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This page describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Minecraft. 
Biome IDs got changed in 1.13.
See also: Biome/ID

Each type of biome has its own biome id, shown in the following table. Main biomes have a numeric ID from 0 to 127, while biome variations normally have a numeric ID of 128 + <original biome number>. Extreme Hills Edge and Frozen Ocean biomes did not generate anymore.

Icon Dec Hex Resource location Biome Color
0 0 minecraft:ocean Ocean 000070
1 1 minecraft:plains Plains 8DB360
2 2 minecraft:desert Desert FA9418
3 3 minecraft:extreme_hills Extreme Hills 606060
4 4 minecraft:forest Forest 056621
5 5 minecraft:taiga Taiga 0B6659
6 6 minecraft:swampland Swampland 07F9B2
7 7 minecraft:river River 0000FF
8 8 minecraft:hell Hell FF0000
9 9 minecraft:sky The End 8080FF
10 A minecraft:frozen_ocean FrozenOcean 9090A0
11 B minecraft:frozen_river FrozenRiver A0A0FF
12 C minecraft:ice_flats Ice Plains FFFFFF
13 D minecraft:ice_mountains Ice Mountains A0A0A0
14 E minecraft:mushroom_island MushroomIsland FF00FF
15 F minecraft:mushroom_island_shore MushroomIslandShore A000FF
16 10 minecraft:beaches Beach FADE55
17 11 minecraft:desert_hills DesertHills D25F12
18 12 minecraft:forest_hills ForestHills 22551C
19 13 minecraft:taiga_hills TaigaHills 163933
20 14 minecraft:smaller_extreme_hills Extreme Hills Edge 72789A
21 15 minecraft:jungle Jungle 537B09
22 16 minecraft:jungle_hills JungleHills 2C4205
23 17 minecraft:jungle_edge JungleEdge 628B17
24 18 minecraft:deep_ocean Deep Ocean 000030
25 19 minecraft:stone_beach Stone Beach A2A284
26 1A minecraft:cold_beach Cold Beach FAF0C0
27 1B minecraft:birch_forest Birch Forest 307444
28 1C minecraft:birch_forest_hills Birch Forest Hills 1F5F32
29 1D minecraft:roofed_forest Roofed Forest 40511A
30 1E minecraft:taiga_cold Cold Taiga 31554A
31 1F minecraft:taiga_cold_hills Cold Taiga Hills 243F36
32 20 minecraft:redwood_taiga Mega Taiga 596651
33 21 minecraft:redwood_taiga_hills Mega Taiga Hills 545F3E
34 22 minecraft:extreme_hills_with_trees Extreme Hills+ 507050
35 23 minecraft:savanna Savanna BDB25F
36 24 minecraft:savanna_rock Savanna Plateau A79D64
37 25 minecraft:mesa Mesa D94515
38 26 minecraft:mesa_rock Mesa Plateau F B09765
39 27 minecraft:mesa_clear_rock Mesa Plateau CA8C65
127 7F minecraft:void The Void
129 81 minecraft:mutated_plains Sunflower Plains B5DB88
130 82 minecraft:mutated_desert Desert M FFBC40
131 83 minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills Extreme Hills M 888888
132 84 minecraft:mutated_forest Flower Forest 2d8e48
133 85 minecraft:mutated_taiga Taiga M 596651
134 86 minecraft:mutated_swampland Swampland M 2FFFDA
140 8C minecraft:mutated_ice_flats Ice Plains Spikes B4DCDC
149 95 minecraft:mutated_jungle Jungle M 7BA331
151 97 minecraft:mutated_jungle_edge JungleEdge M 8AB33F
155 9B minecraft:mutated_birch_forest Birch Forest M 589C6C
156 9C minecraft:mutated_birch_forest_hills Birch Forest Hills M 47875A
157 9D minecraft:mutated_roofed_forest Roofed Forest M 687942
158 9E minecraft:mutated_taiga_cold Cold Taiga M 597D72
160 A0 minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga Mega Spruce Taiga 818e79
161 A1 minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga_hills Redwood Taiga Hills M 6d7766
162 A2 minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills_with_trees Extreme Hills+ M 789878
163 A3 minecraft:mutated_savanna Savanna M E5DA87
164 A4 minecraft:mutated_savanna_rock Savanna Plateau M CFC58C
165 A5 minecraft:mutated_mesa Mesa (Bryce) FF6D3D
166 A6 minecraft:mutated_mesa_rock Mesa Plateau F M D8BF8D
167 A7 minecraft:mutated_mesa_clear_rock Mesa Plateau M F2B48D