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Clock JE3
This article needs to be updated. 
Please update this page to reflect recent updates or newly available information.
Reason: Add missing atlas source type paletted_permutations (atlases).
This article is about the current system to customize assets. For other uses, see Texture Pack (disambiguation).

The default textures at the left side with a custom resource pack (Rodrigo's Pack 8x8) in the right side.

The resource pack system provides a way for players to customize textures, models, music, sounds, languages, texts such as the end poem, splashes, credits, and fonts without any code modification.

Java Edition[]


Select resource pack

The default resource pack settings.

Resource packs can be placed in the folder resourcepacks within the .minecraft folder. Each resource pack is either a sub-folder or a .zip file within the resourcepacks folder. Once in the folder, a resource pack can be added from the options, where resource packs can be moved between "Available resource packs" and "Selected resource packs". "Selected resource packs" also contain the default assets on the bottom, which cannot be removed.

Resource packs load their assets based on the order of the packs on the list. The bottom-most pack loads first, then each pack placed above it replaces assets of the same name with its assets.

Default resource packs[]

A resource pack can be bundled with a world by saving it as a .zip file under the name resources.zip and placing it directly in the world's folder. When playing the world, that resource pack appears as the default right above the default resource pack. A resource pack can be set on a server by adding a link to a .zip file download after the line resource-pack= in the server.properties file. Users then have an option of whether to download the resource pack or not. Resource packs can also be forced on a server using resource-pack-required=true in the server.properties file. Rejecting the resource pack disconnects the player from the server.

The old (pre-1.14) textures are available in a resource pack titled "Programmer Art". These textures are not updated when the game receives new textures.

Folder structure[]

More than one directory for different namespaces may exist under the assets directory.


A resource pack is identified by Minecraft based on the presence of the file pack.mcmeta in the root directory, which contains a JSON file with the following information:

  • The root tag
    •  pack: Holds the resource pack information
      •  pack_format: Pack version. If this number does not match the current required number, the resource pack displays an error and requires additional confirmation to load the pack. See Pack format for a full list of pack format numbers.
      •  description: Text shown below the pack name in the resource pack menu. The text is shown on two lines. If the text is too long it is truncated.
      •  description: Contains a raw JSON text object that is shown instead as the pack description in the resource pack menu. Same behavior as the string version of the description tag, but they cannot exist together.
    •  language: Contains additional languages to add to the language menu
      • Language code for a language, corresponding to a .json file with the same name in the folder assets/<namespace>/lang.
        •  name: The full name of the language
        •  region: The country or region name
        •  bidirectional: If true, the language reads right to left.
    •  filter: Section for filtering out files from resource packs applied below this one. Any file that matches one of the patterns inside block will be treated as if it was not present in the pack at all.
      •  block: List of patterns
        • Pattern entry.
          •  namespace: A regular expression for the namespace of files to be filtered out. If unspecified, it applies to every namespace.
          •  path: A regular expression for the paths of files to be filtered out. If unspecified, it applies to every file.

The root directory also contains an optional image called pack.png, which appears as the thumbnail for the pack on the resource pack selection menu.

Pack format[]


Resource packs can create language files of the type .json in the folder assets/<namespace>/lang. Each file either replaces information from a file of the same name in the default or a lower pack, or it creates a new language as defined by pack.mcmeta.

Each line in the .json file is in the standard json format of "identifier":"name" followed by a comma in case it is followed by another value in the next line. identifier is what the game uses to look up the name for something, and as such it should not be translated or changed. name is the name that is displayed. For example, stone in the default language file is "block.minecraft.stone":"Stone", with block.minecraft.stone being the identifier, and Stone being the displayed name. Blank lines are ignored. The file needs to be valid JSON syntax, meaning it starts with a {, has a comma after every key value pair except the last one, and ends with a }.

Language files need to add only those lines that are changed by the pack. Any names that are not in the pack are loaded from the pack below, or default if no pack changes the names.


Main article: Model

Models are files in JSON format with the extension .json, which determine the shape and textures of blocks and items.

Blocks use a block state file from assets/minecraft/blockstates to determine which model is loaded for each variant from the folder assets/minecraft/models/block. Meanwhile, each item has an item model in assets/minecraft/models/item to determine its model, which either loads from a block's model, contains data for its own custom model, or uses the default "flat" or "entity" model.

Models and block states used in packs below the top one are still loaded unless overridden in the top pack, which may cause some textures and models used by the top pack to no longer be loaded.


Resource packs load additional sounds with the file type of .ogg. Each sound placed in the pack overrides the sounds from packs below, and packs also contain a file called sounds.json, which is placed within assets/minecraft. Unlike most other files in resource packs, sounds.json merges sound information from packs below the top pack, rather than each sounds.json file overriding the previous completely.


Missing Model

The "missing model" for invalid or missing models, prominently using the black and magenta "missing texture".

For block or item textures to function, they must have equal width and height (or height that is a multiple of the width if animated); otherwise it appears as a magenta and black checkerboard. For most other textures, the file is stretched to fit the required dimensions.

Most solid blocks turn any transparent area fully opaque. Some other blocks, which have "cutout" transparency (like glass) turn all pixels that are less than 10% opaque fully transparent and all other pixels completely opaque. Every other block renders textures with semi-transparency as-is. All items and any blocks or entities that are semi-transparent by default support semi-transparency.

If a file does not exist in any resource pack, including the default, the missing texture appears in its place. As of 1.19.1, six such cases exist in the vanilla resource pack, all particle-related.


Atlases are configuration files, located in atlases directory, that control which images are included in the atlases. That directory contains following JSON entries for configuring atlases:

  • The root tag
    •  sources: Contains a list of sources. Every entry runs in during load, in order of definition, adding or removing new files to the texture list.
      • Source element
        •  type: The type of the atlas source. Can be one of the following:
          • directory: Lists all files in a directory and its subdirectories, across all namespaces.
            •  source: Directory in pack to be listed (relative to textures directory).
            •  prefix: String to be preprended to the sprite name when loaded.
          • single: Adds a single file.
            •  resource: Location of a resource within the pack (relative to textures directory, implied .png extension).
            •  sprite: Sprite name (optional, defaults to resource).
          • filter: Removes sprites matching the given pattern (only works for entries already in the list).
            •  namespace: Regular expression of the namespace indentificator to be removed, if omitted, any value will be matched.
            •  path: Regular expression of the path to be removed, if omitted, any value will be matched.
          • unstitch: Copies rectangular regions from other images.
            •  resource: Location of a resource within the pack (relative to textures directory, implied .png extension).
            •  divisor_x: Used for determining the units used by in the x coordinate of regions.
            •  divisor_y: Used for determining the units used by in the y coordinate of regions.
            •  regions: List of regions to copy from the source image.
              •  sprite: Specifies the sprite name.
              •  x: Specifies the x coordinate of the top-left corner of the region.
              •  y: Specifies the y coordinate of the top-left corner of the region.
              •  width: Specifies the width of the region.
              •  height: Specifies the height of the region.


Block, item, particle, painting, item frame, and status effect icon (assets/minecraft/textures/mob_effect) textures support animation by placing each additional frame below the last. The animation is then controlled using a .mcmeta file in JSON format with the same name and .png at the end of the filename, in the same directory. For example, the .mcmeta file for stone.png would be stone.png.mcmeta.

  • The root tag
    •  animation: Contains data for the animation
      •  interpolate: If true, Minecraft generates additional frames between frames with a frame time greater than 1 between them. Defaults to false.
      •  width: The width of the tile, as a direct ratio rather than in pixels. This is unused in vanilla's files but can be used by resource packs to have frames that are not perfect squares.
      •  height: The height of the tile as a ratio rather than in pixels. This is unused in vanilla's files but can be used by resource packs to have frames that are not perfect squares.
      •  frametime: Sets the default time for each frame in increments of one game tick. Defaults to 1.
      •  frames: Contains a list of frames. Defaults to displaying all the frames from top to bottom.
        • A number corresponding to position of a frame from the top, with the top frame being 0.
        • A frame specifies a frame with additional data.
          •  index: A number corresponding to position of a frame from the top, with the top frame being 0.
          •  time: The time in ticks to show this frame, overriding "frametime" above.

If the .mcmeta file does not exist in the pack and the texture does, the game assumes the texture is not animated, rather than loading a .mcmeta file from a pack below that pack. If no .mcmeta file exists for a texture with unequal dimensions, the texture appears as a purple and black checkerboard.


Textures from assets/minecraft/textures/entity/villager and assets/minecraft/textures/entity/zombie_villager support a .mcmeta file in JSON format containing additional effects to apply to the hat layer. The file is contained in the same directory as the texture, and has the same name as the texture, except appended with .mcmeta. For example, the file profession/farmer.png can have a properties file called profession/farmer.png.mcmeta

  • The root tag
    •  villager: Contains data for the texture
      •  hat: Can be full, partial, or default (no .mcmeta file). Determines whether the villager's 'profession' hat layer should allow the 'type' hat layer to render or not. [more information needed]

If the .mcmeta file does not exist in the pack and the texture does, the game loads the default settings, rather than loading a .mcmeta file from a pack below that pack.


Colormaps are 256×256 pixel images which tell the game which color to use in each biome. They are located in assets/minecraft/textures/colormap. The game contains two colormaps: foliage.png colors plants such as leaves (except birch and spruce) and vines, and grass.png colors grass and grass blocks. Colormaps can be disabled on individual blocks by removing the tintindex tag from the block model.


Textures from assets/minecraft/textures/misc support a .mcmeta file in JSON format containing additional effects to apply to the texture. The file is contained in the same directory as the texture, and has the same name as the texture, except appended with .mcmeta. For example, the file pumpkinblur.png can have a properties file called pumpkinblur.png.mcmeta
  • The root tag
    •  texture: Contains data for the texture
      •  blur: Causes the texture to blur when viewed from close up. Defaults to false
      •  clamp: Causes the texture to stretch instead of tiling in cases where it otherwise would, such as on the shadow. Defaults to false
      •  mipmaps: Custom mipmap values for the texture

If the .mcmeta file does not exist in the pack and the texture does, the game loads the default settings, rather than loading a .mcmeta file from a pack below that pack.


Two .txt files in UTF-8 format and one .json file exist in assets/minecraft/texts. They are used by the game to determine the text to display.

The file end.txt contains the text of the end poem, using formatting codes to apply the colors to the two speakers, and with the text PLAYERNAME being replaced with the player's name. After that file is shown, the contents of credits.json are shown.[more information needed]

The file splashes.txt contains lines of text separated using line breaks to determine the splashes to display in-game. Any splash can be replaced with different text.


A font file is a JSON file located at assets/<namespace>/font within a resource pack and contains a list of providers that each tie a character set to a resource location along with some extra information. The default font is defined by the font minecraft:default while the default font used by enchantment tables is defined by the font minecraft:alt. The resource locations given in font providers should also include the file extensions.

  • The root tag
    •  providers: A list of providers that are merged onto this font.
      • A font provider. The contents depend on the value of the "type" tag.
        •  type: The type of the font provider. Can be one of the following:
          • bitmap: A bitmap font.
            •  file: The resource location of the used file, starting from assets/minecraft/textures by default. Prefacing the location with <namespace>: changes the location to assets/<namespace>/textures.
            •  height: Optional. The height of the character, measured in pixels. Can be negative. This tag is separate from the area used in the source texture and just rescales the displayed result. Default is 8.
            •  ascent: The ascent of the character, measured in pixels. This value adds a vertical shift to the displayed result.
            •  chars: A list of strings containing the characters replaced by this provider, as well as their order within the texture. All elements must describe the same number of characters. The texture is split into one equally sized row for each element of this list. Each row is split into one equally sized character for each character within one list element.
          • legacy_unicode: A legacy unicode font. This format is deprecated, prioritized only when the "Force Unicode Font" option is turned on.
            •  sizes: The resource location of a binary file describing the horizontal start and end positions for each character from 0 to 15. The file extension of the target file should be .bin. The resource location path is relative to the namespace root.
            •  template: The resource location inside assets/<namespace>/textures that leads to the texture files that should be used for this provider. The game replaces %s from the value of this tag with the first two characters of the hex code of the replaced characters, so a single provider of this type can point into multiple texture files.
          • ttf: A TrueType font or OpenType font. Despite its name, it supports both TTF and OTF.
            •  file: The resource location of the TrueType/OpenType font file within assets/<namespace>/font.
            •  shift: The distance by which the characters of this provider are shifted.
              • Left shift, negative values are allowed.
              • Downward shift, negative values are allowed.
            •  size: Font size to render at.
            •  oversample: Resolution to render at, increasing anti-aliasing factor.
            •  skip: String of characters or array of characters to exclude.
          • space: Show chosen characters as spaces
            •  advances
              •  A character: The amount of pixels that the following characters are moved to the right. Can be negative. Decimal numbers can be used for precise movement on higher gui scales.

Font texture sheets automatically resize based on the amount of characters in each array line, and some sheets may use a 16-character wide sheet, in order to conform with a Unicode block. This is how Vanilla formats the default font JSON.

Default textures[]

The texture files of the default fonts contain a grid of white characters, which are automatically colored by Minecraft as needed in-game. The character sizes are automatically determined based on the last line of pixels containing any alpha value. Due to the way fonts are detected, filling the background of a character with a color containing a 5% alpha background causes the full width to render without generally having a visible background to the character. The default font character is 8×8 pixels, while accented.png is 9×12 pixels.

  • Glyphs 0x20 (space) through 0x7E (tilde) display the standard ASCII characters
  • Glyphs 0x7F (<control>) through 0xFF (y with diaeresis) display the Code page 437 characters

The default texture is located in assets/minecraft/textures/font/ascii.png. It contains these characters:

            £  ƒ
      ªº  ¬   «»
≡±≥≤⌠⌡÷≈°∙ √ⁿ²■ 

A texture sheet in assets/minecraft/textures/font/nonlatin_european.png contains many accented characters and most of the symbols Minecraft supports. Contrary to its name, it also includes characters that are non-European[1] and some obscure Latin script characters. It contains these characters:


A secondary texture is located in assets/minecraft/textures/font/accented.png. It supports most basic accented characters, Greek letters, Cyrillic characters, as well as some enclosed alphanumerics and other symbols. It contains these characters:


The default texture used when displaying the Standard Galactic Alphabet (a.k.a. the enchanting text or "alien font") is assets/minecraft/textures/font/ascii_sga.png.

There is another currently unused texture called illageralt, which is the rune-like font from Minecraft Dungeons. It is located at assets/minecraft/textures/font/asciillager.png.

Legacy Unicode[]

As a fallback for untextured characters, Minecraft uses GNU Unifont. Each sheet of characters is stored following the format of unicode_page_##, where ## are the hexadecimal numbers 00 through FF. These pages are 16×16 pixels, and appear small and rough in-game. The version of GNU Unifont used is 9.0.04[2], and is outdated as of 1.17.1. It provides the support for the CJK characters as well as a fallback for every character not provided by any loaded font.

The Unifont entries use a glyph_sizes.bin for recording glyph widths. Each entry is one byte large; the higher nibble records the starting position while the lower records the ending position in the 16×16 glyph grid. For example, a square character occupying the entire grid (pixel #0 through #15) would have a byte of 0F.

Codepoints beyond U+FFFF are not handled and are ignored.


Since 1.15, Minecraft can support UTF-16 sequences for emojis, or any character in the Unicode SMP plane.

For the emoji to be read properly in the  char array of the font file, the character can either:

  • be split from its' UTF-16 codepoint into two UTF-8 codepoints (surrogates); for example, 1F603 = D83D DE03
  • be input directly

The first method is used in the Vanilla font file, but either works equally well. To convert a character into a surrogate pair, one can use the following equations, where C is the codepoint in decimal:

  • High Surrogate (first): ((C - 65536) - (C % 1024)) ÷ 1024 + 55296
  • Low Surrogate (second): (C % 1024) + 56320

As of 1.17.1, Minecraft has default support for the following emojis:

☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☄ ☑ ☔ ☠ ☮ ☯ ☹ ☺ ♀ ♂ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ⚓ ⚔ ⚗ ⚠ ⚡ ⛄ ⛈ ⛏ ✉ ✔ ❣ ❄ 🔥 🌊 🗡 🏹 🪓 🔱 🎣 🧪 ✂ 🍖 🪣 🔔 ⏳

In most places text is rendered, a shadow appears beneath every character. This shadow is a copy of the character's bitmap, with the r, g and b values divided by 4, and positioned 12.5% south-east of the character, relative to its spacing. Regardless of the resolution of the character's texture, the shadow is always moved by 12.5%; whether there exists any way to change this value using resource packs is unknown. In the default font (assets/minecraft/textures/font/ascii.png), the shadow is equivalent to being moved 1 pixel down and to the right.

Glowing text[]

Glow ink on a sign causes a character to create eight copies of itself, similar to the shadows, but in all eight directions. This results in the font appearing to have a thick outline.

Texture sheets[]

Main article: Texture atlas

Minecraft generally does not store multiple different textures on sheets and instead stores them on separate files. Two current exceptions are map icons[3] and experience orbs.[4]


Main article: Shaders

Shaders are a way for resource packs to change how the game renders. They are written in OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL).

Regional compliancies warnings[]

Regional compliancies warnings can be customized at assets/<namespace>/regional_compliancies.json.

  • The root tag
    •  Region: Contains a list of warnings. Note that the key itself is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 region code determined by the device's locale setting.
      •  delay: Optional. Defines how long should the game wait until showing this message in minutes. This can not be zero.
      •  period: The time interval this message should be shown in minutes. This can not be zero.
      •  title: The translation identifier of the title of the message. A slot is provided for the translation string, containing how many times this warning has been shown.
      •  message: The translation identifier of the message. A slot is provided for the translation string, how many times this warning has been shown.


The folder structure of Vanilla Resource Pack:

Bedrock Edition[]

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
This section needs expansion. 
You can help by expanding it.


Similarly to skins, resource packs can be bought or made in Bedrock Edition. Users can download resource packs on the system itself with the .mcpack file names, if the game platform allows file importation. When these files are opened, they are automatically imported into the game without any need for file system access. Resource packs can also be put manually in the resource_packs folder in the com.mojang folder. Each resource pack must either be a sub-folder or a .zip file.

Resource packs can be applied on the Global Resources option from the settings menu from the main menu screen. Resource packs can be moved between "Active" and "My Packs". "Active" also contains the default assets at the bottom, and cannot be removed.

Resource packs load their assets based on the order of the packs on the list. The bottom-most pack loads first, then each pack placed above it replaces assets of the same name with its assets.

Default packs[]

One or more resource packs can be bundled with a world in the world settings. When playing the world, that resource pack appears as the default right above the default resource pack. A resource pack can be set on a server by bundling the resource pack in the world, and then re-uploading the world folder to the server. Users then have an option whether to use the resource pack or not if the texturepack-required option is disabled in the server settings and if the world has the "Require players to accept resource packs to join" option disabled. Resource packs can also be forced on a server by using the texturepack-required=true property on the server settings.

Folder Structure[]


Java Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Map|Map]]<br/>{{about|the craftable map|maps showing the locations of certain structures|Explorer Map|other uses|Map (disambiguation)}}
| image = Map Zoom 4.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

A '''map''' is an [[item]] used to view explored [[Chunk|terrain]] and mark landmarks.

|A1= Paper
|B1= Paper
|C1= Paper
|A2= Paper
|B2= Compass
|C2= Paper
|A3= Paper
|B3= Paper
|C3= Paper
|Output= Empty Map
|type= Miscellaneous
|description=This variation is called an "empty locator map" {{in|bedrock}}, or an "empty map" {{in|java}}.

When the player first creates a map, it is blank. It needs to be activated by holding it and pressing ''{{Control|use item}}''. after which it records terrain and location markers as the player travels within (or close to) the area it maps.
|A1= Paper
|B1= Paper
|C1= Paper
|A2= Paper
|B2= Paper
|C2= Paper
|A3= Paper
|B3= Paper
|C3= Paper
|Output= Empty Map
|type= Miscellaneous

This variation is called an "empty map". It does not show location markers. It is intended for cloning and zooming locator maps without having to consume an additional [[compass]] (thereby saving [[iron ingot]]s and [[redstone dust]]), but it can also be {{Control|use|text=activated}} and later converted to a locator map by combining it with a compass on an [[anvil]], [[crafting table]], or [[cartography table]].

=== Natural generation ===
==== Chest loot ====

=== Cartography table ===
A map can also be created using a single paper on a [[cartography table]] to create an empty map, or a paper with a compass for an empty locator map.{{only|bedrock}}

=== Starting map ===
When creating a new world {{in|bedrock}}, the player can enable the "Starting Map" option to spawn with an empty locator map in the hotbar. The map's zoom scale is 1:8. The map is updated only while the player holds it.

=== Trading ===
Novice-level cartographer [[Villager|villagers]] sell a single empty map for 7 [[Emerald|emeralds]] as their trades.

{{IN|java}}, cartographer villagers may give players with the [[Hero of the Village]] effect an empty map.

== Usage ==
{{See also|Tutorials/Mapping}}

=== Mapping ===

Crafting a map creates an empty map. The map is drawn for the first time when it is held and used (with ''{{control|use item}}''). This map can then be adjusted to different zoom levels. After conversion to a drawn map item, it starts to draw a top-down view of the player's surroundings, with North pointing to the top of the map. A pointed oval pointer indicates the player's position on the map, and moves in real-time as the player moves across the terrain shown on the map. The map does ''not'' center on the player when created, rather, the world is broken up into large invisible grid squares, and the map displays the area of whichever grid square it is in when it is first used. For example, if a player uses a new map in a certain grid square, and then moves a distance away and uses another fresh map but is still within the same grid square, both maps appear identical. To make a map that is not identical to the first one, the player would have to move outside of the edges of the first map (because then they would be in a new grid square). This way, no two maps of the same size can ever partially overlap and every map can display only a fixed area.

To record the world on a map, that specific map must be held in the player's hands while the player moves around the world. The world is recorded as-is during exploration, meaning that if the world is modified, a player must revisit the area while holding the map to update the map's view. Maps can also be [[Map#Cloning|cloned]]. If a player holds a map whose one or more clones are on display in item frames, updates are made on all clone-connected maps. 

Other players are displayed on the map only if they have a map in their inventory cloned from the one being looked at. When placing a map into an [[item frame]], the map displays with a green pointer shown at the location of the item frame. This is to help the player see where they are in relation to the area that the map is showing. If the player leaves a map in an item frame and views a clone of it, the green pointer remains in the spot of the framed copy. This can be used to set up waypoints. Unexplored areas are transparent, making the item frame visible.

When the player leaves the area shown on a specific map, the player pointer transforms into a white dot that moves on that map. The marker shrinks to a smaller white dot if the player is far from the map's center: the area is 320 by 320 blocks per scale factor. The dot moves along the edge of the map to show the relative location of the player. However {{in|bedrock}}, the pointer remains as an arrow but shrinks until the player is near the area shown on the map.

While maps in [[the Nether]] work, they show only the red-and-gray pattern, regardless of the blocks placed. The only useful function is finding where the player is in relation to placed framed maps, which show as green pointers.  Additionally, the player pointer rapidly spins and is not a good indicator of direction. Placing a [[banner]] in [[the Nether]] still shows it on the map as usual.  Having a smaller map image while riding a [[strider]] in the Nether can help one to see one's footing while traveling over [[lava]].

{{IN|java}}, when using a map from another dimension, the map shows the player's position and direction when they were last in the dimension of the map. {{IN|bedrock}}, however, the player can use maps from one dimension while in another dimension. For locator maps, the place marker changes color depending on the dimension that the player is currently in (white for the Overworld, red for [[the Nether]], and magenta for [[the End]]). An Overworld map in the Nether shows the player's corresponding location and direction in the Overworld.<ref name=multiverse>{{ytl|EpP1diZdEdI}}</ref> Similarly, a Nether Map in the Overworld shows the player's corresponding location in the Overworld, but the place marker spins, just like a Nether map in the Nether. An Overworld map in the End shows the world spawn.<ref name=multiverse/> A Nether map cannot be used in the End — the map appears, but the place marker is not shown anywhere — and similarly, an End map cannot be used in the Overworld or the Nether.

A player can make a large piece of pixel art (128×128) facing upward, center a map on it, and place that map in an [[item frame]] to create a custom picture. Locking is recommended. See [[Map item format#Map Pixel Art]] for details on the techniques.

Maps display as a mini-map when held in the off-hand, or if the off-hand slot is occupied; the map is full-sized only when held in the dominant hand with both hands free.

A map always positions itself facing towards North when placed horizontally within an item frame regardless of how the map is placed.

=== Map content ===
{{Main|Map item format}}

Maps consist of square pixels arranged like pixels in a 128×128 square pattern, with each pixel representing a square portion of land. {{IN|java}}, the [[Map item format#Color table|color of a map pixel]] generally matches the color of the most common [[opaque]] block in the corresponding area, as seen from the sky. 'Minority blocks' in the target area have no effect on the color of the pixel, thus small features tend to be undetectable on zoomed-out maps.

{{IN|bedrock}}, the [[Map item format#Color table|color of a map pixel]] instead matches the single top-most opaque block in a grid sized by the map magnification pixel size (see the table in the "Player marker and pointer" section below). For example, a 3/4 magnification map has a pixel size of 8x8 blocks; this means the map will read only the top-most opaque blocks at the 0,0 coordinate, the 8,0 coordinate, the 0,8 coordinate, etcetera, ignoring all other blocks in the area. This means that {{in|bedrock}}, map pixel art requires only one block per pixel regardless of map magnification.

{{IN|bedrock}}, grass, foliage and water colors that are biome-dependent are represented accurately on a map.

{| class="wikitable"
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|je}}
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|be}}
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Map Zoom 4.png|alt=All banners marked on a map, alongside a named banner.|216px]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Map item BE.png|216px]]
| Biome colors on ''Java Edition''.
| Biome colors on ''Bedrock Edition''.

Maps also show ground up to about 15 blocks below the surface of the water in oceans as slightly lighter blue, to show where the ground rises. This is not true with land above water. Higher elevations in the world mean lighter colors on the map. The map records the surface even as the player moves below the surface.

A standard map represents 128x128 blocks (1 block per pixel, 8x8 [[chunks]]) but maps can be zoomed-out to represent up to 2048x2048 blocks (16 square blocks per pixel, 128x128 [[chunks]]).

Some relevant distances: 64 blocks (4 chunks) is the update radius from a player in the Overworld and the End. However, it is half this (32 blocks) in the Nether. Also, 1024 blocks is the minimum Overworld distance from a [[nether portal]], at which players can build another portal and expect to reach a new location in the Nether. This is the distance across a 1:8 map, and also from a 1:16 map's center to its edge.

=== Player marker and pointer ===
{{IN|java}}, every map contains a marker that marks the position of the player, and points in the same direction as the player. When a player moves out of a map, a big white dot appears and moves relative to the player's position. The pointer either disappears when the player moves away a certain distance from the border of the map or, in case of [[explorer map]]s, the big white dot changes to a smaller white dot. The distance required for the small white dot to appear(explorer maps) or for the big dot to vanish (normal maps) changes with the scaling of the map.
* '''Level 0/4 :''' 128×128 blocks (each map pixel represents 1 block)
* '''Level 1/4 :''' 256×256 blocks (2×2 blocks per map pixel)
* '''Level 2/4 :''' 512×512 blocks (4×4 blocks per map pixel)
* '''Level 3/4 :''' 1024×1024 blocks (8×8 blocks per map pixel)
* '''Level 4/4 :'''  2048×2048 blocks  (16×16 blocks per map pixel)
{{IN|bedrock}}, a map can be crafted with or without this marker, and a map without a position marker can add one later by adding a compass to the map.  When a map is crafted without a compass, it's simply called an "empty map", but when crafted with a compass, it's called an "empty locator map". The marker also turns red if the player enters the Nether with an Overworld map and shows the player's Overworld location relative to the Nether location. A map created in the End has a purple marker showing the player's location. If an Overworld map is used in the End, a magenta dot appears on the player's spawn point.{{/BE|position}}
|name=Map<br>(with marker)
|ingredients=[[Map]] or Empty Map +<br>[[Compass]]
|Map (no markers);Empty Map 
|Output= Locator Map;Empty Locator Map
|type= Miscellaneous
|description={{el|be}} only.
Maps crafted from only paper do not show the location marker; to add it, a compass must be added to the map.

{{IN|bedrock}}, a cartography table can also be used to add a pointer to create a locator map or empty locator map. This can be done by adding a compass to paper, or to an empty map or map.

=== Zooming out ===
[[File:Cartography table UI zoom.png|thumb|300px|{{IN|java}}, cartography table's UI, showing the map is being zoomed out.]]

A [[cartography table]] can also be used to zoom out, taking only one piece of paper per zoom level.

A blank map can not be zoomed out. A map has to have something already marked on it for the zooming to be possible.

  |A1= Paper |B1= Paper |C1= Paper
  |A2= Paper |B2= Map;Locator Map   |C2= Paper
  |A3= Paper |B3= Paper |C3= Paper
  |Output= Map;Locator Map
  |description=Locator Map {{el|be}} only.

==== Zoom details ====
The zooming function starts from when the map is created (zoom level 0) up to its fourth zoom step (zoom level 4).

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" data-description="Zoom levels"
! colspan="2" | 
! Zoom step 0  
! Zoom step 1  
! Zoom step 2  
! Zoom step 3  
! Zoom step 4
! colspan="2" |
| [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|116px|Zoom step 0, 1:1]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 1.png|116px|Zoom step 1, 1:2]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 2.png|116px|Zoom step 2, 1:4]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 3.png|116px|Zoom step 3, 1:8]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 4.png|116px|Zoom step 4, 1:16]]
! colspan="2" | Zoom level
| 0/4
| 1/4
| 2/4
| 3/4
| 4/4
! colspan="2" | 1 map pixel represents
| 1 block
| 2×2 blocks
| 4×4 blocks
| 8×8 blocks
| 16×16 blocks<br>(1×1 chunk)
! colspan="2" | Scaling ratio
| 1:1
| 1:2
| 1:4
| 1:8
| 1:16
! rowspan="2" colspan="2" | Map covers an area of
| 128×128 blocks
| 256×256 blocks
| 512×512 blocks
| 1024×1024 blocks
| 2048×2048 blocks
| 8×8 chunks
| 16×16 chunks
| 32×32 chunks
| 64×64 chunks
| 128×128 chunks
! colspan="2" | Smallest discernible features
| Blocks
| Trees, Paths
| Lakes, Buildings
| Mountains, Rivers
| Biomes, Mountain Ranges
! colspan="2" | Use cases
| Pixel art, Base plans
| Base surroundings
| Structure mapping
| Landscape mapping
| Biome mapping
! rowspan="2" | Total paper needed to zoom out from Level 0
! in anvil{{only|bedrock|short=1}} or crafting table
| -
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 8
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 16
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 24
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 32
! in cartography table
| -
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 1
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 2
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 3
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 4

Maps are always aligned to a grid at all zoom levels. That means zooming out any different map in a specific area covered by that map always has the same center. As such, maps are aligned by map width (1024 blocks for a level 3 maps) minus 64. A level 3 map generated at spawn covers X and Z coordinates from -64 to 959. All maps generated in this area zoom out to the same coordinates, guaranteeing that they are always 'aligned' on a map wall. For a zoomed-out map to cover a new area, it must start with a base (level 0) map that is in that area.

At zoom level 0, a map created on the point (0,0) has (0,0) at the center of the map. At higher zoom levels of the same map, the coordinate (0,0) is in the top left square of the map.

{{IN|java}}, zoom level can be seen on a map by turning on Advanced Tooltips (a [[Debug screen#More debug keys|debug screen]] option that can be toggled by using the key combination {{key|F3+H}}). The tooltip of the map then shows the zoom level, scaling factors, and map ID.

=== Cloning ===
[[File:Cartography table UI clone.png|thumb|300px|{{IN|Java}}, cartography table's UI, showing the map is being cloned.]]

A mix of empty maps and empty locator maps may be used. Whether the cloned maps show position markers is dependent only on the input map.

A [[cartography table]] can also be used to clone a map.

The parts of the world that have already been explored and mapped are copied, and newly explored areas appear on both instances. If one of the maps is later zoomed out, then the maps lose their connection to each other and function as completely separate maps that have to be individually filled by exploring.

In Creative mode, a map in an item frame may be cloned by using {{control|pick block}} on it, as long as that map is not also in the player's inventory.

It doesn't matter if the map to be cloned is at a higher zoom level (made of more paper) than the blank map. Upon copying the map, both resulting maps have the same magnification as the starting map.


=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|Map, Empty Map}}

=== Marking points ===
{{IN|java}} the player has the ability to mark spots on a map. To do this, {{control|use}} a map on a placed-down [[banner]], and the spot of the banner gets marked on the map. The mark takes the color of whatever the base color is for the banner, and if the banner has a name, the mark shows that name. Banner marks on a map are always oriented with their top facing north, regardless of the banner's actual orientation. If the banner is destroyed, the mark of the banner remains at first, but if the player gets closer to where the banner previously was, it disappears as the area is updated on the map.

If a map is mounted on an item frame and is within the area it depicts, the mounted map displays its current location with a green indicator rotated to match its orientation.

[[File:Map Marker Bedrock on Item frame.png|thumb|181x181px|{{IN|bedrock}} this is what a map lying on an item frame looks like, while showing markers.]]
{{IN|bedrock}} the player can place copies of locator maps in [[item frame]]s in order to create a land mark. The marker is a green dot that resembles the shape of the player's marker, but in green color. The position the marker points at depends on the direction the item frame is facing. It is worth noting that the markers work only on copies of the same map. Other maps of the same area do not show the existing markers that the player(s) had placed.

If a player has a cloned map in their inventory, their pointer appears white when viewed on the same map held by another player. Hence, if all players have the same cloned map in their inventory, all markers would appear white when the clone map is viewed. 

{| class="wikitable"
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|je}}
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|be}}
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Banner marked map.png|alt=All banners marked on a map, alongside a named banner.|216px]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Tracking map with markers bedrock.png|216px]]
| How every banner appears {{IN|java}} on a map, including named banners.
| {{IN|bedrock}} this is how a locator map shows map markers while held by a player.

[[File:Cartography table UI lock.png|thumb|300px|{{IN|Java}}, cartography table's UI, showing the map is being locked.]]

Maps can be locked when using a [[glass pane]] in a [[cartography table]]. This creates a new map containing the same data and locks it. All copies of this new map are also locked. A locked map never changes, even when the depicted terrain changes. {{IN|Be}}, locked maps have a unique texture.

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
! Condition
! style="width: 200px;" | Newly created map
! style="width: 200px;" | Map after terrain alteration
! Unlocked map
| [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|174px]] || [[File:Unlocked Map.png|174px]]
! Locked map
| [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|174px]] || [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|174px]]


== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Map drawn
|description=When a map is drawn
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Map drawn
|description=When a map is edited using a cartography table

{{Sound table
|description=When a map is drawn<wbr>{{Upcoming|BE}}
|id=ui.cartography_table.take_result|idnote={{Verify|Could be block.cartography_table.use}}
{{Sound table
|description=When a map is edited using a cartography table

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Empty Map
{{ID table
|translationkey=item.minecraft.filled_map, filled_map.buried_treasure, filled_map.explorer_jungle{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.explorer_swamp{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.mansion, filled_map.monument, filled_map.unknown, filled_map.village_desert{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_plains{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_savanna{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_snowy{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_taiga{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}

{{ID table
|displayname=Empty Map
|translationkey=item.emptyMap.name, item.emptyLocatorMap.name}}
{{ID table
|translationkey=item.map.name, item.map.exploration.mansion.name, item.map.exploration.monument.name, item.map.exploration.treasure.name

=== Metadata ===
{{see also|Bedrock Edition data values}}
{{IN|bedrock}}, maps use the following data values:


=== Item data ===
{{main|Player.dat format}}
<div class="treeview">
* {{nbt|compound|tag}}: The item's '''tag''' tag.

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].

=== Map icons ===
{{see also|Player.dat format|Map item format|map_icons.png}}
Map icons are 8×8 in ''Java Edition'', but 16×16 in Bedrock Edition. As such, there are minor misalignment issues in ''Java Edition''.<ref>{{bug|MC-214649|||WF}}</ref>
[[File:Map icons.png|thumb|128px|Map icons texture {{in|Java}}]]
[[File:Map icons BE.png|thumb|128px|Map icons texture {{in|Bedrock}}]]

{| class="wikitable"
! Java ID !! Bedrock ID !! Text ID !! Appearance !! Purpose !! Shown in item frames?
| 0 ||  ||<code>player</code> || [[File:Player (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Player (texture) BE2.png|16px]] White marker || Players (on map) || No
| 1 || 1 ||<code>frame</code> || [[File:Green Marker (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Green Marker (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Green marker || The current map in an item frame || Yes
| 2 ||  ||<code>red_marker</code> || [[File:Red Marker (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Red Marker (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Red marker || Position converted to Overworld when opening Overworld map in the Nether{{Only|bedrock}} || No
| 3 ||  ||<code>blue_marker</code> || [[File:Blue Marker (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Blue Marker (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Blue marker || Other players || No
| 4 ||  ||<code>target_x</code> || [[File:Target X (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] White X || Unused || Yes
| 5 ||5
|<code>target_point</code> || [[File:Target Point (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Target Point (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Red triangle || Unused || Yes
| 6 || 6 ||<code>player_off_map</code> || [[File:Player Off Map (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] Large white dot || Players off map, nearby{{only|java}} || No
| 7 || 13 ||<code>player_off_limits</code> || [[File:Player Off Limits (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Player Off Limits (texture) BE.png|16px]] Small white dot || Players off map, far away{{only|java}} || No
| 8 ||14
|<code>mansion</code> || [[File:Mansion (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Mansion (Texture) BE2.png|frameless|16x16px]] Woodland mansion || Woodland mansion || Yes
| 9 || 15 ||<code>monument</code> || [[File:Monument (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Monument Texture BE2.png|frameless|16x16px]] Ocean monument || Ocean monument || Yes
| 10 - 25 ||  ||<code>{{tooltip|banner_*|banner_white, banner_orange, banner_magenta, banner_light_blue, banner_yellow, banner_lime, banner_pink, banner_gray, banner_light_gray, banner_cyan, banner_purple, banner_blue, banner_brown, banner_green, banner_red, banner_black}}</code> || [[File:Banner White (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Light Gray (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Gray (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Black (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Brown (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Red (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Orange (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Yellow (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Lime (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Green (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Cyan (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Light Blue (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Blue (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Magenta (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Purple (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Pink (texture) JE1.png|16px]]<br>Banners in all 16 wool colors{{only|java}}|| Banner markers || Yes
| 26 ||4
|<code>red_x</code> || [[File:Red X (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Target X (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Red X || Buried treasure || Yes
| || 8 || || [[File:Magenta Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Magenta marker
| Position converted to Overworld when opening Overworld map in the End{{Only|bedrock}} || No 
| || 9 || || [[File:Orange Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Orange marker{{more info}}
|Other players
| || 10 || || [[File:Yellow Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Yellow marker
| Other players || No
| || 11 || || [[File:Cyan Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Cyan marker
| Other players || No
| -
| || [[File:Green Point (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Green Triangle
| Other structure such as stronghold, fortress, end city, etc. when used as explorer map destination{{Only|bedrock}} || Yes
It should be noted that even if the player used a NBT editor to add an additional icon on the map, ''Minecraft'' shows only the first one listed when the player loads up their world.

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Map Room}}

== History ==
{{see also|section=24|map_icons.png|Java Edition history of textures#Map icons}}
{{more images|section=24|{{bug|MC-72962}}}}
{{History||April 27, 2011|link=https://web.archive.org/web/0/http://notch.tumblr.com/post/4988431144/the-maps|[[Notch]] unveiled screenshots of the map.}}
{{History||April 28, 2011|link={{tweet|notch|63500114005721088}}|[[Notch]] said that he would try to make maps place-able on [[wall]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|[[File:Map (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added maps.}}
{{History||1.6.6|The ability to auto-craft maps using shift-click has been disabled.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Maps can now be found in library chests in the brand-new [[stronghold]]s.
|Auto crafting maps has been restored. Map cloning, therefore, is unavailable for a period of time.}}
{{History||1.8.1|Maps now work both while walking and flying.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|Prior to this update, the [[sun]] in ''[[Minecraft]]'' rose in the North, which threw off many [[player]]s and led to a common misconception that ''Minecraft'' maps/[[world]]s were oriented with East at the top. The sun now rises in the east and sets in the west, making navigation much more intuitive.
|Before the change in sun position, it was commonly said that ''Minecraft'' maps/worlds are oriented with East at the top; sunrise, by definition, occurs at the East, which means it is certainly true that the maps were oriented "East" since the Sun rose from the top (North). However, [[Jeb]] asserted (and [[Notch]] agreed) that the sun rose in the north.<ref>{{Tweet|jeb|87815841160237056}}</ref><ref>{{Tweet|notch|88155424880201728}}</ref> Most mods and map-making tools, however, used the terms East and North consistent with their actual definitions (e.g. a [[Programs and editors/Cartograph|Cartograph]]-generated map with North at the top is rotated 90 degrees from the in-game map).}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|[[File:Empty Map JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Crafting]] a map now creates an empty map. The map is drawn for the first time when it is held and right clicked, and is centered near the location of the [[player]] when clicked (not as before where it was centered on the location it was crafted.)
|Previously, in order to map a new area, the map had to be ''crafted'' in that area (rather than carrying a previously-crafted map to the new area). The point where a map is crafted becomes its permanent center, and could never be changed. 
|The pointer no longer disappears when leaving the map, but transforms into a white dot, indicating on what side of the map the player is located.
|Maps now align to a grid, making it easier to create adjacent maps.
|Maps can now be zoomed out (but not zoomed in).
|Maps can now be cloned and scaled.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34b|Maps now have a ''zoom level'', which was fixed at 1:8 prior to snapshot [[Java Edition 12w34a|12w34a]],<ref name="mapinfo">https://web.archive.org/web/0/http://notch.tumblr.com/post/4988431144/the-maps</ref> but  now starts at 1:1 and can be increased up to 1:16 by re-crafting an existing map.
|Maps are no longer numbered on the top-left corner and is labeled through the tooltip.}}
{{History|||snap=12w36a|New maps are now crafted at a scale factor of 1:1. A zoomed in map can be zoomed out by re-crafting it with another 8 sheets of [[paper]] on a [[crafting table]]. Each time this is done, the scale increases - 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16 with a map scale of 1:16 being the current maximum.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w38a|The map size has been increased when placed on a [[wall]] using the [[item frame]].
|More colors have been added to maps for different [[block]]s.<ref name="infodump2">https://web.archive.org/web/0/https://www.mojang.com/2013/10/minecraft-1-7-the-update-that-changed-the-world</ref>}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w31a|Zoomed maps now conform to an expanded grid based on their zoom level. Previously, careful considerations would need to be taken to creating a wall of adjoining maps.}}
{{History||1.8.1|snap=pre1|Some colors have been changed on maps to more accurately represent their respective [[block]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Maps now display as a mini-map when held in the off-hand, or if the off-hand slot is occupied; the (old) large version is visible only when held in the dominant hand with the secondary hand free.}}
{{History|||snap=15w34a|New maps can now be [[crafting|crafted]] at a scale factor of 1:4.
|A crafting recipe has been added for zooming in maps.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43a|The average yield of empty maps from [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s has been doubled.}}
{{History|||snap=15w45a|New maps are once again [[crafting|crafted]] at a scale factor of 1:1, as they had been before snapshot [[15w34a]].
|The [[crafting]] recipe, that was introduced in 15w34a, for zooming in maps has been removed.}}
{{History|||snap=15w49a|Map making now uses armor equipping sounds.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Maps now work in [[the End]].
|Empty maps are now [[trading|sold]] by cartographer [[villager]]s as their tier 3 [[trading|trade]].
|Added [[explorer map]]s, sold by cartographers as their tier 4 trades.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w17a|Maps now have separate colors for colored [[terracotta]] blocks from other colored blocks.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 358 and 395.
|Maps now use additional NBT to specify which map they contain. Prior to this version, they used the [[damage]] value instead.
|Map IDs are no longer limited to 32,768.}}
{{History|||snap=17w50a|Maps can now be placed on floor and ceiling [[item frame]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w10a|Spots on maps can now be marked using [[banner]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Empty maps can now generate in [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=pre7|Maps have been changed slightly, in regard to which [[block]]s are shown and which blocks are not.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Empty Map JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Map (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of maps have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Empty maps can now be found in chests in [[village]] cartographer houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w02a|Maps can now be cloned and zoomed out (extended) by using a [[cartography table]].
|Maps can now be locked by using a [[glass pane]] with a cartography table.
|The recipes for cloning and zooming out maps have been removed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w06a|Map making is now silent again.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Cartographer villagers now give empty maps to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w21a|Map making sounds are now the same as when using a cartography table.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Empty Map JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Map (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added maps.
|Maps are crafted using nine [[paper]], one for every slot of the [[crafting]] grid.
|Maps must be combined with a [[compass]] using an [[anvil]] in order to show the [[player]]'s position.
|Maps can be zoomed using an anvil.}}
{{History|||snap=build 3|New maps are now [[crafting|crafted]] at full zoom.
|Empty maps now have a "Create Map" button to initialize them.}}
{{History|||snap=build 7|New maps are now crafted at a scale factor of 1:1.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=unknown|Maps can now be crafted either with 8 pieces of [[paper]] and a [[compass]] ''or'' 9 pieces of paper, to get a map with or without a position marker.}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Different colors have been added to maps for different [[biome]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=?|[[Windows 10 Edition]] can now use the [[anvil]] as well as the [[crafting table]] to clone, zoom and apply markers, just as [[Pocket Edition]] in general could.
|Maps can now be found inside [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Empty maps with direction markers built-in are now called "locator maps".}}
{{History|||snap=alpha|"Locator maps" are now called "empty locator maps".
|Empty maps are now [[trading|sold]] by cartographer [[villager]]s for 7-11 [[emerald]]s as their tier 3 [[trading|trade]].}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Maps can now be found inside map room [[chest]]s in [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||?|The texture of the filled map overlay has been changed.}}
{{History||?|Maps now function in dimensions other than the dimension in which they were created.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Maps can now be found in cartographer house [[chest]]s in [[village]]s.
|[[File:Empty Map JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of empty maps has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Empty maps can now be created from 1 [[paper]] in [[cartography table]]s.
|Maps can now be zoomed, cloned, renamed, and have pointers added in cartography tables.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Cartographer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] empty map for an [[emerald]] as their first tier [[trading|trades]].
|Empty locator maps can now be [[trading|bought]] from cartographer villagers.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|[[File:Map (item) BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Locked Map (item) BE2.png|32px]] Filled maps and locked maps now have unique inventory icons.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Trading has been changed, novice-level cartographer now sell an empty map for 7 emeralds. Cartographer villager no longer sell empty locator map.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of maps have been changed from <code>emptymap</code> to <code>empty_map</code> and <code>map</code> to <code>filled_map</code>.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Map (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added maps. 
|The [[player]] spawns with a free map. 
|Maps are available only as zoom step 3 maps centered at coordinates 0,0. Biome colors do not appear on maps.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=none|Larger sized worlds on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch have zoom step 3 maps aligned to a grid with maps centered at 0, 1024, or 2048 on the X or Z coordinates.}}
{{History||xbox=TU21|xbone=CU9|ps=1.14|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Empty Map JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Crafting]] a map now produces an empty map.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|The outer end islands appear on different maps; even on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Vita, and Wii U editions.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Empty Map JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Map (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of maps have been changed.}}
{{History||ps=1.91|Maps can now be created and used in [[cartography table]]s.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* Use of the {{key|F1}} key can allow the player to hold a map without blocking their view at all.
* In ''Java Edition'', a map created using {{cmd|give}} can be any map by using the Map parameter to specify the map number desired. E.g. {{cmd|give [player] minecraft:filled_map{map:5<nowiki>}}} gives the specified player map_5. If no data value is supplied it defaults to map_0. If map_0 has not ever been crafted, it is centered on x=0, z=0.
* The maps are stored separately as their own data (<code>.dat</code>) file as <code>map_x.dat</code> with (x) being the map number, see [[map item format]] for more info. By manipulating this number, players can organize their maps to suit them, or if they accidentally create a map in the same location, they can delete their extra map so as to save the number they make.
* Certain programs can be used to make customized maps with images or text on them instead of actual maps, many people use these in adventure maps to show pictures or to tell a story.
* Since all copies of a map are links to the same file, copying an unfinished map keeps it synchronized with the copy as the player fills it in. Thus, a copy stored in a chest can act as a remote backup.
* A map that is in an item frame does not update itself until a player picks it up, lets it reload, and places it back again. However, if a player holds a clone of the map, both maps update.
* Filled maps are the only items that make 90 degree rotations in item frames, and also the only items that can expand the item frame into full block wide.
* On [[Legacy Console Edition]], the player always spawns with a map in their inventory after creating a world. This was later added to Bedrock Edition as an optional feature in the world creation menu.
* Maps on Legacy Console Edition always show the player's current coordinates, as a substitute for the optional [[Coordinates|coordinate display]] in other editions.
* A map cannot be created on [[New Nintendo 3DS Edition]]. Instead, the map is always displayed on the bottom screen along with the coordinates. Biome colors do not appear on maps.

== Gallery ==
MapItem1.png|A fully zoomed map.
MapRotation.png|Having a map in hand does not stop the ability to see ahead.
MapItem3.png|A world being recorded onto a map.
Mcmap4.png|Nearly fully explored map.
Zoomed Map.png|A map edited to the scale of 1.
Sky Map.png|A map mapping the [[Sky Dimension]].
MapOfVillage.png|A village and how it is represented on a map.
Pumpkin map.png|A map containing a custom image made by placing a large number of blocks.
Complete Map.png|A completely explored map.
MapZooms.png|A diagram showing how maps zoomed out before [[Java Edition 1.8]]. Notice how the larger maps have borders made of half and quarter small maps.
Map18zooms.png|From 1.8, zoomed maps are aligned to this grid exactly.
Large Biome Map.png|A map of a [[Large Biomes]] world.
Map0140-0160.png|A comparison of maps between versions in Pocket Edition Alpha [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0|0.14.0]] and [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.16.0|0.16.0]].
Mycelium Map.png|A map view of a mushroom biome, showing that mycelium appears purple on a map.
MiniMap.png|Maps held in the off-hand or in either hand while [[dual wielding]] appear as mini-maps.
Partly filled treasure map.png|Partly filled treasure map with an odd area at the bottom left. Normally a partly filled map would look striped (as in the top left), but this map seems to be bugged and is possibly showing caves, or something, in the bottom left.
Partly filled ocean explorer map.png|Partly filled ocean explorer map. Updating the game from an older version (in this case the area was first generated before 1.18) and buying a map after updating (in this case in 1.19.4) can result in the map displaying rivers and terrain where there is really a frozen sea.
Map Stained Glass 1.png|Stained glasses' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Map Stained Glass 2.png|Stained glasses' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Map Various Blocks 1.png|Various blocks' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Map Various Blocks 2.png|Various blocks' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Better Together Map.jpg|Holding a map in the offhand in ''Bedrock Edition''.
Better Together Map Icon.jpg|Holding a map in both hands in ''Bedrock Edition''.
File:MapFailedtoFill.png|A map that has not yet filled. A rare bug in Java.

=== The Nether ===
Nethermap.png|A map in [[the Nether]].
Maponnether.png|A map in the Nether; the arrow turns around itself, like in [[compass]].

=== The End ===
Jeb End Map.png|The first image of a map in [[the End]].
Endmap.png|A map in the End.

=== Maps in item frames ===
FramedMap.png|A map displayed on an item frame, as it looked before [[Java Edition 1.7.2]].
Structure Map Collection.png|Multiple maps in item frames. Notice a [[village]], two [[desert temple]]s and a lava lake.
Minecraft maps 3by3.png|A collection of 9 connected full maps.
Full Map.png|A combination of 25 maps pasted together as one map.
Map wall BE.png|A map wall on ''Bedrock Edition'', showing large areas of biome colors for each biome.
Map's in item frames.png|Maps can be placed into [[item frame]]s so they can be viewed together.
Comparing Maps.png|The comparison between 3 zooms of maps.
SuperflatMap.png|A map in a [[Superflat]] world, with some [[village]]s.
MapWallWithMarkers.png|A 3x3 map wall with banner markers.
Map Player Icons 1.png|First image of player icons on maps.
Map Player Icons 2.png|Second image of player icons on maps.

== See also ==
* [[Explorer Map]]
* [[Clock]]
* [[Tutorials/Navigation|Navigation]]

== References ==


[[fr:Carte (objet)]]
[[hu:Térkép (tárgy)]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Netherite Ingot|Netherite Ingot]]<br/>{{About|the refined item|the scrap|Netherite Scrap|the ore|Ancient Debris|other uses|Netherite}}
| rarity = Common
| renewable = No
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Netherite ingots''' are items obtained from crafting [[netherite scrap]]s and [[gold ingot]]s together, as well as loot from [[bastion remnant]] loot chests. Unlike other items, they are immune to fire and [[lava]] damage. They are primarily used to upgrade [[diamond]] gear and craft [[lodestone]]s.

== Obtaining ==

Netherite ingots are obtained by crafting four [[netherite scrap]]s and four [[gold ingot]]s. It is a shapeless recipe, therefore the placement of the netherite scraps and gold ingots does not matter when crafting it.

=== Crafting ===

|Netherite Scrap
|Netherite Scrap
|Netherite Scrap
|Netherite Scrap
|Gold Ingot
|Gold Ingot
|Gold Ingot
|Gold Ingot
|Output=Netherite Ingot

|Block of Netherite
|Output=Netherite Ingot,9

=== Chest loot ===

== Usage ==
Netherite ingots are crafting materials used to make netherite tools, weapons, and armor.

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Smithing ingredient ===
Netherite ingots can be used on a [[smithing table]] to upgrade diamond items to netherite items, as well as trim any armor piece. Data such as durability, enchantments, and custom names are preserved.

|ingredients=[[Netherite Upgrade]] +<br>Any [[diamond]] gear +<br>[[Netherite Ingot]]
|Netherite Upgrade
|Diamond Helmet; Diamond Chestplate; Diamond Leggings; Diamond Boots; Diamond Sword; Diamond Pickaxe; Diamond Axe; Diamond Shovel; Diamond Hoe
|Netherite Ingot
|Netherite Helmet; Netherite Chestplate; Netherite Leggings; Netherite Boots; Netherite Sword; Netherite Pickaxe; Netherite Axe; Netherite Shovel; Netherite Hoe
|ingredients=Any Armor Trim +<br/>Any Armor Piece + <br/>Netherite Ingot
|Any Armor Trim Smithing Template
|Diamond Chestplate
|Netherite Ingot
|Netherite Trim Diamond Chestplate
|description = All armor types can be used in this recipe,<br/>a diamond chestplate is shown as an example.<br/>

'''Trim color palette'''
The following color palettes are shown on the designs on trimmed armor:
* {{TrimPalette|netherite ingot}}
* {{TrimPalette|netherite ingot|darker=1}} (a darker color palette is used when a netherite armor piece is trimmed using a netherite ingot).

=== Repairing ===

Netherite ingots are the repair items for the netherite [[tier]] and [[armor material]], and thus can be used to [[item repair|repair]] the following items in an [[anvil]]:
* {{ItemLink|Netherite Helmet}}
* {{ItemLink|Netherite Chestplate}}
* {{ItemLink|Netherite Leggings}}
* {{ItemLink|Netherite Boots}}
* {{ItemLink|Netherite Sword}}
* {{ItemLink|Netherite Pickaxe}}
* {{ItemLink|Netherite Axe}}
* {{ItemLink|Netherite Shovel}}
* {{ItemLink|Netherite Hoe}}

=== Beacons ===

A netherite ingot could be used to select powers from a [[beacon]] instead of using an [[emerald]], [[gold ingot]], [[iron ingot]], or a [[diamond]]. The player must select one of the available powers, and then insert an ingot in the item slot. The [[gold]] option is more efficient than the netherite option because it consumes 3 fewer gold and no [[Netherite Scrap|netherite scrap]].

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Netherite Ingot

{{ID table
|displayname=Netherite Ingot

=== Advancements ===
{{load advancements|Serious dedication}}

== History ==
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Netherite Ingot JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added netherite ingots.}}
{{History|||snap=20w07a|Netherite ingots can now be used to power [[beacon]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=20w10a|The [[crafting]] recipe for netherite [[tools]] and [[armor]] has been changed so that a [[smithing table]] is used instead of a [[crafting table]] and [[enchanting|enchantments]] are preserved when upgrading [[item]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=20w13a|Netherite ingots can now be used to craft [[lodestone]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Netherite ingots can now be found in [[bastion remnant]] chests.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w30a|Increased the chance of finding netherite ingots in bastion remnant chests from 16.8% to 42.1%.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Netherite ingots can now be used as an armor trim material.|Upgrading diamond tools and armor to netherite now requires the netherite upgrade [[smithing template]] in addition to a netherite ingot.}}
{{History|||snap=23w05a|Netherite ingots can now be used to trim netherite armor.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Netherite ingots are now usable for trimming without requiring the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack to be enabled.}}

{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Ingot BE1.png|32px]] Added netherite ingots.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Netherite ingots can now be used to power [[beacon]]s.
|The [[crafting]] recipe for netherite [[tools]] and [[armor]] has been changed so that a [[smithing table]] is used instead of a [[crafting table]] and [[enchanting|enchantments]] are preserved when upgrading [[item]]s.
|Netherite ingots can now be used to craft [[lodestone]]s.
|Netherite ingots can now be found in [[bastion remnant]] chests.}}
{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Ingot JE1 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of netherite ingots has been changed to match ''Java Edition''.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.80|snap=beta|Netherite ingots can now be used as an armor trim material.|Upgrading diamond tools and armor to netherite now requires the netherite upgrade [[smithing template]] in addition to a netherite ingot.}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Netherite ingots are now usable for trimming without requiring the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle to be enabled.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== See also ==
* {{EnvLink|Bastion Remnant}}
* {{BlockLink|Block of Netherite}}
* {{ItemLink|Netherite Scrap}}
*  {{BlockLink|Ancient Debris}}

== External Links ==
* [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--netherite-ingot Taking Inventory: Netherite Ingot] – Minecraft.net on May 28, 2020


[[es:Lingote de netherita]]
[[fr:Lingot de Netherite]]
[[it:Lingotto di netherite]]
[[ko:네더라이트 주괴]]
[[pl:Sztabka netherytu]]
[[pt:Barra de netherita]]
[[ru:Незеритовый слиток]]
[[uk:Незеритовий злиток]]
[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]</li></ul></nowiki>
13w24aAdded resource packs, replacing the functionality of texture packs.
Minecraft Texture Ender is available from Mojang to automatically convert 1.5 compatible texture packs to resource packs. See Java Edition 1.6.1/Resource pack changes for the list of file names changed.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Bone|Bone]]<br/>{{about|the item|the block|Bone Block|other uses|Bone (disambiguation)}}
| image = Bone.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

A '''bone''' is an [[item]] primarily obtained from [[skeleton]]s and similar mobs. It can be crafted into [[Bone Meal|bone meal]] or used to tame wild [[Wolf|wolves]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Chest loot ===


=== Mob loot ===

Skeletons, [[wither skeleton]]s, [[skeleton horse]]s, and [[stray]]s may drop 0–2 bones upon death. The maximum drop is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 0-5 bones with Looting III.

{{IN|bedrock}}, [[salmon]], [[cod]], [[pufferfish]], and [[tropical fish]] have 25% chance to drop 1-2 bones upon death. The maximum drop is increased by 1 to 2 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 2-8 bones with Looting III.
Salmon (small and medium size) have 25% chance to drop 1 bone upon death, The maximum drop is increased by 1 to 2 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 2-7 bones with Looting III. The chance of dropping bones increases by 1% per looting level, so with Looting III there is up to a 28% chance of bones dropping.

=== Fishing ===

Bones can also be obtained by [[fishing]] as part of the junk category. The best chance of catching a bone is achieved without the [[Luck of the Sea]] enchantment, yielding a 1.1% chance.

== Usage ==

=== Helmet ===
[[File:Steve wearing Bone.png|thumb|right|75px]]
[[File:Alex wearing Bone.png|thumb|right|75px]]
While a bone cannot be equipped in the head slot in Survival mode, equipping it using commands causes it to appear in the player's mouth.

=== Taming ===

Using a bone on a wild [[wolf]] has a {{frac|1|3}} chance of [[taming]] it. Bones cannot tame a hostile wolf or a wolf that has already been tamed. However, bones can be used to attract the attention of the tamed ones.

=== Crafting ingredient ===
A bone can be crafted into 3 bone meal.

{{crafting usage}}

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Leader of the pack}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Best Friends Forever}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== History ==
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|[[File:Bone JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bones.
|Bones can be [[crafting|crafted]] into [[bone meal]].}}
{{History||1.4|Bones can now be used to tame [[wolves]].}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Bones can now be found within [[desert temple]]s, allowing bones to be obtainable on Peaceful difficulty.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w36a|Added [[wither skeleton]]s, which has a chance to [[drops|drop]] bones when killed.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|Added [[skeleton horse]]s, which drop bones when killed.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Bones can now be more easily obtained in Peaceful difficulty by [[fishing]]. Although, they are considered a "junk" [[item]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|The average yield of bones in [[desert temple]]s has been slightly decreased.
|Bones can now be found in [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|Added [[stray]]s, which [[drops|drop]] bones when killed.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Bones can now found in the new [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 352.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Bone JE2.png|32px]] The texture of bones has now been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|[[File:Bone JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bones has now been slightly changed.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1|Bones now generate in [[ancient city]] chests.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Bone JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bones. They are currently unobtainable and serve no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.3.3|Added skeletons, which drop bones when they die.
|Bones can now be used to craft [[bone meal]].}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Bones can now be obtained after activating the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Added bones to [[Creative]] mode.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Bones can now be more easily obtained in Peaceful difficulty by [[fishing]]. Although, they are considered a "junk" [[item]].}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Added [[wither skeleton]]s, which have a chance to [[drops|drop]] bones when killed.
|Bones are no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Bones can now be found inside of the [[desert temple]] hidden [[chest]] room.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Added [[stray]]s and [[skeleton horse]]s, which drop bones when killed.
|Bones can now be found in [[jungle temple]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Bone can now be found inside [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Bones now [[drops|drop]] from [[fish]] mobs.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Bone JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bones has now been changed.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Bone JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bones.}}
{{History||xbox=TU5|Bones can be found in the Miscellaneous tab in the [[Creative inventory]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|Moved bones to the Materials tab in the Creative inventory.}}
{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|wiiu=Patch 1|Added [[wither skeleton]]s, which have a chance to [[drops|drop]] bones when killed.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Bones can now be obtained from [[fishing]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|Added [[stray]]s and [[skeleton horse]]s, which drop bones when killed.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Bone JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bones has now been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Bone JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bones.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== See also ==

* [[Bone meal]]
* [[Wolf]]
* [[Dyeing]]


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[zh:骨头]]</li><li>[[Wheat|Wheat]]<br/>{{About||the artifact in ''Minecraft Dungeons''|Minecraft Dungeons:Wonderful Wheat|the seed|Wheat Seeds}}
| image = Wheat.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Wheat''' is an [[item]] primarily obtained by harvesting fully-grown [[Wheat Seeds|wheat crops]]. It is used for [[crafting]] as well as to feed certain animals.

== Obtaining ==

=== Natural generation ===


=== Farming ===

{{main|Tutorials/Crop farming}}

When a fully-grown wheat crop is harvested, it drops 1 wheat and 1 to 4 [[wheat seeds]] ({{frac|2|5|7}} per crop harvested on average). A wheat crop has a total of eight stages (0-7) from the time it is planted until it can be harvested. If a crop is harvested before it is fully grown, it just drops one seed. Wheat needs light to grow; a seed is destroyed if planted without light. Harvesting with a [[Fortune]]-enchanted tool increases the number of seeds dropped but does not increase the yield of wheat.

=== Crafting ===

|Hay Bale
|Output= Wheat,9
|type= Material

=== Drops ===
A [[fox]] sometimes spawns holding wheat, which it always drops upon death. Alternatively, the player can drop a [[food]] item, causing the fox to drop the wheat.

== Usage ==

=== Food ===

[[File:New Cattle.png|thumb|Using wheat to lead a cow.]]
When wheat is held, it causes nearby [[cow]]s, [[sheep]], [[goat]]s and [[mooshroom]]s to follow the player, until either the player stops holding the wheat or goes too far away from the animal, thus leading them to lose interest.

Wheat may be used to [[breed]] cows, sheep, goats, and mooshrooms by first herding two of them together and then {{control|using}} the wheat on them to begin "Love Mode."

Wheat can heal a [[horse]] {{hp|1}} health or lower its temper by 3% when attempting to tame it. It can also decrease the time it takes for a foal to grow by 20 seconds.

Similarly, wheat can heal a [[llama]] {{hp|2}} health, and it decreases the time it takes a baby llama to grow by 10 seconds.

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Trading ===

Novice-level farmer [[Villager|villagers]] have a 25%{{only|bedrock}} or 40%{{only|java}} chance to buy 20 wheat for one [[emerald]].

=== Composting ===
Placing wheat into a [[composter]] has a 65% chance of raising the compost level by 1. A stack of wheat yields an average of 5.94 [[bone meal]].

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Bake Bread;The Lie;Repopulation}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|A Seedy Place}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Video ==

{{Video note|the narrator demonstrates at 0:56 that walking over wheat can destroy the crop and un-till the land. This is outdated: since version {{Version link|JE 1.1}}, wheat can be destroyed only by a player or mob jumping on it or falling on it.}}

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|JbAURiYQZlA}}</div>

== History ==

{{History|java indev}}
{{History||20100206|[[File:Wheat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Wheat has been added.
|Wheat can be used to craft [[bread]].}}
{{History||20100223|Bread now requires 3 wheat (1 row of 3) instead of 6 (2 rows of 3) to be crafted.}}
{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100625-2|Wheat can now be found in the new [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|Wheat can now be used to craft [[cake]].}}
{{History||1.4|Wheat can now be used to craft [[cookie]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Wheat can now be used in [[breeding]].}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Wheat can now be [[trading|sold]] to farmer [[villager]]s, at 18–21 wheat for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w36a|[[Chicken]]s and [[pig]]s no longer use wheat to [[breeding|breed]].}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|[[Horse]]s can now be healed by being fed wheat.
|Foals can now have their growth increased by being fed wheat.}}
{{History|||snap=13w17a|[[Horse]]s can now have their tempers lowered with wheat.}}
{{History|||snap=13w18a|Nine wheat can now be crafted to make a [[hay bale]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Trading has been changed: farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 18–22 wheat for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{history||1.9|snap=15w43a|Wheat may now be found in [[igloo]] basement chests.}}
{{history|||snap=15w44a|The average yield of wheat in [[dungeon]] chests has been decreased.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Wheat can now be found in the new [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 296.}}
{{History|||snap=18w09a|Wheat can now generate in the chests of [[underwater ruins]].}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Wheat can now generate in [[shipwreck]] chests.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Wheat JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of wheat has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w47a|Wheat can now generate inside of loot chests on top of [[pillager outpost]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Wheat can now generate in chests in [[village]] butcher and shepherd houses.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Wheat can now generate in chests in desert [[village]] houses.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=19w03a|Placing wheat into the new [[composter]] has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Wheat now has a 65% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w07a|Added [[fox]]es, which sometimes spawn with wheat in their mouths.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w13a|Wheat can now be used to breed [[goat]]s.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|Wheat can now be used to craft [[packed mud]].}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Wheat can now be found in [[suspicious gravel]] and [[suspicious sand]] in cold and warm [[ocean ruins]] and in [[trail ruins]].}}
{{History|||snap=23w16a|Wheat no longer generates in [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].|Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for suspicious gravel within [[trail ruins]], wheat is now common loot.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Wheat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added wheat. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Wheat is now obtainable via farming and can be used to craft [[bread]].}}
{{History||v0.7.0|Wheat can now be used to craft [[cake]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Wheat can now be used to breed [[cow]]s and [[sheep]].
|Wheat can now be used to craft [[hay bale]]s.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Wheat [[crop]]s now naturally spawn in [[village]]s.
|Wheat can now be used to craft [[cookie]]s.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Wheat can now be used to grow, increase tame and heal [[horse]]s, [[donkey]]s and [[mule]]s.}}
{{History||v0.16.2|Wheat can now be found in the [[chest]]s inside of large houses in [[ice plains]] and [[cold taiga]] [[village]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Wheat can now be found in [[igloo]] basement chests.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 18–22 wheat for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Wheat can now be found in the new [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Wheat can now be found inside [[shipwreck]] chests.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Wheat can now be found inside [[underwater ruins]] chests.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Wheat can now be found in [[pillager outpost]] chests.
|[[File:Wheat JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of wheat has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Wheat can now be found in [[desert]] [[village]] house chests, village shepherd and butcher house chests.
|Wheat can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[Trading]] has changed, farmer [[villager]]s now have a 25% chance to buy 20 wheat for one [[emerald]] as part of their first tier trade.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Added [[fox]]es, which can drop wheat.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Wheat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added wheat.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Wheat JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of wheat has been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Wheat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added wheat.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
Wheat SDGP.png|Wheat in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].
File:Field of Wheat.jpg|[[Steve]] and [[Kai]] in a field of wheat crops.<ref>https://www.instagram.com/p/CumuJleg6Ij/</ref>

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--wheat Taking Inventory: Wheat] – Minecraft.net on April 21, 2022


[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul>
reuploadFixed distorted font when HD font is used.[5]
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Flint|Flint]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Flint.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Flint''' is a mineral obtained from [[gravel]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Mining ===
When a block of [[gravel]] is mined, there is a 10% chance for a single piece of flint to drop instead of the [[gravel]] block. When mined with a [[Fortune]]-enchanted tool, this chance increases to 16% at Fortune I, 25% at Fortune II, and 100% at Fortune III. Gravel mined using a tool with [[Silk Touch]] or gravel that fell on a non-solid block never produces flint.

=== Trading ===
Novice-level [[Trading#Fletcher|fletcher]] [[villager]]s have a 50%{{only|bedrock}} or {{frac|2|3}}{{only|java}} chance to offer 10 pieces of flint for 10 blocks of gravel and an [[emerald]].

=== Chest loot ===


== Usage ==
=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Trading ===
Apprentice-level fletcher villagers buy 26 flint for an emerald.

Apprentice-level leatherworker villagers have a {{frac|2|3}} chance to buy 26 flint for an emerald {{in|java}}, and always offer the trade {{in|bedrock}}.

Journeyman-level toolsmith villagers have a {{frac|2|5}} chance to buy 30 flint for one emerald in ''Java Edition'', and always offer the trade in Bedrock Edition.

Journeyman-level weaponsmith villagers buy 24 flint for an emerald.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== History ==
{{History|java indev}} 
{{History||20100219|[[File:Flint JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added flint.
|Flint is now used to craft [[flint and steel]].}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.14|Crafting [[arrow]]s now requires flint, rather than [[iron ingot]]s.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 4–5 flint for 1 [[emerald]] and 10 [[gravel]].}}
{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Flint JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of flint has been slightly changed.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Fletcher [[villager]]s now sell 6–10 flint for 1 emerald and 10 gravel.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 318.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Flint JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of flint has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Flint can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] fletcher houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Fletcher, leatherworker, toolsmith and weaponsmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] flint.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|Flint has a {{frac|10|109}} (~9.17%) chance of being given by the new [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], in a stack size of 3–8, making it renewable.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|Flint can no longer be obtained by bartering with piglins. However, they are still renewable as piglins offer [[gravel]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Flint now generates in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.3.3|[[File:Flint JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added flint. 
|Flint can be used to craft [[arrow]]s.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Flint can now be used to make [[flint and steel]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Flint JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of flint has been changed.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Fletcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 6–10 flint for 1 [[emerald]] and 10 [[gravel]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Flint JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of flint has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Flint can now be found in [[village]] fletcher [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, fletcher [[villager]]s now have a 50% chance to [[trading|sell]] 10 flint for 10 [[gravel]] and one [[emerald]] as part of their first tier trade.
|Flint can now be [[trading|sold]] to toolsmith, weaponsmith, fletcher, and leatherworker villagers.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Flint JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added flint.}}
{{History||?|[[File:Flint JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of flint has been changed.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Flint JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of flint has been changed.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
File:GodPortal.png|A piece of flint found in a [[ruined portal]] chest, together with an [[enchanted golden apple]].

== References ==

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--flint Taking Inventory: Flint] – Minecraft.net on October 31, 2019


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[zh:燧石]]</li><li>[[Glow Berries|Glow Berries]]<br/>{{Block
Cave Vines (head).png|Without Berries
Cave Vines (berries).png|With Berries
|image2 = Glow Berries JE1 BE1.png
|extratext=[[#Gallery|View all renders]]
|stackable=Yes (64)

'''Glow berries''' are a [[food]] [[item]] obtained from cave vines and can be used to plant them.

'''Cave vines''' are a climbable, [[Bone Meal|bonemealable]] plant that hangs off ceilings and grows glow berries. Cave vines with glow berries produce [[light]] and drop glow berries when broken or harvested. Cave vines with no glow berries will not drop anything.

== Obtaining ==

=== Natural generation ===
Cave vines can be found in [[lush caves]], hanging from cave ceilings.

=== Chest loot ===

=== Post-generation ===
Glow berries can be collected from a cave vine by {{control|using}} or {{control|breaking}} the vine. This yields one glow berry when the vine is bearing them and nothing when it is not.  A cave vine also breaks if [[water]] runs over its location or if a [[piston]] extends or pushes a block into its location. 

{{IN|bedrock}}, using a tool with [[Silk Touch]] on cave vines always yields a glow berry, even if the vine appears empty.

[[Fortune]] has no effect on the number of glow berries dropped.

== Usage ==
=== Placement ===
Glow berries can be placed on and grown from the bottom of most blocks. They have no specific lighting requirements. When placed, they can be of any length.

=== Growth ===
Placing glow berries on the bottom of a block creates a cave vine that grows downward one block at a time as long as [[air]] is beneath it and its maximum height (2 to 26 blocks) has not been reached. Each newly-grown cave vine block has a 1 in 9 chance of bearing glow berries.  Only this tip can ever naturally grow them.{{only|JE}}{{More info|exact growth rate and chance to bear glow berries}}

{{control|Using}} [[bone meal]] on a cave vine produces glow berries if the vine was not bearing any.

{{IN|Java}}, cave vines stop growing if [[shears]] are {{control|used}} on the tip.

{{IN|bedrock}}, if placing glow berries in the Nether, cave vines are able to grow and produces glow berries.

=== Food ===
To eat glow berries, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|2}} [[hunger]] and 0.4 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]] points, like [[sweet berries]].

=== Light ===
When bearing glow berries, cave vines give off a [[light]] level of 14.

=== Composting ===
Placing glow berries into a [[composter]] by {{control|using}} them on it has a 30% chance of raising the compost level by 1.

=== Breeding ===
Glow berries can be fed to [[fox]]es to [[breeding|breed]] them. Foxes are similar to cats when being fed as a wild animal; a sudden movement by the player may cause the fox to flee even if the player holds glow berries. The resulting baby fox trusts the [[player]] and does not flee.

Glow berries can be {{control|used}} on baby foxes to reduce the time until they grow by 10%.

===Glow berries===
{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

===Cave vines===
{{Sound table/Block/Cave vines}}

==== Unique ====
{{Sound table
|sound=Berries pick1.ogg
|sound2=Berries pick2.ogg
|subtitle=Berries pop
|description=When glow berries are picked
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Plant cropped
|description=When the tip of cave vines are cropped with [[Shears#Cropping growing plants|shears]]

{{Sound table
|sound=Berries pick1.ogg
|sound2=Berries pick2.ogg
|description=When glow berries are picked

==Data values==
{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Vines
{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Vines Plant
{{ID table
|displayname=Glow Berries

{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Vines
{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Vines Body With Berries
{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Vines Head With Berries 
{{ID table
|displayname=Glow Berries

=== Block states===
{{See also|Block states}}

{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

{{History||October 3, 2020|link={{ytl|DWZIfsaIgtE|t=1781}}|[[File:Cave Vines Plant JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines Plant (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (head) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Cave vines (named as glow berries) are shown as part of lush caves at [[Minecraft Live 2020]].}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w05a|[[File:Glow Berries JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glow berries.
|[[File:Cave Vines Plant JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines Plant (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (head) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cave vines.}}
{{History|||snap=21w11a|Renamed from "cave vines head" and "cave vines body" to "cave vines" and "cave vines plant", respectively.
|The IDs have also changed.
|Cave vines now always give 14 light, regardless of the type of part.
|Now slow down the player.
|Can now be climbed.}}
{{History|||snap=21w13a|Glow berries now generate as loot in [[mineshaft]] [[Minecart with Chest|chest minecarts]].}}
{{History||1.18|snap=Experimental Snapshot 1|With the implementation of cave biomes including lush caves, caves vines can now generate in normal worlds.}}
{{History|||snap=21w37a|Cave vines stop growing if [[shears]] are used on the tip.}}
{{History|||snap=21w41a|[[File:Cave Vines Plant JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines Plant (berries) JE2.png|32px]] Changed cave vines plant texture.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Glow Berries may now be found in [[ancient city]] [[chest]]s.}}

{{History||Caves & Cliffs (experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Glow Berries JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glow berries.
|[[File:Cave Vines Plant JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines Plant (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (head) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cave vines.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Glow Berries now generate as loot in [[mineshaft]] [[Minecart with Chest|chest minecarts]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Glow Berries are now available without enabling [[experimental gameplay]].}}
{{History||1.17.20|snap=beta|Cave Vines can now be pollinated by [[bee]]s.}}
{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[File:Cave Vines Plant JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines Plant (berries) JE2.png|32px]] Changed cave vines plant texture.}}
{{History||1.19.20|snap=beta|Cave vines can now be destroyed by [[ravagers]].}}

Lush_caves_overview_concept_art.jpg|Concept art for the lush caves and vegetation including Glow Berries.
JE_1.17_Development_Lush_Caves.jpg|A view of the lush caves with glow berries from Minecraft Live 2020.
Lushcaves_minecon.png|Lush cave in MINECON.
Cavesworkinprogress.jpg|A view of the lush caves with glow berries, tweeted by LadyAgnes.
Livestream_lush_cave.jpg|Another view of the lush caves with glow berries, in an interview with LadyAgnes.
Glow Berry Fox.jpg|A fox under a glow berry vine.

===Cave vines "item"===
{{:Technical blocks/Cave Vines}}

{{Issue list}}

*They are the first item to be usable as both a food and a light source.

Cave Vines (plant).png
Cave Vines (berries, plant).png
Cave Vines (head).png
Cave Vines (berries).png
Cave_Vines_Age2_(Possibility_pattern_1)_JE1.png|A possible pattern of the cave vines at Age 2.
Cave_Vines_Age2_(Possibility_pattern_2)_JE1.png|And another pattern.


[[Category:Natural blocks]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Light sources]]
[[Category:Flammable blocks]]
[[Category:Climbable blocks]]

[[es:Bayas luminosas]]
[[fr:Baies lumineuses]]
[[it:Bacche luminose]]
[[pt:Bagas brilhantes]]
[[ru:Светящиеся ягоды]]
13w36aAdded the ability to apply multiple resource packs at once.
Servers can now recommend a default resource pack via the server-side resource packs system.[6][7]
13w42aMoved files from assets/minecraft/music to assets/minecraft/sounds/music and files from assets/minecraft/sound to assets/minecraft/sounds.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Door|Door]]<br/>{{About|the block|the music track|Minecraft - Volume Alpha}}
{{See also|Trapdoor}}
| image = <gallery>
Iron Door.png|Java Edition
Iron Door BE.png|Bedrock Edition
| extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]
| transparent = Partial
| light = No
| tntres = {{Blast resistance values|Wooden Door}} <small>(Wood)</small><br>{{Blast resistance values|Iron Door|Copper Door}}<small> (Iron)</small>
| hardness = {{Hardness values|Wooden Door}} <small>(Wood)</small><br>{{Hardness values|Iron Door|Copper Door}}<small> (Iron)</small>
| tool = axe
| tool2 = wooden pickaxe
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = '''Overworld wood''': Yes<br>'''Nether wood''','''iron''','''copper''': No
A '''door''' is a block that can be used as a barrier that can be opened by hand or with [[redstone]].

== Obtaining ==
Doors can be found in any Overworld biome, and can also be crafted from any type of [[wood]] as well as materials found in [[the Nether]]. Some have built-in openings that are useful for determining the time of day.

=== Breaking ===
Wooden doors can be broken with anything, but [[axe]]s are fastest. An iron door can be broken with anything if the top half of the door is broken.<ref>{{bug|MC-189739}}</ref><ref>{{bug|MCPE-126620}}</ref> All doors drop themselves if they no longer have a block beneath them that can support them.
{{breaking row
|Oak Door, Spruce Door, Birch Door, Jungle Door, Acacia Door, Dark Oak Door, Mangrove Door, Cherry Door, Bamboo Door, Crimson Door, Warped Door; Iron Door

A door is removed and drops itself as an item:

* if the block beneath the door is moved, removed, or destroyed
* if a [[piston]] tries to push the door (trying to pull a door does nothing) or moves a block into its space

=== Natural generation ===
Doors generate in some generated structures, forming the entrances to the majority of buildings. Doors do not generate in [[zombie village]]s.

;{{BlockSprite|Oak Door|text=Oak}}

Oak doors generate as part of:

* Plains [[village]]s
* [[Stronghold]]s
* Right-side-up [[shipwreck]]s

;{{BlockSprite|Spruce Door|text=Spruce}}

Spruce doors generate as part of:

* Taiga, snowy tundra and snowy taiga [[village]]s
* Right-side-up [[shipwreck]]s

;{{BlockSprite|Jungle Door|text=Jungle}}

Jungle doors generate as part of:

* Desert [[village]]s
* Right-side-up [[shipwreck]]s

;{{BlockSprite|Acacia Door|text=Acacia}}

Acacia doors generate as part of:

* Savanna [[village]]s
<!-- * Right-side-up [[shipwreck]]s{{only|BE}}{{need testing}} -->

;{{BlockSprite|Dark Oak Door|text=Dark oak}}

Dark oak doors generate as part of:

* Master bedroom closets in [[woodland mansion]]s
* Right-side-up [[shipwreck]]s

;{{BlockSprite|Iron Door|text=Iron}}

Iron doors generate as part of:

* Prison rooms in [[woodland mansion]]s
* [[Stronghold]]s with a stone [[button]] to open{{only|JE}}

=== Crafting ===
|name=[[Wood Door]]
|A1= Matching Planks
|B1= Matching Planks
|A2= Matching Planks
|B2= Matching Planks
|A3= Matching Planks
|B3= Matching Planks
|Output= Matching wood Door,3
|type= Redstone
|A1= Iron Ingot
|B1= Iron Ingot
|A2= Iron Ingot
|B2= Iron Ingot
|A3= Iron Ingot
|B3= Iron Ingot
|Output= Iron Door,3
|type= Redstone

== Usage ==
Wooden doors can be opened and closed by players, [[villager]]s, [[wandering trader]]s{{only|bedrock|short=1}}<!--Wandering traders cannot open doors in java edition. -->, [[vindicator]]s{{only|java|short=1}}, and [[piglin]]s. Wooden doors can be broken by all variants of [[zombie]]s (except [[drowned]]) and [[vindicator]]s in Hard difficulty.

Iron doors can be opened only with redstone power.

=== Placement ===
Doors must be "attached" to a block beneath them. To place a door, {{control|use}} a door item while pointing at the top of the block it should be attached to. A door can be attached to:
* the '''top''' of any full solid [[opaque]] block ([[stone]], [[dirt]], [[blocks of gold]], etc.)
* the '''top''' of an upside-down [[slab]] or upside-down [[stairs]]
* the '''top''' of a [[slime block]] or downward-facing [[piston]]

More information about placement on transparent blocks can be found at [[Opacity/Placement]].

When placed, a door occupies the side of the block facing the player, or behind a player if placed in the player's own space.

By default, a door's "hinge" appears on the side of the half of the block that the player pointed at when placing and its "handle" on the opposite side{{only|java}}, but the hinge is forced to other side by:
* Placing a door besides another door (creating a double door where both doors open away from each other)
* Placing a door between a full solid and any opaque block (top or bottom), making the hinge appear to attach to the solid block.

=== Behavior ===
[[Water]] and [[lava]] flow around doors. Lava can create [[fire]] in air blocks next to wooden doors as if the wooden doors were flammable, but the doors do not burn (and cannot be burned by other methods either, except throwing them into lava).

[[Mob]]s can spawn in a space occupied by a door.

The sound of opening and closing of a door can be heard up to 16 blocks away, like most mob sounds.

When placed using the {{cmd|setblock}} command, only one half of a door is placed, because doors are actually two separate blocks. The lower half still works, but with graphical bugs, and the upper half does not. Redstone cannot be used because it updates the half, breaking it. The upper half does not drop anything when broken, the lower half drops a normal door. This implies that the upper half is dependent on the lower.

=== Barrier ===
A door can be used as a switchable barrier to entity movement. Although primarily used to block movement by mobs and players, a door can also be used to control the movement of boats (for example, a door placed in a two-wide water flow stops a boat when perpendicular to the flow, but allow it to move again when parallel), items and minecarts (a door can stop a falling item or minecart, then allow it to drop again when the door moves), etc.

{{IN|Java}}, doors provide a breathable space if placed underwater. {{IN|bedrock}}, doors in water source blocks are [[waterlogging|waterlogged]] and do not displace water source blocks.

Doors are 0.1875 ({{frac|3|16}}) blocks thick (0.1825 {{in|bedrock}}). The rest of a door's space can be moved through freely. A door occupies two block spaces and both halves normally act as a single barrier, although doors can be opened or closed with a player or mob occupying the bottom block of the door,<ref>{{bug|MC-54255}} – "You can stand on the bottom block of a door, allowing you to climb it like a ladder" resolved as "Won't Fix"</ref> in which case the player can jump up to land on the bottom half of the door and then again to land on top of the door.

To open or close a wooden door, use the {{control|use|text=Use Item/Place Block}} [[control]]. When a door opens or closes, it immediately changes its orientation without affecting anything in the space it "swings through". Moving doors do not push entities the way that pistons do.

[[Villager]]s, [[wandering trader]]s,{{only|bedrock|short=1}} [[vindicator]]s{{only|java|short=1}}, [[piglin]]s and [[piglin brute]]s can open and close wooden doors when pathfinding.

Some [[zombie]]s can break wooden doors in [[Hard]] [[difficulty]]. Zombies have a 5% chance to spawn with the ability to break doors. Vindicators spawned from a [[raid]] in [[Normal]] and Hard difficulty can also break wooden doors, but they do so only to reach targeted players, villagers, or wandering traders. Some vindicators may sometimes open a wooden door instead of breaking it.{{only|java}} Both zombies and vindicators attempt to break wooden doors only when in their "closed" state, even if a door is placed so that its "open" state blocks access (for example, by facing sideways when placing a door so that it allows passage when closed and blocks passage when open).

Iron doors can be opened only with redstone power (a [[button]], a [[redstone circuit]], etc.). Any mob can activate an iron door by stepping on a pressure plate or by triggering a tripwire.

=== Redstone component ===
{{see also|Redstone circuit}}

Both wood and iron doors can be controlled with redstone power.

A door is a redstone [[mechanism component]] and can be activated by:
* an adjacent active '''[[power component]]''', including above or below: for example, a [[redstone torch]], a [[block of redstone]], a [[daylight sensor]], etc.
* an adjacent '''powered block''' (for example, a block with an active redstone torch under it), including above or below
* a powered '''[[redstone comparator]]''' or '''[[redstone repeater]]''' facing the door
* powered '''[[redstone dust]]''' configured to point at the door or a directionless "dot" next to it; a door is ''not'' activated by adjacent powered redstone dust that is configured to point in another direction.

All methods of activating a door can be applied to either the top or bottom parts of a door.

When activated, a door immediately rotates around its hinge side to its open state. When deactivated, a door immediately returns to its closed state.

An activated wood door can still be closed by a player or villager and does not re-open until it receives a new activation signal (if a door has been closed "by hand", it still needs to be deactivated and then reactivated to open by redstone).

=== Fuel ===
Overworld wooden doors can be used as a [[Smelting#Fuel|fuel]] in [[furnace]]s, smelting 1 item per door.

=== Note blocks ===
Wooden doors can be placed under [[note block]]s to produce "bass" sound.

== Sounds ==
=== Generic ===
==== Iron ====
{{Sound table/Block/Metal}}

==== Normal wood ====
{{Sound table/Block/Wood}}

==== Cherry wood ====
{{Sound table/Block/Cherry wood}}

==== Bamboo wood ====
{{Sound table/Block/Bamboo wood}}

==== Nether wood ====
{{Sound table/Block/Nether wood}}

=== Unique ===
{{Sound table
|sound=Iron Door open1.ogg
|sound2=Iron Door open2.ogg
|sound3=Iron Door open3.ogg
|sound4=Iron Door open4.ogg
|subtitle=Door creaks
|description=When an iron door opens
{{Sound table
|sound=Iron Door close1.ogg
|sound2=Iron Door close2.ogg
|sound3=Iron Door close3.ogg
|sound4=Iron Door close4.ogg
|subtitle=Door creaks
|description=When an iron door closes
{{Sound table
|sound=Wooden Door open3.ogg
|sound2=Wooden Door open4.ogg
|subtitle=Door creaks
|description=When a wooden door opens
{{Sound table
|sound=Wooden Door close2.ogg
|sound2=Wooden Door close5.ogg
|sound3=Wooden Door close6.ogg
|subtitle=Door creaks
|description=When a wooden door closes
{{Sound table
|sound=Cherry door toggle1.ogg
|sound2=Cherry door toggle2.ogg
|sound3=Cherry door toggle3.ogg
|sound4=Cherry door toggle4.ogg
|subtitle=Door creaks
|description=When a cherry wood door opens
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Door creaks
|description=When a cherry wood door closes
{{Sound table
|sound=Bamboo Door toggle1.ogg
|sound2=Bamboo Door toggle2.ogg
|sound3=Bamboo Door toggle3.ogg
|sound4=Bamboo Door toggle4.ogg
|subtitle=Door creaks
|description=When a bamboo wood door opens
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Door creaks
|description=When a bamboo wood door closes
{{Sound table
|sound=Nether Door toggle1.ogg
|sound2=Nether Door toggle2.ogg
|sound3=Nether Door toggle3.ogg
|sound4=Nether Door toggle4.ogg
|subtitle=Door creaks
|description=When a Nether wood door opens
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Door creaks
|description=When a Nether wood door closes
{{Sound table
|sound=Zombie hit wood1.ogg
|sound2=Zombie hit wood2.ogg
|sound3=Zombie hit wood3.ogg
|sound4=Zombie hit wood4.ogg
|subtitle=Door shakes
|description=When a [[zombie]] attacks a door
{{Sound table
|sound=Zombie hit metal1.ogg
|sound2=Zombie hit metal2.ogg
|sound3=Zombie hit metal3.ogg
|subtitle=Block broken <ref group=sound name=ironsubtitle>{{Bug|MC-226770}}</ref>
|description=''Unused sound event''<ref group=sound>{{bug|MC-218122}}</ref>
|translationkey=subtitles.block.generic.break|translationkeynote=<ref group=sound name=ironsubtitle/>
{{Sound table
|sound=Zombie breaks door.ogg
|subtitle=Door breaks
|description=When a zombie breaks a door

{{Sound table
|sound=Iron Door open1.ogg
|sound2=Iron Door open2.ogg
|sound3=Iron Door open3.ogg
|sound4=Iron Door open4.ogg
|description=When an iron door opens
{{Sound table
|sound=Iron Door close1.ogg
|sound2=Iron Door close2.ogg
|sound3=Iron Door close3.ogg
|sound4=Iron Door close4.ogg
|description=When an iron door closes
{{Sound table
|sound=Wooden Door open3.ogg
|sound2=Wooden Door open4.ogg
|description=When a wooden door opens
{{Sound table
|sound=Wooden Door close2.ogg
|sound2=Wooden Door close5.ogg
|sound3=Wooden Door close6.ogg
|description=When a wooden door closes
{{Sound table
|sound=Cherry door toggle1.ogg
|sound2=Cherry door toggle2.ogg
|sound3=Cherry door toggle3.ogg
|sound4=Cherry door toggle4.ogg
|description=When a cherry wood door opens
{{Sound table
|description=When a cherry wood door closes
{{Sound table
|sound=Bamboo Door toggle1.ogg
|sound2=Bamboo Door toggle2.ogg
|sound3=Bamboo Door toggle3.ogg
|sound4=Bamboo Door toggle4.ogg
|description=When a bamboo wood door opens
{{Sound table
|description=When a bamboo wood door closes
{{Sound table
|sound=Nether Door toggle1.ogg
|sound2=Nether Door toggle2.ogg
|sound3=Nether Door toggle3.ogg
|sound4=Nether Door toggle4.ogg
|description=When a Nether wood door opens
{{Sound table
|description=When a Nether wood door closes
{{Sound table
|sound=Zombie hit wood1.ogg
|sound2=Zombie hit wood2.ogg
|sound3=Zombie hit wood3.ogg
|sound4=Zombie hit wood4.ogg
|description=While a zombie is breaking a wooden door
{{Sound table
|sound=Zombie breaks door.ogg
|description=When a zombie breaks a wooden door

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron Door
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak Door
|blocktags=doors, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, wooden_doors}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce Door
|blocktags=doors, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, wooden_doors}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch Door
|blocktags=doors, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, wooden_doors}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle Door
|blocktags=doors, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, wooden_doors}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia Door
|blocktags=doors, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, wooden_doors}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak Door
|blocktags=doors, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, wooden_doors}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove Door
|blocktags=doors, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, wooden_doors}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Door
|blocktags=doors, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, wooden_doors}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Door
|blocktags=doors, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, wooden_doors}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson Door
|blocktags=doors, non_flammable_wood, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, non_flammable_wood, wooden_doors}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped Door
|blocktags=doors, non_flammable_wood, wooden_doors
|itemtags=doors, non_flammable_wood, wooden_doors

{{ID table
|displayname=Iron block
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak block
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce block
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch block
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle block
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia block
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak block
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove block
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Door
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Door
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson block
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped block
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron item
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak item
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce item
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch item
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle item
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia item
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak item
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove item
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson item
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped item

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}


== Video ==
Note: The videos do not mention or state Crimson, Warped, Bamboo, or Cherry doors, since the videos were uploaded before 1.16.
<div style="text-align:center">
<span style="display:inline-block">{{yt|7jlIQcbHFts}}</span>
<span style="display:inline-block">{{yt|CC6ujEdvzQY}}</span>

== History ==
''For a history of changes to textures and models for each block state, see [[/Asset history]]''
{{History||3 June 2010|link=https://notch.tumblr.com/post/659506746/asynchronous-saving-and-loading-and-slightly-more|Notch states plans to implement doors.}}
{{History|java infdev}}{{History||20100607|[[File:Oak Door JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Door (Right) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Door (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added wooden doors.}}
{{History||20100608|Doors have been given smarter rotation logic.}}
{{History||20100611|[[File:Oak Door JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Door (Right) JE2.png|32px]] The models of doors have been changed to use door bottom half texture on sides instead of the wooden [[planks]] texture.}}
{{History||20100618|[[File:Oak Door JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Door (Right) JE3.png|32px]] The textures of doors have been changed.}}
{{History||20100624|[[File:Oak Door (Right) JE4 BE1.png|32px]] The model of door with right hinge has been changed to mirror and use textures of door with left hinge.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.1|[[File:Iron Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door (Right) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added iron doors.
|[[File:Oak Door (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of wooden doors in [[item]] form has been changed.
|Doors can now be controlled by redstone power.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.7|Punching the back face of a left-hinge oak or iron door or the front face of a right-hinge door, as well as destroying a door, would [[Java Edition placeholder texture uses|create]] particles using the [[Placeholder texture#Texture atlas blank spaces|block placeholder texture]].}}
{{History||1.7.3|Doors no longer produce placeholder texture particles.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Doors now occur naturally in [[village]]s and [[stronghold]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|Wooden doors are now broken faster using an [[axe]].
|Iron doors are broken much faster using a [[pickaxe]], and the [[mining]] speed is now [[tier]] dependent.}}
{{History|||snap=RC1|The opening and closing [[sound]]s for doors have been changed.}}
{{History||1.1|snap=11w47a|Double doors now open correctly.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w05b|[[Villager]]s can now open and close doors.}}
{{History|||snap=12w06a|[[File:Oak Door JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door JE2 BE5.png|32px]] Changed top model of door.
|[[Zombie]]s can now break wooden doors.
|Doors have been changed to properly detect if they are open or closed. Placing two [[pressure plate]]s directly in front of doors and stepping on them now opens them correctly.}}
{{History|||snap=12w07a|Zombies can no longer break iron doors.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w40a|Wooden doors can no longer be opened by attacking (left-click).}}
{{History||1.8|snap=December 13, 2013|slink=https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/411425952338808832|[[Jens Bergensten|Jeb]] tweeted an image showing that the crafting recipes for doors are changed so that 3 doors are crafted at once. Doors are also stackable to 64.}}
{{History|||snap=14w02a|Doors are now stackable to 64.
|The [[crafting]] recipes of doors now yield 3 doors instead of 1.}}
{{History|||snap=14w10a|[[File:Oak Door JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door JE3.png|32px]] The models of doors have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=August 8, 2014|slink=https://twitter.com/TheMogMiner/status/497751889102905344|[[Ryan Holtz|TheMogMiner]] tweeted an image showing new types of [[wood]] doors.}}
{{History|||snap=14w32d|[[File:Spruce Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door (item) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door (item) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door (item) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door (item) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door (item) JE1.png|32px]] New types of wood doors have been added: spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak.}}
{{History|||snap=14w33a|[[File:Jungle Door JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The models of jungle and acacia doors no longer have inner faces in the holes in their models.
|[[File:Spruce Door (item) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door (item) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door (item) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door (item) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door (item) JE2.png|32px]] [[Item]] textures of new doors have been changed to match the dimensions of oak and iron doors.
|The wooden door (''Door'') has been renamed to ''Oak Door''.}}
{{History|||snap=14w33b|[[File:Oak Door (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]][[File:Iron Door (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] All [[item]] textures for all doors have been changed. Doors now have hinges on the left and handles on the right, existing wooden doors & iron doors have a slight item textures change as well.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|[[File:Birch Door JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door JE2.png|32px]] Shading on the [[block]] textures of birch, jungle, acacia, and dark oak doors have been changed, so that the shadow is in the upper left and the highlight is in the lower right.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43a|Iron doors now have different [[sound]]s than wooden doors.
|Doors now have [[sound]]s for placing and different sounds for opening and closing - see sounds section.}}
{{History|||snap=15w47a|Doors now make [[sound]]s when placed,<ref>{{bug|MC-2844}} – "Doors have no placement sound." resolved as "Fixed"</ref> despite these apparently already being added in 15w43a.}}
{{History|||snap=15w49a|Doors are now placed facing left/right depending on which half of the [[block]] the [[player]] clicks on, unless neighboring doors or solid/opaque blocks cause them to place a certain way.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|Acacia and spruce doors now generate in [[savanna]] and [[taiga]] [[villages]].}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w33a|Wooden doors can now be used to fuel [[furnace]]s.|Iron doors no longer have a right-click action - previously they would result in the hand swinging, and would override other valid right click actions such as snowball throwing.}}
{{History|||snap=16w39a|Dark oak doors and iron doors now generate in [[woodland mansion]]s.}}
{{History||July 19, 2017|link=https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/887599625045250048|[[Jeb]] tweets image of a new jungle [[wood planks]], jungle doors, [[cauldron]], and [[dandelion]] textures.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The oak door ID has been changed from <code>wooden_door</code> to <code>oak_door</code>.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[block]]s' numeral IDs were 64, 71, 193, 194, 195, 196 and 197, and the [[item]]s' 324, 330, 427, 428, 429, 430 and 431.}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Doors now generate as part of the newly added [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Oak Door JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door JE4.png|32px]] The textures of all doors have been changed.
|[[Vindicator]]s can now break doors.}}
{{History|||snap=18w47b|[[File:Spruce Door JE3.png|32px]] The textures of spruce doors have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Added [[snowy tundra]] villages, which generate with spruce doors.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|The updated [[desert]] villages now generate with jungle doors instead of oak doors.}}
{{History|||snap=19w08a|[[File:Oak Door JE7.png|32px]] The texture of oak doors has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w12b|Doors can now be placed on glass, ice, glowstone and sea lanterns.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|[[Evoker]]s and [[pillager]]s can now open doors during [[raid]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=19w14a|Pillagers can no longer open doors.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w39a|Iron doors must now be mined with a [[pickaxe]] for it to be dropped as an [[item]].}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Crimson Door JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Door JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added crimson and warped doors.}}
{{History|||snap=20w07a|Added [[piglin]]s, which can open and close doors.}}
{{History|||snap=20w19a|[[File:Crimson Door JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Door JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Door (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Door (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of crimson and warped doors have been changed.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w11a|[[File:Jungle Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|32px]] Changed the texture of the jungle door item.}}
{{History||1.18|snap=21w41a|[[File:Oak Door (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door (item) JE5 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|32px]][[File:Iron Door (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] All [[item]] textures for all doors except crimson and warped have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 5|[[File:Oak Door JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Door JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Door JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door JE5.png|32px]] Changed top and bottom models of door. Changed oak and iron doors textures.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[File:Mangrove Door JE1.png|32px]][[File:Mangrove Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mangrove door.}}
{{History|||snap=22w14a|Due to the addition of the [[mangrove tree]] and [[mangrove swamp]], mangrove doors are now obtainable and renewable.}}
{{History||October 15, 2022|link={{ytl|https://youtu.be/iM9KtHaDcUg?t=5659}}|[[File:Bamboo Door JE1.png|32px]] Bamboo doors were shown on [[Minecraft Live 2022]].}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|[[File:Bamboo Door JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bamboo doors behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|[[File:Cherry Door JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Door (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added cherry doors behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].}}
{{History|||snap=1.19.4-pre2|[[File:Cherry Door JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Door (item) JE2.png|32px]] Changed the texture of cherry doors.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Bamboo and cherry doors are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.1.0|[[File:Oak Door JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added doors.
[[File:Oak Door (bottom texture) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door (bottom texture) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] These are the textures defined for the door blocks in <samp>[[gui_blocks.png]]</samp>. The door items exist, but due to a bug in the code that renders items in the hotbar, they cannot be used.}}
{{History||v0.1.3|[[File:Oak Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door BE2.png|32px]] The models of doors have been changed to not display transparency on upper half.}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Oak Door (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added door inventory icons.
|[[File:Oak Door JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] The models of doors have been changed to display transparency on upper half.
|Wooden doors are now available in the inventory, including in [[Creative]].}}
{{History||v0.2.1 alpha2|link=Pocket Edition v0.2.1 alpha2|[[File:Iron Door BE3.png|32px]] The textures of iron doors have been changed.}}
{{History||v0.3.0|A crafting recipe for wooden doors has been added.
|Survival players no longer start out with an infinite stack of wooden doors in the inventory.}}
{{History||v0.3.2|Wooden doors now drop their item form when broken.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|[[File:Oak Door JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door BE4.png|32px]] The models of doors have been changed.
|Wooden doors can now be obtained after activating the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 2|[[File:Iron Door JE2 BE5.png|32px]] The textures of iron doors have been changed to before v0.2.1 alpha2.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|''Door'' has been now renamed to ''Oak Door''.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Doors are now stackable to 64.
|The [[crafting]] recipes of doors now yield 3 doors instead of 1.
|[[Zombie]]s can now break down wooden doors.
|Oak doors can now be opened by [[villager]]s.
|Oak doors are no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Spruce Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Added spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak doors.
|Iron doors are now available in the [[Creative]] [[inventory]].
|A [[crafting]] recipe for iron doors has been added.
|Redstone mechanics added, making iron doors able to function normally.}}
{{History|||snap=build 2|Spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, and dark oak doors can now be opened by [[villager]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=build 4|[[File:Oak Door (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The [[item]] textures of oak and iron door has been changed.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Acacia doors now generate in [[savanna]] [[village]]s.
|Spruce doors now generate in [[taiga]] and [[snowy tundra]] villages.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Dark oak doors and iron doors now generate in [[woodland mansion]]s.
|Doors now have [[sound]]s when placed.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-10079}} – "Doors don't have a placement sound" resolved as "Fixed"</ref>}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Various wooden doors now generate in [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Oak Door BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door BE6.png|32px]] The textures of all doors have been changed.
|Jungle doors now generate in the new [[desert]] [[village]]s.
|Added [[wandering trader]]s, which can open and close wooden doors.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[Vindicator]]s can now break doors during [[raid]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Zombies can no longer break iron doors.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-43725}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Crimson Door BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Door BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added crimson and warped doors.
|Added [[piglin]]s, which can open and close doors.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Crimson Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Door (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Door (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of crimson and warped doors have been changed.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Jungle Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|32px]] Changed the texture of the jungle door item.}}
{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[File:Oak Door (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door (item) JE5 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|32px]][[File:Iron Door (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] All [[item]] textures for all doors except crimson and warped have been changed.}}
{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|[[File:Mangrove Door BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mangrove doors.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|[[File:Bamboo Door BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bamboo doors behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.
|The doors now use the same opening and closing [[sound]] effects as ''[[Java Edition]]''.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.80|snap=beta|[[File:Cherry Door JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Door (item) JE2.png|32px]] Added cherry doors behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Bamboo and cherry doors are now available without using the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Oak Door JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Door (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added doors.}}
{{History||xbox=TU5|Doors can be found in the Redstone & Transportation tab in the [[Creative inventory]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.04|Doors being broken by [[zombie]]s now show [[damage]].
|Moved doors to the Building Blocks tab in the Creative inventory.}}
{{History||xbox=TU25|xbone=CU14|ps=1.17|[[File:Spruce Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Added spruce, birch, and jungle door variants.
|The [[crafting]] recipes of doors now yield 3 doors instead of 1.
|The original wooden door (''Door'') has been renamed to ''Oak Door''.}}
{{History||xbox=TU27|xbone=CU15|ps=1.18|[[File:Acacia Door JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Acacia and dark oak doors have been added to the [[Creative]] [[inventory]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Acacia doors and dark oak doors are now obtainable in [[survival]] mode.}}
{{History||?| [[File:Oak Door (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Oak and iron door's inventory textures have been changed to match Java Edition}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Oak Door BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door BE6.png|32px]] The textures of all doors have been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Oak Door JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door JE2 BE5.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Door (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Door (item) JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added doors.}}

Beta 1.7 punching oak door.png|From [[Java Edition Beta 1.7]] to Beta 1.7.2, doors produced [[placeholder texture]] particles when broken or punched on some sides.

Historical sounds:
{| class="wikitable"
! Sound
! From
! to
! Pitch
| {{sound||Door closing old.ogg|Door opening old.ogg}}
| ?
| Sound Update
| ?
| {{sound||Door open.ogg|Door close.ogg}}
| Sound Update
| 15w43a
| ?

=== Door "items" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Doors}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

== Trivia ==

* Door models have an extra hinge on the opposite side of the actual functional hinge.<ref>{{bug|MC-106697|||WAI}}</ref>

== Gallery ==
Oak Door.png|Oak Door
Spruce Door.png|Spruce Door
Birch Door.png|Birch Door
Jungle Door.png|Jungle Door
Acacia Door.png|Acacia Door
Dark Oak Door.png|Dark Oak Door
Mangrove Door.png|Mangrove Door
Cherry Door.png|Cherry Door
Bamboo Door.png|Bamboo Door
Crimson Door.png|Crimson Door
Warped Door.png|Warped Door
Iron Door.png|Iron Door
Oak Door (item) JE4 BE3.png|Oak Door (item)
Spruce Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|Spruce Door (item)
Birch Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|Birch Door (item)
Jungle Door (item) JE5 BE3.png|Jungle Door (item)
Acacia Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|Acacia Door (item)
Dark Oak Door (item) JE4 BE2.png|Dark Oak Door (item)
Mangrove Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|Mangrove Door (item)
Cherry Door (item) JE2.png|Cherry Door (item)
Bamboo Door (item) JE1 BE1.png|Bamboo Door (item)
Crimson Door (item) JE2 BE2.png|Crimson Door (item)
Warped Door (item) JE2 BE2.png|Warped Door (item)
Iron Door (item) JE3 BE3.png|Iron Door (item)

=== Screenshots ===
Iron Door in Stronghold.png|Naturally occurring iron door in a [[stronghold]].
Wooden Doors 1.8.png|First picture of brand-new 1.8 variants of doors.
Door Creeper.png|A creeper behind some dark oak doors.
Doortypes.png|All types of doors with their respective trapdoors.
FloatingDoorArrows.jpg|Arrows shot into a door that was opened, causing a floating bug.
Jeb Crafting Doors.png|First image of three doors being crafted at once.
Jappa Closet.jpg|A closet made from oak doors.

=== Concept Art ===
Bamboo Wood and Door Concept Art.png|Bamboo door concept art.
Bamboo Door Prototype Textures.png|Bamboo door prototype textures.

== References ==

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--door Taking Inventory: Door] – Minecraft.net on September 29, 2022


[[Category:Manufactured blocks]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]
[[Category:Utility blocks]]
[[Category:Redstone mechanics]]

[[zh:门]]</li><li>[[Dragon's Breath|Dragon's Breath]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Dragon's Breath.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| rarity = Uncommon

The '''dragon's breath''' is a [[brewing]] item that is used solely to make [[lingering potion]]s.

== Obtaining ==

The dragon's breath can be obtained by scooping  up the [[ender dragon]]'s breath attack or the purple [[area effect cloud|effect clouds]] caused by [[dragon fireball]]s in an empty [[glass bottle]].

== Usage ==

=== Brewing ingredient ===

Dragon's breath may be added to any splash potion to upgrade it to a lingering potion, which can be used to create a lasting [[Lingering Potion#Area Effect Cloud|area effect cloud]], or to craft [[Arrow#Tipped arrows|tipped arrows]].
  |name=[[Lingering Potion]]
  |Dragon's Breath
  |Any Lingering Potion
  |base=Any Splash Potion}}

When put 2 or more dragon's breath in the brewing stand, after the brewing process, a glass bottle will drop as an [[Item (entity)|entity]]. However, if put only 1 dragon's breath in the brewing stand, after the brewing process, the glass bottle is consumed and cannot be retrieved.<ref>{{bug|MC-259583}}</ref>

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Bottle fill dragon breath1.ogg
|sound2=Bottle fill dragon breath2.ogg
|subtitle=Bottle fills
|description=Filling a glass bottle with dragon's breath

{{Sound table
|sound=Bottle fill dragon breath1.ogg
|sound2=Bottle fill dragon breath2.ogg
|description=When a bottle is filled with dragon's breath
|volume=0.7<wbr>{{Until|BE 1.20.40}}<br>1.0<wbr>{{Upcoming|BE 1.20.40}}

== Achievements ==

{{Load achievements|You Need a Mint}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|You Need a Mint}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Dragon's Breath

{{ID table
|displayname=Dragon's Breath

== History ==
{{History||1.9|snap=15w33a|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dragon's breath.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 437.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of dragon's breath has been changed.}}

{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dragon's breath.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of dragon's breath has been changed.}}

{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dragon's breath.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of dragon's breath has been changed.}}

{{History||1.7.10|[[File:Dragon's Breath JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dragon's breath.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* If the dragon's breath is used in a [[crafting]] recipe (using a [[mod]] or a [[data pack]]), it becomes an empty bottle instead of being entirely consumed.

== References ==

==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/dragon-s-breath Taking Inventory: Dragon's Breath] – Minecraft.net on June 9, 2023


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[fr:Souffle de dragon]]
[[it:Soffio di drago]]
[[ko:드래곤의 숨결]]
[[pl:Oddech smoka]]
[[pt:Bafo do dragão]]
[[ru:Драконье дыхание]]
[[Category:Brewing recipe]]</li></ul>
13w47aThe description value of pack.mcmeta can now be raw JSON text format.
13w48aRemoved the ability to change the Mojang logo.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Bread|Bread]]<br/>{{dungeons hatnote|type=item}}
| title = Bread
| image = Bread.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|5}}
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Bread''' is a [[food]] [[item]] that can be eaten by the [[player]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===


=== Chest loot ===


=== Trading ===

Novice-level farmer [[Villager|villagers]] sell 6 bread for one [[emerald]] as part of their [[Trading|trades]]. {{IN|java}} they only have a 40% chance of offering this trade.

=== Villager gifts ===

Farmer villagers may use wheat they have harvested to craft bread, which they can trade with other villagers.

Farmer villagers may throw bread at players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.{{only|java}}

== Usage ==

=== Food ===
{{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management|title1= Hunger management}}

Bread can be eaten with the use control while it is selected in the [[hotbar]]. Eating bread restores {{hunger|5}} [[hunger]] and 6.0 [[Hunger#Mechanics|hunger saturation]].

=== Breeding ===

Villagers can pick up bread items to become willing, allowing them to breed. Villagers require 3 bread to become willing.

=== Composting ===
Placing bread into a [[composter]] has an 85% chance of raising the compost level by 1. It is more efficient to compost [[wheat]] than bread made from wheat.

== Sounds ==

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==

=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Achievements ==

{{load achievements|Bake Bread}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== History ==

{{History|java indev}}
{{History||20100206|[[File:Bread JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Bread has been added, which now restores {{hp|5}}.}}
{{History||20100223|Bread now requires 3 [[wheat]] (1 row of 3) instead of 6 (2 rows of 3) to be crafted.}}
{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||?|Bread is no longer stackable.}}
{{History||20100625-2|Bread can now be found in the new [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Bread is now stackable to 64.
|Bread now restores {{hunger|5}} instead of {{hp|5}}.
|[[Dungeon]] [[chests]] now contain more bread, now that it stacks.
|Bread can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] storerooms and [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Bread can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] altar [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.1|snap=12w01a|Bread can now be found in the new [[village]] blacksmith chests.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w16a|Bread can now be found in the new [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w21a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 3–4 loaves of bread for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w37a|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The dark outline has now been removed from the bread texture.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|Bread can now be used to feed [[horse]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 2–4 loaves of bread for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w26c|[[Horse]]s no longer can eat bread.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|The average yield of bread from [[mineshaft]] and [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s has now been decreased.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Bread can now found in the new [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 297.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Bread JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bread has now been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Bread can now generate inside chests in cartographer houses, tanneries and plains [[village]] houses.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Bread can now generate inside chests in mason houses, and savanna and snowy [[village]] houses.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Bread can now generate inside chests in village temples, toolsmith, and desert and taiga [[village]] houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing bread into the new [[composter]] now has an 80% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Bread now has an 85% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Farmer villagers now give bread to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Bread JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bread.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Bread now restores {{hp|5}} instead of {{hp|2}}.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The dark outline has now been removed from the bread texture.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Bread now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Bread can now be found inside [[minecart with chest]]s in [[mineshaft]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|[[Villager]]s now require bread to become willing, in order to [[breeding|breed]].
|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 2-4 loaves of bread for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Bread can now be found in [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Bread can now be found inside [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Bread JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bread has now been changed.
|Bread can now be found inside [[plains]] [[village]] houses [[chest]]s, plains tannery house chests, village cartographer house chests and plains weaponsmith chests.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Bread can now be found in village chests other than plains.
|Bread can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 6 bread for one [[emerald]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Bread JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bread.}}
{{History||xbox=TU5|Bread is now stackable to 64. 
|Bread now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The dark outline has now been removed from the bread texture.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Bread JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bread has now been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Added bread.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--bread Taking Inventory: Bread] – Minecraft.net on February 25, 2021


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[zh:面包]]</li><li>[[Pitcher Pod|Pitcher Pod]]<br/>{{wip}}
| image = <gallery>
Pitcher Crop Age 0 JE1.png| Age 0
Pitcher Crop Age 1 JE1.png| Age 1
Pitcher Crop Age 2 JE1.png| Age 2
Pitcher Crop Age 3 JE1.png| Age 3
Pitcher Crop Age 4 JE1.png| Age 4
| image2 = Pitcher Pod.png
| transparent = Yes
| light = Yes
| tool = N/A
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| rarity = Common
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = No

A '''pitcher pod''' is an ancient bulbous seed that has a chance to be dropped by [[Sniffer|sniffers]] when they finish digging. It is the seed for [[Pitcher Plant]]s.

== Obtaining ==
[[Sniffer]]s occasionally bury their nose in the ground and start digging. Once the sniffer has finished digging, one pitcher pod has a chance to be dropped on the floor as an item.

Sniffers can only dig for pitcher pods in the following blocks:
*{{BlockLink|Grass Block}}
*{{BlockLink|Coarse Dirt}}
*{{BlockLink|Rooted Dirt}}
*{{BlockLink|Moss Block}}
*{{BlockLink|Muddy Mangrove Roots}}
They cannot dig for pitcher pods on [[mycelium]].<ref>{{bug|MC-260259||Sniffers cannot dig nor find seeds on mycelium|WAI}}</ref>

== Usage ==
=== Pitcher Crop ===
{{main|Tutorials/Crop farming|title1=Pitcher Crop Farming}}
Pitcher pods can be placed on [[farmland]] by {{ctrl|using}}, where they grow through three stages as a '''pitcher crop'''.

Breaking the crop before it matures drops the pitcher pod, while breaking the final stage produces a [[pitcher plant]] and does ''not'' yield the pod. Pitcher crops break if pushed by a [[piston]] or if their supporting farmland breaks or turns to dirt (i.e. by being trampled), dropping their usual drops.

Farmer [[villager]]s can plant pitcher pods, but cannot harvest them once they have fully grown.<ref>{{bug|MC-263382|||WAI}}</ref>

=== Feeding ===
Pitcher pods can be used to breed [[chicken]]s and reduce the remaining growth duration of chicks by 10%.

=== Taming ===
Pitcher pods can be used to tame [[parrot]]s.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Block/Crop}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Pitcher Crop
|blocktags=bee_growables, crops}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Pitcher Pod

{{ID table
|displayname=Pitcher Crop
{{ID table
|displayname=Pitcher Pod

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

== Achievements ==
{{Load achievements|Planting The Past}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|A Seedy Place;Planting The Past}}

== History ==
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|[[File:Pitcher Crop Age 0 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 1 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 2 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 4 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Pod JE1.png|32px]] Added pitcher crops and pods.
|[[File:Pitcher Crop Age 0 (bottom) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 1 (bottom) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 2 (bottom) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 3 (bottom) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 4 (bottom) JE1.png|32px]] The bottom face on all pitcher crop models is missing.<ref>{{bug|MC-261208}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=23w13a|Placing a pitcher pod in farmland now gives the player the "A Seedy Place" [[advancement]].
|Fully grown pitcher crops are now destroyed when the farmland they are placed in is destroyed.}}
{{History|||snap=23w14a|Pitcher crops can now be destroyed by [[ravagers]].|Pitcher crops' hitboxes now change according to their age.|[[File:Pitcher Crop Age 0 (bottom) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 1 (bottom) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 2 (bottom) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 3 (bottom) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 4 (bottom) JE2.png|32px]] Pitcher crops now have their bottom texture.}}
{{History|||snap=23w16a|Hitbox shape of pitcher crop has been changed for each stage of its growth.|[[Villager]]s can now plant pitcher pods.}}
{{History|||snap=23w17a|The player now get the [[advancement]] "Planting the past" when they plant pitcher pods on [[farmland]].}}

{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|[[File:Pitcher Crop Age 0 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 1 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 2 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Crop Age 4 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pitcher Pod JE1.png|32px]] Added pitcher crops and pods.
|Unlike in Java Edition, pitcher pods can be used to feed chickens and parrots.}}

== Notelist ==

== References ==


[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]

[[es:Vaina de planta odre]]
[[pt:Muda de planta-jarro]]</li></ul>
14w06aAdded the ability to change the block models.
14w07aResource packs can now be bundled with a map.
14w25aThe model format now supports custom item models.
Textures can now be specified for blocks and items.
Added the interpolate tag for animations.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Item (entity)|Item (entity)]]<br/>{{Entity
| title = Item Entity
| image = Item.gif
| health = {{hp|5}}<ref>Items cannot be damaged by attacking them.</ref>
| size = Height: 0.25 Blocks<br>Width: 0.25 Blocks

'''Items''' are "dropped" [[block]]s or [[item]]s (non-block resources) that appear in the world, rather than being in the [[inventory]] of a [[player]] or [[block entity]]; they are a type of [[entity]].

== Appearance ==

[[File:Item entities.png|150px|thumb|3D dropped items, both blocks and strict items.]]

Items have two possible appearances, generally corresponding to whether the item appears as a 3D or 2D shape in a player's inventory screens. 3D items appear as their 3D shape, miniaturized to about {{frac|1|4}} scale, while 2D items appear as {{frac|1|2}} scale with all the pixels extruded into a cube. Both types slowly rotate and bob up and down; this is merely a visual effect, the item itself does not actually rotate or bob up and down.

Item entities that represent a stack of more than one item appear as several items stuck together. Stacks of 1 appear as one item, 2-16 as two items, 17–32 as three, 33-48 as four, and 49+ as five.

The rotation rate of the item is approximately 2.87675 degrees per tick, or 57.595 degrees per second.

== Behavior ==

Item entities come from many sources. Some common ones are:
* The death of a [[mob]] or [[player]].
* A [[block]] that is mined by a player, destroyed by an [[explosion]], or washed away by [[water]].
* An inventory item tossed by pressing the drop item key (default {{key|Q}} on PC, {{xbtn|dpad-down}} on Xbox, {{nsbtn|down}}/{{nsbtn|dpad-down}} on Nintendo Switch, {{psbtn|dpad-down}} on PlayStation) or dragging a stack outside of an inventory window.
** In the mobile versions of {{el|be}}, items in the hotbar can be dropped by pressing on the item's slot. The entire stack is dropped.
* A container (other than an {{BlockLink|ender chest}} or a {{BlockLink|shulker box}}) that is destroyed while holding items inside.

The player may be thought of as having an "item pickup" box that surrounds their hitbox. This pickup box extends 1 additional block to the horizontal sides, and 0.5 additional blocks up and down. Any item whose hitbox intersects with the pickup box can be picked up. The pickup box is inclusive on the horizontal sides (distance less than or equal to 1 will count), and exclusive on the vertical sides (distance less than 0.5 will count, but not equal). When the player's hitbox size changes, such as when crouching{{only|java}} or sleeping, the pickup box size changes with it.

Once an item entity's hitbox overlaps with the player's pickup box, it can transfer its items. As many items as can fit in the player inventory, excluding the armor slots and the [[dual wield|off-hand slot]], are transferred. If any item is transferred, [[Item (entity)#Sounds|a "plopping" sound]] is played. If all items are transferred, the items appear to move into the center of the player. The item entity never physically moves, however, which means it can appear to go through lava and blocks in its path. This can happen through blocks that are thinner than a full block, but also through the shared edge of two full blocks. Unlike [[experience orb]]s, multiple item entities can be picked up simultaneously. Dropped items have a delay of 10 [[tick]]s (half a second) between appearing and being able to be picked up, or 40 ticks (2 seconds) if thrown by a player, [[dolphin]], or [[fox]].

When two stackable items of the same type come within 3/4 of a block of each other, they merge into a single stack if the resulting stack size does not exceed that item's maximum stack size.

Items do not collide with other entities(except boats) and are only moved or stopped by blocks.

Like other entities, items can be pushed by flowing water and [[bubble column]]s, pushed by a [[piston]], launched by a moving [[slime block]], stuck to a [[honey block]], or caught in a [[cobweb]]. Items move at faster speeds if [[ice]] is placed under the flowing water. When in still water, items float slowly up to the surface.

Items can be reared by [[fishing rod]]s, costing 3 [[durability]].{{only|je}}

If an item is within a [[solid block]], then it flies out one of the unobstructed sides, or out of the top of the block if surrounded by solid blocks on all sides. It does this even if the space below is unoccupied; therefore, it is possible to recover an item dropped by breaking a hole in a floor by quickly placing another block there.

Items visually disappear when the player is about 16 blocks away from them, and reappear when they get closer. This distance can be adjusted by the "Entity Distance" slider in [[Options#Video Settings|video settings]].

Unlike most entities, items cannot be spectated in [[Spectator]] mode without use of the {{cmd|spectate}} command.

=== Damage ===
Items cannot be attacked by players or mobs; attempting to do so simply hits through them. However, they take damage and disappear from environmental or block-based damage such as [[explosion]]s, [[fire]], [[lava]], and contact with [[cactus|cacti]]. Items have essentially no health, so they are destroyed by the slightest damage, though if set on fire they may remain for a few seconds before disappearing. [[Nether star]]s are immune to explosions, and [[netherite]]-based items and tools are immune to fire and float on top of lava. Also, some blocks that normally damage mobs, such as [[magma block]]s, [[campfire]]s, [[Sweet Berries|sweet berry bushes]], [[flower|wither rose]]s and [[powder snow]], do not damage items.

=== Despawning ===

Items despawn after 6000 game [[tick]]s (5 minutes) of being in a loaded, entity-ticking [[chunk]]; this is affected by the player's [[simulation distance]]. If two item stacks merge, the timer is set to the item that has more time remaining. The 5-minute timer is paused when the chunk is unloaded or no longer processing entities. Nether stars do not despawn{{only|bedrock}}.

Items that fall into the [[void]] immediately despawn when they fall below Y=-128 in the [[Overworld]], or Y=-64 in [[the Nether]] and [[the End]].

== Sounds ==
Item Entities use the Ambient/Environment sound category for entity-dependent sound events.
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Item plops
|source=player<!--Even when not picked up by player-->
|description=When an item is picked up
|pitch=1.6-3.4 <ref group=sound>0.6-3.4 for using {{cmd|give}} and items from advancement rewards</ref>
{{Sound table
|description=When an item is destroyed by [[lava]], but not [[fire]]<ref>{{bug|MC-36538}}</ref>

{{Sound table
|description=When an item is picked up
{{Sound table
|description=When an item is dropped
{{Sound table
|description=When an item is destroyed by lava, but not fire

== Data values ==

=== ID ===

{{ID table

{{ID table

=== Entity data ===
{{see also|Chunk format}}
Dropped items have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the entity.

{{main|Entity format}}

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].

== History ==
{{History|java classic}}
{{History||0.24 Resource Test|In the first public mention of item entities, {{ytl|OP3jzMWJmu8|this early video of Minecraft (Classic 0.24) by Notch}}, they were referred to as "resources".<ref name="resources">{{ytl|YIm_AKUbqh8}} Early video of Minecraft (Classic 0.24) by Notch referring to item entities as "resources"</ref>}}
{{History||August 4, 2009|link=https://notch.tumblr.com/post/155882307/a-video-showing-what-i-did-today-are-vids-like|Items were showcased by [[Notch]] in a blog post.}}
{{History||0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST|Added items to the game.
|Items currently take the form of destroyed [[block]]s.
|Items currently pulse white (similar to the selection cursor).<ref name="resources"/>
|Instead of appearing as shrunken down blocks, items use pixels the same size as block pixels.}}
{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20091231-2|Dropped items don't spin and don't glow white anymore.
|Dropped items now appear as shrunken down blocks.
|Items no longer prevent the placement of blocks but instead are moved to the nearest chunk. {{info needed}}
|Non-block items added (as sprites); they now rotate to face the [[player]].}}
{{History||?|Dropped items now spin again.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|[[File:Oversized items.png|100px|right]][[File:In awe at the size of these fluids.png|100px|right]] A bug causing many item forms of blocks to be displayed at the {{frac|1|2}} scale rather than {{frac|1|4}} was fixed. The following items were affected by this at least at one point:
* [[Cactus]]
* [[Oak Trapdoor]]
* [[Oak Fence]]
* [[Oak Pressure Plate]]
* [[Stone Pressure Plate]]
* [[Stone Button]]
* [[Oak Stairs]]
* [[Cobblestone Stairs]]
* [[Snow]] (unobtainable at the time)
* [[Farmland]] (unobtainable)
* [[Cake]] ([[Technical blocks/Cake|unobtainable version]])
* [[Nether Portal (block)|Nether Portal]] ([[Technical blocks/Nether Portal|unobtainable]])
* [[Water]] ([[Technical blocks/Water|unobtainable]], before becoming 2D in [[Java Edition Infdev 20100615]])
* [[Lava]] ([[Technical blocks/Lava|unobtainable]], before becoming 2D in [[Java Edition Infdev 20100615]])
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w15a|Items that are moved into the same location now combine into stacks instead of remaining independent entities.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Items, like other entities, can now travel through [[portal]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w34b|Some [[zombie]]s, [[skeleton]]s and [[Zombified Piglin|zombie pigmen]] can now pick up items.}}
{{History||1.4.4|snap=1.4.3|Items are now pushed out of transparent solid blocks as well as opaque ones.<ref>{{bug|MC-15}}</ref> Items can push into solid blocks while trying to escape a solid block instead of stopping (this has been used to create vertical transport of items). New feature: items are pushed out of the inside corner of stair blocks, causing "bouncing" effects.}}
{{History||December 11, 2012|link=none|[[Dinnerbone]] tweeted a picture of [[diamond]]s being rendered in 3D as dropped items.<ref>{{tweet|dinner|278457679805030401|Diamonds are a miners best friend. It's only fair they get treated to some luxury rendering. http://dinnerbone.com/media/uploads/2012-12/screenshots/Minecraft_2012-12-11_12-13-11.png … #AndMaybeEverythingElseToo|December 11, 2012}}</ref> He also revealed that other items would rendered in this way, but only in [[fancy graphics]].<ref>{{tweet|dinner|278463997982949378|@PaymenowTV It's Fancy Rendering option, but really won't make much of a difference on even a slow pc.|December 11, 2012}}</ref>}}
{{History||December 12, 2012|link=none|TeamMojang ([[wikipedia:Youtube|YouTube]]) posted a video showing off the new 3D items.<ref>{{ytl|tMOZLAxPWFE}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|[[Nether star]]s are the first items to not be deleted by [[explosion]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w50a|When dropped, items now render in the [[fancy graphics]] setting as 3D spinning animations (non-block items no longer display as [[Wikipedia:Sprite (computer graphics)|sprites]]).
|Dropped items now merge with nearby items and be stacked.
|Enchanted items now show the enchanted glow when dropped.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w01a|Added [[hopper]]s, which can collect items.}}
{{History|||snap=13w03a|Added [[Minecart with Hopper|hopper minecart]]s, which can collect items.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w04a|Dropped items don't spin, and they are visible only from the south on fast graphics.}}
{{History|||snap=14w04b|Dropped items are now completely invisible on fast graphics.}}
{{History|||snap=14w05a|Dropped items on fast graphics now face the player on all three axes, and they spin again on fancy graphics.}}
{{History|||snap=14w25a|Dropped items now render in 3D on fast graphics, instead of just on fancy graphics, likely due to item models being fully implemented and replacing the need for 2D items. However, they do not spin.}}
{{History||1.8.1|snap=pre4|Dropped items now spin on fast graphics.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w21a|Items can now be reared by [[fishing rod]]s.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID of items has been changed from <code>Item</code> to <code>item</code>.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=18w07a|Items in water now float up.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|Netherite items are the first items to not burn in [[lava]], and float in lava.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=Pre-release 5|Item are no longer destroyed by falling [[anvil]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-120158
||Anvils and other falling_blocks with HurtEntities set to true kill items and xp orbs|Fixed}}</ref>}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|Added items to the game.}}
{{History||?|Items now have improved graphics.{{more info|clarify}}}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Items in [[water]] now float up.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|When dropped, items now render as 3D spinning animations (non-block items no longer display as [[Wikipedia:Sprite (computer graphics)|sprites]]).}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[netherite]] items, which float and do not burn in [[lava]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|Added items to the game.}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|When dropped, items now render as 3D spinning animations (non-block items no longer display as [[Wikipedia:Sprite (computer graphics)|sprites]]).}}
{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|Items in [[water]] now float up.}}

== Trivia ==
* {{bug|MC-4}}, the oldest standing bug in the Minecraft [[bug tracker]], involves item entity positioning being incorrectly handled.

3D Diamonds.png|First image of 3D dropped items.

== See also ==
* [[Drops]] — items dropped by [[mobs]] when killed.
* [[Chunk format#Items|Chunk format]] for more information about the attributes of items.

== References ==



[[Category:Items| ]]

[[es:Objeto (entidad)]]
[[fr:Objet (entité)]]
[[ja:アイテム (エンティティ)]]
[[ko:아이템 (개체)]]
[[nl:Voorwerp (entiteit)]]
[[ru:Предмет (сущность)]]
[[zh:物品(实体)]]</li><li>[[Cooked Chicken|Cooked Chicken]]<br/>{{about|a food item|other uses of the word "chicken"|Chicken (disambiguation)}}
| title = Cooked Chicken
| image = Cooked Chicken.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|6}}
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Cooked chicken''' is a [[food]] item that can be eaten by the [[player]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===

When a chicken dies while on fire, it drops one cooked chicken. The maximum is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 1–4 cooked chicken with Looting III.

=== Cooking ===

[[Raw chicken]] can be cooked in a [[furnace]], [[smoker]], or [[campfire]]. Each piece of cooked chicken removed from a furnace output slot gives 0.35 [[experience]] (22.4 experience per stack).
|Raw Chicken
|Cooked Chicken

=== Trading ===
{{IN|java}}, apprentice-level butcher [[villager]]s have a {{frac|2|3}} chance to sell 8 cooked chicken for an [[emerald]]. 

Butcher villagers may give cooked chicken to players with the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.{{only|java}}

{{IN|bedrock}}, apprentice-level butcher villagers have a 25% chance to sell 8 cooked chicken for an emerald as part of their trades.

== Usage ==
=== Food ===

To eat cooked chicken, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|6}} [[hunger]] and 7.2 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].

=== Wolves ===

Cooked chicken can be used to [[breed]] and heal tamed [[wolves]], lead them around, and make baby tamed wolves grow up faster by 10% of the remaining time.

== Sounds ==

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==

=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Cooked Chicken

{{ID table
|displayname=Cooked Chicken

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== Video ==

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|ux362Ae8Llc}}</div>

== History ==

{{History|java beta}}
{{History||July 19, 2011|link=https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/93330811608240128|[[File:Cooked Chicken (pre-release).png|32px]] A teaser image for cooked chicken is revealed by [[Jeb]].}}
{{History||July 19, 2011|link=https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/93946593748852736|[[File:Cooked Chicken (pre-release 2).png|32px]] Jens changes the texture based on feedback, saying "the chicken may be too smooth compared to other MC [[item]]s."<ref>https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/93335976298033152</ref>}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|[[File:Cooked Chicken JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cooked chicken.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w03a|Cooked chicken can now be used to breed wolves.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 7–8 cooked chicken for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w37a|[[File:Cooked Chicken JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cooked chicken has been changed so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Butcher villagers now [[trading|sell]] 6–8 cooked chicken for 1 [[emerald]]. Farmer [[villager]]s no longer sell cooked chicken.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|[[Chicken]]s can now [[drops|drop]] several cooked chickens if killed with a [[Looting]]-enchanted [[weapons|weapon]].}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 366.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Cooked Chicken JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of cooked chicken has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Butcher villagers now give cooked chicken to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Cooked Chicken JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cooked chicken.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Cooked chicken now restores {{hp|6}} instead of {{hp|3}}.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Cooked Chicken JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cooked chicken has been changed so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Cooked chicken now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Butcher villagers now [[trading|sell]] 6–8 cooked chicken for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||?|[[Chicken]]s can now [[drops|drop]] several cooked chickens if killed with a [[Looting]]-enchanted [[weapons|weapon]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Cooked Chicken JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of cooked chicken has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, butcher [[villager]]s now have a 25% chance to [[trading|sell]] 4 cooked chicken as part of their second-tier [[trading|trade]].}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, apprentice butcher [[villager]]s now have a 25% chance to [[trading|sell]] 8 cooked chicken instead of 4.}}

{{History||xbox=TU5|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Cooked Chicken JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cooked chicken.}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Cooked Chicken JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cooked chicken has been changed so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Cooked Chicken JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of cooked chicken has been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Cooked Chicken JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Added cooked chicken.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
Beta 1.8 Dev Chicken.png|First image of cooked chicken.
Beta 1.8 Dev Chicken 2.png|Second image of cooked chicken.

== References ==


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[cs:Pečené kuře]]
[[de:Gebratenes Hühnchen]]
[[es:Pollo asado]]
[[fr:Poulet rôti]]
[[it:Pollo cotto]]
[[ko:익힌 닭고기]]
[[nl:Gebraden kip]]
[[pl:Pieczony kurczak]]
[[pt:Frango assado]]
[[ru:Жареная курятина]]
preResource packs now display an error if the format number is wrong. At this time, it requires a format number of 1.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Brick|Brick]]<br/>{{about|the item|the crafted block|Bricks|other uses}}
| image = [[File:Brick JE2 BE2.png|32px]]
| stackable = Yes (64)
| renewable = Yes 

A '''brick''' is an item used to craft [[bricks|brick]] blocks, [[flower pot]]s, and [[decorated pot]]s.

== Obtaining ==

=== Smelting ===
A brick can be obtained by smelting a [[clay ball]].
|Clay Ball

=== Mining ===

When [[breaking]] a [[decorated pot]] with a tool without [[Silk Touch]] on the main hand, the decorated pot can drops 0-4 brick(s) depend on the material that the decorated pot make of.

=== Loot ===


=== Trading ===

Novice-level stone mason [[villager]]s sell 16{{only|bedrock}} or 10{{only|java}} bricks for one [[emerald]].

== Usage ==
Brick can be used to craft [[bricks]], [[flower pot]]s, and [[decorated pot]]s.
=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== History ==

{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.11|[[File:Brick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bricks as an item.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Bricks are now used for [[flower pot]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this item's numeral ID was 336.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Brick JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bricks has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Bricks are now [[trading|sold]] by [[villager]]s of the new mason profession, making them [[renewable resource|renewable]].}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|Bricks can now be used for crafting [[decorated pot]]s.|Bricks now drop when brushing [[suspicious sand]] in [[desert well]]s.|Bricks now drop when mining [[decorated pot]] with a tool on the main hand.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|The probability for the brick to generate in the [[suspicious sand]] in [[desert well]] has been changed from 1/7 to 1/8.|Brick can now be found in [[suspicious gravel]] and [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].}}
{{History|||snap=23w16a|Brick no longer generates in [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].|Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for the suspicious gravel within the [[trail ruins]]; brick now is in the common loot.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Brick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bricks as an item. They are currently unobtainable and serve no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.3.2|Bricks can now be obtained by smelting clay balls.
|Bricks are now used to craft [[brick block]]s.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Bricks are now used to craft [[flower pot]]s.}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 5|Added bricks to the [[Creative]] [[inventory]].<ref name="missing brick">{{Bug|MCPE-16556}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|16 bricks can now be obtained via trading with stone mason [[villager]]s for 1-2 [[emerald]]s.
|[[File:Brick JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bricks has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Trading has been changed; bricks sold by stone mason villagers now cost only one emerald.}}
{{History||1.20.0<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.70|snap=beta|Bricks now drop when brushing [[suspicious sand]] in [[desert well]]s and can be used to craft decorated pots.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Brick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bricks.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Brick JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bricks has been changed.}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Brick JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bricks.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== References ==



[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[ko:벽돌 (아이템)]]
| image = Sugar.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Sugar''' is a [[food]] ingredient and [[brewing]] ingredient made from [[sugar canes]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===

[[Witch]]es have a chance of dropping 0–2 sugar upon death. This is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 0–5 sugar.

=== Crafting ===
 |head= 1
 |Sugar Cane
 |Output= Sugar
 |type= Material

 |Honey Bottle
 |Output= Sugar, 3
 |type= Material
 |foot= 1

=== Compound creation ===

Sugar can be created from its base [[element]]s, using the [[compound creator]].{{only|bedrock|education}}

{| class="wikitable"
!Example recipe
|- <!-- Temporarily using crafting grid as a substitute for the compound creator (template not yet available), since the layout is the same, even if the appearance is different -->
|6 Carbon<br>12 Hydrogen<br>6 Oxygen
|{{Crafting Table
|shapeless= 1
|A2=Carbon,6 |B2=Hydrogen,12 |C2=Oxygen,6

== Usage ==

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Brewing ingredient ===

  |Mundane Potion
  |base=Water Bottle
  |Potion of Swiftness

=== Horses ===

Sugar can be fed to [[horse]]s to heal {{hp|1}}, speed growth by 30 seconds, and increase taming probability by 3%.

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|The Lie}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Video ==

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|DnMFkmC7BxE}}</div>

== History ==

{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|[[File:Sugar JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Sugar has been introduced as an ingredient for [[cake]].}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Sugar is now used to craft [[fermented spider eye]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Sugar can now be [[brewing|brewed]] in a [[water bottle]] to create a [[Mundane Potion]], or in an [[Awkward Potion]] to create a [[Potion of Swiftness]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w37a|Sugar is now used to make [[pumpkin pie]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w38b|[[Witch]]es can now [[drops|drop]] sugar.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 353.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Sugar JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of sugar has been changed.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|Sugar can now can be created using 1 [[honey bottle]].}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Sugar JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sugar. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.3.0|Sugar is now [[craft]]able using [[sugar cane]].}}
{{History||v0.7.0|Sugar is now used to craft [[cake]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Sugar is now used to craft [[pumpkin pie]].}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Sugar has been added to the [[creative]] [[inventory]].|Sugar is now used to craft [[fermented spider eye]]s.
|Sugar can now be used for [[brewing]], to get mundane [[potion]]s and potions of [[Swiftness]].}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Added [[witch]]es, which can [[drops|drop]] sugar upon [[death]].}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Sugar can now be used to feed [[horse]]s, which can increase their temper, heal them, and speed up the growth of foals.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Sugar can now be created using 6 Carbon, 12 Hydrogen, and 6 Oxygen in the [[compound creator]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Sugar JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of sugar has been changed.}}
{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|Sugar can now be created using 1 [[honey bottle]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Sugar JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sugar.
|Sugar is used to craft [[cake]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU7|Sugar is now used to craft [[fermented spider eye]]s.|Sugar can now be [[brewing|brewed]] in a [[water bottle]] to create a [[Mundane Potion]], or in an [[Awkward Potion]] to create a [[Potion of Swiftness]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.04|Sugar is now used to make [[pumpkin pie]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[Witch]]es can now [[drops|drop]] sugar.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Sugar JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of sugar has been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Sugar JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added sugar.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--sugar Taking Inventory: Sugar] – Minecraft.net on January 27, 2022


[[Category:Renewable resources]]
[[Category:Brewing recipe]]</li></ul>
15w31aChanged format number to 2, due to changes in the model system, such as item tags, multipart, and changes to display tags.
Using resource packs with outdated display tags causes the models to seem abnormally up-scaled and the wielded block cannot be rotated in the hand, along with blocks in the inventory replaced with a 2D texture. This is similar to what happens when a model has no display tags. See here for an example.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Horse Armor|Horse Armor]]<br/>{{Item
| image = <gallery>
Leather Horse Armor.png | Leather 
Iron Horse Armor.png | Iron
Golden Horse Armor.png | Golden
Diamond Horse Armor.png | Diamond
| image2 = <gallery>
Leather Horse Armor (item).png|Leather
Iron Horse Armor (item).png|Iron
Golden Horse Armor (item).png|Golden
Diamond Horse Armor (item).png|Diamond
| extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]
| renewable = 
* '''Leather''': Yes
* '''All others''': No
| stackable = No

'''Horse armor''' is a special type of [[armor]] that can be given to a [[horse]] to wear.

== Obtaining ==

===Chest loot===

|A1= Leather
|C1= Leather
|A2= Leather
|B2= Leather
|C2= Leather
|A3= Leather
|C3= Leather
|Output= Leather Horse Armor

Only leather horse armor can be crafted; other horse armor can be obtained only from chest loot from some generated structures.

Expert-level [[leatherworker]] villagers [[trading|sell]] leather horse armor for 6 [[emerald]]s as part of their trade.


Only normal adult horses can wear armor; foals, [[donkey]]s, [[mule]]s, and undead variants such as [[skeleton horse]]s and [[zombie horse]]s cannot be equipped with armor.

=== Types ===
Horse armor has leather, iron, gold, and diamond variants. However, horse armor does not have netherite or chainmail variants.

=== Armor Stands ===
Horse armor cannot be placed or displayed on [[armor stand]]s. 

Horse armor can be equipped to horses either by manually placing it in its respective slot by pressing E while riding the horse ({{SlotSprite|Horse Armor}}), or by right-clicking the horse with it.

There is a gradual increase in the defense given from a horse wearing the different types of armor. Note that golden horse armor provides more protection than iron horse armor, whereas the opposite is true for [[armor|player armor]].
{| class="wikitable" data-description="Armor defense"
! Material !! [[Armor]]
! [[Leather]]
| {{armor|3}} 
! [[Iron]]
| {{armor|5}} 
! [[Gold]]
| {{armor|7}} 
! [[Diamond]]
| {{armor|11}} 
When a horse dies while equipped with any horse armor, it drops its normal loot, saddle (if it had one), and the horse armor.

Leather horse armor protects horses from freezing in [[powder snow]], but it does not negate other powder snow effects (e.g., falling through, inability to jump).

Unlike [[armor|player armor]], horse armor does not have durability. This means a single horse armor can be used infinitely unless destroyed.
=== Enchanting ===
Unlike [[armor|player armor]], horse armor cannot be enchanted in survival mode. However, {{in|java}} Creative mode, horse armor can be used with an [[anvil]] to enchant with [[Depth Strider]], [[Thorns]], [[Respiration]], [[Feather Falling]], and [[Curse of vanishing]]. Other enchantments can be applied, but they have no effect.

=== Dyeing ===
Leather horse armor can be dyed 12,326,391 different colors (using lone dyes or dye combinations) and put onto a horse to display that color. These changes can be reverted by {{control|using}} a filled [[cauldron]] with dyed leather horse armor.

===Smelting usage===
{{Smelting|showname=1|Iron Horse Armor;Golden Horse Armor|Iron Nugget;Gold Nugget|0,1}}

{{EntityLink|Piglin|Piglins}} are attracted to golden horse armor and run toward any golden horse armor on the ground, inspecting it for 6 to 8 seconds before putting it in their inventory.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Horse armor.ogg
|subtitle=Horse armor equips
|description=When armor is equipped to a horse

{{Sound table
|sound=Horse armor.ogg
|description=When armor is equipped to a horse

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Leather Horse Armor
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron Horse Armor
{{ID table
|displayname=Diamond Horse Armor
{{ID table
|displayname=Golden Horse Armor

{{ID table
|displayname=Leather Horse Armor
{{ID table
|displayname=Iron Horse Armor
{{ID table
|displayname=Diamond Horse Armor
{{ID table
|displayname=Golden Horse Armor

=== Item data ===
When leather horse armor is dyed, it has the following NBT:

{{main|Player.dat format}}
<div class="treeview">
* {{nbt|compound|tag}}: Parent tag.
** {{nbt|compound|display}}: Display properties.
*** {{nbt|int|color}}: The color of the leather armor. The tooltip displays "Dyed" if advanced tooltips are disabled, otherwise it displays the hexadecimal color value. Color codes are calculated from the Red, Green and Blue components using this formula:<br>'''<span style="color:red">Red</span>[[wikipedia:Logical shift|<<]]16 + <span style="color:green">Green</span><<8 + <span style="color:blue">Blue</span>'''<ref>For positive values larger than 0x00FFFFFF, the top byte is ignored. All negative values produce white.</ref>

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].

== History ==
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|[[File:Iron Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Iron Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added horse armor.
|Horse armor can be [[crafting|crafted]] using the following recipe.
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed"
! Recipe
{{Crafting Table
  |C1=Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |A2=Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond 
  |B2=Any Wool
  |C2=Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |A3=Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |B3=Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |C3=Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond
  |Output=Iron Horse Armor; Golden Horse Armor; Diamond Horse Armor
{{History|||snap=13w18a|The crafting recipe for horse armor has been removed.
|Horse armor can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[jungle temple|jungle]] & [[desert temple]]s, [[dungeon]]s, [[nether fortress]]es, [[stronghold]] altar rooms and [[village]] blacksmith buildings.
|Iron horse armor can now additionally be found in [[mineshaft]] chests.}}
{{History|||snap=13w21a|Horse armor is no longer stackable, to be consistent with other types of [[armor]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Horse armor has been added to [[end city]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43a|The average yield of horse armor in [[nether fortress]] chests has slightly decreased.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44a|The average yield of horse armor in [[desert temple]] chests has increased.
|The average yield of iron horse armor from [[dungeon]] chests has slightly decreased.
|Iron horse armor has been removed from [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|Golden and iron horse armor can now be [[smelting|smelted]] down into one of their respective [[nugget]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w45a|[[File:Iron Horse Armor JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor JE2.png|32px]] The textures of horse armor have been changed, as the [[model]] of [[horse]]s has changed.}}
{{History|||snap=17w46a|[[File:Iron Horse Armor 17w46a.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor 17w46a.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor 17w46a.png|32px]] The model of horse armor has been changed, but the textures of horse armor have remained unaltered.}}
{{History|||snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 417, 418 and 419.}}
{{History|||snap=18w03a|[[File:Iron Horse Armor JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of horse armor have been changed, as the [[model]] of [[horse]]s has changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w22a|[[File:Iron Horse Armor JE4 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of iron horse armor when equipped has been changed.<ref>{{bug|MC-124357}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=pre2|A bug with the [[horse]] skin and horse armor textures not applying correctly has been fixed.<ref>{{bug|MC-124364}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w50a|[[File:Iron Horse Armor (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of horse armor [[item]]s have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=February 20, 2019|slink=https://twitter.com/_LadyAgnes/status/1098134917299531776?s=19|Leather horse armor announced for {{el|je}}.}}
{{History|||snap=19w08a|[[File:Iron Horse Armor JE5 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor JE4 BE3.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Iron Horse Armor (item) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of iron, gold and diamond horse armor have been changed.
|[[File:Leather Horse Armor JE1 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Leather Horse Armor (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added leather horse armor, which can be [[dyeing|dyed]] 12,326,391 different colors, similar to leather [[armor]].}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Leatherworker [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] leather horse armor.}}
{{History||1.14.1|snap=Pre-Release 1|[[File:Leather Horse Armor (item) JE2.png|32px]] The texture of leather horse armor [[item]] has been changed to be more consistent with the other types of horse armor.
|[[File:Iron Horse Armor (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of iron horse armor item has been changed.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w15a|Horse armor placed in a dispenser can now be put on tamed horses.}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Golden horse armor now generates in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w13a|Leather horse armor now protects [[horse]]s from [[freezing]].}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Diamond horse armor may now be found in [[ancient city]] [[chest]]s.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Leather Horse Armor BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Leather Horse Armor (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added horse armor and [[dyeing|dyeable]] leather horse armor as a version exclusive.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Horse armor can now be found inside [[end city]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Iron and golden horse armor are now [[smelting|smeltable]].}}
{{History||1.2.6|snap=beta|[[File:Leather Horse Armor BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Horse Armor JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of horse armor have been changed, as the [[model]] of [[horse]]s has been changed.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Horse armor can now be found in [[plains]] [[village]] weaponsmith [[chest]]s.
|[[File:Leather Horse Armor JE1 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Horse Armor JE5 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor JE4 BE3.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Leather Horse Armor (item) BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Horse Armor (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all horse armor have been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Horse armor can now be found in [[savanna]], [[desert]], [[taiga]], [[snowy taiga]] and [[snowy tundra]] [[village]] weaponsmith [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Leather horse armor can now be [[trading|bought]] from leatherworker [[villager]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Leather Horse Armor (item) BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Horse Armor (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all horse armor [[item]]s have been changed.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Leather horse armor now protects [[horse]]s from [[freezing]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Iron Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Iron Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added horse armor.}}
{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|Iron and golden horse armor are now [[smelting|smeltable]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU60|xbone=CU51|ps=1.64|wiiu=Patch 30|switch=1.0.11|[[File:Leather Horse Armor BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Leather Horse Armor (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added leather horse armor.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Leather Horse Armor JE1 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Horse Armor JE5 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor JE4 BE3.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Leather Horse Armor (item) BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Horse Armor (item) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor (item) JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of leather, iron, gold and diamond horse armor have been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Leather Horse Armor BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Leather Horse Armor (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Horse Armor (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added horse armor.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
Leather Horse Armor.png | Undyed Leather armor
White Leather Horse Armor.png | White Leather armor
Light Gray Leather Horse Armor.png | Light Gray Leather armor
Gray Leather Horse Armor.png | Gray Leather armor
Black Leather Horse Armor.png | Black Leather armor
Brown Leather Horse Armor.png | Brown Leather armor
Red Leather Horse Armor.png | Red Leather armor
Orange Leather Horse Armor.png | Orange Leather armor
Yellow Leather Horse Armor.png | Yellow Leather armor
Lime Leather Horse Armor.png | Lime Leather armor
Green Leather Horse Armor.png | Green Leather armor
Cyan Leather Horse Armor.png | Cyan Leather armor
Light Blue Leather Horse Armor.png | Light Blue Leather armor
Blue Leather Horse Armor.png | Blue Leather armor
Purple Leather Horse Armor.png | Purple Leather armor
Magenta Leather Horse Armor.png | Magenta Leather armor
Pink Leather Horse Armor.png | Pink Leather armor

=== Screenshots ===
Armored Horse.png|A [[horse]] equipped with iron horse armor and bound to a fence post by a [[lead]].
13w21a-new-HorseUI-inventory.png|The GUI for horses implemented in [[Java Edition 13w21a|13w21a]], which allows the removal and switching of armor.
GodSpawner.png|A golden horse armor found in a [[dungeon]] chest, which coincidentally contains an [[enchanted golden apple]].
Horses with armor.png|4 [[horse]]s equipped with [[leather]], [[iron]], [[gold]], and [[diamond]] armor.
Leather Horse Armor 1.jpg|First image of leather horse armor.
Leather Horse Armor 2.jpg|Second image of leather horse armor.
Leather Horse Armor 3.jpg|Third image of leather horse armor.
Leather Horse Armor 4.jpg|Fourth image of leather horse armor.
Leather Horse Armor 5.jpg|Fifth image of leather horse armor.

== Notes ==

== References ==



[[es:Armadura para caballo]]
[[fr:Armure pour cheval]]
[[ko:말 갑옷]]
[[pl:Zbroja końska]]
[[pt:Armadura para cavalo]]
[[ru:Конская броня]]
[[uk:Кінські обладунки]]
[[zh:马铠]]</li><li>[[Spider Eye|Spider Eye]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Spider Eye
| image = Spider Eye.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{Hunger|2}}
|effects={{EffectLink|Poison}} (0:05)
| stackable = Yes (64)
A '''spider eye''' is a poisonous [[food]] and [[brewing]] item.

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===

==== Spiders ====
[[Spider]]s and [[cave spider]]s have a {{frac|1|3}} chance of dropping a [[spider eye]] when killed by a player or tamed wolf, but not when killed by environmental damage (such as falling). The maximum amount of spider eyes is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]]. The chance of a spider '''not''' dropping any spider eyes can be found using the formula <code>2 / (Looting Level + 3)</code>. For example, Looting III gives a {{frac|1|3}} chance of not dropping any spider eyes. All other amounts have an equal chance of occurring.

==== Witches ====

[[Witch]]es have a chance of dropping 0–6 spider eyes upon death. This is increased by 3 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 0-15 spider eyes.

=== Chest loot ===


== Usage ==

=== Food ===
When [[Food|eaten]], a spider eye restores {{hunger|2}} [[Hunger|hunger points]] and 3.2 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation points]], giving a nourishment value of 1.6. It also applies a [[Poison]] [[effect]] lasting 5 seconds to the player, causing {{hp|4|poisoned=1}} damage, which reduces hunger/saturation by 6 points.

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Brewing ingredient ===

  |Spider Eye
  |Mundane Potion
  |base=Water Bottle
  |Spider Eye
  |Potion of Poison

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Spider Eye

{{ID table
|displayname=Spider Eye

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== Video ==

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|-PD-wX07TCg}}</div>

== History ==

{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|[[File:Spider Eye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spider eyes. 
|Spider eyes can be used to craft [[fermented spider eye]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Spider eyes can now be [[brewing|brewed]] in a [[water bottle]] to create a [[Mundane Potion]], or in an [[Awkward Potion]] to create a [[Potion of Poison]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38b|Spider eyes can now be dropped by [[witch]]es.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|Spider eyes can now be found in [[desert pyramid|desert temple]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 375.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Spider Eye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of spider eyes has been changed.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Spider Eye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spider eyes.|Spider eyes can be used to craft [[fermented spider eye]]s and for [[brewing]].}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Spider eyes can now be found in [[desert pyramid|desert temple]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Spider eyes can now dropped by [[witch]]es.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Spider Eye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of spider eyes has been changed.}}

{{History||xbox=TU7|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Spider Eye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spider eyes.}}	
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|[[File:Spider Eye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of spider eyes has been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Spider Eye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spider eyes.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== References ==



[[cs:Pavoučí oko]]
[[es:Ojo de araña]]
[[fr:Œil d'araignée]]
[[it:Occhio di ragno]]
[[ko:거미 눈]]
[[pl:Oko pająka]]
[[pt:Olho de aranha]]
[[ru:Паучий глаз]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]
[[Category:Brewing recipe]]</li></ul>
16w32aResource packs version number changed to 3, due to the change that all files should have lowercase letters.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Boat|Boat]]<br/>{{ItemEntity
|image=Oak Boat.png
|image2=Oak Boat (item) JE6.png
|extratext = [[#Gallery|View all renders]]
Height: 0.5625 Blocks<br>Width: 1.375 Blocks<br>
Height: 0.455 Blocks<br>Width: 1.4 Blocks
|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 1
{{for|other kinds of boats|Boat (disambiguation)}}
A '''boat''' is a drivable vehicle [[entity]] used primarily for fast transport of players and passenger mobs over bodies of water. '''Bamboo rafts''' look different, but function almost identically to other boats.

== Obtaining ==
Boats can be crafted with any Overworld planks; crimson and warped planks cannot be used to make boats.<ref>{{bug|MC-170868|||Invalid}}</ref>

Boats can be retrieved by repeatedly hitting them until they drop as an item.

[[Tool]]s and [[weapon]]s that deal more than {{Health|4}} damage will instantly destroy a boat in one hit.{{only|Java}}

=== Crafting ===
|A2= Matching Overworld Planks
|C2= Matching Overworld Planks
|A3= Matching Overworld Planks
|B3= Matching Overworld Planks
|C3= Matching Overworld Planks
|Output= Matching Boat
|type= Transportation

== Usage ==
Boats can be used for the transportation of [[player]]s and [[mob]]s, sold for emeralds, or [[Smelting|burnt]] as fuel.

=== Crafting ===
{{Crafting usage|match=end|Boat, Bamboo Raft}}

=== Trading ===
Master-level fisherman [[villager]]s always offer to buy a boat for an [[emerald]]. The type of boat depends on the biome outfit type of the villager; [[plains]] villagers offer to buy oak boats, [[taiga]] and [[Snowy Tundra|snowy]] villagers offer to buy spruce boats, [[savanna]] villagers offer to buy acacia boats, [[desert]] and [[jungle]] villagers offer to buy jungle boats, and [[swamp]] villagers offer to buy dark oak boats.

=== Fuel ===
A boat used as fuel in a [[furnace]] lasts 60 seconds, smelting up to 6 items.

=== Transportation ===
{{see also|Transportation|Riding}}
==== Entering ====

A player enters a boat by {{control|using}} it, if the boat is not fully occupied (boats can hold two entities). Unlike [[bed]]s, there is no message above the hotbar for attempting to enter a fully occupied boat.<ref>{{bug|MC-161251}} - resolved as “Works as Intended”</ref>

==== Exiting ====
A boat can be exited by {{control|sneaking}} or, {{in|BE}}, pressing down the right analog stick on a controller, tapping the "Leave Boat" button when using touch controls, or {{control|jumping}}. When exiting a boat, the player is placed in the direction the player is facing, or, if facing directly up or down, the player is placed in front of the boat. The exiting player is placed on land if possible from the dismounting position.

==== Motion ====
Boats do not turn with mouse-look. 

With a keyboard or gamepad, boats are controlled using the {{control|forward}}, {{control|left}} (turns left), {{control|right}} (turns right), and {{control|backward}} keys. Using the {{control|sprint}} key increases the field of vision, but does not increase speed as if [[sprinting]].

With touchscreen controls, two buttons for steering appear. The right button or key steers to the left, and the left button or key steers to the right. Pressing both buttons or keys moves the boat forward.

{{IN|Java}}, boats can be ridden against a current, but cannot be ridden upstream to a higher elevation. A boat lift, usually made from tripwire, pistons, and optionally a slime block, can be used to move a boat up. Bubble columns created with soul sand can also be used to push boats upward. These mechanisms can also be used {{in|bedrock}} but are usually unnecessary because boats can be ridden upward in descending water, as well as [[Tutorials/Water-powered boat transportation|follow upward stair-step currents]].

== Behavior ==
=== Speed ===
Boats move according to the player's control or water currents, with speed affected by the surface traversed. Boats move extremely quickly on ice,<ref name="MC-97803">{{bug|MC-97803||Boats going faster on ice than in water|WAI}}</ref> allowing for the construction of fast transportation systems in any dimension.
{| class="wikitable"
|8.0 blocks/s
|[[Ice]], [[Frosted Ice]], [[Packed Ice]]
|40 blocks/s
|[[Blue Ice]]
|72.7 blocks/s
|2.0 blocks/s

=== Floatation ===
[[File:Oak Boat shake.gif|thumb|right|The animation of an oak boat when atop a [[Bubble Column|bubble column]].]]
A boat floats atop still or flowing water. {{IN|java}}, a boat sinks if it enters a waterfall.<ref>{{bug|MC-91206|||WAI}}</ref> {{IN|bedrock}}, a boat does not sink when submerged but floats up. This feature lets a player contrive stepped uphill water flows to [[Tutorials/Water-powered boat transportation#Floating uphill|propel a boat uphill]] using only flowing water.

When a boat moves over a bubble column, it begins to shake. If the bubbles are caused by a [[Magma Block|magma block]], all passengers are expelled and the boat sinks.

{{IN|java}}, a sunken boat cannot be re-floated until a bubble column pushes it up or it is broken by the player. {{IN|bedrock}}, a boat resumes floating when it emerges from the currents keeping it down, or when the bubble column is blocked or removed.

[[Dolphin]]s chase players riding a boat in motion, occasionally bumping the boat, causing it to shake briefly.

=== Destruction ===
As boats are [[Entity|entities]], they have [[health]]. Boats effectively have just over {{hp|4}} (exactly 4 damage is not quite enough to destroy a boat), and regenerate {{frac|1|10}} per game tick. 

Boats can be destroyed by explosions, fire and lava (but not magma blocks), cactus, and by being punched by mobs, such as [[Drowned]]. Boats made invulnerable with commands cannot be broken by any of these, but they still cannot be used to travel on lava because they sink.

When a boat is destroyed under normal conditions, it drops itself in item form. In certain conditions, such as when falling for exactly 12, 13, 49, 51, 111, 114, 198, 202, 310, or 315 blocks,<ref name="MC-119369">{{bug|MC-119369}}</ref> it drops two [[stick]]s and three [[planks]] upon being destroyed.

=== Passengers ===
[[File:Multiple mobs in 2 boats.png|alt=|thumb|Multiple mobs in 2 types of boats.]]
Boats can support two riders, including [[mob]]s. Except for [[Enderman|endermen]] {{in|bedrock}}, a mob cannot exit a boat and is trapped until the boat gets destroyed, or until the player uses a [[Fishing Rod|fishing rod]] or [[lead]] to remove the mob. This can be used to transport mobs, although hostile mobs still attack while in boats. Mobs riding a boat don't despawn{{only|java}} and don't count toward the mob cap.<ref>{{bug|MC-182897|resolution=WAI}}</ref>

A player cannot both move (row) and use items at the same time. It is still possible to initialize item use (e.g. start eating) and row the boat while the item is still in the middle of the use animation. Although the rowing animation overrides the item use animation, the item can still be successfully consumed. This does not work with items that are triggered by the ''release'' of the use button (such as [[Bow|bows]] and [[Trident|tridents]]).{{only|Java}}

Being in a boat limits the player's mouse-look to the forward 210° arc {{in|java}} and 180° {{in|bedrock}}.

Underwater boat cannot be ridden. When the boat is underwater, all passengers in it are expelled.

=== Damage prevention ===
Riding a boat does not deplete [[hunger]], making it an efficient way to travel.

Boats can completely nullify [[fall damage]] for themselves and any players/mobs inside, making them useful for travel through mountains or through the Nether.<ref>{{bug|MC-105103|resolution=WAI}}</ref><ref>{{bug|MCPE-149490|resolution=WAI}}</ref> However {{in|java}}, due to a bug, boats can break when falling from certain heights, and the riders take fall damage.<ref name="MC-119369"></ref>

=== Collision ===
A boat has a solid collision box, which means players and other entities can't go through it even with high speed. Falling blocks are also blocked by boats.

{{IN|java}}, a boat falling on top of an entity stops on top of the entity. {{In|bedrock}}, a falling boat can go through other entities.

Riding a boat over a [[Lily Pad|lily pad]] causes the lily pad to drop, although the boat's speed stutters a bit.

=== Mobs ===
Most mobs can ride boats. Mobs cannot exit the boat unless the boat is destroyed, sinks, or moves over a bubble column. However, {{in|bedrock}}, [[endermen]] are able to teleport out of boats.

Mobs can be picked up into the boat when they collide with the side of the boat. A mob cannot control the boat. {{IN|java}}, a boat being ridden by a player cannot pick up a mob. {{IN|bedrock}}, mobs can be picked up by a boat being ridden by a player.

Mobs wider than the width of a boat cannot be picked up by a boat. [[Warden]]s, and [[wither]]s cannot be picked up by a boat. {{IN|java}}, baby [[sniffer]]s cannot be picked up either.

=== Lead ===
{{IN|java}}, leads cannot be attached to boats. {{IN|bedrock}}, leads can be attached to boats, though the lead can break when stretched too far due to boats moving much slower on land.

== Sounds ==
Boats use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.
{{Sound table
|sound=Boat paddle land1.ogg
|sound2=Boat paddle land2.ogg
|sound3=Boat paddle land3.ogg
|sound4=Boat paddle land4.ogg
|sound5=Boat paddle land5.ogg
|sound6=Boat paddle land6.ogg
|description=While a boat is rowed on land
{{Sound table
|sound=Boat paddle water1.ogg
|sound2=Boat paddle water2.ogg
|sound3=Boat paddle water3.ogg
|sound4=Boat paddle water4.ogg
|sound5=Boat paddle water5.ogg
|sound6=Boat paddle water6.ogg
|sound7=Boat paddle water7.ogg
|sound8=Boat paddle water8.ogg
|description=While a boat is rowed in water

{{Sound table
|description=While a boat is rowed in water

==Data values==
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Boat
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Raft
{{ID table

{{ID table
|displayname=Oak Boat
|aliasid=boat / 0
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce Boat
|aliasid=boat / 1
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch Boat
|aliasid=boat / 2
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle Boat
|aliasid=boat / 3
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia Boat
|aliasid=boat / 4
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak Boat
|aliasid=boat / 5
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove Boat
|aliasid=boat / 6
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Boat
|aliasid=boat / 8
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Raft
|aliasid=boat / 7
{{ID table

===Entity data===
Boats have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the entity.

{{main|Entity format}}

:See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].

{{load achievements|Whatever Floats Your Goat}}

{{load advancements|Whatever Floats Your Goat!}}

{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.6|[[File:Oak Boat JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added boats. 
|Initially, boats broke upon being placed outside water, and on impact with land.}}
{{History||v1.0.6_01|Boats now only break on impact with land at high speeds. 
|Boats no longer break upon being placed outside water.
|Boat turning has been made smoother.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|It is now possible to score a [[Damage#Critical hit|critical hit]] against a boat.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w15a|Boats can now be shot out from [[dispenser]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of the oak boat [[item]] has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=12w21a|Boats no longer take [[damage]] when colliding with [[lily pad]]s. Instead, the lily pads themselves break.}}
{{History|||snap=12w23a|Boats can now accelerate to faster than previous speeds, and are now easier to control.}}
{{History|||snap=12w27a|Boats now drop their [[item]] instead of 3 [[planks|oak wood planks]] and 2 [[stick]]s if broken by a [[player]].|Instead, it needs to fall certain heights to drop 3 oak wood planks and 2 sticks.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16b|New boat physics with lower inertia, but {{control|left}}, {{control|back}} and {{control|right}} controls have been removed.
|Boats now take [[damage]] and break when colliding with many lily pads in a short time.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|[[Player]]s can now {{cmd|summon}} [[mob]]s riding boats, though mobs cannot control boats.}}
{{History|||snap=13w43a|Boats no longer inflict fall [[damage]] when running aground.
|Boats being broken by lily pads has been slightly improved.
|{{control|Left}}, {{control|back}} and {{control|right}} controls added again.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w06a|[[Mob]]s riding boats can now control them, so that they can chase or flee enemies, move toward food, move about randomly, or whatever they would do on land. The exceptions are the [[ghast]] and [[bat]], both of which cannot control boats.}}
{{History||1.8.2|snap=pre2|Boats can now survive crashes at higher speeds.<!-- They have to be going 0.2975 now, rather than only 0.2. -->}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w41a|[[File:Oak Boat JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Boats have been overhauled to match the boats from [[Pocket Edition v0.11.0 alpha|Pocket Edition Alpha 0.11.0]]. They now have oars for paddling and are more durable and now allows passengers to board.
|[[Mob]]s can now board boats, though they can no longer control them.
|A new set of controls have been introduced: it includes holding down the {{control|right}} and {{control|left}} keys to move forward, and using the {{control|right}} key to move the right oar, turning the boat to the left (and vice-versa). Mouse movement no longer turns boats, and the {{control|forward}} and {{control|back}} keys no longer have any effect. 
|[[Player]]s can no longer {{control|use}} [[item]]s or {{control|attack}} from boats unless they were at a complete stop.
|The [[crafting]] recipe for boats has been changed to require a wooden [[shovel]] as shown below.
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Recipe"
! Recipe
|A2= Oak Planks |B2= Wooden Shovel        |C2= Oak Planks
|A3= Oak Planks |B3= Oak Planks |C3= Oak Planks
|Output= Oak Boat
|The NBT [[tag]] {{code|Type}} (string) have now added for the boat [[entity]], taking values {{code|oak}}, {{code|spruce}}, {{code|birch}}, {{code|jungle}}, {{code|acacia}} and {{code|dark_oak}}.
|Boats no longer break [[snow|snow layers]] they run into.}}
{{History|||snap=15w42a|The new boats are now comparable in speed to the old boats (slightly faster than sprinting), though with less momentum.
|Players can now {{control|use}} items and {{control|attack}} immediately after they stop rowing.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43c|The texture of boats has been remapped, so that they now have a separate texture per oar and per side of the boat.}}
{{History|||snap=15w51a|Boats now [[drops|drop]] their corresponding [[planks]] when broken.}}
{{History|||snap=16w04a|Boats are now faster and now move forward and backward using the {{control|forward}} and {{control|backward}} keys respectively, and steer left and right using the {{control|left}} and {{control|right}} keys respectively. The rowing mechanism introduced in [[Java Edition 15w41a|15w41a]], holding the {{control|right}} and {{control|left}} keys, is removed and no longer moves the boat forward. The controls are now more similar to boats before the overhaul.
|Boats now sink when underwater, or within flowing water of any depth.
|The crafting recipe of boats has been restored to the original recipe, no longer requiring a wooden [[shovel]] as it has since 15w41a (though matching wood [[planks]] is still required).
|Riding a boat no longer subjects [[water]]-sensitive [[mob]]s to being damaged by water, and no longer protects sunlight-sensitive mobs from being damaged by sunlight.
|Dismounting in a boat now attempts to place the [[player]] on land.}}
{{History|||snap=16w05a|Boats now travel extremely fast on [[ice]], [[Packed Ice|packed ice]] and [[Frosted Ice|frosted ice]].<ref name="MC-97803"/>}}
{{History|||snap=16w06a|Riding [[entity|entities]] such as boats are now run by the client rather than by the server.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID has been changed from {{code|Boat}} to {{code|boat}}.
|The player's [[hunger]] bar is now visible when riding in a boat.}}
{{History|||snap=16w33a|Boats can now be used to fuel [[furnace]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=16w39c|Boats placed by dispensers now face the same way as the dispenser, instead of toward the dispenser.<ref>{{bug|MC-90074|||Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w17a|A boat paddles [[sound]] has been added.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The oak boat ID has been changed from {{code|boat}} to {{code|oak_boat}}.
|Prior to [[Java Edition 1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 333, 444, 445, 446, 447 and 448.}}
{{History|||snap=18w15a|Added [[Blue Ice|blue ice]], which allows boats to travel even faster on it.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Oak Boat JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE2.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all boats have been changed.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w50a|[[File:Oak Boat JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all boats have been changed to match the new [[planks]].}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Fisherman [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] boats.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w37a|Boats as fuel now [[smelting|smelt]] 6 [[item]]s in a [[furnace]] instead of 1.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w18a|Mobs in boats no longer [[Spawn#Despawning|despawn]].}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[File:Mangrove Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Boat (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mangrove boats.}}
{{History|||snap=22w12a|Boats can now be used to craft boats with chests.
|[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE3 BE5.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] The textures of all boat items (except mangrove) have been changed.<ref>{{bug|MC-94161|||Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=22w14a|Due to the addition of the [[mangrove tree]] and [[mangrove swamp]], mangrove boats are now obtainable and renewable.}}
{{History|||snap=22w15a|[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Boat (item) JE2.png|32px]] The textures of all boat item textures have been changed.}}
{{History||October 15, 2022|link={{ytl|yZRXmHiEh7U&t}}|[[File:Bamboo Raft JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Bamboo rafts were announced at [[Minecraft Live 2022]].}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|[[File:Bamboo Raft JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Raft (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added bamboo rafts behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].}}
{{History|||snap=22w45a|[[File:Bamboo Raft (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The item texture of the bamboo raft has been changed.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|[[File:Cherry Boat JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Boat (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added cherry boats behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Bamboo rafts and cherry boats are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.}}
{{History||1.20.2|snap=?|Riding height for mobs without a sitting position have been adjusted so their feet are at the bottom of the boat.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||September 19, 2014|link={{tweet|_tomcc|512935629026770944}}|[[Tommaso Checchi]] tweeted a picture of a [[player]] riding a boat, stating that the most important thing is to "get the paddling right."
|[[File:Minecart JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The model used by boats is currently a [[minecart]].}}
{{History||January 26, 2015|link={{tweet|_tomcc|559697958728654848}}|Tommaso Checchi tweets a screenshot of multiple riders in a single boat.
|[[File:Boat (pre-release).png|32px]] The model used by boats is now a minecart which has been squished vertically, and tinted brown.}}
{{History||February 20, 2015|link={{tweet|_tomcc|568844305491730432}}|Tommaso Checchi tweets a screenshot of multiple boats with only mobs in them.
|Boats now have a proper model with paddles.}} 
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Oak Boat JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added boats. Each wood type has its own respective variant, though they share the same sprite as [[item]]s.
|Boats can support two riders, including [[mob]]s.
|Boats are larger in size than {{in|java}}.
|Boats are more resistant to crashing against land than {{in|java}}.}}
{{History|||snap=build 12|Projectiles can now be shot from boats.}}

{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Added all boat variants to the [[Creative]] [[inventory]].
|[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] New [[inventory]] icons for boats have been added. The sprite now includes paddles and represents their respective wood color.}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Boats are now slightly faster than sprinting, and no longer deplete [[hunger]].
|[[Player]]s can now {{control|use}} [[item]]s and {{control|attack}} immediately after they stop rowing.}}
{{History|||snap=build 3|Boats now stack on top of each other.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Boats now move faster on [[ice]].}}
{{History||1.5.0|snap=beta|The steering of boats has been changed when using keyboard and mouse - W now moves the boat forward and S reverses it.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Boats can now sink or float on [[Bubble Column|bubble column]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Oak Boat JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all boats have been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Boats can now be [[trading|bought]] from fisherman [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, master-level fisherman villagers now offer to [[trading|buy]] boats based on their villager [[biome]] outfit.
|Due to trading changes, birch boats can no longer be [[trading|sold]] to fisherman villagers.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Custom named boats now save their name after placing and breaking.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|The item ID {{code|boat}} has been split up into {{code|<type>_boat}}.}}
{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[File:Oak Boat (item) BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] The item sprites of all boats have been changed. The paddles now represent their respective wood color (except spruce) and the inside rims of the boats are darker.
|[[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE4.png|32px]] An updated item sprite for dark oak boat has been added to the game files, but it's currently unused.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-151667}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.18.30|snap=beta|[[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE3 BE5.png|32px]] An updated item sprite for spruce boat has been added to the game files, but it's currently unused.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-152262}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Spruce and dark oak boats now correctly use their updated item sprites.}}
{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|[[File:Mangrove Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Boat (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mangrove boats.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Boat (item) JE2.png|32px]] Changed all boat item textures.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|[[File:Bamboo Raft JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Raft (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added bamboo rafts behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|[[File:Bamboo Raft (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The item texture of the bamboo raft has been changed to match ''[[Java Edition]]''.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.80|snap=beta|[[File:Cherry Boat JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Boat (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added cherry boats behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Bamboo rafts and cherry boats are now available without using the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.}}
{{History||1.20.10|snap=beta|The [[wooden shovel]] in the crafting recipe has been removed for all boat types except the bamboo raft.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|The bamboo raft recipe no longer needs a wooden shovel.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Oak Boat JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added boats.}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|The maximum number of boats in a world has been increased to 40.
|Boats now break when they hit land hard.}}
{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.04|Boats are no longer broken by [[Lily Pad|lily pad]]s anymore, instead they run straight through the lily pad now, breaking and sometimes dropping it.
|When boats crash, they can now sometimes [[drops|drop]] themselves as [[item]]s.
|Boats are now less glitchy and more responsive now.
|The maximum speed of boats has been increased.
|When exiting, [[player]]s now move from the boat.
|When broken by a player, they [[drops|drop]] a boat now.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|[[File:Oak Boat JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Boats have been overhauled to match [[Pocket Edition v0.11.0 alpha|Pocket Edition Alpha 0.11.0]] boats.}}
{{History||xbox=TU57|xbone=CU49|ps=1.56|wiiu=Patch 27|switch=1.0.7|The [[crafting]] recipe of boats has been changed to require a wooden [[shovel]].}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Oak Boat JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE3 BE2.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all boats have been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Oak Boat JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>
[[File:Oak Boat (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Boat (item) JE1 BE2.png|32px]] Added boats.}}

==Issues ==
{{issue list}}

*[[Sand]], [[Sand|red sand]], [[Concrete Powder|concrete powder]], [[gravel]], [[anvil]]s, and [[Dragon Egg|dragon egg]]s drop as [[Item (entity)|items]] when they fall onto a boat that is in water.
*A [[chest]] is short enough that a boat falls onto it rather than crashes into it.
*{{IN|console}}, holding the movement stick to the side in a boat on [[Blue Ice|blue ice]] causes the player to spin quickly. If a passenger is in the boat while this occurs, when the player exits the boat after it reaches maximum velocity (attained after about three seconds), for most mobs, the mob's head may spin uncontrollably. For some mobs, however, nothing happens (such as [[slime]]s and [[ghast]]s). The mob may also get its head stuck at an angle. Thorough testing was done on Minecraft: Wii U Edition, although the glitch was originally discovered on the Xbox 360 Edition.

Oak Boat.png|Oak
Spruce Boat.png|Spruce
Birch Boat.png|Birch
Jungle Boat.png|Jungle
Acacia Boat.png|Acacia
Dark Oak Boat.png|Dark oak
Mangrove Boat.png|Mangrove
Cherry Boat.png|Cherry
Bamboo Raft.png|Bamboo raft
Oak Boat (item).png|Oak
Spruce Boat (item).png|Spruce
Birch Boat (item).png|Birch
Jungle Boat (item).png|Jungle
Acacia Boat (item).png|Acacia
Dark Oak Boat (item).png|Dark oak
Mangrove Boat (item).png|Mangrove
Cherry Boat (item).png|Cherry
Bamboo Raft (item).png|Bamboo raft

=== Screenshots ===
AllBoats.png|All types of boats next to each other.
Screenboat.png|The old boat floating.
BoatStackingFun.png|A bunch of pre-1.9 boats stacked up.
Boats boats boats boats!!.jpg|First image of boats in BE development.
I guess it's getting there.png|Second image of boats in BE development.
All aboard the hype boat!.png|Image of the completed Bedrock Edition boats.
Boatglitche.png|A trail of boats after a game crash while riding a boat.
BoatDock.png|A dock with many boats.
Minescape.png|A third-person perspective of a boat in [[Java Edition Alpha v1.0.6]].

=== Development Images ===
Jappa Boat.jpg|Jappa texturing a boat.
Nekofresa Making Bamboo Raft in Blockbench.png|Nekofresa making the bamboo raft in Blockbench.
Chiwi Boats 1.png|Boat item textures.
Chiwi Boats 2.png|Boat item textures.
Chiwi Boats 3.png|Boat item textures.
Chiwi Boats 4.png|Boat item textures.

=== Concept Art ===
Bamboo Raft Concept Art.png|Bamboo raft concept art.
Bamboo Raft and Raft with Chest Concept Art.png|Ditto.

=== Artwork ===
Sunny-boat.gif|Official artwork of [[Sunny]] riding a mangrove boat.
Mobile Adventure 640x960.png|Official artwork of [[Alex]] in a boat at sea with an [[Allay]].
File:Zuri Raft.jpg
Zuri on Bamboo Raft Pixel Art.png|Pixel art of [[Zuri]] on a bamboo raft with a baby [[panda]].
File:Cutout Blossom (Trails & Tales Event).png|Cutout of Zuri and [[Efe]] on bamboo rafts, featured in the [[Trails & Tales Event]].
File:This or That.jpg
File:Croc Ad 1.jpg|An oak boat as it appears in an advertisement for ''Crocs''.<ref> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/e1AJo7jU5MI</ref>

==See also==


== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--boat Taking Inventory: Boat] – Minecraft.net on October 4, 2019


[[zh:船]]</li><li>[[Map|Map]]<br/>{{about|the craftable map|maps showing the locations of certain structures|Explorer Map|other uses|Map (disambiguation)}}
| image = Map Zoom 4.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

A '''map''' is an [[item]] used to view explored [[Chunk|terrain]] and mark landmarks.

|A1= Paper
|B1= Paper
|C1= Paper
|A2= Paper
|B2= Compass
|C2= Paper
|A3= Paper
|B3= Paper
|C3= Paper
|Output= Empty Map
|type= Miscellaneous
|description=This variation is called an "empty locator map" {{in|bedrock}}, or an "empty map" {{in|java}}.

When the player first creates a map, it is blank. It needs to be activated by holding it and pressing ''{{Control|use item}}''. after which it records terrain and location markers as the player travels within (or close to) the area it maps.
|A1= Paper
|B1= Paper
|C1= Paper
|A2= Paper
|B2= Paper
|C2= Paper
|A3= Paper
|B3= Paper
|C3= Paper
|Output= Empty Map
|type= Miscellaneous

This variation is called an "empty map". It does not show location markers. It is intended for cloning and zooming locator maps without having to consume an additional [[compass]] (thereby saving [[iron ingot]]s and [[redstone dust]]), but it can also be {{Control|use|text=activated}} and later converted to a locator map by combining it with a compass on an [[anvil]], [[crafting table]], or [[cartography table]].

=== Natural generation ===
==== Chest loot ====

=== Cartography table ===
A map can also be created using a single paper on a [[cartography table]] to create an empty map, or a paper with a compass for an empty locator map.{{only|bedrock}}

=== Starting map ===
When creating a new world {{in|bedrock}}, the player can enable the "Starting Map" option to spawn with an empty locator map in the hotbar. The map's zoom scale is 1:8. The map is updated only while the player holds it.

=== Trading ===
Novice-level cartographer [[Villager|villagers]] sell a single empty map for 7 [[Emerald|emeralds]] as their trades.

{{IN|java}}, cartographer villagers may give players with the [[Hero of the Village]] effect an empty map.

== Usage ==
{{See also|Tutorials/Mapping}}

=== Mapping ===

Crafting a map creates an empty map. The map is drawn for the first time when it is held and used (with ''{{control|use item}}''). This map can then be adjusted to different zoom levels. After conversion to a drawn map item, it starts to draw a top-down view of the player's surroundings, with North pointing to the top of the map. A pointed oval pointer indicates the player's position on the map, and moves in real-time as the player moves across the terrain shown on the map. The map does ''not'' center on the player when created, rather, the world is broken up into large invisible grid squares, and the map displays the area of whichever grid square it is in when it is first used. For example, if a player uses a new map in a certain grid square, and then moves a distance away and uses another fresh map but is still within the same grid square, both maps appear identical. To make a map that is not identical to the first one, the player would have to move outside of the edges of the first map (because then they would be in a new grid square). This way, no two maps of the same size can ever partially overlap and every map can display only a fixed area.

To record the world on a map, that specific map must be held in the player's hands while the player moves around the world. The world is recorded as-is during exploration, meaning that if the world is modified, a player must revisit the area while holding the map to update the map's view. Maps can also be [[Map#Cloning|cloned]]. If a player holds a map whose one or more clones are on display in item frames, updates are made on all clone-connected maps. 

Other players are displayed on the map only if they have a map in their inventory cloned from the one being looked at. When placing a map into an [[item frame]], the map displays with a green pointer shown at the location of the item frame. This is to help the player see where they are in relation to the area that the map is showing. If the player leaves a map in an item frame and views a clone of it, the green pointer remains in the spot of the framed copy. This can be used to set up waypoints. Unexplored areas are transparent, making the item frame visible.

When the player leaves the area shown on a specific map, the player pointer transforms into a white dot that moves on that map. The marker shrinks to a smaller white dot if the player is far from the map's center: the area is 320 by 320 blocks per scale factor. The dot moves along the edge of the map to show the relative location of the player. However {{in|bedrock}}, the pointer remains as an arrow but shrinks until the player is near the area shown on the map.

While maps in [[the Nether]] work, they show only the red-and-gray pattern, regardless of the blocks placed. The only useful function is finding where the player is in relation to placed framed maps, which show as green pointers.  Additionally, the player pointer rapidly spins and is not a good indicator of direction. Placing a [[banner]] in [[the Nether]] still shows it on the map as usual.  Having a smaller map image while riding a [[strider]] in the Nether can help one to see one's footing while traveling over [[lava]].

{{IN|java}}, when using a map from another dimension, the map shows the player's position and direction when they were last in the dimension of the map. {{IN|bedrock}}, however, the player can use maps from one dimension while in another dimension. For locator maps, the place marker changes color depending on the dimension that the player is currently in (white for the Overworld, red for [[the Nether]], and magenta for [[the End]]). An Overworld map in the Nether shows the player's corresponding location and direction in the Overworld.<ref name=multiverse>{{ytl|EpP1diZdEdI}}</ref> Similarly, a Nether Map in the Overworld shows the player's corresponding location in the Overworld, but the place marker spins, just like a Nether map in the Nether. An Overworld map in the End shows the world spawn.<ref name=multiverse/> A Nether map cannot be used in the End — the map appears, but the place marker is not shown anywhere — and similarly, an End map cannot be used in the Overworld or the Nether.

A player can make a large piece of pixel art (128×128) facing upward, center a map on it, and place that map in an [[item frame]] to create a custom picture. Locking is recommended. See [[Map item format#Map Pixel Art]] for details on the techniques.

Maps display as a mini-map when held in the off-hand, or if the off-hand slot is occupied; the map is full-sized only when held in the dominant hand with both hands free.

A map always positions itself facing towards North when placed horizontally within an item frame regardless of how the map is placed.

=== Map content ===
{{Main|Map item format}}

Maps consist of square pixels arranged like pixels in a 128×128 square pattern, with each pixel representing a square portion of land. {{IN|java}}, the [[Map item format#Color table|color of a map pixel]] generally matches the color of the most common [[opaque]] block in the corresponding area, as seen from the sky. 'Minority blocks' in the target area have no effect on the color of the pixel, thus small features tend to be undetectable on zoomed-out maps.

{{IN|bedrock}}, the [[Map item format#Color table|color of a map pixel]] instead matches the single top-most opaque block in a grid sized by the map magnification pixel size (see the table in the "Player marker and pointer" section below). For example, a 3/4 magnification map has a pixel size of 8x8 blocks; this means the map will read only the top-most opaque blocks at the 0,0 coordinate, the 8,0 coordinate, the 0,8 coordinate, etcetera, ignoring all other blocks in the area. This means that {{in|bedrock}}, map pixel art requires only one block per pixel regardless of map magnification.

{{IN|bedrock}}, grass, foliage and water colors that are biome-dependent are represented accurately on a map.

{| class="wikitable"
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|je}}
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|be}}
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Map Zoom 4.png|alt=All banners marked on a map, alongside a named banner.|216px]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Map item BE.png|216px]]
| Biome colors on ''Java Edition''.
| Biome colors on ''Bedrock Edition''.

Maps also show ground up to about 15 blocks below the surface of the water in oceans as slightly lighter blue, to show where the ground rises. This is not true with land above water. Higher elevations in the world mean lighter colors on the map. The map records the surface even as the player moves below the surface.

A standard map represents 128x128 blocks (1 block per pixel, 8x8 [[chunks]]) but maps can be zoomed-out to represent up to 2048x2048 blocks (16 square blocks per pixel, 128x128 [[chunks]]).

Some relevant distances: 64 blocks (4 chunks) is the update radius from a player in the Overworld and the End. However, it is half this (32 blocks) in the Nether. Also, 1024 blocks is the minimum Overworld distance from a [[nether portal]], at which players can build another portal and expect to reach a new location in the Nether. This is the distance across a 1:8 map, and also from a 1:16 map's center to its edge.

=== Player marker and pointer ===
{{IN|java}}, every map contains a marker that marks the position of the player, and points in the same direction as the player. When a player moves out of a map, a big white dot appears and moves relative to the player's position. The pointer either disappears when the player moves away a certain distance from the border of the map or, in case of [[explorer map]]s, the big white dot changes to a smaller white dot. The distance required for the small white dot to appear(explorer maps) or for the big dot to vanish (normal maps) changes with the scaling of the map.
* '''Level 0/4 :''' 128×128 blocks (each map pixel represents 1 block)
* '''Level 1/4 :''' 256×256 blocks (2×2 blocks per map pixel)
* '''Level 2/4 :''' 512×512 blocks (4×4 blocks per map pixel)
* '''Level 3/4 :''' 1024×1024 blocks (8×8 blocks per map pixel)
* '''Level 4/4 :'''  2048×2048 blocks  (16×16 blocks per map pixel)
{{IN|bedrock}}, a map can be crafted with or without this marker, and a map without a position marker can add one later by adding a compass to the map.  When a map is crafted without a compass, it's simply called an "empty map", but when crafted with a compass, it's called an "empty locator map". The marker also turns red if the player enters the Nether with an Overworld map and shows the player's Overworld location relative to the Nether location. A map created in the End has a purple marker showing the player's location. If an Overworld map is used in the End, a magenta dot appears on the player's spawn point.{{/BE|position}}
|name=Map<br>(with marker)
|ingredients=[[Map]] or Empty Map +<br>[[Compass]]
|Map (no markers);Empty Map 
|Output= Locator Map;Empty Locator Map
|type= Miscellaneous
|description={{el|be}} only.
Maps crafted from only paper do not show the location marker; to add it, a compass must be added to the map.

{{IN|bedrock}}, a cartography table can also be used to add a pointer to create a locator map or empty locator map. This can be done by adding a compass to paper, or to an empty map or map.

=== Zooming out ===
[[File:Cartography table UI zoom.png|thumb|300px|{{IN|java}}, cartography table's UI, showing the map is being zoomed out.]]

A [[cartography table]] can also be used to zoom out, taking only one piece of paper per zoom level.

A blank map can not be zoomed out. A map has to have something already marked on it for the zooming to be possible.

  |A1= Paper |B1= Paper |C1= Paper
  |A2= Paper |B2= Map;Locator Map   |C2= Paper
  |A3= Paper |B3= Paper |C3= Paper
  |Output= Map;Locator Map
  |description=Locator Map {{el|be}} only.

==== Zoom details ====
The zooming function starts from when the map is created (zoom level 0) up to its fourth zoom step (zoom level 4).

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" data-description="Zoom levels"
! colspan="2" | 
! Zoom step 0  
! Zoom step 1  
! Zoom step 2  
! Zoom step 3  
! Zoom step 4
! colspan="2" |
| [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|116px|Zoom step 0, 1:1]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 1.png|116px|Zoom step 1, 1:2]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 2.png|116px|Zoom step 2, 1:4]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 3.png|116px|Zoom step 3, 1:8]]
| [[File:Map Zoom 4.png|116px|Zoom step 4, 1:16]]
! colspan="2" | Zoom level
| 0/4
| 1/4
| 2/4
| 3/4
| 4/4
! colspan="2" | 1 map pixel represents
| 1 block
| 2×2 blocks
| 4×4 blocks
| 8×8 blocks
| 16×16 blocks<br>(1×1 chunk)
! colspan="2" | Scaling ratio
| 1:1
| 1:2
| 1:4
| 1:8
| 1:16
! rowspan="2" colspan="2" | Map covers an area of
| 128×128 blocks
| 256×256 blocks
| 512×512 blocks
| 1024×1024 blocks
| 2048×2048 blocks
| 8×8 chunks
| 16×16 chunks
| 32×32 chunks
| 64×64 chunks
| 128×128 chunks
! colspan="2" | Smallest discernible features
| Blocks
| Trees, Paths
| Lakes, Buildings
| Mountains, Rivers
| Biomes, Mountain Ranges
! colspan="2" | Use cases
| Pixel art, Base plans
| Base surroundings
| Structure mapping
| Landscape mapping
| Biome mapping
! rowspan="2" | Total paper needed to zoom out from Level 0
! in anvil{{only|bedrock|short=1}} or crafting table
| -
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 8
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 16
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 24
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 32
! in cartography table
| -
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 1
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 2
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 3
| {{ItemSprite|Paper}} 4

Maps are always aligned to a grid at all zoom levels. That means zooming out any different map in a specific area covered by that map always has the same center. As such, maps are aligned by map width (1024 blocks for a level 3 maps) minus 64. A level 3 map generated at spawn covers X and Z coordinates from -64 to 959. All maps generated in this area zoom out to the same coordinates, guaranteeing that they are always 'aligned' on a map wall. For a zoomed-out map to cover a new area, it must start with a base (level 0) map that is in that area.

At zoom level 0, a map created on the point (0,0) has (0,0) at the center of the map. At higher zoom levels of the same map, the coordinate (0,0) is in the top left square of the map.

{{IN|java}}, zoom level can be seen on a map by turning on Advanced Tooltips (a [[Debug screen#More debug keys|debug screen]] option that can be toggled by using the key combination {{key|F3+H}}). The tooltip of the map then shows the zoom level, scaling factors, and map ID.

=== Cloning ===
[[File:Cartography table UI clone.png|thumb|300px|{{IN|Java}}, cartography table's UI, showing the map is being cloned.]]

A mix of empty maps and empty locator maps may be used. Whether the cloned maps show position markers is dependent only on the input map.

A [[cartography table]] can also be used to clone a map.

The parts of the world that have already been explored and mapped are copied, and newly explored areas appear on both instances. If one of the maps is later zoomed out, then the maps lose their connection to each other and function as completely separate maps that have to be individually filled by exploring.

In Creative mode, a map in an item frame may be cloned by using {{control|pick block}} on it, as long as that map is not also in the player's inventory.

It doesn't matter if the map to be cloned is at a higher zoom level (made of more paper) than the blank map. Upon copying the map, both resulting maps have the same magnification as the starting map.


=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|Map, Empty Map}}

=== Marking points ===
{{IN|java}} the player has the ability to mark spots on a map. To do this, {{control|use}} a map on a placed-down [[banner]], and the spot of the banner gets marked on the map. The mark takes the color of whatever the base color is for the banner, and if the banner has a name, the mark shows that name. Banner marks on a map are always oriented with their top facing north, regardless of the banner's actual orientation. If the banner is destroyed, the mark of the banner remains at first, but if the player gets closer to where the banner previously was, it disappears as the area is updated on the map.

If a map is mounted on an item frame and is within the area it depicts, the mounted map displays its current location with a green indicator rotated to match its orientation.

[[File:Map Marker Bedrock on Item frame.png|thumb|181x181px|{{IN|bedrock}} this is what a map lying on an item frame looks like, while showing markers.]]
{{IN|bedrock}} the player can place copies of locator maps in [[item frame]]s in order to create a land mark. The marker is a green dot that resembles the shape of the player's marker, but in green color. The position the marker points at depends on the direction the item frame is facing. It is worth noting that the markers work only on copies of the same map. Other maps of the same area do not show the existing markers that the player(s) had placed.

If a player has a cloned map in their inventory, their pointer appears white when viewed on the same map held by another player. Hence, if all players have the same cloned map in their inventory, all markers would appear white when the clone map is viewed. 

{| class="wikitable"
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|je}}
! style="width: 300px;" | {{el|be}}
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Banner marked map.png|alt=All banners marked on a map, alongside a named banner.|216px]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Tracking map with markers bedrock.png|216px]]
| How every banner appears {{IN|java}} on a map, including named banners.
| {{IN|bedrock}} this is how a locator map shows map markers while held by a player.

[[File:Cartography table UI lock.png|thumb|300px|{{IN|Java}}, cartography table's UI, showing the map is being locked.]]

Maps can be locked when using a [[glass pane]] in a [[cartography table]]. This creates a new map containing the same data and locks it. All copies of this new map are also locked. A locked map never changes, even when the depicted terrain changes. {{IN|Be}}, locked maps have a unique texture.

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
! Condition
! style="width: 200px;" | Newly created map
! style="width: 200px;" | Map after terrain alteration
! Unlocked map
| [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|174px]] || [[File:Unlocked Map.png|174px]]
! Locked map
| [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|174px]] || [[File:Map Zoom 0.png|174px]]


== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Map drawn
|description=When a map is drawn
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Map drawn
|description=When a map is edited using a cartography table

{{Sound table
|description=When a map is drawn<wbr>{{Upcoming|BE}}
|id=ui.cartography_table.take_result|idnote={{Verify|Could be block.cartography_table.use}}
{{Sound table
|description=When a map is edited using a cartography table

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Empty Map
{{ID table
|translationkey=item.minecraft.filled_map, filled_map.buried_treasure, filled_map.explorer_jungle{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.explorer_swamp{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.mansion, filled_map.monument, filled_map.unknown, filled_map.village_desert{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_plains{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_savanna{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_snowy{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}, filled_map.village_taiga{{upcoming|java 1.20.2}}

{{ID table
|displayname=Empty Map
|translationkey=item.emptyMap.name, item.emptyLocatorMap.name}}
{{ID table
|translationkey=item.map.name, item.map.exploration.mansion.name, item.map.exploration.monument.name, item.map.exploration.treasure.name

=== Metadata ===
{{see also|Bedrock Edition data values}}
{{IN|bedrock}}, maps use the following data values:


=== Item data ===
{{main|Player.dat format}}
<div class="treeview">
* {{nbt|compound|tag}}: The item's '''tag''' tag.

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].

=== Map icons ===
{{see also|Player.dat format|Map item format|map_icons.png}}
Map icons are 8×8 in ''Java Edition'', but 16×16 in Bedrock Edition. As such, there are minor misalignment issues in ''Java Edition''.<ref>{{bug|MC-214649|||WF}}</ref>
[[File:Map icons.png|thumb|128px|Map icons texture {{in|Java}}]]
[[File:Map icons BE.png|thumb|128px|Map icons texture {{in|Bedrock}}]]

{| class="wikitable"
! Java ID !! Bedrock ID !! Text ID !! Appearance !! Purpose !! Shown in item frames?
| 0 ||  ||<code>player</code> || [[File:Player (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Player (texture) BE2.png|16px]] White marker || Players (on map) || No
| 1 || 1 ||<code>frame</code> || [[File:Green Marker (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Green Marker (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Green marker || The current map in an item frame || Yes
| 2 ||  ||<code>red_marker</code> || [[File:Red Marker (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Red Marker (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Red marker || Position converted to Overworld when opening Overworld map in the Nether{{Only|bedrock}} || No
| 3 ||  ||<code>blue_marker</code> || [[File:Blue Marker (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Blue Marker (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Blue marker || Other players || No
| 4 ||  ||<code>target_x</code> || [[File:Target X (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] White X || Unused || Yes
| 5 ||5
|<code>target_point</code> || [[File:Target Point (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] [[File:Target Point (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Red triangle || Unused || Yes
| 6 || 6 ||<code>player_off_map</code> || [[File:Player Off Map (texture) JE1 BE1.png|16px]] Large white dot || Players off map, nearby{{only|java}} || No
| 7 || 13 ||<code>player_off_limits</code> || [[File:Player Off Limits (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Player Off Limits (texture) BE.png|16px]] Small white dot || Players off map, far away{{only|java}} || No
| 8 ||14
|<code>mansion</code> || [[File:Mansion (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Mansion (Texture) BE2.png|frameless|16x16px]] Woodland mansion || Woodland mansion || Yes
| 9 || 15 ||<code>monument</code> || [[File:Monument (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Monument Texture BE2.png|frameless|16x16px]] Ocean monument || Ocean monument || Yes
| 10 - 25 ||  ||<code>{{tooltip|banner_*|banner_white, banner_orange, banner_magenta, banner_light_blue, banner_yellow, banner_lime, banner_pink, banner_gray, banner_light_gray, banner_cyan, banner_purple, banner_blue, banner_brown, banner_green, banner_red, banner_black}}</code> || [[File:Banner White (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Light Gray (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Gray (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Black (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Brown (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Red (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Orange (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Yellow (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Lime (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Green (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Cyan (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Light Blue (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Blue (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Magenta (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Purple (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Banner Pink (texture) JE1.png|16px]]<br>Banners in all 16 wool colors{{only|java}}|| Banner markers || Yes
| 26 ||4
|<code>red_x</code> || [[File:Red X (texture) JE1.png|16px]] [[File:Target X (texture) BE2.png|16px]] Red X || Buried treasure || Yes
| || 8 || || [[File:Magenta Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Magenta marker
| Position converted to Overworld when opening Overworld map in the End{{Only|bedrock}} || No 
| || 9 || || [[File:Orange Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Orange marker{{more info}}
|Other players
| || 10 || || [[File:Yellow Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Yellow marker
| Other players || No
| || 11 || || [[File:Cyan Marker (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Cyan marker
| Other players || No
| -
| || [[File:Green Point (texture) BE1.png|16px]] Green Triangle
| Other structure such as stronghold, fortress, end city, etc. when used as explorer map destination{{Only|bedrock}} || Yes
It should be noted that even if the player used a NBT editor to add an additional icon on the map, ''Minecraft'' shows only the first one listed when the player loads up their world.

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Map Room}}

== History ==
{{see also|section=24|map_icons.png|Java Edition history of textures#Map icons}}
{{more images|section=24|{{bug|MC-72962}}}}
{{History||April 27, 2011|link=https://web.archive.org/web/0/http://notch.tumblr.com/post/4988431144/the-maps|[[Notch]] unveiled screenshots of the map.}}
{{History||April 28, 2011|link={{tweet|notch|63500114005721088}}|[[Notch]] said that he would try to make maps place-able on [[wall]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|[[File:Map (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added maps.}}
{{History||1.6.6|The ability to auto-craft maps using shift-click has been disabled.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Maps can now be found in library chests in the brand-new [[stronghold]]s.
|Auto crafting maps has been restored. Map cloning, therefore, is unavailable for a period of time.}}
{{History||1.8.1|Maps now work both while walking and flying.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|Prior to this update, the [[sun]] in ''[[Minecraft]]'' rose in the North, which threw off many [[player]]s and led to a common misconception that ''Minecraft'' maps/[[world]]s were oriented with East at the top. The sun now rises in the east and sets in the west, making navigation much more intuitive.
|Before the change in sun position, it was commonly said that ''Minecraft'' maps/worlds are oriented with East at the top; sunrise, by definition, occurs at the East, which means it is certainly true that the maps were oriented "East" since the Sun rose from the top (North). However, [[Jeb]] asserted (and [[Notch]] agreed) that the sun rose in the north.<ref>{{Tweet|jeb|87815841160237056}}</ref><ref>{{Tweet|notch|88155424880201728}}</ref> Most mods and map-making tools, however, used the terms East and North consistent with their actual definitions (e.g. a [[Programs and editors/Cartograph|Cartograph]]-generated map with North at the top is rotated 90 degrees from the in-game map).}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|[[File:Empty Map JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Crafting]] a map now creates an empty map. The map is drawn for the first time when it is held and right clicked, and is centered near the location of the [[player]] when clicked (not as before where it was centered on the location it was crafted.)
|Previously, in order to map a new area, the map had to be ''crafted'' in that area (rather than carrying a previously-crafted map to the new area). The point where a map is crafted becomes its permanent center, and could never be changed. 
|The pointer no longer disappears when leaving the map, but transforms into a white dot, indicating on what side of the map the player is located.
|Maps now align to a grid, making it easier to create adjacent maps.
|Maps can now be zoomed out (but not zoomed in).
|Maps can now be cloned and scaled.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34b|Maps now have a ''zoom level'', which was fixed at 1:8 prior to snapshot [[Java Edition 12w34a|12w34a]],<ref name="mapinfo">https://web.archive.org/web/0/http://notch.tumblr.com/post/4988431144/the-maps</ref> but  now starts at 1:1 and can be increased up to 1:16 by re-crafting an existing map.
|Maps are no longer numbered on the top-left corner and is labeled through the tooltip.}}
{{History|||snap=12w36a|New maps are now crafted at a scale factor of 1:1. A zoomed in map can be zoomed out by re-crafting it with another 8 sheets of [[paper]] on a [[crafting table]]. Each time this is done, the scale increases - 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16 with a map scale of 1:16 being the current maximum.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w38a|The map size has been increased when placed on a [[wall]] using the [[item frame]].
|More colors have been added to maps for different [[block]]s.<ref name="infodump2">https://web.archive.org/web/0/https://www.mojang.com/2013/10/minecraft-1-7-the-update-that-changed-the-world</ref>}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w31a|Zoomed maps now conform to an expanded grid based on their zoom level. Previously, careful considerations would need to be taken to creating a wall of adjoining maps.}}
{{History||1.8.1|snap=pre1|Some colors have been changed on maps to more accurately represent their respective [[block]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Maps now display as a mini-map when held in the off-hand, or if the off-hand slot is occupied; the (old) large version is visible only when held in the dominant hand with the secondary hand free.}}
{{History|||snap=15w34a|New maps can now be [[crafting|crafted]] at a scale factor of 1:4.
|A crafting recipe has been added for zooming in maps.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43a|The average yield of empty maps from [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s has been doubled.}}
{{History|||snap=15w45a|New maps are once again [[crafting|crafted]] at a scale factor of 1:1, as they had been before snapshot [[15w34a]].
|The [[crafting]] recipe, that was introduced in 15w34a, for zooming in maps has been removed.}}
{{History|||snap=15w49a|Map making now uses armor equipping sounds.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Maps now work in [[the End]].
|Empty maps are now [[trading|sold]] by cartographer [[villager]]s as their tier 3 [[trading|trade]].
|Added [[explorer map]]s, sold by cartographers as their tier 4 trades.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w17a|Maps now have separate colors for colored [[terracotta]] blocks from other colored blocks.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 358 and 395.
|Maps now use additional NBT to specify which map they contain. Prior to this version, they used the [[damage]] value instead.
|Map IDs are no longer limited to 32,768.}}
{{History|||snap=17w50a|Maps can now be placed on floor and ceiling [[item frame]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w10a|Spots on maps can now be marked using [[banner]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Empty maps can now generate in [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=pre7|Maps have been changed slightly, in regard to which [[block]]s are shown and which blocks are not.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Empty Map JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Map (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of maps have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Empty maps can now be found in chests in [[village]] cartographer houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w02a|Maps can now be cloned and zoomed out (extended) by using a [[cartography table]].
|Maps can now be locked by using a [[glass pane]] with a cartography table.
|The recipes for cloning and zooming out maps have been removed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w06a|Map making is now silent again.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Cartographer villagers now give empty maps to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w21a|Map making sounds are now the same as when using a cartography table.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Empty Map JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Map (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added maps.
|Maps are crafted using nine [[paper]], one for every slot of the [[crafting]] grid.
|Maps must be combined with a [[compass]] using an [[anvil]] in order to show the [[player]]'s position.
|Maps can be zoomed using an anvil.}}
{{History|||snap=build 3|New maps are now [[crafting|crafted]] at full zoom.
|Empty maps now have a "Create Map" button to initialize them.}}
{{History|||snap=build 7|New maps are now crafted at a scale factor of 1:1.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=unknown|Maps can now be crafted either with 8 pieces of [[paper]] and a [[compass]] ''or'' 9 pieces of paper, to get a map with or without a position marker.}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Different colors have been added to maps for different [[biome]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=?|[[Windows 10 Edition]] can now use the [[anvil]] as well as the [[crafting table]] to clone, zoom and apply markers, just as [[Pocket Edition]] in general could.
|Maps can now be found inside [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Empty maps with direction markers built-in are now called "locator maps".}}
{{History|||snap=alpha|"Locator maps" are now called "empty locator maps".
|Empty maps are now [[trading|sold]] by cartographer [[villager]]s for 7-11 [[emerald]]s as their tier 3 [[trading|trade]].}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Maps can now be found inside map room [[chest]]s in [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||?|The texture of the filled map overlay has been changed.}}
{{History||?|Maps now function in dimensions other than the dimension in which they were created.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Maps can now be found in cartographer house [[chest]]s in [[village]]s.
|[[File:Empty Map JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of empty maps has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Empty maps can now be created from 1 [[paper]] in [[cartography table]]s.
|Maps can now be zoomed, cloned, renamed, and have pointers added in cartography tables.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Cartographer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] empty map for an [[emerald]] as their first tier [[trading|trades]].
|Empty locator maps can now be [[trading|bought]] from cartographer villagers.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|[[File:Map (item) BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Locked Map (item) BE2.png|32px]] Filled maps and locked maps now have unique inventory icons.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Trading has been changed, novice-level cartographer now sell an empty map for 7 emeralds. Cartographer villager no longer sell empty locator map.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of maps have been changed from <code>emptymap</code> to <code>empty_map</code> and <code>map</code> to <code>filled_map</code>.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Map (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added maps. 
|The [[player]] spawns with a free map. 
|Maps are available only as zoom step 3 maps centered at coordinates 0,0. Biome colors do not appear on maps.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=none|Larger sized worlds on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch have zoom step 3 maps aligned to a grid with maps centered at 0, 1024, or 2048 on the X or Z coordinates.}}
{{History||xbox=TU21|xbone=CU9|ps=1.14|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Empty Map JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Crafting]] a map now produces an empty map.}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|The outer end islands appear on different maps; even on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Vita, and Wii U editions.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Empty Map JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Map (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of maps have been changed.}}
{{History||ps=1.91|Maps can now be created and used in [[cartography table]]s.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* Use of the {{key|F1}} key can allow the player to hold a map without blocking their view at all.
* In ''Java Edition'', a map created using {{cmd|give}} can be any map by using the Map parameter to specify the map number desired. E.g. {{cmd|give [player] minecraft:filled_map{map:5<nowiki>}}} gives the specified player map_5. If no data value is supplied it defaults to map_0. If map_0 has not ever been crafted, it is centered on x=0, z=0.
* The maps are stored separately as their own data (<code>.dat</code>) file as <code>map_x.dat</code> with (x) being the map number, see [[map item format]] for more info. By manipulating this number, players can organize their maps to suit them, or if they accidentally create a map in the same location, they can delete their extra map so as to save the number they make.
* Certain programs can be used to make customized maps with images or text on them instead of actual maps, many people use these in adventure maps to show pictures or to tell a story.
* Since all copies of a map are links to the same file, copying an unfinished map keeps it synchronized with the copy as the player fills it in. Thus, a copy stored in a chest can act as a remote backup.
* A map that is in an item frame does not update itself until a player picks it up, lets it reload, and places it back again. However, if a player holds a clone of the map, both maps update.
* Filled maps are the only items that make 90 degree rotations in item frames, and also the only items that can expand the item frame into full block wide.
* On [[Legacy Console Edition]], the player always spawns with a map in their inventory after creating a world. This was later added to Bedrock Edition as an optional feature in the world creation menu.
* Maps on Legacy Console Edition always show the player's current coordinates, as a substitute for the optional [[Coordinates|coordinate display]] in other editions.
* A map cannot be created on [[New Nintendo 3DS Edition]]. Instead, the map is always displayed on the bottom screen along with the coordinates. Biome colors do not appear on maps.

== Gallery ==
MapItem1.png|A fully zoomed map.
MapRotation.png|Having a map in hand does not stop the ability to see ahead.
MapItem3.png|A world being recorded onto a map.
Mcmap4.png|Nearly fully explored map.
Zoomed Map.png|A map edited to the scale of 1.
Sky Map.png|A map mapping the [[Sky Dimension]].
MapOfVillage.png|A village and how it is represented on a map.
Pumpkin map.png|A map containing a custom image made by placing a large number of blocks.
Complete Map.png|A completely explored map.
MapZooms.png|A diagram showing how maps zoomed out before [[Java Edition 1.8]]. Notice how the larger maps have borders made of half and quarter small maps.
Map18zooms.png|From 1.8, zoomed maps are aligned to this grid exactly.
Large Biome Map.png|A map of a [[Large Biomes]] world.
Map0140-0160.png|A comparison of maps between versions in Pocket Edition Alpha [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0|0.14.0]] and [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.16.0|0.16.0]].
Mycelium Map.png|A map view of a mushroom biome, showing that mycelium appears purple on a map.
MiniMap.png|Maps held in the off-hand or in either hand while [[dual wielding]] appear as mini-maps.
Partly filled treasure map.png|Partly filled treasure map with an odd area at the bottom left. Normally a partly filled map would look striped (as in the top left), but this map seems to be bugged and is possibly showing caves, or something, in the bottom left.
Partly filled ocean explorer map.png|Partly filled ocean explorer map. Updating the game from an older version (in this case the area was first generated before 1.18) and buying a map after updating (in this case in 1.19.4) can result in the map displaying rivers and terrain where there is really a frozen sea.
Map Stained Glass 1.png|Stained glasses' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Map Stained Glass 2.png|Stained glasses' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Map Various Blocks 1.png|Various blocks' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Map Various Blocks 2.png|Various blocks' appearances on maps before and after 1.13.
Better Together Map.jpg|Holding a map in the offhand in ''Bedrock Edition''.
Better Together Map Icon.jpg|Holding a map in both hands in ''Bedrock Edition''.
File:MapFailedtoFill.png|A map that has not yet filled. A rare bug in Java.

=== The Nether ===
Nethermap.png|A map in [[the Nether]].
Maponnether.png|A map in the Nether; the arrow turns around itself, like in [[compass]].

=== The End ===
Jeb End Map.png|The first image of a map in [[the End]].
Endmap.png|A map in the End.

=== Maps in item frames ===
FramedMap.png|A map displayed on an item frame, as it looked before [[Java Edition 1.7.2]].
Structure Map Collection.png|Multiple maps in item frames. Notice a [[village]], two [[desert temple]]s and a lava lake.
Minecraft maps 3by3.png|A collection of 9 connected full maps.
Full Map.png|A combination of 25 maps pasted together as one map.
Map wall BE.png|A map wall on ''Bedrock Edition'', showing large areas of biome colors for each biome.
Map's in item frames.png|Maps can be placed into [[item frame]]s so they can be viewed together.
Comparing Maps.png|The comparison between 3 zooms of maps.
SuperflatMap.png|A map in a [[Superflat]] world, with some [[village]]s.
MapWallWithMarkers.png|A 3x3 map wall with banner markers.
Map Player Icons 1.png|First image of player icons on maps.
Map Player Icons 2.png|Second image of player icons on maps.

== See also ==
* [[Explorer Map]]
* [[Clock]]
* [[Tutorials/Navigation|Navigation]]

== References ==


[[fr:Carte (objet)]]
[[hu:Térkép (tárgy)]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul></nowiki>
17w43aThe default resource pack can now be moved up and down, just like other resource packs.
17w48aChanged format number to 4, due to The Flattening. See Java Edition 1.13/Resource pack changes for the list of file names changed.
pre7Several punctuation characters in ascii.png were shortened by one pixel, either vertically or horizontally. A stray pixel on the Ø character was also removed.
pre8Several more punctuation characters in ascii.png were shortened and the @ was lowered by one pixel.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Gold Ingot|Gold Ingot]]<br/>{{About|the item|the ore|Gold Ore|the mineral block|Block of Gold|the nugget|Gold Nugget}}
| image = Gold Ingot.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

A '''gold ingot''' is a [[metal]] ingot used to craft various [[item]]s, and also used as currency for [[bartering]] with [[piglin]]s.

== Obtaining ==
Gold ingots are mainly obtained by smelting [[raw gold]], [[gold ore]] and [[nether gold ore]], or just mining nether gold ore, dropping gold nuggets. Gold generates more frequently in [[badlands]] biomes.

=== Crafting ===
|Block of Gold
|Output=Gold Ingot,9

|A1= Gold Nugget
|B1= Gold Nugget
|C1= Gold Nugget 
|A2= Gold Nugget
|B2= Gold Nugget
|C2= Gold Nugget 
|A3= Gold Nugget
|B3= Gold Nugget
|C3= Gold Nugget 
|Output= Gold Ingot
|type= Material

=== Smelting ===
{{see also|Gold Ore#Natural generation}}

|Gold Ore;Nether Gold Ore;Deepslate Gold Ore
|Gold Ingot

|Raw Gold
|Gold Ingot

=== Mob loot ===

[[Zombified piglin]]s have a 2.5% ({{frac|1|40}}) chance of dropping a gold ingot if killed by a player or tamed wolf. The chance is increased by 1% per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 5.5% with Looting III.

=== Chest loot ===

== Usage ==

=== Crafting ingredient===

As a material for weapons, tools, and armor, gold is not a straight upgrade from iron (except in the case of [[Horse Armor|horse armor]]). Gold has a higher mining speed and enchantability than any other material, but attack power and durability is less.

{{crafting usage}}

=== Trading ===

Apprentice-level cleric [[Villager|villagers]] buy 3 gold ingots for an [[emerald]] as part of their trade.

=== Repairing ===

Golden [[helmet]]s, [[chestplate]]s, [[leggings]], [[boots]], [[sword]]s, [[pickaxe]]s, [[axe]]s, [[hoe]]s and [[shovel]]s can be [[item repair|repaired]] with gold ingots in an [[anvil]].

=== Bartering ===
[[Piglin]]s throw the player [[Bartering#Mechanics|item(s)]] if the player throws or {{ctrl|uses}} a gold ingot on them.

=== Beacons ===

Gold ingots can be used to select powers from a [[beacon]]. The player must select one of the available powers, and then insert an ingot in the item slot. 

A gold ingot can be substituted for an [[iron ingot]] or [[netherite ingot]], an [[emerald]], or a [[diamond]].

=== Smithing ingredient ===
|ingredients=Any Armor Trim +<br/>Any Armor Piece + <br/>Gold Ingot
|Any Armor Trim Smithing Template
|Netherite Chestplate
|Gold Ingot
|Gold Trim Netherite Chestplate
|description = All armor types can be used in this recipe,<br/>a netherite chestplate is shown as an example.<br/>

;Trim color palette
The following color palettes are shown on the designs on trimmed armor:
*{{TrimPalette|gold ingot}}
*{{TrimPalette|gold ingot|darker=1}} (a darker color palette is used when a golden armor piece is trimmed using a gold ingot).

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Oooh, shiny!}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Oh Shiny}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Gold Ingot
|itemtags=beacon_payment_items, piglin_loved

{{ID table
|displayname=Gold Ingot

== History ==

{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20100128|[[File:Gold Ingot JE1.png|32px]] Added gold ingots.}}
{{History|||snap=20100129|[[File:Gold Ingot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of gold ingots has been changed.
|Gold ingots can be [[smelting|smelted]] from [[gold ore]] with [[flint and steel]] and [[drops|drop]] 3-5 gold ingots.
|Gold ingots can be used to craft [[gold block]]s.
|[[Gold block]]s now require 9 gold ingots (3×3) instead of 4 (2×2) to be [[crafting|crafted]], making them much more expensive.}}
{{History|||snap=20100130|Gold ingots can now be used to craft gold [[sword]]s, [[shovel]]s, [[pickaxe]]s and [[axe]]s.}}
{{History||20100206|Gold ingots are now used to [[crafting|craft]] gold [[hoe]]s.}}
{{History||?|Smelting gold ore now drops 1 gold ingot (down from 3-5).}}
{{History||20100218|Gold ingots are now used to craft gold [[helmet]]s, [[chestplate]]s, [[leggings]] and [[boots]].}}
{{history|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.2.0|snap=<nowiki>?|slink=:Category:Information needed requiring unarchived version|Gold ingots are now used to craft [[clock]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.5|Gold ingots are now used to craft [[powered rail]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Gold ingots can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] storerooms and [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Gold ingots can be crafted from [[gold nuggets]], which are dropped by [[Zombified Piglin|zombie pigmen]], making gold a [[renewable resource]].}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Gold ingots can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] altar [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|Gold ingots are now used to craft [[gold nugget]]s.}}
{{History||1.1|snap=12w01a|Gold ingots can now be found in [[village]] blacksmith chests.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w06a|Zombie pigmen now rarely drop gold ingots.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Added [[desert temple]]s, with a hidden [[chest]] room and loot containing gold ingots.
|All types of [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 8–9 gold ingots for 1 [[emerald]], as a fallback trade in case no trades were generated for that villager.}}
{{History|||snap=12w22a|Added [[jungle temple]]s, which contain loot chests with gold ingots.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w01a|Gold ingots are now used to craft light [[weighted pressure plate]]s.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|Gold ingot is now used to craft golden [[horse armor]].}}
{{History|||snap=13w18a|Gold ingot is no longer used to craft golden [[horse armor]].|Gold ingots are now found in [[nether fortress]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=13w23a|Gold ingots are now used to craft normal [[golden apple]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Trading]] has been changed: only cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 8–10 gold ingots for 1 [[emerald]], as a legitimate trade.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Gold ingots can now be found in [[end city]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=15w43a|The average yield of gold ingots in [[nether fortress]] chest has been decreased.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44a|The average yield of gold ingots in [[mineshaft]] and [[desert temple]] chests has been decreased.
|Gold ingots have been added to [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Gold ingots are now found in the new [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 266.}}
{{History|||snap=18w10a|Gold ingots now generate in [[buried treasure]] chests.}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Gold ingots can now be obtained as a [[drops|drop]] from [[drowned]].
|Gold ingots now generate in [[shipwreck]] chests.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Gold Ingot JE3.png|32px]] The texture of gold ingots has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|[[File:Gold Ingot JE4 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of gold ingots has been changed, once again.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Gold ingots now generate in chests in [[village]] toolsmith houses and temples.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|Gold ingots are now used to craft [[netherite ingot]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=20w07a|Gold ingots can now be used to [[bartering|barter]] with [[piglin]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=20w11a|Gold ingots can now be [[smelting|smelted]] from [[nether gold ore]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Gold ingots now generate in [[bastion remnants]] and [[ruined portal]] chests.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w30a|The average yield of gold ingots from bastion remnant chests has been slightly increased.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w05a|Drowneds no longer drop gold ingots, and instead drop [[copper ingot]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=21w08a|Gold ingots can now be smelted from [[deepslate gold ore]].}}
{{History|||snap=21w14a|Gold ingots can now be smelted from [[raw gold]].}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Gold ingots can now be used as an armor trim material.}}
{{History|||snap=23w05a|Gold ingots can now be trimmed with gold [[armor]].}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Gold Ingot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added gold ingots. They are currently unobtainable and serve no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.3.2|Gold ingots are now obtainable by [[smelting]] gold ore in a [[furnace]].
|Gold ingots can be used to craft [[blocks of gold]], gold [[pickaxe]]s, [[axe]]s, [[sword]]s and [[shovel]]s.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Gold ingots are now used to [[crafting|craft]] gold [[hoe]]s.}}
{{History||v0.6.0|Gold ingots are now used to craft gold [[armor]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Gold ingots are now used to craft [[clock]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=build 2|Gold ingots are now used to craft [[powered rail]]s.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Gold ingots can now be found in blacksmith [[chest]]s in [[village]]s, [[stronghold]] altar chests and [[dungeon]] chests.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Gold ingots are now used to craft [[gold nugget]]s and [[golden apple]]s.
|Gold ingots are now found in [[nether fortress]] chests.}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Gold ingots are now used to [[crafting|craft]] light [[weighted pressure plate]]s.
|Gold ingots now generate inside of hidden chest rooms in [[desert temple]]s.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Gold ingots are now found in [[minecart with chest]]s that generate in [[mineshaft]]s.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Gold ingots can now be found in [[jungle temple]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 4|Gold ingots can now be used to power [[beacon]]s.}}
{{History|pocket edition}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Gold ingots can now be found in [[end city]] ship chests and [[stronghold]] storerooms.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Added [[trading]], cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 8–10 gold ingots for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Gold ingots are now found in [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Added [[drowned]], which rarely [[drops|drop]] gold ingots.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Gold ingots can now be found inside [[buried treasure]] [[chest]]s and [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Gold ingots can now be found in [[plains]] [[village]] weaponsmith chests.
|[[File:Gold Ingot JE4 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of gold ingots has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Gold ingots can now be found in [[desert]] village temple [[chest]]s and village toolsmith chests.
|Gold ingots can now be found in [[savanna]], [[taiga]], [[snowy taiga]], [[snowy tundra]] and desert village weaponsmith chests.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 3 gold ingots for one [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Gold ingots are now used to craft [[netherite ingot]]s.
|Gold ingots can now be used to [[bartering|barter]] with [[piglin]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Gold ingots can now be [[smelting|smelted]] from [[nether gold ore]].
|Gold ingots now be found in [[ruined portal]] and [[bastion remnants]] chests.}}
{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|Gold ingots can no longer be obtained as a [[drops|drop]] from [[drowned]].}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Gold ingots can now be smelted from [[deepslate gold ore]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Gold ingots can now be smelted from [[raw gold]].}}
{{History||1.19.80|snap=beta|Gold ingots can now be used as an armor trim material.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Gold Ingot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added gold ingots.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Gold Ingot JE4 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of gold ingots has been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Gold Ingot JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added gold ingots.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==

*Gold ingots are the only ingots in the game used alongside another [[item]] to [[crafting|craft]] another type of ingot; in this case, it is used with [[netherite scrap]] to craft a [[netherite ingot]].

== See also ==

*{{BlockLink|Block of Gold}}
*{{ItemSprite|Golden Chestplate}} [[Golden Armor]]
*{{ItemLink|Gold Nugget}}
*{{BlockLink|Gold Ore}}


[[cs:Zlatý ingot]]
[[es:Lingote de oro]]
[[fr:Lingot d'or]]
[[pl:Sztabka złota]]
[[pt:Barra de ouro]]
[[ru:Золотой слиток]]
[[uk:Золотий зливок]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[:Category:Minecraft: Story Mode items|Category:Minecraft: Story Mode items]]<br/>[[Category:Minecraft: Story Mode]]
18w45aAdded "Programmer Art – The classic look of Minecraft" to the resource pack menu, due to the old textures being replaced by new ones in the Texture Update.
19w06aSignificantly improved resource pack loading speed.[8]
Particles textures are now split into individual files.
19w07aPainting textures are now split into individual files.
19w08aStatus effect textures are now split into individual files.
19w09aParticles are now configurable.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Bleach|Bleach]]<br/>{{education feature}}
| image = Bleach.png
| renewable = No
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Bleach''' is an [[item]] used to [[dye]] things white. It is a [[compound]], as it is made using a [[lab table]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Lab Table ===

Bleach is not obtainable in the [[creative inventory]] or {{cmd|give}}. The only way to obtain it is using a [[lab table]].

{| class="wikitable"
! Result
! Materials Needed
|{{slot|Water (compound)|link=Compound}}{{slot|Water (compound)|link=Compound}}{{slot|Water (compound)|link=Compound}}{{slot|Sodium Hypochlorite|link=Compound}}{{slot|Sodium Hypochlorite|link=Compound}}{{slot|Sodium Hypochlorite|link=Compound}}
|<center>[[Water (compound)|Water]] x3, [[Compound|Sodium Hypochlorite]] x3</center>

== Usage ==
=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|description=When bleach is created by a lab table

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

== History ==
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|[[File:Bleach BE1.png|32px]] Added bleach.}}

{{History||1.0.27|[[File:Bleach BE1.png|32px]] Added bleach.}}

== Trivia ==
*[[File:Bleach (compound).png|32px]] There is an [[History of textures/Unused textures#Unused compounds|unused bleach texture]] in the compounds folder of the chemistry resource pack, which is slightly different from the one used in the game.

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

{{Education Edition}}

[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]
[[Category:Education Edition items]]

| image = Paper.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Paper''' is an item crafted from [[sugar cane]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Chest loot ===


=== Crafting ===

|A2= Sugar Cane |B2= Sugar Cane |C2= Sugar Cane
|Output= Paper,3
|type= Miscellaneous

=== Villagers ===
{{IN|java}}, cartographer [[Villager|villagers]] may give paper to players with the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.

== Usage ==

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Anvil usage ===


=== Trading ===

{{IN|bedrock}}, novice-level librarian and cartographer villagers buy 24 paper for an [[emerald]] as part of their trades.

{{IN|java}}, novice-level cartographer villagers always offer to buy 24 paper for an emerald, while novice-level librarians have a {{frac|2|3}} chance of offering the same trade.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table


{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.11|[[File:Paper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paper, which can be used to craft [[book]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|Paper can now be used to craft [[map]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Paper can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Paper can now be [[trading|sold]] to librarian [[villager]]s, at 24–35 paper for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Paper can now be used to craft an empty [[map]].
|Maps start out at their closest zoom level and can be extended by adding more paper.}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Paper can now be used to craft [[firework rocket]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Trading]] has been changed: librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 24–46 paper for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|The average yield of paper from [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s has more than doubled.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Added cartographer [[villager]]s, which [[trading|buy]] paper as their tier 1 trade.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 339.}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Paper now generates in the [[chest]]s of some [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Paper JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of paper has now been changed.
|Paper can now be used to craft [[banner pattern]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Paper can now be found in chests in [[village]] cartographer houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w02a|Paper can now be used to craft a [[cartography table]].}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Cartographer villagers now give paper to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Paper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paper. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}
{{History||v0.3.0|Paper is now [[craft]]able, and can be used to craft [[book]]s.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Paper can now be used to craft empty [[map]]s and empty locator maps.
|Paper can now be used to zoom in maps, using [[anvil]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=?|The [[Windows 10 Edition]] can now use the [[anvil]], as well as the [[crafting table]], to zoom in [[map]]s, just as [[Pocket Edition]] in general can.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 24–36 paper for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Added cartographer villagers, which [[trading|buy]] 24–36 paper as their tier 1 trade.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Paper can now be used to craft [[firework rocket]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Paper can now be found inside [[chest]]s of some [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Paper JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of paper has now been changed.
|Paper can now be found in cartographer house chests in [[village]]s.
|Paper can now be used to craft [[banner pattern]]s and [[cartography table]]s.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Librarian and cartographer villagers now buy 24 paper for an [[emerald]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Paper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paper.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Paper JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of paper has now been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Paper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paper.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== References ==

==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/paper Taking Inventory: Paper] – Minecraft.net on August 4, 2023


[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul>
Pre-release 1Changed format number to 5, due to texture mechanic changes in earlier snapshots.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Painting|Painting]]<br/>{{ItemEntity
|image=Painting JE2 BE2.png
|extratext=View [[#Renders|all renders]]
|stackable=Yes (64)
|drops=1 {{ItemLink|Painting}}
'''Paintings''' are decorative [[entity|entities]] that hang on walls.

== Obtaining ==
=== Crafting ===
|A1= Stick |B1= Stick    |C1= Stick
|A2= Stick |B2= Any Wool |C2= Stick
|A3= Stick |B3= Stick    |C3= Stick
|Output= Painting
|type= Decoration block

Paintings can be crafted with any color of [[wool]]. The color of the wool used does not influence the picture chosen when the painting is placed.
Once placed, it displays a random painting.

=== Breaking ===
To remove a painting from a wall, the player can {{control|attack}} it, break one of its supporting blocks, cover one square of it with a block, hit it with an arrow, egg, ender pearl, snowball, or fire charge, or subject it to an explosion. The painting then drops as an item. Arrows that hit paintings disappear.

=== Trading ===
Master-level shepherd [[villager]]s sell 3 paintings for 2 [[emerald]]s.

== Usage ==
=== Placement ===
Paintings can be placed on the sides of [[solid block]]s, [[sign]]s, [[banner]]s, or [[sculk vein]]s. A small gap is visible between the painting and attachment surface. There are several different sizes of paintings (see below). When placed, a painting checks for the largest amount of space it has. It then chooses a random painting of that size. The player can add blocks around the painting to ensure it is the size wanted. When the supporting blocks are removed, the painting breaks after 20 game [[tick]]s (1 second) if no supporting blocks are replaced during that interval.

=== Properties ===
Being an entity, paintings can simultaneously exist in the same space as blocks such as water or torches. Specifically, they can share the space with any block whose collision box does not intersect its hitbox.

Players and mobs are able to walk through paintings, as long as the blocks supporting the painting allow it. Secret doorways can be created this way. [[Light]] propagates through paintings as well.

If a player is concealed behind a painting, the player's name is also concealed from other players.{{verify|Is this true in Bedrock?}}

Paintings are non-flammable.

== Canvases ==
{{Stub|Needing the new painting renders}}
There are 31 paintings in the game. These are mostly based on paintings by [[Kristoffer Zetterstrand]], who also created the ''Minecraft'' versions.

{| class="wikitable stikitable" style="text-align: center" data-description="Paintings"
! style="min-width:150px" |Canvas
! style="min-width:3em;max-width:4em" |Size
! style="min-width:3em" |Original
! style="min-width:3em" |Name
! style="min-width:3em;max-width:4.5em" |[[Resource location]]
! style="min-width:10em" |Description
! Java Edition version added
! [[File:Alban (texture).png|64px]]
| rowspan="7" | 1×1 blocks<br>16×16 pixels || [https://zetterstrand.com/work/pictures/archive/alban.jpeg "Albanian"] || Albanian || <code>alban</code> || A man wearing a fez next to a house and a bush. As the name of the painting suggests, it may be a landscape in [[Wikipedia:Albania|Albania]]. || rowspan="9" | [[Indev 20100223]]
! [[File:Aztec (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/2aztbig.jpg "de_aztec"]|| de_aztec || <code>aztec</code> || [[Wikipedia:Noclip mode|Free-look]] perspective of the map [[w:c:counterstrike:Aztec|de_aztec]] from the video game ''[[Wikipedia:Counter-Strike (video game)|Counter-Strike]]''. 
! [[File:Aztec2 (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/11aztec_for_print.jpg "de_aztec"]|| de_aztec || <code>aztec2</code> || [[Wikipedia:Noclip mode|Free-look]] perspective of the map [[w:c:counterstrike:Aztec|de_aztec]] from the video game ''[[Wikipedia:Counter-Strike (video game)|Counter-Strike]]''. 
! [[File:Bomb (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/12bomb.jpg "Target successfully bombed"]|| Target Successfully Bombed || <code>bomb</code> || The map [[w:c:counterstrike:Dust II|de_dust2]] from the video game ''[[Wikipedia:Counter-Strike (video game)|Counter-Strike]]'', named “target successfully bombed" in reference to the game. 
! [[File:Kebab (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/work/pictures/archive/kebab2.jpg "Kebab med tre pepperoni"] || Kebab med tre pepperoni || <code>kebab</code> || A kebab with three green chili peppers. 
! [[File:Plant (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/work/pictures/archive/paradistrad.jpeg "Paradisträd"] || Paradisträd || <code>plant</code> || Still life of two plants in pots. "Paradisträd" is Swedish for "[[Wikipedia:Crassula ovata|money tree]]", which is a common name for the depicted species in Scandinavia. 
! [[File:Wasteland (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/Wasteland_1920.jpg "Wasteland"]|| Wasteland || <code>wasteland</code> || A view of some wastelands; a small animal (presumably a rabbit) is sitting on the window ledge. 
! [[File:Courbet (texture).png|128px]]
| rowspan="5" | 2×1 blocks<br>32×16 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/bonjourmonsieurcourbet_BIG.jpg "Bonjour monsieur Courbet"]|| Bonjour Monsieur Courbet || <code>courbet</code> || Two hikers with pointy beards seemingly greeting each other. Based on Gustave Courbet's painting ''[[Wikipedia:La rencontre|The Meeting or "Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet"]]''. 
! [[File:Pool (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/thepool_1920.jpg "The pool"]|| The Pool || <code>pool</code> || Some men and women skinny-dipping in a pool over a cube of sorts. Also there is an old man resting in the lower-right edge. 
! [[File:Sea (texture).png|128px]]
| rowspan=2 |[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/SeaSide_1920.jpg "Seaside"]
| Seaside
| <code>sea</code>
| Mountains and a lake, with a small photo of a mountain and a bright-colored plant on the window ledge. || [[Indev 20100223]] / [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Creebet (texture).png|128px]]
| Creebet || <code>creebet</code> || Mountains and a lake, with a small photo of a mountain and a creeper looking at the viewer through a window. || [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Sunset (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/sunset_dense.jpg "sunset_dense"]|| sunset_dense || <code>sunset</code> || A view of mountains at sunset. || [[Indev 20100223]]
! [[File:Graham (texture).png|64px]]
| rowspan="2" | 1×2 blocks<br>16×32 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/graham.jpg "Graham"]|| Graham || <code>graham</code> || King Graham, the player character in the video game series ''[[Wikipedia:King's Quest|King's Quest]]''. The original is based on ''[[Wikipedia:File:Sánchez_Cotán_(Bodegón_con_membrillo,_repollo,_melón_y_pepino).jpg|Still Life with Quince, Cabbage, Melon, and Cucumber]]'' by Juan Sánchez Cotán.|| [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Wanderer (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/wanderer_1920.jpg "Wanderer"]|| Wanderer || <code>wanderer</code> || A version of Caspar David Friedrich's famous painting ''[[Wikipedia:Wanderer above the Sea of Fog|Wanderer above the Sea of Fog]]''. || rowspan="4" | [[Indev 20100223]]
! [[File:Bust (texture).png|128px]]
| rowspan="6" | 2×2 blocks<br>32×32 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/bust_1915.jpg "Bust"]|| Bust || <code>bust</code> || A bust of [[Wikipedia:Marcus Aurelius|Marcus Aurelius]] surrounded by fire. 
! [[File:Match (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/Match_rgb_1918.jpg "Match"]|| Match || <code>match</code> || A hand holding a match, causing fire on a white cubic gas fireplace. 
! [[File:Skull and Roses (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/moonlight-installation_1920.jpg "Moonlight Installation"]|| Skull and Roses || <code>skull_and_roses</code> || A skeleton at night with red flowers in the foreground. The original painting was different, depicting a woman sitting in a couch, while the skull is in the middle of a body of glacial water of sorts. 
! [[File:Stage (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/The-stage-is-set-1.jpg "The stage is set"]
| The Stage Is Set
| <code>stage</code>
| Scenery from ''[[Wikipedia:Space Quest I|Space Quest I]]'', with the character Graham from the video game series ''[[Wikipedia:King's Quest|King's Quest]]'' appearing twice. || [[Indev 20100223]] / [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Void (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/the-void_1920.jpg "The Void"]|| The void || <code>void</code> || An angel praying into a void with fire below. || [[Indev 20100223]]
! [[File:Wither (painting texture).png‎|128px]]
| – || Wither || <code>wither</code> || The creation of a [[wither]]. 
This is the only painting not based on a real painting. Made by Jens Bergensten.<ref>{{Citation|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK5Y4k-vVXc|title=Who Made Minecraft’s LAST Painting?!|author=AntVenom|website=YouTube|date=29 October 2022}}</ref><ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1tzav2/comment/cedagcy/</ref>
|| [[Java Edition 1.4.2]] ([[12w36a]])
! [[File:Fighters (texture).png|128px]]
| 4×2 blocks<br>64×32 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/fighters.jpg "Fighters"]|| Fighters || <code>fighters</code> || Two men poised to fight. Paper versions of fighters from the game ''[[Wikipedia:International Karate +|International Karate +]]''. || [[Indev 20100223]]
! [[File:Donkey Kong (texture).png|128px]]
| rowspan="2" | 4×3 blocks<br>64×48 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/kong.jpg "Kong"]|| Kong || <code>donkey_kong</code> || A paper-looking screenshot of the level [https://www.mariowiki.com/100m 100m] from the arcade game ''[[Wikipedia:Donkey Kong (arcade game)|Donkey Kong]]''. || rowspan="2" | [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Skeleton (painting texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/mortal_coil.jpg "Mortal Coil"]|| Mortal Coil || <code>skeleton</code> || [[w:c:grim-fandango:Bruno Martinez|Bruno Martinez]] from the adventure game ''[[Wikipedia:Grim Fandango|Grim Fandango]]''. 
! [[File:Burning Skull (texture).png‎|128px]]
| rowspan="3" | 4×4 blocks<br>64×64 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/skull_on_fire_framed_c_1910.jpg "Skull on Fire"]|| Skull On Fire || <code>burning_skull</code> || A Skull on fire; in the background there is a moon in a clear night sky.<br>This painting is based on a Minecraft screenshot,<ref>{{Citation|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220928041338/https://imgur.com/HVhrbnH|website=Imgur|date=22 August 2020|title=https://web.archive.org/web/20220928041338/https://imgur.com/HVhrbnH}}</ref> with the grass block and a 3D skull added on top.<ref>{{Citation|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200906184721/https://imgur.com/AwqQFS6|title=https://web.archive.org/web/20200906184721/https://imgur.com/AwqQFS6|website=Imgur|date=23 August 2020}}</ref>
(See the [[:en:Painting#Trivia|trivia]] section for more info.)
| [[Java Edition Beta 1.2 01|Beta 1.2_01]] / [[Java Edition Beta 1.3|Beta 1.3]]
! [[File:Pigscene (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/rgb_1914.jpg "RGB"]|| Pigscene || <code>pigscene</code> <!-- yes, without an underscore --> || A girl pointing to a pig on a canvas. In the original version, the canvas showed red, green and blue blocks, representing the three colors of the [[Wikipedia:RGB color model|RGB color model]] that is typically used by computer displays. It is based on the painting ''[[Wikipedia:File:Jacob van Oost (I) - The Artist's Studio - WGA16654.jpg|The Artist's Studio]]'' by Jacob van Oost.|| [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Pointer (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/pointer_1920.jpg "Pointer"]|| Pointer || <code>pointer</code> || The main character of the game ''[[Wikipedia:International Karate +|International Karate +]]'' in a fighting stance touching a large hand. It could also be interpreted as a play on Michelangelo's famous painting ''[[Wikipedia:The Creation of Adam|The Creation of Adam]]''. || [[Indev 20100223]]
! TBA || 
Pack || <code>pack</code> || Reference to the pack.png fi || [[Java Edition 1.21]]le

=== Unused paintings ===
In [[Pocket Edition v0.5.0 alpha|v0.5.0 alpha]], with the addition of paintings to Pocket Edition, four unused 32×32 paintings were present in <samp>[[kz.png]]</samp> which remained unused. See {{slink|Bedrock Edition unused features|Paintings}} for more information. They were also added to Java Edition in snapshot [[Java Edition 22w16a|22w16a]]. They cannot be placed by default, but can be summoned by [[commands]] (such as {{cmd|/summon painting ~ ~ ~ {variant:"water"} }}) or through a [[datapack]].

According to [[Helen Zbihlyj]],<ref>https://old.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/u8hpnx/thoughts_on_the_new_paintings/i5olue6/?context=3 ([https://web.archive.org/web/20220422115723/https://old.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/u8hpnx/thoughts_on_the_new_paintings/i5olue6/?context=3 archived])</ref> these paintings were originally added "as part of a Pocket Edition promo map" (no footage found) which was planned to be a part of [[Pocket Edition]] promotion at [[MINECON 2012]] [[MINECON 2013|or 2013]] and have never been used in game. The artist of these paintings remains unknown.

{| class="wikitable stikitable" style="text-align: center" data-description="Paintings"
! style="min-width:100px" |Canvas
! style="min-width:3em;max-width:4em" |Size
! style="min-width:6em" |Name
! style="min-width:10em" |[[Resource location]]
! style="min-width:10em" |Description
! style="min-width:5em;max-width:10em" |Bedrock Edition version added
! style="min-width:5em;max-width:8em" |Java Edition version added
! [[File:Earth (texture) BE2.png|128px]]
| rowspan="4" | 2×2 blocks<br>32×32 pixels || Earth || <code>earth</code> || One of the four {{Wikipedia|Classical element|classical elements}}: Earth. || rowspan="4" | [[Pocket Edition v0.5.0 alpha|v0.5.0 alpha]] || rowspan="4" | [[Java Edition 22w16a|22w16a]]
! [[File:Fire (texture) BE2.png|128px]]
| Fire || <code>fire</code> || One of the four classical elements: Fire. 
! [[File:Water (texture) BE2.png|128px]]
| Water || <code>water</code> || One of the four classical elements: Water. 
! [[File:Wind (texture) BE2.png|128px]]
| Wind || <code>wind</code> || One of the four classical elements: Air. 

{{Sound table
|sound=Painting break1.ogg
|sound2=Painting break2.ogg
|sound3=Painting break3.ogg
|subtitle=Painting breaks<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|194948|Painting, item frame and lead breaking subtitles inconsistent with block breaking subtitle|date=July 14, 2020}}</ref>
|description=When a painting is broken or pops off
{{Sound table
|sound=Painting place1.ogg
|sound2=Painting place2.ogg
|sound3=Painting place3.ogg
|sound4=Painting place4.ogg
|subtitle=Painting placed
|description=When a painting is placed

{{Sound table
|sound=Item Frame break1.ogg
|sound2=Item Frame break2.ogg
|sound3=Item Frame break3.ogg
|description=When a painting is broken or pops off
{{Sound table
|sound=Item Frame add item1.ogg
|sound2=Item Frame add item2.ogg
|soumd3=Item Frame add item3.ogg
|sound4=Item Frame add item4.ogg
|description=When a painting is placed

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
{{ID table

{{ID table
{{ID table

=== Entity data ===

Paintings have entity data that defines various properties of the entity.

{{main|Entity format}}

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].

== Video ==
<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|M3vWDirTMek}}</div>

== History ==
{{History|java indev}}
{{History||20100223|[[File:Painting JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paintings.
|There are currently 19 canvases, which can be viewed at [[Java Edition history of textures/Paintings]].
|The [[crafting]] recipe of paintings uses eight [[planks]].
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed"
! Recipe
{{Crafting Table
  |A1=Oak Planks
  |B1=Oak Planks
  |C1=Oak Planks
  |A2=Oak Planks
  |B2=Light Gray Wool
  |C2=Oak Planks
  |A3=Oak Planks
  |B3=Oak Planks
  |C3=Oak Planks
|Painting textures are currently stored on a [[texture atlas]] called <samp>[[kz.png]]</samp>.}}
{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100227-1|The [[crafting]] recipe has of paintings has been changed, so that it now uses [[stick]]s, rather than [[planks]].
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed"
! Recipe
{{Crafting Table
  |B2=Light Gray Wool
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.1.1|Added five more painting canvases, for a total of 24.
|The textures of two paintings have been changed.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2_01|Added a new painting, although it uses an untextured part of <samp>kz.png</samp> due to the painting texture not yet being implemented.}}
{{History||1.3|The texture of the new painting, has been added to the part of <samp>kz.png</samp> displayed by the new painting.}}
{{History||April 27, 2011|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20201111211000/https://notch.tumblr.com/post/4988431144/the-maps|Custom paintings are mentioned by [[Notch]].}}
{{History||1.7.3|Paintings pushed by [[piston]]s now pop off.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w36a|Added new painting canvas 'Wither'.
|Paintings can now be placed overlapping one another.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w10a|Paintings can no longer be placed directly inside of each other.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w49a|Paintings can no longer be destroyed by [[lightning]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w50a|Added [[sound]]s for placing and breaking paintings: <code>entity.painting.place</code> and <code>entity.painting.break</code>.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The [[entity]] ID for paintings has been changed from <code>Painting</code> to <code>painting</code>.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w06a|Paintings now have a more intuitive placement system. When placed, a painting always uses the maximum possible amount of available space.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 321.}}
{{History|||snap=18w02a|Paintings now use a [[resource location]] for their motive.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Painting JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The [[item]] texture of paintings has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w07a|Paintings are now stored as individual image files instead of parts of a single large image file, and now support animations.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Shepherd [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] paintings.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w11a|The painting back texture has been updated to be in line with the texture update.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w16a|Added the four unused paintings from Bedrock Edition: "Earth", "Wind", "Fire", and "Water".|These paintings can only be added through a [[data pack]], or with the {{cmd|summon}} command.}}
{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w06a|Added [[painting]] variants to "Functional Blocks" tab.|Paintings with pre-defined variant will now display author, title and size in description when hovered over.|The "Operator Utilities" tab now contains the four paintings that are not available in Survival mode.}}
{{History||1.21|snap=TBA|Added 5 new paintings, one 1x1, one 2x1, one 2x2, one 3x2 and one 4x4}}


{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.5.0|[[File:Painting JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paintings.
|There are currently 25 canvases, which can be viewed at [[Bedrock Edition history of textures/Paintings]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 3|A new painting rendering has been added.{{info needed|What exactly changed?}}}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Paintings are no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Paintings now have [[sound]]s when placed and broken.}}
{{History||1.0.7|Added new painting canvas 'Wither'.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Painting JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The [[item]] texture of paintings has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Paintings can now be [[trading|bought]] from shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|The painting back texture has been updated to be in line with the texture update.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Painting JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paintings.
|There are currently 25 canvases, which can be viewed at [[Legacy Console Edition history of textures/Paintings]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU11|The limit for paintings in a world has been increased. 
|A message is now displayed when the maximum paintings are reached.}}
{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.04|Added new painting canvas 'Wither'.}}
{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|Added [[sound]]s for paintings.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Painting JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The [[item]] texture of paintings has been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Painting JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paintings.
|There are currently 25 canvases, which can be viewed at [[New Nintendo 3DS Edition history of textures/Paintings]].}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* On April 26, 2011, Notch stated that the automapping code can be used to share custom paintings and books in the future.<ref>{{tweet|notch|62970142207913984|The auto mapping code can be used to share custom paintings and books in the future. There's a hard cap on 65536 of each/world, though|April 26, 2011}}</ref>
* The texture on the back of a painting is the same as the wooden planks texture, but with a yellowish color similar to that of [[chests]] (but slightly darker).
* The "Skull on Fire" painting contains a Minecraft world in the background, which is based on a screenshot taken by the artist in [[Java Edition Alpha v1.1.2 01|Alpha 1.1.2_01]] (or earlier) on October 12, 2010, at 13:22:49 (UTC+2).<ref>{{cite|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220928041338/https://imgur.com/HVhrbnH|title=The original (never publicly shared before) screenshot that Kristoffer Zetterstrand took and based his painting on.|website=Imgur}}</ref>
**The seeds for this world are -1044887956651363087 and -6984854390176336655 (both are the same), standing at X=-249.65, Y=91, Z=-29.04.<ref>https://pastebin.com/fzAY9ES4</ref><ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/iqg3ey/the_original_screenshot_seed_of_the_minecraft/</ref>
* The "Skull on Fire" painting's texture was added in [[Java Edition Beta 1.3|Beta 1.3]]. However, the code for paintings to randomly display the part of the [[Kz.png]] texture that was to be occupied by the Burning Skull painting was added earlier, in [[Java Edition Beta 1.2_01|Beta 1.2_01]]. As there was nothing on this part of the texture except for a purple background grid, this is what would be displayed if the painting was randomly chosen, until the Burning Skull painting texture was actually added.
* The original "Skull on Fire" painting was given to the winner of an official texture pack competition by Mojang.<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20110110003612/http://www.webhallen.com:80/minecraft/</ref>

== Gallery ==
File:Notch Painting Screenshot.png|The first image of paintings released by [[Notch]].
File:Skull on Fire world.jpg|The original screenshot behind the "Skull on Fire" painting.
File:Burning Skull Render.jpg|A render of the "Skull on Fire" painting that [[Kristoffer Zetterstrand]] used as a reference image.
File:Skull on Fire IRL.jpg|The original "Skull on Fire" painting being painted.
File:Burning Skull JE1.png|The "Skull on Fire" painting as it appeared between versions [[Java Edition Beta 1.2_01|Beta 1.2_01]] and [[Java Edition Beta 1.2_02|Beta 1.2_02]], prior to its texture being added in [[Java Edition Beta 1.3|Beta 1.3]].

=== Renders ===
Alban.png | Albanian
Aztec.png | de_aztec
Aztec2.png | de_aztec
Bomb.png | Target Successfully Bombed
Kebab.png | Kebab med tre pepperoni
Plant.png | Paradisträd
Wasteland.png | Wasteland
Courbet.png | Bonjour Monsieur Courbet
Creebet.png | Creebet
Pool.png | The Pool
Sea.png | Seaside
Sunset.png | sunset_dense
Graham.png | Graham
Wanderer.png | Wanderer
Bust.png | Bust
Match.png | Match
Skull and Roses.png | Skull and Roses
Stage.png | The Stage Is Set
Void.png | The void
Wither (painting).png | Wither
Fighters.png | Fighters
Donkey Kong.png | Kong
Skeleton (painting).png | Mortal Coil
Burning Skull.png | Skull On Fire
Pigscene.png | Pigscene
Pointer.png | Pointer
Earth BE2.png | Earth
Fire BE2.png | Fire
Water BE2.png | Water
Wind BE2.png | Wind

== See also ==
* [[Item Frame]]
* [[Bedrock Edition unused features#Paintings|Unused paintings]]
* [[Kz.png]]
* [[Kristoffer Zetterstrand]]

== References ==

== External links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory-painting Taking Inventory: Painting] – Minecraft.net on January 18, 2019


Release Candidate 1Changed format number to 6, due to changes to wall blocks made in 1.16 according to MC-197275.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Cooked Salmon|Cooked Salmon]]<br/>{{Dungeons hatnote|type=consumable}}
| title = Cooked Salmon
| image = Cooked Salmon.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|6}}
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Cooked salmon''' is a [[food]] item obtained by cooking [[raw salmon]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===

[[Salmon]] always drops 1 raw salmon when killed, unaffected by Looting.<ref>{{bug|MC-212795||Salmon & Fish mobs are not affected by Looting}}</ref> If it is killed while on [[fire]], it drops 1 [[Cooked Salmon|cooked salmon]] instead.
====Guardians and elder guardians====
[[Guardian|Guardians]] and [[Elder Guardian|elder guardians]] have a 2.5% chance to drop a random fish, with 25% of them being raw salmon, which drops as cooked if the guardian was on fire. The chance of getting the fish drop is increased by 1% per level with [[Looting]] (for a maximum of 5.5% with Looting III), but the type of fish is not affected.
====Polar bears ====
[[Polar bear]]s have a 25% chance of dropping 0–2 raw salmon when killed. The maximum amount can be increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 0-5 with Looting III. If killed while on fire, they drop cooked salmon instead.
=== Cooking ===

Cooked salmon can be obtained by cooking raw salmon in a [[furnace]], [[smoker]], or on a [[campfire]]. Each piece of cooked salmon removed from a furnace output slot gives 0.35 [[experience]] (22.4 experience per stack).

{{smelting|Raw Salmon|Cooked Salmon|0,35}}

=== Chest loot ===

=== Trading ===

Apprentice-level fishermen villagers have a 50%{{only|bedrock}} or {{frac|2|3}}{{only|java}} chance to sell 6 cooked salmon for 6 raw salmon and an [[emerald]].

== Usage ==

=== Food ===

To eat cooked salmon, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|6}} and 9.6 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]], the same as [[cooked mutton]].

=== Wolves ===

{{IN|Bedrock}}, cooked salmon can be fed to [[wolves]] only if they are not at full health, healing them by {{hp|6|mob=1}}. Cooked salmon does not accelerate the growth of baby wolves and cannot be used to [[breed]] them.

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Cooked Salmon

{{ID table
|displayname=Cooked Salmon

== Achievements ==

{{load achievements|Lion Hunter}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet;Fishy Business}}

== Video ==
<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|s_GcAFeoREk}}</div>

== History ==

{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|[[File:Cooked Salmon JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cooked salmon.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Cooked salmon can no longer be [[trading|traded]] by [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>cooked_fish</code> IDs have been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 349 and 250.}}
{{History|||snap=18w08b|Salmon has been added as a [[mob]], which drops raw salmon when killed (cooked while on [[fire]]).
|[[File:Cooked Salmon JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cooked salmon has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w10a|Cooked salmon now generates in [[buried treasure]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Fisherman [[villager]]s can now convert raw salmon to cooked salmon, if [[trading|paid]] with emeralds.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Cooked Salmon JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cooked salmon.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Salmon now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Salmon is now dropped by [[guardian]]s and [[elder guardian]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Salmon has been added as a [[mob]], which drops raw salmon when killed (cooked while on [[fire]]).
|[[File:Cooked Salmon JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cooked salmon has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Cooked salmon can now be obtained from [[trading]] with fishermen [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|Salmon now drops cooked salmon when killed on [[fire]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|[[File:Cooked Salmon JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cooked salmon.}}
{{History||xbox=TU69|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|[[File:Cooked Salmon JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cooked salmon has been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Cooked Salmon JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cooked salmon.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== See also ==

* [[Fishing]]
* [[Cooked Cod]]


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[de:Gebratener Lachs]]
[[es:Salmón ahumado]]
[[pt:Salmão assado]]
[[ko:익힌 연어]]
[[ru:Жареный лосось]]</li><li>[[Melon Seeds|Melon Seeds]]<br/>{{Block
|image = <gallery>
Melon Stem Age 0.png | Age 0
Melon Stem Age 1.png | Age 1
Melon Stem Age 2.png | Age 2
Melon Stem Age 3.png | Age 3
Melon Stem Age 4.png | Age 4
Melon Stem Age 5.png | Age 5
Melon Stem Age 6.png | Age 6
Melon Stem Age 7.png | Age 7
| image2 = <gallery>
Attached Melon Stem (N).png | North 
Attached Melon Stem (E).png | East
Attached Melon Stem (S).png | South
Attached Melon Stem (W).png | West
| transparent = Yes
| light = No
| tool = none
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = No
}}'''Melon seeds''' are items obtained from [[Melon Slice|melon slices]] that can be used to grow melon stems.

'''Melon stems''' are plants grown on [[farmland]] that, over time, grow [[melon]]s on dirt, mud and moss blocks adjacent to them.

== Obtaining ==
=== Breaking ===
When broken, a melon stem drops 0–3 melon seeds. The chance for melon seeds to drop increases with the stem's age.
{| class="wikitable"
! rowspan="3" |[[Resource location]]
! rowspan="3" | Source
! colspan="4" | Default
| colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="text-align:center" | Nothing || colspan="3" style="text-align:center" |{{ItemLink|Melon Seeds|Melon seeds}}
| style="text-align:center" | 1 || style="text-align:center" | 2 || style="text-align:center" | 3
| rowspan="8" |<code>blocks/melon_stem</code>
|{{BlockLink|Melon Stem|Melon stem}} <code>age = 0</code>
| style="text-align:center" |81.3%|| style="text-align:center" |17.42%|| style="text-align:center" |1.24%|| style="text-align:center" |0.03%
|{{BlockLink|Melon Stem|Melon stem}} <code>age = 1</code>
| style="text-align:center" |65.1%|| style="text-align:center" |30.04%|| style="text-align:center" |4.62%|| style="text-align:center" |0.24%
|{{BlockLink|Melon Stem|Melon stem}} <code>age = 2</code>
| style="text-align:center" |51.2%|| style="text-align:center" |38.4%|| style="text-align:center" |9.6%|| style="text-align:center" |0.8%
|{{BlockLink|Melon Stem|Melon stem}} <code>age = 3</code>
| style="text-align:center" |39.44%|| style="text-align:center" |43.02%|| style="text-align:center" |15.64%|| style="text-align:center" |1.9%
|{{BlockLink|Melon Stem|Melon stem}} <code>age = 4</code>
| style="text-align:center" |29.13%|| style="text-align:center" |44.44%|| style="text-align:center" |22.22%|| style="text-align:center" |3.7%
|{{BlockLink|Melon Stem|Melon stem}} <code>age = 5</code>
| style="text-align:center" |21.6%|| style="text-align:center" |43.2%|| style="text-align:center" |28.8%|| style="text-align:center" |6.4%
|{{BlockLink|Melon Stem|Melon stem}} <code>age = 6</code>
| style="text-align:center" |15.17%|| style="text-align:center" |39.82%|| style="text-align:center" |34.84%|| style="text-align:center" |10.16%
|{{BlockLink|Melon Stem|Melon stem}} <code>age = 7</code>
| style="text-align:center" |10.16%|| style="text-align:center" |34.84%|| style="text-align:center" |39.82%|| style="text-align:center" |15.17%
| rowspan="1" |<code>blocks/attached_melon_stem</code>
|{{BlockLink|Attached Melon Stem|Attached Melon stem}}
| style="text-align:center" |10.16%|| style="text-align:center" |34.84%|| style="text-align:center" |39.82%|| style="text-align:center" |15.17%

=== Natural generation ===
Melon stems generate naturally in stem farm inside [[woodland mansion]]s.

Melon stems generate in 20% of the farm plots in [[savanna]] [[village]]s, and 10% of the farm plots in [[desert]] villages.

=== Chest loot ===

=== Crafting ===
|Melon Slice
|Output= Melon Seeds
|type= Material

=== Trading ===
[[Wandering trader]]s sell melon seeds for 1 [[emerald]].

== Usage ==
=== Farming ===
{{see also|Tutorials/Pumpkin and melon farming}}
Melon seeds can be planted only on [[farmland]], as stems. Over time, a stem grows through several stages<sup>[''[[Talk:Pumpkin Seeds|needs testing]]'']</sup> and, at its final growth stage, will produce [[melon]]s on any adjacent [[dirt]], [[Coarse Dirt|coarse dirt]], [[Rooted Dirt|rooted dirt]], [[Grass Block|grass block]], [[farmland]], [[podzol]], [[mycelium]], [[Moss Block|moss block]], [[mud]] or [[Muddy Mangrove Roots|muddy mangrove roots]]. If a melon is already occupying a spot adjacent to a stem it does not grow more melons until the melons is removed. A single stem can grow an unlimited number of melons. Melon stems need a minimum light level of 10 in the block above the stem to grow and give melons. Melon seeds are affected by [[bone meal]] only with respect to stem growth; bone meal does not help produce the actual melons.

=== Breeding ===
Like other seeds, melon seeds can be used to [[breed]] [[chicken]]s, lead chickens around, and make baby chickens grow up faster by 10% of the remaining time.

=== Taming ===
Like other seeds, melon seeds can be used to tame [[parrot]]s.

=== Composting ===
Placing melon seeds into a [[composter]] has a 30% chance of raising the compost level by 1.

== Melon Stem ==
A '''melon stem''' is the block that is planted on [[farmland]] when melon seeds are used on it. It starts underground, and rises up as the plant grows. The stem is colored green when young, and then yellow once fully grown.

The stem curves once a melon has grown from it. A fully-grown single stem connects to any [[melon]] in an adjacent square, thus there are 5 possible appearances to a stem. If there are multiple melons it can connect to, it favors the east, then west, north, and south. When the melon is removed, the stem returns to its straight shape.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Block/Hard crop}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Melon Stem
|blocktags=bee_growables, crops
{{ID table
|displayname=Attached Melon Stem
{{ID table
|displayname=Melon Seeds

{{ID table
|displayname=Melon Stem
{{ID table
|displayname=Melon Seeds

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}


== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|A Seedy Place}}

== History ==
{{info needed section|check if stems floated above farmland upon initial implementation}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|[[File:Melon Seeds JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added melon seeds.
|[[File:Melon Stem Age 0 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stem Age 1 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 2 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 4 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 5 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 6 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 7 JE1.png|32px]] Added the melon stem, with seven stages of growth.
|Melon seeds can found in the new [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s.
|[[File:Attached Melon Stem (N) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (E) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (W) JE1.png|32px]] Melon stems have four slightly visually distinct appearances for each facing direction - the bent part of the stem rotates, but the other two planes do not.
|[[File:Melon Stem Age 8 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 9 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 10 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 11 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 12 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 13 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 14 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 15 JE1.png|32px]] Melon stem data values 8–15 now show a glitched formation, with a floating stem with an attached stem cross eventually emerging below.
|[[File:Attached Stem Age 8 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 9 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 10 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 11 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 12 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 13 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 14 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 15 JE1.png|32px]] Melon stem blocks with data values higher than 7 can now attach to adjacent fruits, which results in buggy stem textures with [[vines]] in the mix due to vines being below attached stems in [[terrain.png]].}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 2 ;)|Melon stems can now be grown faster using [[bone meal]].}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=1.3|The texture of melon stems has been moved one pixel to the left in [[terrain.png]].
|[[File:Melon Stem Age 0 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 1 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 2 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 3 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 4 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 5 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 6 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 7 JE2.png|32px]] Stems now appear slightly different.
|[[File:Melon Stem Age 8 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 9 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 10 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 11 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 12 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 13 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 14 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 15 JE2.png|32px]] Overgrown stems now appear slightly different.
|[[File:Attached Melon Stem (N) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (E) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (S) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (W) JE2.png|32px]] Attached melon stems now appear slightly different.
|[[File:Attached Stem Age 8 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 9 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 10 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 11 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 12 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 13 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 14 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 15 JE2.png|32px]] Overgrown attached melon stems now appear slightly different.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w36a|[[Chicken]]s now use [[wheat seeds]], melon seeds, and [[pumpkin seeds]], instead of [[wheat]] to breed.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|[[File:Melon Stem Age 0 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 1 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 2 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 3 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 4 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 5 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 6 JE3.png|32px]] Melon stems now use a squished version of their texture for immature stems, depending on age.
|[[File:Melon Stem Age 8 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 9 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 10 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 11 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 12 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 13 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 14 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 15 JE3.png|32px]] This also affects melon stems of ages 8–15, which are likewise stretched to accommodate its predicted size.
|[[File:Attached Stem Age 8 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 9 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 10 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 11 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 12 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 13 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 14 JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 15 JE3.png|32px]] Melon stems of extreme ages, which are attached to adjacent fruits, now show a stretched and tinted stem appearance.}}
{{History|||snap=13w03a|[[File:Melon Stem Age 0 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 1 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 2 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 3 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 4 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 5 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 6 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 7 JE4.png|32px]] Melon stems are no longer squished or stretched to account for age.<ref>{{bug|MC-7111}}</ref>
|[[File:Melon Stem Age 8 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 9 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 10 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 11 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 12 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 13 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 14 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 15 JE4.png|32px]] Melon stems with age values 8 through 15 now show a tinted [[trapdoor]] texture.
|From this version up until 14w08a, overgrown melon stems start to draw from the texture below them on the [[texture atlas]], in much the same way they previously did with terrain.png. However, as texture atlases are unstable and textures tend to change positions as new blocks and textures are added, overgrown stems change the texture they draw from every time new textures are added, which includes when textures added by [[mods]].}}
{{History|||snap=13w09a|[[File:Melon Stem Age 8 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 9 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 10 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 11 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 12 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 13 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 14 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 15 JE5.png|32px]] Melon stems with age values 8–15 now show a tinted [[birch wood]] texture.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w24a|Melon and pumpkin stems have now been assigned separate textures.
|[[File:Melon Stem Age 8 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 9 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 10 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 11 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 12 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 13 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 14 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 15 JE6.png|32px]] Melon stems with age values 8–15 now show a tinted [[note block]] texture.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w37a|Added the {{cmd|setblock}} [[commands|command]], allowing for invalid stem ages to be placed in the world without using external editors. This also allows them to be obtained in earlier versions via backdating.}}
{{History|||snap=13w41a|[[File:Melon Stem Age 8 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 9 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 10 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 11 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 12 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 13 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 14 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 15 JE7.png|32px]] Melon stems with age values 8–15 now show a tinted [[netherrack]] texture.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w10a|[[File:Melon Stem Age 8 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 9 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 10 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 11 JE8.png|32px]] Melon stems with data values 8–11 now display a tinted attached stem, with 8 facing west, 9 facing east, 10 facing north and 11 facing south.
|Invalid melon stems with data values 12-15 now crash the game.}}
{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Melon Stem Age 0 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 1 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 2 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 3 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 4 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 5 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 6 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 7 JE5.png|32px]] Melon stems now render as a single diagonal plane, or, in the case of attached stems, a diagonal and orthogonal plane.
|[[File:Attached Melon Stem (N) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (E) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (W) JE3.png|32px]] The attached melon stem [[model]] now fully rotates to the direction the stem points. Prior to this update, the base of the melon stem would stay the same while the long attaching section would differ, resulting in four possible attached stem appearances.
|Invalid overgrown melon stems have effectively been removed from the game, as attempting to place an out of range stem via {{cmd|setblock}} creates a stem of age 0 and loading a world with such stems existing causes a game crash.}}
{{History|||snap=14w26a|[[File:Melon Stem Age 0 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 1 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 2 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 3 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 4 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 5 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 6 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 7 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (N) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (E) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (S) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (W) JE4.png|32px]] Melon stems now correctly render as crosses again.<ref>{{bug|MC-58136}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Attached Stem Age 0 14w27a.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 1 14w27a.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 2 14w27a.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 3 14w27a.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 4 14w27a.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 5 14w27a.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Stem Age 6 14w27a.png|32px]] Due to a bug, all melon stems appear attached regardless of age or any actual attachment.<ref>{{bug|MC-60208}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=14w28a|All melon stems appearing attached regardless of age or any actual attachment has been fixed. However, melon stems still appear attached to adjacent fruits regardless of age due to a similar bug.<ref>{{bug|MC-61716}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=14w34d|Melon seeds can no longer be used for [[breeding]] [[chicken]]s.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Chickens can now use melon seeds to breed again.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44a|Melon seeds have been added to [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.
|The average yield of melon seeds from [[mineshaft]] chests has been decreased.}}
{{History|||snap=15w45a|Melon stems must now be fully grown again to attach.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Melon seeds can now be found inside chests in the new [[woodland mansion]]s.
|Melon crops now generate inside woodland mansions.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w18b|Placing a melon seeds in farmland now gives the player the "A Seedy Place" [[advancement]].{{verify}}}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different block states for the <code>melon_stem</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[block]]'s numeral ID was 105, and the [[item]]'s 362.}}
{{History|||snap=17w48a|Attached melon stems no longer [[drops|drop]] seeds.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Attached Melon Stem (N) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (E) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (W) JE5.png|32px]] The texture of attached melon stems has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Melon stems now generate in the updated [[savanna]] [[village]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Melon stems now generate in the updated [[desert]] [[village]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing melon seeds into the new [[composter]] has a 10% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Melon seeds now have a 30% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.
|Added [[Wandering Trader|wandering trader]]s, which sell melon seeds.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate melon stems.}}
{{History|||snap=19w39a|Attached melon stems now [[drops|drop]] seeds again.<ref>{{bug|MC-136360}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.18|snap=Pre-release 5|[[File:Melon Seeds JE2.png|32px]] The texture of melon seeds has been changed.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Added melon seeds.
|[[File:Melon Stem Age 0 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stem Age 1 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 2 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 4 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 5 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 6 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 7 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (N) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (E) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (W) JE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Are these models correct?}} Added melon stems.}}
{{History||v0.6.0|[[File:Melon Seeds JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Melon seeds no longer use the pumpkin seeds texture.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=?|Melon seeds can now be found in [[mineshaft]] chests.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Melon seeds are no longer available from the [[Nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Melon seeds can now be found in [[minecart with chest|minecarts with chests]] in [[mineshaft]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Melon seeds now generate inside [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Melon crops now generate inside [[woodland mansion]]s.
|Melon seeds can now be found in woodland mansion chests.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Melon seeds can now be found inside [[bonus chest]]s.
|Melon seeds are now used to tame [[parrot]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Attached Melon Stem (W) JE5.png|32px]]{{info needed|More accurate image}} The texture of attached melon stems has been changed.
|Melon stems now generate in [[savanna]] and [[desert]] [[village]] farms.
|Added [[wandering trader]]s, who [[trading|sell]] melon seeds.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Melon seeds can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}
{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate melon stems.}}

{{History||xbox=TU5|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Melon Seeds JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added melon seeds.
|[[File:Melon Stem Age 0 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stem Age 1 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 2 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 4 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 5 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 6 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 7 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (N) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (E) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (W) JE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Are these models correct?}} Added melon stems.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Attached Melon Stem (W) JE5.png|32px]]{{info needed|More accurate image}} The texture of attached melon stems has been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Melon Stem Age 0 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stem Age 1 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 2 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 4 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 5 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 6 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Melon Stem Age 7 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (N) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (E) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Attached Melon Stem (W) JE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Are these models correct?}} Added melon stems.}}

Melon Stem with data value 15.png|The final version of the melon stem with age 15, as seen in-game.
Melonstems.png|Melon stems of ages 1–15 on a modded version of 1.7.2, hence the melon stems using the melon top texture.
Stems of 13w02a.png|All 16 stem sizes in 13w02a, with accompanying data values.

=== Melon stem "item" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Melon Stem}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
Stem All Ages.png|All stages of growth.
AllSeeds.png|All the [[seeds]] that exist in the game.

== See also ==

* [[Melon]]
* [[Pumpkin Seeds]]



[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]

[[cs:Semínka melounu]]
[[es:Semillas de sandía]]
[[fr:Graines de pastèque]]
[[pl:Nasiona arbuza]]
[[pt:Sementes de melancia]]
[[ru:Семена арбуза]]
20w45aChanged format number to 7.
21w05aImproved performance when using many overrides on an item model.
toasts.png GUI texture has a new icon for the bundle tutorial.
pre1The file credits.txt in assets/minecraft/texts was changed to credits.json, and the format also changed from plain text to structured JSON format.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Tag (item)|Tag (item)]]<br/>{{About|the April Fools item|the standard item used to rename mobs|Name Tag}}
{{joke feature}}
| title = Tag
| image = Tag.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
Tags and Bits are items exclusive to the [[Java Edition 23w13a or b|23w13a_or_b]] [[Easter eggs#April Fools|April Fools' joke]] snapshot from 2023. They are used to craft in-game representations of [[NBT format|NBT tags]].

A [[stonecutter]] can be used to cut a [[Name Tag|name tag]] into either 16 "Name" or 16 "Tag" items. These can be cut into 16 Bit items each.

|Name Tag
|Name, 16; Tag, 16
|description=The resulting "Name" items must be named in an [[anvil]].
|Name; Tag
|Bit, 16

To be able to proceed from here the <code>nbt_crafting</code> vote must be approved. Bits can be used in a crafting table to craft Left Curly, Right Curly, Left Square, and Right Square. In appears like these are the only tag items that can be crafted from Bits.

A [[Crafting Table|crafting table]] can be used to convert a "Tag" item into a "Byte Tag." The amount of [[stick]]s added to the crafting recipe specifies the value of the Byte, as a [[wikipedia:Signed number representations#Two's complement|signed 8-bit value]]. For example, a "Tag" and a full stack of sticks make a Byte with the value <code>64b</code>, while 255 sticks result in <code>-1b</code>. Only one of the sticks is consumed. Two Bytes can be crafted into a "Short Tag" (equivalent to 16 bit), two Shorts into an "Int Tag" (equivalent to 32 bit), and two Ints into a "Long Tag" (equivalent to 64 bit). Many other combinations that form either 16, 32, or 64 bit are possible. For example, two Shorts and an Int make a Long. When combining values, their digits are stuck together in the given order, e.g. <code>1b</code> and <code>0b</code> make <code>256s</code> (equivalent to 0100<sub>16</sub> in [[wikipedia:Hexadecimal|hexadecimal]]). Undoing any of these crafting actions in e.g. a stonecutter is not possible.

"Float" and "Double Tags" can be crafted by adding one or two [[boat]]s to any numeric tag. A "String Tag" is crafted with a "Tag" and a piece of [[string]].

|A1= Bit;    ; Bit; Bit |B1=    ; Bit; Bit; Bit
|A2=    ; Bit; Bit;     |B2= Bit;    ;    ; Bit
|A3= Bit;    ; Bit; Bit |B3=    ; Bit; Bit; Bit
|Output= Right Curly; Left Curly; Left Square; Right Square
|Output= String Tag
|description=String tags must be named in an [[anvil]] to set their value.
|Tag; Tag;   Tag
|;    Stick; Stick, 64
|;    ;      Stick, 63
|Output= Byte Tag; Byte Tag; Byte Tag
|description=Only 1 stick is consumed. 128 and more sticks make [[wikipedia:Signed number representations#Two's complement|two's complements]]:
128 sticks = <code>-128b</code><br>
129 sticks = <code>-127b</code><br>
254 sticks = <code>-2b</code><br>
255 sticks = <code>-1b</code>
|Byte Tag; Byte Tag; Byte Tag
|Byte Tag; Byte Tag; Byte Tag
|        ; Byte Tag; Byte Tag
|        ; Byte Tag; Byte Tag
|        ;         ; Byte Tag
|        ;         ; Byte Tag
|        ;         ; Byte Tag
|        ;         ; Byte Tag
|Output= Short Tag; Int Tag; Long Tag
|description=Shorts and Ints can be combined the same way, even mixed.

Digits are appended, e.g. two <code>1b</code> tags make <code>257b</code> (0101<sub>16</sub> in [[wikipedia:Hexadecimal|hexadecimal]]).
|Byte Tag; Short Tag; Int Tag; Long Tag
|Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat
|Output= Float Tag; Float Tag; Float Tag; Float Tag
|Byte Tag; Short Tag; Int Tag; Long Tag
|Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat
|Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat; Any Boat
|Output= Double Tag; Double Tag; Double Tag; Double Tag
|Left Curly;  Left Curly
|Name;        Name
|Byte Tag;    Byte Tag
|Right Curly; Name |; Byte Tag | |; Name |; Byte Tag |; Right Curly
|Output= Compound Tag; Compound Tag
|description=Instead of Bytes any other tag can be used, including other compound tags.
|Left Square;  Left Square
|Byte Tag;     Byte Tag
|Right Square; Byte Tag |; Byte Tag |; Byte Tag |; Byte Tag |; Byte Tag |; Byte Tag |; Right Square
|Output= List Tag; List Tag
|description=Instead of Bytes any other tag can be used, including other list tags.
|Compound Tag; List Tag
|Compound Tag; List Tag
|Output= Compound Tag; List Tag
|description=Up to 9 can be combined.

When compound tags contain identical names, only the latest of the corresponding values is used.

"Name" and "String Tags" must be named in an [[anvil]] before they can be used. Unnamed Names and Strings always produce a "Sssyntax Error". None of the other tag items can be named.

All these items can be combined in a crafting table to form a short sequence of JSON code, as long as the resulting syntax is valid. For example: 
*A pair of Curlies that enclose a named "Name" item and some value, e.g. a Byte, create a "Compound Tag" with the content <code>{Example:0b}</code>.
**Because of the limited size of the crafting table only 3 name-value pairs can be put between Curlies at a time. Compound Tags of any length can be created by concatenating two or more Compound Tags.
**An empty pair of Curlies produces an empty Compound Tag with the content <code>{}</code>.
*A pair of Square brackets that enclose any number of values, e.g. 7 Bytes, create a "List Tag" with the content <code>[0b,0b,0b,0b,0b,0b,0b]</code>.
**Because of the limited size of the crafting table only 7 values can be put between Square brackets at a time. List Tags of any length can be created by concatenating two or more List Tags.
**An empty pair of Square brackets produces an empty List with the content <code>[]</code>.
**"Name" items cannot be used in a List.

The resulting Compound and List Tags can be used as values in other Compound and List Tags, as deeply nested as you want.

Tags appear to have no further functionality. They cannot be eaten or placed in the world, except in an item frame, as each other item can. However, Compound Tags with values like <code>{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:127b}]}</code> will show the [[Enchanting|enchantment]] glint and actually act accordingly when used.<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/129xdyl/i_figure_out_how_the_nbtcrafting_in_the_vote/</ref> This appears to work with many weapon and tool [[Enchanting#Summary of enchantments by item|enchantments]].

In theory, an extremely lucky <code>replace_recipe_output</code> vote can change the crafting recipe for compound tags to output something else. When cheats are enabled you can test this with a command like <code>/vote rule minecraft:replace_recipe_output approve {key:"minecraft:compound_tag",value:"minecraft:netherite_sword"}</code>. However, as long as this vote is approved no other compound tag can be crafted. Use <code>/vote rule minecraft:replace_recipe_output repeal *</code> to undo all recipe replacements.

In combination with the <code>midas_touch</code> vote tag items can be converted into [[Gold Ingot|gold ingots]]. These retain their NBT data. When the world is loaded in another version of the game tag items disappear, but gold ingots persist.

*This implies that a [[Name Tag|name tag]] is 128 bit.
*Compound and list tags are special in so far that the value they show in their [[tooltip]] is not merely a property of the item, but their ''actual'' [[NBT format|NBT data]]. This is also the reason why naming them is disabled as that would mess up the NBT data.
*The snapshot also contains an [[History of textures/Unused textures|unused texture]] for an {{ItemLink|End Tag}}.

{{History||23w13a_or_b|[[File:Tag.png|32px]] Added tags.}}

Byte Tag.png|Byte Tag
Double Tag.png|Double Tag
End Tag.png|End Tag
Float Tag.png|Float Tag
Int Tag.png|Int Tag
Left Curly.png|Left Curly
Left Square.png|Left Sqaure
List Tag.png|List Tag
Long Tag.png|Long Tag
Name (23w13a or b).png|Name
Right Curly.png|Right Curly
Right Square.png|Right Square
Short Tag.png|Short Tag
Sssyntax Error.png|Sssyntax Error
String Tag.png|String Tag

== References ==


[[pt:Tag (item)]]
[[Category:Joke items]]</li><li>[[Torchflower Seeds|Torchflower Seeds]]<br/>{{wip}}
| image = <gallery>
Torchflower Age 0.png| Age 0
Torchflower Age 1.png| Age 1
Torchflower Age 2.png| Age 2
| image2 = Torchflower Seeds JE1.png
| transparent = Yes
| light = No
| tool = N/A
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| rarity = Common

'''Torchflower seeds''' are seeds that have a chance to be dropped by [[Sniffer|sniffers]] when they finish digging.

== Obtaining ==
[[Sniffer]]s will occasionally bury their nose in the ground and start digging. Once the sniffer has finished digging, one torchflower seed will have a chance to be dropped on the floor as an item.

Sniffers can only dig for torchflower seeds in the following blocks:
*{{BlockLink|Grass Block}}
*{{BlockLink|Coarse Dirt}}
*{{BlockLink|Rooted Dirt}}
*{{BlockLink|Moss Block}}
*{{BlockLink|Muddy Mangrove Roots}}
They cannot dig for torchflower seeds on [[mycelium]], which is intended.<ref>{{bug|MC-260259||Sniffers cannot dig nor find seeds on mycelium|WAI}}</ref>

== Usage ==
=== Crop ===
{{main|Tutorials/Crop farming|title1=Crop farming}}

Torchflower seeds can be {{control|placed}} on [[farmland]], where they grow through three stages. Breaking the torchflower crop before it matures drops the seed, while breaking the final stage produces one [[torchflower]] and does not yield the seed.

Crops break if pushed by a [[piston]] or if their supporting farmland breaks or turns to dirt (i.e. by being trampled), dropping their usual drops.

Farmer [[villager]]s can plant torchflower seeds, but cannot harvest them after they have fully grown.<ref>{{bug|MC-263382|||WAI}}</ref>

=== Feeding ===
Torchflower seeds can be used to breed [[sniffer]]s and [[chicken]]s and reduce the remaining growth duration of snifflets and chicks by 10%. Also, if some torchflower seeds were fed to an injured sniffer, it will heal it by {{hp|2}} health points.

=== Taming ===
Torchflower seeds can be used to tame [[parrot]]s.

=== Composting ===
Placing torchflower seeds into a [[composter]] has a 30% chance of raising the compost level by 1.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Block/Crop}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Torchflower Crop
|blocktags=bee_growables, crops}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Torchflower Seeds

{{ID table
|displayname=Torchflower Crop
{{ID table
|displayname=Torchflower Seeds

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}


== Achievements ==
{{Load achievements|Planting The Past}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|A Seedy Place;Planting The Past;Little Sniffs}}

== History ==
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|[[File:Torchflower Seeds JE1.png|32px]] Added torchflower seeds behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].}}
{{History|||snap=1.19.4 Pre-release 1|Torchflower seeds can now be used to breed [[chicken]]s and tame [[parrot]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-260035|||Fixed}}</ref>|Torchflower seeds are now next to other seeds in the [[Creative inventory]].|Placing torchflower seeds in farmland now gives the player the "A Seedy Place" [[advancement]].}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|[[Sniffer]]s can now be obtained in Survival, making torchflower seeds [[renewable]].|Torchflower seeds are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.}}
{{History|||snap=23w14a|Torchflower seeds can now be picked up by farmer [[villager]]s.|[[Sniffer]]s can now be tempted with torchflower seeds.}}
{{History|||snap=23w16a|[[Villager]]s can now plant torchflower seeds.}}
{{History|||snap=23w17a|The player now get the [[advancement]] "Little sniffs" when they feed a [[snifflet]] using torchflower seeds, "Planting the past" when they plant torchflower seeds on [[farmland]].}}

{{History||Sniffer<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.70|snap=beta|[[File:Torchflower Seeds JE1.png|32px]] Added torchflower seeds behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20.0|Sniffer]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Torchflower seeds are now available without using the "Sniffer" experimental toggle.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* The final growth stage of the torchflower crop uses the same ID as the actual torchflower. This causes some side effects, such as the plant becoming offset and randomly jumping to the side.<ref>{{bug|MC-260472|resolution=wai}}</ref>
== Gallery ==
Torchflower Seeds stages.png|All the growth stages of torchflower seeds.

== Notes ==

== References ==

[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]

[[es:Semillas de plantorcha]]
[[pt:Sementes de plantocha]]
21w37aAdded illageralt, the rune-like font from Minecraft Dungeons (currently usable only via commands).
21w39aChanged format number to 8, because inventory.png now contains an extra sprite for a thin-layout version of the effect list in the inventory.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Clock|Clock]]<br/>{{about|the item|the redstone circuit|Redstone circuits/Clock}}
| image = Clock.gif
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Clocks''' are [[Daylight cycle|time]]-telling devices that display the current in-game position of the sun and the moon. Clocks only function properly in the [[Overworld]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

|B1= Gold Ingot
|A2= Gold Ingot
|B2= Redstone Dust
|C2= Gold Ingot
|B3= Gold Ingot
|Output= Clock
|type= Tool

=== Natural generation ===


=== Trading ===

Expert-level [[Trading#Librarian|librarian villagers]] have a {{frac|1|3}} (roughly 33.3%) chance to sell a single clock for 4 [[emerald]]s as part of their trades.{{only|bedrock}}

Expert-level librarian villagers have a {{frac|1|2}} (50%) chance to sell a clock for 5 emeralds.{{only|java}}

== Usage ==

[[File:WatchCycle.gif|thumb|Clock animation]]
The clock dial consists of two halves, a day side and a night side. The dial spins clockwise slowly to indicate the time of day, corresponding to the sun or moon's actual position in the sky. The player is able to [[bed|sleep]] a few seconds after the clock shows exactly dusk.

The dial always shows the current in-game time when in the [[Overworld]], regardless of where it appears. This includes a player's hand, an inventory slot, a [[Crafting table|crafting grid]], an [[item frame]], or even as a dropped [[Item (entity)|item]]. For a clock to be mounted on a wall, an [[item frame]] is required.

Because there is no day/night cycle in [[the Nether]] or [[the End]], clocks do not work properly in these dimensions. Instead, the dial rotates rapidly and randomly {{in|JE}} or clockwise {{in|BE}}, making them useless.

=== Piglins ===
{{EntityLink|Piglin|Piglins}} are attracted to clocks and run toward any clock on the ground, and inspect it for 6 to 8 seconds before putting it in their inventory.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Oooh, shiny!}}
== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Oh Shiny}}

== Video ==
''Note: This video doesn't state that clocks can be found in [[shipwreck]]s or [[ruined portal]]s because the video was released in an earlier [[Java Edition version history|version]].''
<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|Q3bsT84oVz4}}</div>

== History ==
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.2.0|snap=<nowiki>?|slink=:Category:Information needed requiring unarchived version|[[File:Clock JE1.gif|32px]] Added clocks.
|They have 228 visually distinct frames due to how the texture is generated – see the section below.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] clocks for 10-11 [[emerald]]s, making them [[renewable]].}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|[[File:Clock JE2 BE2.gif|32px]] Clocks now use the new animation feature included in [[texture pack]]s. As a result, they are considerably less precise, having only 64 frames.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] clocks for 10-12 [[emerald]]s.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Clocks are now broken up into individual textures, instead of having every individual frame on one vertical strip like with animated textures.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 347.}}
{{History|||snap=18w14a|Clocks can now be found in [[shipwreck]] map rooms.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w09a|Clocks can now be used to distract [[piglin]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-172363}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Clocks now generate in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}
{{History|||snap=20w19a|Clocks no longer work in the [[recipe book]].<ref>{{bug|MC-116293}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=20w22a|Clocks no longer work in the villager trading GUI.<ref>{{bug|MC-182888}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w48a|[[File:Clock JE3.gif|32px]] The texture of clocks has been changed to match the new gold ingot texture from the texture update.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Clock BE1.png|32px]] Added clocks.
|Clocks currently have no function or legitimate method of obtaining them.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Clocks are now functional and [[crafting|craftable]]. They have been added into the Creative inventory.
|[[File:Clock JE2 BE2.gif|32px]] The texture of clocks has been changed. They use an predefined texture file with 64 different frames.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] clocks for 10-12 [[emerald]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Clocks can now be found inside map room [[chest]]s in [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, librarian [[villager]]s now have {{frac|1|3}} chance to [[trading|sell]] a clock for 4 [[emerald]]s as part of their [[trading|trades]].}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Clocks now generate in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Clock JE3.gif|32px]] The texture of clocks has been changed to match the new gold ingot texture from the texture update.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Clock JE2 BE2.gif|32px]] Added clocks.}}
{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|Clocks can now be found in [[shipwreck]] map rooms.}}

{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Clock JE2 BE2.gif|32px]] Added clocks.}}

=== Texture generation prior to Java Edition 13w02a ===
{{:Procedural animated texture generation/Clocks}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* {{IN|java}}, a clock can be viewed under the item [[statistics]] page as long as one obtained a clock at some point.
* {{IN|java}}, the default resource pack for the clock contains 64 individual frames, each frame lasting about 18.75 seconds in real time (375 ticks) (1350 seconds (22 minutes, 30 seconds) in Minecraft time).
* When the time of day changes suddenly, such as after sleeping or when {{cmd|time}} is used, the clock dial spins rapidly to catch up.
* Although clocks do not function in the Nether or the End, the actual daylight cycle does continue.

== Gallery ==
File:Clockonawall.png|A clock in an [[item frame]] on a wall in a [[player]]'s base, showing the night is near.
File:Player Holding Clock.png|Early-game player holding a clock.
File:Clock In Item Frame.png|A clock placed in an item frame.

== References ==


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[zh:时钟]]</li><li>[[Totem of Undying|Totem of Undying]]<br/>{{redirect|Totem}}
| image = Totem_of_Undying_JE2_BE2.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = No
| rarity = Uncommon
|effects=: {{EffectLink|Absorption}} II (0:05)
: {{EffectLink|Regeneration}} II (0:45){{only|java|short=yes}}/ II (0:40){{only|bedrock|short=yes}}
: {{EffectLink|Fire Resistance}} I (0:40)
A '''totem of undying''' is an uncommon [[combat]] item that can save holders from death. It is dropped by [[Evoker|evokers]], which spawn in [[woodland mansion]]s and [[raid]]s.

== Obtaining ==
=== Mob loot ===
Evokers always drop one totem of undying upon death. The drop rate is not affected by [[Looting]].

== Usage ==
[[File:Totem of Undying Animation.gif|alt=The totem animation in Java Edition.|thumb|Animation of the totem activating {{in|java}}.]]
[[File:Totem of Undying Bedrock Animation.gif|alt=The totem animation in Bedrock Edition.|thumb|Animation of the totem activating {{in|bedrock}}.]]
If the [[player]] is holding a totem of undying in their [[off-hand]] or main-hand slot and receives otherwise fatal [[damage]], the totem saves the player from [[death]]. The totem of undying must be in the player's hand (main hand or offhand) for it to work—it does not work if it is in the [[Heads-up display#Hotbar|hotbar]], unless selected. Any [[mob]] that can hold a totem of undying (in a hand or in the mouth) can use it while holding it.{{only|JE}} The totem can be used only once; it disappears after use. It does not save the player from death caused by [[void]] damage, the {{cmd|kill}} [[command]]s or even a [[tipped arrow]] with [[Instant Damage|harming]] effect damage.<ref>{{bug|MC-206307}}</ref>

== Effect ==
When activated, the totem of undying restores {{hp|1}}, removes all existing [[status effect]]s, then grants 40{{only|bedrock|short=1}} or 45{{only|java|short=1}} seconds<ref>{{bug|MCPE-90716}}</ref> of [[Regeneration]] II, 40 seconds of [[Fire Resistance]] I and 5 seconds of [[Absorption]] II. An animation shows the totem of undying appearing to hover in front of the [[player]]'s screen, similar to the animation seen when a player receives the [[Bad Omen]] or [[Hero of the Village]] effect{{only|bedrock|short=1}} or encounters an [[elder guardian]]. When killed by an [[Instant Damage]] tipped [[arrow]], the arrow's instant damage takes effect after the totem has been activated.

The totem of undying also works in [[Hardcore]] mode.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Totem of Undying.ogg
|subtitle=Totem activates
|description=When something dies, using a totem of undying

{{Sound table
|sound=Totem of Undying.ogg
|description=When something dies, using a totem of undying

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Totem of Undying

{{ID table
|displayname=Totem of Undying

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Cheating Death}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Postmortal}}

== History ==
{{History||2016|[[File:Totem of Undying (pre-release).png|32px]] An early version of the totem of undying was seen during Minecon shortly before its reveal.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}
{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|The ID name has now been changed from <code>totem</code> to <code>totem_of_undying</code>.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 449.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Totem of Undying JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the totem of undying has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w47a|The totem of undying is now [[renewable resource|renewable]] as [[evoker]]s now spawn in [[raid]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w28a|The totem of undying now gives the [[Fire Resistance]] II status effect for 40 seconds.}}
{{History|||snap=20w29a|The level of Fire Resistance given by the totem of undying is now reduced from II to I.<ref>{{bug|MC-194220}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.20.2|snap=23w31a|Totems of undying now trigger [[sculk sensor]]s when they activate.<ref>{{bug|MC-261427||Sculk sensors and calibrated sculk sensors don't detect totem of undying activating|Fixed}}</ref>}}

{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Totem of Undying JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the totem of undying has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|The totem of undying is now [[renewable resource|renewable]] as [[evoker]]s now spawn in [[raid]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The level of Fire Resistance given by the totem of undying is now reduced from II to I.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-52364}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of totems of undying has been changed from <code>totem</code> to <code>totem_of_undying</code>.}}

{{History||xbox=TU54|xbone=CU44|ps=1.52|wiiu=Patch 24|switch=1.0.4|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}
{{History||xbox=TU56|xbone=CU48|ps=1.55|wiiu=Patch 26|switch=1.0.6|The totem of undying now applies [[Fire Resistance]] II when used.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Totem of Undying JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of the totem of undying has been changed.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.91|wiiu=none|switch=none|The totem of undying is now [[renewable resource|renewable]] as [[evoker]]s now spawn in [[raid]]s.}}

{{History||1.9.19|[[File:Totem of Undying JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added totem of undying.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* If a [[mob]] holds a totem of undying, the mob also resurrects upon [[Health#Death|death]] and the [[sound]] effect plays. However, the animation does not appear.
* In the {{el|ds}}, the totem of undying can be put in any hotbar slot to activate it, due to the lack of an [[Dual wield|off-hand slot]] in that version.
* Being able to obtain totems of undying in [[raids]] without exploring [[woodland mansions]] is considered a "massive game play design flaw" by Mojang.<ref>{{ytl|YRPlscod34Y}}</ref>

== Gallery ==
File:Particle totem of undying.png|Screenshot of the totem of undying being used mid-animation after a [[drowned]] deals otherwise fatal damage to the player.
File:Totem of Undying activating.gif|Animation of the totem activating.
File:Totem animation in third person mode.png|The totem animation in third person mode.

== References ==


[[de:Totem der Unsterblichkeit]]
[[fr:Totem d'immortalité]]
[[ko:불사의 토템]]
[[nl:Totem der onsterfelijkheid]]
[[pl:Totem nieśmiertelności]]
[[pt:Totem da imortalidade]]
[[ru:Тотем бессмертия]]
[[th:Totem of Undying]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul></nowiki>
22w06aAdded assets/minecraft/regional_compliancies.json to control the gameplay timer and in-game notice strings as to respect the compliance requirements in South Korea. For South Korea only by default.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Charcoal|Charcoal]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Charcoal.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Charcoal''' is an [[item]] obtained by smelting [[log]]s or [[wood]]. It is used as fuel, or for crafting [[torch]]es and [[campfire]]s. Unlike [[coal]], charcoal cannot be traded with [[villager]]s, nor can it be crafted into a [[block of coal]]. Coal and charcoal cannot stack together either. It can be used as a substitute for coal, as both charcoal and coal have an equivalent duration when smelted.

== Obtaining == 

=== Breaking ===

A [[campfire]] broken without the [[Silk Touch]] enchantment drops 2 charcoal.

=== Smelting ===

 |Any Log; Any Stripped Log; Any Wood; Any Stripped Wood

=== Compound creation ===

Charcoal can be created from its base [[element]]s, using the [[compound creator]].{{only|bedrock|education}}

{| class="wikitable"
!Example recipe
|- <!-- Temporarily using crafting grid as substitute for compound creator (template not yet available), since the layout is the same, even if the appearance is different -->
|7 Carbon<br>4 Hydrogen<br>1 Oxygen
|{{Crafting Table
|shapeless= 1
|A2=Carbon,7 |B2=Hydrogen,4 |C2=Oxygen

== Usage ==

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|Charcoal}}
|B1= Stick
|A2= Stick
|B2= Coal; Charcoal
|C2= Stick
|A3= Any Log or Stem; Any Stripped Log or Stem; Any Wood or Hyphae; Any Stripped Wood or Hyphae
|B3= Any Log or Stem; Any Stripped Log or Stem; Any Wood or Hyphae; Any Stripped Wood or Hyphae
|C3= Any Log or Stem; Any Stripped Log or Stem; Any Wood or Hyphae; Any Stripped Wood or Hyphae
|Output= Campfire

=== Lab table ingredient ===

Charcoal is one of the [[lab table]] ingredients needed to produce the [[heat block]].{{only|education}}

{| class="wikitable"
! Result
! Materials Needed
!rowspan=2|{{slot|Heat Block.gif}}<br>[[Heat Block]]
|{{slot}}{{slot|Iron|link=Element}}{{slot|Water (compound)|link=Compound}}{{slot|Charcoal}}{{slot|Salt|link=Compound}}{{slot}}
|<center>[[Element|Iron]], [[Water (compound)|Water]], Charcoal, [[Compound|Salt]]</center>

=== Fuel ===

When used in a [[furnace]] as a fuel, a piece of charcoal lasts 80 seconds (smelting up to 8 items), the same as coal. Charcoal used as fuel lasts more than 5 times longer than [[wood planks]] or [[wood]] logs used as fuel, being more efficient than any other use of wood for smelting in ''[[Java Edition]]'', but outstripped by [[wooden slabs]] in Bedrock. 

Coal and charcoal are also the only fuels accepted by [[Minecart with Furnace|furnace minecarts]]. They provide approximately four minutes of transit each.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table
|aliasid=coal / 1

== Achievements ==

{{load achievements|Renewable Energy}}

== History ==

{{History|java beta}}
{{History||December 25, 2010|link=http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/131047-lantern-update-incoming/page__st__20#entry1986964| In 0.3.2, charcoal was suggested to [[Markus Persson|Notch]] by [https://twitter.com/Moleculor @Moleculor] on [[wikipedia:Twitter|Twitter]] as a writing implement.}}
{{History||1.2|[[File:Charcoal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added charcoal, with the same texture as coal.
|Charcoal is not used as a writing implement.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w04a|Charcoal can now be used to craft [[fire charge]]s.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=?|Charcoal is now directly available in the creative inventory.}}
{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Charcoal JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of charcoal has been changed.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|[[File:Charcoal JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of charcoal has been changed.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Charcoal can no longer be [[trading|traded]] from [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the {{code|coal}} ID have been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 263.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Charcoal JE4 BE4.png|32px]] The texture of charcoal has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w02a|Charcoal can now be used to craft [[campfire]]s. Destroying a campfire returns 2 charcoal.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Charcoal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added charcoal, with the same texture as coal. It is not yet obtainable.}}
{{History||v0.3.2|Charcoal is now obtainable by smelting [[log|wood]] in a furnace.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Charcoal JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of charcoal has been changed.}}
{{History||v0.8.1|[[File:Charcoal JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of charcoal has been changed.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Added [[stripped log]] variants, which can be [[smelting|smelted]] to obtain charcoal.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Charcoal now can be crafted using 7 Carbon, 4 Hydrogen, and an Oxygen in a [[compound creator]].
|Charcoal can now be used in the [[lab table]] to create a [[heat block]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Charcoal can now be used to craft [[campfire]]s. Destroying a campfire returns 2 charcoal.
|[[File:Charcoal JE4 BE4.png|32px]] The textures of charcoal has been changed.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Charcoal are now used to craft [[soul fire torch]]es.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of charcoal has been changed from {{code|coal/1}} to {{code|charcoal}}.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Charcoal JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added charcoal.}}
{{History||?|[[File:Charcoal JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of charcoal has been changed.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Charcoal JE4 BE4.png|32px]] The texture of charcoal has been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Charcoal JE3 BE3.png|32px]] Added charcoal.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list|Charcoal}}

== How it's renewable ==
Charcoal comes from smelting log. Logs are renewable and charcoal can be used as fuel to smelt logs{{Items}}

[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[fr:Charbon (objet)#Charbon de bois]]
[[pt:Carvão#Carvão vegetal]]
[[ru:Уголь#Древесный уголь]]
[[zh:木炭]]</li><li>[[Lava Bucket|Lava Bucket]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Lava Bucket
| image = Lava Bucket.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = No 
A '''lava bucket''' is a [[bucket]] filled with [[lava]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Interacting ===
To fill an empty [[bucket]] with lava, {{control|use}} it on a [[lava]] source block or lava in a [[cauldron]]. The block is consumed in the process. Flowing lava does not fill a bucket.

If there is a lava source above the [[pointed dripstone]] stalactite, there is a {{frac|15|256}} (~5.9%) chance for it to completely fill an empty cauldron within 10 blocks under the tip with lava after a [[random tick]]. This lava can then be scooped with a bucket, making it a renewable resource.

A lava bucket can be used to place down lava sources with the {{key|Use Item}} button. Doing so gives the player the bucket back. Lava buckets can be used to replace some transparent, non-full blocks such as [[tall grass]] and [[water]], both flowing and sources.

{{IN|java}}, lava buckets can be used to break [[Nether Portal (block)|Nether portal blocks]] by placing the lava on the side of a block next to the portal block.

=== Smelting ===
A lava bucket can be used as an efficient [[fuel]]. It has the longest burning value of 1000 seconds, compared to 800 seconds for a [[coal block]] (a lava bucket smelts 100 items, and a coal block smelts 80). After smelting starts, the lava bucket turns into an empty bucket.

=== Trading ===
{{IN|bedrock}}, journeyman-level armorer villagers buy a lava bucket for one [[emerald]] as part of their trades.

{{IN|java}}, journeyman-level armorer villagers have a 40% chance of offering to buy a lava bucket for one emerald.

=== Cauldrons === 
A lava bucket can be used to fill a [[cauldron]] with lava. The lava damages any entity standing inside the cauldron, unless the entity is immune to fire damage.<!-- ex: nether mobs--> Flowing water or waterlogging does not affect the lava in the cauldron.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket fills
|description=When a bucket is filled with lava
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg
|subtitle=Bucket empties
|description=When a lava bucket is emptied

{{Sound table
|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg
|description=When a bucket is filled with lava
{{Sound table
|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg
|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg
|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg
|description=When a lava bucket is emptied

==Data values==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Lava Bucket

{{ID table
|displayname=Lava Bucket
|aliasid=bucket / 10

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Super Fuel}}

== Advancements ==
{{Load advancements|Hot Stuff}}

{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100615|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.1.0|Buckets of lava can now be used to fuel a [[furnace]] for 100 [[smelting|smelts]], consuming the [[lava]] and the [[bucket]]. This is the highest number of smelts of any single [[item]] in the game.}}
{{History||v1.2.6|{{control|use|text=Using}} a lava bucket on [[block]]s with GUIs ([[chest]]s, furnaces, etc.) no longer places the lava.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=1.2|Changed name from "Lava bucket" to "Lava Bucket".}}
{{History||1.3|snap=12w22a|[[Smelting]] in a [[furnace]] with a lava bucket now leaves an empty [[bucket]] for the [[player]] to retrieve.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w25a|A lava bucket is now shown as the icon when [[lava]] is used as a layer in [[Superflat]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w50a|Added sounds for filling and pouring lava buckets.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to the ''[[Flattening]]'' this item's numerical ID was 327.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Armorer villagers can now [[trading|buy]] lava buckets.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Lava buckets can now be used to fill a [[cauldron]] with lava.}}
{{History|||snap=21w13a|The lava bucket is now fully renewable, as [[pointed dripstone]] can now be obtained in Survival mode without custom generation.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}
{{History||v0.7.4|Lava buckets can now be used as [[fuel]] in a [[furnace]].
|Lava buckets no longer stack to 64.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Moved all bucket items, including lava buckets, from the Equipment tab to the Items tab in the [[Creative inventory]].{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---please check snapshots, only 1 major release version was checked each--->}}
{{History||1.9.0|snap=beta|Lava bucket can now be used to fill a [[cauldron]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Lava buckets can now be [[trading|sold]] to armorer [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of lava buckets has been changed from <code>bucket/10</code> to <code>lava_bucket</code>.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|The lava bucket is now fully renewable, as [[pointed dripstone]] can now be obtained in Survival mode without custom generation.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}
{{History||xbox=TU9|[[Dispenser]]s have now been given the ability to shoot out the [[liquids]] inside lava buckets. They can also suck up the liquids if activated again, but do not fill up the [[bucket]]s with the liquid dropped due to a bug.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Lava Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of lava buckets has been changed.}}

{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Lava Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added lava buckets.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

* One lava bucket has the highest number of [[smelting|smelts]] in the game at 100 items per bucket.
** This makes it 12.5 times more efficient than [[coal]] and [[charcoal]].
* A lava bucket is used as Steve's Down-Smash attack in the crossover fighting game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[pt:Balde de lava]]
[[uk:Відро лави]]
22w11aChanged format number to 9, due to new filter section in pack.mcmeta.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Glow Berries|Glow Berries]]<br/>{{Block
Cave Vines (head).png|Without Berries
Cave Vines (berries).png|With Berries
|image2 = Glow Berries JE1 BE1.png
|extratext=[[#Gallery|View all renders]]
|stackable=Yes (64)

'''Glow berries''' are a [[food]] [[item]] obtained from cave vines and can be used to plant them.

'''Cave vines''' are a climbable, [[Bone Meal|bonemealable]] plant that hangs off ceilings and grows glow berries. Cave vines with glow berries produce [[light]] and drop glow berries when broken or harvested. Cave vines with no glow berries will not drop anything.

== Obtaining ==

=== Natural generation ===
Cave vines can be found in [[lush caves]], hanging from cave ceilings.

=== Chest loot ===

=== Post-generation ===
Glow berries can be collected from a cave vine by {{control|using}} or {{control|breaking}} the vine. This yields one glow berry when the vine is bearing them and nothing when it is not.  A cave vine also breaks if [[water]] runs over its location or if a [[piston]] extends or pushes a block into its location. 

{{IN|bedrock}}, using a tool with [[Silk Touch]] on cave vines always yields a glow berry, even if the vine appears empty.

[[Fortune]] has no effect on the number of glow berries dropped.

== Usage ==
=== Placement ===
Glow berries can be placed on and grown from the bottom of most blocks. They have no specific lighting requirements. When placed, they can be of any length.

=== Growth ===
Placing glow berries on the bottom of a block creates a cave vine that grows downward one block at a time as long as [[air]] is beneath it and its maximum height (2 to 26 blocks) has not been reached. Each newly-grown cave vine block has a 1 in 9 chance of bearing glow berries.  Only this tip can ever naturally grow them.{{only|JE}}{{More info|exact growth rate and chance to bear glow berries}}

{{control|Using}} [[bone meal]] on a cave vine produces glow berries if the vine was not bearing any.

{{IN|Java}}, cave vines stop growing if [[shears]] are {{control|used}} on the tip.

{{IN|bedrock}}, if placing glow berries in the Nether, cave vines are able to grow and produces glow berries.

=== Food ===
To eat glow berries, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|2}} [[hunger]] and 0.4 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]] points, like [[sweet berries]].

=== Light ===
When bearing glow berries, cave vines give off a [[light]] level of 14.

=== Composting ===
Placing glow berries into a [[composter]] by {{control|using}} them on it has a 30% chance of raising the compost level by 1.

=== Breeding ===
Glow berries can be fed to [[fox]]es to [[breeding|breed]] them. Foxes are similar to cats when being fed as a wild animal; a sudden movement by the player may cause the fox to flee even if the player holds glow berries. The resulting baby fox trusts the [[player]] and does not flee.

Glow berries can be {{control|used}} on baby foxes to reduce the time until they grow by 10%.

===Glow berries===
{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

===Cave vines===
{{Sound table/Block/Cave vines}}

==== Unique ====
{{Sound table
|sound=Berries pick1.ogg
|sound2=Berries pick2.ogg
|subtitle=Berries pop
|description=When glow berries are picked
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Plant cropped
|description=When the tip of cave vines are cropped with [[Shears#Cropping growing plants|shears]]

{{Sound table
|sound=Berries pick1.ogg
|sound2=Berries pick2.ogg
|description=When glow berries are picked

==Data values==
{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Vines
{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Vines Plant
{{ID table
|displayname=Glow Berries

{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Vines
{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Vines Body With Berries
{{ID table
|displayname=Cave Vines Head With Berries 
{{ID table
|displayname=Glow Berries

=== Block states===
{{See also|Block states}}

{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

{{History||October 3, 2020|link={{ytl|DWZIfsaIgtE|t=1781}}|[[File:Cave Vines Plant JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines Plant (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (head) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Cave vines (named as glow berries) are shown as part of lush caves at [[Minecraft Live 2020]].}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w05a|[[File:Glow Berries JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glow berries.
|[[File:Cave Vines Plant JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines Plant (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (head) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cave vines.}}
{{History|||snap=21w11a|Renamed from "cave vines head" and "cave vines body" to "cave vines" and "cave vines plant", respectively.
|The IDs have also changed.
|Cave vines now always give 14 light, regardless of the type of part.
|Now slow down the player.
|Can now be climbed.}}
{{History|||snap=21w13a|Glow berries now generate as loot in [[mineshaft]] [[Minecart with Chest|chest minecarts]].}}
{{History||1.18|snap=Experimental Snapshot 1|With the implementation of cave biomes including lush caves, caves vines can now generate in normal worlds.}}
{{History|||snap=21w37a|Cave vines stop growing if [[shears]] are used on the tip.}}
{{History|||snap=21w41a|[[File:Cave Vines Plant JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines Plant (berries) JE2.png|32px]] Changed cave vines plant texture.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Glow Berries may now be found in [[ancient city]] [[chest]]s.}}

{{History||Caves & Cliffs (experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Glow Berries JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glow berries.
|[[File:Cave Vines Plant JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines Plant (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (head) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines (berries) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cave vines.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Glow Berries now generate as loot in [[mineshaft]] [[Minecart with Chest|chest minecarts]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Glow Berries are now available without enabling [[experimental gameplay]].}}
{{History||1.17.20|snap=beta|Cave Vines can now be pollinated by [[bee]]s.}}
{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[File:Cave Vines Plant JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cave Vines Plant (berries) JE2.png|32px]] Changed cave vines plant texture.}}
{{History||1.19.20|snap=beta|Cave vines can now be destroyed by [[ravagers]].}}

Lush_caves_overview_concept_art.jpg|Concept art for the lush caves and vegetation including Glow Berries.
JE_1.17_Development_Lush_Caves.jpg|A view of the lush caves with glow berries from Minecraft Live 2020.
Lushcaves_minecon.png|Lush cave in MINECON.
Cavesworkinprogress.jpg|A view of the lush caves with glow berries, tweeted by LadyAgnes.
Livestream_lush_cave.jpg|Another view of the lush caves with glow berries, in an interview with LadyAgnes.
Glow Berry Fox.jpg|A fox under a glow berry vine.

===Cave vines "item"===
{{:Technical blocks/Cave Vines}}

{{Issue list}}

*They are the first item to be usable as both a food and a light source.

Cave Vines (plant).png
Cave Vines (berries, plant).png
Cave Vines (head).png
Cave Vines (berries).png
Cave_Vines_Age2_(Possibility_pattern_1)_JE1.png|A possible pattern of the cave vines at Age 2.
Cave_Vines_Age2_(Possibility_pattern_2)_JE1.png|And another pattern.


[[Category:Natural blocks]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Light sources]]
[[Category:Flammable blocks]]
[[Category:Climbable blocks]]

[[es:Bayas luminosas]]
[[fr:Baies lumineuses]]
[[it:Bacche luminose]]
[[pt:Bagas brilhantes]]
[[ru:Светящиеся ягоды]]
[[zh:发光浆果]]</li><li>[[Redstone Dust|Redstone Dust]]<br/>{{Redirect|Redstone|the ore|Redstone Ore|the powered mineral block|Block of Redstone|other uses|Redstone (disambiguation)}}
| group = Inactive (connected)
| 1-1= Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW).png
| 1-2 = Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW) BE.png
| group2 = Inactive (unconnected)
| 2-1 = Inactive Redstone Wire (unconnected).png
| 2-2 = Inactive Redstone Wire (unconnected).png
| group3 = Active (connected) 
| 3-1 = Active Redstone Wire (NESW).png
| 3-2 = Active Redstone Wire (NESW) BE.png
| group4 = Active (unconnected)
| 4-1 = Active Redstone Wire (unconnected).png
| 4-2 = Active Redstone Wire (unconnected).png
| image = Redstone Dust JE2 BE2.png
| extratext = [[#Gallery|View all renders]]
| transparent = Yes
| light = No
| tool = all
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = No
'''Redstone dust''' is a mineral that can transmit [[Redstone circuit#Power|redstone power]] as a wire when placed as a [[block]]. It is also used in [[crafting]] and [[brewing]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Mining ===
{{see also|Redstone Ore#Natural generation}}
[[Redstone ore]] mined using an iron [[pickaxe]] or higher drops 4 or 5 redstone dust (or more with [[Fortune]], averaging at 6 redstone dust with Fortune III). If mined with [[Silk Touch]], the block drops itself instead of redstone dust.

=== Natural generation ===
15 lengths of redstone dust are naturally generated as part of the trap in each [[jungle pyramid]]. 5 lengths of redstone dust can be found in one type of jail cell room in a [[woodland mansion]]. In [[Ancient City|ancient cities]], multiple pieces of redstone dust can be found integrated into circuitry.

=== Breaking ===
Redstone dust can be broken instantly using any tool, or without a tool, and drops itself as an item.

Redstone dust is removed and drops as an item if:
* its attachment block is moved, removed, or destroyed
* [[water]] or [[lava]] flows into its space
* a [[piston]] tries to push it or moves a block into its space

=== Mob loot ===
[[Witch]]es have a chance of dropping 0–2 redstone dust upon death. This is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 0–5 redstone dust.

=== Chest loot ===

=== Crafting ===
Redstone dust can be crafted from [[blocks of redstone]].
|Block of Redstone
|Output=Redstone Dust,9

=== Smelting ===
|Redstone Ore; Deepslate Redstone Ore
|Redstone Dust

=== Trading ===
{{IN|java}}, novice-level cleric [[villager]]s sell two redstone dust for one [[emerald]].

{{IN|bedrock}}, novice-level cleric villagers sell four redstone dust for one emerald.

=== Villager gifts ===
{{see also|Tutorials/Raid farming}}
{{IN|Java}}, when the player has the [[Hero of the Village]] status effect, clerics might throw that player a redstone dust as a gift.

== Usage ==
Redstone dust is used for [[#Brewing ingredient|brewing]], [[#Crafting ingredient|crafting]], and in redstone circuits by placing it on the ground to create [[#Redstone component|redstone wire]]. It can also be used to power redstone components.

=== Brewing ingredient ===
  |Redstone Dust
  |Mundane Potion
  |base=Water Bottle
  |name=Increased Duration
  |Redstone Dust
  |base=Potion of Fire Resistance; Potion of Invisibility; Potion of Night Vision; Potion of Poison; Potion of Regeneration; Potion of Slowness; Potion of Strength; Potion of Swiftness; Potion of Water Breathing; Potion of Weakness; Potion of Leaping; Potion of Slow Falling

=== Crafting ingredient ===
{{crafting usage|Redstone Dust}}

=== {{anchor|Redstone dust}} Redstone component ===
When placed in the world, redstone dust becomes a block of "redstone wire"{{Info needed|other blco? BE?}}, which can transmit [[Redstone circuit#Power|redstone power]].

=== Smithing ingredient ===
|ingredients=Any Armor Trim +<br/>Any Armor Piece + <br/>Redstone Dust
|Any Armor Trim Smithing Template
|Netherite Chestplate
|Redstone Trim Netherite Chestplate
|description = All armor types can be used in this recipe,<br/>a netherite chestplate is shown as an example.<br/>

;Trim color palette
The following color palette is shown on the designs on trimmed armor:
*{{TrimPalette|redstone dust}}

=== Placement ===
[[File:Redstone wire as circuit component.png|Examples of redstone wire configuration. ''Top Left:'' Redstone wire connects diagonally vertically through non-opaque blocks. ''Top Right:'' Redstone wire does ''not'' connect diagonally vertically through opaque blocks. ''Center:'' Redstone wire gets darker as its power level drops, to a maximum of 15 blocks from a power source.|thumb]]
[[File:Redstone on Glowstone, Stairs, Slabs.png|Examples of redstone wire placements.|thumb]]
Redstone dust can be placed on [[opaque]] blocks as well as [[glowstone]], upside-down [[slab]]s, [[glass]], upside-down [[stairs]], and [[hopper]]s. It can also be placed on some transparent blocks; see [[Opacity/Placement]] for more information. It cannot be placed suspended in midair, even with commands, which is not unintentional.<ref>{{bug|MC-182709}}</ref>

Redstone wire configures itself to point toward adjacent redstone [[Redstone components#Power components|power components]] and [[Redstone components#Transmission components|transmission component]] connection points. Redstone wire also configures itself to point toward adjacent redstone wire one block higher or lower – unless there is a solid opaque block above the lower redstone wire.

If there is only one such adjacent redstone component, redstone wire configures itself into a {{BlockSprite|redstone-dust}} line pointing both at the neighbor and away from it. If there are two or more such adjacent components, redstone wire connects them in the form of {{BlockSprite|redstone-dust}}, {{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-upleft}}, {{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-t-up}}, or {{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-cross}} as needed.

When there are no adjacent components, a single redstone wire configures itself into a {{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-cross}} plus sign, which can provide power in all four directions. By right-clicking it can be changed into a {{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot}} dot, which does not provide power to any of the four directions.

{{IN|bedrock}}, redstone wire automatically configures itself to point toward adjacent blocks or [[Redstone components#Mechanism components|mechanism components]]. {{IN|java}}, it does not. If such a configuration is desired, the other neighbors of the redstone wire must be arranged to create it, i.e the redstone dust must be placed in a way that it would be pointed at the block’s location even if it were not there.

When redstone wire is reconfigured after placement, it does not update other redstone components around it of the change unless that reconfiguration also includes a change in power level or another component provides an update. This can create situations where a mechanism component remains activated when it shouldn't, or vice versa, until it receives an update from something else – a "feature" of redstone wire that can be used to make a [[BUD|block update detector]].


=== Behavior ===

{{IN|be}}, the signal can go down from glass blocks.


}}{{Schematic|caption =

However, the signal can never go down from slabs.


Redstone wire can transmit power, which can be used to operate [[Redstone components#Mechanism components|mechanism components]] ([[door]]s, [[piston]]s, [[redstone lamp]]s, etc.).
Redstone wire can be "powered" by a number of methods:
* from an adjacent [[Redstone components#Power components|power component]] or a strongly-powered block
* from the output of a redstone repeater or redstone comparator
* from adjacent redstone wire. The powering dust can be a level higher or lower, but with restrictions:
** Redstone dust can be powered by redstone dust that is one level lower, or on an [[opaque]] block one level higher. A transparent block cannot{{only|java}} pass power downward.
** The block "between" the two dust blocks must be air or transparent. A solid block there "cuts" the connection between the higher and lower dust.

The "power level" of redstone dust can vary from 0 to 15. Most power components power-up adjacent redstone dust to power level 15, but a few ([[daylight sensor]]s, [[trapped chest]]s, and [[weighted pressure plate]]s) may create a lower power level. Redstone repeaters output power level 15 (when turned on), but [[redstone comparator]]s may output a lower power level.

{{Schematic | caption =

Redstone wire can transmit power up to 15 blocks.


Power level drops by 1 for every block of redstone wire it crosses. Thus, redstone wire can transmit power for no more than 15 blocks. To go further, the power level must be re-strengthened – typically with a redstone repeater.

Powered redstone wire on top of, or pointing at, an opaque block provides ''weak'' power to the block. A weakly-powered block cannot power other adjacent redstone wire, but can still power redstone repeaters and comparators, and activate adjacent mechanism components. Transparent blocks cannot be powered.

When redstone wire is unpowered, it appears dark red. When powered, it becomes bright red at power level 15, fading to darker shades with decreasing power. Powered redstone wire also produces "dust" [[particles]] of the same color.

While redstone wire always provides power to the directions it points into, it can still point into directions in which it cannot give power. If redstone wire comes in the form of a cross, the player can right-click to toggle it between a cross and dot. A redstone dot does not power anything adjacent to it, but powers the block under it.

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Block/Normal}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Redstone Dust
{{ID table

{{ID table
|firstcolumnname=Redstone Dust
{{ID table

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}


{{LoadPage|Redstone Dust/Asset history|List of block state combinations|h4}}

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Dispense With This}}

== Video ==
{{Video note|These videos do not show all uses for redstone in crafting and all methods of obtaining. This video is also outdated, as of 1.13 Java Edition, redstone is now called Redstone Dust.}}

<div style="text-align:center">
<span style="display:inline-block">{{yt|zldqknGFWb4}}</span>
<span style="display:inline-block">{{yt|_IApwvCLJW8}}</span>

== History ==
{{History||May 21, 2009|link=https://web.archive.org/web/0/http://notch.tumblr.com/post/110762705/my-list-on-tile-types-so-far|[[Notch]] shows interest in adding wire-type [[block]]s.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.1|[[File:Redstone Dust JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added redstone dust as an [[item]].
|[[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NS) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (EW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NE) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (ES) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (SW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NEW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NES) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (ESW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NSW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW) JE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Active Redstone Wire (NS) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (EW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NE) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (ES) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (SW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NEW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NES) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (ESW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NSW) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NESW) JE1.png|32px]] Added redstone dust as a placed [[block]]. 
|Redstone dust as a placed block has two power appearances; either completely on, or completely off.
|Redstone dust is used to craft [[redstone torch]]es.
|At this time, redstone has not been given an official name.}}
{{History||v1.0.2_01|Redstone dust now doesn't connect through solid [[block]]s diagonally down.{{needs testing|may have been changed in v1.0.2|type=untestable}}
|Walking on redstone dust no longer [[breaking|breaks]] it.{{needs testing|may have been changed in v1.0.2|type=untestable}}
|Active redstone dust now gives off [[particles]].{{needs testing|may have been changed in v1.0.2|type=untestable}}}}
{{History||v1.1.0|Redstone is now used to craft [[compass]]es.}}
{{History||v1.2.0|snap=<nowiki>?|slink=:Category:Information needed requiring unarchived version|Redstone is now used to craft [[clock]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.0|With the addition of inventory tooltips, the [[item]] form of redstone dust has been named "Redstone", and the usually unobtainable block form has been named "Redstone Dust".}}
{{History||1.2|Redstone is now used to craft [[dispenser]]s and [[note block]]s.}}
{{History||1.3|[[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NS) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (EW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NE) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (ES) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (SW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NEW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NES) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (ESW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NSW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW) JE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Active Redstone Wire (NS) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (EW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NE) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (ES) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (SW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NEW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NES) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (ESW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NSW) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NESW) JE2.png|32px]] Redstone wire gets darker the farther away it is from a source of power, using a dedicated [[tint]] system. Previously, it was fully on until it reached its limit.
|Its particles now appear gray due to not being tinted.
|Redstone is now used to craft [[redstone repeater]]s.}}
{{History||1.5|[[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NS) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (EW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NE) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (ES) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (SW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NEW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NES) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (ESW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NSW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW) JE3.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Active Redstone Wire (NS) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (EW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NE) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (ES) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (SW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NEW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NES) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (ESW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NSW) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NESW) JE3.png|32px]] Fully off redstone wire is no longer black.
|Redstone dust can now be placed on [[snow]].
|Redstone is now used to craft [[powered rail]]s and [[detector rail]]s.}}
{{History||1.6.6|Redstone dust now checks if the block below has a solid top face or [[glowstone]], allowing it to be placed on it.}}
{{History||1.7|Redstone dust now connects to a [[redstone repeater|repeater]] without the dust being explicitly pointed at it.
|Redstone can now be used to craft [[piston]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Redstone can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] storeroom [[chest]]s, and in the new [[mineshaft]] chests.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Redstone can now be [[brewing|brewed]] in a [[water bottle]] to create a [[mundane potion]].
|Redstone can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] altar [[chest]]s.
|Redstone now extends the [[potion]]s of [[Fire Resistance]], [[Slowness]], [[Swiftness]], [[Poison]], [[Weakness]] and [[Strength]].}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|Redstone now extends the new potion of [[Regeneration]].}}
{{History|||snap=RC1|[[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (unconnected) JE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Active Redstone Wire (unconnected) JE1.png|32px]] Redstone dust placement on one [[block]] has been changed from a "+" to a "•" shape.}}
{{History||?|Redstone wire block particles are now correctly colored.}}
{{History||1.1|snap=11w49a|Fixed redstone update bug.{{more info}}}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w06a|Redstone can now be placed on [[glowstone]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w07a|Redstone is now used to craft [[redstone lamp]]s.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Redstone can now be [[trading|bought]] from priest [[villager]]s, at 2–4 redstone for 1 [[emerald]], making them [[renewable]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w22a|Redstone dust now generates in [[jungle temple]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w25a|Redstone dust can now be placed on top of upside-down [[slabs]] and [[stairs]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Redstone now extends the new [[potion]]s of [[Night Vision]] and [[Invisibility]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w38a|[[Witch]]es have been added, which sometimes [[drops|drop]] redstone when killed.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w01a|Redstone can now be used to craft [[blocks of redstone]] and [[dropper]]s.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Redstone now extends the new [[potion]] of [[Water Breathing]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Trading]] has been changed: cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1–4 redstone for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w25a|Redstone dust no longer changes to [[obsidian]] next to water when [[lava]] flows into it.}}
{{History|||snap=14w27a|Redstone now extends the new [[potion]] of [[Leaping]].}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|[[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (unconnected) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NS) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (EW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NE) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (ES) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (SW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NEW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NES) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (ESW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NSW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW) JE4.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Active Redstone Wire (unconnected) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NS) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (EW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NE) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (ES) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (SW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NEW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NES) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (ESW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NSW) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NESW) JE4.png|32px]] Some slight changes have been made to redstone wire's appearance - the dot now extends outward with two more pixels, and the south-facing section of bends, T shapes and crosses now has one fewer pixel. It also appears straighter and more continuous in straight wire form.
|Redstone can no longer be added to extended [[potion]]s or tier-II potions.}}
{{History|||snap=15w44a|The average yield of redstone from [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s has been cut by more than half.
|The average yield of redstone in [[mineshaft]] chests has been increased.}}
{{History|||snap=15w46a|The hitbox of redstone now covers only part of the surface of the [[block]] below, based on the orientation of the redstone.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Redstone dust can now be found in chests in [[woodland mansion]]s.
|Redstone can now used to craft [[observer]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The [[item]] form of "Redstone" has been renamed to "Redstone Wire".
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[block]]'s numeral ID was 55, and the [[item]]'s 331.}}
{{History|||snap=17w48a|"Redstone" has been renamed to "Redstone Dust".}}
{{History|||snap=18w07a|Redstone now extends the new [[potion of the Turtle Master]].}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Redstone Dust JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of redstone dust has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Redstone dust can now be found in chests in [[village]] temples.}}
{{History|||snap=19w12b|Redstone dust can now be placed on [[glass]], [[ice]] and [[sea lantern]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Cleric villagers now give redstone dust to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|Redstone dust now has a bottom texture.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|Redstone can now be used to craft [[target]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=20w18a|Redstone dust placement on one [[block]] has been changed from a "•" back to a "+" shape.
|Redstone dust's hitbox is now no longer strictly a cuboid, and more closely matches the shape of the wiring.<ref>{{bug|MC-137336}}</ref>
|Upward going redstone dust now has a hitbox on the side of the [[block]] too, rather than only on the floor.<ref>{{bug|MC-153508}}</ref>
|Unconnected redstone dust now has all direction block states set to "side".
|The direction block states of redstone dust are now properly set to "side" at the end of a redstone wire on both ends, rather than only the one with other redstone besides it.
|[[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (N).png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (E).png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (S).png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (W).png|32px]]<br>[[File:Active Redstone Wire (N).png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (E).png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (S).png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (W).png|32px]] While not accessible in normal gameplay, redstone dust that points into one side, but not the opposite, now visually reaches halfway across the [[block]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w19a|Redstone dust now visually connects when going up [[soul sand]], 8-layer [[snow]] stacks and the back side of upside-down [[stairs]].
|[[Particles]] are now generated across the length of the redstone wire rather than the center of the [[block]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w21a|Redstone dust placement on one [[block]] is now toggleable between a "+" and a "•" shape, by {{control|interacting}} with it.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w08a|Redstone dust can now drop and be smelted from [[deepslate redstone ore]].}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Redstone wire now generates in [[Ancient City|ancient cities]].}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Redstone dust can now be used as an armor trim material.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Redstone Dust JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added redstone as an [[item]]. 
|Redstone is now [[drops|dropped]] when [[breaking|mined]] from [[redstone ore]].
|Redstone can be used to craft [[compass]]es and [[clock]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=build 2|Redstone can now be used to craft [[powered rail]]s.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Redstone is now used to craft [[redstone block]]s.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Redstone has been added to the [[Creative]] [[inventory]], but it still cannot be placed. }}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Redstone can now be placed.
|Redstone is now used to craft [[redstone lamp]]s, [[note block]]s, [[detector rail]]s and [[redstone torch]]es.}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Redstone is now used to craft [[dispenser]]s and [[dropper]]s.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Redstone is now used to craft [[piston]]s and [[observer]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1–4 redstone for an [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Redstone can now be found in [[woodland mansion]]s.}}
{{History||?|[[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NE) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (ES) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (SW) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NW) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NEW) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NES) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (ESW) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NSW) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW) BE.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Active Redstone Wire (NE) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (ES) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (SW) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NW) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NEW) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NES) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (ESW) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NSW) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Active Redstone Wire (NESW) BE.png|32px]]<br>Placed redstone now assumes its current appearance with a more solid center. Its linear state appearences are unknown.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Redstone Dust JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of redstone has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Redstone can now be found in [[desert]] [[village]] temple [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Cleric [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 4 redstone as part of their first tier [[trading|trade]].}}
{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|"Redstone" has been renamed to "Redstone Dust".}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Redstone dust can now drop and be smelted from [[deepslate redstone ore]].}}
{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|Redstone wire now generates in [[Ancient City|ancient cities]].}}
{{History||1.19.80|snap=beta|Redstone dust can now be used as an armor trim material.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Redstone Dust JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added redstone.}}
{{History||xbox=TU3|Redstone now connects to a [[redstone repeater|repeater]] without the dust being explicitly pointed at it.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Redstone Dust JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of redstone has been changed.}}
{{History||ps=1.95|Redstone can now be placed on [[glass]].}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Redstone Dust JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added redstone dust.}}

=== Redstone wire "item" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Redstone Wire}}

== Gallery ==
=== Renders ===
; Java Edition
Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (unconnected).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NS).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (EW).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NE).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (ES).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (SW).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NW).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NEW).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NES).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (ESW).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NSW).png
Active Redstone Wire (NESW).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (unconnected).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NS).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (EW).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NE).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (ES).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (SW).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NW).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NEW).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NES).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (ESW).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NSW).png

; Bedrock Edition
Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW) BE.png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW) BE.png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NS).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (EW).png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NE) BE.png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (ES) BE.png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (SW) BE.png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NW) BE.png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NEW) BE.png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NES) BE.png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (ESW) BE.png | 
Inactive Redstone Wire (NSW) BE.png
Active Redstone Wire (NESW) BE.png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NESW) BE.png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NS).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (EW).png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NE) BE.png | 
Active Redstone Wire (ES) BE.png | 
Active Redstone Wire (SW) BE.png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NW) BE.png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NEW) BE.png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NES) BE.png | 
Active Redstone Wire (ESW) BE.png | 
Active Redstone Wire (NSW) BE.png

=== Screenshots ===
Slab Stair Redstone.png|First image of redstone dust on top of slabs and stairs.
File:Olivia Tinkering.jpeg|[[Olivia]] using a scarce amount of redstone dust.
File:23w32a.jpg|[[Sunny]] using a very long strip of redstone dust.

=== In other media ===
Powered By Redstone JINX.jpg|Official T-shirt artwork "Powered By Redstone" made by [https://www.jinx.com JINX].
File:Redstone Behind Chiseled Bookshelf Pixel Art.png|Pixel art of redstone dust.

== Issues ==
{{issue list|redstone|redstone dust|redstone wire}}

== Trivia ==
* Five updates for [[wikipedia:Windows 10 version history|Windows 10]] released from 2016 to 2018 were codenamed "Redstone", referencing ''Minecraft''.<ref>{{link|url=https://www.theverge.com/2015/4/7/8364355/microsoft-redstone-windows-updates|title=Microsoft plans ‘Redstone’ updates for Windows 10 in 2016|author=Tom Warren|website=The Verge|date=April 7, 2015}}</ref>
* The block has 1,296 possible block state combinations, the highest of all blocks as of 1.15.2, beating [[fire]]'s 512 and [[note block]]'s 800.
* According to {{el|ee}}, redstone dust contains radioactive [[element]]s.

== References ==


[[Category:Redstone mechanics]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Brewing recipe]]

[[el:Σκόνη Κοκκινόπετρας]]
[[es:Polvo de redstone]]
[[fr:Poudre de redstone]]
[[it:Polvere di redstone]]
[[ko:레드스톤 가루]]
[[pt:Pó de redstone]]
[[ru:Красная пыль]]
22w42aChanged format number to 11, due to the removal of "fixers" for resource packs with format numbers 3 and 4.
22w45aChanged format number to 12.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Pumpkin Pie|Pumpkin Pie]]<br/>{{redirect|Pie|the other craftable dessert|Cake|the terrain features|Pile}}
| title = Pumpkin Pie
| image = Pumpkin Pie.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|8}}
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Pumpkin pie''' is a [[food]] item that can be eaten by the [[player]].

== Obtaining ==
{{see also
 | Tutorials/Pumpkin and melon farming |title1= Pumpkin and melon farming
 | Tutorials/Sugar Cane farming |title2= Sugar cane farming
 | Tutorials/Egg farming |title3= Egg farming

=== Crafting ===

|Output= Pumpkin Pie

=== Trading ===

Apprentice-level farmer [[villager]]s have a 50%{{only|bedrock}} or {{frac|2|3}}{{only|java}} chance to sell 4 pumpkin pies for an emerald as part of their trades.

{{in|java}}, farmer villagers throw pumpkin pies at players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.

=== Natural generation ===


== Usage ==

=== Food ===

{{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management|title1=Hunger management}}

To eat pumpkin pie, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|8}} [[hunger]] and 4.8 [[:en:Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].

=== Composting ===
Placing pumpkin pie into a [[composter]] raises the compost level by 1.

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Pumpkin Pie

{{ID table
|displayname=Pumpkin Pie

== Video ==

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|IjeeTE117HM}}</div>

== History ==

{{History||September 11, 2012|link=http://twitter.com/jeb_/status/245503714167750656|The first screenshot of pumpkin pie was posted on [[Jens Bergensten|Jeb's]] Twitter.<ref>{{Tweet|jeb|245503714167750656}}</ref><ref>{{Tweet|jeb|245506498099298305}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w37a|[[File:Pumpkin Pie JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added pumpkin pies.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Pumpkin pie can now be [[trading|bought]] from farmer [[villager]]s, at 2–3 pumpkin pies for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 400.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Pumpkin Pie JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of pumpkin pie has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Pumpkin pies now generate in chests in taiga [[village]] houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing pumpkin pie into the new [[composter]] raises the compost level by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Farmer villagers now give pumpkin pies to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Pumpkin Pie JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added pumpkin pie.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Pumpkin pie now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Pumpkin Pie JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of pumpkin pie has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Pumpkin pie can now be found in [[taiga]] and [[snowy taiga]] [[village]] house [[chest]]s.
|Pumpkin pie can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Farmer [[villager]]s now have a 50% chance to [[trading|sell]] 4 pumpkin pies for an [[emerald]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU14|xbone=CU1|ps=1.04|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Pumpkin Pie JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added pumpkin pie.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Pumpkin Pie JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of pumpkin pie has been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Pumpkin Pie JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added pumpkin pie.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==

File:Twitter Pumpkin Pie.png|The first screenshot of pumpkin pies, posted on Jeb's twitter.

== References ==



[[cs:Dýňový koláč]]
[[es:Tarta de calabaza]]
[[fr:Tarte à la citrouille]]
[[it:Torta di zucca]]
[[ko:호박 파이]]
[[pl:Placek dyniowy]]
[[pt:Torta de abóbora]]
[[ru:Тыквенный пирог]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Shears|Shears]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Shears.png
| rarity = Common
| renewable = Yes
| durability = 238
| stackable = No

'''Shears''' are tools required to obtain some organic blocks or otherwise mine them faster as well as to shear certain entities and blocks.



|B2= Iron Ingot
|A3= Iron Ingot
|Output= Shears
|type= Tool
|Damaged Shears
|Damaged Shears
|Output= Shears
|description= The durability of the two shears is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.
|type= Tool
Despite using [[Iron Ingot|iron]] in its crafting recipe, shears cannot be smelted into [[iron nugget]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-111738}}</ref>


Novice-level Shepherd [[villager]]s have a 40% chance to sell shears for 2 [[emerald]]s in Java Edition. This trade is always offered in Bedrock Edition.

===Chest loot===



Shears lose 1 [[durability]] when used to shear something.

Shears can be {{Control|use|text=used}} on a [[sheep]] to remove its coat and drop 1–3 [[wool]] of the corresponding color. The same sheep can be sheared again after it eats from a [[grass block]] to regenerate its coat.

Shearing a [[mooshroom]] drops 5 [[mushroom]]s of the corresponding color and irreversibly turns it into a normal [[cow]].

Shearing a [[snow golem]] irreversibly removes its pumpkin, dropping it and revealing its face.

Shearing either a [[beehive]] or [[bee nest]] that is full of honey makes it drop 3 [[honeycomb]]s and resets it to honey level 0. The same beehive or bee nest can be sheared again if it is able to reach full honey again. If sheared by hand without a [[campfire]] below the hive or nest all bees within will exit and all nearby bees will attack the offending player. 

[[Dispenser]]s can use shears in any of the above listed ways, interacting with any valid block or entity in front of the dispenser's face. This decreases the shears' [[durability]]. A dispenser shearing a beehive or bee nest will not anger bees or cause them to leave even if there is not a campfire below it.

Shearing a [[pumpkin]] turns it into a [[carved pumpkin]], dropping 4 [[pumpkin seeds]].

{{IN|java}}, shearing the tip of [[cave vines]], [[kelp]], [[weeping vines]], or [[twisting vines]] sets its age value to 25 and stops further growth.

===Breaking blocks===
Shears use 1 [[durability]] when is used to break any block, even if it [[instant mining|breaks instantly]] by hand.

Shears can be used to harvest [[cobweb|cobwebs]], [[leaves]], [[grass|grass, tall grass]], [[seagrass|seagrass, tall seagrass]], [[fern|ferns, large fern]]s, [[dead bush]]es, [[nether sprouts]], [[vines]], [[glow lichen]] or [[hanging roots]] and obtain them in item form. They can also be used to break [[tripwire]] connected to a [[tripwire hook]] without activating it.

When shears are used to break [[Weeping Vines|weeping vines]] or [[Twisting Vines|twisting vines]] they are guaranteed to drop in item form instead of the usual 33% chance. This only applies to vines directly broken by shears and not vines that are broken due to the destruction of their supporting vines.

The following table shows information about blocks that can be broken with shears. Colors indicate what gets dropped when the block is broken:

*White: The original block.
*Blue: The block's normal drop (i.e. string, sticks, seeds, saplings, apples).
*Red: Nothing.

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Blocks broken with shears"
!No shears breaking time
!Shears breaking time
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Cobweb}}
| {{tc|no|20 s}}<ref group="note">Breaking cobwebs with a sword is as fast as breaking with shears, and yields string. This costs double durability.</ref>
|0.4 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Dead Bush}}
| {{tc|planned|0 s}}
|0 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|id=fern|Grass|Fern}}
| {{tc|planned|0 s}}
|0 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Grass}}
| {{tc|planned|0 s}}
| 0 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Nether Sprouts}}
| {{tc|no|0 s}}<ref group="note">{{IN|bedrock}}, the item drops when breaking it with fists.</ref>
|0 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Leaves}}
| {{tc|planned|0.35 s}}
|0.05 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|id=tripwire|String#Tripwire|Tripwire}}
|0 s
|0 s<ref group="note">Using shears does not trigger a redstone pulse.</ref>
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Vines}}
| {{tc|no|0.35 s}}
|0.35 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Wool}}
|1.25 s
|0.25 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Seagrass}}
| {{tc|no|0 s}}
|0 s
! style="text-align:left" | {{BlockLink|Glow Lichen}}
| {{tc|no|0.3 s}}
|0.3 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockLink|Hanging Roots}}
| {{tc|no|0 s}}
|0 s
! style="text-align:left" |{{BlockSprite|Twisting Vines Plant}}{{BlockLink|Twisting Vines}}<br> {{BlockSprite|Weeping Vines Plant}}{{BlockLink|Weeping Vines}}
|0 s
|0 s<ref group="note">Using shears will increase the chance of dropping from 33% to 100%.</ref>



Shears can receive the following [[Enchanting|enchantments]]:

{| class="wikitable col-2-center col-3-right"
! Max Level
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Curse of Vanishing]]
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}
|[[Silk Touch]]{{only|be|short=1}}
|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}


== Sounds ==
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Shears click
|description=When a mooshroom is sheared
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Shears click
|description=When a sheep is sheared
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Shears click
|description=When a snow golem is sheared
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Plant cropped
|description=When a growing plant is cropped
{{Sound table
|sound=Beehive shear.ogg
|subtitle=Shears scrape
|description=When honeycombs are harvested from a beehive
{{Sound table
|sound=Pumpkin carve1.ogg
|sound2=Pumpkin carve2.ogg
|subtitle=Shears carve
|description=When a pumpkin is carved
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|subtitle=Item breaks
|description=When a pair of shears' durability is exhausted

Pumpkins do not have carve sounds.
{{Sound table
|description=When something is sheared
{{Sound table
|sound=Beehive shear.ogg
|description=When honeycombs are harvested from a beehive
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|description=When a pair of shears' durability is exhausted

==Data values==
{{ID table

{{ID table


{{load achievements|Have a Shearful Day}}<div style="text-align:center"></div>

{{History||June 3, 2011|link=https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/76570646074765312|Shears were first mentioned by [[Jeb]] on [[wikipedia:Twitter|Twitter]]. The tweet revealing Jeb's work on shears was written in Swedish (''Jag jobbar på shears nu''), which translates to "I'm working on shears now".}}
{{History||June 7, 2011|link=https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/78154891637436416|Jeb tweets about how shears were originally planned as a way to defuse [[TNT]], but he dropped this shortly after deciding TNT would detonate only with [[redstone]] or [[fire]].}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.7|[[File:Shears JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shears.
|Before [[Beta 1.7]], [[sheep]] would drop 1-3 [[wool]] blocks at most when hit, but shears can harvest up to 4 wool blocks per sheep.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Shears can now be used to harvest a [[fern]], [[vines]] and [[grass]].}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Shears now harvest [[red mushroom]]s from a [[mooshroom]] and turn it back into a normal [[cow]].}}
{{History||1.1|snap=11w49a|[[Sheep]] now drop only 1-3 wool blocks when sheared, but they can also regrow their wool by eating [[grass block|grass]], which is part of a plan to have [[animal]]s stay in the game longer.<ref>{{Tweet|jeb|76647002317930496}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w05a|Shears can now be used to harvest [[dead bush]]es.}}
{{History|||snap=12w06a|Shears are now [[renewable]], due to [[zombie]]s occassionally dropping iron ingots.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Shears can now be [[trading|bought]] from farmer [[villager]]s for 3 [[emerald]]s each.}}
{{History|||snap=12w22a|Shears can now be used to break [[tripwire]] string and not set it off.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38a|Added a [[sound]] when using shears on [[sheep]].}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w50a|Shears can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Trading]] has been changed: Shepherd [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] shears for 3–4 [[emerald]]s each. 
|Farmers no longer trade shears.}}
{{History|||snap=pre1|Shears now lose [[item durability|durability]] when breaking [[wool]] blocks. In previous versions, shears would take [[item durability|durability]] [[damage]] only when destroyed or when breaking [[tall grass]] or [[leaves]], the damage remaining the same for all other [[block]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-5313}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w34a|Shears may now be used in a crafting grid to zoom in [[map]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=15w45a|Shears no longer zoom in maps.}}
{{History|||snap=15w47b|Shears can no longer be enchanted with [[Silk Touch]].
|Shears now lose durability when used to break any block (formerly lost durability only from [[leaves]], [[web]], [[grass]], [[vines]], [[tripwire]] and [[wool]]).}}
{{History|||snap=15w47c|Shears now harvest [[cobweb]] without requiring [[Silk Touch]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w49a|[[Snow golem]]'s [[pumpkin]] can now be removed with shears.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|When shears are {{control|used}} on an un-carved [[pumpkin]], it now turns into a carved pumpkin and drops 4 [[pumpkin seeds]].
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 359.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Shears placed in a [[dispenser]] can now shear [[sheep]].
|[[File:Shears JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of shears has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Shears can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] shepherd houses.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|Shears can now be used on [[bee nest]]s and [[beehive]]s to harvest [[honeycomb]].}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w15a|Shears placed in a dispenser can now shear [[mooshrooms]] and [[snow golem]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=pre1|Shears are now required in order to pick up [[roots]].}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=pre2|Shears are no longer required to pick up [[roots]].}}
{{History||1.17|snap=?|Shears are now required in order to pick up [[hanging roots]].}}
{{History||1.18|snap=21w37a|Shears can now stop [[cave vines]], [[kelp]], [[weeping vines]], and [[twisting vines]] from aging.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|Shears are now required in order to pick up [[mangrove leaves]].}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Shears JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shears.}}
{{History||v0.3.2|Survival [[player]]s no longer start out with infinite durability shears in the [[inventory]].}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Removed shears from the creative inventory.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 3|Re-added shears to [[creative]] mode.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Shears can now be used to transform [[mooshroom]]s into [[cow]]s.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 3|Shearing a [[snow golem]] now removes its [[pumpkin]].
|Shears can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]] in an [[anvil]].}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Shears can now be used to break [[tripwire]] string without triggering it.}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Shears now lose durability when used to break any [[block]].}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Shears can now be [[trading|bought]] from shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Breaking a [[melon|melon block]] with shears now always drop 9 [[melon slice|melons]].}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Shears can now be used to turn un-carved [[pumpkin]]s into [[carved pumpkin]] and spit out 4 [[pumpkin seeds]].}}
{{History||?|Shears now harvest [[cobweb]] without requiring [[Silk Touch]].}} 
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Shears placed in a [[dispenser]] can now shear [[sheep]].
|[[File:Shears JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of shears has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Shears can now be found in [[village]] shepherd houses.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Shears [[trading|sold]] by shepherd [[villager]]s now cost only 2 [[emerald]]s.}}
{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|Shears can now be used on [[bee nest]]s and [[beehive]]s to harvest [[honeycomb]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU3|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Shears JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shears.}}
{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|Shears can now be used to turn regular [[pumpkin]]s into [[carved pumpkin]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Shears JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of shears has been changed.
|Shears placed in a [[dispenser]] can now shear [[sheep]].}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Shears JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shears.}}

{{issue list}}


File:Enchanted Shears.gif|An enchanted pair of shears.


==External links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--shears Taking Inventory: Shears] – Minecraft.net on November 20, 2019


[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul>
23w07aThe vanilla resource pack en_us language file is now sorted alphanumerically by key.
1.19.4-pre1Added a built-in "High Contrast" resource pack that enhances the contrast of UI elements.
Changed format number to 13, due to the enchantment glint now being separate between entities and items.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Chorus Fruit|Chorus Fruit]]<br/>{{about|the fruit that drops from [[chorus tree]]s|the building material|Popped Chorus Fruit|other uses|Chorus}}
| title = Chorus Fruit
| image = Chorus Fruit.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|4}}
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Chorus fruit''' is a [[food]] [[item]] native to [[the End]] that can be eaten, or [[smelting|smelted]] into [[Popped Chorus Fruit|popped chorus fruit]]. It can be eaten even when the hunger bar is full, and eating it may teleport the [[player]] up to 8 blocks in any direction.

== Obtaining ==
{{see also|Tutorials/Chorus fruit farming}}

Chorus fruit can be obtained by breaking [[Chorus Plant (block)|chorus plant blocks]]. Each block of chorus plant has a 50% chance to drop a chorus fruit. This is not affected by [[Fortune]].<ref>{{bug|MC-198924||Chorus Fruit doesn't have a higher chance with Fortune|Invalid}}</ref>

== Usage ==
To eat chorus fruit, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|4}} [[hunger]] and 2.4 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].

Unlike most foods, chorus fruits can be eaten even when the player has a full hunger bar.

The player may also be [[teleportation|teleported]]: up to 16 attempts are made to choose a random destination within ±8 on all three axes in the same manner as [[Enderman#Teleportation|enderman teleportation]], with the exception that the player may teleport into an area only 2 blocks high, or one block tall if the player is crawling. The player does not land in the average centroid of the block, but rather to any position within an 8-block range. The player will be teleported directly down to the ground regardless of the height it was used at if the player is too far from a valid destination.

The chorus fruit, unlike an [[Ender Pearl|ender pearl]], can teleport the player through [[solid block]]s. The algorithm tries to avoid [[fluid]]s; the player cannot teleport into a space occupied by [[water]] or [[lava]]. However, the player can be teleported onto dangerous blocks such as fire, cacti and magma blocks.<ref>{{bug|MC-102836||Enderman and chorus fruit can teleport to some dangerous places}}</ref>

If a teleport succeeds, a sound similar to an enderman teleporting plays originating from the teleportation origin location. Chorus fruit has a cooldown of 1 second before being able to be used again. The cooldown is represented by a white overlay on the chorus fruit in the hotbar. The cooldown is applied to all chorus fruits items, including those in the player's inventory and containers.<ref>{{bug|MC-88236|||WAI}}</ref>

Eating chorus fruit may teleport the player into areas protected by [[bedrock]], [[barrier|barrier blocks]], or other blocks that are otherwise unbreakable in [[Survival]] mode. However, it cannot teleport the player onto [[the Nether]] roof.<ref>{{bug|MC-84198|||Fixed}}</ref>

Chorus fruit is completely non-functional above the nether roof.

[[Fox]]es can also eat chorus fruit and the teleportation effect works the same as with players.

=== Smelting ingredient ===

|Chorus Fruit
|Popped Chorus Fruit

== Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Player teleports
|description=When a player teleports by eating a chorus fruit
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Fox teleports
|source=Players & Friendly Creatures<wbr><ref group=sound>{{Bug|MC-257516||"Fox teleports" sound plays for both Players and Friendly Creatures sound categories}}</ref>|overridesource=1
|description=When a fox teleports by eating a chorus fruit

{{Sound table
|description=When something teleports by eating a chorus fruit

==Data values ==

{{ID table
|displayname=Chorus Fruit

{{ID table
|displayname=Chorus Fruit

{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chorus fruit.}}
{{History|||snap=15w34c|A cooldown for using chorus fruit has now been added.}}
{{History|||snap=15w37a|The chorus fruit's teleportation range has now been reduced from ±32 to ±8.}}
{{History|||snap=15w50a|Added a [[sound]] for chorus fruit: <code>item.chorus_fruit.teleport</code>.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w21a|Chorus fruit can now teleport riders off their mounts.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 432.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of chorus fruit has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.20.2|snap=23w33a|Eating chorus fruit now resets fall distance.<ref>{{bug|MC-112133||Eating chorus fruit does not reset fall distance|Fixed}}</ref>}}

{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chorus fruit.}}
{{History|||snap=alpha|The cooldown of chorus fruit now has an animation.}}
{{History||1.7.0|snap=beta|The category that chorus fruit are apart of in the [[Creative inventory]] has been changed from "Nature" to "Items".}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of chorus fruit has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Chorus fruit has been moved back to the "Nature" section in the Creative inventory.}}

{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|switch=1.0.1|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chorus fruit.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of chorus fruit has now been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||1.7.10|[[File:Chorus Fruit JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added chorus fruit.}}

{{issue list}}


==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--chorus-fruit Taking Inventory: Chorus Fruit] – Minecraft.net on November 5, 2020


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[es:Fruta chorus]]
[[pl:Owoc refrenusu]]
[[pt:Fruta do coro]]
[[ru:Плод коруса]]
[[uk:Фрукт хорусу]]
[[zh:紫颂果]]</li><li>[[Clock|Clock]]<br/>{{about|the item|the redstone circuit|Redstone circuits/Clock}}
| image = Clock.gif
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Clocks''' are [[Daylight cycle|time]]-telling devices that display the current in-game position of the sun and the moon. Clocks only function properly in the [[Overworld]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

|B1= Gold Ingot
|A2= Gold Ingot
|B2= Redstone Dust
|C2= Gold Ingot
|B3= Gold Ingot
|Output= Clock
|type= Tool

=== Natural generation ===


=== Trading ===

Expert-level [[Trading#Librarian|librarian villagers]] have a {{frac|1|3}} (roughly 33.3%) chance to sell a single clock for 4 [[emerald]]s as part of their trades.{{only|bedrock}}

Expert-level librarian villagers have a {{frac|1|2}} (50%) chance to sell a clock for 5 emeralds.{{only|java}}

== Usage ==

[[File:WatchCycle.gif|thumb|Clock animation]]
The clock dial consists of two halves, a day side and a night side. The dial spins clockwise slowly to indicate the time of day, corresponding to the sun or moon's actual position in the sky. The player is able to [[bed|sleep]] a few seconds after the clock shows exactly dusk.

The dial always shows the current in-game time when in the [[Overworld]], regardless of where it appears. This includes a player's hand, an inventory slot, a [[Crafting table|crafting grid]], an [[item frame]], or even as a dropped [[Item (entity)|item]]. For a clock to be mounted on a wall, an [[item frame]] is required.

Because there is no day/night cycle in [[the Nether]] or [[the End]], clocks do not work properly in these dimensions. Instead, the dial rotates rapidly and randomly {{in|JE}} or clockwise {{in|BE}}, making them useless.

=== Piglins ===
{{EntityLink|Piglin|Piglins}} are attracted to clocks and run toward any clock on the ground, and inspect it for 6 to 8 seconds before putting it in their inventory.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Oooh, shiny!}}
== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Oh Shiny}}

== Video ==
''Note: This video doesn't state that clocks can be found in [[shipwreck]]s or [[ruined portal]]s because the video was released in an earlier [[Java Edition version history|version]].''
<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|Q3bsT84oVz4}}</div>

== History ==
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.2.0|snap=<nowiki>?|slink=:Category:Information needed requiring unarchived version|[[File:Clock JE1.gif|32px]] Added clocks.
|They have 228 visually distinct frames due to how the texture is generated – see the section below.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] clocks for 10-11 [[emerald]]s, making them [[renewable]].}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|[[File:Clock JE2 BE2.gif|32px]] Clocks now use the new animation feature included in [[texture pack]]s. As a result, they are considerably less precise, having only 64 frames.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] clocks for 10-12 [[emerald]]s.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Clocks are now broken up into individual textures, instead of having every individual frame on one vertical strip like with animated textures.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 347.}}
{{History|||snap=18w14a|Clocks can now be found in [[shipwreck]] map rooms.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w09a|Clocks can now be used to distract [[piglin]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-172363}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Clocks now generate in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}
{{History|||snap=20w19a|Clocks no longer work in the [[recipe book]].<ref>{{bug|MC-116293}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=20w22a|Clocks no longer work in the villager trading GUI.<ref>{{bug|MC-182888}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w48a|[[File:Clock JE3.gif|32px]] The texture of clocks has been changed to match the new gold ingot texture from the texture update.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Clock BE1.png|32px]] Added clocks.
|Clocks currently have no function or legitimate method of obtaining them.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Clocks are now functional and [[crafting|craftable]]. They have been added into the Creative inventory.
|[[File:Clock JE2 BE2.gif|32px]] The texture of clocks has been changed. They use an predefined texture file with 64 different frames.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] clocks for 10-12 [[emerald]]s.}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Clocks can now be found inside map room [[chest]]s in [[shipwreck]]s.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, librarian [[villager]]s now have {{frac|1|3}} chance to [[trading|sell]] a clock for 4 [[emerald]]s as part of their [[trading|trades]].}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Clocks now generate in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Clock JE3.gif|32px]] The texture of clocks has been changed to match the new gold ingot texture from the texture update.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Clock JE2 BE2.gif|32px]] Added clocks.}}
{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|Clocks can now be found in [[shipwreck]] map rooms.}}

{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Clock JE2 BE2.gif|32px]] Added clocks.}}

=== Texture generation prior to Java Edition 13w02a ===
{{:Procedural animated texture generation/Clocks}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* {{IN|java}}, a clock can be viewed under the item [[statistics]] page as long as one obtained a clock at some point.
* {{IN|java}}, the default resource pack for the clock contains 64 individual frames, each frame lasting about 18.75 seconds in real time (375 ticks) (1350 seconds (22 minutes, 30 seconds) in Minecraft time).
* When the time of day changes suddenly, such as after sleeping or when {{cmd|time}} is used, the clock dial spins rapidly to catch up.
* Although clocks do not function in the Nether or the End, the actual daylight cycle does continue.

== Gallery ==
File:Clockonawall.png|A clock in an [[item frame]] on a wall in a [[player]]'s base, showing the night is near.
File:Player Holding Clock.png|Early-game player holding a clock.
File:Clock In Item Frame.png|A clock placed in an item frame.

== References ==


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

23w14aChanged the pack format to 14 due to updates to the layout of minecraft.png and invite_icon.png.
23w17aChanged the pack format to 15 due to updates to the font and the credits.
uniform font has been updated to use Unifont 15.0.01.
Pre-release 5uniform font has been updated to use Unifont 15.0.03.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Bow|Bow]]<br/>{{For}}
{{For|the ranged weapon of a similar name|Crossbow}}
| image = <gallery>
Bow.png | Bow
Bow (Pull 0).png | Pulled (state 0)
Bow (Pull 1).png | Pulled (state 1)
Bow (Pull 2).png | Pulled (state 2)
| rarity = Common
| renewable = Yes
| durability = 384
| stackable = No

A '''bow''' is a ranged [[weapon]] that shoots [[arrow]]s.

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

|B1= Stick
|C1= String
|A2= Stick
|C2= String
|B3= Stick
|C3= String
|Output= Bow
|type= Combat

===Mob loot===

==== Skeletons and Strays ====

[[Skeleton]]s and [[stray]]s have an 8.5% chance of dropping a normal or enchanted bow on death when killed by a [[player]] or a tamed [[wolf]]. 

The chance of dropping a bow is increased by 1% per level of [[Looting]], allowing up to an 11.5% chance of dropping. 

The chance of being enchanted depends on the [[difficulty]], whether it is normal or hard. The enchantment level is equal to enchant level 5-22. 

Bows of [[skeleton trap]]s are always enchanted at level 5 to 23. The exact level depends on [[regional difficulty]], as on Easy it is always a level-5 enchantment.

==== Illusioners ====

[[Illusioner]]s have an 8.5% chance of dropping an unenchanted bow when killed by the player. The chance of dropping a bow is increased by 1% per level of Looting, allowing up to an 11.5% chance of dropping. 

=== Trading ===

Apprentice-level fletcher [[villager]]s sell bows for 2 [[emerald]]s as part of their [[trading|trade]]s.

Expert-level fletcher villagers sell enchanted bows for 7–21 emeralds as part of their trades. The enchantment level is equal to enchant level 5–19.

=== Fishing ===

Bows have a chance of being caught by [[fishing]]. When caught, the bow may be damaged and contain random [[enchantment]]s equivalent to a level 30 enchantment from an [[enchanting table]], including treasure enchantments like [[Mending]].

=== Repairing ===
|ingredients=2x Damaged [[Bow]]
|Damaged Bow
|Damaged Bow
|description=The durability of the two bows is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.
|Damaged Bow
|Damaged Bow

== Usage ==

=== Weapon ===
[[File:Steve aiming with Bow.png|150px|right]]
[[File:Alex aiming with Bow.png|150px|right]]

Bows can be drawn back by {{control|using}} them. In order to use a bow, the player must have at least one [[arrow]] in their [[inventory]] or be in [[Creative]] mode. The arrow that is shown inside the bow always looks like a regular arrow, regardless of what kind of arrow is actually being shot from the bow.<ref>{{bug|MC-87685||Drawn bow texture does not reflect arrow that will be shot|WF}}</ref>

When drawing a bow, the display zooms in slightly. Charging the bow to its maximum causes it to visually shake as an indicator. Releasing the button shoots an [[arrow]] if it is charged at least 15%. Drawing a bow can be canceled by switching to another hotbar slot while holding use.

While the bow is being charged or remains fully charged, the player is forced to move at [[sneaking]] speed, unless they are riding a [[horse]], [[minecart]] or [[boat]], or flying with [[elytra]]. It is not possible to [[Sprinting|sprint]] while charging a bow or holding a drawn bow. When the bow is released, normal motion resumes although any prior sprint is cancelled. Sneaking while drawing the bow makes the player move even slower.

If an arrow hits another player, the player that shoots the arrow hears a high-pitched "ding" sound.{{only|je}}

Fully charged shots launch critical arrows which have a trail of [[particles]] behind them and deal up to <math display="inline">\left ( \frac{3x}{2} \right ) + 2</math>damage, where <math>x</math>is the damage after any enchantments. The listed values below describe maximum damage from a bow with no [[Power]] enchantments, assuming the target is at a distance where drag and gravity are negligible. However, the critical damage is likely to be more around 8-10; critical damage is added at a random value between <math>x</math>and <math display="inline">\left ( \frac{3x}{2} \right ) + 2</math> and it is rare to have minimum or maximum values. The damage dealt can ultimately be less than the maximum damage if the arrow slows down after being shot. 

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Shot base damage by changing time"
! Charging time
! Maximum attack damage
|{{ItemSprite|Bow|text= '''0.1 s'''}} (no charge)
|{{ItemSprite|Bow|text= '''0.2–0.9 s'''}} (medium charge)
|{{ItemSprite|Bow|text= '''1+ s'''}} (full charge)
|{{ItemSprite|Bow|text= '''1+ s'''}} (critical)

The game stores the damage of arrows even in values with a decimal point. For example, it is possible for a critical arrow shot to cause damage values such as 6.4. In this cases of a broken value, the game can round up or down and store the amount for subsequent damage sources.

Any projectile thrown by the player is under the influence of momentum in current versions of ''Minecraft''. Naturally, the player's movement speed can be modified under a number of circumstances, affecting the ballistic trajectory of projectiles, and as a result, the damage inflicted by arrows.

In [[Java Edition Combat Tests]], to avoid sniping, arrows shot from fully-charged bows become non-critical if held drawn back for longer than three seconds. Instantaneous effects on tipped arrows are scaled by 1/8, just like the duration of other effects. For example, Instant Damage I arrow will deal an additional {{hp|0.75}} magical damage.

Damage caused by the arrow is not affected by the [[Strength]] effect.

[[Endermen]] cannot be shot using an arrow, because the arrow either disappears as the enderman teleports, or it gets deflected. Even while immobile, the enderman is immune to damage from arrows. However, an arrow shot from a bow enchanted with [[Flame]] can ignite the enderman.

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|Bow, Damaged Bow}}

=== Enchantments ===

Bows can receive several different [[enchantment]]s and have a base enchantability of 1. Bow enchantments have no effect on [[arrow]] speed or the distance it travels. In [[Bedrock Edition]], if a bow is enchanted with any level 1 enchantment, it always gets Power I.{{verify|This used to be in the trivia section. Not valid in Java Edition.}}

{| class="wikitable col-3-center"
!Max Level
|Increases the damage dealt by bow-shot arrows.
|Increases the knockback dealt by bow-shot arrows.
|Ignites arrows, dealing fire damage to anyone hit as well as igniting TNT and campfires.
|[[Infinity]]<ref group=n name=exclusive>Mending and Infinity are mutually exclusive.</ref> 
|Stops the bow from consuming arrows when shot. A minimum of 1 arrow is still required to work.
|Grants a chance to negate durability consumption, making the bow last longer.
|[[Mending]]<ref group=n name=exclusive></ref>
|Repairs the bow using experience, but also preventing the player from gaining score.
|[[Curse of Vanishing]]
|The bow vanishes on death, not dropping as an item. Overridden by keepInventory.

=== Fuel ===

A bow can be used as [[fuel]] in [[furnace]]s, smelting 1.5 items per bow {{in|java}} or 1 item per bow {{in|bedrock}}.

== Arrows ==


As in real life, a flying [[arrow]] in ''Minecraft'' is affected by gravity. Its vertical speed is modified by one block downward every second, resulting in a {{w|Parabola|parabolic}} flight path. An arrow slows down if shot through water, reducing its damage to near zero unless brought back into the air or otherwise given momentum.{{Only|Java}}

Arrows that hit solid [[blocks]] become stuck and can be retrieved, unless the arrow was shot by a bow [[enchant]]ed with [[Infinity]], a player in Creative mode, or a mob.

An arrow shot through [[lava]] ignites, giving it the effect of the [[Flame]] enchantment, igniting any entity it hits. If not extinguished, the fire inflicts up to {{hp|4}} damage. Although a [[wither skeleton]] does not spawn naturally with bows, if it holds a bow then it also shoots flaming arrows.

On impact, an arrow can trigger a wooden [[pressure plate]], [[target]] block, [[wooden button]], or [[tripwire]]. Arrows cannot trigger stone pressure plates or stone buttons.

The player can choose the type of arrow to shoot based on its location in the inventory. Arrows in the off-hand, or the selected hotbar slot if the bow is in the off-hand, are prioritized first. If there are no arrows in the off-hand or selected hotbar slot then the arrow closest to [[Inventory#Slots|slot 0]] is selected.

Arrows shot by bows in [[Bedrock Edition]] has a slightly higher range than arrows shot by bows in [[Java Edition]].

{{Sound table
|sound=Arrow hit1.ogg
|sound2=Arrow hit2.ogg
|sound3=Arrow hit3.ogg
|sound4=Arrow hit4.ogg
|subtitle=Arrow hits
|description=When an arrow impacts something
{{Sound table
|sound=Bow shoot.ogg
|subtitle=Arrow fired
|description=When a bow shoots an arrow
|pitch={{frac|4|3}}-1.125 <ref group=sound>Depends on how long the bow has been charging. uncharged bows give {{frac|5|6}}-0.625</ref> 
{{Sound table
|sound=Succesfull Hit.ogg
|subtitle=Player hit
|description=When an arrow shot by a player hits another player
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|subtitle=Item breaks
|description=When a bow's durability is exhausted

{{Sound table
|sound=Arrow hit1.ogg
|sound2=Arrow hit2.ogg
|sound3=Arrow hit3.ogg
|sound4=Arrow hit4.ogg
|description=When an arrow impacts something
{{Sound table
|sound=Bow shoot.ogg
|description=When a bow shoots an arrow
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|description=When a bow's durability is exhausted

==Data values==
{{ID table

{{ID table


{{load achievements|Sniper Duel;Archer;Dispense with this;Bullseye}}


{{load advancements|Take Aim;Sniper Duel;Bullseye}}


<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|orNlaO12EQg}}</div>

{{History|java classic}}
{{History||June 14, 2009|link=https://notch.tumblr.com/post/123343045/my-vision-for-survival|[[Notch]] discussed how bows and [[arrow]]s would work in [[Survival]] mode: "Bows and arrows can be made out of wood. To use it, select the bow from your inventory and make sure you’ve got some arrows. Click in front of you, and an arrow goes flying using real physics. To actually HIT something, aim above it."}}
{{History||0.24 SURVIVAL TEST|The [[player]] did not need a bow to shoot arrows. Instead, {{Key|Tab}} was used to fire arrows. However, arrows still had to be collected to shoot. Launching arrows this way was much slower than the bow that now fires them.}}
{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20100110|[[File:Bow JE1.png|32px]] Added bow texture to [[items.png]].}}
{{History|||snap=20100122|[[File:Bow JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added bows as item with changed texture. The right mouse button can be held down to fire in rapid succession. Each [[arrow]] deals {{hp|4}} for each hit. They fly in a [[wikipedia:Trajectory of a projectile|ballistic trajectory]] affected by gravity and drag in air or water. They travel approximately 15 [[block]]s when fired parallel to a flat plane. Arrows also have a maximum range of around 52 blocks when fired at a 38 degree angle on a flat plane.
|Bows often fail to interact with objects, but instead shoot. This is due to the fact that shooting arrows is an instantaneous action.
|At this point, bows have no durability, and can essentially be used infinitely.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.2.6|Interacting with objects (door, chest, etc.) while holding a bow no longer shoots the arrow.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|Bows are now used to craft [[dispenser]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=July 8, 2011|slink={{tweet|notch|89414265441763328}}|[[Notch]] teased hold-to-charge bows.}}
{{History|||snap=July 13, 2011|slink={{tweet|notch|91250232981061632}}|Notch indicated that along with bow charging, he would add an [[achievement]] based around shooting a [[skeleton]] at 50 meters, eventually to be known as ''Sniper duel''.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release|Bow behavior has been overhauled; they now need to be charged to fire.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=RC1|A fully charged [[arrow]] from a bow now consistently deals {{hp|9}} damage, with a rare chance of dealing {{hp|10}}.
|Bows now have a [[durability]] of 385 uses.
|Bows no longer need arrows for ammo in [[Creative]] mode.
|The bow can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]] via console commands, but no enchantment affects it.}}
{{History||1.1|snap=release|Bows can now be legitimately enchanted. Four enchantments have been added: [[Flame]], [[Punch]], [[Power]] and [[Infinity]].}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w06a|[[Skeleton]]s now have a 2.5% chance of dropping a bow. One fifth of the time, this bow is enchanted with Power I (20%).}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w50a|Bows can now be enchanted with [[Unbreaking]] using an [[anvil]] and an appropriate [[enchanted book]].}}
{{History|||snap=pre|When a [[player]] hits another player from far away with a bow it makes a high pitched "dinging" sound.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Bows can now be obtained as a "treasure" [[item]] from [[fishing]].
|Bows can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]] with [[Unbreaking]] directly in an [[enchantment table]] without the use of an [[anvil]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Fletcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1 bow for 2–3 [[emerald]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=14w30a|Bow placement when drawing back has been slightly changed.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|When shooting, the arrows are no longer offset to the right of the Crosshair.
|The bow in the hotbar now shows an [[arrow]] when being drawn.
|Bows can now shoot an additional 14 types of arrows, selected based on the arrow type held in the off-hand or closest to slot 0.
|Bows cannot be used in the off-hand.}}
{{History|||snap=15w37a|The bow can now be used in the off-hand.
|Bows now prioritize the selected hotbar slot for [[arrow]]s if the bow is in the off hand.
|When using the bow in the off-hand, the bow does do the animation, but does not aim at the target.}}
{{History|||snap=?|Momentum now affects the physics of arrows fired from bows.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|Bows are now used by [[stray]]s and can now sometimes be obtained as a rare [[drop]].}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w33a|Bows can now be used to fuel [[furnace]]s.}}
{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|[[Infinity]] and [[Mending]] are now mutually exclusive for bows.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w16a|Bows are now used by [[illusioner]]s and can now sometimes be obtained as a rare [[drop]], although unenchanted.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 261.}}
{{History||1.13.1|snap=18w30a|{{bug|MC-88356}}: Fixed a bug: When using the bow in the off-hand, the bow does do the animation, but does not aim at the target.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=19w11a|Fletcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] enchanted bows.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.3.3|[[File:Bow JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added bows.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Bows now have a durability of 385 uses.
|Bows also now slow down the player while aiming.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Bows are now obtainable after activating the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Bow BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bows has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=build 7|Bows can now be used as fuel in a [[furnace]].}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Bows can now be obtained as a "treasure" [[item]] from [[fishing]].}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Fully charged bows now cause [[particle]]s.
|Bows can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]].
|Bows obtained by [[fishing]] can now be caught enchanted.
|Bows are no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Added [[stray]]s, which are equipped with a bow that can rarely be dropped by them.
|Bows can now shoot an additional 14 types of [[arrow]]s, selected based on the arrow type closest to slot 0.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Bows can now be obtained by [[trading]] with a fletcher [[villager]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Added the [[Mending]] enchantment, which can now be applied to bows and is mutually exclusive to the [[Infinity]] enchantment.
|[[Arrow]]s can now be placed in the offhand slot and bows now prioritize the arrows in that slot.}}
{{History||?|Momentum now affects the physics of arrows fired from bows.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Bows in the hotbar now show an [[arrow]] when being drawn.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta| [[File:Bow JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of bows has been changed to match {{el|je}}'s texture.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Fletcher villagers now sell unenchanted bows for 2 emeralds, and enchanted bows for 8 emeralds.}}
{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|Bows in first-person view is now held differently.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-116741}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Bows are now held like it was before [[Bedrock Edition beta| beta]].<ref>{{bug|MCPE-116741}}</ref>}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Bow JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added bows.}}
{{History||xbox=TU5|Bow behavior is overhauled; they now need to be charged to fire.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Bows can now be obtained by [[trading]] with a fletcher [[villager]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|Bows can now shoot an additional 14 types of [[arrow]]s, selected based on arrow type held in the off-hand or closest to slot 0.}}

Historical sounds:

{| class="wikitable"
|{{sound||Bow Shooting Old.ogg}}
|Sound Update

{{issue list}}

* Bows were left unchanged in the [[Texture Update]].<ref>{{bug|MC-168156|||WAI}}</ref>
*Dinnerbone got the idea for the high-pitched "ding" sound from playing on a former PvP server called Project Ares.<ref>{{tweet|Dinnerbone|280044119345229826|Also things I learnt from pvping today: Bows need to ding when you hit people (it's so much fun/rewarding!) & arrows don't render far enough|December 15, 2012}}</ref><ref>{{ytl|-b5aXYacYsk|Minecraft PvP with Dinnerbone & Docm77 - Team DocBone @ 11:52|docm77|December 7, 2013|t=712s}}</ref>

Enchanted Bow.gif|An enchanted bow.
Bow Shooting.gif|Using the bow.
1.9bow.gif|Drawback animation.
Bow SDGP.png|Bow in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].
Hunting Wabbits.jpg|Using a bow to hunt rabbits.


==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--bow Taking Inventory: Bow] – Minecraft.net on April 13, 2023


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

|image=Painting JE2 BE2.png
|extratext=View [[#Renders|all renders]]
|stackable=Yes (64)
|drops=1 {{ItemLink|Painting}}
'''Paintings''' are decorative [[entity|entities]] that hang on walls.

== Obtaining ==
=== Crafting ===
|A1= Stick |B1= Stick    |C1= Stick
|A2= Stick |B2= Any Wool |C2= Stick
|A3= Stick |B3= Stick    |C3= Stick
|Output= Painting
|type= Decoration block

Paintings can be crafted with any color of [[wool]]. The color of the wool used does not influence the picture chosen when the painting is placed.
Once placed, it displays a random painting.

=== Breaking ===
To remove a painting from a wall, the player can {{control|attack}} it, break one of its supporting blocks, cover one square of it with a block, hit it with an arrow, egg, ender pearl, snowball, or fire charge, or subject it to an explosion. The painting then drops as an item. Arrows that hit paintings disappear.

=== Trading ===
Master-level shepherd [[villager]]s sell 3 paintings for 2 [[emerald]]s.

== Usage ==
=== Placement ===
Paintings can be placed on the sides of [[solid block]]s, [[sign]]s, [[banner]]s, or [[sculk vein]]s. A small gap is visible between the painting and attachment surface. There are several different sizes of paintings (see below). When placed, a painting checks for the largest amount of space it has. It then chooses a random painting of that size. The player can add blocks around the painting to ensure it is the size wanted. When the supporting blocks are removed, the painting breaks after 20 game [[tick]]s (1 second) if no supporting blocks are replaced during that interval.

=== Properties ===
Being an entity, paintings can simultaneously exist in the same space as blocks such as water or torches. Specifically, they can share the space with any block whose collision box does not intersect its hitbox.

Players and mobs are able to walk through paintings, as long as the blocks supporting the painting allow it. Secret doorways can be created this way. [[Light]] propagates through paintings as well.

If a player is concealed behind a painting, the player's name is also concealed from other players.{{verify|Is this true in Bedrock?}}

Paintings are non-flammable.

== Canvases ==
{{Stub|Needing the new painting renders}}
There are 31 paintings in the game. These are mostly based on paintings by [[Kristoffer Zetterstrand]], who also created the ''Minecraft'' versions.

{| class="wikitable stikitable" style="text-align: center" data-description="Paintings"
! style="min-width:150px" |Canvas
! style="min-width:3em;max-width:4em" |Size
! style="min-width:3em" |Original
! style="min-width:3em" |Name
! style="min-width:3em;max-width:4.5em" |[[Resource location]]
! style="min-width:10em" |Description
! Java Edition version added
! [[File:Alban (texture).png|64px]]
| rowspan="7" | 1×1 blocks<br>16×16 pixels || [https://zetterstrand.com/work/pictures/archive/alban.jpeg "Albanian"] || Albanian || <code>alban</code> || A man wearing a fez next to a house and a bush. As the name of the painting suggests, it may be a landscape in [[Wikipedia:Albania|Albania]]. || rowspan="9" | [[Indev 20100223]]
! [[File:Aztec (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/2aztbig.jpg "de_aztec"]|| de_aztec || <code>aztec</code> || [[Wikipedia:Noclip mode|Free-look]] perspective of the map [[w:c:counterstrike:Aztec|de_aztec]] from the video game ''[[Wikipedia:Counter-Strike (video game)|Counter-Strike]]''. 
! [[File:Aztec2 (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/11aztec_for_print.jpg "de_aztec"]|| de_aztec || <code>aztec2</code> || [[Wikipedia:Noclip mode|Free-look]] perspective of the map [[w:c:counterstrike:Aztec|de_aztec]] from the video game ''[[Wikipedia:Counter-Strike (video game)|Counter-Strike]]''. 
! [[File:Bomb (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/12bomb.jpg "Target successfully bombed"]|| Target Successfully Bombed || <code>bomb</code> || The map [[w:c:counterstrike:Dust II|de_dust2]] from the video game ''[[Wikipedia:Counter-Strike (video game)|Counter-Strike]]'', named “target successfully bombed" in reference to the game. 
! [[File:Kebab (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/work/pictures/archive/kebab2.jpg "Kebab med tre pepperoni"] || Kebab med tre pepperoni || <code>kebab</code> || A kebab with three green chili peppers. 
! [[File:Plant (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/work/pictures/archive/paradistrad.jpeg "Paradisträd"] || Paradisträd || <code>plant</code> || Still life of two plants in pots. "Paradisträd" is Swedish for "[[Wikipedia:Crassula ovata|money tree]]", which is a common name for the depicted species in Scandinavia. 
! [[File:Wasteland (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/Wasteland_1920.jpg "Wasteland"]|| Wasteland || <code>wasteland</code> || A view of some wastelands; a small animal (presumably a rabbit) is sitting on the window ledge. 
! [[File:Courbet (texture).png|128px]]
| rowspan="5" | 2×1 blocks<br>32×16 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/bonjourmonsieurcourbet_BIG.jpg "Bonjour monsieur Courbet"]|| Bonjour Monsieur Courbet || <code>courbet</code> || Two hikers with pointy beards seemingly greeting each other. Based on Gustave Courbet's painting ''[[Wikipedia:La rencontre|The Meeting or "Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet"]]''. 
! [[File:Pool (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/thepool_1920.jpg "The pool"]|| The Pool || <code>pool</code> || Some men and women skinny-dipping in a pool over a cube of sorts. Also there is an old man resting in the lower-right edge. 
! [[File:Sea (texture).png|128px]]
| rowspan=2 |[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/SeaSide_1920.jpg "Seaside"]
| Seaside
| <code>sea</code>
| Mountains and a lake, with a small photo of a mountain and a bright-colored plant on the window ledge. || [[Indev 20100223]] / [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Creebet (texture).png|128px]]
| Creebet || <code>creebet</code> || Mountains and a lake, with a small photo of a mountain and a creeper looking at the viewer through a window. || [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Sunset (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/sunset_dense.jpg "sunset_dense"]|| sunset_dense || <code>sunset</code> || A view of mountains at sunset. || [[Indev 20100223]]
! [[File:Graham (texture).png|64px]]
| rowspan="2" | 1×2 blocks<br>16×32 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/graham.jpg "Graham"]|| Graham || <code>graham</code> || King Graham, the player character in the video game series ''[[Wikipedia:King's Quest|King's Quest]]''. The original is based on ''[[Wikipedia:File:Sánchez_Cotán_(Bodegón_con_membrillo,_repollo,_melón_y_pepino).jpg|Still Life with Quince, Cabbage, Melon, and Cucumber]]'' by Juan Sánchez Cotán.|| [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Wanderer (texture).png|64px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/wanderer_1920.jpg "Wanderer"]|| Wanderer || <code>wanderer</code> || A version of Caspar David Friedrich's famous painting ''[[Wikipedia:Wanderer above the Sea of Fog|Wanderer above the Sea of Fog]]''. || rowspan="4" | [[Indev 20100223]]
! [[File:Bust (texture).png|128px]]
| rowspan="6" | 2×2 blocks<br>32×32 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/bust_1915.jpg "Bust"]|| Bust || <code>bust</code> || A bust of [[Wikipedia:Marcus Aurelius|Marcus Aurelius]] surrounded by fire. 
! [[File:Match (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/Match_rgb_1918.jpg "Match"]|| Match || <code>match</code> || A hand holding a match, causing fire on a white cubic gas fireplace. 
! [[File:Skull and Roses (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/moonlight-installation_1920.jpg "Moonlight Installation"]|| Skull and Roses || <code>skull_and_roses</code> || A skeleton at night with red flowers in the foreground. The original painting was different, depicting a woman sitting in a couch, while the skull is in the middle of a body of glacial water of sorts. 
! [[File:Stage (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/The-stage-is-set-1.jpg "The stage is set"]
| The Stage Is Set
| <code>stage</code>
| Scenery from ''[[Wikipedia:Space Quest I|Space Quest I]]'', with the character Graham from the video game series ''[[Wikipedia:King's Quest|King's Quest]]'' appearing twice. || [[Indev 20100223]] / [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Void (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/the-void_1920.jpg "The Void"]|| The void || <code>void</code> || An angel praying into a void with fire below. || [[Indev 20100223]]
! [[File:Wither (painting texture).png‎|128px]]
| – || Wither || <code>wither</code> || The creation of a [[wither]]. 
This is the only painting not based on a real painting. Made by Jens Bergensten.<ref>{{Citation|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK5Y4k-vVXc|title=Who Made Minecraft’s LAST Painting?!|author=AntVenom|website=YouTube|date=29 October 2022}}</ref><ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1tzav2/comment/cedagcy/</ref>
|| [[Java Edition 1.4.2]] ([[12w36a]])
! [[File:Fighters (texture).png|128px]]
| 4×2 blocks<br>64×32 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/fighters.jpg "Fighters"]|| Fighters || <code>fighters</code> || Two men poised to fight. Paper versions of fighters from the game ''[[Wikipedia:International Karate +|International Karate +]]''. || [[Indev 20100223]]
! [[File:Donkey Kong (texture).png|128px]]
| rowspan="2" | 4×3 blocks<br>64×48 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/kong.jpg "Kong"]|| Kong || <code>donkey_kong</code> || A paper-looking screenshot of the level [https://www.mariowiki.com/100m 100m] from the arcade game ''[[Wikipedia:Donkey Kong (arcade game)|Donkey Kong]]''. || rowspan="2" | [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Skeleton (painting texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/mortal_coil.jpg "Mortal Coil"]|| Mortal Coil || <code>skeleton</code> || [[w:c:grim-fandango:Bruno Martinez|Bruno Martinez]] from the adventure game ''[[Wikipedia:Grim Fandango|Grim Fandango]]''. 
! [[File:Burning Skull (texture).png‎|128px]]
| rowspan="3" | 4×4 blocks<br>64×64 pixels ||[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/skull_on_fire_framed_c_1910.jpg "Skull on Fire"]|| Skull On Fire || <code>burning_skull</code> || A Skull on fire; in the background there is a moon in a clear night sky.<br>This painting is based on a Minecraft screenshot,<ref>{{Citation|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220928041338/https://imgur.com/HVhrbnH|website=Imgur|date=22 August 2020|title=https://web.archive.org/web/20220928041338/https://imgur.com/HVhrbnH}}</ref> with the grass block and a 3D skull added on top.<ref>{{Citation|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200906184721/https://imgur.com/AwqQFS6|title=https://web.archive.org/web/20200906184721/https://imgur.com/AwqQFS6|website=Imgur|date=23 August 2020}}</ref>
(See the [[:en:Painting#Trivia|trivia]] section for more info.)
| [[Java Edition Beta 1.2 01|Beta 1.2_01]] / [[Java Edition Beta 1.3|Beta 1.3]]
! [[File:Pigscene (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/rgb_1914.jpg "RGB"]|| Pigscene || <code>pigscene</code> <!-- yes, without an underscore --> || A girl pointing to a pig on a canvas. In the original version, the canvas showed red, green and blue blocks, representing the three colors of the [[Wikipedia:RGB color model|RGB color model]] that is typically used by computer displays. It is based on the painting ''[[Wikipedia:File:Jacob van Oost (I) - The Artist's Studio - WGA16654.jpg|The Artist's Studio]]'' by Jacob van Oost.|| [[Alpha v1.1.1]]
! [[File:Pointer (texture).png|128px]]
|[https://zetterstrand.com/eventz/wp-content/uploads/pointer_1920.jpg "Pointer"]|| Pointer || <code>pointer</code> || The main character of the game ''[[Wikipedia:International Karate +|International Karate +]]'' in a fighting stance touching a large hand. It could also be interpreted as a play on Michelangelo's famous painting ''[[Wikipedia:The Creation of Adam|The Creation of Adam]]''. || [[Indev 20100223]]
! TBA || 
Pack || <code>pack</code> || Reference to the pack.png fi || [[Java Edition 1.21]]le

=== Unused paintings ===
In [[Pocket Edition v0.5.0 alpha|v0.5.0 alpha]], with the addition of paintings to Pocket Edition, four unused 32×32 paintings were present in <samp>[[kz.png]]</samp> which remained unused. See {{slink|Bedrock Edition unused features|Paintings}} for more information. They were also added to Java Edition in snapshot [[Java Edition 22w16a|22w16a]]. They cannot be placed by default, but can be summoned by [[commands]] (such as {{cmd|/summon painting ~ ~ ~ {variant:"water"} }}) or through a [[datapack]].

According to [[Helen Zbihlyj]],<ref>https://old.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/u8hpnx/thoughts_on_the_new_paintings/i5olue6/?context=3 ([https://web.archive.org/web/20220422115723/https://old.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/u8hpnx/thoughts_on_the_new_paintings/i5olue6/?context=3 archived])</ref> these paintings were originally added "as part of a Pocket Edition promo map" (no footage found) which was planned to be a part of [[Pocket Edition]] promotion at [[MINECON 2012]] [[MINECON 2013|or 2013]] and have never been used in game. The artist of these paintings remains unknown.

{| class="wikitable stikitable" style="text-align: center" data-description="Paintings"
! style="min-width:100px" |Canvas
! style="min-width:3em;max-width:4em" |Size
! style="min-width:6em" |Name
! style="min-width:10em" |[[Resource location]]
! style="min-width:10em" |Description
! style="min-width:5em;max-width:10em" |Bedrock Edition version added
! style="min-width:5em;max-width:8em" |Java Edition version added
! [[File:Earth (texture) BE2.png|128px]]
| rowspan="4" | 2×2 blocks<br>32×32 pixels || Earth || <code>earth</code> || One of the four {{Wikipedia|Classical element|classical elements}}: Earth. || rowspan="4" | [[Pocket Edition v0.5.0 alpha|v0.5.0 alpha]] || rowspan="4" | [[Java Edition 22w16a|22w16a]]
! [[File:Fire (texture) BE2.png|128px]]
| Fire || <code>fire</code> || One of the four classical elements: Fire. 
! [[File:Water (texture) BE2.png|128px]]
| Water || <code>water</code> || One of the four classical elements: Water. 
! [[File:Wind (texture) BE2.png|128px]]
| Wind || <code>wind</code> || One of the four classical elements: Air. 

{{Sound table
|sound=Painting break1.ogg
|sound2=Painting break2.ogg
|sound3=Painting break3.ogg
|subtitle=Painting breaks<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|194948|Painting, item frame and lead breaking subtitles inconsistent with block breaking subtitle|date=July 14, 2020}}</ref>
|description=When a painting is broken or pops off
{{Sound table
|sound=Painting place1.ogg
|sound2=Painting place2.ogg
|sound3=Painting place3.ogg
|sound4=Painting place4.ogg
|subtitle=Painting placed
|description=When a painting is placed

{{Sound table
|sound=Item Frame break1.ogg
|sound2=Item Frame break2.ogg
|sound3=Item Frame break3.ogg
|description=When a painting is broken or pops off
{{Sound table
|sound=Item Frame add item1.ogg
|sound2=Item Frame add item2.ogg
|soumd3=Item Frame add item3.ogg
|sound4=Item Frame add item4.ogg
|description=When a painting is placed

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
{{ID table

{{ID table
{{ID table

=== Entity data ===

Paintings have entity data that defines various properties of the entity.

{{main|Entity format}}

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].

== Video ==
<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|M3vWDirTMek}}</div>

== History ==
{{History|java indev}}
{{History||20100223|[[File:Painting JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paintings.
|There are currently 19 canvases, which can be viewed at [[Java Edition history of textures/Paintings]].
|The [[crafting]] recipe of paintings uses eight [[planks]].
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed"
! Recipe
{{Crafting Table
  |A1=Oak Planks
  |B1=Oak Planks
  |C1=Oak Planks
  |A2=Oak Planks
  |B2=Light Gray Wool
  |C2=Oak Planks
  |A3=Oak Planks
  |B3=Oak Planks
  |C3=Oak Planks
|Painting textures are currently stored on a [[texture atlas]] called <samp>[[kz.png]]</samp>.}}
{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100227-1|The [[crafting]] recipe has of paintings has been changed, so that it now uses [[stick]]s, rather than [[planks]].
{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed"
! Recipe
{{Crafting Table
  |B2=Light Gray Wool
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.1.1|Added five more painting canvases, for a total of 24.
|The textures of two paintings have been changed.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2_01|Added a new painting, although it uses an untextured part of <samp>kz.png</samp> due to the painting texture not yet being implemented.}}
{{History||1.3|The texture of the new painting, has been added to the part of <samp>kz.png</samp> displayed by the new painting.}}
{{History||April 27, 2011|link=https://web.archive.org/web/20201111211000/https://notch.tumblr.com/post/4988431144/the-maps|Custom paintings are mentioned by [[Notch]].}}
{{History||1.7.3|Paintings pushed by [[piston]]s now pop off.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w36a|Added new painting canvas 'Wither'.
|Paintings can now be placed overlapping one another.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w10a|Paintings can no longer be placed directly inside of each other.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w49a|Paintings can no longer be destroyed by [[lightning]].}}
{{History|||snap=15w50a|Added [[sound]]s for placing and breaking paintings: <code>entity.painting.place</code> and <code>entity.painting.break</code>.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The [[entity]] ID for paintings has been changed from <code>Painting</code> to <code>painting</code>.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w06a|Paintings now have a more intuitive placement system. When placed, a painting always uses the maximum possible amount of available space.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 321.}}
{{History|||snap=18w02a|Paintings now use a [[resource location]] for their motive.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Painting JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The [[item]] texture of paintings has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w07a|Paintings are now stored as individual image files instead of parts of a single large image file, and now support animations.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Shepherd [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] paintings.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w11a|The painting back texture has been updated to be in line with the texture update.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w16a|Added the four unused paintings from Bedrock Edition: "Earth", "Wind", "Fire", and "Water".|These paintings can only be added through a [[data pack]], or with the {{cmd|summon}} command.}}
{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w06a|Added [[painting]] variants to "Functional Blocks" tab.|Paintings with pre-defined variant will now display author, title and size in description when hovered over.|The "Operator Utilities" tab now contains the four paintings that are not available in Survival mode.}}
{{History||1.21|snap=TBA|Added 5 new paintings, one 1x1, one 2x1, one 2x2, one 3x2 and one 4x4}}


{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.5.0|[[File:Painting JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paintings.
|There are currently 25 canvases, which can be viewed at [[Bedrock Edition history of textures/Paintings]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 3|A new painting rendering has been added.{{info needed|What exactly changed?}}}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Paintings are no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Paintings now have [[sound]]s when placed and broken.}}
{{History||1.0.7|Added new painting canvas 'Wither'.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Painting JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The [[item]] texture of paintings has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Paintings can now be [[trading|bought]] from shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|The painting back texture has been updated to be in line with the texture update.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Painting JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paintings.
|There are currently 25 canvases, which can be viewed at [[Legacy Console Edition history of textures/Paintings]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU11|The limit for paintings in a world has been increased. 
|A message is now displayed when the maximum paintings are reached.}}
{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.04|Added new painting canvas 'Wither'.}}
{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|Added [[sound]]s for paintings.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Painting JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The [[item]] texture of paintings has been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Painting JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paintings.
|There are currently 25 canvases, which can be viewed at [[New Nintendo 3DS Edition history of textures/Paintings]].}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Trivia ==
* On April 26, 2011, Notch stated that the automapping code can be used to share custom paintings and books in the future.<ref>{{tweet|notch|62970142207913984|The auto mapping code can be used to share custom paintings and books in the future. There's a hard cap on 65536 of each/world, though|April 26, 2011}}</ref>
* The texture on the back of a painting is the same as the wooden planks texture, but with a yellowish color similar to that of [[chests]] (but slightly darker).
* The "Skull on Fire" painting contains a Minecraft world in the background, which is based on a screenshot taken by the artist in [[Java Edition Alpha v1.1.2 01|Alpha 1.1.2_01]] (or earlier) on October 12, 2010, at 13:22:49 (UTC+2).<ref>{{cite|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220928041338/https://imgur.com/HVhrbnH|title=The original (never publicly shared before) screenshot that Kristoffer Zetterstrand took and based his painting on.|website=Imgur}}</ref>
**The seeds for this world are -1044887956651363087 and -6984854390176336655 (both are the same), standing at X=-249.65, Y=91, Z=-29.04.<ref>https://pastebin.com/fzAY9ES4</ref><ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/iqg3ey/the_original_screenshot_seed_of_the_minecraft/</ref>
* The "Skull on Fire" painting's texture was added in [[Java Edition Beta 1.3|Beta 1.3]]. However, the code for paintings to randomly display the part of the [[Kz.png]] texture that was to be occupied by the Burning Skull painting was added earlier, in [[Java Edition Beta 1.2_01|Beta 1.2_01]]. As there was nothing on this part of the texture except for a purple background grid, this is what would be displayed if the painting was randomly chosen, until the Burning Skull painting texture was actually added.
* The original "Skull on Fire" painting was given to the winner of an official texture pack competition by Mojang.<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20110110003612/http://www.webhallen.com:80/minecraft/</ref>

== Gallery ==
File:Notch Painting Screenshot.png|The first image of paintings released by [[Notch]].
File:Skull on Fire world.jpg|The original screenshot behind the "Skull on Fire" painting.
File:Burning Skull Render.jpg|A render of the "Skull on Fire" painting that [[Kristoffer Zetterstrand]] used as a reference image.
File:Skull on Fire IRL.jpg|The original "Skull on Fire" painting being painted.
File:Burning Skull JE1.png|The "Skull on Fire" painting as it appeared between versions [[Java Edition Beta 1.2_01|Beta 1.2_01]] and [[Java Edition Beta 1.2_02|Beta 1.2_02]], prior to its texture being added in [[Java Edition Beta 1.3|Beta 1.3]].

=== Renders ===
Alban.png | Albanian
Aztec.png | de_aztec
Aztec2.png | de_aztec
Bomb.png | Target Successfully Bombed
Kebab.png | Kebab med tre pepperoni
Plant.png | Paradisträd
Wasteland.png | Wasteland
Courbet.png | Bonjour Monsieur Courbet
Creebet.png | Creebet
Pool.png | The Pool
Sea.png | Seaside
Sunset.png | sunset_dense
Graham.png | Graham
Wanderer.png | Wanderer
Bust.png | Bust
Match.png | Match
Skull and Roses.png | Skull and Roses
Stage.png | The Stage Is Set
Void.png | The void
Wither (painting).png | Wither
Fighters.png | Fighters
Donkey Kong.png | Kong
Skeleton (painting).png | Mortal Coil
Burning Skull.png | Skull On Fire
Pigscene.png | Pigscene
Pointer.png | Pointer
Earth BE2.png | Earth
Fire BE2.png | Fire
Water BE2.png | Water
Wind BE2.png | Wind

== See also ==
* [[Item Frame]]
* [[Bedrock Edition unused features#Paintings|Unused paintings]]
* [[Kz.png]]
* [[Kristoffer Zetterstrand]]

== References ==

== External links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory-painting Taking Inventory: Painting] – Minecraft.net on January 18, 2019


23w31aChanged the pack format to 16.
The process of upgrading a pack can now be assisted by using an automated Slicer tool.[9]
23w32aThe version is now 17.
The text field background is now a nine-sliced sprite at idget/text_field and widget/text_field_highlighted.
The scroll bar in lists and text fields is now a nine-sliced sprite at widget/scroller.
1.20.2 Pre-release 2The version is now 18.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Bed|Bed]]<br/>{{Block
| image = White Bed (N).png
| extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]
| transparent = Yes
| tntres = 25
| hardness = 4
| light = No
| tool = any
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = No
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = {{jebe|Yes|No}}
A '''bed''' is a [[Dye|dyeable]] [[block]] that allows a player to sleep and to reset their [[spawn]] point to within a few blocks of the bed in the [[Overworld]]. If the bed is obstructed or removed, the player spawns at the default world spawning location.

== Obtaining ==
=== Natural generation ===
A red bed naturally generates in each [[igloo]].
Beds of various colors generate in [[village]] houses, depending on the specific structure and [[biome]]:
* [[Desert]] village houses have cyan, green, or lime beds.
* [[Plains]] village houses have white or yellow beds.
* [[Savanna]] village houses have orange, red, or yellow beds.
* [[Snowy taiga]]{{only|bedrock|short=1}} and [[taiga]] village houses have blue or purple beds.
* [[Snowy tundra]] village houses have blue, red, or white beds.

=== Breaking ===
Beds can be mined with any [[tool]], or without a tool.<ref>{{bug|MC-192722||Beds have no assigned tool}}</ref>

{{breaking row|horizontal=1|Bed|sprite=red-bed|any}}

A bed also drops itself as an item when pushed by a [[piston]].

=== Crafting ===
 |A2=Matching Wool
 |B2=Matching Wool
 |C2=Matching Wool
 |A3=Any Planks
 |B3=Any Planks
 |C3=Any Planks
 |Output= Matching Bed
 |type=Decoration block
 |description=The wool color must match. The planks can be different.
<!--recipe removed
 |White Bed
 |Matching Colored Dye
 |Output= Matching Dyed Bed
 |type=Decoration block
 |description=White beds can be re-dyed using dyes.{{only|java}}{{until|JE 1.20}}
 |Any Bed
 |Matching Dye
 |Output= Matching Bed
 |type=Decoration block
 |description=A bed of any color can be re-dyed using dyes.
 |Any Dyed Bed
 |Output=White Bed
 |type=Decoration block
 |description=This removes the color from the bed.{{only|bedrock|education}}
<div style="display:none">
    This is so the pre-Village & Pillage dyes can have dye-related crafting recipes show on their respective pages.
    They don't need to be displayed on this page because they already intuitively list "Any Matching Dye".
 |Any Bed
 |Bone Meal; Lapis Lazuli; Cocoa Beans; Ink Sac
 |Output=White Bed; Blue Bed; Brown Bed; Black Bed
 |type=Decoration block

=== Trading ===
Journeyman-level shepherd villagers sell 1 of 16 beds for 3 [[emerald]]s as part of their trades.

== Usage ==
=== Sleeping ===
[[File:Sleep Animation.gif|240px|thumb|Player falling asleep.]]

Beds are used by pressing the {{control|use item}} button while looking at the bed.

A player sleeps by {{control|using|using}} a bed during a [[thunderstorm]], or at [[night]] (between 12542 and 23459 ticks in clear weather, when stars appear in the sky, or between 12010 and 23991 ticks in rainy weather). Players can sleep during a thunderstorm even if they are in a biome where it does not rain (i.e. Desert). Attempting to use a bed at any other time results in the message "You can only sleep  at night or during thunderstorms". A player sleeps in a bed for 101 in-game [[tick]]s, or 5.05 seconds before the time skips to the next day. Sleeping in a bed with the {{cmd|gamerule doDaylightCycle}} set to <code>false</code> results in the player being kicked out of the bed after the 101 ticks, but does not change time of the world to day.

Sleeping in a bed is possible only in the [[Overworld]]. Attempting to sleep in a bed in [[the Nether]], [[the End]], and [[custom dimension]]s in which they are disabled causes it to [[explosion|explode]] and set [[fire]] to surrounding blocks; unless {{cmd|gamerule respawnBlocksExplode}}{{only|bedrock}} is set to {{cd|false}}.<ref>{{bug|mcpe-28723}} – "Exploding bed in the Nether" resolved as "Works As Intended". This is referenced {{in|je}} when a player is killed by "Intentional Game Design". </ref> The explosion has power 5, which is stronger than [[TNT]] (4), but not as strong as a charged [[creeper]] or [[End Crystal|end crystal]] (6). The explosion centers on the head part of the bed. [[Villager]]s can sleep normally in any dimension without the bed being blown up.<ref>{{bug|MC-146515|||WAI}}</ref> Upon death from a bed explosion, the [[death messages|message]] "'''(Player) was killed by [Intentional Game Design]'''" appears.

The player must be close to the bed to sleep. If the player is close enough to click on the bed, but not close enough to sleep in it, the message "You may not rest now, the bed is too far away"{{only|java|short=1}}/"Bed is too far away"{{only|bedrock|short=1}} appears. A player must be within 2 blocks of the bed {{in|JE}} or 3 blocks {{in|BE}} to use the bed.

If a "monster" is within 8 blocks of the bed horizontally (in the X- and Z-axis), and 5 blocks vertically (in the Y-axis), the message "You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby" appears and the player is prevented from sleeping until the monsters leave or are killed. Most hostile mobs, as well as some neutral mobs prevent players from sleeping, as shown in the table below.

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
!Prevent the player from sleeping 
|{{EntityLink|Chicken Jockey}}
|{{Tc|partial|when hostile{{Only|Java|short=1}}/Yes{{Only|Bedrock|short=1}}}}
|{{Tc|partial|when hostile}}
|{{EntityLink|Ender Dragon}}
|{{EntityLink|Guardian}}, {{EntityLink|Elder Guardian}}
|{{EntityLink|Killer Bunny}}
|{{EntityLink|Magma Cube}}
|{{EntityLink|Piglin Brute}}
|{{EntityLink|Skeleton}}, {{EntityLink|Skeleton Horseman}}, {{EntityLink|Stray}}, {{EntityLink|Wither Skeleton}}
|{{EntityLink|Spider}}, {{EntityLink|Cave Spider}}, {{EntityLink|Spider Jockey}}
|{{EntityLink|Zombie}}, {{EntityLink|Zombie Villager}}, {{EntityLink|Husk}}
|{{EntityLink|Zombified Piglin}}
|{{Tc|partial|when hostile{{Only|Java|short=1}}/Yes{{Only|Bedrock|short=1}}}}
If the player has not entered a bed and didn't die for 3 in-game days, [[phantom]]s can spawn unless {{cmd|gamerule doInsomnia}} is set to {{cd|false}}. {{in|java}}, this can be verified by checking if the "Time Since Last Rest" [[statistic]] is greater than 1.00 h.

A hostile mob can wake a player that is sleeping.

The player also cannot sleep in a bed occupied by another player, resulting in the message, "This bed is occupied".

A player can, however, sleep in a bed being used by a villager. The player may first wake the villager (pressing {{control|use}} on the villager) and then quickly enter the bed before the villager can lie down again. The villager reclaims the bed after the player wakes. The villager is kicked out of its bed when a player attempts to sleep there.

A player also cannot sleep while on fire, while poisoned, or while starving.

If all sleeping requirements are met and the player enters a bed, the player is positioned in the bed. The player falls asleep as the screen fades to black. {{IN|bedrock}}, the sleeping animation slowly lowers the player into bed.

Once all players in a world are asleep, after 5 seconds (100 ticks) the time of day changes to sunrise. (time 0)

During this time, the chat window is focused, and the player can leave the bed by clicking the {{btn|Leave Bed}} button.

[[Waterlogging|Waterlogged]] beds{{only|bedrock}} cannot be slept in unless the player or villager has the {{EffectLink|Water Breathing}} or {{EffectLink|Conduit Power}} status effects. Attempting to use a waterlogged bed otherwise does not display any message.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-35802}}</ref>

Beds displaying an error above the hotbar is a feature exclusive to beds; other blocks that cannot be used do not display such a message.<ref>{{bug|MC-160479}} resolved as "Works As Intended"</ref>

If there are two or more blocks of space above the bed, then the player can wake up on the bed. If there is less than two blocks above the bed and there is room on the side, then the player wakes up on the side of the bed. If there is no space on the side of the bed and there is less than two blocks above the bed, then the player still wakes up on top of the bed, but suffocates if it's a solid block. 

Villagers always wake up on top of the bed, meaning they can suffocate if there isn't enough room above the bed.

====Passing the night====
Sleeping changes the [[daylight cycle|time of day]] to sunrise and resets the [[weather]] cycle, changing the weather to clear conditions. {{IN|JE}}, the weather cycle is only reset if it is currently raining or snowing. The player wakes up next to the bed, facing the bed.

Sleeping does not accelerate processes that take place over time such as the growth of [[crops]] or [[smelting]]. If {{cmd|gamerule doDaylightCycle}} is <code>false</code>, the player instead wakes up in the night.

To skip the night in multiplayer, all players in the [[Overworld]] must be in bed at the same time. Pressing the {{btn|Leave Bed}} button is not necessary in this case. The percentage of players that need to sleep to skip the night can be customized with the game rule {{cd|playersSleepingPercentage}}.

Villagers are unable to skip the night by sleeping in beds, unlike players.

If the bed is destroyed while the player is in it, due to for example an explosion or by another player, the player wakes prematurely and the night does not pass.

====Setting the spawn point====
Once a player has entered a bed (or right clicked the bed during daytime), their spawn point is set to the location of that bed. {{IN|java}}, multiple players can set their spawn point on a single bed. {{IN|bedrock}}, the last player to use a specific bed is the only player who can respawn there, and players who had previously slept there respawn at the world spawn.

{{ctrl|Using}} a bed in the daytime likewise sets the spawn point, without actually entering the bed. 

When a bed explodes, it does not set the spawn point. 

The message "Respawn point set" is displayed in chat when the respawn point is successfully changed.

The check for a bed is made only when the player respawns. This means that the bed can be destroyed and replaced or even reoriented, but as long as there is a bed present in the same location, the player can respawn there. If a player's bed is absent, or if the area around the bed is made unsuitable for respawning (see below), a message is displayed saying ''You have no home bed or charged respawn anchor, or it was obstructed''{{only|je}}/''Your home bed was missing or obstructed''{{only|be}}, and the player respawns at the [[Spawn#World spawn|world spawn]] point. 

When choosing where to respawn the player, the northwesternmost (lowest X- and Z-coordinates) location of the seven blocks adjacent to the head of the bed is chosen first. If this location is obstructed, the next choice is to its south (+Z), rather than the east (+X). Only when all seven locations around the head are obstructed are the three remaining ones adjacent to the foot then to be considered. 

For a location to be unobstructed, the block at the level of the bed must be air or non-solid (e.g. torches, but not glass) and there must be a space with a solid block below it and two non-colliding blocks for the player to stand in 0-2 blocks below the bed. It does not matter if the bed itself has blocks above it. Putting a slab one block above a bed can act as a two block tall space, as the bed is half a block tall. The bed never spawns the player on or directly below itself even if all other locations are obstructed. If a bed is obstructed, the player's spawn point is cleared after they respawn. That is, even if the bed is subsequently made usable again, the player continues to respawn at the world spawn until interacting with the bed again. 

Specifically, when interacting with it, the location of the ''head'' of the bed is saved as the spawn point, and if a bed is in that space (whether it is the foot or the head) then the respawn works. This can be observed by reorienting the bed with its head in the same location. Interacting with it does not produce a "Respawn point set" message as the game doesn't change the saved spawn point. If a bed is reoriented so that its foot is in this space, it still functions on the next respawn, but it can also be interacted with to update the spawn point to the new head of the bed and cause a "Respawn point set" message. Attempting the reverse, reorienting the bed so that it overlaps the original location of the foot, results in a respawn at world spawn. However, the location of the foot of the bed is also saved. If the bed is moved so that part of it overlaps the original location of the head, it can be observed that the same locations need to be obstructed to stop spawning. It is possible to respawn 2 blocks away from the bed this way.

=== Bouncing===
Falling onto a bed bounces the player with 66% strength – the bouncing-up velocity is 66% of the impact velocity. The player also takes 50% of normal fall damage.

Baby villagers bounce on beds during the day.

If the player is falling while sleeping requirements are met, and presses {{control|use}} on a bed within reach before hitting the ground, the fall damage is delayed until the player wakes.

A player can bounce on a bed while another player or villager is sleeping on it without waking the player or the villager up.

Villagers can be pushed onto beds, as the bed is half a block tall.

=== Curing===
Each bed in the vicinity of a zombie villager has a chance to speed up the [[Zombie_Villager#Curing|process of curing the zombie villager]]. Iron bars (such as in a prison cell) also have this effect.

=== Placement===
Beds require two blocks of floor space. Placement requires at least 2 blocks from the player's facing direction. When placed, the foot of the bed is placed on the block selected and the head of the bed on the block farther away from the player. {{IN|bedrock}}, beds require solid blocks below them when placed. However, the bed remains in place if its supporting blocks are later removed. {{IN|java}}, beds do not require supporting blocks and can be placed anywhere, provided there is enough room. 

==Sounds ==
{{Sound table/Block/Wood}}

{{Sound table
|description=When a player attempts to sleep while not in the Overworld

{{Sound table
|description=When a player attempts to sleep while not in the Overworld

==Data values==
{{ID table|
|displayname=White Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Orange Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Magenta Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Blue Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Yellow Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Lime Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Pink Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Gray Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Light Gray Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Cyan Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Purple Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Blue Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Brown Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Green Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Red Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Black Bed
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity

{{ID table
{{ID table
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity

{{see also|Data values}}
{{IN|be}}, bed items use the following data values:

===Block states===
{{see also|Block states}}

===Block data===
A bed has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.

{{see also|Block entity format}}

: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format]].

{{load advancements|Sweet Dreams}}

''For a more in-depth breakdown of changes to textures and models, including a set of renders for each state combination, see [[/Asset history]]''
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||November 26, 2011|link={{tweet|jeb|140410431394160640}}|Originally, [[crying obsidian]] was intended to act as a block to reset spawn points, until beds were introduced.}}
{{History||1.3|[[File:Red Bed JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added beds. 
|The only color for beds is red.
|Beds can currently be crafted using any color combination of wool.
|Sleeping in an area potentially exposed to monsters can cause [[player]]s to wake up early, with a [[skeleton]] or [[zombie]] spawned next to them.
|Trying to sleep in a bed in [[the Nether]] does nothing.}}
{{History||1.4|Sleeping in a bed now resets the player's spawn position, though it does not work for most users. The spawn point unintentionally changes only if ''Leave Bed'' is clicked and the function is limited to [[multiplayer]].}}
{{History||1.4_01|Beds now act as a respawn point as intended.}}
{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|Trying to sleep in a bed in the Nether now causes the bed to [[explosion|explode]].}}
{{History||1.7|As blocks now pull textures from the expected places for model application, this has resulted in the bed texture shifting downward in <samp>[[terrain.png]]</samp>. No visual difference has resulted for the actual bed.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|Bed explosions in the Nether now light nearby blocks on fire.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|The bottom textures of beds have been changed to the texture of the new [[oak]] planks from [[File:Red Bed JE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] to [[File:Red Bed JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]].}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|Beds no longer spawn monsters. Instead, trying to sleep when monsters are around displays a message saying ''You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby''.}}
{{History||1.2.4|snap=release|[[Cat]]s while in standing position now purposely go and sit on beds.
|[[Spruce]], [[birch]], and [[jungle tree|jungle]] planks can now be used to craft beds.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=?|Beds now check their [[biome]] for detonation rather than just their dimension.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=1.7.1|[[Acacia]] planks and [[dark oak]] planks can now be used to craft beds.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w29a|Beds now display the cracking animation on top and bottom.}}
{{History|||snap=14w33a|Beds now make [[sound]]s when placed, and play logical sounds when stepped on and [[breaking|broken]].<ref>{{bug|MC-66347||Beds make incorrect sounds|Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|Bed now generates inside [[igloo]]s.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The messages "You can only sleep at night", "You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby", and "This bed is occupied" now appear on top of the hotbar, the place that the message "Press <whatever your sneak key is> to dismount" also appears when the player is riding a [[mob]].}}
{{History|||snap=16w33a|If the player is close enough to click on the bed, but not close enough to sleep in it, the message "You may not rest now, the bed is too far away" is now displayed.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w06a|Neutral [[zombie pigmen]] no longer prevent the player from sleeping in a bed.}}
{{History|||snap=March 13, 2017|slink={{tweet|jeb_|841311279784591361}}|[[Jeb]] mentions colored beds for [[Java Edition 1.12|1.12]].}}
{{History|||snap=17w15a|[[File:White Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[Dye]]d beds have been added.
|The "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".
|Beds can now only be crafted using wool of the same color.
|[[File:Red Bed JE2.png|32px]] The texture of red beds has been changed. The top of the beds are no longer mirrored. <!--- the numbers appear out of order but it is correct since it orders all beds in the current order in the Java Creative inventory --->
|{{Sprite|pos=1|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=9|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=8|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=16|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=13|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=15|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=2|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=5|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=6|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=14|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=10|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=4|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=12|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=11|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=3|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=7|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} Beds now appear 3D in the [[inventory]].
|[[File:Red Bed JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] Beds now have 3D legs.<ref>{{bug|MC-11963||bed hind legs not rendered|Fixed}}</ref>
|Beds have been made bouncy, though they do not completely reduce all [[fall damage]].
|Beds are now a [[block entity]].}}
{{History|||snap=17w17a|[[File:Red Bed JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] The four legs of a bed are now each textured separately, and their [[model]] is different.
|[[File:White Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br> <!--- the numbers appear out of order but it is correct since it orders all beds in the current order in the Java Creative inventory --->
{{Sprite|pos=17|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=25|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=24|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=32|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=29|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=31|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=18|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=21|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=22|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=30|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=26|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=20|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=28|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=27|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=19|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=23|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} The textures of beds have now also been changed.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Beds now require solid blocks below them, or they break into an item. Previously, a bed needed to be placed on solid blocks, but the blocks could later be removed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w07a|Sleeping in a bed is now important to keep [[phantom]]s from spawning.}}
{{History|||snap=18w20a|Players in [[Creative]] mode can now sleep even if monsters are nearby.}}
{{History|||snap=18w22a|Beds no longer require supporting blocks below them; they do not break into an [[item (entity)|item]] if said blocks are removed, and can be directly placed on top of non-solid blocks.}}
{{History|||snap=pre2|The "You can only sleep at night" message when using a bed has been changed to "You can sleep only at night and during [[thunderstorm]]s."}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:White Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]]<br>{{InvSprite|White Bed}} {{InvSprite|Light Gray Bed}} {{InvSprite|Gray Bed}} {{InvSprite|Black Bed}} {{InvSprite|Brown Bed}} {{InvSprite|Red Bed}} {{InvSprite|Orange Bed}} {{InvSprite|Yellow Bed}} {{InvSprite|Lime Bed}} {{InvSprite|Green Bed}} {{InvSprite|Cyan Bed}} {{InvSprite|Light Blue Bed}} {{InvSprite|Blue Bed}} {{InvSprite|Purple Bed}} {{InvSprite|Magenta Bed}} {{InvSprite|Pink Bed}} The textures of all beds have been changed.
|[[File:Red Bed JE5 (facing NWU).png|32px]] The bottom textures of beds have been changed to new oak planks texture.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|Cats can now sleep in empty beds or sit on their owner when their owner is sleeping.}}
{{History|||snap=18w47a|[[File:Red Bed JE6 BE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] The bottom textures of beds have been changed to the new oak planks to texture, once again.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Beds now generate in the updated [[plains]] [[village]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Beds now generate in the updated [[savanna]] villages and the new [[snowy tundra]] villages.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Beds now generate in the updated [[desert]] and [[taiga]] villages.}}
{{History|||snap=19w08a|All mobs can now sleep in beds using [[command]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|[[Villager]]s now claim beds and sleep in them during the night.
|Shepherd villagers now [[trading|sell]] beds.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w35a|If a player tries to sleep in a bed that is occupied by a villager, that villager is now kicked out of the bed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w36a|Trying to sleep in a bed during the daytime now sets the player's spawn location to that bed.}}
{{History|||snap=pre2|Successfully changing a spawn point using a bed now displays a message in [[chat]].}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|Crimson and warped planks can now be used to craft beds.}}
{{History|||snap=20w12a|The message "Your home bed was missing or obstructed" has been changed to "You have no home bed or respawn anchor, or it was obstructed" due to the addition of the [[respawn anchor]], used to set the player's spawn in [[the Nether]].}}
{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w30a|Beds now prioritize the side of the bed the player or villager entered from and then spaces circling around the foot of the bed up to the head of the bed.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w51a|Added gamerules for sleeping in multiplayer.}}
{{History||1.18|snap=21w44a|Sleeping now only resets the weather cycle if it is currently raining or snowing.<ref>{{bug|MC-63340||Sleeping always resets time until rain|Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[Mangrove]] planks can now be used to craft beds.}}
{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w43a|Bed explosions can now be properly [[blocking|blocked]] by [[shield]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-200006|||Fixed}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.20|snap=Pre-release 1|Beds of any color can now be dyed into any other color.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Red Bed JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added beds.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Beds can now be obtained after activating the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Beds no longer restore [[health]] in normal difficulty, making [[food]] a more required [[Survival]]-needed resource.
|Added smooth lighting to beds.}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 8|The lighting on beds has been improved.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Tamed [[cat|ocelots]] while standing now purposely go and sit on beds.
|Beds are no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Beds now make a [[sound]] when placed, identical to [[block]]s like [[stone]].<ref name="lazilycodedsounds">{{bug|MCPE-10077}} – "Incorrect sounds on beds" resolved as "Fixed".</ref>}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Beds are now generated in [[igloo]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=alpha|[[File:Leave Bed 1.0.jpg|36px]] The ''Leave Bed'' button now has a new texture.}}
{{History|||snap=alpha|Sleeping now ends [[weather]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|[[File:White Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:White Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added the other 15 colors of beds.
|The "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".
|[[File:Red Bed JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of red beds has been changed.
|A new animation when sleeping has been added to beds.
|Beds in [[igloo]]s are now white in [[ice plains]] and brown in [[cold taiga]]s.
|Beds now bounce the [[player]] two [[block]]s up, and have 3D legs.
|Placement, stepping and breaking [[sound]]s for beds are now correctly wooden.<ref name="lazilycodedsounds"/>}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Beds can now be [[waterlogging|waterlogged]] and require [[Water Breathing]] to sleep in.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Colored beds can now be turned into white beds by adding [[bleach]]. This works only if {{el|ee}} features are turned on.}}
{{History||1.6.0|snap=beta|Sleeping in a bed is now important to keep [[phantom]]s from spawning.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|[[Cat]]s can now sleep in empty beds or sit on their [[player|owner]] when their owner is sleeping.}} 
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Various beds now generate in the new [[village]]s.
|[[Villager]]s can now sleep by occupying a bed, which prevent [[player]]s from using it.
|[[Igloo]]s now generate with red beds.
|Beds are now used to count the number of available houses in [[village]]s.
|[[File:White Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all beds have been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Beds can now be [[trading|bought]] from shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=?|[[Player]]s now succeed in attempting to sleep on villager-occupied beds, kicking the villager off.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Red Bed JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added beds.}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu= Patch 1|[[Cat]]s in standing position now purposely go and sit on beds, preventing [[player]]s from using them.}}
{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|The sleeping animation while in beds has been changed.}}
{{History||xbox=TU54|xbone=CU44|ps=1.52|wiiu=Patch 24|switch=1.0.4|[[File:White Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:White Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] Added the other 15 colors of beds. 
|The "Bed" has been now renamed to "Red Bed".
|[[File:Red Bed JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] The textures of red beds has been changed. 
|Beds are now [[dye]]able and bounce the [[player]] two [[block]]s up, and have a single 3D legs.}}
{{History||xbox=TU60|xbone=CU51|ps=1.64|wiiu=Patch 30|switch=1.0.11|The sleeping animation in beds has been changed again.}}
{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|Sleeping in a bed is now important to keep [[phantom]]s from spawning.
|Beds can now be [[waterlogging|waterlogged]] and require {{EffectLink|Water Breathing}} to sleep in.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.83|wiiu=none|switch=none|The sleeping animation for beds has been reverted to how it was before [[Legacy Console Edition version history#ps-1.64|1.64]].}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.91|wiiu=none|switch=none|Various beds now generate in the new [[village]]s.
|[[Villager]]s can now sleep by occupying a bed, which prevents [[player]]s from using it.
|Beds are now used to count the number of available houses in villages.
|Beds can now be [[trading|bought]] from shepherd [[villager]]s.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Red Bed JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added beds.}}
{{History||1.9.19|[[File:White Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:White Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added the other 15 colors of beds.
|The "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".
|[[File:Red Bed JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of red beds has been changed.
|Beds now bounce the [[player]] two [[block]]s up and have 3D legs.}}

{{History||1.0|[[File:Red Bed JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added beds.}}
{{History||1.0.1|[[File:White Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:White Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added the other 15 colors of beds.
|The "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".
|[[File:Red Bed JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of red beds has been changed.
|Beds now bounce the [[player]] two [[block]]s up, and have 3D legs.}}
{{History||1.0.27|Colored beds can now be turned into white beds by adding [[bleach]].}}
{{History||1.12|[[File:White Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all beds have been changed.}}

=== Data history ===
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different block states for the <code>bed</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this block's numeral ID was 26, and the item's 355.}}

=== Bed "item"===
{{:Technical blocks/Bed}}

{{Issue list}}

== Trivia==
* The reason beds explode in the Nether and the End is because Notch found it was the easiest solution to dimension-unique respawning.<ref>{{tweet|Notch|1259681657793077250|duh|11 May 2020}}, in response to {{tweet|NoahBandito|1259681319392550912|So you're telling me the "Inteded Game Design" should actually be "Sorry, I was too lazy to code"?|11 May 2020}}</ref>
** Dimension-unique respawning was eventually implemented via the [[respawn anchor]], and gained command support at the same time. Despite this, beds and respawn anchors still explode in invalid dimensions.
* If the player quits the game while sleeping, upon return the player wakes up beside the bed.
* Using the {{cmd|teleport}} command while another player is sleeping still teleports the sleeping player, but the player wakes immediately.{{only|java}}
* If the player places a bed on [[ice]], running over the bed acts like running over ice, similar to slabs.
* When placed using the {{cmd|setblock}} command, only one half of a bed is placed, because beds are two blocks long. A single half can be slept in like a whole bed.
* Villagers can sleep in the Nether and the End without causing the bed to explode.<ref>{{bug|MC-146515}} Resolved as Works As Intended</ref>
* While the block state used to determine the half of a two-block block such as [[door]]s and double-tall [[flower]]s is called ''half'', in the case of beds this is called ''part''.
* Players and villagers do not drown or take damage from lava while in a bed, even if the bed is covered in lava.
*The red bed was the original default bed color. In [[Java Edition 1.12]] and [[Pocket Edition 1.1.0]] version of the game, the default color was changed to white.

== Gallery ==

=== All renders ===
White Bed.png|White
Light Gray Bed.png|Light gray
Gray Bed.png|Gray
Black Bed.png|Black
Brown Bed.png|Brown
Red Bed.png|Red
Orange Bed.png|Orange
Yellow Bed.png|Yellow
Lime Bed.png|Lime
Green Bed.png|Green
Cyan Bed.png|Cyan
Light Blue Bed.png|Light blue
Blue Bed.png|Blue
Purple Bed.png|Purple
Magenta Bed.png|Magenta
Pink Bed.png|Pink

=== Screenshots ===
Multiplayer Sleeping.png|A sleeping player in multiplayer.
Missing Bed.png|The message that can be seen after a failed attempt to respawn at the spawn point set by a bed.
Nether Bed.png|A crater created by attempting to sleep in the Nether.
Ender Bed.png|A crater created by attempting to sleep in the End.
16 color beds.png|All the different color variants.
Old Village New Village VillagerSleeping MCEE.png|An unemployed [[villager]] and a [[butcher]] villager goes to sleep, unaware of the zombies outside.
Stackedbeds.png|A stack of beds.
Mob wakeup.png|Player being awakened by a [[zombie]].
Day Sleeping.png|The message that can be seen when any players attempt to sleep during daytime.
Sleeping.png|A player going to sleep in a bed on the first day of a ''Minecraft'' world.
CobwebVillage.png|A bed in an abandoned village has its bottom half replaced by wheat crops.

=== In other media ===
File:Rainbow Bed.png|The [[MCE:Rainbow Bed|rainbow bed]], a unique coloration featured in [[Minecraft Earth]].
File:The Sham.jpg|The Sham, a villainous, sentient bed featured in the [[skin pack|Campfire Tales]] skin pack.



[[Category:Utility blocks]]
[[Category:Manufactured blocks]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]
[[Category:Block entities]]

[[zh:床]]</li><li>[[Raw Iron|Raw Iron]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Raw Iron.png
| renewable = No
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Raw iron''' is a raw metal resource obtained from mining [[iron ore]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Mining ===
[[Iron ore]] and [[deepslate iron ore]] mined with a [[stone pickaxe]] or higher drops 1 unit of raw iron. If the pickaxe is enchanted with [[Fortune]], it can drop an extra unit per level of Fortune, allowing for a maximum of 4 with Fortune III. If the ore is mined using a pickaxe enchanted with [[Silk Touch]], it drops the ore block instead.

=== Crafting ===
|Block of Raw Iron
|Output=Raw Iron,9

== Usage ==
The primary usage of raw iron is smelting it into [[iron ingot]]s.

=== Crafting ===
{{crafting usage}}

=== Smelting ingredient ===
|Raw Iron
|Iron Ingot

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Iron

{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Iron

== History ==
{{History||1.17|snap=21w14a|[[File:Raw Iron JE1.png|32px]] Added raw iron.}}
{{History|||snap=April 13, 2021|slink={{Tweet|JasperBoerstra|1381991999952277513}}|[[File:Raw Iron JE2.png|32px]] [[JAPPA]] shows a new raw iron texture.}}
{{History|||snap=21w15a|[[File:Raw Iron JE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw iron has been changed.
|Raw iron can now be used to craft [[block of raw iron]].}}
{{History|||snap=April 16, 2021|slink={{Tweet|JasperBoerstra|1383047666037325829}}|[[File:Raw Iron (pre-release).png|32px]] [[JAPPA]] shows a new raw iron texture again.}}
{{History|||snap=21w16a|[[File:Raw Iron JE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw iron has been changed.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Raw Iron JE2.png|32px]] Added raw iron.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Raw iron are now available without enabling [[experimental gameplay]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Raw Iron JE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw iron has been changed.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

JE 1.17 Dev Raw Metals.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 1.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 2.png|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 3.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 4.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 5.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.


[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]

[[es:Hierro en bruto]]
[[fr:Fer brut]]
[[it:Ferro grezzo]]
[[pl:Surowe żelazo]]
[[pt:Ferro bruto]]
[[ru:Необработанное железо]]
[[uk:Необроблене залізо]]
releaseThe pack format is now 21.
Pocket Edition Alpha
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Fish|Fish]]<br/>{{About|the type of mob|the action|Fishing}}
'''Fish''' are aquatic creatures that are found in [[river]] and [[ocean]] biomes.

== Mobs ==
There are four categories of fish mobs in ''Minecraft'': 
*{{EntityLink|Tropical Fish}} - many color and pattern varieties

In addition, there are other fish-like mobs that have different characteristics from fish: {{EntityLink|Axolotl}}, {{EntityLink|Guardian}}, and {{EntityLink|Elder Guardian}}.

==Obtaining and transporting==
A live fish can be captured by using a [[water bucket]] on a fish, to obtain a [[bucket of fish]], which is the only way to obtain the live mob in item form. Using the bucket of fish on a water source block transfers the fish from the bucket to the body of water. A water bucket may also be used on [[axolotl]]s in this manner.

Fish exist in several different item forms. Upon death, fish drop their item form equivalent (cooked if on fire), with a chance to drop a [[bone]]{{only|bedrock}} or [[bone meal]].{{only|java}}

*{{ItemLink|Raw Cod}}
*{{ItemLink|Cooked Cod}}
*{{ItemLink|Raw Salmon}}
*{{ItemLink|Cooked Salmon}}
*{{ItemLink|Pufferfish|link=Pufferfish (item)}}
*{{ItemLink|Tropical Fish|link=Tropical Fish (item)}}
*{{ItemLink|Bucket of Cod}}
*{{ItemLink|Bucket of Salmon}}
*{{ItemLink|Bucket of Pufferfish}}
*{{ItemLink|Bucket of Tropical Fish}}

== Spawning ==
Various fish can be found in different [[ocean]] [[biomes]], but only [[salmon]] appear in rivers. Fish can also spawn in player-created bodies of water, as long as they are within a river or ocean biome.

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:left" data-description="Fish biomes"
! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|Warm Ocean}}
! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|Lukewarm Ocean}}<br>{{BiomeLink|Deep Lukewarm Ocean}}
! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|Ocean}}<br>{{BiomeLink|Deep Ocean}}
! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|Cold Ocean}}<br>{{BiomeLink|Deep Cold Ocean}}
! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|Frozen Ocean}}<br>{{BiomeLink|Deep Frozen Ocean}}
! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|River}}<br>{{BiomeLink|Frozen River}}
! rowspan=2 style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Cod}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|no|No{{only|je|short=1}}}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}
| {{tc|yes|Yes{{only|be|short=1}}}}
! rowspan=2 style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Salmon}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}
| {{tc|no|No{{only|je|short=1}}}}
| {{tc|no|No{{only|je|short=1}}}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|yes|Yes{{only|be|short=1}}}}
| {{tc|yes|Yes{{only|be|short=1}}}}
! rowspan=2 style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Pufferfish}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|yes|Yes{{only|je|short=1}}}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}
| {{tc|no|No{{only|be|short=1}}}}
! style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Tropical Fish}}<ref group="note">Also spawns in {{BiomeLink|Lush Caves}} at any Y-level.</ref>
| {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|no}}
| {{tc|no}}
| {{tc|no}}
| {{tc|no}}
! style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Squid}}
| {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|yes}}
! rowspan=2 style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Dolphin}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}
| {{tc|no|No{{only|je|short=1}}}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}
| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}
| {{tc|yes|Yes{{only|be|short=1}}}}

In ''Java Edition'', fish can spawn inside a water block at Y-level 50 to 63 (from 13 blocks below sea level up to inside the block one above it), that also has water above and below it. The spawn block and the block below can be any kind of water, such as a source block, falling water, bubble column, kelp, or even a waterlogged block (as long as the fish can be placed at the bottom center of the spawn block without colliding with anything solid). The block above must be pure water, such as a source block, falling water, or flowing water of any depth. Particularly, the block above cannot also be a bubble column, so fish no longer spawn inside bubble elevators.<ref>{{cite bug|MC|244683|Tropical fish spawn in bubble columns (fixed in 22w07a)}}</ref> 

''Bedrock Edition'' does permit fish to spawn in bubble columns.<ref>{{cite bug|MCPE|73967|Squids, Dolphins, and fish not spawning in bubble columns (fixed in 1.16.20)}}</ref>

Fish can spawn between 24 and 64 block spherical range away from the player.{{only|java}} 

=== Despawning ===
As of [[1.16]], fish can despawn at range of 40 blocks or more from the player, and will instantly despawn more than 64 blocks away, except when spawned using a [[bucket of fish]].


[[de:Fisch (Begriffsklärung)]]
[[pl:Ryba (ujednoznacznienie)]]
[[th:ปลา (แก้ความกำกวม)]]
[[zh:鱼]]</li><li>[[:Category:Minecraft Legends resources|Category:Minecraft Legends resources]]<br/>[[Category:Minecraft Legends]]
[[pt:Categoria:Recursos do Minecraft Legends]]</li></ul>
releaseAdded the first custom in-game resource packs, Plastic and City.
Bedrock Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Bow|Bow]]<br/>{{For}}
{{For|the ranged weapon of a similar name|Crossbow}}
| image = <gallery>
Bow.png | Bow
Bow (Pull 0).png | Pulled (state 0)
Bow (Pull 1).png | Pulled (state 1)
Bow (Pull 2).png | Pulled (state 2)
| rarity = Common
| renewable = Yes
| durability = 384
| stackable = No

A '''bow''' is a ranged [[weapon]] that shoots [[arrow]]s.

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

|B1= Stick
|C1= String
|A2= Stick
|C2= String
|B3= Stick
|C3= String
|Output= Bow
|type= Combat

===Mob loot===

==== Skeletons and Strays ====

[[Skeleton]]s and [[stray]]s have an 8.5% chance of dropping a normal or enchanted bow on death when killed by a [[player]] or a tamed [[wolf]]. 

The chance of dropping a bow is increased by 1% per level of [[Looting]], allowing up to an 11.5% chance of dropping. 

The chance of being enchanted depends on the [[difficulty]], whether it is normal or hard. The enchantment level is equal to enchant level 5-22. 

Bows of [[skeleton trap]]s are always enchanted at level 5 to 23. The exact level depends on [[regional difficulty]], as on Easy it is always a level-5 enchantment.

==== Illusioners ====

[[Illusioner]]s have an 8.5% chance of dropping an unenchanted bow when killed by the player. The chance of dropping a bow is increased by 1% per level of Looting, allowing up to an 11.5% chance of dropping. 

=== Trading ===

Apprentice-level fletcher [[villager]]s sell bows for 2 [[emerald]]s as part of their [[trading|trade]]s.

Expert-level fletcher villagers sell enchanted bows for 7–21 emeralds as part of their trades. The enchantment level is equal to enchant level 5–19.

=== Fishing ===

Bows have a chance of being caught by [[fishing]]. When caught, the bow may be damaged and contain random [[enchantment]]s equivalent to a level 30 enchantment from an [[enchanting table]], including treasure enchantments like [[Mending]].

=== Repairing ===
|ingredients=2x Damaged [[Bow]]
|Damaged Bow
|Damaged Bow
|description=The durability of the two bows is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.
|Damaged Bow
|Damaged Bow

== Usage ==

=== Weapon ===
[[File:Steve aiming with Bow.png|150px|right]]
[[File:Alex aiming with Bow.png|150px|right]]

Bows can be drawn back by {{control|using}} them. In order to use a bow, the player must have at least one [[arrow]] in their [[inventory]] or be in [[Creative]] mode. The arrow that is shown inside the bow always looks like a regular arrow, regardless of what kind of arrow is actually being shot from the bow.<ref>{{bug|MC-87685||Drawn bow texture does not reflect arrow that will be shot|WF}}</ref>

When drawing a bow, the display zooms in slightly. Charging the bow to its maximum causes it to visually shake as an indicator. Releasing the button shoots an [[arrow]] if it is charged at least 15%. Drawing a bow can be canceled by switching to another hotbar slot while holding use.

While the bow is being charged or remains fully charged, the player is forced to move at [[sneaking]] speed, unless they are riding a [[horse]], [[minecart]] or [[boat]], or flying with [[elytra]]. It is not possible to [[Sprinting|sprint]] while charging a bow or holding a drawn bow. When the bow is released, normal motion resumes although any prior sprint is cancelled. Sneaking while drawing the bow makes the player move even slower.

If an arrow hits another player, the player that shoots the arrow hears a high-pitched "ding" sound.{{only|je}}

Fully charged shots launch critical arrows which have a trail of [[particles]] behind them and deal up to <math display="inline">\left ( \frac{3x}{2} \right ) + 2</math>damage, where <math>x</math>is the damage after any enchantments. The listed values below describe maximum damage from a bow with no [[Power]] enchantments, assuming the target is at a distance where drag and gravity are negligible. However, the critical damage is likely to be more around 8-10; critical damage is added at a random value between <math>x</math>and <math display="inline">\left ( \frac{3x}{2} \right ) + 2</math> and it is rare to have minimum or maximum values. The damage dealt can ultimately be less than the maximum damage if the arrow slows down after being shot. 

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Shot base damage by changing time"
! Charging time
! Maximum attack damage
|{{ItemSprite|Bow|text= '''0.1 s'''}} (no charge)
|{{ItemSprite|Bow|text= '''0.2–0.9 s'''}} (medium charge)
|{{ItemSprite|Bow|text= '''1+ s'''}} (full charge)
|{{ItemSprite|Bow|text= '''1+ s'''}} (critical)

The game stores the damage of arrows even in values with a decimal point. For example, it is possible for a critical arrow shot to cause damage values such as 6.4. In this cases of a broken value, the game can round up or down and store the amount for subsequent damage sources.

Any projectile thrown by the player is under the influence of momentum in current versions of ''Minecraft''. Naturally, the player's movement speed can be modified under a number of circumstances, affecting the ballistic trajectory of projectiles, and as a result, the damage inflicted by arrows.

In [[Java Edition Combat Tests]], to avoid sniping, arrows shot from fully-charged bows become non-critical if held drawn back for longer than three seconds. Instantaneous effects on tipped arrows are scaled by 1/8, just like the duration of other effects. For example, Instant Damage I arrow will deal an additional {{hp|0.75}} magical damage.

Damage caused by the arrow is not affected by the [[Strength]] effect.

[[Endermen]] cannot be shot using an arrow, because the arrow either disappears as the enderman teleports, or it gets deflected. Even while immobile, the enderman is immune to damage from arrows. However, an arrow shot from a bow enchanted with [[Flame]] can ignite the enderman.

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage|Bow, Damaged Bow}}

=== Enchantments ===

Bows can receive several different [[enchantment]]s and have a base enchantability of 1. Bow enchantments have no effect on [[arrow]] speed or the distance it travels. In [[Bedrock Edition]], if a bow is enchanted with any level 1 enchantment, it always gets Power I.{{verify|This used to be in the trivia section. Not valid in Java Edition.}}

{| class="wikitable col-3-center"
!Max Level
|Increases the damage dealt by bow-shot arrows.
|Increases the knockback dealt by bow-shot arrows.
|Ignites arrows, dealing fire damage to anyone hit as well as igniting TNT and campfires.
|[[Infinity]]<ref group=n name=exclusive>Mending and Infinity are mutually exclusive.</ref> 
|Stops the bow from consuming arrows when shot. A minimum of 1 arrow is still required to work.
|Grants a chance to negate durability consumption, making the bow last longer.
|[[Mending]]<ref group=n name=exclusive></ref>
|Repairs the bow using experience, but also preventing the player from gaining score.
|[[Curse of Vanishing]]
|The bow vanishes on death, not dropping as an item. Overridden by keepInventory.

=== Fuel ===

A bow can be used as [[fuel]] in [[furnace]]s, smelting 1.5 items per bow {{in|java}} or 1 item per bow {{in|bedrock}}.

== Arrows ==


As in real life, a flying [[arrow]] in ''Minecraft'' is affected by gravity. Its vertical speed is modified by one block downward every second, resulting in a {{w|Parabola|parabolic}} flight path. An arrow slows down if shot through water, reducing its damage to near zero unless brought back into the air or otherwise given momentum.{{Only|Java}}

Arrows that hit solid [[blocks]] become stuck and can be retrieved, unless the arrow was shot by a bow [[enchant]]ed with [[Infinity]], a player in Creative mode, or a mob.

An arrow shot through [[lava]] ignites, giving it the effect of the [[Flame]] enchantment, igniting any entity it hits. If not extinguished, the fire inflicts up to {{hp|4}} damage. Although a [[wither skeleton]] does not spawn naturally with bows, if it holds a bow then it also shoots flaming arrows.

On impact, an arrow can trigger a wooden [[pressure plate]], [[target]] block, [[wooden button]], or [[tripwire]]. Arrows cannot trigger stone pressure plates or stone buttons.

The player can choose the type of arrow to shoot based on its location in the inventory. Arrows in the off-hand, or the selected hotbar slot if the bow is in the off-hand, are prioritized first. If there are no arrows in the off-hand or selected hotbar slot then the arrow closest to [[Inventory#Slots|slot 0]] is selected.

Arrows shot by bows in [[Bedrock Edition]] has a slightly higher range than arrows shot by bows in [[Java Edition]].

{{Sound table
|sound=Arrow hit1.ogg
|sound2=Arrow hit2.ogg
|sound3=Arrow hit3.ogg
|sound4=Arrow hit4.ogg
|subtitle=Arrow hits
|description=When an arrow impacts something
{{Sound table
|sound=Bow shoot.ogg
|subtitle=Arrow fired
|description=When a bow shoots an arrow
|pitch={{frac|4|3}}-1.125 <ref group=sound>Depends on how long the bow has been charging. uncharged bows give {{frac|5|6}}-0.625</ref> 
{{Sound table
|sound=Succesfull Hit.ogg
|subtitle=Player hit
|description=When an arrow shot by a player hits another player
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|subtitle=Item breaks
|description=When a bow's durability is exhausted

{{Sound table
|sound=Arrow hit1.ogg
|sound2=Arrow hit2.ogg
|sound3=Arrow hit3.ogg
|sound4=Arrow hit4.ogg
|description=When an arrow impacts something
{{Sound table
|sound=Bow shoot.ogg
|description=When a bow shoots an arrow
{{Sound table
|sound=Random break.ogg
|description=When a bow's durability is exhausted

==Data values==
{{ID table

{{ID table


{{load achievements|Sniper Duel;Archer;Dispense with this;Bullseye}}


{{load advancements|Take Aim;Sniper Duel;Bullseye}}


<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|orNlaO12EQg}}</div>

{{History|java classic}}
{{History||June 14, 2009|link=https://notch.tumblr.com/post/123343045/my-vision-for-survival|[[Notch]] discussed how bows and [[arrow]]s would work in [[Survival]] mode: "Bows and arrows can be made out of wood. To use it, select the bow from your inventory and make sure you’ve got some arrows. Click in front of you, and an arrow goes flying using real physics. To actually HIT something, aim above it."}}
{{History||0.24 SURVIVAL TEST|The [[player]] did not need a bow to shoot arrows. Instead, {{Key|Tab}} was used to fire arrows. However, arrows still had to be collected to shoot. Launching arrows this way was much slower than the bow that now fires them.}}
{{History|java indev}}
{{History||0.31|snap=20100110|[[File:Bow JE1.png|32px]] Added bow texture to [[items.png]].}}
{{History|||snap=20100122|[[File:Bow JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added bows as item with changed texture. The right mouse button can be held down to fire in rapid succession. Each [[arrow]] deals {{hp|4}} for each hit. They fly in a [[wikipedia:Trajectory of a projectile|ballistic trajectory]] affected by gravity and drag in air or water. They travel approximately 15 [[block]]s when fired parallel to a flat plane. Arrows also have a maximum range of around 52 blocks when fired at a 38 degree angle on a flat plane.
|Bows often fail to interact with objects, but instead shoot. This is due to the fact that shooting arrows is an instantaneous action.
|At this point, bows have no durability, and can essentially be used infinitely.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.2.6|Interacting with objects (door, chest, etc.) while holding a bow no longer shoots the arrow.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|Bows are now used to craft [[dispenser]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=July 8, 2011|slink={{tweet|notch|89414265441763328}}|[[Notch]] teased hold-to-charge bows.}}
{{History|||snap=July 13, 2011|slink={{tweet|notch|91250232981061632}}|Notch indicated that along with bow charging, he would add an [[achievement]] based around shooting a [[skeleton]] at 50 meters, eventually to be known as ''Sniper duel''.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release|Bow behavior has been overhauled; they now need to be charged to fire.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=RC1|A fully charged [[arrow]] from a bow now consistently deals {{hp|9}} damage, with a rare chance of dealing {{hp|10}}.
|Bows now have a [[durability]] of 385 uses.
|Bows no longer need arrows for ammo in [[Creative]] mode.
|The bow can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]] via console commands, but no enchantment affects it.}}
{{History||1.1|snap=release|Bows can now be legitimately enchanted. Four enchantments have been added: [[Flame]], [[Punch]], [[Power]] and [[Infinity]].}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w06a|[[Skeleton]]s now have a 2.5% chance of dropping a bow. One fifth of the time, this bow is enchanted with Power I (20%).}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w50a|Bows can now be enchanted with [[Unbreaking]] using an [[anvil]] and an appropriate [[enchanted book]].}}
{{History|||snap=pre|When a [[player]] hits another player from far away with a bow it makes a high pitched "dinging" sound.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Bows can now be obtained as a "treasure" [[item]] from [[fishing]].
|Bows can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]] with [[Unbreaking]] directly in an [[enchantment table]] without the use of an [[anvil]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Fletcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 1 bow for 2–3 [[emerald]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=14w30a|Bow placement when drawing back has been slightly changed.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|When shooting, the arrows are no longer offset to the right of the Crosshair.
|The bow in the hotbar now shows an [[arrow]] when being drawn.
|Bows can now shoot an additional 14 types of arrows, selected based on the arrow type held in the off-hand or closest to slot 0.
|Bows cannot be used in the off-hand.}}
{{History|||snap=15w37a|The bow can now be used in the off-hand.
|Bows now prioritize the selected hotbar slot for [[arrow]]s if the bow is in the off hand.
|When using the bow in the off-hand, the bow does do the animation, but does not aim at the target.}}
{{History|||snap=?|Momentum now affects the physics of arrows fired from bows.}}
{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|Bows are now used by [[stray]]s and can now sometimes be obtained as a rare [[drop]].}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w33a|Bows can now be used to fuel [[furnace]]s.}}
{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|[[Infinity]] and [[Mending]] are now mutually exclusive for bows.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w16a|Bows are now used by [[illusioner]]s and can now sometimes be obtained as a rare [[drop]], although unenchanted.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 261.}}
{{History||1.13.1|snap=18w30a|{{bug|MC-88356}}: Fixed a bug: When using the bow in the off-hand, the bow does do the animation, but does not aim at the target.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=19w11a|Fletcher [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] enchanted bows.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.3.3|[[File:Bow JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added bows.}}
{{History||v0.4.0|Bows now have a durability of 385 uses.
|Bows also now slow down the player while aiming.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Bows are now obtainable after activating the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Bow BE2.png|32px]] The texture of bows has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=build 7|Bows can now be used as fuel in a [[furnace]].}}
{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Bows can now be obtained as a "treasure" [[item]] from [[fishing]].}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Fully charged bows now cause [[particle]]s.
|Bows can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]].
|Bows obtained by [[fishing]] can now be caught enchanted.
|Bows are no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}
{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Added [[stray]]s, which are equipped with a bow that can rarely be dropped by them.
|Bows can now shoot an additional 14 types of [[arrow]]s, selected based on the arrow type closest to slot 0.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Bows can now be obtained by [[trading]] with a fletcher [[villager]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Added the [[Mending]] enchantment, which can now be applied to bows and is mutually exclusive to the [[Infinity]] enchantment.
|[[Arrow]]s can now be placed in the offhand slot and bows now prioritize the arrows in that slot.}}
{{History||?|Momentum now affects the physics of arrows fired from bows.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Bows in the hotbar now show an [[arrow]] when being drawn.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta| [[File:Bow JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of bows has been changed to match {{el|je}}'s texture.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Fletcher villagers now sell unenchanted bows for 2 emeralds, and enchanted bows for 8 emeralds.}}
{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|Bows in first-person view is now held differently.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-116741}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Bows are now held like it was before [[Bedrock Edition beta| beta]].<ref>{{bug|MCPE-116741}}</ref>}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Bow JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added bows.}}
{{History||xbox=TU5|Bow behavior is overhauled; they now need to be charged to fire.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Bows can now be obtained by [[trading]] with a fletcher [[villager]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|Bows can now shoot an additional 14 types of [[arrow]]s, selected based on arrow type held in the off-hand or closest to slot 0.}}

Historical sounds:

{| class="wikitable"
|{{sound||Bow Shooting Old.ogg}}
|Sound Update

{{issue list}}

* Bows were left unchanged in the [[Texture Update]].<ref>{{bug|MC-168156|||WAI}}</ref>
*Dinnerbone got the idea for the high-pitched "ding" sound from playing on a former PvP server called Project Ares.<ref>{{tweet|Dinnerbone|280044119345229826|Also things I learnt from pvping today: Bows need to ding when you hit people (it's so much fun/rewarding!) & arrows don't render far enough|December 15, 2012}}</ref><ref>{{ytl|-b5aXYacYsk|Minecraft PvP with Dinnerbone & Docm77 - Team DocBone @ 11:52|docm77|December 7, 2013|t=712s}}</ref>

Enchanted Bow.gif|An enchanted bow.
Bow Shooting.gif|Using the bow.
1.9bow.gif|Drawback animation.
Bow SDGP.png|Bow in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].
Hunting Wabbits.jpg|Using a bow to hunt rabbits.


==External Links==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--bow Taking Inventory: Bow] – Minecraft.net on April 13, 2023


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[zh:弓]]</li><li>[[:Category:Minecraft: Story Mode items|Category:Minecraft: Story Mode items]]<br/>[[Category:Minecraft: Story Mode]]
beta packs are now separate from world templates and can be updated independently in existing worlds.


Alpha v1.2

The world that the pack.png screenshot was taken in, loaded in Alpha v1.2.2.


See also[]

