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This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition. 
This article is about the format since Bedrock Edition 1.2.13. For the format in former game versions, see Bedrock Edition level format/History.

Bedrock Edition uses a modified version of Google's LevelDB, which uses the Zlib compression format for level storage.

LevelDB based format[]

Mojang variant LevelDB format[]

Mojang has modified Google's Original LevelDB to add Zlib compression and Windows support. The code is available at https://github.com/Mojang/leveldb-mcpe, and the building instructions are documented by Tommaso at https://twitter.com/_tomcc/status/477950809427427328.

For a Java implementation of LevelDB + Zlib, see https://github.com/tinfoiled/leveldb

Google's leveldb library has evolved extensively since Mojang released their version, but the Mojang version still works (as of 2022). The code does require some minor tweaks to compile:

  • db/snappy_compressor.cc should refer include <snappy.h> instead of <snappy/snappy.h>
  • table/table_test.cc contains two references to snappy that are unresolvable but irrelevant. port::Snappy_Compress and leveldb::SnappyCompressor. If these are simply commented out the rest will compile and function properly.

The database is stored in the db/ subdirectory of a Bedrock Edition world. The database path which is passed to the LevelDB API is this directory path, not the path to any file within it. It seems this is also where terrain generation is stored. This is because you can turn an old world infinite by replacing its db folder with one from an infinite world.

Chunk key format[]

A database key for data regarding a chunk is the concatenation of:

  • Two signed 32-bit little-endian integers (x and z in chunk coordinates, respectively),
  • An optional third 32-bit little-endian integer (1 for the Nether, 2 for the End, omitted for the Overworld),
  • A one-byte tag specifying the type of record represented by the key (see table), and
  • (for a "SubChunkPrefix" record) a one-byte subchunk index (from 0 to 15).

Accordingly, such a key may be 9, 10, 13 or 14 bytes long. Not all subchunks necessarily exist for a given chunk.

The "BlockEntity", "Entity" and "PendingTicks" records are represented by a sequence of concatenated root tags in a variant of NBT which stores the lengths and the multi-byte integer types in little-endian format, as opposed to the big-endian format used by Java Edition or the original NBT specification.

The value 0 is used in the "Version" record in old style worlds; higher values are used in infinite worlds.

Key type tags
Tag byte Name Structure Description
43 2B + Data3D Heightmap (256x2 bytes)

Biome data (varying lengths)

Biomes are stored as palettes similar to blocks. Exactly 25 palettes are written. Biome IDs are written as integers.
44 2C , Version 1 byte A byte
45 2D - Data2D Heightmap (256x2 bytes)

2D biomes (256x1 bytes)

Biome IDs are written as 8-bit integers. No longer written since v1.18.0.
46 2E . Data2DLegacy Heightmap (256x2 bytes)

2D biomes (256x4 bytes)

Each entry of the biome array contains a biome ID in the first byte, and the final 3 bytes are red/green/blue respectively. No longer written since v1.0.0.
47 2F / SubChunkPrefix Subchunk version (1 byte) Version-dependent data Terrain for a 16×16×16 subchunk
48 30 0 LegacyTerrain Block IDs (32768 bytes)

Block meta (32768 nibbles)

Block sky light (32768 nibbles)

Block light (32768 nibbles)

Heightmap (256x1 bytes)

2D biomes (256x4 bytes)

Data ordered in XZY order, unlike Java.

No longer written since v1.0.0.

Biomes are IDs plus RGB colours similar to Data2DLegacy.

49 31 1 BlockEntity List of NBT compound roots Block entity data (little-endian NBT)
50 32 2 Entity List of NBT compound roots Entity data (little-endian NBT)
51 33 3 PendingTicks List of NBT compound roots Pending tick data (little-endian NBT)
52 34 4 LegacyBlockExtraData Entry count (4 bytes)

Entries: Key (4 bytes), Value (2 bytes).

Array of blocks that appear in the same place as other blocks. Used for grass appearing inside snow layers prior to v1.2.13. No longer written as of v1.2.13.
53 35 5 BiomeState
54 36 6 FinalizedState 4 bytes A 32-bit little endian integer
55 37 7 ConversionData No longer used
56 38 8 BorderBlocks Education Edition Feature
57 39 9 HardcodedSpawners Bounding boxes for structure spawns stored in binary format
58 3A : RandomTicks List of NBT compound roots Random tick data (little-endian NBT)
59 3B ; Checksums xxHash checksums of other chunk records. No longer written as of v1.18.0.
61 3D = MetaDataHash
61 3E > GeneratedPreCavesAndCliffsBlending Not used
63 3F ? BlendingBiomeHeight Not used
64 40 @ BlendingData
65 41 A ActorDigestVersion
118 76 v LegacyVersion 1 byte Moved to 44 in v1.16.100

Other keys[]

There's also the special key ~local_player for an entity data entry that holds the local player entity. If entity data exists here, it takes precedence over the player data stored in level.dat. The value associated with the ~local_player key is NBT encoded and only has a single compound tag at the root level.

There's also a special key for remote players which consists of two parts. The first part is the prefix "player_" (without the quotes) and the second part is the client ID which is contained in the remote player's clientid.txt file. For example, player_-12345678 would be the key for a remote client with an client ID of -12345678. The value associated with the "player_" prefixed key is NBT encoded and only has a single compound tag at the root level.

There's also a special "game_flatworldlayers" key of length 20 for flat worlds. The value associated with this key is a set of numbers in ASCII text format. An example of a value associated with the "game_flatworldlayers" key is "[7,3,3,2]" where the value length for this example is 9.

There are several keys related to villages

  • VILLAGE_[0-9a-f\\-]+_DWELLERS
    • Consists mainly of an entity/mob ID's. Dwellers include villagers, iron golems, and cats.
  • VILLAGE_[0-9a-f\\-]+_INFO
    • Includes the village bounding box.
  • VILLAGE_[0-9a-f\\-]+_POI
    • Provides a mapping between villagers and work stations. Bed assignments do not appear to be stored.
  • VILLAGE_[0-9a-f\\-]+_PLAYERS

Other keys start with the following strings

  • actorprefix
  • digp
  • map_
  • portals
  • schedulerWT
  • structuretemplate
  • tickingarea

Sample parsers of Bedrock level-db[]

  • An example implementation of a Bedrock level-db parser can be found in minecraft_mmccoo. This implementation walks the NBTs of all block, entities/mobs, elevations, and village related items.

NBT structures[]

The following articles document NBT structures of block entity and entity.


The level.dat is still in uncompressed NBT format. The file begins with an 8-byte header, consisting of a little-endian 4-byte integer indicating the type of the file, which is 3 (was 2 before latest update) for level.dat. It is followed by another integer containing the length of the file, minus the header.

NBT Structure[]

  • : World data.
    •  abilities: The default permissions for players in the world.
      •  attackmobs: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player can attack mobs.
      •  attackplayers: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player can attack other players.
      •  build: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player can place blocks.
      •  doorsandswitches: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player is able to interact with redstone components.
      •  flying: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player is currently flying.
      •  flySpeed: The flying speed, always 0.05.
      •  instabuild: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player can instantly destroy blocks.
      •  invulnerable: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player is immune to all damage and harmful effects.
      •  lightning: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player was struck by lightning.
      •  mayfly: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player can fly.
      •  mine: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player can destroy blocks.
      •  mute: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player messages cannot be seen by other players.
      •  noclip: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player can phase through blocks.
      •  op: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player has operator commands.
      •  opencontainers: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player is able to open containers.
      •  permissionsLevel: What permissions a player will default to, when joining a world.
      •  playerPermissionsLevel: What permissions a player has.
      •  teleport: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player is allowed to teleport.
      •  walkSpeed: The walking speed, always 0.1.
      •  worldbuilder: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the player is a world builder.
    •  allowdestructiveobjects: The allowdestructiveobjects game rule.
    •  allowmobs: The allowmobs game rule.
    •  baseGameVersion: The version of Minecraft that is the maximum version to load resources from. Eg. setting this to 1.16.0 removes any features that were added after version 1.16.0. [more information needed]
    •  BiomeOverride: Makes the world into a single biome world and the biome set here is the biome of this single biome world. [more information needed]
    •  bonusChestEnabled: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the bonus chest is enabled.
    •  bonusChestSpawned: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the bonus chest has been placed in the world. Turning this to false will spawn another bonus chest near the spawn coordinates.
    •  codebuilder: [more information needed]
    •  commandblockoutput: The commandblockoutput game rule.
    •  CenterMapsToOrigin: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the maps should be on a grid or centered to exactly where they are created. Default to 0.
    •  commandblocksenabled: The commandblocksenabled game rule.
    •  commandsEnabled: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if cheats are on.
    •  ConfirmedPlatformLockedContent: 1 or 0 (true/false) - tells if the world has Platform-Specific texture packs or content. Used to prevent cross play in specific worlds, that use assets only allowed on specific consoles.
    •  currentTick: [more information needed]
    •  Difficulty: The current difficulty setting. 0 is Peaceful, 1 is Easy, 2 is Normal, and 3 is Hard.
    •  Dimension: The dimension the player is in. 0 is the Overworld.
    •  dodaylightcycle: The dodaylightcycle game rule.
    •  doentitiydrops: The doentitiydrops game rule.
    •  dofiretick: The dofiretick game rule.
    •  doimmediaterespawn: The doimmediaterespawn game rule.
    •  doinsomnia: The doinsomnia game rule.
    •  dolimitedcrafting: The dolimitedcrafting game rule.
    •  domobloot: The domobloot game rule.
    •  domobspawning: The domobspawning game rule.
    •  dotiledrops: The dotiledrops game rule.
    •  doweathercycle: The doweathercycle game rule.
    •  drowningdamage: The drowningdamage game rule.
    •  educationFeaturesEnabled: [more information needed]
    •  EducationOid: An UUID. [more information needed]
    •  EducationProductId: [more information needed]
    •  eduOffer: Marks a world as an Education Edition world (worlds with this set to 1 will not open on Bedrock!).
    •  eduSharedResource
    •  experiments
      •  experiments_ever_used: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the world is locked on experimental gameplay.
      •  saved_with_toggled_experiments: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the world has been saved with experiments on before.
      • ... Additional bytes for each experiment that Minecraft has/had.
    •  falldamage: The falldamage game rule.
    •  firedamage: The firedamage game rule.
    •  FlatWorldLayers: JSON that controls generation of flat worlds. Default is {"biome_id":1,"block_layers":[{"block_name":"minecraft:bedrock","count":1},{"block_name":"minecraft:dirt","count":2},{"block_name":"minecraft:grass","count":1}],"encoding_version":6,"structure_options":null,"world_version":"version.post_1_18"}.
    •  freezedamage: The freezedamage game rule.
    •  functioncommandlimit: The functioncommandlimit game rule.
    •  globalmute: The globalmute game rule.
    •  ForceGameType: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if force the player into the game mode defined in GameType.
    •  GameType: The default game mode of the player. 0 is Survival, 1 is Creative, 2 is Adventure, and 3 is Spectator.
    •  Generator: The world type. 0 is Old, 1 is Infinite , and 2 is Flat.
    •  hasBeenLoadedInCreative: [more information needed]
    •  hasLockedBehaviorPack: [more information needed]
    •  hasLockedResourcePack: [more information needed]
    •  immutableWorld: Is read-only.
    •  InventoryVersion: [more information needed]
    •  isCreatedInEditor: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if it was created from the bedrock editor.
    •  isExportedFromEditor: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if exported from the bedrock editor.
    •  isFromLockedTemplate: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the world is created from a world template where the world options were intended not to be modified.
    •  isFromWorldTemplate: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the world is created from a world template.
    •  isRandomSeedAllowed
    •  IsSingleUseWorld: 1 or 0 (true/false) - (unused) may cause world to not save, or delete after use. Seems to default back to false when a world is loaded.
    •  isWorldTemplateOptionLocked: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the world options cannot be modified until the user accepts that they are changing the map.
    •  keepinventory: The keepinventory game rule.
    •  LANBroadcast: [more information needed]
    •  LANBroadcastIntent: [more information needed]
    •  lastOpenedWithVersion: Five  ints representing the last version with which the world was opened. Eg. for the beta/preview the version is 1 20 30 22 1.
    •  LastPlayed: Stores the Unix time stamp (in seconds) when the player saved the game.
    •  LevelName: Specifies the name of the world.
    •  lightningLevel: [more information needed]
    •  lightningTime: [more information needed]
    •  LimitedWorldOriginX: The X coordinate where limited (old) world generation started.
    •  LimitedWorldOriginY: The Y coordinate where limited (old) world generation started.
    •  LimitedWorldOriginZ: The Z coordinate where limited (old) world generation started.
    •  LimitedWorldWidth: The width (in chunks) of the borders surrounding the (old) world generation. Defaults to 16.
    •  LimitedWorldDepth: The depth (in chunks) of the borders surrounding the (old) world generation. Defaults to 16.
    •  maxcommandchainlength: The maxcommandchainlength game rule.
    •  MinimumCompatibleClientVersion: Five  ints representing the minimum compatible client version that is needed to open the world. Eg. for the beta/preview the minimum compatible version is 1 20 30 0 0.
    •  mobgriefing: [more information needed]
    •  MultiplayerGame: [more information needed]
    •  MultiplayerGameIntent: [more information needed]
    •  naturalregeneration: The naturalregeneration game rule.
    •  NetherScale: Defaults to 8. This is used to tell the game how many Overworld blocks go into one nether block (X blocks in the nether = 1 block in the overworld).
    •  NetworkVersion: [more information needed]
    •  Platform: Seems to store the platform that the level is created on. Currently observed value is 2.
    •  PlatformBroadcastIntent: [more information needed]
    •  prid: [more information needed]
    •  pvp: The pvp game rule.
    •  rainLevel: [more information needed]
    •  rainTime: [more information needed]
    •  RandomSeed: Level seed.
    •  randomtickspeed: The randomtickspeed game rule.
    •  recipesunlock: The recipesunlock game rule.
    •  requiresCopiedPackRemovalCheck: [more information needed]
    •  respawnblocksexplode: The respawnblocksexplode game rule.
    •  sendcommandfeedback: The sendcommandfeedback game rule.
    •  serverChunkTickRange: Simulation distance.[more information needed]
    •  showbordereffect: The showbordereffect game rule.
    •  showcoordinates: The showcoordinates game rule.
    •  showdeathmessages: The showdeathmessages game rule.
    •  showtags: The showtags game rule.
    •  spawnMobs: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if mobs can spawn.
    •  spawnradius: The spawnradius game rule.
    •  SpawnV1Villagers: Spawn pre-1.10.0 villagers.
    •  SpawnX: The X coordinate of the player's spawn position. Defaults to 0.
    •  SpawnY: The Y coordinate of the player's spawn position. Defaults to 64.
    •  SpawnZ: The Z coordinate of the player's spawn position. Defaults to 0.
    •  startWithMapEnabled: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if new players spawn with a locator map.
    •  StorageVersion: Version of Bedrock Edition Storage Tool, currently is 8.
    •  texturePacksRequired: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the user must download the texture packs applied to the world to join.
    •  Time: Stores the current "time of day" in ticks. There are 20 ticks per real-life second, and 24000 ticks per Minecraft daylight cycle, making the full cycle length 20 minutes. 0 is the start of daytime, 12000 is the start of sunset, 13800 is the start of nighttime, 22200 is the start of sunrise, and 24000 is daytime again. The value stored in level.dat is always increasing and can be larger than 24000, but the "time of day" is always modulo 24000 of the "Time" field value.
    •  tntexplodes: The tntexplodes game rule.
    •  useMsaGamertagsOnly: Whether the world is restricted to Microsoft Accounts only (players must be signed in).
    •  world_policies: [more information needed]
    •  worldStartCount: Counts how many times the game has been closed since the world was created, with its value decreasing by 1 each time.
    •  XBLBroadcastIntent: [more information needed]


The LOG files are located at the /db path of a level, and are part of the leveldb format, used in between compaction of the LDB files. It is similar to a Log file for a program. The format is:

YYYY /MM/DD-Hour/Minute/Second.StepName "Info"


2014/07/24-22:20:08.400488 4a3638 Recovering log #3


Pocket Edition Alpha
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Yellow Dye|Yellow Dye]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Yellow Dye
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Yellow dye''' is a [[Dye#Primary|primary dye]] created by placing a [[dandelion]] or [[sunflower]] into a [[crafting]] grid.

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===
  |Output=Yellow Dye;Yellow Dye,2

=== Chest loot ===

=== Trading ===

[[Wandering trader]]s sell 3 yellow dye for an [[emerald]].

== Usage ==
{{dye usage}}

=== Crafting ingredient ===
{{crafting usage|ignore=Banner|continue=1}}
{{banner crafting usage}}

=== Loom ingredient ===
{{Banner loom usage|Yellow Dye}}

=== Trading ===
Expert-level shepherd villagers have a {{frac|1|6}} chance to buy 12 yellow dye for an emerald.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Yellow Dye

{{ID table
|displayname=Yellow Dye
|aliasid=dye / 11

== Video ==

== History ==
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.2|[[File:Yellow Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dandelion yellow.}}
{{History||1.6.6|Dandelions can now be generated using [[Bone Meal|bone meal]], making dandelion yellow [[renewable resource|renewable]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Added the ability to [[Armor#Dyeing|dye]] leather [[armor]] and [[wolf]] collars.}}
{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Dandelion yellow can be crafted with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}} 
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|[[Stained clay]] can now be crafted.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Can now be crafted using sunflower.}}
{{History|||snap=13w37a|Each dandelion now yields only 1 dandelion yellow, instead of 2.}}
{{History|||snap=13w41a|[[Stained glass]] can now be [[crafting|crafted]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w30a|Added [[banner]]s, which can be [[dye]]d.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Added the ability to dye [[shulker box]]es.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w06a|Yellow dye can now be used to craft yellow [[concrete powder]].}}
{{History|||snap=17w15a|Added the ability to dye [[bed]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have now been split up into their own IDs.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 351.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|"Dandelion Yellow" has now been renamed to "Yellow Dye".
|[[File:Yellow Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of yellow dye has now been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|Yellow dye can now change the text color on [[sign]]s to yellow.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Yellow dye can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] mason houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added the [[wandering trader]], which sells yellow dye.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Yellow dye can now be [[trading|bought]] by shepherd villagers.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Yellow dye can now be used to craft [[yellow candle]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=21w19a|Yellow dye can no longer be used to craft yellow candles.}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Yellow dye can once again used to craft yellow candles.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Yellow dye can now change the text color on [[hanging sign]]s to yellow.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Yellow dye can now be found in [[suspicious gravel]] and [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].}}
{{History|||snap=23w16a|Yellow dye no longer generates in [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].|Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for suspicious gravel within [[trail ruins]], yellow dye is now common loot.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Yellow Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dandelion yellow.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Dandelion yellow is now used to craft [[cocoa beans]].}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Yellow dye can now be used to dye [[water]] in [[cauldron]]s.}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Dandelion yellow is no longer used to [[crafting|craft]] cocoa beans.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Yellow dye can now be used to dye [[shulker]]s.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Yellow dye can now be used to dye [[shulker box]]es, [[bed]]s, and craft [[concrete powder]].}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Yellow dye can now be used to craft patterns on [[banner]]s, [[firework star]]s, and [[stained glass]].}}
{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Yellow dye can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s and [[glow stick]]s.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Dandelion yellow can now be used to dye [[cat]] collars.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|"Dandelion Yellow" has now been renamed to "Yellow Dye".}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Yellow dye is now [[trading|sold]] by [[wandering trader]]s.
|[[File:Yellow Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of yellow dye has now been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Yellow dye can now be found in [[village]] mason [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Yellow dye can now be sold to shepherd [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of yellow dye has been changed from <code>dye/11</code> to <code>yellow_dye</code>.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|switch=1.0.1|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Yellow Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dandelion yellow.}}
{{History||1.83|"Dandelion Yellow" has now been renamed to "Yellow Dye".}}
{{History||1.90|[[File:Yellow Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of yellow dye has now been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Yellow Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added dandelion yellow.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== References ==



[[cs:Pampelišková žluť]]
[[de:Gelber Farbstoff]]
[[es:Tinte amarillo]]
[[fr:Teinture jaune]]
[[ko:노란색 염료]]
[[pl:Żółty barwnik]]
[[pt:Corante amarelo]]
[[ru:Жёлтый краситель]]

[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Bread|Bread]]<br/>{{dungeons hatnote|type=item}}
| title = Bread
| image = Bread.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|5}}
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Bread''' is a [[food]] [[item]] that can be eaten by the [[player]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===


=== Chest loot ===


=== Trading ===

Novice-level farmer [[Villager|villagers]] sell 6 bread for one [[emerald]] as part of their [[Trading|trades]]. {{IN|java}} they only have a 40% chance of offering this trade.

=== Villager gifts ===

Farmer villagers may use wheat they have harvested to craft bread, which they can trade with other villagers.

Farmer villagers may throw bread at players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.{{only|java}}

== Usage ==

=== Food ===
{{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management|title1= Hunger management}}

Bread can be eaten with the use control while it is selected in the [[hotbar]]. Eating bread restores {{hunger|5}} [[hunger]] and 6.0 [[Hunger#Mechanics|hunger saturation]].

=== Breeding ===

Villagers can pick up bread items to become willing, allowing them to breed. Villagers require 3 bread to become willing.

=== Composting ===
Placing bread into a [[composter]] has an 85% chance of raising the compost level by 1. It is more efficient to compost [[wheat]] than bread made from wheat.

== Sounds ==

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==

=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table

== Achievements ==

{{load achievements|Bake Bread}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== History ==

{{History|java indev}}
{{History||20100206|[[File:Bread JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Bread has been added, which now restores {{hp|5}}.}}
{{History||20100223|Bread now requires 3 [[wheat]] (1 row of 3) instead of 6 (2 rows of 3) to be crafted.}}
{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||?|Bread is no longer stackable.}}
{{History||20100625-2|Bread can now be found in the new [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Bread is now stackable to 64.
|Bread now restores {{hunger|5}} instead of {{hp|5}}.
|[[Dungeon]] [[chests]] now contain more bread, now that it stacks.
|Bread can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] storerooms and [[mineshaft]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Bread can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] altar [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.1|snap=12w01a|Bread can now be found in the new [[village]] blacksmith chests.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w16a|Bread can now be found in the new [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w21a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 3–4 loaves of bread for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w37a|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The dark outline has now been removed from the bread texture.}}
{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|Bread can now be used to feed [[horse]]s.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 2–4 loaves of bread for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w26c|[[Horse]]s no longer can eat bread.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|The average yield of bread from [[mineshaft]] and [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s has now been decreased.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Bread can now found in the new [[woodland mansion]] chests.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 297.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Bread JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bread has now been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Bread can now generate inside chests in cartographer houses, tanneries and plains [[village]] houses.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Bread can now generate inside chests in mason houses, and savanna and snowy [[village]] houses.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Bread can now generate inside chests in village temples, toolsmith, and desert and taiga [[village]] houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing bread into the new [[composter]] now has an 80% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Bread now has an 85% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Farmer villagers now give bread to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Bread JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bread.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Bread now restores {{hp|5}} instead of {{hp|2}}.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The dark outline has now been removed from the bread texture.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Bread now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Bread can now be found inside [[minecart with chest]]s in [[mineshaft]]s.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|[[Villager]]s now require bread to become willing, in order to [[breeding|breed]].
|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 2-4 loaves of bread for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Bread can now be found in [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Bread can now be found inside [[bonus chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Bread JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bread has now been changed.
|Bread can now be found inside [[plains]] [[village]] houses [[chest]]s, plains tannery house chests, village cartographer house chests and plains weaponsmith chests.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Bread can now be found in village chests other than plains.
|Bread can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] 6 bread for one [[emerald]].}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Bread JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bread.}}
{{History||xbox=TU5|Bread is now stackable to 64. 
|Bread now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The dark outline has now been removed from the bread texture.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Bread JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of bread has now been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Bread JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Added bread.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--bread Taking Inventory: Bread] – Minecraft.net on February 25, 2021


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

level.dat is now a NBT formatted file.
player.dat information now moved to level.dat
Added entities.dat.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Steak|Steak]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Steak
| image = Steak.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|8}}
| stackable = Yes (64)

'''Steak''' ({{in|java}}) or '''cooked beef''' ({{in|bedrock}}) is a [[food]] [[item]] obtained from [[cow]]s, [[mooshroom]]s, or from cooking [[raw beef]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===

==== Cows ====

When a [[cow]] or [[mooshroom]] is killed, it drops [[raw beef]]. If a cow dies while on fire, it drops steak instead. If the cow is killed using a weapon with the [[Looting]] enchantment, the maximum number of steak drops increases by 1 per level.

=== Cooking ===

Raw beef can be cooked in a [[furnace]], [[smoker]], or [[campfire]]. Each steak removed from a furnace output slot gives 0.35 [[experience]] (22.4 experience per stack).
|Raw Beef

=== Villager gifts ===
{{IN|java}}, butcher [[Villager|villagers]] may give players steak if they have the [[Hero of the Village]] status effect.

== Usage ==

=== Food ===

To eat steak, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|8}} [[hunger]] and 12.8 hunger 

=== Wolves ===

Steak can be used to [[breed]] and heal tamed [[wolves]], lead them around, and make baby tamed wolves grow up faster by 10% of the remaining time.

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==

=== ID ===
{{ID table

{{ID table
|displayname=Cooked Beef

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== History ==

{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|[[File:Steak JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added steak.
|Steak has been introduced as the cooked result of [[raw beef]].
|Steak is a new [[food]] [[item]] dropped by [[cow]]s in addition to their [[leather]]. 
|The icon for steak is used as the image for the [[cooked porkchop]] before [[Java Edition Beta 1.8|Beta 1.8]], as the cooked porkchop's icon was updated to a lighter colored piece of meat.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w03a|Steak can now be used to [[breed]] [[wolves]].}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Steak can now be [[trading|bought]] from butcher [[villager]]s, at 6–7 steak for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History|||snap=1.3|[[File:Steak JE2.png|32px]] The texture of steak has been changed.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w37a|[[File:Steak JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of steak has been changed, so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Villager]]s no longer [[trade]] steak.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 364.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Steak JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of steak has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=19w13a|Butcher villagers now give steak to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Steak JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added steak.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Steak now restores {{hp|8}} instead of {{hp|4}}.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Steak JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of steak has been changed, so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Steak now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 4|"Steak" has been renamed to "Cooked Beef."}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Steak JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of cooked beef has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Cooked beef can now be [[trading|bought]] from butcher [[villager]]s.}}

{{History||xbox=TU5|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Steak JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added steak.}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Steak JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The steak's texture has been changed, so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Steak JE4 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of steak has been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Steak JE3 BE2.png|32px]] Added steak.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
Jeb steak.png|Raw beef and steak shown in the [[inventory]] from a preview screenshot.
Eating Steak.png|A still frame of the player eating a steak.
Steak SDGP.png|Steak in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].

== Notes ==


[[cs:Propečený steak]]
[[es:Filete asado]]
[[ru:Жареная говядина]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Fermented Spider Eye|Fermented Spider Eye]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Fermented Spider Eye.png‎
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)

A '''fermented spider eye''' is a [[brewing]] ingredient.

== Obtaining ==

=== Crafting ===

|Brown Mushroom
|Spider Eye
|Output= Fermented Spider Eye
|type= Brewing

== Usage ==
They can be used to brew [[potion]]s with negative effects, as well as the [[Potion of Invisibility]]. 

=== Brewing ingredient ===
  |Fermented Spider Eye
  |Potion of Weakness
  |base=Water Bottle
  |Fermented Spider Eye
  |Potion of Harming
  |base=Potion of Poison;Potion of Healing
  |Fermented Spider Eye
  |Potion of Slowness
  |base=Potion of Swiftness;Potion of Leaping
  |Fermented Spider Eye
  |Potion of Invisibility
  |base=Potion of Night Vision

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Fermented Spider Eye

{{ID table
|displayname=Fermented Spider Eye

== Video ==

<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|ln8ZQn5MtFI}}</div>

== History ==
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|[[File:Fermented Spider Eye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added fermented spider eyes.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Fermented spider eyes can now be [[brewing|brewed]] in a [[water bottle]] to create a [[potion of Weakness]].
|Fermented spider eyes now corrupt potions of [[Swiftness]] and [[Fire Resistance]] into potions of [[Slowness]], for both normal and extended types.
|Fermented spider eyes now corrupts potions of [[Healing]] and [[Poison]] into potions of [[Harming]], as well as Healing II and extended Poison into extended Harming.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Fermented spider eyes now change potions of [[Night Vision]] into the new potions of [[Invisibility]], for both normal and extended types.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Fermented spider eyes now corrupt the new [[potion of Water Breathing]] into a potion of Harming.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w27a|Fermented spider eyes now corrupt the new [[potion of Leaping]] into a potion of Slowness.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|[[Potions of Weakness]] can no longer be made using a [[thick potion]], [[mundane potion]], [[awkward potion]], [[potion of Regeneration]], or [[potion of Strength]].
|[[Potions of Slowness]] can no longer be made using a [[potion of Fire Resistance]].
|[[Potions of Harming]] can no longer be made using a [[potion of Water Breathing]].}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 376.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w50a|[[File:Fermented Spider Eye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of fermented spider eyes has been changed.}}
{{History|upcoming java}}
{{History||Villager Trade Rebalance<br>(Experimental)|link=Java Edition 1.20.2|snap=23w31a|[[Wandering trader]]s now have a chance to [[trading|buy]] a fermented spider eye from the player.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Fermented Spider Eye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added fermented spider eyes.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Fermented Spider Eye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of fermented spider eyes has been changed.}}

{{History||xbox=TU7|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Fermented Spider Eye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added fermented spider eyes.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Fermented Spider Eye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of fermented spider eyes has been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Fermented Spider Eye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added fermented spider eyes.}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}


[[Category:Renewable resources]]

[[cs:Zkvašené pavoučí oko]]
[[de:Fermentiertes Spinnenauge]]
[[es:Ojo de araña fermentado]]
[[fr:Œil d'araignée fermenté]]
[[it:Occhio di ragno fermentato]]
[[ko:발효된 거미 눈]]
[[nl:Gefermenteerd spinnenoog]]
[[pl:Sfermentowane oko pająka]]
[[pt:Olho de aranha fermentado]]
[[ru:Приготовленный паучий глаз]]
[[uk:Оброблене павуче око]]
Entities.dat extended to store tile entity information.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Raw Iron|Raw Iron]]<br/>{{Item
| image = Raw Iron.png
| renewable = No
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Raw iron''' is a raw metal resource obtained from mining [[iron ore]].

== Obtaining ==
=== Mining ===
[[Iron ore]] and [[deepslate iron ore]] mined with a [[stone pickaxe]] or higher drops 1 unit of raw iron. If the pickaxe is enchanted with [[Fortune]], it can drop an extra unit per level of Fortune, allowing for a maximum of 4 with Fortune III. If the ore is mined using a pickaxe enchanted with [[Silk Touch]], it drops the ore block instead.

=== Crafting ===
|Block of Raw Iron
|Output=Raw Iron,9

== Usage ==
The primary usage of raw iron is smelting it into [[iron ingot]]s.

=== Crafting ===
{{crafting usage}}

=== Smelting ingredient ===
|Raw Iron
|Iron Ingot

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Iron

{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Iron

== History ==
{{History||1.17|snap=21w14a|[[File:Raw Iron JE1.png|32px]] Added raw iron.}}
{{History|||snap=April 13, 2021|slink={{Tweet|JasperBoerstra|1381991999952277513}}|[[File:Raw Iron JE2.png|32px]] [[JAPPA]] shows a new raw iron texture.}}
{{History|||snap=21w15a|[[File:Raw Iron JE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw iron has been changed.
|Raw iron can now be used to craft [[block of raw iron]].}}
{{History|||snap=April 16, 2021|slink={{Tweet|JasperBoerstra|1383047666037325829}}|[[File:Raw Iron (pre-release).png|32px]] [[JAPPA]] shows a new raw iron texture again.}}
{{History|||snap=21w16a|[[File:Raw Iron JE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw iron has been changed.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Raw Iron JE2.png|32px]] Added raw iron.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Raw iron are now available without enabling [[experimental gameplay]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Raw Iron JE3.png|32px]] The texture of raw iron has been changed.}}

== Issues ==
{{Issue list}}

JE 1.17 Dev Raw Metals.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 1.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 2.png|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 3.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 4.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.
Jappa Raw Ores 5.jpg|Jappa shows raw ore textures.


[[Category:Non-renewable resources]]

[[es:Hierro en bruto]]
[[fr:Fer brut]]
[[it:Ferro grezzo]]
[[pl:Surowe żelazo]]
[[pt:Ferro bruto]]
[[ru:Необработанное железо]]
[[uk:Необроблене залізо]]
[[zh:粗铁]]</li><li>[[Raw Porkchop|Raw Porkchop]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Raw Porkchop
| image = Raw Porkchop.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|3}}
| stackable = Yes (64)
A '''raw porkchop''' is a [[food]] item that can be eaten by the [[player]] or cooked to make a [[cooked porkchop]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Mob loot ===

==== Pigs ====

Adult [[pig]]s drop 1–3 raw porkchop when killed. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 1-6 with Looting III. If killed while on fire, they drop [[cooked porkchop]] instead.

==== Hoglins ====

Adult [[hoglin]]s drop 2–4 raw porkchop when killed. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 7 with Looting III. If killed while on fire, they drop [[cooked porkchop]] instead.

=== Chest loot ===


== Usage ==

=== Food ===

To eat raw porkchop, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|3}} [[hunger]] and 0.6 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].

=== Smelting ingredient ===

|Raw Porkchop
|Cooked Porkchop

=== Trading ===

{{IN|bedrock}}, novice-level butcher [[villager]]s have a {{frac|1|3}} chance to [[trading|buy]] 7 raw porkchop for an [[emerald]] as part of their [[trading|trades]].

{{IN|java}}, novice-level butcher villagers have a 40% chance to buy 7 raw porkchop for an emerald.

=== Wolves ===

Raw porkchops can be used to [[breed]] and heal tamed [[wolves]], lead them around, and make baby tamed wolves grow up faster by 10% of the remaining time.

=== Piglins ===
[[Piglin|Piglins]] instantly pick up raw or [[Cooked Porkchop|cooked porkchops]] that are within 1 block of them, unless they have already picked up one within the last 10 seconds. Porkchops picked up are not dropped upon the piglin's death.

{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Porkchop

{{ID table
|displayname=Raw Porkchop

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|Pork Chop}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== History ==

{{History|java indev}}
{{History||20100219|[[File:Raw Porkchop JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw porkchops. 
|Raw porkchops restore {{hp|3}} and do not stack in the [[inventory]].
|Raw porkchops are [[drops|dropped]] by [[pig]]s.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||1.4|Raw porkchops can now be given to [[wolf|wolves]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Raw porkchops can now be stacked to 64.<ref>{{Tweet|jeb|103408168356421632|Some Minecraft food changes...}}</ref> 
|Raw porkchops now restore {{hunger|3}} to the [[Hunger|food bar]].}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w03a|Raw porkchops can now be used to breed wolves.}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Raw porkchops can now be [[trading|sold]] to butcher [[villager]]s, at 14–17 pork chops for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w25a|[[Pig]]s now [[drops|drop]] 1–3 porkchops instead of 0–2.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w37a|[[File:Raw Porkchop JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw porkchops has been changed, so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Trading]] has been changed; butcher villagers now [[trading|buy]] 14–18 porkchops for 1 emerald.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 319.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Raw Porkchop.png|32px]] The texture of raw porkchops has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Raw porkchops can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] butcher shops.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|Raw porkchops are dropped by the new [[hoglin]]s.
|Raw porkchops have a {{frac|5|109}} (~4.59%) chance of being given by the new [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], in a stack size of 2–5.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|Raw porkchops can no longer be obtained by bartering with piglins.}}
{{History|||snap=20w16a|Raw porkchops now generate in [[bastion remnants]] chests.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Raw Porkchop JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw porkchops.}}
{{History||v0.5.0|Raw porkchops now restore {{hp|3}} instead of {{hp|1}}.}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Raw Porkchop JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw porkchops has been changed, so that it no longer has that dark outline.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Raw porkchops now restore [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||v0.16.2|[[Pig]]s now [[drops|drop]] 1–3 raw porkchops rather than 0–2.}}
{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|14–18 raw porkchops can now be [[trading|sold]] to butcher [[villager]]s for an [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Raw Porkchop.png|32px]] The texture of raw porkchops has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Raw porkchops can now be found in [[village]] butcher [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Butcher [[villager]]s now have {{frac|1|3}} chance to [[trading|buy]] 7 raw porkchops.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Raw Porkchop JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added raw porkchops.}}
{{History||xbox=TU5|Raw porkchops are now stackable to 64 and fills [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Raw Porkchop JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of raw porkchops has been changed, so that it no longer has a dark outline.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Raw Porkchop.png|32px]] The texture of raw porkchops has been changed.}}

{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Raw Porkchop JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Added raw porkchops.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
I Porkchop Minecraft JINX.jpg|Official T-shirt artwork "I Porkchop Minecraft" sold by [https://www.jinx.com JINX].
I Brake for Porkchop Bumper Sticker JINX.jpg|An official bumper sticker featuring a raw porkchop sold by JINX.

== References ==

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--porkchop Taking Inventory: Porkchop] – Minecraft.net on February 13, 2020



[[cs:Syrová kotleta]]
[[de:Rohes Schweinefleisch]]
[[es:Chuleta de cerdo cruda]]
[[fr:Côtelette de porc crue]]
[[hu:Nyers disznóhús]]
[[nl:Rauw varkensvlees]]
[[pl:Surowy schab]]
[[pt:Costeleta de porco crua]]
[[ru:Сырая свинина]]
[[uk:Сира свинина]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul>
build 1Added a new world save format, based on LevelDB 1.17 with Zlib compression support added. Older worlds are automatically converted to the new format when loaded.
Pocket Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Rabbit Hide|Rabbit Hide]]<br/>{{Item
| title = Rabbit Hide
| image = Rabbit Hide.png
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (64)
'''Rabbit hide''' is an [[item]] dropped by [[rabbit]]s.

== Obtaining ==

===Mob loot===
[[Rabbit]]s drop 0–1 rabbit hide upon death. The maximum number of drops can be increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]] used, for a maximum of 0–4 rabbit hides with Looting III.

Some [[foxes]] spawn holding rabbit hides, which always drop upon death. Alternatively, the player can drop a food item, which causes the fox to drop the rabbit hide.

=== Cat gifts ===

Tamed [[cat]]s have a 70% chance of giving the [[player]] a gift when they wake up from a [[bed]], and the gift has a 16.13% chance to be a rabbit hide.

== Usage ==

Rabbit hide can be crafted into leather, or into bundles to store stacks of items.

=== Crafting ingredient ===

{{crafting usage}}

=== Trading ===

Journeyman-level leatherworker [[villager]]s buy 9 rabbit hide for an [[emerald]] as part of their trades.

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Rabbit Hide

{{ID table
|displayname=Rabbit Hide

== History ==

{{History||1.8|snap=June 30, 2014|slink={{tweet|TheMogMiner|483636993780232192}}|[[Ryan Holtz]] tweeted images of rabbit hide and some other new [[item]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Rabbit Hide JE1.png|32px]]  Added rabbit hide.}}
{{History|||snap=14w33b|[[File:Rabbit Hide JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of rabbit hide has been changed.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 415.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Rabbit Hide JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rabbit hide has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|Cats now offer rabbit hides as [[Cat#Gifts|gifts]].}}
{{History|||snap=19w07a|Added [[fox]]es, which sometimes spawn with rabbit hides in their mouths.}}
{{History|||snap=19w11a|Leatherworker [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] rabbit hides.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Rabbit hide can now be used to craft [[bundle]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=21w18a|Rabbit hide can no longer be used to craft bundles.}}
{{History||1.18|snap=Experimental Snapshot 1|Rabbit hide can now once again be used to craft bundles.}}
{{History|||snap=21w37a|Rabbit hide once again can no longer be used to craft bundles.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Rabbit hide can now once again be used to craft bundles.}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Rabbit Hide JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit hide.}}
{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Tamed [[cat]]s can now give [[player]]s rabbit hide as a gift.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Rabbit Hide JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rabbit hide has been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Rabbit hide can be [[trading|sold]] to leatherworker [[villager]]s.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Added [[fox]]es, which can [[drops|drop]] rabbit hide.}}

{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Rabbit Hide JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit hide.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Rabbit Hide JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of rabbit hide has been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Rabbit Hide JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added rabbit hide.}}

== Issues ==

{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
File:Rabbit Items 1 Ryan Holtz.png|First image of the item by [[Ryan Holtz]].


[[es:Piel de conejo]]
[[fr:Peau de lapin]]
[[it:Pelle di coniglio]]
[[ko:토끼 가죽]]
[[pl:Królicza skóra]]
[[pt:Pele de coelho]]
[[ru:Кроличья шкурка]]
[[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Sign|Sign]]<br/>{{Block
| image = <gallery>
Oak Sign.png|Sign
Oak Wall Sign.png|Wall Sign
Oak Hanging Sign.png|Hanging Sign
Oak Wall Hanging Sign.png|Wall Hanging Sign
| image2 = <gallery>
Oak Sign JE3.png|Sign
Oak Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|Hanging Sign
| extratext = [[#Gallery|View all renders]]
| transparent = Yes
| light = No
| tool = axe
| renewable = Yes
| stackable = Yes (16)
| flammable = No
| lavasusceptible = No
A '''sign''' is a non-solid [[block]] that displays text and can be placed on the top or side of other blocks. A '''hanging sign''' is a decorative block that also displays text, and can be placed underneath blocks or with a solid self-supporting bracket. The text of both types of signs can be customized with [[dye]]s and [[glow ink sac]]s.

== Obtaining ==
=== Breaking ===
Signs can be broken with any tool or without a tool, but an [[axe]] is fastest.
{{breaking row|horizontal=1|Sign|sprite=oak-sign|Axe|foot=1|item=1}}

A sign or a hanging sign also breaks and drops itself as an [[item]] if the block the sign is attached to is moved, removed or destroyed. However, a wall hanging sign will stay here if the block the hanging sign is attached to is removed.<ref>{{bug|MC-256501|||WAI}}</ref>

If a sign is broken while being edited, the player continues to edit the sign<ref>{{bug|MC-117815}}</ref>, although {{in|bedrock}} breaking the sign stops the editing operation.

=== Natural generation ===
An oak sign can be found in [[igloo]] basements. Spruce signs can be found in taiga [[village]] houses, as part of a chair.

=== Chest loot ===

=== Crafting ===
[[The player]] can place six stripped [[log]] [[block]]s at the bottom half of the crafting table and place two [[chain]]s on the top-left and top-right slots to create hanging signs. This crafting recipe will create six hanging signs. Hanging signs can only be crafted with stripped logs or [[stem]]s; non-stripped wood cannot be used to craft hanging signs.
|A1= Matching Planks
|B1= Matching Planks
|C1= Matching Planks
|A2= Matching Planks
|B2= Matching Planks
|C2= Matching Planks
|B3= Stick
|Output=Matching Sign,3
|type=Decoration block
|name= Hanging Sign
|A1= Chain
|C1= Chain
|A2= Matching Stripped Log or Stem; Block of Stripped Bamboo
|B2= Matching Stripped Log or Stem; Block of Stripped Bamboo
|C2= Matching Stripped Log or Stem; Block of Stripped Bamboo
|A3= Matching Stripped Log or Stem; Block of Stripped Bamboo
|B3= Matching Stripped Log or Stem; Block of Stripped Bamboo
|C3= Matching Stripped Log or Stem; Block of Stripped Bamboo
|Output= Matching Hanging Sign,6; Bamboo Hanging Sign,6
|type=Decoration block

== Usage ==
Signs can be used to display text; they can be used to label storage, display information to other players or note areas of interest. Signs are also not destroyed by [[water]] or [[lava]] and therefore may be used to control the flow of these fluids.

=== Placement ===
==== Signs ====
Signs may be placed on the top or side of other [[block]]s (including semi-solid and non-solid blocks such as [[fence]]s, [[Trapdoor|trapdoors]] and other signs). To place a sign, {{control|use}} a sign [[item]] while pointing at the block the sign should be attached to, enter the desired text (or none), and click the "Done" button or press "escape" on a keyboard (or press × {{in|bedrock}}, {{xbtn|b}} on an Xbox controller, {{psbtn|o}} on a PlayStation controller, or {{nsbutton|B}} on a Nintendo Switch controller. Closing the virtual keyboard on a mobile device also exits the typing menu). To place a sign on a block that can be interacted with by the {{control|use}} control (for example, [[chest]]s, [[note block]]s, etc.), {{control|sneak}} while placing the sign.

Signs on the top of a block stand on a short post and face toward the player who placed it, in any of 16 different directions. Signs placed on the side of a block simply float there, even if the block doesn't make contact with the sign.

Even if placed on a vertical surface, a sign may not co-exist in the same block of air as any other item, despite not necessarily visibly obstructing eachother.

For more information about the blocks signs can be placed on, see [[Opacity/Placement]].

==== Hanging signs ====
Hanging signs can be placed in three different ways:
* Placing a hanging sign on the side of a block will result in it being placed with a self-supporting bracket, which allows it to float without any supporting block. This version can be placed in four different directions.
* Placing a hanging sign on the bottom of a block will result in the sign hanging below the block.
** If the block is wide enough, the chains holding the sign will be parallel. This version can be placed in four different directions.
** If the block is too narrow, the chains will meet together in a upwards arrow shape. This version is also placed if the player is {{control|sneaking}} when placing a hanging sign below a wide-enough block. This version can be placed in sixteen different directions.

=== Text ===
[[File:Oak Sign GUI.png|thumb|240px|Oak Sign editing.]]
Placing a sign opens an editor interface resembling a magnified view of the sign. Up to four lines of text can then be entered using a keyboard (hardware or on-screen). The editor supports limited editing, including moving the cursor and inserting and deleting characters. {{IN|bedrock}}, [[formatting codes]] can also be used to apply decorative effects such as color, bold, italic and underline to various bits of the text. Depending on the edition and platform in use, copy and paste operations may be supported and the editor may also support keyboard entry of Alt-codes for displaying Unicode characters.

Text can be added to the back side of a sign by interacting with the that side of the sign after placing it and editing the front.

Signs can be waxed by {{Control|use|text=using}} a [[honeycomb]] on it. Once waxed, a sign cannot be unwaxed or edited.

After placing and affixing text on a sign, a player can change the text color by {{control|using}} a [[dye]] on it. When colored with dye, the text color may differ from any color specified by formatting codes.{{Info needed|How does this work? Does the dye affect all the text? One line? One word? Does dye override all formatting codes, including font effects?}}

[[File:Glow Ink Sign with Orange Dye JE2.png|thumb|216px|Oak sign with glow ink and orange dye applied in {{JE}}.]]

A player can {{control|use}} a [[glow ink sac]] on a sign to make its text glow. The glowing text is not affected by lighting. The player can use a regular black [[ink sac]] on the sign to remove the glowing effect.

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ class="nowrap" | Glow ink colors
!Name !! Main Color !! Edge Color
! Black
| {{color|#000000}}
| {{color|#EDE8CA}}
! Red
| {{color|#FC0000}}
| {{color|#650000}}
! Green
| {{color|#00FC00}}
| {{color|#006500}}
! Brown
| {{color|#894413}}
| {{color|#361B07}}
! Blue
| {{color|#0000FC}}
| {{color|#000065}}
! Purple
| {{color|#9E20ED}}
| {{color|#3F0C5F}}
! Cyan
| {{color|#00D6D6}}
| {{color|#006565}}
! Light Gray
| {{color|#D0D0D0}}
| {{color|#535353}}
! Gray
| {{color|#7E7E7E}}
| {{color|#323232}}
! Pink
| {{color|#FC68B2}}
| {{color|#652947}}
! Lime
| {{color|#8DFC00}}
| {{color|#4B6500}}
! Yellow
| {{color|#FCFC00}}
| {{color|#656500}}
! Light Blue
| {{color|#98BECB}}
| {{color|#3C4B51}}
! Magenta
| {{color|#FC00FC}}
| {{color|#650065}}
! Orange
| {{color|#FC671F}}
| {{color|#65280C}}
! White
| {{color|#FCFCFC}}
| {{color|#656565}}

In [[Creative]] mode, the combination {{key|Ctrl}} + {{control|pick block}} on Windows/Linux, or {{key|cmd}} + {{control|pick block}} on macOS, can be used to copy an already-placed sign, including its text (with decorations), into the player's inventory.

A dyed sign facing east or west will have its text appear more saturated and bright than a sign facing north or south. However, it is actually the sign that is dimmer, because ''Minecraft'''s lighting engine uses side lighting to make the world appear less flat, but the text on signs is not affected by this.

{{IN|bedrock}}, inappropriate words or phrases in a sign's text are displayed as asterisks.

{{IN|java}}, signs can be created with [[Commands#Raw JSON Text|JSON text]], which allows complex formatting (colors, bold, italic, etc.), hover and click events, localized translation (for ''Minecraft'' technical terms, like "Redstone Repeater", otherwise translations must be provided in language files in resource packs), and the incorporation of scoreboard values into text. Use the {{cmd|data merge block}} command to create or alter JSON signs.

: Example: {{cmd|long=1|data merge block ~ ~1 ~ <nowiki>{front_text:{ color:"green", messages:[ '{"selector":"@p", "bold":false, "italic":false, "underlined":false, "strikethrough":false, "obfuscated":false}' , '{"text":"Second Line"}']}}}}

Signs can post the success count of JSON text hover and click events to [[scoreboard]] objectives. The objectives to be used can be specified by running the {{cmd|execute store}} command or by modifying the sign's NBT data directly with the {{cmd|data merge block}} command.

=== Interaction ===
Signs act as though they have a {{control|use}} action, so the [[player]] is unable to place [[block]]s or use [[item]]s while the cursor is pointed at them without {{control|sneaking}}.

Signs are destroyed and drop as an item when pushed by a [[piston]].{{Only|bedrock}}

Signs are non-solid and have no collision, so [[item]]s and [[mob]]s can move through sign blocks. Other [[block]]s (including other signs) can be placed on any edge of a sign.

[[Water]] and [[lava]] flow around signs. Lava can create [[fire]] in [[air]] blocks next to signs as if the signs were flammable, but the signs do not burn (and cannot be burned by other methods either, except {{in|be}}).

=== Fuel ===
Wooden signs can be used as a fuel in [[furnace]]s, smelting an [[item]] per sign.

=== Note Blocks ===
Signs can be placed under [[note block]]s to produce a "bass" sounds.

== Sounds ==
=== Generic ===
==== Normal wood ====
; Sign
{{Sound table/Block/Wood|forcecollapsed=1}}
; Hanging sign
{{Sound table/Block/Hanging sign|forcecollapsed=1}}

==== Cherry wood ====
; Sign
{{Sound table/Block/Cherry wood|forcecollapsed=1}}
; Hanging sign
{{Sound table/Block/Cherry wood hanging sign|forcecollapsed=1}}

==== Bamboo wood ====
; Sign
{{Sound table/Block/Bamboo wood|forcecollapsed=1}}
; Hanging sign
{{Sound table/Block/Bamboo wood hanging sign/JE|forcecollapsed=1}}

{{Sound table/Block/Bamboo wood hanging sign/BE|forcecollapsed=1}}

==== Nether wood ====
; Sign
{{Sound table/Block/Nether wood|forcecollapsed=1}}
; Hanging sign
{{Sound table/Block/Nether wood hanging sign/JE|forcecollapsed=1}}

{{Sound table/Block/Nether wood hanging sign/BE|forcecollapsed=1}}

=== Unique ===
{{Sound table|forcecollapsed=1
|sound=Ink sac1.ogg
|sound2=Ink sac2.ogg
|sound3=Ink sac3.ogg
|subtitle=Glow Ink Sac splotches
|description=When a [[glow ink sac]] is used on a sign
|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound>Can be 1.0, 0.95, or 1.05 for each sound</ref>
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Ink Sac splotches
|description=When an [[ink sac]] is used on a sign
|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound>Can be 0.85, 0.88, or 0.9 for each sound</ref>
{{Sound table
|subtitle=Dye stains
|description=When [[dye]] is used on a sign
|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound>Can be 1.0, 0.9, 0.95, or 1.1</ref>
{{Sound table
|sound=Wax on1.ogg
|sound2=Wax on2.ogg
|sound3=Wax on3.ogg
|subtitle=Wax on
|description=When a sign is waxed
{{Sound table
|sound=Sign waxed interact fail1.ogg
|sound2=Sign waxed interact fail2.ogg
|sound3=Sign waxed interact fail3.ogg
|subtitle=Sign wobbles
|description=When a player attempts to edit a waxed sign
|pitch=''varies''<ref group=sound>{{cd|fail1}} can be 1.0 or 0.9; {{cd|fail2}} and {{cd|fail3}} can be 0.8 or 0.9</ref>

{{Sound table|forcecollapsed=1
|sound=Ink sac1.ogg
|sound2=Ink sac2.ogg
|sound3=Ink sac3.ogg
|description=When a glow ink sac or an ink sac is used on a sign
{{Sound table
|description=When dye is used on a sign
{{Sound table
|sound=Wax on1.ogg
|sound2=Wax on2.ogg
|sound3=Wax on3.ogg
|description=When a honeycomb waxes a sign
{{Sound table
|sound=Sign waxed interact fail1.ogg
|sound2=Sign waxed interact fail2.ogg
|sound3=Sign waxed interact fail3.ogg
|description=When a player attempts to edit a waxed sign
|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound>Can be 1.0 or 0.9 for <code>waxed_interact_fail1</code>; can be 0.8 or 0.9 for <code>waxed_interact_fail2</code> and <code>waxed_interact_fail3</code></ref>

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak Sign
|blocktags=signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce Sign
|blocktags=signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch Sign
|blocktags=signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle Sign
|blocktags=signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia Sign
|blocktags=signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak Sign
|blocktags=signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove Sign
|blocktags=signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Sign
|spritename=Cherry Sign
|blocktags=signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Sign
|spritename=Bamboo Sign
|blocktags=signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson Sign
|blocktags= signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
|itemtags=non_flammable_wood, signs}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped Sign
|blocktags=signs, standing_signs, wall_post_override
|itemtags=non_flammable_wood, signs}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Wall Sign
|spritename=Cherry Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Wall Sign
|spritename=Bamboo Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped Wall Sign
|blocktags=signs, wall_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak Hanging Sign
|spritename=Oak Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce Hanging Sign
|spritename=Spruce Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch Hanging Sign
|spritename=Birch Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle Hanging Sign
|spritename=Jungle Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia Hanging Sign
|spritename=Acacia Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak Hanging Sign
|spritename=Dark Oak Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove Hanging Sign
|spritename=Mangrove Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Hanging Sign
|spritename=Cherry Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Hanging Sign
|spritename=Bamboo Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson Hanging Sign
|spritename=Crimson Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
|itemtags=hanging_signs, non_flammable_wood}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped Hanging Sign
|spritename=Warped Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs
|itemtags=hanging_signs, non_flammable_wood}}
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Oak Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Spruce Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Birch Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Jungle Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Acacia Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Dark Oak Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Mangrove Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Cherry Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Bamboo Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Crimson Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped Wall Hanging Sign
|spritename=Warped Wall Hanging Sign
|blocktags=all_hanging_signs, wall_hanging_signs
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity

{{ID table
|displayname=Oak standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped standing
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped wall
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak item
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce item
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch item
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle item
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia item
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak item
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove item
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry item
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo item
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson item
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped item
{{ID table
|displayname=Oak Hanging Sign
|spritename=Oak Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Spruce Hanging Sign
|spritename=Spruce Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Birch Hanging Sign
|spritename=Birch Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Jungle Hanging Sign
|spritename=Jungle Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Acacia Hanging Sign
|spritename=Acacia Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Dark Oak Hanging Sign
|spritename=Dark Oak Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Mangrove Hanging Sign
|spritename=Mangrove Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Cherry Hanging Sign
|spritename=Cherry Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Bamboo Hanging Sign
|spritename=Bamboo Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Crimson Hanging Sign
|spritename=Crimson Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Warped Hanging Sign
|spritename=Warped Wall Hanging Sign
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity
{{ID table
|displayname=Block entity

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

=== Block data ===
A sign has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.

{{see also|Block entity format}}

:See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format]].

== Achievements ==
{{load achievements|It's a Sign}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Glow and Behold}}

== History ==
{{History|java classic}}
{{History||0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST|[[File:Sign Entity.png|32px]] Signs are currently being tested as [[entity|entities]]. They always display "This is a test of the signs. Each line can be 15 chars!" and can only be spawned by pressing {{key|B}}.<ref>{{ytl|bdT76iFEnLk}}</ref>}}
{{History||0.26  SURVIVAL TEST|Removed signs.}}
{{History|java infdev}}
{{History||20100607|[[File:Oak Sign (0) JE1.png|32px]] Signs have been re-implemented as [[block]]s, although still rendering as entities.
|Signs now have a [[crafting]] recipe and the text can now be edited. Editing a sign pauses the game in [[singleplayer]].
|Signs are currently huge and drop [[planks]] when destroyed.
|Signs do not have a particle texture defined. As such, they [[Placeholder texture#Default texture|default to using the grass block texture instead]].}}
{{History||20100608|Signs are now broken faster.
|Signs now [[drops|drop]] themselves when [[breaking|destroyed]], instead of planks.
|Signs now use planks particles.}}
{{History|java alpha}}
{{History||v1.0.1|[[File:Oak Wall Sign (S) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added wall signs.
|[[File:Oak Sign (0) JE2.png|32px]] Signs are now smaller.}}
{{History||v1.0.5|Signs no longer require a free [[block]] above it to place.}}
{{History|java beta}}
{{History||April 27, 2011|link=https://notch.tumblr.com/post/4988431144|Hand-drawn signs are mentioned.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|Signs are now broken faster using an [[axe]].}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w18a|Editing a sign no longer pauses the game in [[singleplayer]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w27a|Signs are now stackable up to 16. 
|The same [[crafting]] recipe now produces 3 signs instead of 1.}}
{{History||June 9, 2014|link=https://twitter.com/SeargeDP/status/476047216541700096|[[Searge]] tweeted a picture of a sign showing a username and a [[scoreboard]] score.}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w25a|Added support for JSON text to signs.
|Sign character limit now depends on character width.}}
{{History|||snap=14w29a|Signs now display the cracking animation.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|A sign now generates within [[igloo]] basements.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w33a|Signs can now be used as [[fuel]] in [[furnace]]s.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The standing sign ID has been changed from <code>standing_sign</code> to <code>sign</code>.
|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[block]]s' numeral IDs were 63 and 68, and the [[item]]'s 323.}}
{{History|||snap=18w10d|[[Water]] can now be placed on the same block as signs.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|"Sign" has been renamed to "Oak Sign".
|[[File:Oak Sign JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of oak sign [[item]]s has been changed.
|[[File:Spruce Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak signs.
|The sign's text has been changed from black to white.
|A sign's recipe now requires the same type of [[wood]] instead of a random assortment.}}
{{History|||snap=18w44a|Signs can now be {{control|used}} while holding a [[dye]] to change the text color.
|Default text color for signs has been changed back to black.}}
{{History|||snap=18w45a|A new movable cursor for free text editing to signs has been added.
|Selection and copy/paste support have been added to signs.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Spruce signs now generate in some [[taiga]] [[village]] houses.
|Spruce sign items can now be found in [[chest]]s in taiga village houses.}}
{{History|||snap=19w12a|Signs can now be [[dye]]d only in [[Creative mode]].}}
{{History|||snap=19w12b|Signs can now be dyed in [[Survival mode]] again.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Crimson Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added crimson and warped signs.}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|Crimson and warped signs can now be [[crafting|crafted]].}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w03a|Signs can now be tinted with [[Glow Ink Sac|glow ink sac]]s to make the text glow.
|Works with both undyed and dyed signs.
|Signs now have a sound for being dyed.}}
{{History|||snap=21w11a|[[File:Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2.png|32px]][[File:Spruce Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Wall Sign (S) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of signs have been changed to reflect the changes made to planks in the [[Texture Update]].}}
{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Glowing text on signs now has an outer glow, making text more visible in the dark.}}
{{History||1.18|snap=21w41a|[[File:Oak Sign JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Sign JE2.png|32px]] Changed all signs textures as items.}}
{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[File:Mangrove Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:Mangrove Wall Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:Mangrove Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mangrove signs.}}
{{History|||snap=22w14a|Due to the addition of the [[mangrove tree]] and [[mangrove swamp]], mangrove signs are now obtainable in survival and renewable.}}
{{History||October 15, 2022|link={{ytl|https://youtu.be/iM9KtHaDcUg?t=5437}}|Hanging signs were announced and shown on [[Minecraft Live 2022]].|Hanging signs were conceptualized by [[Agnes Larsson]] with input from her daughter.<ref>{{ytl|vJCMpPyaN8Q|Minecraft 1.20: New Blocks and Their Functions! @ 0:29|Minecraft|February 24, 2023|t=29s}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|[[File:Bamboo Sign (0) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Wall Sign (S) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bamboo signs behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].
|[[File:Oak Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Oak Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Wall Hanging Sign (S) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Oak Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>Added hanging signs behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]].|Added unique sounds for Nether and bamboo wood signs.}}
{{History|||snap=22w45a|[[File:Jungle Wall Hanging Sign JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of jungle hanging wall signs have been changed.|Added unique sounds for Nether and bamboo wood hanging signs.|Bamboo hanging signs now can be crafted using [[block of stripped bamboo]] instead of bamboo planks.|Crafting bamboo hanging signs now outputs 6 hanging signs instead of 2.}}
{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|[[File:Cherry Sign (0) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Wall Sign (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Sign (item) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Hanging Sign JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Wall Hanging Sign JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Hanging Sign (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added cherry signs and hanging signs behind the [[Java Edition 1.20|Update 1.20 experimental datapack]]. There used to be a glitch where right clicking on a sign would play the “use” animation. This was fixed in the snapshots for 1.20, where signs are editable.}}
{{History|||snap=1.19.4 Pre-release 4|[[File:Cherry Sign (0) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Updated the texture of cherry signs.}}
{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Bamboo sign, cherry sign and all of the hanging signs are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.|Signs and hanging signs can now be edited after being placed.|Signs and hanging signs now support text on both sides.|Signs and hanging signs can now be waxed with [[honeycomb]] to prevent editing.|Oak and spruce hanging sign can now be found in [[suspicious gravel]] and [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].}}
{{History|||snap=23w14a|Signs and hanging signs with click commands can now be interacted with even if the sign is not waxed.|Signs and hanging signs can no longer be edited by players in [[Adventure]] mode.|Signs and hanging signs with non-text chat components can no longer be edited, even if the sign is not waxed.|Signs and hanging signs now save text even if the edit screen is closed by the player being moved far away.}}
{{History|||snap=23w16a|Oak and spruce hanging sign no longer generates in [[suspicious sand]] in [[trail ruins]].|Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for the suspicious gravel within the [[trail ruins]]; oak and spruce hanging sign now are in the common loot.}}
{{History||1.20.2|snap=23w31a|Changed sounds for Nether wood hanging signs.<ref>{{Bug|MC-262295||Warped and Crimson hanging signs uses their respective plank sounds, despite their stripped stems having unique sounds|Fixed}}</ref>}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.5.0|[[File:Oak Standing Sign.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Signs have been added, though they can be obtained only through [[inventory]] editors. |The [[player]] currently cannot write on signs.}}
{{History||v0.6.0|Signs can now be legitimately obtained in [[Survival]] and [[Creative]] mode.|The player can now write on signs.}}
{{History||v0.10.0|snap=build 1|Signs now have a selection overlay.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Signs can now be found in [[igloo]] basements.}}
{{History||1.9.0|snap=beta|"Sign" has been renamed to "Oak Sign".
|[[File:Spruce Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak signs.|The sign's text has been changed from black to white.|A sign's recipe now requires the same type of [[wood]] instead of a random assortment.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|The default sign text color has been changed back to black.|Sign variants are now grouped in their own [[inventory]] category.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Oak Sign JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of oak sign [[item]]s has been changed.|Spruce signs now generate in new [[taiga]] and [[snowy taiga]] [[village]] houses.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Signs can now be used as a [[fuel]] in [[furnace]]s.|Oak signs can now be found inside taiga and snowy taiga village house [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Crimson Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added crimson and warped signs.|[[File:Spruce Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of all signs except oak sign have been changed.}}
{{History||1.16.20|snap=beta|Crimson and warped signs now uses regular plank [[sound]]s instead of their stem variant sounds.}}
{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|Signs can now be {{control|used}} while holding a [[dye]] to change the text color.|Signs can now be tinted with [[Glow Ink Sac|glow ink sac]]s to make the text glow.
|Works with both default and dyed signs.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Color on dyed signs disappears and the text turns back to black.|Signs with applied glowing effect as well as color stops glowing and color is removed.}}
{{History||1.16.220|snap=beta|Signs can now be {{control|used}} while holding a [[dye]] to change the text color again.|Signs can now be tinted with [[Glow Ink Sac|glow ink sac]]s to make the text glow again.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Now has sounds for being dyed.}}
{{History|||snap=release|A glowing effect can no longer be applied to signs due to glow ink sacs becoming inaccessible in the full release.}}
{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|[[File:Oak Sign BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Sign BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Sign BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Sign BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Sign BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Sign BE2.png|32px]] Textures of sign items was updated.
|[[File:Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of oak signs have been changed to reflect the changes made to planks in the [[Texture Update]].}}
{{History||1.17.10|snap=beta|Glowing text on signs now has an outer glow, making text more visible in the dark.}}
{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[File:Oak Sign JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Sign JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Sign JE2.png|32px]] Changed all signs textures as items.}}
{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|[[File:Mangrove Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:Mangrove Wall Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]][[File:Mangrove Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added mangrove signs.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.20|snap=beta|[[File:Bamboo Sign (0) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Wall Sign (S) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added bamboo signs behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.|[[File:Oak Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Oak Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Wall Hanging Sign (S) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Wall Hanging Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Oak Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Mangrove Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Bamboo Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Crimson Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Warped Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]]<br>Added hanging signs behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20.0|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.|Added unique sounds for Nether and bamboo wood signs.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Jungle Wall Hanging Sign JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of jungle hanging wall signs have been changed.|Bamboo hanging signs now can be crafted using [[block of stripped bamboo]] instead of bamboo planks.|Crafting bamboo hanging signs now outputs 6 hanging signs instead of 2.}}
{{History||Next Major Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.80|snap=beta|[[File:Cherry Sign (0).png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Wall Sign (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Sign (item) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Hanging Sign JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Wall Hanging Sign JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cherry Hanging Sign (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added cherry signs and hanging signs behind the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20.0|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Cherry Sign (0) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Updated the texture of cherry signs.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Signs and hanging signs can now be edited after being placed.|Signs and hanging signs now support text on both sides.|Signs and hanging signs can now be waxed with [[honeycomb]] to prevent editing.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Crimson, warped, and bamboo hanging signs now have custom sounds to match their wood type.<ref name=badnewsounds>{{Bug|MCPE-164246}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Bamboo sign, cherry sign and all of the hanging signs are now available without using the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.}}

{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Oak Standing Sign.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added signs.}}
{{History||xbox=TU9|Signs are now stackable up to 16. 
|The same [[crafting]] recipe for signs now produces 3 signs instead of 1.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.88|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Spruce Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Spruce Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Birch Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Jungle Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Acacia Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Dark Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak signs.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Oak Sign JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of oak sign [[item]]s has been changed.}}

{{History|new 3ds}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added signs.}}

== Trivia ==
* The first concept art of hanging signs came from [[Agnes Larsson]]'s daughter.<ref>{{Ytl|vJCMpPyaN8Q|Minecraft 1.20: New Blocks and Their Functions!|Minecraft|t=30s}}</ref>

== Gallery ==
=== Screenshots ===
Signs classic.png|Test of signs in early [[Java Edition Classic]].
Sigh test.jpg|Another early sign image.
Signs PreRelease.png|First image of sign blocks during [[Java Edition Infdev|Infdev]].
Pocket Edition v0.6.0 alpha Development sign.png|First image of signs on [[Pocket Edition]].
Pocket Edition v0.6.0 alpha Development sign editing.png|First image of editing text on [[PE]] iOS.
Pocket Edition v0.6.0 alpha Development sign editing 2.png|First image of editing text on [[PE]] Android.
Pocket Edition v0.6.0 alpha Development sky.png
Door Sign.png|A sign placed on a door.
Breaking News.png|A sign being broken.
Sign Text Dark.jpg|A dark oak sign with black text.
Sign Text Light.jpg|A dark oak sign with white text.
Sign Blockdata.gif|A sign using blockdata to dynamically change.
JSON Sign.png|First image of a sign using JSON text.
Width Based Character Limit.png|First image of a sign using width based character limits.
Glow Ink Sign with Pink Dye.png|Oak sign with glow ink in the dark in [[Java Edition 21w03a]].
Lit vs unlit signs.png|Difference in visibility of a lime text, from left to right, in a lit birch sign, unlit birch sign, lit dark oak sign, and unlit dark oak sign.
Glowing Text Comparison.png|The comparison between glow text and non-glow text.
Example Of Signs Being Weird.png|alt=Shading differences|Signs being different shades depending on orientation.
Glow text.gif|All sixteen colors of glow text.
Glow Ink Signs.jpg|Signs with glowing ink in several colors.
Lots of Glowing Signs.jpg|More signs with glowing ink.
Sign Platforms.jpg|[[Ari]] standing on top of a hanged sign.
Eric Shop.jpg|[[Sunny]] looking at a double sided hanging sign.
Hanging Sign Bedrock.png|Hanging sign with small text.
Hanging Sign Java.png|Hanging sign with large text.
New Hanging Sign Text Length 1.jpg|Text on hanging sign.
New Hanging Sign Text Length 2.jpg|Text on hanging sign.

=== Concept Art ===
Hanging_Sign_Concept_Art.png|Hanging sign concept art.
Hanging_Sign_Concept_Art3.png|Hanging sign dimensions concept art.
Hanging_Sign_Concept_Art4.png|Hanging sign crafting recipe, block states concept art.

=== Renders ===
{{hidden begin}}
<div style="clear: both"></div>
Oak Sign.png|Oak Sign
Spruce Sign.png|Spruce Sign
Birch Sign.png|Birch Sign
Jungle Sign.png|Jungle Sign
Acacia Sign.png|Acacia Sign
Dark Oak Sign.png|Dark Oak Sign
Mangrove Sign.png|Mangrove Sign
Cherry Sign.png|Cherry Sign
Bamboo Sign.png|Bamboo Sign
Crimson Sign.png|Crimson Sign
Warped Sign.png|Warped Sign
Oak Wall Sign.png|Oak Wall Sign
Spruce Wall Sign.png|Spruce Wall Sign
Birch Wall Sign.png|Birch Wall Sign
Jungle Wall Sign.png|Jungle Wall Sign
Acacia Wall Sign.png|Acacia Wall Sign
Dark Oak Wall Sign.png|Dark Oak Wall Sign
Mangrove Wall Sign.png|Mangrove Wall Sign
Cherry Wall Sign.png|Cherry Wall Sign
Bamboo Wall Sign.png|Bamboo Wall Sign
Crimson Wall Sign.png|Crimson Wall Sign
Warped Wall Sign.png|Warped Wall Sign
Oak Hanging Sign.png|Oak Hanging Sign
Spruce Hanging Sign.png|Spruce Hanging Sign
Birch Hanging Sign.png|Birch Hanging Sign
Jungle Hanging Sign.png|Jungle Hanging Sign
Acacia Hanging Sign.png|Acacia Hanging Sign
Dark Oak Hanging Sign.png|Dark Oak Hanging Sign
Mangrove Hanging Sign.png|Mangrove Hanging Sign
Cherry Hanging Sign.png|Cherry Hanging Sign
Bamboo Hanging Sign.png|Bamboo Hanging Sign
Crimson Hanging Sign.png|Crimson Hanging Sign
Warped Hanging Sign.png|Warped Hanging Sign
Oak Wall Hanging Sign.png|Oak Wall Hanging Sign
Spruce Wall Hanging Sign.png|Spruce Wall Hanging Sign
Birch Wall Hanging Sign.png|Birch Wall Hanging Sign
Jungle Wall Hanging Sign.png|Jungle Wall Hanging Sign
Acacia Wall Hanging Sign.png|Acacia Wall Hanging Sign
Dark Oak Wall Hanging Sign.png|Dark Oak Wall Hanging Sign
Mangrove Wall Hanging Sign.png|Mangrove Wall Hanging Sign
Cherry Wall Hanging Sign.png|Cherry Wall Hanging Sign
Bamboo Wall Hanging Sign.png|Bamboo Wall Hanging Sign
Crimson Wall Hanging Sign.png|Crimson Wall Hanging Sign
Warped Wall Hanging Sign.png|Warped Wall Hanging Sign
Oak Sign JE3.png
Spruce Sign JE2.png
Birch Sign JE2.png
Jungle Sign JE2.png
Acacia Sign JE2.png
Dark Oak Sign JE2.png
Mangrove Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Cherry Sign (item) JE1.png
Bamboo Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Crimson Sign JE2.png
Warped Sign JE2.png
Oak Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Spruce Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Birch Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Jungle Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Acacia Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Dark Oak Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Mangrove Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Cherry Hanging Sign (item) JE1.png
Bamboo Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Crimson Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
Warped Hanging Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png
{{hidden end}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== See also ==
* [[Chalkboard]]

== References ==

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--sign Taking Inventory: Sign] – Minecraft.net on January 9, 2020


[[Category:Utility blocks]]
[[Category:Manufactured blocks]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]
[[Category:Block entities]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]

[[de:Schild (Schrift)]]
alpha sub chunk is now stored separately as a different leveldb key.
Bedrock Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Longer String|Longer String]]<br/>{{stub}}
{{Joke feature}}
| image = Longer String.png
| rarity=Common
| renewable=Yes
| stackable=Yes (64)
'''Longer string''' is a joke item from [[Java Edition 23w13a_or_b]].

|A1= String |B1= String
|Output= Longer String
|shapeless= 1

==Data values==
{{edition|java}}:{{ID table
|displayname=Longer String
{{History||23w13a_or_b|[[File:Longer String.png|32px]] Added longer string.}}

[[Category:Joke items]]

[[ja:Longer String]]
[[pt:Linha mais comprida]]</li><li>[[Potato|Potato]]<br/>{{about|the raw potato|the cooked potato|Baked Potato|the potato that can inflict poison|Poisonous Potato}}
| group = Age 0-1
| 1-1 = Potatoes Age 0-1.png
| 1-2 = Potatoes Age 0-1 BE.png
| group2 = Age 2-3
| 2-1 = Potatoes Age 4-6.png
| 2-2 = Potatoes Age 2-3 BE.png
| group3 = Age 4-6
| 3-1 = Potatoes Age 4-6.png
| 3-2 = Potatoes Age 4-6 BE.png
| group4 = Age 7
| 4-1 = Potatoes Age 7.png
| 4-2 = Potatoes Age 7 BE.png
| image = Potato JE3 BE2.png
| renewable = Yes
| heals = {{hunger|1}}
| stackable = Yes (64)

A '''potato''' is a [[food]] [[item]] obtained from potato crops that can be used to plant them, consumed raw or [[cook]]ed to make [[baked potato]]es.

'''Potato crops''' are planted in [[farmland]] and used to grow potatoes and, rarely, [[Poisonous Potato|poisonous potatoes]].

== Obtaining ==

=== Natural generation ===
[[Village]] farm plots have a chance of being planted with potatoes. The exact chance depends on the style of the village:

{| class="wikitable"
! Village style !! Chance
| {{EnvSprite|snowy-village}} Snowy || 70%
| {{EnvSprite|plains-village}} Plains || 15%
| {{EnvSprite|taiga-village}} Taiga || 10%

Fully grown potato crops drop 2 to 5 potatoes ({{frac|3|5|7}} per crop harvested on average) and have a 2% chance of dropping an additional [[poisonous potato]]. Potato yield can be increased using a tool enchanted with [[Fortune]], with Fortune III harvesting an average of {{frac|5|3|7}} potatoes. [[Bone meal]] can be used to mature the potato to its last stage of growth.

The first two potatoes always drop, and then three more attempts are made to drop a potato with a success rate of 57.14286% to yield the extra 0–3 drops. Each level of Fortune enchantment increases the number of attempts by one.

=== Mob loot ===
[[Zombie]]s, [[husk]]s, and [[zombie villager]]s have a 2.5% ({{frac|1|40}}) chance of dropping either an [[iron ingot]], [[carrot]], or potato when killed by a player or tamed wolf. This is increased by 1% ({{frac|1|100}}) per level of looting. This gives potatoes the following chances of dropping:
* {{frac|1|120}} (about 0.83%)
* {{frac|7|600}} (about 1.17%) with Looting I
* {{frac|9|600}} (1.50%) with Looting II
* {{frac|11|600}} (about 1.83%) with Looting III
If a zombie, husk, or zombie villager is killed with fire, it drops a baked potato instead.

=== Chest loot ===

== Usage ==

=== Farming ===
{{main|Tutorials/Crop farming}}
When farmed, potatoes require 8 [[Block tick|stages]] to grow. However, there are four ''visible'' stages due to having only four distinct textures: every two stages have the same texture, except that growth stage 7 keeps the same appearance as stages 5–6, so that only stage 8 has the final, mature appearance. Planted potatoes require a light level of 9 or greater to continue growing. If the light level is 7 or below, the crops instantly un-plant themselves ("pop off"). It is not possible to plant potatoes if the light level is too low.

Crops grow faster if the farmland they are planted in is [[Farmland#Hydration|hydrated]]. Using [[bone meal]] on crops also increases the speed of growth by randomly increasing their growth stage by 2 to 5.

Crops break if pushed by a [[piston]] or if their supporting farmland breaks or turns to dirt (i.e. by being trampled), dropping their usual drops.

=== Food ===
To eat a potato, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the [[hotbar]]. Eating a potato restores {{hunger|1}} hunger and 0.6 [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].

=== Breeding ===
[[Pig]]s follow and can be [[bred]] by a player holding a potato.

[[Villager]]s can pick up potato items to become willing, which allow them to breed. Villagers require 12 potatoes to become willing.

=== Smelting ingredient ===
|Baked Potato

=== Trading ===
Novice-level farmer villagers have a 25%{{only|bedrock}} or 40%{{only|java}} chance to buy 26 potatoes for an [[emerald]] as part of their trade.

=== Composting ===
Placing a potato into a [[composter]] has a 65% chance of raising the compost level by 1. This is less efficient than composting with [[Baked Potato|baked potatoes]], which has a higher success chance of 85%.

== Sounds ==
=== Block ===
{{Sound table/Block/Crop}}

=== Item ===
{{Sound table/Entity/Food}}

== Data values ==
=== ID ===
{{ID table
|blocktags=bee_growables, crops
{{ID table

{{ID table
{{ID table

=== Block states ===
{{see also|Block states}}

== Advancements ==
{{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}

== History ==
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.
|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE1.png|32px]] Added potato crops.}}
{{History|||snap=12w36a|Potatoes can now be found in [[village]]s.}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w09b|The [[Fortune]] enchantment now works when harvesting potatoes.<ref>{{bug|MC-1680}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Potatoes can now be [[trading|sold]] to farmer [[villager]]s, at 15–19 potatoes for 1 [[emerald]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w04a|Farmer villagers now harvest fully grown potatoes.
|Villagers can now be made willing using 12 potatoes.}}
{{History|||snap=14w06a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE2.png|32px]] Potato crops are now a pixel higher - previously they were offset one pixel down as to match farmland's sunken model. This is likely an accidental result of model conversion.}}
{{History|||snap=14w10a|[[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model JE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png|32px]]<br>Potato crops of all stages [[Missing model|no longer have a model]].}}
{{History|||snap=14w10b|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE4.png|32px]] Potato crops now have models again.<ref>{{bug|MC-50232}}</ref> In addition, they are now offset downwards by one pixel once more.<ref>{{bug|MC-50155}}</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE5.png|32px]] Potato crops are now darker and subject to directional shading.}}
{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6.png|32px]] Potato crops are no longer subject to directional shading.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Potatoes can now be used to lead and breed [[pig]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=15w38a|The [[drop]] chances of potatoes has now been slightly improved from average {{frac|2|3|5}} per potato crop harvested to {{frac|2|5|7}}.}}
{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this block's numeral ID was 142, and the item's 392.}}
{{History|||snap=18w11a|Potatoes now have a chance of generating in [[shipwreck]] [[chest]]s.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Potato JE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed.
|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE7.png|32px]] The textures of potato crops have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=18w47a|Potatoes now generate in [[pillager outpost]] chests.}}
{{History|||snap=18w48a|Potatoes can now be found in chests in [[plains]] village houses.}}
{{History|||snap=18w49a|Potatoes can now be found in chests in [[snowy tundra|snowy]] village houses.}}
{{History|||snap=18w50a|Potatoes can now be found in chests in [[taiga]] village houses.
|[[File:Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed, once again.}}
{{History|||snap=19w03a|Added placement and new breaking [[sound]]s to potatoes.
|Placing a potato into the new [[composter]] has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}
{{History|||snap=19w05a|Potatoes now have a 65% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}
{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate potato crops.}}
{{History||1.17|snap=21w13a|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE8.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE8.png|32px]] The "crop" template model has changed such that pixels appear in the same physical positions on opposite sides of texture planes, changing the potato crop's appearance in the process.<ref>{{bug|MC-199242}}</ref>}}

{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.
|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added potato crops.
|Potatoes are a rare [[drops|drop]] from killing [[zombie]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=build 3|Potatoes now have a chance to drop when tilling [[grass block]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=build 4|Potatoes are no longer dropped from tilling grass blocks.}}
{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Potato crops now naturally spawn in [[village]]s.
|Potatoes can now be used to lead and breed [[pig]]s.}}
{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Potatoes now restore [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].
|Farmer (profession) [[villager]]s now plant and harvest potatoes.}}
{{History||v0.16.2|Potatoes can now be found in the [[chest]] inside large houses in [[ice plains]] and [[cold taiga]] [[village]]s.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Potatoes can now be found in [[pillager outpost]]s and [[plains]] [[village]] houses.
|[[File:Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed.
|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE7.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} The textures of potato crops have been changed.}}
{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Potatoes can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.
|Potatoes can now be found in [[taiga]], [[snowy taiga]] and [[snowy tundra]] village house [[chest]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[Trading]] has now been changed, farmer [[villager]]s now have a 25% chance to [[trading|buy]] 26 potatoes for an [[emerald]].}}
{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|[[Bee]]s can now pollinate potato crops.}}
{{History||?|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 BE.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 BE.png|32px]] Potato crop planes use a mapping that results in very unnatural mirroring when viewed from certain angles, such as northwest.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-146936}}</ref>}}

{{History||xbox=TU14|xbone=CU1|ps=1.04|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.
|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added potato crops.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Potato JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of potatoes has been changed.
|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE7.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE7.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} The textures of potato crops have been changed.}}

{{History|New 3DS}}
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Potato JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added potatoes.
|[[File:Potatoes Age 0-1 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 2-3 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 4-6 JE6 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Potatoes Age 7 JE6 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Correct models?}} Added potato crops.}}

=== Potatoes "item" ===
{{:Technical blocks/Potatoes}}

== Issues ==
{{issue list}}

== Gallery ==
AllSeeds.png|All the seeds that exist in the game (except [[Pitcher Plant|seeds fr]][[Torchflower Seeds|om 1.20,]] [[nether wart]] and [[cocoa beans]]).
VillageGrowingCarrotsAndPotatoes.png|[[Carrot]]s and potatoes found growing naturally in a [[village]].
File:Hot Potato.jpeg|Official render of a potato to celebrate National Potato Day.<ref> https://twitter.com/Minecraft/status/1692969488617029859?s=20| Hot potato! @ a friend to toss it.</ref>

== References ==

== External Links ==
*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--potato Taking Inventory: Potato] – Minecraft.net on December 16, 2021


[[Category:Renewable resources]]
[[Category:Non-solid blocks]]
[[Category:Generated structure blocks]]

[[fr:Pomme de terre]]
<br />
?Subchunks are now palleted.[1]

See also[]

