Minecraft Wiki

Op commands

These commands are usable from the console, or from chat by ops on the server (by putting a slash "/" before a command). Items in [square brackets] are optional.

Command Description Usage
/help or ? Shows a list of server commands in the console or in-game. /help
/kick player Removes player from the server. /kick player1
/ban player Bans player from the server. /ban player1
/pardon player Pardons a banned player so that they can connect again. /pardon player1
/ban-ip ip Bans an IP address from the server. /ban-ip
/pardon-ip ip Pardons a banned IP address so that they can connect again. /pardon-ip
/op player Turns player into an op. /op player1
/deop player Removes op status from player. /deop player1
/tp player1 player2 Moves player1 to the same location as player2. /tp player1 player2
/give player id [num] Gives player num (default 1) of the resource with data value id. /give player1 3 64 (gives player1 64 blocks of dirt)
/stop Gracefully stops the server. /stop
/save-all Forces a server-wide level save. /save-all
/save-off Disables terrain saving (useful for backup scripts). /save-off
/save-on Re-enables terrain saving. /save-on
/list Lists all currently connected players. /list
/say message Broadcasts message to all players without a player name being shown and putting message in pink text. /say hello minecraft world!
/whitelist on/off Enable or disable whitelisting (i.e. only listed players may join). /whitelist on
/whitelist add/remove player Add or remove player from the whitelist. /whitelist add notch
/whitelist list Lists all currently whitelisted players. /whitelist list
/whitelist reload Reload the whitelist from file. /whitelist reload
/gamemode player mode Sets player's game mode (0 or 1). Survival mode is 0 and Creative mode 1. /gamemode notch 1

Player commands

These commands are usable by any player.

Command Description
/kill Inflicts 1000 damage points to the user, killing them and returning them to the spawn point. Useful when lost or stuck.
/me action Sends a message as an IRC-style action (e.g. "* Player slaps everyone around a bit with a large trout").
/tell player message Sends a private message to player.