on November 5, 2020


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[es:Fruta chorus]]
[[pl:Owoc refrenusu]]
[[pt:Fruta do coro]]
[[ru:Плод коруса]]
[[uk:Фрукт хорусу]]
[[zh:紫颂果]]</li><li>[[Armor Stand|Armor Stand]]<br/>{{ItemEntity
| image = Armor Stand.png
| image2 = Armor Stand BE.png
| extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]
| stackable =
* '''[[JE]]:''' Yes (16)
* '''[[BE]]:''' Yes (64)
| renewable = Yes
| flammable = Yes
| size = '''Normal:'''<br>
Width: 0.5 Blocks<br>
Height: 1.975 Blocks<br>
Width: 0.25 Blocks<br>
Height: 0.9875 Blocks<br>
| health = {{hp|20}}
An '''armor stand''' is an inanimate [[entity]] that can wear [[armor]]. It can also hold [[Item|items]] and be posed (but these are not possible in [[Survival]] in [[Java Edition]]).

== Obtaining ==
An armor stand can be broken by quickly {{control|attack|text=attacking}} it twice, dropping itself and any armor placed onto it.

=== Crafting ===
|A1= Stick
|B1= Stick
|C1= Stick  
|B2= Stick
|A3= Stick
|B3= Smooth Stone Slab
|C3= Stick
|Output= Armor Stand
|type=Decoration block

=== Natural generation ===
Two armor stands are found in each taiga [[village]] outdoor armory, one equipped with an [[iron helmet]], the other with an [[iron chestplate]].

== Usage ==
[[Player]]s can use armor stands to hold [[armor]], [[mob head]]s, [[carved pumpkin]]s, and [[elytra]]. [[Commands]] can be used to give them other [[item]]s. The stand does not have a GUI, so players interact with it directly. Armor stands are also able to be placed in different orientations, similar to [[banner]]s or [[sign]]s. Armor stands are [[entity|entities]], allowing them to be pushed by [[piston]]s, moved by flowing [[water]], pulled with [[fishing rod]]s, pushed by players (with knockback), and bounced by [[slime block]]s. 

{{Control|use|text=Using}} armor on the stand places the armor if done on a bare spot. Conversely, clicking on armor with a bare hand removes the armor and places it in the highlighted hotbar slot. It is not possible to take or place items from the armor stand's hands unless playing on Bedrock Edition.

Armor, mob heads, or carved pumpkins can be automatically placed on armor stands with a [[dispenser]].

Armor stands can be customized further to have arms, pose, disobey gravity, dual wield and other things by summoning them using {{cmd|summon}} with [[Tutorials/Command NBT tags#Armor Stand|NBT tags]].

In maps heavily using [[command blocks]], armor stands can be used to keep [[scoreboard]] objectives that are 'global' to the map, run [[commands]], etc. 

{{IN|bedrock}}, the pose of the armor stand can be changed by interacting with the armor stand (or pressing the {{btn|Pose|be=1}} button on mobile devices) while sneaking, or by using a redstone signal. There are 13 possible poses. Armor stands can also hold items by interacting with the armor stand (or pressing the {{btn|Equip|be=1}} button on mobile devices) while holding an item that cannot be worn.

;<nowiki>Below are the poses:
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
!No.!!Namespace ID!! Redstone power
! !! Image
|[[File:Armor Stand Default Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand No Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Solemn Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Athena Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Brandish Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Honor Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Entertain Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Salute Pose.png|128px]]
|8, 13 or more
|[[File:Armor Stand Hero Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Riposte Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Zombie Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Cancan A Pose.png|128px]]
|[[File:Armor Stand Cancan B Pose.png|128px]]


Because armor stands are entities, they obey gravity, allowing them to fall and rest on non-full [[block]]s such as [[enchanting table]]s, [[snow layer]]s and [[slab]]s.

Any [[armor]] on the stand drops when the stand is broken. Armor stands can display [[enchanting|enchanted]] and all forms of [[dye]]d armor. The effects of most enchanted armor have no effect when on an armor stand, with three exceptions: 
*[[Frost Walker]] creates [[frosted ice]] blocks on [[water]] as usual if an armor stand is pushed with a [[piston]].
*[[Depth Strider]] slows the movement of the armor stand when being pushed with water.
*A [[player]] may take damage from hitting an armor stand that holds armor enchanted with [[Thorns]].

Armor stands are not damaged by [[cacti]] but can be broken by [[arrow]]s. An armor stand destroyed by an explosion or a firework does not drop as an [[item (entity)|item]]. Armor stands in water and [[lava]] at the same time are not consumed by the lava.

{{IN|be}}, armor stands can be affected by [[status effect]]s. They can be 'killed' by [[Harming]] and [[Decay]] [[splash potion|splash]]/[[lingering potion]]s, lava, [[fire]], and [[campfire]]s, and they play the player death sound and fall to their side and disappear, yielding no armor stand item. If an armor stand is equipped with an item or armor, that item or armor is considered as "naturally-spawned equipment" with an 8.5% chance of dropping when the armor stand "dies" from the [[Instant Damage]] or the [[Wither (status effect)|Wither]] status effect. If the dropped item is any form of [[weapon]], [[tool]] or armor, it drops in a badly damaged state because the game considers it as "naturally-spawned equipment".<ref>{{Bug|MCPE-24341}}</ref>

The stand wobbles slightly when being hit by the player.

{{IN|java}}, it is possible to create an armor stand with arms using the {{cmd|summon}} [[command]]. It is also possible to change an armor stand without arms into a stand with arms by using the {{cmd|data}} command. The commands are as follows:

*<code>/data merge entity @e[type=armor_stand,sort=nearest,limit=1] {ShowArms:1}</code>, which changes the nearest armor stand into an armor stand with arms.
*<code>/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {ShowArms:1}</code>, which summons a new armor stand with arms shown.
*<code>/summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Rotation:[0.0f]}</code>, which summons a new armor stand that faces a desired direction (dependent on changing "0.0f" to other numbers like "90.0f" or "180.0f", otherwise it faces the same way as a default armor stand).

Armor stands use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.
{{Sound table
|sound=Armor Stand hit1.ogg
|sound2=Armor Stand hit2.ogg
|sound3=Armor Stand hit3.ogg
|sound4=Armor Stand hit4.ogg
|subtitle=Block breaking
|source=Friendly Creatures
|description=When an armor stand is damaged
{{Sound table
|sound=Armor Stand break1.ogg
|sound2=Armor Stand break2.ogg
|sound3=Armor Stand break3.ogg
|sound4=Armor Stand break4.ogg
|subtitle=Block broken
|source=Friendly Creatures
|description=When an armor stand is destroyed
{{Sound table
|sound=Stone dig1.ogg
|sound2=Stone dig2.ogg
|sound3=Stone dig3.ogg
|sound4=Stone dig4.ogg
|subtitle=Block placed
|description=When an armor stand is placed
{{Sound table
|sound=Wood dig1.ogg
|sound2=Wood dig2.ogg
|sound3=Wood dig3.ogg
|sound4=Wood dig4.ogg
|subtitle=Block placed
|source=Friendly Creatures
|description=When an armor stand falls onto a block at a high speed{{Info needed}}

{{Sound table
|sound=Armor Stand hit1.ogg
|sound2=Armor Stand hit2.ogg
|sound3=Armor Stand hit3.ogg
|sound4=Armor Stand hit4.ogg
|description=When an armor stand is damaged
{{Sound table
|sound=Armor Stand break1.ogg
|sound2=Armor Stand break2.ogg
|sound3=Armor Stand break3.ogg
|sound4=Armor Stand break4.ogg
|description=When an armor stand is destroyed
{{Sound table
|sound=Stone dig1.ogg
|sound2=Stone dig2.ogg
|sound3=Stone dig3.ogg
|sound4=Stone dig4.ogg
|description=When an armor stand is placed
{{Sound table
|sound=Wood dig1.ogg
|sound2=Wood dig2.ogg
|sound3=Wood dig3.ogg
|sound4=Wood dig4.ogg
|description=When an armor stand falls onto a block at a high speed{{Info needed}}

==Data values==
{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Armor Stand
{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Armor Stand

{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Armor Stand
{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Armor Stand

===Item data===

{{main|Player.dat format}}
<div class="treeview">
* {{nbt|compound|tag}}: The item's '''tag''' tag.
{{:Player.dat_format/Entity Spawners}}

:{{IN|bedrock}}, armor stands have no additional item tag.
:See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].

===Entity data===
Armor stands have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the [[entity]].

{{main|Entity format}}

:See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].

== Video==
Note: This video is outdated as Zoglins now attack armor stands
<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|tCFkdTfCleQ}}</div>

{{History||1.8|snap=August 5, 2014|slink={{Tweet|SeargeDP|496666952530538498}}|[[File:Armor Stand (pre-release).png|32px]] [[File:Armor Stand (item) (pre-release).png|32px]] [[Searge]] tweeted a image of an armor stand. The appearance was changed before release.}}
{{History|||snap=August 5, 2014|slink={{Tweet|SeargeDP|496673890148823040}}|Showed crafting recipe and name "[Armor Stand]", both were changed before release.}}
{{History|||snap=14w32a|[[File:Armor Stand JE1.png|32px]] Added armor stands.}}
{{History|||snap=14w32b|[[File:Armor Stand (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] The item texture has changed.
|Pick-block can now be used on armor stands.
|Armor stands can now no longer be crafted using [[slabs]] other than stone slabs.}}
{{History|||snap=14w32c|Added a <code>NoBasePlate</code> tag for the armor stand.}}
{{History|||snap=14w33a|Breaking [[particles]] have been added for the armor stand.}}
{{History||1.8.1|snap=pre1|Added <code>Marker</code> tag for armor stands.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Armor stands can now dual wield.
|<code>HandItems</code> and <code>ArmorItems</code> tags added for armor stands, which is intended to replace the <code>Equipment</code> tag.}}
{{History|||snap=15w33a|The <code>Equipment</code> tag has been removed from armor stands.}}
{{History|||snap=15w47a|The armor stand now wobbles when hit by the [[player]].}}
{{History|||snap=16w02a|Marker <code>ArmorStand</code>s now outline their equipment only when glowing.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID of the armor stand has been changed from <code>ArmorStand</code> to <code>armor_stand</code>.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 416.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Armor Stand JE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stands has been changed to the new [[planks|oak planks]] texture.
|[[File:Armor Stand (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stand [[item]]s has been slightly changed. (Comparison: [[File:Armor Stand (item) Texture Change 1.13 to 18w43a.gif|32px]])}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|[[File:Armor Stand JE3.png|32px]] The texture of armor stands has been changed again.
|Armor stands now generate in taiga [[village]]s.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w42a|Armor stands can now be placed by [[dispenser]]s.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|Armor stands no longer fall through fences and walls when placed.<ref>{{bug|MC-65951}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=20w14a|[[Zoglin]]s now attack armor stands.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|[[File:Armor Stand 20w45a.png|32px]] The model of the armor stand has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=20w46a|[[File:Armor Stand JE3.png|32px]] The model of the armor stand has been changed back to how it was in 1.16.}}
{{History||1.18|snap=Pre-release 5|[[File:Armor Stand JE4.png|32px]] Changed smooth stone texture on armor stand.}}
{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w03a|Armor stands now preserve custom names when placed and broken.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|An armor stand now appears in the smithing table GUI; arms are displayed as in Bedrock Edition.
|When an armor stand is placed, its model now changes in effect of the player's facing direction<ref>{{bug|MC-93533}}</ref>.}}
{{History|||snap=23w06a|The model no longer changes when the armory is placed. Also, the head, which tilted slightly to the lower right in the version from 1.8 up to 1.19.3, now faces forward from [[File:Armor Stand JE4.png|32px]] to [[File:Armor Stand JE5.png|32px]].}}
{{History||?|Armor can now be swapped in [[armor stand]]s by {{ctrl|using}} them in the armor stand's slot.}}

{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|[[File:Armor Stand BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Armor Stand (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added armor stands.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Armor Stand BE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stands has been changed.
|[[File:Armor Stand (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stand [[item]]s has been slightly changed.}}
{{History||1.12.0|snap=beta|[[File:Armor Stand with Leather Armor MCPE-44669.png|32px]] Leather [[armor]] no longer shows as being [[dye]]d properly when worn by armor stands.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Armor Stand wear Chicken.png|x73px]][[File:Armor Stand wear Rabbit.png|x73px]] [[File:Armor Stand wear Salmon.gif|x73px]] [[File:Armor Stand wear Pufferfish.gif|x73px]] [[File:Armor Stand wear Slime.png|x73px]] When armor stands hold a [[raw chicken]], [[raw rabbit]], [[raw salmon]], [[pufferfish]] or a [[slime block]], they now wear these [[mob]] counterparts.<ref>{{bug|mcpe-48629}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Leather armor now shows as being dyed properly when worn by armor stands.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Armor stands no longer hold certain [[mob]]s if they are holding a [[item]] related to them.
|Armor stands now have a smoother animation when changing poses.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=?|Armor stands are now targeted by zoglins.}}
{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|Armor stands are no longer attacked by [[goat]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Armor Stand JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Armor Stand (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added armor stands.}}
{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|Added [[sound]]s for armor stands.}}
{{History||xbox=TU60|xbone=CU51|ps=1.64|wiiu=Patch 30|switch=1.0.11|[[File:Armor Stand BE1.png|32px]] Armor stands now have arms and the [[player]] can now change the pose of the armor stand.}}	
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Armor Stand BE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stands has been changed.
|[[File:Armor Stand (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of armor stand [[item]]s has been slightly changed.}}

Armour stand 1.png|The first image of the armor stand.
JE 1.8 Dev Armor Stand crafting.png|The first image of armor stand crafting recipe.
The Bountiful Update.png|Armor stands in the [[Java Edition 1.8|1.8]] poster.
Dual Wielding Armor Stand.png|A dual wielding armor stand.
Glowing Armor Stands.png|Armor stands with the [[glowing]] effect.
Armor Stand Chess.jpg|Chess with armor stands.

{{issue list}}

==Trivia ==
*Equipping armor stands with certain [[block]]s and [[item]]s can cause rendering glitches. According to [[Searge]] this is due to transparent rendering on entities not yet being supported.<ref>{{bug|MC-67415||"Armor Stands with Slime Block rendering entities behind them"}} resolved as "Won't Fix"</ref><ref>{{bug|MC-67674||"Armor Stand wearing a Skull and Holding Stained Glass causes Graphical issues"}} resolved as "Won't Fix"</ref>
*Bedrock Edition has a version exclusive armor stand [[model]], which includes posable arms.
*Using [[redstone]] to change the stands reverse the poses, starting with the can-can pose first.
*Placing the stand within three powered [[redstone dust]] always changes its pose to the honor pose. [[Redstone Repeater|Repeaters]] also switch the stand to the honor pose if not set four blocks from one.
*Using external tools, armor stand spawners can be placed.
*Secret signatures for [[Jasper Boerstra|JAPPA]], Chi Wong, and [[Michael Stoyke|Searge]] can be found at the bottom of the armor stand texture.

== Gallery ==
;Armor (Java Edition)
Armor Stand Leather.png
Armor Stand Golden.png
Armor Stand Chainmail.png
Armor Stand Iron.png
Armor Stand Diamond.png
Armor Stand Netherite.png

; Armor (Bedrock Edition)
Armor Stand with Leather Armor BE.png
Armor Stand with Golden Armor BE.png
Armor Stand with Chain Armor BE.png
Armor Stand with Iron Armor BE.png
Armor Stand with Diamond Armor BE.png
Armor Stand with Netherite Armor BE.png

Armor Stand Pose 0.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 1.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 2.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 3.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 4.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 5.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 6.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 7.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 8.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 9.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 10.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 11.png| 
Armor Stand Pose 12.png|

Armor Stand Demo.png|Armor stands in various positions with various [[armor]].
Armor Stand glass and sword.png|Armor stands can wear [[block]]s on their heads. This is accessible with [[command]]s such as {{cmd|item}}.
Bedrock edition armor stand poses.png|All armor stand poses as seen in {{el|be}}.
Netherite to the rescue!.png|An entire set of netherite [[armor]] on an armor stand.
Armor Stand Garage.png|An armor stand in a garage.

==References ==

==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--armor-stand Taking Inventory: Armor Stand] – Minecraft.net on March 16, 2023



[[es:Soporte para armadura]]
[[ko:갑옷 거치대]]
[[pl:Stojak na zbroję]]
[[pt:Suporte de armaduras]]
[[ru:Стойка для брони]]
[[uk:Стійка для обладунків]]
14w06aAdded the ability to change the block models.
14w07aResource packs can now be bundled with a map.
14w25aThe model format now supports custom item models.
Textures can now be specified for blocks and items.
Added the interpolate tag for animations.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Horse Saddle|Horse Saddle]]<br/>{{About|the removed item|the current item|Saddle}}
{{outdated feature|edition=java}}
| title = Horse Saddle
| image = Horse Saddle.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (32)

'''Horse saddles''' were [[item]]s which allowed the player to ride [[horse]]s.

== Obtaining ==
=== Crafting ===
{{crafting |ignoreusage=1
|A1=Leather    |B1=Leather    |C1=Leather
|A2=Leather    |B2=Iron Ingot |C2=Leather
|A3=Iron Ingot                |C3=Iron Ingot
|Output=Horse Saddle

== Usage ==
Horse saddles worked just like regular [[saddle]]s, but for [[horse]]s instead of [[pig]]s. Taming a horse was required before putting a horse saddle on it. Unlike any other items, horse saddles could be stacked up to 32.

== Sounds ==
''None''<ref>{{ytl|2a6BQeW6is4|t=330}}; sounds for horses were not added until [[13w22a]]</ref>

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Horse Saddle

== History ==
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|[[File:Horse Saddle JE1.png|32px]] Added horse saddles.}}
{{History|||snap=13w18a|Horse saddles have been removed.
|[[Horse]]s and [[zombie horse]]s can now be ridden using regular [[saddle]]s.}}

== Issues ==
Horse saddles have been removed from the game, and as such are no longer supported.

{{Removed Features}}

[[es:Montura de caballo]]
[[fr:Selle de cheval]]
[[it:Sella di cavallo]]
[[ko:말 안장]]
[[pt:Sela para cavalo]]
[[zh:马鞍]]</li><li>[[Ice Bomb|Ice Bomb]]<br/>{{education feature}}
|image=Ice Bomb.png
|renewable=No (unless [[Material Reducer]] is available)<!-- Well, CHO are everywhere in sugar and charcoal, and sodium is in cobblestone... -->
|stackable=Yes (16)
|size=Height: 0.25 Blocks<br>Width: 0.25 Blocks
The '''ice bomb''' is an [[item]] that is used to freeze [[water]] into [[ice]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Lab Table ===

{| class="wikitable"
! Result
! Materials Needed
!rowspan=2|{{slot|Ice Bomb}}<br>[[Ice Bomb]]
|{{slot|Sodium Acetate|link=Compound#List_of_compounds}}{{slot|Sodium Acetate|link=Compound#List_of_compounds}}{{slot|Sodium Acetate|link=Compound#List_of_compounds}}{{slot|Sodium Acetate|link=Compound#List_of_compounds}}
|<center>[[Compound#List_of_compounds|Sodium Acetate]] x4</center>

== Usage ==

Ice bombs can be thrown by {{control|using}} them. They are affected by gravity.

Like with [[ender pearl]]s, there is a short cooldown before the player can throw another ice bomb. The cooldown is shown in the [[hotbar]] by a white overlay that shrinks before the player is able to use it again.

Ice bombs explode upon hitting most [[blocks]], including non-solid blocks, but not [[air]]. They also explode upon hitting other entities, but do not deal [[damage]], and unlike [[egg]]s and [[snowball]]s, their impact is not considered an attack and does no damage or knockback. When exploding, any [[water]] (including flowing water, but not [[waterlogged]] blocks) in a 3×3×3 cube around the ice bomb freezes into [[ice]]. Ice bombs can be used to contain and displace [[mobs]] in ice under water.

While [[endermen]] teleport away from arrows shot at them, they can be hit by ice bombs. 

Throwing an ice bomb while underwater encloses the player in ice.

{| class="wikitable"
|+Ice bomb arrangement table
|Ice bomb

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Zombie breaks door.ogg
|description=When an ice bomb is created by a [[lab table]]
{{Sound table
|sound=Glass dig1.ogg
|sound2=Glass dig2.ogg
|sound3=Glass dig3.ogg
|description=When an ice bomb impacts something

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Ice Bomb
{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Ice Bomb

== History ==

{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|[[File:Ice Bomb BE1.png|32px]] Added ice bombs.}}

{{History||1.0.27|[[File:Ice Bomb BE1.png|32px]] Added ice bombs.}}

== Trivia ==

* In real life, mixing a sufficient amount of sodium acetate in water does solidify it, but creates [[wikipedia:Sodium acetate#Heating pad|hot ice]] (sodium acetate trihydrate) instead of normal ice.

{{Education Edition}}

[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]
[[Category:Education Edition items]]
[[Category:Education Edition entities]]

[[pl:Lodowa bomba]]
[[ko:얼음 폭탄]]
[[pt:Bomba de gelo]]
preResource packs now display an error if the format number is wrong. At this time, it requires a format number of 1.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Poisonous Potato|Poisonous Potato]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Poisonous Potato
| image = Poisonous Potato.png
| heals = {{hunger|2}}
|effects={{EffectLink|Poison}} (0:05) (60% chance)
| stackable = Yes (64)
| renewable = Yes

A '''poisonous potato''' is a type of [[potato]] that can [[poison]] the [[player]].

== Obtaining ==

The poisonous potato is a rare [[drop]] when harvesting (destroying) [[potato|potato crops]]; a fully grown plant has a 2% chance of dropping one in addition to the 2-5 regular potatoes.

=== Chest loot ===


== Usage ==
Poisonous potatoes cannot be planted on [[farmland]] or [[Baked Potato|baked]]. They also have no use with the [[composter]].<ref>{{bug|MC-142373|resolution=WAI}}</ref>

=== Food ===
{{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management|title1=Hunger management}}
To eat a poisonous potato, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|2}} [[hunger]] and 1.2 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]] and has a 60% chance of applying 5 seconds of [[Poison]] II, draining {{hp|4|poisoned=1}} points of [[health]].
Interestingly, a poisonous potato actually restores double the hunger and saturation than a normal, unpoisoned potato. (A normal potato gives {{hunger|1}} hunger and 0.6 saturation points.)

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Poisonous Potato

{{ID table
|displayname=Poisonous Potato

== History ==

{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|[[File:Poisonous Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added poisonous potatoes.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[Java_Edition_1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 394.}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Poisonous potatoes now generate in the [[chest]]s of [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Poisonous Potato JE2.png|32px]] The texture of poisonous potatoes has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|[[File:Poisonous Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of poisonous potatoes has been changed, once again.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Poisonous Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added poisonous potatoes.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Poisonous potatoes can now be found inside of [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Poisonous Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of poisonous potatoes has been changed.}}

{{History||xbox=TU14|xbone=CU1|ps=1.04|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Poisonous Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added poisonous potatoes.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Poisonous Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of poisonous potatoes has been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Poisonous Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added poisonous potatoes.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== References ==



[[cs:Jedovatá brambora]]
[[de:Giftige Kartoffel]]
[[es:Patata envenenada]]
[[fr:Pomme de terre empoisonnée]]
[[hu:Mérgező burgonya]]
[[it:Patata velenosa]]
[[ko:독이 있는 감자]]
[[nl:Giftige aardappel]]
[[pl:Trujący ziemniak]]
[[pt:Batata venenosa]]
[[ru:Ядовитый картофель]]
[[uk:Отруйна картопля]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Sweet Berries|Sweet Berries]]<br/>{{Block
| title = Sweet Berries
| image = <gallery>
Sweet Berry Bush Age 0.png| Age 0
Sweet Berry Bush Age 1.png| Age 1
Sweet Berry Bush Age 2.png| Age 2
Sweet Berry Bush Age 3.png| Age 3
| image2 = Sweet Berries JE1 BE1.png
| transparent = Yes
| light = No
| tool = Any
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| heals = {{hunger|2}}
| flammable = Yes (60 java, 30 bedrock)
| lavasusceptible = No

'''Sweet berries''' are a [[food]] [[item]] obtained from sweet berry bushes and are used to plant them.

'''Sweet berry bushes''' are quick-growing, [[Bone Meal|bonemealable]] [[Plant|plants]] that grow sweet berries, and damage and slow [[Player|players]] and most [[Mob|mobs]] moving through them. They can be found naturally in [[taiga]] and [[Snowy Taiga|snowy taiga]] biomes.

== Obtaining ==

=== Breaking ===
{{See also|Fortune#Discrete random}}
Sweet berry bushes can be mined instantly with any tool or by hand. A mature sweet berry bush yields 2–3 sweet berries. On its third growth stage, it yields 1–2 sweet berries. Each level of [[Fortune]] can increase the amount of drops by 1.

{{IN|ps4}}, the sweet berries drop into the player's inventory. In other editions, they drop on the ground.

=== Natural generation ===
Berry bushes commonly generate in [[taiga]] and [[snowy taiga]] biomes. Each [[chunk]] has {{frac|1|12}} chance to generate sweet berry bushes in [[random patch]]es. They also generate in both [[old growth pine taiga]] and [[old growth spruce taiga]].

=== Chest loot ===

=== Post-generation ===
Sweet berries can be collected from a sweet berry bush by {{control|using}} or {{control|breaking}} it, which yield 1–2 sweet berries in its third growth stage, and 2–3 sweet berries in its final growth stage.

== Usage ==
=== Placement ===
Placing [[sweet berries]] on a [[grass block]], [[dirt]], [[podzol]], [[coarse dirt]], [[farmland]]{{Only|Java}}, or [[moss block]] creates a small sweet berry bush that eventually becomes a fully grown sweet berry bush.

=== Growth ===
A sweet berry bush grows through four stages after it is planted. Its first growth stage is a small bush without any berries. It becomes a grown plant in its second stage, and produces berries in its third and fourth growth stage. The bush needs to be in light level 9 or greater to grow. {{control|Using}} [[bone meal]] on it increases its growth stage by one, and at full maturity, ejects the sweet berry item. The bush can be placed on a 1 block high space, but it cannot grow with a full, non-transparent block immediately above it.

=== Food ===

To eat sweet berries, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|2}} [[hunger]] and 0.4{{only|je|short=1}} / 1.2{{only|be|short=1}} hunger [[saturation]].

=== Composting ===
Placing sweet berries into a [[composter]] has a 30% chance of raising the compost level by 1.

=== Breeding ===
Sweet berries can be fed to [[fox]]es to [[breeding|breed]] them. Foxes are similar to cats when being fed as a wild animal; a sudden movement by the [[player]] may cause the fox to flee even if the player holds sweet berries. A baby fox bred by a [[player]] trusts the player and does not flee.

=== Trading ===
Master-level butcher [[villager]]s offer to [[trading|buy]] 10 sweet berries for an [[emerald]].

=== Entity movement ===

A sweet berry bush (at any stage) slows down all [[entity|entities]] (except [[Item (entity)|items]]) passing through it. At stage 1 and higher, it causes damage. [[Fox]]es are immune to both characteristics, however. Sweet berry bushes deal {{hp|1}} [[damage]] every 0.5 seconds, only if the entity is moving in the hitbox of the bush. Entities that move through sweet berry bushes slow down to about 34.05% of their normal speed, similar to how a [[cobweb]] slows down mobs to 15% of normal speed. This makes it impossible to jump a full [[block]] while inside the bush.

Mobs at standard block height in a [[minecart]] are not damaged when the minecart is pushed through sweet berries. Players in a sweet berry bush take no damage except from horizontal movement, but are unable to jump out of the bush, similar to a cobweb.

=== Bees ===
[[Bee]]s pollinate sweet berry bushes, and then increase the honey level in [[beehive]]s and bee nests by 1.{{only|java}}

== Sounds ==
=== Generic ===
==== Block ====
{{Sound table/Block/Sweet berry bush}}
==== Item ====
{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}
=== Unique ===
{{Sound table
|sound=Berries pick1.ogg
|sound2=Berries pick2.ogg
|subtitle=Berries pop
|description=When sweet berries are picked by a player
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Berries pop
|description=When sweet berries are picked by a fox
{{Sound table
|sound=Player hurt sweet berry bush1.ogg
|sound2=Player hurt sweet berry bush2.ogg
|subtitle=Player hurts
|description=When a player is damaged by touching a sweet berry bush

{{Sound table
|sound=Berries pick1.ogg
|sound2=Berries pick2.ogg
|description=When sweet berries are picked
{{Sound table
|sound=Player hurt sweet berry bush1.ogg
|sound2=Player hurt sweet berry bush2.ogg
|description=When a player is damaged by touching a sweet berry bush

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Sweet Berry Bush
|blocktags=azalea_log_replaceable, bee_growables
{{ID table
|displayname=Sweet Berries

{{ID table
|displayname=Sweet Berry Bush
{{ID table
|displayname=Sweet Berries

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

{{Load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet;The Parrots and the Bats;Two by Two}}

== History ==
{{History||September 26, 2018|link={{tweet|minecraft|1044587405779451906}}|Berries are announced to be part of the [[biome]] vote at [[MINECON Earth 2018]].}}
{{History||September 29, 2018|link={{tweet|minecraft|1046097775199498245}}|[[Taiga]] wins the [[biome]] vote, meaning berries are to be added to the game first.}}

{{History||December 3, 2018|link={{tweet|cojomax99|1069586461173919745}}|[[Cojomax99]] tweets an image of some berries.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w49a|[[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 0 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 1 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 2 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 3 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berry bushes.|
[[File:Sweet Berries JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berries.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Sweet berries can now be found within [[taiga]] [[village]] loot [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing a sweet berry into the new [[composter]] has a 10% chance of raising the compost level by 1.
|Added [[sound]]s for sweet berry bushes.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Sweet berries now have a 30% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.
|The [[sound]] for planting sweet berries has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w07a|Sweet berries can now be fed to [[fox]]es to [[breeding|breed]] them.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Butcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] sweet berries.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate sweet berry bushes.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-Release 2|Sweet berries now generate in [[giant tree taiga]] biomes.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=Pre-release 1|Sweet berry bushes no longer prevent mob spawning inside them.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w20a|The sound event for picking berries has been changed as to align better with that of glow berries.<ref>{{bug|MC-220063}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.18|snap=1.18-pre5|Sweet berry bushes in taigas are about 4 times more common than in previous snapshots.}}

{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Sweet Berries JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berries, which are available only through Experimental Gameplay.|[[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 0 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 1 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 2 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 3 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berry bushes, available only through Experimental Gameplay.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Sweet berries can now be used to fill [[composter]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Sweet berries and sweet berry bushes have been fully implemented and are now separate from Experimental Gameplay.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Sweet berries can now be [[trading|sold]] to butcher [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Sweet berries can now be fed to [[fox]]es to [[breeding|breed]] them.}}
{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate sweet berry bushes.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Sweet berry bushes now properly damage entities.<ref>{{Bug|MCPE-56142}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Bees no longer gather nectar from sweet berry bushes.}}

{{History||1.91|[[File:Sweet Berries JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berries.|[[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 0 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 1 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 2 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sweet Berry Bush Age 3 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sweet berry bushes.}}

=== Sweet berry bush "item" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Sweet Berry Bush}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list|berry|berries|sweet berry|sweet berries|berry bush|sweet berry bush}}

* {{IN|java}}, sweet berry bushes absorb [[fall damage]] like [[water]].<ref>{{bug|MC-149990|||WAI}}</ref>
* Foxes harvest mature sweet berry bushes that have grown into their third or fourth stage. Unlike how carrots eaten by rabbits are destroyed and not dropped as items, sweet berry bushes harvested by foxes drop as items, although the fox may pick up one of the dropped berries. The bush remains intact, allowing for automatic sweet berry farms.

== Gallery ==
Berry Bush.png|A close-up look of a sweet berry bush.
Naturally generated berry bushes.png|A naturally generated sweet berry bush.
Multiplebushes.png|Multiple bushes of sweet berries in Taiga biome.
BerryBushCloseToRavine.png|A berry bush that is close to a ravine.
Cozy Cabin Berries.jpg|Berry bushes near a cozy cabin.



[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Natural blocks]]
[[Category:Flammable blocks]]

[[cs:Sladké bobule]]
[[es:Bayas dulces]]
[[fr:Baies sucrées]]
[[ko:달콤한 열매]]
[[pl:Słodkie jagody]]
[[pt:Bagas doces]]
[[ru:Сладкие ягоды]]
15w31aChanged format number to 2, due to changes in the model system, such as item tags, multipart, and changes to display tags.
Using resource packs with outdated display tags causes the models to seem abnormally up-scaled and the wielded block cannot be rotated in the hand, along with blocks in the inventory replaced with a 2D texture. This is similar to what happens when a model has no display tags. See here for an example.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Light Gray Dye|Light Gray Dye]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Light Gray Dye.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Light gray dye'''{{fn|Known as '''Light Grey Dye''' in British, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand English variants.}} is a [[Dyeing#Primary Colors|quasi-primary dye]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

  |Azure Bluet;Oxeye Daisy;White Tulip
  |Output=Light Gray Dye
  |Black Dye
  |White Dye
  |White Dye
  |Output=Light Gray Dye,3
  |description={{IN|bedrock}}, the black and white dye can be replaced with [[ink sac]]s and [[bone meal]], respectively.
  |Gray Dye
  |White Dye
  |Output=Light Gray Dye,2
  |description={{IN|bedrock}}, the white dye can be replaced with [[bone meal]].

=== Trading ===

[[Wandering trader]]s sell 3 light gray dye for an [[emerald]].

== Usage ==

{{dye usage}}

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|ignore=Banner|continue=1}}
{{banner crafting usage}}

=== Loom ingredient ===
{{Banner loom usage|Light Gray Dye}}

=== Trading ===
Expert-level shepherd villagers have {{frac|1|6}} chance to buy 12 light gray dye for an emerald.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Gray Dye

{{ID table
|displayname=Light Gray Dye
|aliasid=dye / 7

== Video ==

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|1w3j1SKcoww}}</div>

== History ==

{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|[[File:Light Gray Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added light gray dye.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Added the ability to [[Armor#Dyeing|dye]] leather [[armor]] and [[wolf]] collars.}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Light gray dye can now be [[crafting|crafted]] with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}} 
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|[[Stained clay]] can now be crafted.}}
{{history||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|With the addition of new [[flower]]s, many secondary and tertiary dyes are now primary [[dye]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=13w41a|[[Stained glass]] can now be crafted.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w30a|Added [[banner]]s, which can be dyed.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Added the ability to dye [[shulker box]]es.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w15a|Added the ability to dye [[bed]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have now been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 351.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Light gray dye is now crafted using [[white dye|white]] and [[black dye]]s, instead of [[bone meal]] and [[ink sac]]s.
|[[File:Light Gray Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of light gray dye has now been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|Light gray dye can now change the text color on [[sign]]s to light gray.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added the [[wandering trader]], which sells light gray dye.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Light gray dye can now be [[trading|bought]] by shepherd villagers.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Light gray dye can now be used to craft [[light gray candle]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=21w19a|Light gray dye can no longer be used to craft light gray candles.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Light gray dye can now once again be used to craft light gray candles.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Light gray dye can now change the text color on [[hanging sign]]s to light gray.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Light Gray Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added light gray dye. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Light gray dye can be [[craft]]ed with [[bone meal]] and [[gray dye]], or with two bone meals and an [[ink sac]], despite there being no way of obtaining gray dye or ink sacs at the time.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 3|Light gray dye is now available in [[creative]] mode.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 3|Light gray dye can now be obtained in [[survival]] mode.}}
{{History|||snap=build 11|Light gray dye can now be used to craft colored [[terracotta]].}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Light gray dye can now be used to dye tamed [[wolf]] collars.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Light gray dye can now be used to dye [[water]] in [[cauldron]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Light gray dye can now be used to dye [[shulker]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Light gray dye can now be used to craft [[concrete powder]], colored [[bed]]s and dyed [[shulker box]]es.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Light gray dye can now be used to craft [[firework star]]s, [[stained glass]] and patterns on [[banner]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Light gray dye can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s and [[glow stick]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Light gray dye can now be used to dye tamed [[cat]] collars.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Light gray dye is now [[trading|sold]] by [[wandering trader]]s.
|Light gray dye can now be used to dye white [[carpet]]s and undyed [[glass pane]]s.
|[[File:Light Gray Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of light gray dye has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Light gray dye can be [[trading|sold]] to shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of light gray dye has been changed from <code>dye/7</code> to <code>light_gray_dye</code>.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|switch=1.0.1|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Light Gray Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added light gray dye.}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Light Gray Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of light gray dye has now been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Light Gray Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added light gray dye.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==

* In [[Bedrock Edition]], Some items/blocks' Block states/Item NBT uses '''Silver''' instead of '''Light Gray''' 

== Notes ==



[[cs:Světle šedé barvivo]]
[[de:Hellgrauer Farbstoff]]
[[es:Tinte gris claro]]
[[fr:Teinture gris clair]]
[[hu:Világosszürke festék]]
[[ko:회백색 염료]]
[[nl:Lichtgrijze kleurstof]]
[[pl:Jasnoszary barwnik]]
[[pt:Corante cinza-claro]]
[[ru:Светло-серый краситель]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Spawn Egg|Spawn Egg]]<br/>{{distinguish|Egg|Frogspawn|Dragon Egg|Sniffer Egg|Turtle Egg}}
| image = Spawn Egg.png
| extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]
| stackable = Yes (64), the same type of spawn egg only
| renewable = No
{{Many images}}
A '''spawn egg'''<ref group=fn>Known as '''''<Mob>'' Spawn Egg''' {{in|java}} and '''Spawn ''<Mob>''''' {{in|bedrock}}, where ''<Mob>'' is the name of the mob it spawns.</ref> is an [[item]] used to spawn [[mobs]] directly.

== Obtaining ==
Spawn eggs can be obtained only in [[Creative]] mode or using [[commands]]. In Creative mode, the [[player]] can press {{control|pick block}} on an existing mob to obtain their respective egg. Spawn eggs are also available in the Creative inventory. There are 77 spawn eggs {{in|bedrock}} and 75 spawn eggs {{in|java}}.

== Usage ==

A spawn egg is used by pressing {{control|use}} on any surface (top, bottom, or side) with the egg. When used on a top surface, the egg's [[mob]] appears with its feet immediately adjacent to the surface, and its ambient sound is played.

Spawn eggs are not thrown (unlike normal [[egg]]s); the player must be within normal range of the block to use the spawn egg. Ocelot and all monster mobs (except [[shulker]]s, [[piglin]]s, [[hoglin]]s; and in Bedrock Edition, also include [[vindicator]]s, [[evoker]]s, [[zoglin]]s, [[piglin brute]]s) spawned while on Peaceful difficulty get created and immediately deleted from the world.

The surfaces of blocks are prioritized for spawning; if none are within reach, mobs can also be spawned in [[water]].

=== Dispensers ===
A spawn egg fired from a [[dispenser]] spawns the [[mob]] directly in front of the dispenser. The spawn egg is consumed when fired.

=== Baby mobs ===
If the [[player]] {{control|uses}} a spawn egg on the type of [[mob]] it spawns, and that mob has a baby form, the egg spawns a baby version of the mob. In mobs that can breed, the baby is created by breeding the clicked mob to itself. For instance, using a sheep spawn egg on a [[sheep]] makes a baby sheep with the same wool color.{{only|java}}

Other mobs such as [[evoker]]s, [[vindicator]]s, [[vex]]es, [[piglin brute]]s, [[ravager]]s, [[phantom]]s, [[skeleton]]s, [[pillager]]s, [[creeper]]s and [[wither skeleton]]s do not have a baby variant, so the egg still spawns an adult.

=== Monster spawners ===
All spawn eggs can also be {{Control|used}} on a [[monster spawner]] to change the [[mob]] the monster spawner spawns. {{IN|bedrock}}, spawn eggs for any of the fish mobs spawn them only if the monster spawner is waterlogged.

=== Renaming ===
A spawn egg can be renamed on an [[anvil]], and when used it spawns a [[mob]] with that name appearing over its head. The name can be seen only by aiming at the mob from four or fewer blocks away. This name also appears in [[death messages]] from the mob killing a [[player]]. If the player renames a spawn egg by the names described below, the mob appears described below. If the player renames a [[rabbit]] spawn egg "Toast", the secret skin of the rabbit appears when the egg is used. Naming a spawn egg "Dinnerbone" or "Grumm" causes the mob to appear upside down and show the given name above it. Renaming a [[vindicator]] "Johnny" causes it to act hostile to all mobs except for other illagers. Renaming a [[sheep]] "jeb_" makes the sheep's wool color cycle in a rainbow loop. This doesn't change the color of the wool the sheep drops. Renaming a spawn egg of a [[Hostile mob|hostile mob]] with an [[anvil]] and then spawning the hostile mob with the renamed spawn egg does not prevent the hostile mob from despawning, unlike using a [[Name Tag|name tag]] on the mob.

=== Survival mode ===
Mobs can be spawned with spawn eggs in [[Survival]] mode, but spawn eggs are [[Content inaccessible in Survival|not obtainable in Survival]] without cheats; they can be obtained only using the Creative menu or commands. Unlike in creative, spawn eggs are consumed when used in survival.

== List of spawn eggs ==
There is a spawn egg for almost every mob in the game; exceptions are listed below this table.
{| class="wikitable" data-description="Spawn eggs and availability"
! Egg
! Spawns
! Notes
! colspan="4"| Hostile and neutral mobs
| align="center"| {{InvSprite|Bee Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Bee}}
| Bees have 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Blaze Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Blaze}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Bogged Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Bogged}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Cave Spider Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Cave Spider}}
| Cave spiders have a 1% chance of spawning a {{EntityLink|Cave Spider Jockey}}. {{only|bedrock}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Creeper Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Creeper}}
| Creepers can never spawn [[Creeper#Charged creeper|charged]].
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Dolphin Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Dolphin}} 
| {{IN|bedrock}}, dolphins have 10% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center" |{{InvSprite|Drowned Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Drowned}}
| Drowned can spawn holding [[trident]]s, [[fishing rod]]s, or [[nautilus shell]]s. Drowned have 5% chance of spawning as a baby.<ref name="LazilyCodedSpawnEggs">{{bug|MC-167377}}</ref>
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Elder Guardian Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Elder Guardian}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Ender Dragon Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Ender Dragon}}
| Only accessible via commands to prevent accidental destruction of player builds.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Enderman Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Enderman}}
| Endermen spawn neutral and not holding a block.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Endermite Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Endermite}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Evoker Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Evoker}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Ghast Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Ghast}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Goat Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Goat}}
|Goats spawn with two horns and have a 5% chance spawning as a baby, and a 2% chance of spawning as a screaming goat.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Guardian Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Guardian}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Hoglin Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Hoglin}}
| Hoglins have 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Husk Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Husk}}
| Husks have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby. Baby husks have a 5%{{only|java|short=1}} or 15%{{only|bedrock|short=1}} chance of spawning as a {{EntityLink|Chicken Husk Jockey|Chicken Jockey}}. There is also a chance of them holding [[Zombie#Armed zombies|tools, weapons or armor]]. Baby variants are randomly spawned.<ref name="LazilyCodedSpawnEggs"/>
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Iron Golem Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Iron Golem}}
|These golems are neutral like the [[village]] golems.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Llama Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Llama}}
| Llamas spawn untamed and have a 10% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Magma Cube Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Magma Cube}}
| Magma cubes spawn with a random size.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Panda Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Panda}}
| Pandas spawn with a random personality and have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Phantom Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Phantom}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Piglin Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Piglin}}
| Piglins have a 25%{{only|Java|short=1}} or 5%{{only|bedrock|short=1}} chance of spawning as a baby. They may also spawn with an [[enchanted]] [[crossbow]] or [[golden sword]] and [[golden armor]].
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Piglin Brute Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Piglin Brute}}
| Piglin brutes never spawn with armor.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Pillager Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Pillager}}
| Pillagers have a chance of spawning with an [[enchanted]] [[crossbow]].
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Polar Bear Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Polar Bear}}
| Polar bears have a 10% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Ravager Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Ravager}}
| Ravagers never spawn being ridden by [[illager]]s.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Shulker Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Shulker}}
| Shulkers spawn undyed. Their orientation is also dependent on where the shulker is placed.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Silverfish Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Silverfish}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Skeleton Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Skeleton}}
|[[Skeleton]] eggs used in the [[Overworld]] and [[the End]] always spawn regular [[skeleton]]s.<br>{{IN|bedrock}}, eggs used in [[the Nether]] have an 80% chance to spawn [[wither skeleton]]s.<br>{{IN|bedrock}}, eggs used in [[Snowy Tundra]], [[Ice Spikes]], [[Snowy Mountains]], [[Frozen River]], [[Frozen Ocean]], [[Deep Frozen Ocean]] and [[Legacy Frozen Ocean]] [[biome]]s have an 80% chance to spawn [[stray]]s, if spawned with a clear view of the sky. They may also spawn with an [[enchanted]] [[bow]] and [[armor]].
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Slime Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Slime}}
| Slimes spawn with a random size.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Spider Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Spider}}
| Spiders have a 1% chance to spawn a {{EntityLink|Spider Jockey}}.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Stray Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Stray}}
| Strays may spawn with an [[enchanted]] [[bow]] and [[armor]].
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Trader Llama Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Trader Llama}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Vex Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Vex}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Vindicator Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Vindicator}}
| Vindicators never spawn as captains.{{only|bedrock}} They may spawn with an [[enchanted]] [[axe]].
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Warden Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Warden}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Witch Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Witch}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Wither Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Wither}}
| Only accessible via commands to prevent accidental destruction of player builds.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Wither Skeleton}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Wolf Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Wolf}}
| Wolves spawn untamed and neutral. Wolves have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Zoglin Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Zoglin}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Zombie Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Zombie}}
| Zombies do not spawn as [[zombie villager]]s, but they have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.<ref name="LazilyCodedSpawnEggs"/> There is also a chance of them holding [[Zombie#Geared zombies|tools, weapons or armor]]. A baby zombie has a 5%{{only|java|short=1}} or 15%{{only|bedrock}} chance of spawning as a {{EntityLink|Chicken Jockey}}.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Zombie Villager Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Zombie Villager}}
| Zombie villagers' professions are randomized.{{only|Java}} Their outfit depends on the biome, and they have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.<ref name="LazilyCodedSpawnEggs"/> A baby zombie villager has a 5%{{only|java|short=1}} or 15%{{only|bedrock}} chance of spawning as a {{EntityLink|Chicken Zombie Villager Jockey|Chicken Jockey}}.
{{IN|bedrock}}, they never spawn with equipment.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Zombified Piglin}}
| Zombified piglins spawn neutral and have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.<ref name="LazilyCodedSpawnEggs"/> A baby zombified piglin has a 5% chance of spawning as a {{EntityLink|Chicken Zombified Piglin Jockey|Chicken Jockey}}.{{only|java|short=1}} They may also spawn with an [[enchanted]] [[sword]].
!colspan="4"| Passive mobs
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Spawn Agent}}
| {{EntityLink|Agent}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Allay Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Allay}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Axolotl Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Axolotl}}
|Axolotls' skins are randomized and have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Bat Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Bat}}
| If the player is far enough away when using the spawn egg on the bottom of an opaque block, the bat hangs upside down from it.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Camel Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Camel}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Cat Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Cat}}
| Cats' skins are randomized and always spawn stray cats. Cats have a 25% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Chicken Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Chicken}}
| Chickens have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Cod Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Cod}}
|Cods have a 0% chance of spawning as a baby. Baby cods can only be found naturally.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Cow Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Cow}}
| Cows have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Donkey Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Donkey}}
| Donkeys spawn untamed and have a 20% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Fox Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Fox}}
| Foxes spawn untrusting, with their skins depending on the biome. They can spawn holding items and have 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Frog Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Frog}}
| Frog skins are biome-dependent.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Glow Squid Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Glow Squid}}
| {{IN|bedrock}}, glow squids have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Horse Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Horse}}
| Horses spawn untamed and have a 20% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Mooshroom Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Mooshroom}}
| Mooshrooms always spawn red and have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Mule Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Mule}}
| Mules have a 20% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align=“center” | {{InvSprite|Spawn NPC}}
| {{EntityLink|NPC}}
|There is an equal chance of spawning each of the 5 variants of this mob from the egg.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Ocelot Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Ocelot}}
| Ocelots spawn untrusting.<br>{{frac|1|7}} of the time (14.3%), an ocelot spawns with two ocelot kittens.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Parrot Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Parrot}}
| Parrots spawn untamed and with a random color.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Pig Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Pig}} 
| Pigs spawn without a [[saddle]] and have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Pufferfish Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Pufferfish}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Rabbit Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Rabbit}}
| Rabbit skins are random and biome-dependent. The black-and-white rabbit spawns only if the spawn egg is renamed <code>[[Rabbit#Toast|Toast]]</code>. Rabbits have a 25% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Salmon Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Salmon}}
| {{IN|bedrock}}, salmon spawn with a random size.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Sheep Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Sheep}}
| Sheep spawn with the colors that can appear naturally; see {{slink|Sheep|Spawning}} for details. Sheep have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Skeleton Horse}}
| Skeleton horses have a 20% chance of spawning as a baby and never spawn as a skeleton trap.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Sniffer Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Sniffer}}
|Baby sniffers can also be spawned by the [[Sniffer Egg|Sniffer Egg.]]
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Snow Golem Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Snow Golem}}
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Squid Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Squid}}
| {{IN|bedrock}}, squid have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Strider Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Strider}}
| Striders have a {{frac|1|10}} chance of spawning ridden by a baby strider and a {{frac|1|30}} chance of spawning ridden by a [[zombified piglin]].
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Tadpole Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Tadpole}}
| Also spawned from [[frogspawn]].
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Tropical Fish Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Tropical Fish}}
| Shapes, colors, and patterns are randomized, though 90% of the time the tropical fish will spawn as 1 of the 22 uniquely-named variants.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Turtle Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Turtle}}
| Turtles have a 10% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Villager Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Villager}}
| Villagers' professions are randomized{{only|bedrock|short=1}}<ref>{{bug|MCPE-46034}}</ref> or unemployed{{only|java|short=1}}, but their outfit is biome-dependent. They have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Wandering Trader Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Wandering Trader}}
| {{IN|bedrock}}, wandering traders always spawn with two leashed trader llamas.
|align="center"| {{InvSprite|Zombie Horse Spawn Egg}}
| {{EntityLink|Zombie Horse}}
| Zombie horses have a 20% chance of spawning as a baby.

=== Mobs without spawn eggs ===
The following mobs do not have explicitly defined spawn eggs. Custom spawn eggs can be created with a custom NBT tag that changes the spawned entity, however no spawn egg explicitly associated with any of the mobs exist.

{| class="wikitable" data-description="spawn eggs and availability"
! Mob
! Reason
! colspan="2" | Variants
! {{EntityLink|Brown Mooshroom}}
| Shares ID with red variant
! colspan="2" | Other mobs
! {{EntityLink|Giant}}
| Unused<ref>{{bug|MC-257115|||WAI}}</ref>
! {{EntityLink|Illusioner}}
| Unused<ref>{{bug|MC-257115|||WAI}}</ref>

=== Education Edition spawn eggs ===
These spawn eggs exist {{in|education}} and {{in|bedrock}}:
* {{InvSprite|Spawn Agent}} {{EntityLink|Agent}}
* {{InvSprite|Spawn NPC}} {{EntityLink|NPC}}

The NPC and agent can both be spawned {{in|bedrock}}, however, the agent is not visible or interactable in any way, though it still prevents the placing of blocks and entities.

=== Minecraft Earth spawn eggs ===
These unused spawn egg textures existed {{in|earth}}:
* {{InvSprite|Cluckshroom Spawn Egg}} {{EntityLink|Cluckshroom}}
* {{InvSprite|Horned Sheep Spawn Egg}} {{EntityLink|Horned Sheep}}
* {{InvSprite|Jumbo Rabbit Spawn Egg}} {{EntityLink|Jumbo Rabbit}}
* {{InvSprite|Moobloom Spawn Egg}} {{EntityLink|Moobloom}}

=== April Fools spawn eggs ===
* {{InvSprite|Moon Cow Spawn Egg}} {{EntityLink|Moon Cow}}

== Sounds ==
When a mob is spawned, it immediately makes its ambient sound.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Allay Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Axolotl Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Bat Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Bee Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Blaze Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Camel Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Cat Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Spider Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Chicken Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Cod Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Cow Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Creeper Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Dolphin Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Donkey Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Drowned Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Elder Guardian Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Ender Dragon Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Enderman Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Endermite Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Evoker Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Fox Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Frog Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Ghast Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Glow Squid Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Goat Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Guardian Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Hoglin Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Horse Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Husk Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron Golem Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Llama Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Magma Cube Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Mooshroom Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Mule Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Ocelot Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Panda Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Parrot Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Phantom Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Pig Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Piglin Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Piglin Brute Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Pillager Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Polar Bear Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Pufferfish Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Rabbit Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Ravager Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Salmon Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Sheep Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Shulker Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Silverfish Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Skeleton Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Slime Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Sniffer Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Snow Golem Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Spider Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Squid Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Stray Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Strider Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Tadpole Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Trader Llama Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Tropical Fish Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Turtle Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Vex Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Villager Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Vindicator Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Wandering Trader Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Warden Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Witch Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Wither Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Wolf Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Zoglin Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Zombie Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Zombie Horse Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Zombie Villager Spawn Egg
{{ID table
|displayname=Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg

{{ID table
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 0
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Agent
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 56
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Allay
|spritename=Allay Spawn Egg
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 134
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Axolotl
|spritename=Axolotl Spawn Egg
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 130
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Bat
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 19
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Bee
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 122
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Blaze
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 43
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Camel
|spritename=Camel Spawn Egg
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 138
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Cat
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 75
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Cave Spider
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 40
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Chicken
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 10
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Cod
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 112
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Cow
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 11
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Creeper
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 33
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Dolphin
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 31
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Donkey
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 24
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Drowned
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 110
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Elder Guardian
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 50
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Ender Dragon
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 53
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Enderman
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 38
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Endermite
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 55
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Evoker
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 104
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Fox
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 121
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Frog
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 132
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Ghast
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 41
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Glow Squid
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 129
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Goat
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 128
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Guardian
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 49
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Hoglin
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 124
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Horse
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 23
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Husk
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 47
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Iron Golem
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 20
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Llama
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 29
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Magma Cube
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 42
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Mooshroom
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 16
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Mule
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 25
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn NPC
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 51
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Ocelot
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 22
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Panda
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 113
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Parrot
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 30
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Phantom
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 58
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Pig
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 12
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Piglin Brute
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 127
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Piglin
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 123
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Pillager
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 114
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Polar Bear
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 28
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Pufferfish
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 108
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Rabbit
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 18
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Ravager
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 59
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Salmon
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 109
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Sheep
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 13
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Shulker
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 54
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Silverfish
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 39
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Skeleton Horse
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 26
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Skeleton
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 34
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Slime
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 37
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Sniffer
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 139
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Snow Golem
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 21
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Spider
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 35
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Squid
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 17
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Stray
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 46
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Strider
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 125
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Tadpole
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 133
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Trader Llama
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 157
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Tropical Fish
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 111
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Sea Turtle
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 74
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Vex
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 105
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Villager
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 15, 115
|translationkey=item.spawn_egg.entity.villager_v2.name, item.spawn_egg.entity.villager.name}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Vindicator
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 57
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Wandering Trader
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 118
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Warden
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 131
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Witch
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 45
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Wither
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 52
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Wither Skeleton
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 48
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Wolf
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 14
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Zoglin
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 126
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Zombie Horse
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 27
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Zombified Piglin
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 36
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Zombie
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 32
{{ID table
|displayname=Spawn Zombie Villager
|aliasid=spawn_egg / 44, 116
|translationkey=item.spawn_egg.entity.zombie_villager_v2.name, item.spawn_egg.entity.zombie_villager.name

=== Item data ===
{{main|Player.dat format}}
<div class="treeview">
* {{nbt|compound|tag}}: The item's '''tag''' tag.
{{:Player.dat_format/Entity Spawners}}

: {{IN|bedrock}}, spawn eggs have no additional tags.
: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].

== History ==
{{for|information on the historical colors of spawn eggs|Spawn Egg colors}}
{{Info needed|{{Edition|BE}} is outdated}}
{{History||1.1|snap=11w49a|[[File:Creeper Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spider Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Skeleton Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Slime Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ghast Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Enderman Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Spider Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silverfish Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blaze Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magma Cube Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pig Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sheep Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cow Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chicken Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Squid Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wolf Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mooshroom Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Villager Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[creeper]]s, [[spider]]s, [[skeleton]]s, [[zombie]]s, [[slime]]s, [[ghast]]s, [[zombie pigman|zombie pigmen]], [[endermen]], [[cave spider]]s, [[silverfish]], [[blaze]]s, [[magma cube]]s, [[pig]]s, [[sheep]], [[cow]]s, [[chicken]]s, [[squid]], [[wolf|wolves]], [[mooshroom]]s and [[villager]]s. 
|The spawn egg has a single texture file, which is [[tint]]ed different colors.}}
{{History|||snap=12w01a|[[File:Creeper Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Skeleton Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Slime Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ghast Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Enderman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silverfish Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blaze Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magma Cube Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pig Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sheep Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cow Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Squid Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wolf Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mooshroom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Villager Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The spawn egg and its markings now have their textures separated, allowing them to have entirely different colors. This allows their colors to better match the colors of the [[mob]]s themselves.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w03a|Spawn eggs can now be placed into a [[dispenser]]. Activating the dispenser spawns the mob, instead of dispensing the egg as an [[item]].
|Spawn eggs are now stackable, which allows dispensers to hold more than nine of them at one time.}}
{{History|||snap=12w04a|[[File:Ocelot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[ocelot]] spawn eggs with the addition of the ocelot itself.
|Before 1.2, edited spawn eggs for [[snow golem]]s, [[ender dragon]]s and [[giant]]s (and other "unspawnable" [[mob]]s) produced mobs of their types. Now, this is restricted to those eggs available in the [[creative]] [[inventory]].}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w18a|[[Villager]]s spawned from spawn eggs were always farmers before this update and now their professions are randomized.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w32a|[[Zombie villager]]s can now be spawned using [[zombie]] spawn eggs.
|[[Sheep]] from spawn eggs can now spawn naturally-colored sheep (white, gray, brown, pink, etc.).}}
{{History|||snap=12w36a|[[Wither skeleton]]s now have a high chance to spawn from a [[skeleton]] spawn egg, if the [[player]] is in [[the Nether]].
|[[Skeleton]]s on [[spider jockey]]s can now be replaced with [[wither skeleton]]s when using [[spider]] spawn eggs in the Nether.}}
{{History|||snap=12w38a|[[File:Witch Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bat Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[witch]] and [[bat]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.4.4|snap=pre|Baby [[mob]]s are now spawn-able by right-clicking a mob with a corresponding mob egg. Although, this doesn't work with [[zombie]]s.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=January 7, 2013|slink={{tweet|Dinnerbone|288322623916617728}}|[[Dinnerbone]] tweeted the first image of a renamed mob appearing in a [[death messages|death message]].}}
{{History|||snap=13w02a|[[Mob]]s spawned from renamed eggs now have the name of the egg and the names appear in death messages.
|Mobs can now display their custom name as nametag using an NBT tag.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|[[File:Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[horse]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=13w24a|Spawn eggs now work on [[water]].}}
{{History|||snap=1.6|Renaming a spawn egg "''Dinnerbone''" or "''Grumm''" now cause the [[mob]] to spawn upside-down.}}
{{History||1.7.4|snap=13w48b|Renaming a [[sheep]] or sheep spawn egg "''jeb_''" give it a rainbow wool changing effect. This does not affect the wool dropped after death or [[shear]]ing, however.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w11a|[[File:Endermite Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[endermite]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[guardian]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Rabbit Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[rabbit]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=14w28b|Spawn eggs can now be used to program [[monster spawner]] blocks.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|[[File:Shulker Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added [[shulker]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=15w33a|Spawn eggs can no longer be addressed by numeric data id, like: <code>give @p spawn_egg 1 50</code>. The spawnable [[entity]] from a spawn egg is now addressed by a datatag: <code>/give @p spawn_egg 1 0 <nowiki>{EntityTag:{id:"Creeper"}}</code>.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|[[File:Polar Bear Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stray Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Husk Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Elder Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cat Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Donkey Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mule Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[polar bear]]s, [[wither skeleton]]s, [[stray]]s, [[husk]]s, [[elder guardian]], [[cat]]s, donkeys, mules, skeleton horses and zombie horses.}}
{{History|||snap=pre2|Removed spawn eggs for wither skeletons, strays, husks, elder guardians, cats, donkeys, mules, skeleton horses and zombie horses that were added in [[16w20a]].}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|[[File:Polar Bear Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stray Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Husk Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Elder Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Donkey Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mule Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Re-added the spawn eggs that were removed in [[1.10-pre2]], except the [[cat]] spawn egg.
|[[File:Zombie Villager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added a [[zombie villager]] spawn egg. It can spawn only zombie farmers.
|Using a spawn egg on top of a block such as a [[fence]] no longer cause the spawned [[mob]] to fall inside the fence.<ref>{{bug|MC-88096|| When using spawn eggs on fences the mobs fall through}} – resolved as "Fixed"</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=16w32b|The [[zombie villager]] spawn egg now spawns different zombie professions.}}
{{History|||snap=16w39a|[[File:Evoker Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Llama Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vex Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vindicator Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[evoker]]s, [[llama]]s, [[vex]]es and [[vindicator]]s.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w13a|[[File:Parrot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn egg for [[parrot]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different {{nbt|compound|EntityTag}} [[entity]] IDs for the <code>spawn_egg</code> ID have now been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 383.}}
{{History|||snap=18w07a|[[File:Phantom Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Turtle Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[phantom]]s and [[turtle]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w08b|[[File:Cod Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Salmon Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pufferfish Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for the 3 [[fish mob]] variants: cod, salmon, and "puffer fish".}}
{{History|||snap=18w10a|[[File:Tropical Fish Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added a spawn egg for the new [[tropical fish]].}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|[[File:Drowned Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[drowned]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=18w15a|[[File:Dolphin Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[dolphin]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=18w19a|[[File:Phantom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The [[phantom]] spawn egg has been changed to look more like [[mob]]'s updated texture.
|The "puffer fish" spawn egg has been renamed to "pufferfish" spawn egg.}}
{{History|||snap=18w20a|"Spawn ''x''" has been changed to "''x'' Spawn Egg".}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Panda Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pillager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ravager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[panda]], [[pillager]] and [[ravager|"illager beast"]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|[[File:Cat Spawn Egg JE2.png|32px]] Re-added [[cat]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|The "illager beast" spawn egg has been renamed to "ravager" spawn egg.
|[[File:Wandering Trader Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Trader Llama Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[wandering trader]] and [[trader llama]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=19w07a|[[File:Fox Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[fox]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|[[File:Bee Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] Added [[bee]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=19w41a|[[File:Bee Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of the bee spawn egg has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w46a|[[Drowned]], [[husk]], [[zombie]], and [[zombie villager]] spawn eggs can now be used on adult versions of these [[mob]]s to spawn baby variants.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|[[Zombie pigmen]] spawn eggs can now be used on adult zombie pigmen to spawn the baby variant.}}
{{History||September 28, 2019|link={{ytl|OZqNaEX8208&t|t=2h17m19s}}|[[File:Hoglin Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Piglin spawn egg.png|32px]] [[Hoglin]] and [[piglin]] spawn eggs were shown.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Hoglin Spawn Egg JE1.png|30px]] Added [[hoglin]] spawn eggs. 
|Currently, the hoglin spawn egg substitutes the [[zombie pigman]]'s spawn egg texture.}}
{{History|||snap=20w07a|[[File:Piglin Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] Added [[piglin]] spawn eggs.
|[[File:Hoglin Spawn Egg JE2.png|30px]] The texture of the hoglin spawn egg has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|"Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg" has been renamed to "Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg".}}
{{History|||snap=20w13a|[[File:Strider Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[strider]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=20w14a|[[File:Zoglin Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[zoglin]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w27a|[[File:Piglin Brute Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[piglin brute]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||October 6, 2020|link={{tweet|kingbdogz|1313451032383574017}}|[[File:Warden Spawn Egg (pre-release).png|32px]] [[Kingbdogz]] showed a warden spawn egg.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w51a|[[File:Axolotl Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[axolotl]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=21w03a|[[File:Glow Squid Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[glow squid]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=21w13a|[[File:Goat Spawn Egg BE2.png|32px]] Added [[goat]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||October 16, 2021|link={{ytl|w6zLprHHZOk&t|t=7447s}}|[[File:Frog Spawn Egg (pre-release).png|32px]] [[File:Tadpole Spawn Egg (pre-release).png|32px]] [[Frog]] and [[tadpole]] spawn eggs were shown.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1|[[File:Warden Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[warden]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=22w11a|[[File:Frog Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:Tadpole Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[frog]] and [[tadpole]] spawn eggs.
|As with the warden itself, warden spawn eggs are not added in this snapshot.}}
{{History|||snap=22w12a|[[File:Warden Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Re-added [[warden]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=22w13a|[[File:Allay Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[allay]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|[[File:Camel Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[camel]] spawn eggs behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].}}
{{History|||snap=22w43a|[[File:Camel Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the camel spawn egg has been changed.}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w44a|[[File:Iron Golem Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Snow Golem Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wither Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ender Dragon Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[iron golem]], [[snow golem]], [[wither]], and [[ender dragon]] spawn eggs. The wither and ender dragon spawn eggs are only available through [[commands]] to prevent accidental destruction of [[Creative]] builds.
|[[File:Polar Bear Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the polar bear spawn egg has been changed.<ref>{{bug|MC-242097||Ghast and Polar Bear Spawn Eggs are nearly indistinguishable|Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|[[File:Sniffer Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[sniffer]] spawn eggs behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].}}
{{History|||snap=1.19.4-pre1|[[File:Sniffer Spawn Egg JE2.png|32px]] The texture of the sniffer spawn egg has been changed.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Camel and sniffer spawn eggs are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sheep Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cow Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pig Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[chicken]]s, [[sheep]], [[pig]]s and [[cow]]s.}}
{{History||v0.7.0|All spawn eggs with damage/metadata values 30 and higher, would display a unique texture.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|The texture of the default spawn egg is now [[File:Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]], instead of having a completely blank texture.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Mooshroom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Creeper Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Enderman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silverfish Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Skeleton Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Slime Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wolf Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added more spawn eggs, including [[mooshroom]], [[creeper]], [[enderman]], [[silverfish]], [[skeleton]], [[slime]], [[spider]], [[zombie]], [[zombie pigman]] and [[wolf]].
|Spawn eggs now have the correct name in the [[inventory]].}}
{{History|||snap=build 2|[[File:Villager Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added (Old) [[villager]] spawn eggs.
|Spawn eggs can now be used to program [[monster spawner]] blocks.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|All spawn eggs that are obtained in this version with an invalid damage/metadata value would result in the name of that spawn egg displaying as the following: item.monsterPlacer.name.name.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Squid Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bat Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[squid]] and [[bat]] spawn eggs.
|[[File:Ghast Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magma Cube Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[ghast]], [[magma cube]] and [[cave spider]] spawn eggs, which are currently unobtainable.}}
{{History|||snap=build 3|Added [[cave spider]] spawn eggs to the [[creative]] mode [[inventory]].}}
{{History|||snap=build 8|Added [[magma cube]] spawn eggs to the creative mode inventory.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Blaze Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ocelot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Villager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[blaze]], [[ocelot]], and (Old) [[zombie villager]] spawn eggs.
|Added [[ghast]] spawn eggs to the [[creative]] mode [[inventory]].
|[[Wither skeleton]]s now have a high chance to spawn from an [[skeleton]] spawn egg, if the [[player]] is in [[the Nether]].}}
{{History|||snap=build 9|[[Mob]]s spawned from renamed eggs now have the name of the egg and the names appear in [[death messages]].}}
{{History|||snap=build 12|[[Zombie villager]]s can now be spawned using [[zombie]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Rabbit Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[rabbit]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Witch Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[witch]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mule Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Donkey Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Horse Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stray Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Husk Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[horse]], [[mule]], [[donkey]], [[zombie horse]], [[skeleton horse]], [[stray]], [[husk]] and [[wither skeleton]] spawn eggs to the [[creative]] [[inventory]].}}
{{History||v0.15.1|snap=build 1|The texture of the default spawn egg has been changed from [[File:Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] to [[File:Spawn Egg.png|32px]].
|The empty spawn egg named "Spawn" is now available through [[inventory]] editing, but crashes the game.{{info needed|How? On use? Simply by being in the inventory?}}}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[guardian]] spawn eggs.
|[[File:Spawn Egg.png|32px]] Added [[elder guardian]] spawn egg without colors, which is currently unavailable in the [[creative]] [[inventory]].
|[[File:NPC Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added a non-functional [[NPC]] spawn egg.}}
{{History|||snap=build 2|The NPC spawn egg has been removed from the creative inventory.}}
{{History|||snap=build 4|The NPC spawn egg has been removed completely.}}
{{History|||snap=build 5|[[File:Elder Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[elder guardian]] spawn eggs to the [[creative]] [[inventory]].}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Shulker Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Endermite Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Polar Bear Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[shulker]]s, [[endermite]]s and [[polar bear]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Llama Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vindicator Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Evoker Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vex Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[llama]]s, [[vindicator]]s, [[evoker]]s and [[vex]]es.}}
{{History|||snap=alpha|[[File:Husk Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Shulker Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Silverfish Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stray Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] The spawn egg textures for [[husk]]s, [[shulker]]s, [[silverfish]]ses, [[stray]]s and [[zombie horse]]s have been updated; probably due to {{bug|MCPE-18348}}.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|[[File:Parrot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Villager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[parrot]] and [[zombie villager]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|[[File:Drowned Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[drowned]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Cod Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Salmon Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pufferfish Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Tropical Fish Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for each [[fish]], which have different textures compared to {{JE}}.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Cod Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Salmon Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pufferfish Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Tropical Fish Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] The fish spawn egg textures have been made less unique; it matches {{JE}}.
|[[File:Dolphin Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[dolphin]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.5.0|snap=beta|[[File:Turtle Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[turtle]]s.}}
{{History||1.6.0|snap=beta|[[File:Phantom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[phantom]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|[[File:Panda Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cat Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[panda]]s and [[cat]]s.
|[[File:NPC Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] The NPC spawn egg has been re-added. 
|[[File:Agent Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[agent]]s.
|[[File:Spawn Egg BE2.png|32px]] Unknown spawn eggs now use a completely black spawn egg as the default texture.
|[[File:Mask Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added mask spawn egg texture.}}
{{History||1.9.0|snap=beta|[[File:Pillager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[pillager]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Ravager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wandering Trader Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Villager Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Villager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[wandering trader]], [[Ravager|"illager beast"]], (New) [[villager]] and (New) [[zombie villager]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|The old villager and old zombie villager spawn eggs have been removed.
|"Spawn Illager Beast" has been renamed to "Spawn Ravager".}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|[[File:Fox Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[fox]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|[[File:Bee Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[bee]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Hoglin Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Piglin Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added [[hoglin]] and [[piglin]] spawn eggs.
|"Spawn Zombie Pigman" has been renamed to "Spawn Zombified Piglin".}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Strider Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zoglin Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[strider]] and [[zoglin]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Piglin Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Hoglin Spawn Egg JE2.png|30px]] The textures of the piglin and hoglin spawn eggs have been changed to match [[Java Edition]].}}
{{History||1.16.20|snap=beta|[[File:Piglin Brute Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[piglin brute]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The different [[entity]] IDs for the <code>spawn_egg</code> ID have now been split up into their own IDs.
|Unused spawn eggs (such as [[Iron Golem]], [[End Crystal]] and [[Wither]]) are completely removed. Attempts to put such spawn eggs in an inventory gives the default spawn egg instead.
|The texture of the default spawn egg is now [[File:Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]], instead of having a completely black texture.}}
{{History||1.16.200|snap=beta|[[File:Goat Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added [[goat]] spawn eggs behind the "Caves and Cliffs" experimental toggle.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Goat Spawn Egg BE2.png|32px]] The texture for [[goat]] spawn eggs has been changed.}}
{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|[[File:Glow Squid Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[glow squid]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[Glow squid]] spawn egg is temporarily removed.}}
{{History||1.16.220|snap=beta|[[File:Glow Squid Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Re-added [[glow squid]] spawn egg.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Axolotl Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[axolotl]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[Goat]], [[glow squid]] and [[axolotl]] spawn eggs are now available without enabling [[experimental gameplay]].}}
{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[File:Frog Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:Tadpole Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[frog]] and [[tadpole]] spawn eggs behind the "Wild Update" experimental toggle.}}
{{History||1.18.30|snap=beta|[[File:Allay Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[allay]] spawn eggs behind the "Wild Update" experimental toggle.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Warden Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[warden]] spawn eggs behind the "Wild Update" experimental toggle.}}
{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|Both spawn eggs mentioned above are now available without enabling experimental gameplay.}}
{{History||1.19.10|snap=beta|[[File:Trader Llama Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added the [[trader llama]] spawn egg.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|[[File:Camel Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[camel]] spawn eggs behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Camel Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the camel spawn egg has been changed.}}
{{History||1.19.60|snap=beta|[[File:Iron Golem Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Snow Golem Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wither Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ender Dragon Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[iron golem]], [[snow golem]], [[wither]], and [[ender dragon]] spawn eggs. The wither and ender dragon spawn eggs will only be available through [[commands]] to prevent accidental destruction of [[Creative]] builds.|[[File:Polar Bear Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the polar bear spawn egg has been changed.}}
{{History||1.19.60|snap=beta|The wither and ender dragon spawn eggs are no longer available in the creative inventory, only via [[command]]s.}}
{{History||Sniffer<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.70|snap=beta|[[File:Sniffer Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[sniffer]] spawn eggs behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.19.70|Sniffer]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Sniffer spawn eggs are now available without using the "Sniffer" experimental toggle.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Camel spawn eggs are now available without using the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.}}

{{History||xbox=TU9|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Creeper Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Skeleton Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Slime Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ghast Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Enderman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silverfish Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blaze Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magma Cube Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pig Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sheep Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cow Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Squid Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wolf Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mooshroom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Villager Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[creeper]]s, [[skeleton]]s, [[spider]]s, [[zombie]]s, [[slime]]s, [[ghast]]s, [[zombie pigman]]s, [[enderman]]s, [[cave spider]]s, [[silverfish]]s, [[blaze]]s, [[magma cube]]s, [[pig]]s, [[sheep]]s, [[cow]]s, [[chicken]]s, [[squid]], [[wolf]]s, [[mooshroom]] and [[villager]]s.
|Spawn eggs can now be placed into a [[dispenser]]. Activating the dispenser spawns the [[mob]], instead of dispensing the egg as an [[item]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU11|Added a message when the user tries to spawn a [[hostile mob]] from a spawn egg in Peaceful [[difficulty]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Ocelot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[ocelot]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|[[File:Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Witch Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bat Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Donkey Spawn Egg CE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mule Spawn Egg CE1.png|32px]] Added [[horse]], [[witch]], [[bat]], donkey and mule spawn eggs.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|[[File:Endermite Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Rabbit Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[endermite]], [[guardian]] and [[rabbit]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|[[File:Shulker Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added [[shulker]] spawn eggs.
|[[File:Donkey Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mule Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Donkey and mule spawn eggs now match the textures of their [[Bedrock Edition|Bedrock]] and [[Java Edition|Java]] edition counterparts.}}
{{History||xbox=TU54|xbone=CU44|ps=1.52|wiiu=Patch 24|switch=1.0.4|[[File:Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Elder Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stray Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Husk Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Villager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Parrot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Llama Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vindicator Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Evoker Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vex Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[skeleton horse]]s, [[zombie horse]]s, [[elder guardian]]s, [[stray]]s, [[wither skeleton]]s, [[husk]]s, [[zombie villager]]s, [[parrot]]s, [[llama]]s, [[vindicator]]s, [[evoker]]s and [[vex]]es.}}
{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|[[File:Drowned Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cod Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Salmon Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pufferfish Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Tropical Fish Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dolphin Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Turtle Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Phantom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[drowned]], [[cod]], [[salmon]], [[pufferfish]], [[tropical fish]], [[dolphin]]s, [[sea turtle]]s and [[phantom]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=none|ps=1.83|wiiu=none|[[File:Panda Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cat Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[panda]]s and [[cat]]s.}}
{{History||ps=1.90|[[File:Pillager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[pillager]] spawn eggs.}}
{{History||ps=1.91|[[File:Ravager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wandering Trader Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[ravager]]s and [[wandering trader]]s.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Creeper Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Skeleton Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Slime Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ghast Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Enderman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silverfish Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blaze Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magma Cube Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pig Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sheep Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cow Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Squid Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wolf Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mooshroom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Villager Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ocelot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Rabbit Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Witch Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bat Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Donkey Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mule Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.7.10|[[File:Endermite Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Polar Bear Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Shulker Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[endermite]]s, [[polar bear]]s and [[shulker]]s.}}
{{History||1.9.19|[[File:Llama Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vindicator Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Evoker Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vex Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[llama]]s, [[vindicator]]s, [[evoker]]s and [[vex]]es.}}

{{History||1.0|[[File:Creeper Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Skeleton Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Slime Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ghast Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Enderman Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Spider Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Silverfish Spawn Egg JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blaze Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magma Cube Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pig Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Sheep Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cow Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Squid Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wolf Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mooshroom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Villager Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ocelot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Elder Guardian Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Rabbit Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Husk Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stray Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Witch Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bat Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Donkey Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mule Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Horse Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Endermite Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zombie Villager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Polar Bear Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Shulker Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Llama Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vindicator Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Evoker Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Vex Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Parrot Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:NPC Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs.}}
{{History||1.4|[[File:Cod Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Salmon Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pufferfish Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Tropical Fish Spawn Egg JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dolphin Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[cod]], [[salmon]], [[pufferfish]], [[tropical fish]] and [[dolphin]]s.}}
{{History||1.7|[[File:Drowned Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Turtle Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Phantom Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Agent Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[drowned]], [[turtle|sea turtles]], [[phantom]]s and [[agent]]s.}}
{{History||?|[[File:Mask Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added mask spawn egg texture.}}
{{History||1.9|[[File:Panda Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cat Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[panda]]s and [[cat]]s.}}
{{History||1.12.0|[[File:Pillager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Ravager Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Wandering Trader Spawn Egg BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[pillager]]s, [[ravager]]s and [[wandering trader]]s.}}
{{History||1.14.31|[[File:Bee Spawn Egg JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Fox Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[bee]]s and [[fox]]es.}}
{{History||1.17.30|[[File:Piglin Spawn Egg JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Hoglin Spawn Egg JE2.png|30px]] [[File:Strider Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Zoglin Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Piglin Brute Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Goat Spawn Egg BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Axolotl Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Glow Squid Spawn Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spawn eggs for [[piglin]]s, [[hoglin]]s, [[strider]]s, [[zoglin]]s, [[piglin brute]]s, [[goat]]s, [[axolotl]]s and [[glow squid]]s.}}
{{History||Release|[[File:Cluckshroom Spawn Egg.png|32px]] [[File:Horned Sheep Spawn Egg.png|32px]] [[File:Moobloom Spawn Egg.png|32px]] Added [[cluckshroom]], [[horned sheep]] and [[moobloom]] spawn egg textures.}}
{{History||0.4.0|[[File:Jumbo Rabbit Spawn Egg.png|32px]] Added [[jumbo rabbit]] spawn egg texture.}}

{{issue list}}

{{Hidden begin|View all renders}}
Spawn Egg.png|frame|Uncolored Spawn Egg
Agent Spawn Egg.png|Agent Spawn Egg
Allay Spawn Egg.png|Allay Spawn Egg
Axolotl Spawn Egg.png|Axolotl Spawn Egg
Bat Spawn Egg.png|Bat Spawn Egg
Bee Spawn Egg.png|Bee Spawn Egg
Blaze Spawn Egg.png|Blaze Spawn Egg
Camel Spawn Egg.png|Camel Spawn Egg
Cat Spawn Egg.png|Cat Spawn Egg (Java)
Cat Spawn Egg BE1.png|Cat Spawn Egg (Bedrock)
Cave Spider Spawn Egg.png|Cave Spider Spawn Egg
Chicken Spawn Egg.png|Chicken Spawn Egg
Cod Spawn Egg.png|Cod Spawn Egg
Cow Spawn Egg.png|Cow Spawn Egg
Creeper Spawn Egg.png|Creeper Spawn Egg
Dolphin Spawn Egg.png|Dolphin Spawn Egg
Donkey Spawn Egg.png|Donkey Spawn Egg
Drowned Spawn Egg.png|Drowned Spawn Egg
Elder Guardian Spawn Egg.png|Elder Guardian Spawn Egg
Ender Dragon Spawn Egg.png|Ender Dragon Spawn Egg
Enderman Spawn Egg.png|Enderman Spawn Egg
Endermite Spawn Egg.png|Endermite Spawn Egg
Evoker Spawn Egg.png|Evoker Spawn Egg
Fox Spawn Egg.png|Fox Spawn Egg
Frog Spawn Egg.png|Frog Spawn Egg
Ghast Spawn Egg.png|Ghast Spawn Egg
Glow Squid Spawn Egg.png|Glow Squid Spawn Egg
Goat Spawn Egg.png|Goat Spawn Egg
Guardian Spawn Egg.png|Guardian Spawn Egg
Hoglin Spawn Egg.png|Hoglin Spawn Egg
Horse Spawn Egg.png|Horse Spawn Egg
Husk Spawn Egg.png|Husk Spawn Egg
Iron Golem Spawn Egg.png|Iron Golem Spawn Egg
Llama Spawn Egg.png|Llama Spawn Egg
Magma Cube Spawn Egg.png|Magma Cube Spawn Egg
Mooshroom Spawn Egg.png|Mooshroom Spawn Egg
Mule Spawn Egg.png|Mule Spawn Egg
NPC Spawn Egg.png|NPC Spawn Egg
Ocelot Spawn Egg.png|Ocelot Spawn Egg
Panda Spawn Egg.png|Panda Spawn Egg (Java)
Panda Spawn Egg BE1.png|Panda Spawn Egg (Bedrock)
Parrot Spawn Egg.png|Parrot Spawn Egg
Phantom Spawn Egg.png|Phantom Spawn Egg
Pig Spawn Egg.png|Pig Spawn Egg
Piglin Spawn Egg.png|Piglin Spawn Egg
Piglin Brute Spawn Egg.png|Piglin Brute Spawn Egg
Pillager Spawn Egg.png|Pillager Spawn Egg
Polar Bear Spawn Egg.png|Polar Bear Spawn Egg
Pufferfish Spawn Egg.png|Pufferfish Spawn Egg
Rabbit Spawn Egg.png|Rabbit Spawn Egg
Ravager Spawn Egg.png|Ravager Spawn Egg
Salmon Spawn Egg.png|Salmon Spawn Egg
Sheep Spawn Egg.png|Sheep Spawn Egg
Shulker Spawn Egg.png|Shulker Spawn Egg
Silverfish Spawn Egg.png|Silverfish Spawn Egg
Skeleton Spawn Egg.png|Skeleton Spawn Egg
Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg.png|Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg
Slime Spawn Egg.png|Slime Spawn Egg
Sniffer Spawn Egg.png|Sniffer Spawn Egg
Snow Golem Spawn Egg.png|Snow Golem Spawn Egg
Spider Spawn Egg.png|Spider Spawn Egg
Squid Spawn Egg.png|Squid Spawn Egg
Stray Spawn Egg.png|Stray Spawn Egg
Strider Spawn Egg.png|Strider Spawn Egg
Tadpole Spawn Egg.png|Tadpole Spawn Egg
Trader Llama Spawn Egg.png|Trader Llama Spawn Egg
Tropical Fish Spawn Egg.png|Tropical Fish Spawn Egg
Turtle Spawn Egg.png|Turtle Spawn Egg
Vex Spawn Egg.png|Vex Spawn Egg
Villager Spawn Egg.png|Villager Spawn Egg
Vindicator Spawn Egg.png|Vindicator Spawn Egg
Wandering Trader Spawn Egg.png|Wandering Trader Spawn Egg (Java)
Wandering Trader Spawn Egg BE1.png|Wandering Trader Spawn Egg (Bedrock)
Warden Spawn Egg.png|Warden Spawn Egg
Witch Spawn Egg.png|Witch Spawn Egg
Wither Spawn Egg.png|Wither Spawn Egg
Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg.png|Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg
Wolf Spawn Egg.png|Wolf Spawn Egg
Zoglin Spawn Egg.png|Zoglin Spawn Egg
Zombie Spawn Egg.png|Zombie Spawn Egg
Zombie Horse Spawn Egg.png|Zombie Horse Spawn Egg
Zombie Villager Spawn Egg.png|Zombie Villager Spawn Egg
Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg.png|Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg
Mask Spawn Egg.png|Mask Spawn Egg (texture)
{{Hidden end}}

Classic eggs.png|Various spawn eggs utilizing their old color scheme before [[12w01a]].
Upsidedownmob.png|An example of an upside-down mob by renaming the spawn egg "Dinnerbone".
UpsideDownMobsEasterEgg.png|Two mobs spawned with the names "Grumm" and "Dinnerbone," respectively.
TheLeadPig.png|First screenshot relating to a named mob shown, through a spawn egg.



==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--spawn-egg Taking Inventory: Spawn Egg] – Minecraft.net on January 6, 2022


[[es:Huevo generador]]
[[fr:Œufs d'apparition]]
[[it:Uovo generatore]]
[[ko:생성 알]]
[[pl:Jajo przyzywające]]
[[pt:Ovo gerador]]
[[ru:Яйца призывания]]
[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]</li></ul></nowiki>
16w32aResource packs version number changed to 3, due to the change that all files should have lowercase letters.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Pickaxe|Pickaxe]]<br/>{{Dungeons hatnote|type=weapon}}
{{Redirect|Diamond Pickaxe|the ''Minecraft Dungeons'' weapon|MCD:Diamond Pickaxe}}
{{Redirect|Pick|the block|Sea Pickle|the control|Controls#Pick Block|the joke block|Pickaxe Block}}
| image = <gallery>
Wooden Pickaxe.png | Wooden
Stone Pickaxe.png | Stone
Iron Pickaxe.png | Iron
Golden Pickaxe.png | Golden
Diamond Pickaxe.png | Diamond
Netherite Pickaxe.png | Netherite
|rarity = Common
|renewable =
* '''Netherite''': No
* '''Others''': Yes
|durability =
Java Edition:
* Wood: 59
* Stone: 131
* Iron: 250
* Golden: 32
* Diamond: 1,561
* Netherite: 2,031

Bedrock Edition:
* Wood: 60
* Stone: 132
* Iron: 251
* Golden: 33
* Diamond: 1,562
* Netherite: 2,032
| stackable = No

A '''pickaxe''' is a [[tools|tool]] required to mine [[ore]]s, [[rock|rocks]], rock-based blocks and metal-based [[block]]s quickly and obtain them as items. A pickaxe mines faster and can obtain more block types as items depending on the material it is made from.

== Obtaining ==
=== Crafting ===
Pickaxes are crafted using 2 [[stick]]s and 3 identical units of tool material.

{{crafting |showdescription=1 |showname=0 |head=1
  |A1={Any Planks};  Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |B1={Any Planks};  Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |C1={Any Planks};  Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |Output=Wooden Pickaxe; Iron Pickaxe; Golden Pickaxe; Diamond Pickaxe
  |name=[[Stone Pickaxe]]
  |A1=Any stone-tier block |B1=Any stone-tier block |C1=Any stone-tier block
  |Output=Stone Pickaxe
  |description=Can use cobblestone and its other variants interchangeably.
{{crafting |foot=1 |ignoreusage=1
  |ingredients=Matching Damaged [[Pickaxe]]s
  |Damaged Wooden Pickaxe; Damaged Stone Pickaxe; Damaged Iron Pickaxe; Damaged Golden Pickaxe; Damaged Diamond Pickaxe; Damaged Netherite Pickaxe
  |Damaged Wooden Pickaxe; Damaged Stone Pickaxe; Damaged Iron Pickaxe; Damaged Golden Pickaxe; Damaged Diamond Pickaxe; Damaged Netherite Pickaxe
  |Output=Wooden Pickaxe; Stone Pickaxe; Iron Pickaxe; Golden Pickaxe; Diamond Pickaxe; Netherite Pickaxe
  |description=The durability of the two pickaxes is added together, plus an extra 5% of the tool type's total durability.

=== Upgrading ===

|Netherite Upgrade
|Diamond Pickaxe
|Netherite Ingot
|Netherite Pickaxe

=== Repairing ===
==== Grinding ====

|ingredients=Matching Damaged [[Pickaxe]]s
|Damaged Wooden Pickaxe; Damaged Stone Pickaxe; Damaged Iron Pickaxe; Damaged Golden Pickaxe; Damaged Diamond Pickaxe; Damaged Netherite Pickaxe
|Damaged Wooden Pickaxe; Damaged Stone Pickaxe; Damaged Iron Pickaxe; Damaged Golden Pickaxe; Damaged Diamond Pickaxe; Damaged Netherite Pickaxe
|Wooden Pickaxe; Stone Pickaxe; Iron Pickaxe; Golden Pickaxe; Diamond Pickaxe; Netherite Pickaxe
|description=The durability of the two pickaxes is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.

==== Unit repair ====
{{main|Anvil mechanics#Unit repair}}
Pickaxes can be repaired in an [[anvil]] by adding units of the [[tiers|tier's]] repair material, with each repair material restoring 25% of the pickaxe's maximum durability, rounded down.

=== Natural generation ===

=== Trading ===
{{IN|bedrock}}, novice-level toolsmith [[Villager|villagers]] have a 25% chance to sell stone pickaxes for one [[emerald]], Journeyman-level toolsmith villagers have a 25% chance to sell enchanted iron pickaxes for 3 emeralds, and master-level toolsmith villagers always sell enchanted diamond pickaxes for 13 emeralds.

{{IN|java}}, novice-level toolsmith villagers have a 40% chance to sell a stone pickaxe for one emerald, journeyman-level toolsmith villagers have a 40% chance to sell an enchanted iron pickaxe for 7–22 emeralds, and a master-level toolsmith always sells an enchanted diamond pickaxe for 18–35 emeralds.

The enchantments are the same as the ones obtained from an [[enchantment table]] at levels 5–19.

=== Villager gifts ===

{{IN|JE}}, toolsmith [[villager]]s throw stone pickaxes at players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.

=== Mob loot ===
{{IN|BE}}, [[pillager]]s and [[vindicator]]s have a chance of dropping a damaged iron pickaxe when killed during a [[raid]]. The pickaxe has a 50% chance of being enchanted with random enchantment(s).

== Usage ==
=== Mining ===
A pickaxe is used to break stone and metal-based materials faster. Breaking a block with a pickaxe consumes one use (one durability point). No durability is consumed for blocks that break instantly. Pickaxes have different amounts of uses based on the type:
* Wooden: 60
* Stone: 132
* Iron: 251
* Golden: 33
* Diamond: 1562
* Netherite: 2032

Different qualities of pickaxe are required to successfully harvest certain ores and blocks. For example, while [[stone]] can be mined with any pickaxe, [[gold ore]] must be mined with an [[iron]], [[diamond]], or [[netherite]] pickaxe, or else the player harvests no ore. Different pickaxes also mine many materials at different speeds:

==== Speed ====
The following table shows the time it takes to break each type of block.
* A <span style="background-color:#FFC7CE;color:#9C0006;">red</span> background indicates that the block cannot be harvested with that type of pickaxe.
* A <span style="background-color:#FFFFDD;color:#8A7600;">yellow</span> background indicates that the block cannot be harvested with that type of pickaxe, but still drops something.
* A <span style="background-color:#C6EFCE;color:#006100;">green</span> background indicates that the block can be harvested with that type of pickaxe.
<!-- Table is sorted by hardness (mining time with diamond shows well), then by name -->
{|class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" data-description="Mining time by block" style="background-color: transparent;"
! Times to break blocks by pickaxe
{{breaking row|sort=1|simple=1|Obsidian|Diamond}}
{{breaking row|Crying Obsidian|Diamond}}
{{breaking row|Respawn Anchor|Diamond}}
{{breaking row|Block of Netherite|Diamond}}
{{breaking row|Ancient Debris|Diamond}}
{{breaking row|Ender Chest|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Anvil|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Bell|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Block of Coal|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Block of Diamond|Iron}}
{{breaking row|Block of Emerald|Iron}}
{{breaking row|Block of Iron|Stone}}
{{breaking row|Block of Raw Copper|Stone}}
{{breaking row|Block of Raw Gold|Iron}}
{{breaking row|Block of Raw Iron|Stone}}
{{breaking row|Block of Redstone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Chain|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Enchantment Table|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Iron Bars|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Iron Door|Wood|item=1|link=Door}}
{{breaking row|Iron Trapdoor|Wood|link=Trapdoor}}
{{breaking row|Monster Spawner|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate Coal Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate Copper Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate Diamond Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate Emerald Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate Gold Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate Iron Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate Redstone Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Blast furnace|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Cobbled Deepslate|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Chiseled Deepslate|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate Bricks|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate Tiles|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Polished Deepslate|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Dispenser|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Dropper|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Furnace|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Lantern|wood}}
{{breaking row|Lodestone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Smoker|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Stonecutter|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Conduit}}
{{breaking row|Block of Gold|Iron}}
{{breaking row|Block of Lapis Lazuli|Stone}}
{{breaking row|Coal Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Copper Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Copper Blocks|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Cut Copper|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Cut Copper Slab|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Cut Copper Stairs|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Deepslate|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Dragon Egg
 |note=<ref group="note">The dragon egg can be mined directly only when there aren't any air blocks available for it to teleport to. However, the dragon egg can be collected by other means.</ref>}}
{{breaking row|Diamond Ore|Iron}}
{{breaking row|Emerald Ore|Iron}}
{{breaking row|End Stone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Gold Ore|Iron}}
{{breaking row|Hopper|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Iron Ore|Stone}}
{{breaking row|Lightning Rod|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Lapis Lazuli Ore|Stone}}
{{breaking row|Nether Quartz Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Nether Gold Ore|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Observer|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Redstone Ore|Iron}}
{{breaking row|Blue Ice|drop=0}}
{{breaking row|Compound Creator|Wood|drop=1|note=<ref group="note" name="Chemtable">Chemistry tables are slow to break by hand, similar to blocks that require a pickaxe to mine. However, they still drop as items.</ref>}}
{{breaking row|Heat Block|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Grindstone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Bone Block|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Brick Stairs|Wood|link=Stairs}}
{{breaking row|Bricks|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Cauldron|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Cobblestone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|link=Stairs|Cobblestone Stairs|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Cobblestone Wall|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Mossy Cobblestone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Nether Bricks|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Nether Brick Fence|Wood}}
{{breaking row|link=Stairs|Nether Brick Stairs|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Red Nether Bricks|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Polished Blackstone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|link=Slab|Stone Slabs|sprite=all-slabs|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Smooth Stone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Shulker Box}}
{{breaking row|Concrete|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Andesite|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Dark Prismarine|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Diorite|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Dripstone Block|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Granite|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Mud Bricks|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Pointed Dripstone}}
{{breaking row|Prismarine|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Prismarine Bricks|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Purpur block|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Purpur pillar|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Stone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Stone Bricks|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Tuff|Wood}}
{{breaking row|link=Stairs|Stone Brick Stairs|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Amethyst Bud|drop=0}}
{{breaking row|Amethyst Cluster|drop=0}}
{{breaking row|Blackstone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Block of Amethyst|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Budding Amethyst|drop=0}}
{{breaking row|Chiseled Polished Blackstone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Polished Blackstone Bricks|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Gilded Blackstone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Glazed Terracotta|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Terracotta|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Basalt|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Smooth Basalt|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Polished Basalt|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Packed Mud}}
{{breaking row|Block of Quartz|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Quartz Stairs|Wood|link=Stairs}}
{{breaking row|Red Sandstone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Red Sandstone Stairs|Wood|link=stairs}}
{{breaking row|Sandstone|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Sandstone Stairs|Wood|link=stairs}}
{{breaking row|Calcite|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Rail}}
{{breaking row|Brewing Stand|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Stone Button|any}}
{{breaking row|Ice|drop=0}}
{{breaking row|Magma Block|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Packed Ice|drop=0}}
{{breaking row|Frosted Ice|drop=0}}
{{breaking row|Stone Pressure Plate|Wood}}
{{breaking row|Netherrack|Wood}}
{{breaking row|sprite=crimson-nylium|Nylium|Wood|foot=1}}

=== Weapon ===
Hitting a mob with a pickaxe is a stronger attack than using fists. Pickaxes lose 2 durability when used as a weapon.

==== Java Edition ====
Pickaxes have an attack speed modifier of −2.8, meaning they take about 0.83 seconds to [[Damage#Attack cooldown|recover]]. All pickaxes have an attack speed of 1.2 hits per second. They deal different damage based on the type:

{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Attack damage"
! Pickaxe type
! Attack damage
! Damage per<br> second (DPS)
|{{ItemLink|Wooden Pickaxe}} ||rowspan=2 |{{hp|2}} ||rowspan=2 |2.4
|{{ItemLink|Golden Pickaxe}}
|{{ItemLink|Stone Pickaxe}} ||{{hp|3}} ||3.6
|{{ItemLink|Iron Pickaxe}} ||{{hp|4}} ||4.8
|{{ItemLink|Diamond Pickaxe}} ||{{hp|5}} ||6
|{{ItemLink|Netherite Pickaxe}} ||{{hp|6}} ||7.2

==== Bedrock Edition ====
{{IN|bedrock}}, pickaxes always attack instantly and do the following damage:

{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Attack damage"
! Pickaxe type
! Attack damage
|{{ItemLink|Wooden Pickaxe}}<br />{{ItemLink|Golden Pickaxe}} ||{{hp|3}}
|{{ItemLink|Stone Pickaxe}} ||{{hp|4}}
|{{ItemLink|Iron Pickaxe}} ||{{hp|5}}
|{{ItemLink|Diamond Pickaxe}} ||{{hp|6}}
|{{ItemLink|Netherite Pickaxe}} ||{{hp|7}}

=== Enchantments ===
A pickaxe can receive the following [[enchantment]]s:
{|class="wikitable col-2-center col-3-right"
!Max Level
|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Fortune]]<ref group=note name=note1>Fortune and Silk Touch are mutually exclusive.</ref>
|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Silk Touch]]<ref group=note name=note1/>
|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Curse of Vanishing]]
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}


=== Fuel ===
Wooden pickaxes can be used as a fuel in [[furnace]]s, smelting 1 item per wooden pickaxe.

=== Smelting ingredient ===
{{Smelting|showname=1|Iron Pickaxe;Golden Pickaxe|Iron Nugget;Gold Nugget|0,1}}
{{EntityLink|Piglin|Piglins}} are attracted to golden pickaxes and run toward any golden pickaxes on the ground, and inspect it for 6 to 8 seconds before putting it in their inventory.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|subtitle=Item breaks
|description=When a pickaxe's durability is exhausted

{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|description=When a shovel's durability is exhausted

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Wooden Pickaxe
{{ID table
|displayname=Stone Pickaxe
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron Pickaxe
{{ID table
|displayname=Diamond Pickaxe
{{ID table
|displayname=Golden Pickaxe
{{ID table
|displayname=Netherite Pickaxe

{{ID table
|displayname=Wooden Pickaxe
{{ID table
|displayname=Stone Pickaxe
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron Pickaxe
{{ID table
|displayname=Diamond Pickaxe
{{ID table
|displayname=Golden Pickaxe
{{ID table
|displayname=Netherite Pickaxe

== Achievements ==
{{Load achievements|Time to mine!;Getting an Upgrade;MOAR Tools ;Oooh, shiny!}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Getting an Upgrade;Isn't It Iron Pick;Stone Age;Oh Shiny}}

== Video ==

== History ==
{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20100110|[[File:Iron Pickaxe JE1.png|32px]] Added iron pickaxes.
|A pickaxe is used to gather [[stone]] materials 400% faster than by hand.
|When starting in a new world, the [[player]] is given one of each [[tool]].}}
{{History|||snap=20100124|A complete tool set is no longer given to the player on starting a new world. Instead, there are multiple [[chest]]s in the later called "[[Indev House]]" containing a stack of most accessible [[blocks]]/[[items]] including [[tools]].}}
{{History|||snap=20100128|[[File:Wooden Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Tools now have tiers. Wooden, stone, and diamond pickaxes have been added.|[[File:Iron Pickaxe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of iron pickaxes has been changed.
|A pickaxe held by the [[player]] is now rendered to appear more 3D.|They cannot be crafted yet, but have been added to the item chest in the Indev house.}}
{{History|||snap=20100129|Wood, stone, iron, and diamond pickaxes can now be [[craft]]ed.}}
{{History|||snap=20100130|[[File:Golden Pickaxe JE1.png|32px]] Pickaxes can now be made out of [[gold]].}}
{{History|||snap=20100201-1|Tools, including pickaxes, now take [[damage]] when being used. |Better tools, including pickaxes, now last longer.}}
{{History|||snap=20100201-2|Better pickaxes are now required to mine harder materials.}}
{{History||20100206|[[File:Golden Pickaxe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of golden pickaxes has been changed.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|Before, the pickaxe had much less [[item durability|durability]] (usually half as much).
|Gold pickaxes now [[breaking|mine]] certain materials much faster.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Iron pickaxes are now found in the new [[stronghold]] storeroom [[chest]]s, and in the new [[mineshaft]] chests.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Iron pickaxes can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] altar [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=RC1|Pickaxes and other [[tool]]s now make a [[sound]] when they break.}}
{{History||1.1|snap=12w01a|Iron pickaxes are now found in the new [[village]] blacksmith chests.}}
{{History||1.2.4|snap=release|[[Spruce planks]], [[birch planks]], and [[jungle planks]] can now be used to craft wooden pickaxes.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w16a|Wooden and stone pickaxes are now found in the new [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w18a|Wooden pickaxes can now be used as fuel in a [[furnace]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w21a|Blacksmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1 diamond pickaxe for 10–11 [[emerald]]s, and 1 iron pickaxe for 7–8 emeralds.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w21a|Instead of replacing the barehanded [[damage]] ({{hp|1}}), pickaxes now add their damage onto the barehanded damage, which results in all pickaxes doing {{hp|1}} more damage than before.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=1.7.1|[[Acacia planks]] and [[dark oak planks]] can now be used to craft wooden pickaxes.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Tool smith villagers now [[trading|sell]] 1 [[enchanting|enchanted]] diamond pickaxe for 12–15 emeralds, and 1 enchanted iron pickaxe for 9–11 emeralds. 
|Unenchanted pickaxes are no longer sold by [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Enchanted iron and diamond pickaxes can now be found in the [[end ship]] [[chest]]s in [[end city|end cities]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w34a|Pickaxes now use the "attack strength" combat mechanic meter. The time it takes for the meter to fill up for a pickaxe is 0.8 seconds.}}
{{History|||snap=15w34c|Pickaxes now do less [[damage]], but recover quicker.}}
{{History|||snap=15w35a|Pickaxes now recover more slowly.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44a|The average yield of wood and stone pickaxes in [[bonus chest]]s has been decreased.
|The average yield of iron pickaxes in [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s has been increased.}}
{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|Golden and iron pickaxes can now be [[smelting|smelted]] down into one of their respective [[nugget]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 270, 274, 257, 278 and 285.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Wooden Pickaxe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Pickaxe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Pickaxe JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Pickaxe JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Pickaxe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all pickaxes have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Iron pickaxes can now be found in chests in [[village]] toolsmith houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Toolsmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] stone pickaxes.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Toolsmith villagers now give stone pickaxes to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Netherite Pickaxe JE1.png|32px]] Added netherite pickaxes.
|Netherite pickaxes are obtained by combining one diamond pickaxe and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.
|[[Crimson planks]] and [[warped planks]] can now be used to craft wooden pickaxes.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|[[File:Wooden Pickaxe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Pickaxe JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Pickaxe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Netherite Pickaxe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The textures of wooden, golden, diamond, and netherite pickaxes have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=20w10a|[[File:Netherite Pickaxe JE3.png|32px]] Changed a pixel of the texture of netherite pickaxes.
|Netherite pickaxes can no longer be crafted.
|Netherite pickaxes are now obtained by combining one diamond pickaxe and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.}}
{{History|||snap=20w15a|Stone pickaxes can now be crafted using [[blackstone]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Golden pickaxes now generate randomly enchanted in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w30a|Randomly enchanted diamond pickaxes can now be found in [[bastion remnant]] chests.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w08a|Stone pickaxe can now be crafted using [[cobbled deepslate]].}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[Mangrove planks]] can now be used to craft wooden pickaxes.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Upgrading diamond pickaxes to netherite pickaxes now requires the netherite upgrade [[smithing template]].}}

{{History|upcoming java}}
{{History||Villager Trade Rebalance<br>(Experimental)|link=Java Edition 1.20.2|snap=23w31a|[[Wandering trader]]s now have a chance to sell an enchanted iron pickaxe.}}
{{History||Combat Tests|snap=1.14.3 - Combat Test|The attack speed for all pickaxes has been increased to 2.5.
|The [[damage]] for all pickaxes has been increased by {{hp|1}}.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Stone Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added stone pickaxes.}}
{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Wooden Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added wooden pickaxes.
|Survival players no longer start out with an infinite durability stone pickaxe in the inventory.}}
{{History||v0.3.2|[[File:Iron Pickaxe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Pickaxe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added iron, gold, and diamond pickaxes.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Removed stone pickaxes from the creative inventory.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 11|All pickaxes are now available in the [[creative]] inventory.}}
{{History|||snap=build 12|All pickaxes have been removed from creative.}}
{{History|||snap=build 13|Pickaxes have been re-added to creative mode.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Iron pickaxes can now be found inside [[minecart with chest]]s in [[mineshaft]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[Enchanting|Enchanted]] iron pickaxes and enchanted diamond pickaxes can now be found in [[end city|end cities]].}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Toolsmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] enchanted diamond pickaxes for 12-15 emeralds as their last tier trades and enchanted iron pickaxes for 9-11 [[emerald]]s as their second tier trades.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Iron and golden pickaxes are now [[smelting|smeltable]].}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Wooden and stone pickaxes can now be found inside [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Iron pickaxes can now be found in [[plains]] [[village]] weaponsmith houses.
|[[File:Wooden Pickaxe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Pickaxe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Pickaxe JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Pickaxe JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Pickaxe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all pickaxes have been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Iron pickaxes can now be found in [[village]] toolsmiths [[chest]]s and in [[savanna]], [[taiga]], [[snowy taiga]] and [[desert]] village weaponsmith chests.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, toolsmith [[villager]]s now have a 25% chance to [[trading|sell]] an [[enchanting|enchanted]] iron pickaxe for 3 [[emerald]]s as part of their third tier trades, and an enchanted diamond pickaxe now costs 13 emeralds.
|Stone pickaxes can now be bought from toolsmith villagers.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Pickaxe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added netherite pickaxes.|Netherite pickaxes are obtained by combining one diamond pickaxe and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.
|[[File:Wooden Pickaxe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Pickaxe JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Pickaxe JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of wooden, golden, and diamond pickaxes have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Netherite pickaxes can no longer be crafted.
|Netherite pickaxes are now obtained by combining one diamond pickaxe and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.
|Stone pickaxes can now be crafted using [[blackstone]].
|Golden pickaxes now generate randomly enchanted in [[ruined portal]] chests.
|Netherite pickaxe now generate randomly enchanted in [[bastion remnant]] chest.}}
{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Pickaxe JE3.png|32px]] Changed a pixel of the texture of netherite pickaxes to match ''Java Edition''.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Wooden Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Pickaxe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Pickaxe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added pickaxes (all five types).}}
{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|Iron and golden pickaxes are now [[smelting|smeltable]].}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Wooden Pickaxe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Pickaxe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Pickaxe JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Pickaxe JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Pickaxe JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all pickaxes have been changed.}}

{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Wooden Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Pickaxe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Pickaxe JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Pickaxe JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added pickaxes.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
*The golden pickaxe is the only pickaxe that is unable to harvest the material it is made from.
*The pickaxe is the only block-breaking tool without a {{control|use}} (right-click) function.

=== Publicity ===
*Plastic diamond pickaxes are official ''[[Minecraft]]'' merchandise.<ref>https://shop.minecraft.net/products/minecraft-pickaxe?_pos=3&_psq=pickaxe&_ss=e&_v=1.0</ref>
*In the game [[wikipedia:Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise|''Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise'']], the player can buy a diamond pickaxe which, according to the game, is made by "Kick it up a Notch Pickaxes", referring to [[Notch]].
*In mobile game ''[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.tapps.vloggergoviral Vlogger Go Viral]'' clicker game, after buying the figurine shelf, there is a model of a diamond pickaxe stuck to a [[grass block]].
*In the game [[wikipedia:The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|''The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim'']], the player can find a pickaxe called the "Notched Pickaxe", evidently an [[easter egg]].
*In the game [[wikipedia:Offensive Combat|''Offensive Combat'']], a stone pickaxe can be used as a melee weapon with the name of "The Notch Carver".
*In the game [[wikipedia:The Binding of Isaac (video game)|''The Binding of Isaac'']], an obtainable item named "Notched Axe", also with a drawn 8-bit look, can be used to destroy rocks. The Notched Axe also makes a return in the game's remake, [[wikipedia:The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth|''The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth'']].
*In the game [[wikipedia:Borderlands 2|''Borderlands 2'']], the player can find a secret area hidden away by blocks resembling Minecraft [[dirt]], also once inside the player can fight Creeper and the Mother Creeper to get rare Minecraft-related skins.
*In the game [[wikipedia:Octodad: Dadliest Catch|''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'']], the supermarket level has a "Mintcraft" display, an obvious parody of Minecraft, even including toy pickaxes and a creeper head.
*In the game [[wikipedia:Transformice|''Transformice'']], a diamond pickaxe can be found in the shop.

== Gallery ==
File:Pickaxe in Mineshaft Chest.png|A naturally generated pickaxe.
Live in Your World JINX.jpg|Official T-shirt artwork "Live in Your World" featuring an iron pickaxe made by [https://www.jinx.com JINX].
Pickaxe JINX.jpg|Official T-shirt artwork of a pickaxe made by JINX.
Stone Pickaxe SDGP.png|Stone pickaxe in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].
Iron Pickaxe SDGP.png|Iron pickaxe in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].

=== Enchanted pickaxes ===
Enchanted Wooden Pickaxe.gif
Enchanted Stone Pickaxe.gif
Enchanted Iron Pickaxe.gif
Enchanted Golden Pickaxe.gif
Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe.gif
Enchanted Netherite Pickaxe.gif

== References ==

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory-pickaxe Taking Inventory: Pickaxe] – Minecraft.net on May 10, 2018


| image = Shears.png
| rarity = Common
| renewable = Yes
| durability = 238
| stackable = No

'''Shears''' are tools required to obtain some organic blocks or otherwise mine them faster as well as to shear certain entities and blocks.



|B2= Iron Ingot
|A3= Iron Ingot
|Output= Shears
|type= Tool
|Damaged Shears
|Damaged Shears
|Output= Shears
|description= The durability of the two shears is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.
|type= Tool
Despite using [[Iron Ingot|iron]] in its crafting recipe, shears cannot be smelted into [[iron nugget]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-111738}}</ref>


Novice-level Shepherd [[villager]]s have a 40% chance to sell shears for 2 [[emerald]]s in Java Edition. This trade is always offered in Bedrock Edition.

===Chest loot===



Shears lose 1 [[durability]] when used to shear something.

Shears can be {{Control|use|text=used}} on a [[sheep]] to remove its coat and drop 1–3 [[wool]] of the corresponding color. The same sheep can be sheared again after it eats from a [[grass block]] to regenerate its coat.

Shearing a [[mooshroom]] drops 5 [[mushroom]]s of the corresponding color and irreversibly turns it into a normal [[cow]].

Shearing a [[snow golem]] irreversibly removes its pumpkin, dropping it and revealing its face.

Shearing either a [[beehive]] or [[bee nest]] that is full of honey makes it drop 3 [[honeycomb]]s and resets it to honey level 0. The same beehive or bee nest can be sheared again if it is able to reach full honey again. If sheared by hand without a [[campfire]] below the hive or nest all bees within will exit and all nearby bees will attack the offending player. 

[[Dispenser]]s can use shears in any of the above listed ways, interacting with any valid block or entity in front of the dispenser's face. This decreases the shears' [[durability]]. A dispenser shearing a beehive or bee nest will not anger bees or cause them to leave even if there is not a campfire below it.

Shearing a [[pumpkin]] turns it into a [[carved pumpkin]], dropping 4 [[pumpkin seeds]].

{{IN|java}}, shearing the tip of [[cave vines]], [[kelp]], [[weeping vines]], or [[twisting vines]] sets its age value to 25 and stops further growth.

===Breaking blocks===
Shears use 1 [[durability]] when is used to break any block, even if it [[instant mining|breaks instantly]] by hand.

Shears can be used to harvest [[cobweb|cobwebs]], [[leaves]], [[grass|grass, tall grass]], [[seagrass|seagrass, tall seagrass]], [[fern|ferns, large fern]]s, [[dead bush]]es, [[nether sprouts]], [[vines]], [[glow lichen]] or [[hanging roots]] and obtain them in item form. They can also be used to break [[tripwire]] connected to a [[tripwire hook]] without activating it.

When shears are used to break [[Weeping Vines|weeping vines]] or [[Twisting Vines|twisting vines]] they are guaranteed to drop in item form instead of the usual 33% chance. This only applies to vines directly broken by shears and not vines that are broken due to the destruction of their supporting vines.

The following table shows information about blocks that can be broken with shears. Colors indicate what gets dropped when the block is broken:

*White: The original block.
*Blue: The block's normal drop (i.e. string, sticks, seeds, saplings, apples).
*Red: Nothing.

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Blocks broken with shears"
!No shears breaking time
!Shears breaking time
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Cobweb}}
| {{tc|no|20 s}}<ref group="note">Breaking cobwebs with a sword is as fast as breaking with shears, and yields string. This costs double durability.</ref>
|0.4 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Dead Bush}}
| {{tc|planned|0 s}}
|0 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|id=fern|Grass|Fern}}
| {{tc|planned|0 s}}
|0 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Grass}}
| {{tc|planned|0 s}}
| 0 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Nether Sprouts}}
| {{tc|no|0 s}}<ref group="note">{{IN|bedrock}}, the item drops when breaking it with fists.</ref>
|0 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Leaves}}
| {{tc|planned|0.35 s}}
|0.05 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|id=tripwire|String#Tripwire|Tripwire}}
|0 s
|0 s<ref group="note">Using shears does not trigger a redstone pulse.</ref>
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Vines}}
| {{tc|no|0.35 s}}
|0.35 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Wool}}
|1.25 s
|0.25 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Seagrass}}
| {{tc|no|0 s}}
|0 s
! style="text-align:left" | {{BlockLink|Glow Lichen}}
| {{tc|no|0.3 s}}
|0.3 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Hanging Roots}}
| {{tc|no|0 s}}
|0 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockSprite|Twisting Vines Plant}}{{BlockLink|Twisting Vines}}<br> {{BlockSprite|Weeping Vines Plant}}{{BlockLink|Weeping Vines}}
|0 s
|0 s<ref group="note">Using shears will increase the chance of dropping from 33% to 100%.</ref>



Shears can receive the following [[Enchanting|enchantments]]:

{| class="wikitable col-2-center col-3-right"
! Max Level
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Curse of Vanishing]]
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Silk Touch]]{{only|be|short=1}}
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}


== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Shears click
|description=When a mooshroom is sheared
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Shears click
|description=When a sheep is sheared
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Shears click
|description=When a snow golem is sheared
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Plant cropped
|description=When a growing plant is cropped
{{Sound table
|sound=Beehive shear.ogg
|subtitle=Shears scrape
|description=When honeycombs are harvested from a beehive
{{Sound table
|sound=Pumpkin carve1.ogg
|sound2=Pumpkin carve2.ogg
|subtitle=Shears carve
|description=When a pumpkin is carved
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|subtitle=Item breaks
|description=When a pair of shears' durability is exhausted

Pumpkins do not have carve sounds.
{{Sound table
|description=When something is sheared
{{Sound table
|sound=Beehive shear.ogg
|description=When honeycombs are harvested from a beehive
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|description=When a pair of shears' durability is exhausted

==Data values==
{{ID table

{{ID table


{{load achievements|Have a Shearful Day}}<div style="text-align:center"></div>

{{History||June 3, 2011|link=https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/76570646074765312|Shears were first mentioned by [[Jeb]] on [[wikipedia:Twitter|Twitter]]. The tweet revealing Jeb's work on shears was written in Swedish (''Jag jobbar på shears nu''), which translates to "I'm working on shears now".}}
{{History||June 7, 2011|link=https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/78154891637436416|Jeb tweets about how shears were originally planned as a way to defuse [[TNT]], but he dropped this shortly after deciding TNT would detonate only with [[redstone]] or [[fire]].}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.7|[[File:Shears JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shears.
|Before [[Beta 1.7]], [[sheep]] would drop 1-3 [[wool]] blocks at most when hit, but shears can harvest up to 4 wool blocks per sheep.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Shears can now be used to harvest a [[fern]], [[vines]] and [[grass]].}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Shears now harvest [[red mushroom]]s from a [[mooshroom]] and turn it back into a normal [[cow]].}}
{{History||1.1|snap=11w49a|[[Sheep]] now drop only 1-3 wool blocks when sheared, but they can also regrow their wool by eating [[grass block|grass]], which is part of a plan to have [[animal]]s stay in the game longer.<ref>{{Tweet|jeb|76647002317930496}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w05a|Shears can now be used to harvest [[dead bush]]es.}}
{{History|||snap=12w06a|Shears are now [[renewable]], due to [[zombie]]s occassionally dropping iron ingots.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Shears can now be [[trading|bought]] from farmer [[villager]]s for 3 [[emerald]]s each.}}
{{History|||snap=12w22a|Shears can now be used to break [[tripwire]] string and not set it off.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38a|Added a [[sound]] when using shears on [[sheep]].}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w50a|Shears can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Trading]] has been changed: Shepherd [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] shears for 3–4 [[emerald]]s each. 
|Farmers no longer trade shears.}}
{{History|||snap=pre1|Shears now lose [[item durability|durability]] when breaking [[wool]] blocks. In previous versions, shears would take [[item durability|durability]] [[damage]] only when destroyed or when breaking [[tall grass]] or [[leaves]], the damage remaining the same for all other [[block]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-5313}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w34a|Shears may now be used in a crafting grid to zoom in [[map]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=15w45a|Shears no longer zoom in maps.}}
{{History|||snap=15w47b|Shears can no longer be enchanted with [[Silk Touch]].
|Shears now lose durability when used to break any block (formerly lost durability only from [[leaves]], [[web]], [[grass]], [[vines]], [[tripwire]] and [[wool]]).}}
{{History|||snap=15w47c|Shears now harvest [[cobweb]] without requiring [[Silk Touch]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w49a|[[Snow golem]]'s [[pumpkin]] can now be removed with shears.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|When shears are {{control|used}} on an un-carved [[pumpkin]], it now turns into a carved pumpkin and drops 4 [[pumpkin seeds]].
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 359.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Shears placed in a [[dispenser]] can now shear [[sheep]].
|[[File:Shears JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of shears has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Shears can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] shepherd houses.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|Shears can now be used on [[bee nest]]s and [[beehive]]s to harvest [[honeycomb]].}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w15a|Shears placed in a dispenser can now shear [[mooshrooms]] and [[snow golem]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=pre1|Shears are now required in order to pick up [[roots]].}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=pre2|Shears are no longer required to pick up [[roots]].}}
{{History||1.17|snap=?|Shears are now required in order to pick up [[hanging roots]].}}
{{History||1.18|snap=21w37a|Shears can now stop [[cave vines]], [[kelp]], [[weeping vines]], and [[twisting vines]] from aging.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|Shears are now required in order to pick up [[mangrove leaves]].}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Shears JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shears.}}
{{History||v0.3.2|Survival [[player]]s no longer start out with infinite durability shears in the [[inventory]].}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Removed shears from the creative inventory.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 3|Re-added shears to [[creative]] mode.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Shears can now be used to transform [[mooshroom]]s into [[cow]]s.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 3|Shearing a [[snow golem]] now removes its [[pumpkin]].
|Shears can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]] in an [[anvil]].}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Shears can now be used to break [[tripwire]] string without triggering it.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Shears now lose durability when used to break any [[block]].}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Shears can now be [[trading|bought]] from shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Breaking a [[melon|melon block]] with shears now always drop 9 [[melon slice|melons]].}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Shears can now be used to turn un-carved [[pumpkin]]s into [[carved pumpkin]] and spit out 4 [[pumpkin seeds]].}}
{{History||?|Shears now harvest [[cobweb]] without requiring [[Silk Touch]].}} 
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Shears placed in a [[dispenser]] can now shear [[sheep]].
|[[File:Shears JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of shears has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Shears can now be found in [[village]] shepherd houses.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Shears [[trading|sold]] by shepherd [[villager]]s now cost only 2 [[emerald]]s.}}
{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|Shears can now be used on [[bee nest]]s and [[beehive]]s to harvest [[honeycomb]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU3|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Shears JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shears.}}
{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|Shears can now be used to turn regular [[pumpkin]]s into [[carved pumpkin]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Shears JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of shears has been changed.
|Shears placed in a [[dispenser]] can now shear [[sheep]].}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Shears JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shears.}}

{{issue list}}


File:Enchanted Shears.gif|An enchanted pair of shears.


==External links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--shears Taking Inventory: Shears] – Minecraft.net on November 20, 2019


[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul>
17w43aThe default resource pack can now be moved up and down, just like other resource packs.
17w48aChanged format number to 4, due to The Flattening.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Camera|Camera]]<br/>{{about|the entity|the command|commands/camera}}
|stackable=Yes (64)
| title = Camera Block
| image = Camera (block).png
| invimage = none
| transparent = No
| light = 0
| tool = any
| stackable = Yes (64)
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = No
| renewable = No

The '''camera''' is an [[entity]] that is capable of capturing and storing images. {{IN|edu}}, it works together with the [[portfolio]] item to create collections of [[photo]]s.<ref>https://education.minecraft.net/support/knowledge-base/using-cameras-portfolios/</ref>

== Obtaining ==
The camera can be obtained in the [[Creative inventory]] in ''Minecraft Education''. It can be obtained either by NBT editors, inventory editors, or glitches in Bedrock Edition.

To get the block form of the camera in Bedrock Edition using an NBT editor, you need to set the item name of the block in the inventory slot (<code>name:</code> ) to <code>item.camera</code>, then you need to add a compound tag called <code>Block</code> and inside of that put the int tag <code>version: 18040335</code> and the text tag <code>name: minecraft:camera</code> into the block compound tag. For the usable "[[spawn egg]]" form of the camera, you only need to set the item name of the block in the inventory slot (<code>name:</code> ) to <code>camera</code>; you do not need to add the block compound for this form of the camera. 

== Usage ==
Using a camera from the [[inventory]] captures a first-person screenshot. It can also be placed, creating a camera [[entity]] that can track the user, and take pictures from the camera's perspective. Photos that are taken using the camera appear in the [[portfolio]].

Close-up snapshots of an [[item]] on the ground can be taken by holding the Shift key while right-clicking.

Photos that are taken with the camera block are stored in <code>%localappdata%\Packages\MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\screenshots</code>.

== Sounds ==
=== Generic ===
{{Sound table/Block/Normal/BE}}
=== Unique ===
{{Sound table
|description=When a picture is taken with a camera

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
{{ID table
{{ID table

=== Entity data ===

See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].

== Video ==

== History ==
{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.1.0|[[File:Camera BE1.png|50px]] [[File:Camera (item texture) BE1.png|32px]] The textures and model of the camera can be found in the game apk file.<ref name="found">[{{Reddit|jkkmr/found_image_file_for_camera_in_minecraft_portable}} Reddit - Found image file for camera in Minecraft Portable Edition Demo APK file.]</ref><ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20160604161800/https://twitter.com/Kappische/status/103548954368679936</ref>}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Camera BE2.png|50px]] [[File:Music Disc Blocks JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cameras
|Changed item and tripod textures.
|To use a camera, equip it in the [[player]]'s hand, then look in the direction the player wants the picture to be taken. Long-press the screen, and a camera [[drops]] to the ground where the player are standing. Step back, then press on the camera until it starts emitting smoke [[particles]]. The smoke means a picture has been taken, and the camera may disappear immediately afterward.
|Cameras have infinite uses.
|Entity id 62 and item id 456.<ref>https://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1233138-i-found-the-camera-id/</ref>}}
{{History||v0.5.0|The camera is now invisible and makes the standard player [[damage]] [[sound]].}}
{{History||v0.7.0|Added the "F1" feature (Hide GUI), which has now made the camera obsolete.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 2|[[File:Egg JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Item form now uses [[egg]] texture.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|The camera [[entity]] has been removed. [[Tommaso]] also stated: ''"It doesn't mean that it's dead forever, in fact I have a lot of ideas for it! I think it will be back when have [[shader]]s, sharing and [[redstone]]."''<ref>{{Reddit|sub=MCPE|281sep/camera|ci6znr8}}</ref>}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Camera BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Camera (item) BE2.png|32px]] Re-added the camera. It is accessible only with [[inventory]] editors.
|In this version, if the player spawns a camera, leaves the [[world]] and joins back, it summons [[lightning]].}}
{{History||v0.14.2|The camera [[item]] ID has been changed to 498, but it cannot be used at the moment. The [[entity]] can now be spawned with a [[spawn egg]] with a [[damage]] value of 62.
|According to the language files of the game, the empty label that shows up whenever hovering a finger to a camera would now say "Take Picture". However, the button doesn't do anything.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|The previous empty label on the camera mentioned above now displays the words "Take Picture".
|The [[health]] of the camera [[entity]] is now {{hp|2}} instead {{hp|4}}.
|The camera no longer summons [[lightning]].}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|The camera now has a [[block]] form in [[inventory]], but still spawns the entity. However, the block can be placed only with [[commands]] and editing.
|"Take picture" button on the camera works now, but no image files are created.
|The oldest ID for camera (456) now refers to [[portfolio]].}}
{{History|||snap=build 2|[[File:Camera Block.png|32px]] The camera now has an [[item]] form and the [[block]] has been removed. However, it is still obtainable in servers.
|[[Portfolio]], which works together with the camera to create collections of pictures, has been removed.}}
{{History|||snap=build 4|Camera item form has been removed, and the camera can no longer be obtained or placed using any [[commands|command]].}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|[[File:Camera BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Camera Block.png|32px]] The camera has been reimplemented.
|The camera [[entity]] can now be spawned with a [[spawn egg]] with [[damage]] value 258.}}
{{History||1.12.0|snap=beta|The camera can now be obtained with the {{cmd|give}} [[commands|command]].}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|The camera can no longer be obtained with the {{cmd|give}} command.
|Functionality has been added to the camera. Screenshots that are taken by the camera can now be saved into the {{cd|screenshots}} folder.
|Cameras are now a part of the {{el|ee}} toggle as a hidden feature.
|Cameras no longer have a [[death]] animation when killed by the [[player]] and instead, instantly emit smoke [[particles]].}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The camera can now be obtained with the {{cmd|give}} [[commands|command]] once again.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|The camera can no longer be obtained with the {{cmd|give}} command.}}
{{History||1.0|[[File:Camera BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Camera Block.png|32px]] Added cameras.}}
{{History||1.4.0|Cameras no longer have a [[death]] animation when killed by the [[player]] and instead instantly emit smoke [[particles]].}}

=== Future ===
At the Minecraft [[Pocket Edition]] panel at [[MineCon 2012]], as well as one of [[Johan Bernhardsson|Jbernhardsson]]'s livestreams, it was stated that future plans include trying to have a proper use for cameras, perhaps an easier way to take screenshots and share them with others.<ref>{{ytl|YMhyX_lKWV4}}</ref> In the BlockTalk Q&A, the camera was briefly mentioned as part of a broader "sharing" theme planned for {{el|be}} in the future.<ref>{{ytl|Ruf6tvqsD84}}</ref>
It later got implemented into {{el|ee}}, using the camera to make screenshots and share them in a special book.

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* A camera prevents a [[Book and Quill]] from working. Attempting to craft it or obtain it by commands gives a regular book instead, due to non-implementation of photo attaching to written books.
* The camera can take a screenshot, which appears a bit smaller with a thick paper outline having cuts on its edges, making it look like an old photograph.
* This feature is hidden from the Creative inventory and from the /give command item menu.

== Gallery ==
PEcameras030.jpg|A row of cameras, as seen in [[Pocket Edition v0.3.0 alpha|v0.3.0]].
PEcameraphoto.jpg|Example image taken by the camera [[entity]].
CameraUse-1.png|The first method of using cameras.
CameraUse-2.png|The second method of using cameras.
Dinnerbone Camera.png|A camera spawned using a [[spawn egg]] named "[[Dinnerbone]]" in the v0.15.0 beta.
Cam2.png|A camera falling from a [[tree]]. This shows that cameras are entities.
Education Edition Exclusive Features.png|The camera and camera block placed in a world along with other Education Edition features.
Screenshot by camera.jpg|An example of the screenshot taken by a camera in [[Bedrock Edition beta|beta]].
File:Say Cheese.jpeg|[[Steve]], [[Alex]], [[Jesse]], and an [[Agent]] getting their picture taken.

== See also ==
* [[Portfolio]]
* [[Screenshot]]

== References ==

{{Education Edition}}

[[Category:Education Edition entities]]
[[Category:Education Edition items]]

[[fr:Appareil photo]]
| title = Spyglass
| image = Spyglass.png
| durability = 
| rarity = Common
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = No
A '''spyglass''' is a [[tool]] used to zoom in on distant objects.

== Obtaining ==
=== Crafting ===
  |B1=Amethyst Shard
  |B2=Copper Ingot
  |B3=Copper Ingot

== Usage ==
[[File:Steve scoping Spyglass.png|right|100px]] [[File:Alex scoping Spyglass.png|right|100px]]

To use a spyglass, the player selects it from the hotbar and clicks {{control|use}} while looking in the desired direction.

Spyglasses are used to zoom in on a specific location in the player's field of view (FOV). The spyglass changes the FOV to {{frac|1|10}} of the FOV set in [[options]]. By default, the FOV is set to 70° in ''Java Edition'' and 60° in Bedrock Edition, resulting in an FOV of 7° in ''Java Edition'' and 6° in Bedrock Edition through the spyglass. The player's FOV can be set from 30° to 110°, so the spyglass FOV can  range from 3° to 11°. Regardless of the situation, or status effects the player has, using the Spyglass always shows a FOV {{frac|1|10}} of the FOV set in [[options]].

A square vignette is applied when in use, similar to the effect when wearing a [[carved pumpkin]]. Pressing {{key|F1}} removes the vignette,{{only|java}}<ref>{{bug|MC-203575||The spyglass overlay goes away when pressing F1|WAI}}</ref><ref>{{bug|MCPE-125869||Spyglass's overlay don't go away even if the player toggles Hide GUI on/ Pressing F1|}}</ref> similar to a carved pumpkin. 

Hazy distant objects remain hazy when viewed in the spyglass. Mobs too distant to render also do not render in the spyglass. The spyglass shows a magnified view of what the player already sees.

The player is slowed down while watching through the spyglass. When the player uses the spyglass continuously for {{convert|1|minute|game tick}}, the interface is automatically closed.

If the player has a certain effect on their screen like [[fire]], the spyglass does not remove that effect on the player's screen.

[[File:Spyglass Zooming.gif|thumb|center|A spyglass being used to zoom in on a [[block of gold]] starting from normal FOV (70°).]]

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Spyglass use.ogg
|subtitle=Spyglass expands
|description=When a player uses a spyglass
|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound>Can be 1.15, 1.33, 1.4, or 1.55</ref>
{{Sound table
|sound=Spyglass stop.ogg
|subtitle=Spyglass retracts
|description=When a player stops using a spyglass
|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound>Can be 1.0, 0.8, or 0.9</ref>

{{Sound table
|sound=Spyglass use.ogg
|description=When a player uses a spyglass
{{Sound table
|sound=Spyglass stop.ogg
|description=When a player stops using a spyglass

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Is it a Bird?;Is it a Balloon?;Is it a Plane?}}

== History ==
{{History||October 3, 2020|link={{ytl|DBvZ2Iqmm3M|t=25m21s}}|[[File:Spyglass JE1.png|32px]]<!-- [[File:Spyglass scope (pre-release).png|32px]]--> Spyglasses are revealed at [[Minecraft Live 2020]]. They were originally named "telescopes" and had an oval vignette.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|[[File:Spyglass JE1.png|32px]] Added spyglasses.
|[[File:Spyglass scope JE1.png|32px]] The scope texture is currently a circle with glare spots.}}
{{History|||snap=20w46a|[[File:Spyglass scope JE2.png|32px]] The scope texture is now a [[glass]] square with a [[copper]] border.}}
{{History|||snap=20w48a|[[File:Spyglass JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The spyglass is now a 3D model instead of a flat sprite.
|[[File:Spyglass (texture) JE2.png|32px]] The texture of the spyglass has changed.
|A spyglass in use is anchored better to the player's "eye" when viewed in 3rd person.}}
{{History|||snap=21w05a|Copper ingots are now renewable via [[drowned]], making spyglasses renewable.}}
{{History|||snap=21w10a|[[File:Spyglass (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Spyglasses have a new texture in the inventory. The 3D model is still used in the hand, similar to [[tridents]].}}
{{History||1.17.1|snap=Pre-release 1|[[File:Spyglass (texture) JE3.png|32px]] The texture of the spyglass model has changed.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Spyglass JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spyglass (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Added spyglasses.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Spyglasses are now available without enabling [[experimental gameplay]].}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

== Trivia ==
*If {{command|item replace}} is used to place a spyglass on a player's head, the item appears stuck to the center of the player's face.

== Gallery ==
Villager Spyglass.png|Spying on [[villager]]s through a spyglass.
After using the spyglass at FOV 30 F1.png|Hiding the HUD removes the spyglass overlay.
Panda eating a spyglass.png|When eaten by a [[panda]], spyglasses cause [[missing texture]] particles to be produced.<ref>{{bug|MC-206684}}</ref>
JE 1.17 Development Telescope.jpg|The spyglass was originally called the telescope.
JE 1.17 Development Telescope 2.jpg|The telescope's overlay was originally round instead of square.
File:Ari Spyglass.jpg|How the spyglass looks in the third person.
Steve scoping Spyglass JE1.png|Steve using a spyglass before its 3D model was added.
Alex scoping Spyglass JE1.png|Alex using a spyglass before its 3D model was added.
File:Mangrove Portal.jpg|An [[allay]] peeking into view of [[Noor]]’s spyglass.

== References ==

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--spyglass Taking Inventory: Spyglass] – Minecraft.net on February 17, 2022


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[ru:Подзорная труба]]
18w45aAdded "Programmer Art – The classic look of Minecraft" to the resource pack menu, due to the old textures being replaced by new ones in the Texture Update.
19w06aSignificantly improved resource pack loading speed.[4]
Particles textures are now plot into individual files.
19w07aPainting textures are now split into individual files.
19w08aStatus effect textures are now split into individual files.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Carrot|Carrot]]<br/>{{about|the natural food item|the golden food|Golden Carrot|the item for controlling saddled pigs|Carrot on a Stick}}
| group = Age 0-1
| 1-1 = Carrots Age 0-1.png
| 1-2 = Carrots Age 0-1 BE.png
| group2 = Age 2-3
| 2-1 = Carrots Age 2-3.png
| 2-2 = Carrots Age 2-3 BE.png
| group3 = Age 4-6
| 3-1 = Carrots Age 4-6.png
| 3-2 = Carrots Age 4-6 BE.png
| group4 = Age 7
| 4-1 = Carrots Age 7.png
| 4-2 = Carrots Age 7 BE.png
| image2 = Carrot JE3 BE2.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|3}}
| stackable = Yes (64)
A '''carrot''' is a [[food]] [[item]] obtained from carrot crops that can be used to plant them, eaten or used as a crafting ingredient.

'''Carrot crops''' are planted in [[farmland]] and used to grow carrots.

== Obtaining ==

=== Breaking ===
{{See also|Fortune#Seeds}}
Fully grown carrot crops drop 2 to 5 carrots ({{frac|3|5|7}} per crop harvested on average). Yield can be increased using a tool enchanted with [[Fortune]], with Fortune III harvesting an average of {{frac|5|3|7}} carrots.

The yield is calculated by a binomial distribution: 2 drops are fixed, then a drop is attempted three times with a success rate of 57.14286% to yield the extra 0–3 drops. Each level of Fortune enchantment increases the number of attempts by one.

=== Natural generation ===
[[Village]] farm plots have a chance of having carrots. The exact chance depends on the style of the village:

{| class="wikitable"
! Village style !! Chance
| {{EnvSprite|plains-village}} Plains || 30%
| {{EnvSprite|snowy-village}} Snowy || 10%

=== Mob loot ===
[[Zombie]]s, [[husk]]s, and [[zombie villager]]s have a 2.5% ({{frac|1|40}}) chance of dropping either an [[iron ingot]], carrot, or [[potato]] when killed by a player or tamed wolf. This is increased by 1% ({{frac|1|100}}) per level of looting. This gives carrots the following chances of dropping:
* {{frac|1|120}} (about 0.83%)
* {{frac|7|600}} (about 1.17%) with Looting I
* {{frac|9|600}} (about 1.50%) with Looting II
* {{frac|11|600}} (about 1.83%) with Looting III

=== Chest loot ===

== Usage ==
{{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management|title1=Hunger management}}

To eat a carrot, press and hold {{control|use}} while the carrot is selected in the [[hotbar]]. Eating a carrot restores {{hunger|3}} [[hunger]] and 3.6 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].

=== Farming ===
{{see also|Tutorials/Crop farming|title1 = Crop farming }}

Carrots can be [[farming|farmed]] and harvested on [[farmland]]. Planted carrots take 8 [[Block tick|stages]] to grow, and go through 4 visually distinct stages. Planted carrots require a light level of 9 or greater to continue growing. If the light level is 7 or below, the crops instantly un-plant themselves ("pop off"). It is not possible to plant carrots if the light level is too low.

Crops grow faster if the farmland they are planted in is [[Farmland#Hydration|hydrated]]. Using [[bone meal]] on crops also increases the speed of growth by randomly increasing their growth stage by 2 to 5.

Crops break if pushed by a [[piston]] or if their supporting farmland breaks or turns to dirt (i.e. by being trampled), dropping their usual drops.

If {{cmd|gamerule mobGriefing}} is <code>true</code>, rabbits will find mature carrot [[crops]]{{only|je}} / carrot crops with growth stage greater than 1{{only|be}}. This reduces the growth stages by one, removing the crop completely when the growth stage reaches 0.

=== Breeding ===
Carrots can also be used to [[breed]] and attract [[pig]]s and [[rabbit]]s.

Villagers can pick up carrot items to become willing, which allow them to breed. Villagers require 12 carrots to become willing.

=== Trading ===
Novice-level Farmer villagers have a 25% ({{frac|1|4}}){{only|bedrock}} or 40% ({{frac|2|5}}){{only|java}} chance to buy 22 carrots for an emerald.

=== Crafting ingredient ===
{{crafting usage}}

=== Composting ===
Placing a carrot into a [[composter]] has a 65% chance of raising the compost level by 1.

== Sounds ==

=== Block ===
{{Sound table/Block/Crop}}

=== Item ===
{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==

=== ID ===
{{ID table
|blocktags=bee_growables, crops
{{ID table

{{ID table
{{ID table

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== History ==
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|[[File:Carrot JE1.png|32px]] Added carrots. 
|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE1.png|32px]] Added carrot crops.
|Carrots can be obtained only as a rare [[drop]] from [[zombie]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=August 28, 2012|slink={{tweet|Dinnerbone|240428477856231424}}|[[Dinnerbone]] released an image of a [[saddle]]d [[pig]] being controlled with a [[carrot on a stick]]. [[Wheat]] was considered as a "fuel" along with carrots,<ref>{{Tweet|Dinnerbone|240188453789257728}}</ref> but Dinnerbone eventually decided on carrots.<ref>{{Tweet|Dinnerbone|240355810650247168}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=12w34a|Carrots can now be used to craft [[golden carrot]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w36a|Carrots can now be found in [[village]]s.
|Carrots are now used to breed [[pig]]s.
|Carrots are now used to craft [[carrot on a stick]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w37a|[[File:Carrot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of carrots has now been changed. The texture has been changed to singular carrot, with the tooltip changed to reflect this.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w04a|[[Bone meal]] now grows carrots by 1 stage instead of fully growing it. The [[player]] might not see it grow, because some stages look the same.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Carrots now restore {{hunger|3}} points and 3.6 hunger [[saturation]], instead of {{hunger|4}} and 4.8 hunger saturation.
|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 15–19 carrots for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w04a|[[Farmer]] (profession) [[villager]]s now harvest fully grown carrots.
|Villagers can now be made willing using 12 carrots.}}
{{History|||snap=14w06a|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE2.png|32px]] Carrot crops are now a pixel higher - previously they were offset one pixel down as to match farmland's sunken model. This is likely an accidental result of model conversion.}}
{{History|||snap=14w10a|[[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]]<br>Carrot crops of all stages [[Missing model|no longer have a model]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w10b|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE4.png|32px]] Carrot crops now have models again.<ref>{{bug|MC-50232}}</ref> In addition, they are now offset downwards by one pixel once more.<ref>{{bug|MC-50155}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE5.png|32px]] Carrot crops are now darker and subject to directional shading.}}
{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE6.png|32px]] Carrot crops are no longer subject to directional shading.
|Added [[rabbit]]s, which can be [[breeding|bred]] and/or tamed using carrots. Rabbits also grief carrot crops.
|Carrots are now used to craft [[rabbit stew]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w34a|Rabbits can no longer be tamed.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w38a|The [[drops|drop]] chances have now been slightly improved from an average of {{frac|2|3|5}} per [[crops|crop]] harvested to {{frac|2|5|7}}.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this block's numeral ID was 141, and the item's 391.}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Carrots can now generate in the chests of [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Carrot JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of carrots has now been changed.
|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE7.png|32px]] The textures of carrot crops have now been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w47a|Carrots can now generate in the [[chest]]s of [[pillager outpost]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placement and breaking [[sound]]s have now been added to carrots.
|Placing a carrot into the new [[composter]] has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Carrots now have a 65% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate carrot crops.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w13a|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE8.png|32px]] The "crop" template model has changed such that pixels appear in the same physical positions on opposite sides of texture planes, changing the carrot crop's appearance in the process.<ref>{{bug|MC-199242}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.18|snap=Pre-release 5|[[File:Carrots Age 7 JE9.png|32px]] A stray dark pixel has been removed from the texture of fully-grown carrots.<ref>{{bug|MC-226711}}</ref>}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Carrot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added carrots.
|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added carrot crops.
|Carrots can be obtained by killing [[zombie]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=build 3|Carrots now have a chance to [[drops|drop]] when tilling [[grass block]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=build 4|Carrots are no longer dropped by tilling [[grass block]]s.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Carrot crops now naturally spawn in [[village]]s.
|Carrot now used to breed [[pig]]s.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Carrots now restore [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].
|Brown robed [[villager]]s can now harvest fully grown carrot crops.
|Carrots can now be used to craft [[golden carrot]]s.}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Carrots can now be used to breed [[rabbit]]s.
|Carrots can now be used to craft [[rabbit stew]].}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Carrots are now used to craft [[carrot on a stick]].}}
{{History||v0.16.2|Carrots can now be found in a [[chest]] inside the large house in [[snowy tundra]] and [[snowy taiga]] [[village]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 15–19 carrots for 1 [[emerald]].
|Carrots can now be picked up by villagers and become willing.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Carrots can now be found inside of [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Carrots can now be found inside [[shipwreck]] chests.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Carrots can be found in the new [[pillager outpost]]s.
|[[File:Carrot JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of carrots has now been changed.
|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE7.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} The textures of carrot crops have now been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Carrots can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[Trading]] has now been changed, farmer [[villager]]s now have a 25% chance to [[trading|buy]] 22 carrots for an [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate carrot crops.}}
{{History||?|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 BE.png|32px]] Carrot crop planes use a mapping that results in very unnatural mirroring when viewed from certain angles, such as northwest.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-146936}}</ref>}}

{{History||xbox=TU14|xbone=CU1|ps=1.04|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Carrot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added carrots.
|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added carrot crops.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Carrot JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of carrots has now been changed.
|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE7.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} The textures of carrot crops have now been changed.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.91|wiiu=none|switch=none|Carrots can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Carrot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added carrots.
|[[File:Carrots Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Carrots Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added carrot crops.}}

=== Carrots "item" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Carrots}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
AllSeeds.png|All the seeds that exist in the game (except [[nether wart]] and [[cocoa beans]]).
VillageGrowingCarrotsAndPotatoes.png|Carrots and [[potato]]es found growing naturally in a [[village]].
Carrots Growing.png|Carrots in multiple stages of growth.
Carrot Dungeon.jpg|A carrot that dropped from a zombie, just to the right of the [[spawner]].
Carrot SDGP.png|Carrot in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].

== References ==


[[Category:Renewable resources]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]

| image = Bowl.png‎
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Bowls''' are containers that can hold certain [[food]]s.

== Obtaining ==
=== Crafting ===
|A2= Any Planks
|C2= Any Planks     
|B3= Any Planks
|Output= Bowl,4
|type= Material

=== Fishing ===
Bowls can be obtained as a "junk" item while [[fishing]].

=== Eating ===
A bowl containing food becomes an empty bowl when the food is eaten. 

=== Mob loot ===
When a [[turtle]] is killed by a [[Thunderstorm#Lightning|lightning bolt]], it drops 1 bowl.<ref name=BowlReport>{{Cite bug|MC|125562|Turtles drop bowls when killed by lightning|date=February 16, 2018}}</ref><ref>{{Cite bug|MCPE|57038| Turtles killed by lightning drop Bowls.|date=November 17, 2019}}</ref>

== Usage ==

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Mooshrooms ===

{{control|use|text=Using}} a bowl on a [[mooshroom]] turns the bowl into [[mushroom stew]] or [[suspicious stew]]. The stew can then be consumed immediately and the process repeated, making this an excellent way to quickly restore depleted [[hunger]] and [[saturation]] with almost no cost or effort.

=== Fuel ===
Bowls can be used as a fuel in [[furnace]]s, smelting 0.5 items per bowl {{in|je}}, and 1 item per bowl {{in|be}}.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== History ==

{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20100130|[[File:Bowl JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bowls.
|Bowls are used to craft [[mushroom soup]].}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Added [[mooshroom]]s, which can be {{control|use|text=milked}} with a bowl.}}
{{History||1.2.4|snap=release|[[Spruce planks]], [[birch planks]], and [[jungle planks]] can now be used to craft bowls.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Bowls can now be obtained as one of the "junk" [[item]]s by [[fishing]].}}
{{History|||snap=1.7.1|[[Acacia planks]] and [[dark oak planks]] can now be used to craft bowls.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w27a|Bowls are now used to craft [[rabbit stew]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Bowls are now used to craft [[beetroot soup]].}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w33a|Bowls can now be used to fuel [[furnace]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 281.}}
{{History|||snap=18w07a|[[Turtles]] drop 0 to 1 bowls if killed by [[lightning]].<ref name=BowlReport/>}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Bowl JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bowls has now been changed.
|Bowls are now used to craft [[suspicious stew]].}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[Crimson planks]] and [[warped planks]] can now be used to craft bowls.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[Mangrove planks]] can now be used to craft bowls.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Bowl JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bowls. They are currently unobtainable and serve no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.3.0|Bowls are now [[craft]]able. They still serve no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Bowls are now used to craft [[mushroom stew]].}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Bowls now appear in the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 2|Bowls are now used to craft [[beetroot soup]].}}
{{History|||snap=build 7|Bowls can now be used as fuel in a [[furnace]].}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Added bowls to [[creative]] mode.
|[[Mooshroom]]s can now be "milked" to obtain [[mushroom stew]].}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Bowls are no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Bowls are now used to craft [[rabbit stew]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Bowl JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bowls has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Bowls can now be used to craft [[suspicious stew]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Bowl JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bowls.}}
{{History||xbox=TU9|Bowls now stack to 64.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Bowl JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bowls has now been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Bowl JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bowls.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* {{in|be}}, bowls are actually more fuel efficient than [[stick]]s. If 6 wood planks are crafted into 8 bowls, 8 items can be [[smelt]]ed; but if those are crafted into 12 sticks, only 6 items can be smelted. This can be useful when the player only has access to Nether wood types, which cannot be used as fuel.

== See also ==
* [[Mushrooms]]

== References ==

== External Links ==
* {{Mcnet|taking-inventory--bowl|Taking Inventory: Bowl|April 25, 2019}}


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

Pre-release 1Changed format number to 5, due to texture mechanic changes in earlier snapshots.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Raw Rabbit|Raw Rabbit]]<br/>{{for|the cooked version|Cooked Rabbit}}
| title = Raw Rabbit
| image = Raw Rabbit.png
| heals = {{hunger|3}}
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Raw rabbit''' is a food item that can be eaten by the [[player]], or cooked in a [[furnace]] or a [[campfire]] to make [[cooked rabbit]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===

{{IN|Bedrock}}, adult [[rabbit]]s drop 0-1 raw rabbit when killed. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 0-4 with [[Looting]] III. If killed while on [[fire]], they drop [[cooked rabbit]] instead.

{{IN|Java}}, adult [[rabbit]]s drop 1 raw rabbit when killed. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 1-4 with [[Looting]] III. If killed while on [[fire]], they drop [[cooked rabbit]] instead.

== Usage ==

To eat raw rabbit, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|3}} [[hunger]] and 1.8 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].

=== Smelting ingredient ===

  |Raw Rabbit
  |Cooked Rabbit

=== Wolves ===

Raw rabbit can be used to [[breed]] and heal tamed [[wolves]], lead them around, and make baby tamed [[Wolf|wolves]] grow up faster by 10% of the remaining time.

=== Trading ===

Novice-level Butcher [[villager|villagers]] have a {{frac|1|3}} chance to buy 4 raw rabbit for an [[emerald]] as their trades.{{only|bedrock}}

Novice-level Butcher villagers have 40% chance of offering to buy 4 raw rabbit for an emerald.{{only|java}}

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Rabbit

{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Rabbit

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Rabbit Season}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== History ==

{{History||1.8|snap=June 30, 2014|slink=https://twitter.com/TheMogMiner/status/483636993780232192|[[Ryan Holtz]] tweeted images of raw rabbits and some other new [[item]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE1.png|32px]] Added raw rabbit.}}
{{History|||snap=14w33b|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of raw rabbit has been changed. The new texture was created by [[wikipedia:Reddit|Reddit]] user [http://www.reddit.com/u/zeldahuman zeldahuman].<ref>{{reddit|2bjzes/a_reminder_of_the_blocks_and_items_added_in_18_so|cj69zie|context=3}}</ref><ref>{{reddit|2c5f35/minecraft_snapshot_14w31a_has_been_released|cjct7gb}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 411.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw rabbit has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Butcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] raw rabbit.}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Rabbits now always drop at least 1 raw rabbit when killed.<ref>{{bug|MC-96449|||Fixed}}</ref>}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw rabbit.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw rabbit has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Raw rabbit can now be [[trading|sold]] to butcher [[villager]]s.}}

{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw rabbit.}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw rabbit has been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Raw Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw rabbit.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
File:Rabbit Items 2 Ryan Holtz.png|First image of the item by [[Ryan Holtz]].

== References ==



[[de:Rohes Kaninchen]]
[[es:Conejo crudo]]
[[it:Coniglio crudo]]
[[fr:Lapin cru]]
[[ko:익히지 않은 토끼고기]]
[[nl:Rauw konijnenvlees]]
[[pl:Surowy królik]]
[[pt:Coelho cru]]
[[ru:Сырая крольчатина]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Magenta Dye|Magenta Dye]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Magenta Dye.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Magenta dye''' is a [[Dye#Quasi-Primary|quasi-primary color dye]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

  |Output=Magenta Dye
  |Output=Magenta Dye,2
  |Purple Dye
  |Pink Dye
  |Output=Magenta Dye,2
  |Blue Dye
  |Red Dye
  |Pink Dye
  |Output=Magenta Dye,3
  |Lapis Lazuli
  |Red Dye
  |Pink Dye
  |Output=Magenta Dye,3
  |Blue Dye
  |Red Dye
  |Red Dye
  |White Dye
  |Output=Magenta Dye,4
  |Lapis Lazuli;Lapis Lazuli;Blue Dye
  |Red Dye;Red Dye;Red Dye
  |Red Dye;Red Dye;Red Dye
  |Bone Meal;White Dye;Bone Meal
  |Output=Magenta Dye,4

=== Trading ===

[[Wandering trader]]s sell 3 magenta dye for an [[emerald]].

== Usage ==

{{dye usage}}

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|ignore=Banner|continue=1}}
{{banner crafting usage}}

=== Loom ingredient ===
{{Banner loom usage|Magenta Dye}}

=== Trading ===
Expert-level shepherd villagers have a {{frac|1|6}} chance to buy 12 magenta dye for an emerald.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Magenta Dye

{{ID table
|displayname=Magenta Dye
|aliasid=dye / 13

== Video ==

== History ==

{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|[[File:Magenta Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added magenta dye.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Added the ability to [[Armor#Dyeing|dye]] leather [[armor]] and [[wolf]] collars.}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Magenta dye can now be [[crafting|crafted]] with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}} 
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|[[Stained clay]] can now be crafted.}}
{{history||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|With the addition of new [[flower]]s, many secondary and tertiary dyes are now primary [[dye]]s.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w41a|[[Stained glass]] can now be crafted.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w30a|Added [[banner]]s, which can be dyed.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Added [[shulker box]]es, which can be dyed.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w15a|Added ability to dye [[bed]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have now been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 351.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Magenta dye is now crafted using [[blue dye]] and [[white dye]], instead of [[lapis lazuli]] and [[bone meal]].
|[[File:Magenta Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of magenta dye has now been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|Magenta dye can now change the text color on [[sign]]s to magenta.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added the [[wandering trader]], which sells magenta dye.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Magenta dye can now be [[trading|bought]] by shepherd villagers.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Magenta dye can now be used to craft [[magenta candle]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=21w19a|Magenta dye can no longer be used to craft magenta candles.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Magenta dye can now once again be used to craft magenta candles.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Magenta dye can now change the text color on [[hanging sign]]s to magenta.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Magenta Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added magenta dye. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Magenta dye is now craftable with one [[lapis lazuli]], two [[rose red]]s, and one [[bone meal]].
|Magenta dye can now be used to craft magenta wool.}}
{{History||v0.6.0|Magenta dye can now be used to dye [[sheep]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Magenta dye can now additionally be crafted with one [[purple dye]] and one [[pink dye]], or with one [[lapis lazuli]], one [[rose red]], and one pink dye.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 11|Magenta dye can now be used to craft colored [[terracotta]].}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Magenta dye can now be used to dye tamed [[wolf]] collars.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Magenta dye can now be used to dye [[water]] in [[cauldron]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Magenta dye can now be used to dye [[shulker]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Magenta dye can now be used to craft [[concrete powder]], colored [[bed]]s and dyed [[shulker box]]es.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Magenta dye can now be used to craft [[firework star]]s, [[stained glass]] and patterns on [[banner]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Magenta dye can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s and [[glow stick]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Magenta dye can now be used to dye tamed [[cat]] collars.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Magenta dye is now [[trading|sold]] by [[wandering trader]]s.
|Magenta dye can now be used to dye white [[carpet]]s and regular [[glass pane]]s.
|[[File:Magenta Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of magenta dye has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Magenta dye can now be [[trading|sold]] to shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of magenta dye has been changed from <code>dye/13</code> to <code>magenta_dye</code>.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|switch=1.0.1|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Magenta Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added magenta dye.}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Magenta Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of magenta dye has now been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Magenta Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added magenta dye.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== References ==



[[cs:Purpurové barvivo]]
[[de:Magenta Farbstoff]]
[[es:Tinte magenta]]
[[fr:Teinture magenta]]
[[hu:Bíborvörös festék]]
[[ko:자홍색 염료]]
[[nl:Magenta kleurstof]]
[[pl:Karmazynowy barwnik]]
[[pt:Corante magenta]]
[[ru:Сиреневый краситель]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul>
Release Candidate 1Changed format number to 6, due to changes to wall blocks made in 1.16 according to MC-197275.
September 5, 2020The seed for the original pack.png is finally found.
Pocket Edition Alpha
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Milk Bucket|Milk Bucket]]<br/>{{Item
| title=Milk Bucket
| image = Milk Bucket.png
| renewable = Yes
| effects = Clears all
| stackable = No
A '''milk bucket'''{{fn|Known as '''Milk Bucket''' {{in|java}} and '''Milk''' {{in|bedrock}}.}} is a [[drink]] obtained from {{Control|use|text=using}} a [[bucket]] on [[cow]]s, [[mooshroom]]s and [[goat]]s that can be consumed to clear all [[Effect|effects]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Harvesting ===
Milk buckets can be obtained from [[cow]]s, [[mooshroom]]s, and [[goat]]s by pressing {{control|use}} while looking at them with an empty [[bucket]].

=== Mob loot ===
A milk bucket has a chance of dropping from a [[wandering trader]], if the trader is killed while holding it.{{only|java}}

== Usage ==

Holding {{control|use}} with a milk bucket starts the drinking sound and animation. {{IN|java}}, the animation is shown only in first-person camera mode.

When consumed, milk immediately removes all status [[effect]]s from the [[player]]. [[Fire]] is not a status effect; therefore, drinking milk doesn't extinguish a burning player.

The benefits of area status effects granted by [[beacon]]s and [[Conduit Power|conduit power]] are restored almost immediately in Bedrock Edition and after a few seconds in ''Java Edition''.

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|Milk Bucket}}

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|description=While a player is drinking milk
{{Sound table
|sound=Cow milk1.ogg
|sound2=Cow milk2.ogg
|sound3=Cow milk3.ogg
|subtitle=Cow gets milked
|description=When a cow is milked
{{Sound table
|sound=Mooshroom milk1.ogg
|sound2=Mooshroom milk2.ogg
|sound3=Mooshroom milk3.ogg
|subtitle=Goat gets milked
|description=When a regular goat is milked
{{Sound table
|sound=Goat screaming milk1.ogg
|sound2=Goat screaming milk2.ogg
|sound3=Goat screaming milk3.ogg
|sound4=Goat screaming milk4.ogg
|sound5=Goat screaming milk5.ogg
|subtitle=Goat gets milked
|description=When a screaming goat is milked
{{Sound table
|sound=Wandering trader drink milk1.ogg
|sound2=Wandering trader drink milk2.ogg
|sound3=Wandering trader drink milk3.ogg
|sound4=Wandering trader drink milk4.ogg
|sound5=Wandering trader drink milk5.ogg
|subtitle=Wandering Trader drinks milk
|description=While a wandering trader is drinking milk to become visible during daytime

{{Sound table
|description=While a player is drinking milk
{{Sound table
|sound=Cow milk1.ogg
|sound2=Cow milk2.ogg
|sound3=Cow milk3.ogg
|description=When a cow is milked
{{Sound table
|sound=Mooshroom milk1.ogg
|sound2=Mooshroom milk2.ogg
|sound3=Mooshroom milk3.ogg
|description=When a regular goat is milked
{{Sound table
|sound=Goat screaming milk1.ogg
|sound2=Goat screaming milk2.ogg
|sound3=Goat screaming milk3.ogg
|sound4=Goat screaming milk4.ogg
|sound5=Goat screaming milk5.ogg
|description=When a screaming goat is milked
{{Sound table
|sound=Wandering trader drink milk1.ogg
|sound2=Wandering trader drink milk2.ogg
|sound3=Wandering trader drink milk3.ogg
|sound4=Wandering trader drink milk4.ogg
|sound5=Wandering trader drink milk5.ogg
|description=While a wandering trader is drinking milk to become visible during daytime

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Milk Bucket

{{ID table
|aliasid=bucket / 1

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|The Lie}}

== Advancements ==
{{Load advancements|Husbandry}}

== Video ==

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|eyxea_d0b3s}}</div>

== History ==

{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.8|[[File:Milk Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Milk has been introduced, but it has no purpose and is obtainable only through inventory editing.}}
{{History||v1.0.11|Milk can now be obtained by {{control|use|text=milking}} a [[cow]] with a [[bucket]]. However, it is not yet drinkable.}}
{{History||v1.0.17|Milk buckets can now be emptied.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|Milk has been incorporated into the [[crafting]] recipe of [[cake]].}}
{{History||1.2_01|[[Squid]] can now be milked by right-clicking on their mouth if part of their body was exposed to [[air]] or if they were not touching another [[block]]. An easy way to accomplish this is to pull a squid with a [[fishing rod]] away from other blocks and then milk it.}}
{{History||1.3_01|Squid milking has been removed.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Milk can now be obtained by milking [[mooshroom]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Milk has been made drinkable.
|According to a tweet by [[Jeb]] on September 30th 2011, milk was made a cure for all status effects.<ref>{{tweet|jeb_|119842906528944129|@Nexusdog_UK I haven't! In beta 1.9 pre2 milk works like a clear-everything drink|September 30, 2011}}</ref>
|Milk is no longer emptiable.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 335.}}
{{History|||snap=18w20a|"Milk" has been renamed to "Milk Bucket".}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Milk Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of milk buckets has been changed.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=19w06a|[[Wandering trader]]s now drink from milk buckets at dawn, and have a change to drop them.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w13a|Milk can now be obtained by milking [[goat]]s.}}
{{History|upcoming java}}
{{History||Villager Trade Rebalance<br>(Experimental)|link=Java Edition 1.20.2|snap=23w31a|Wander traders now have a chance to [[trading|buy]] a milk bucket from the player.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Milk Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added milk buckets. 
|Milk buckets are not yet drinkable.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 4|Drinking milk now removes [[status effects]].
|Added milk buckets to the Creative inventory.{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---same update?--->}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Moved all bucket items, including milk, from the Equipment tab to the Items tab in the [[Creative inventory]].{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---please check snapshots, only 1 major release version was checked each--->}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Milk Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of milk buckets has been changed.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of milk has been changed from <code>bucket/1</code> to <code>milk_bucket</code>.}}
{{History||1.16.200|snap=beta|Milk can now be obtained by milking [[goat]]s.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Milk Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added milk buckets.}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Milk Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of milk buckets has been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Milk Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added milk buckets.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== See also ==
*[[Water Bucket]]
*[[Honey Bottle]] (alternative to remove poison effect)

== Notes ==

== References ==

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--milk-bucket Taking Inventory: Milk Bucket] – Minecraft.net on October 8, 2019


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[es:Cubo con leche]]
[[fr:Seau de lait]]
[[it:Secchio di latte]]
[[ko:우유 양동이]]
[[nl:Emmer melk]]
[[pl:Wiadro mleka]]
[[pt:Balde de leite]]
[[ru:Ведро с молоком]]
[[uk:Відро молока]]
[[zh:奶桶]]</li><li>[[Nether Wart|Nether Wart]]<br/><!--Please do not change "nether wart" to "Nether wart". According to style guide, block names should not be capitalized.-->
{{about|the fungus used for potions|the block found in crimson forests|Nether Wart Block}}{{Block
| group = Age 0
| 1-1 = Nether Wart Age 0.png
| 1-2 = Nether Wart Age 0 BE.png
| group2 = Age 1-2
| 2-1 = Nether Wart Age 1-2.png
| 2-2 = Nether Wart Age 1-2 BE.png
| group3 = Age 3
| 3-1 = Nether Wart Age 3.png
| 3-2 = Nether Wart Age 3 BE.png
|image= Nether Wart (item).png
|stackable=Yes (64)

'''Nether wart''' is a fungus harvested from nether wart crops and is used to plant them, as well as being vital in the creation of [[potions]].

'''Nether wart crops''' are found in [[Nether Fortress/Structure|nether fortresses]] and [[Bastion Remnant|bastions]] and is used to grow nether wart in [[Soul Sand|soul sand]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Breaking ===
Nether wart can be mined instantly with any tool. A fully mature nether wart crop yields 2–4 nether wart. This is increased by one for each level of [[Fortune]], this allows for a maximum of 7 nether warts dropping from one crop. Less mature stages drop one nether wart, even with the Fortune enchantment.

=== Natural generation ===
Nether wart can generate in [[nether fortress]]es in [[soul sand]] gardens around stairwells. Nether wart can also generate in the courtyards of housing unit [[bastion remnant]]s. Due to only spawning in these specific structures, it's entirely possible for a nether fortress or bastion remnant to generate without nether wart (though they may still appear in the chests that generate in the fortress). 
{| class="wikitable"
|{{anchor|Nether Fortress}}'''Nether Fortress'''
|Nether wart can be found growing near stairwells in small soul sand gardens.
|[[File:Nether wart garden.png|thumb|Nether wart growing in a nether fortress.]]
|{{anchor|Bastion Remnant}}'''Bastion Remnant'''
|Nether wart can be found growing in the central courtyard of each of the sections of piglin housing unit bastions.
|[[File:Bastion Courtyard.png|thumb|Nether wart growing in a bastion remnant.]]

=== Chest loot ===

== Usage == 

=== Brewing ingredient ===
Nether wart's primary purpose is to [[brew]] the [[Potion|awkward potion]], the base for all potions, but optional for Weakness.

  |Nether Wart
  |Awkward Potion
  |base=Water Bottle

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Trading ===

Master-level cleric [[villager]]s buy 22 nether warts for an [[emerald]] as part of their trades.

=== Farming ===
{{main|Tutorials/Nether Wart farming}}
When planted on [[soul sand]], nether wart grows through four stages, though the middle two stages use the same texture (the hitbox of stage 3 is three pixels taller). {{IN|java}}, the exact age can be seen using the [[debug screen]], and the ages range from 0 to 3. Each random tick, nether wart has a 10% chance of growing one stage. At default random tick speed, each nether wart grows one age step approximately every {{convert|13653|ticks|minutes}} on average, and fully grows from planting to harvest every {{convert|40960|ticks|minutes}} on average. The growth rate is not affected by light or any other environmental factors. [[Bone meal]] cannot be used on the nether wart.

Nether wart can only be planted on [[soul sand]]. It cannot be planted on [[soul soil]]. It can grow in any [[dimension]].

Nether wart is ready to harvest when it reaches its fourth stage (age:3). Breaking a fully grown nether wart drops 2 to 4 nether wart, while an immature one drops a single nether wart. Using a tool enchanted with fortune increases the maximum number of nether wart dropped by 1 per level, for a maximum of 7 for a tool enchanted with [[Fortune|Fortune III]].

=== Composting ===
Placing a nether wart into a [[composter]] has a 30% chance of raising the compost level by 1.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Block/Nether wart}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Nether Wart

{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Nether Wart
{{ID table

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|A Seedy Place}}

== History ==
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added nether wart.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Nether wart can now be brewed in a [[water bottle]] to create an [[awkward potion]].}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w27a|Nether wart can now grow outside of [[the Nether]].}}
{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Nether Wart (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The item texture has been changed.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w36a|Nether wart can now be used to breed [[chicken]]s.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w18a|Nether wart is now found in the new [[chest]]s in [[nether fortress]]es.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w06a|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE2.png|32px]] Nether wart crops are now a pixel higher, likely as an accidental result of model conversion. Previously they were offset one pixel downwards like the other crops (wheat, carrots potatoes) to match farmland, although in nether wart's case such a downwards offset hides some pixels of the texture inside of the soul sand.<ref>{{bug|MC-250679}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=14w10a|[[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] Nether wart crops of all ages [[Missing model|no longer have a model]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w10b|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE4.png|32px]] Nether wart crops now have models again.<ref>{{bug|MC-50276}}</ref> In addition, they are now offset downwards by one pixel once more, hiding the bottom row of pixels again.}}
{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE5.png|32px]] Nether wart crops are now darker and subject to directional shading.}}
{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE6.png|32px]] Nether wart crops are no longer subject to directional shading.}}
{{History|||snap=14w34d|Nether wart can no longer be used to breed [[chicken]]s.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|The average yield of nether wart from [[nether fortress]] chests has now been slightly decreased.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|Nether wart can now be used to [[crafting|craft]] the new [[red nether brick]] blocks and [[nether wart block]]s.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w18b|Placing a nether wart in soul sand now gives the player the "A Seedy Place" [[advancement]].{{verify}}}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this block's numeral ID was 115, and the item's 372.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE7.png|32px]] The textures of nether wart crops have changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placement and breaking [[sound]]s have now been added to nether wart. Before this version, nether wart made stone sounds.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] nether wart.
|Nether wart can now be planted by aiming against the sides and underside of blocks, rather than just the top surface of the soul sand.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w15a|Nether wart can now be [[composter|composted]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Nether wart now generates as part of [[bastion remnant]]s.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w13a|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE8.png|32px]] The "crop" template model has changed such that pixels appear in the same physical positions on opposite sides of texture planes, changing the nether wart crop's appearance in the process.<ref>{{bug|MC-199242}}</ref>}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added nether wart.
|Nether wart uses a cross model instead of the "hash" shape associated with crops.}}
{{History||?|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE6 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE6 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE6 BE2.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models? check UV, etc.}} Nether wart now uses a more conventional crop model.}}
{{History||1.1.3|snap=alpha|Nether wart can now be used to [[crafting|craft]] [[red nether bricks]] and [[nether wart block]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 BE.png|32px]] The textures of nether wart crops have changed.
|Placement and breaking [[sound]]s have now been added to nether wart.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Nether wart can now be [[trading|sold]] to cleric [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Nether wart now generates as part of [[bastion remnant]]s.
|The placement and breaking [[sound]]s for nether wart have been changed to match {{el|je}}.
|Nether wart can now be [[composter|composted]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU7|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE6 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE6 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE6 BE2.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models? check UV, etc.}} [[File:Nether Wart (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added nether wart.}}
{{History||xbox=TU9|Nether wart now spawns randomly wherever [[soul sand]] is generated in [[the Nether]].
|[[Nether fortress]]es have now been changed to make nether wart rooms more likely.
|Nether wart can now grow outside of [[the Nether]].}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE7.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} The textures of nether wart crops have now been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Nether Wart Age 0 JE6 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE6 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Nether Wart Age 3 JE6 BE2.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models? check UV, etc.}} [[File:Nether Wart (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added nether wart.}}

=== Nether wart "item" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Nether Wart}}


{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* Nether wart's stage changes cannot be detected by a [[block update detector]], but can by an [[observer]] block.
* Unlike other crimson "plants", nether wart doesn't have a warped equivalent. This is also the case with [[nether sprouts]], which lack a crimson equivalent.

== Gallery ==
Nether Brick And Wart.png|Nether wart found in a nether fortress.
Nether Wart Closeup.png| Another example of nether wart found in a nether fortress.
Nether wart three sizes.png|The three different sizes of the nether wart as viewed from the side. 
Nether Fortress Large Stairs Room.png

== References ==


[[Category:Nether blocks]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]

[[es:Verruga del Nether]]
[[fr:Verrues du Nether]]
[[it:Verruca del Nether]]
[[ko:네더 사마귀]]
[[pl:Netherowa brodawka]]
[[pt:Fungo do Nether]]
[[ru:Адский нарост]]
[[uk:Пекельний наріст]]
[[Category:Brewing recipe]]</li></ul>
?Added the first custom in-game resource packs, Plastic and City.
Bedrock Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[:Category:Plants|Category:Plants]]<br/>All pages covering blocks of such things as tall grass and flowers.


[[zh:Category:植物]]</li><li>[[Black Dye|Black Dye]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Black Dye.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Black dye''' is a [[Dye#Primary|primary color dye]] similar to an [[ink sac]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Trading ===
[[Wandering trader]]s have a chance to [[trading|trade]] 3 black dyes for 1 [[emerald]].{{only|java}}

=== Crafting ===
  |Ink Sac
  |Output=Black Dye
  |Wither Rose
  |Output=Black Dye

== Usage  ==

{{dye usage}}

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|ignore=Banner|continue=1}}
{{banner crafting usage}}

=== Loom ingredient ===
{{Banner loom usage|Black Dye}}

=== Trading ===

Apprentice-level Shepherd villagers have a 20%{{only|bedrock}} or {{frac|2|7}}{{only|java}} chance to buy 12 black dye for an emerald.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Black Dye

{{ID table
|displayname=Black Dye
|aliasid=dye / 16

== History ==

{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Black Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added black dye.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|Black dyes now can changed the text color on the [[sign]]s to black.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added the [[wandering trader]], which sell black dyes.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Black dyes can now be [[trading|bought]] by shepherd villagers.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=Pre-release 1|Black dye can now be used to craft [[prismarine|dark prismarine]], just like [[Bedrock Edition]].}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Black dyes can now used to craft newly added [[black candle]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=21w19a|Black dyes can no longer used to craft black candles.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Black dyes can once again used to craft black candles.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Black dyes now can change the text color on [[hanging sign]]s to black.}}

{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|[[File:Black Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added black dye.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Black dye can now be [[trading|sold]] to shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{history||1.13.0|snap=beta|Black dye can now be [[crafting|crafted]] from [[flower|wither roses]].}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of black dye has been changed from <code>dye/16</code> to <code>black_dye</code>.}}

{{History||1.83|[[File:Black Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added black dye.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[de:Schwarzer Farbstoff]]
[[es:Tinte negro]]
[[fr:Teinture noire]]
[[ko:검은색 염료]]
[[pl:Czarny barwnik]]
[[pt:Corante preto]]
beta packs are now separate from world templates and can be updated independently in existing worlds.

See also
