Minecraft Wiki
    •  resolved: Optional. Created and set to 1 when the book (or a book from the stack) is opened for the first time after signing. Used to determine whether to parse target selectors (including which player is selected by {score:{name:"*", ...}}) within JSON, because their selections become fixed at that point.
    •  generation: The copy tier of the book. 0 = original, 1 = copy of original, 2 = copy of copy, 3 = tattered. If the value is greater than 1, the book cannot be copied. Does not exist for original books. If this tag is missing, it is assumed the book is an original. 'Tattered' is unused in normal gameplay, and functions identically to the 'copy of copy' tier.
    •  author: The author of the written book.
    •  title: The title of the written book.
    •  pages: The list of pages in the book.
      • A single page in the book. If generated by writing in a book and quill in-game, each page is a string in double quotes and uses the escape sequences \" for a double quote, \n for a line break and \\ for a backslash. If created by commands or external tools, a page can be a serialized JSON object or an array of strings and/or objects (see Commands#Raw JSON text) or an unescaped string.