Minecraft Wiki

This guide will help you install the latest Minecraft Forge and OptiFine.

Find your .minecraft folder

Before you begin, you must find your .minecraft directory. This directory will not exist if you have not run the Minecraft launcher at least once. This tutorial will work from within this folder.

OS Path
Linux ~/.minecraft
Windows %appdata%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft

In many Linux file managers, dot files (files and folders prefixed with a period .) will be hidden. In Nautilus, press Ctrl + H to toggle the display of dot files.

Downloading and Installing Files

First, you should download Minecraft Forge from the official download site of Forge.

Then, open the downloaded .jar file, or run it from a command line like this:

java -jar forge-1.12-

After you have installed Minecraft Forge, download the current OptiFine version from the official download site of OptiFine.

After downloading OptiFine, run Minecraft Forge at least once. Then close it after running.

Now, put the .jar file of OptiFine under the mods folder of the .minecraft folder.

Running OptiForge

Now, you have installed OptiForge, Minecraft Forge with OptiFine. To test it out, run Minecraft Forge normally, and you will see that OptiForge has been installed.

