Minecraft Wiki
[view | edit | history | purge]DocumentationJump to code ↴


Custom CSS used before the move to Fandom. I suspect only about half of it still works, see User:KnightMiner/common.css for currently active CSS.

[view | edit | history | purge]The above documentation is transcluded from User:KnightMiner/hydra.css/doc.

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button.
For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

/* [[User:KnightMiner/userlinks.css]] */
@import url('/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/css&title=User:KnightMiner/userlinks.css');

/* Change watch tab's icon to that of a minecraft book
   [[File:Book-watch-icons.png]] */
.vectorTabs #ca-watch.icon a,
.vectorTabs #ca-watch.icon a:hover,
.vectorTabs #ca-watch.icon a:focus,
.vectorTabs #ca-watch.icon a.loading,
.vectorTabs #ca-unwatch.icon a,
.vectorTabs #ca-unwatch.icon a:hover,
.vectorTabs #ca-unwatch.icon a:focus,
.vectorTabs #ca-unwatch.icon a.loading {
	background-image: url(/media/2/28/Book-watch-icons.png);
	-webkit-background-clip: content-box;
			background-clip: content-box;
	text-indent: 40px;
	height: 16px;
	width: 16px;
	padding: 14px 7px 6px 12px;
    image-rendering: pixelated;
.vectorTabs #ca-watch.icon a {
	background-position: 12px 15px !important;
.vectorTabs #ca-unwatch.icon a {
	background-position: -4px 15px !important;
.vectorTabs #ca-watch.icon a:hover,
.vectorTabs #ca-watch.icon a:focus {
	background-position: 12px -1px !important;
.vectorTabs #ca-unwatch.icon a:hover,
.vectorTabs #ca-unwatch.icon a:focus {
	background-position: -4px -1px !important;
.vectorTabs #ca-watch.icon a.loading,
.vectorTabs #ca-unwatch.icon a.loading {
	background-position: -20px 15px !important;
	-webkit-animation: none;
	   -moz-animation: none;
	     -o-animation: none;

/* Hide the Gamepedia Pro user banner, its a little intrusive */
.gamepedia_pro_user::before {
	display: none;
/* But color the username orange so I can still tell they are a pro user */
a:visited.gamepedia_pro_user {
	color: #D60;

/** Fixes **/

/* Hide stuff I don't want */
.live-on-twitch {
	display: none !important;

/* Stop the visited links in [[Special:ListUsers]] and similar pages from seeming like red links */
.curse_account .a, a:visited {
	color: #0b0080;

/* Stop the "You have new messages" text from cropping */
#pt-mytalk a.mw-echo-alert {
	font-size: smaller;

/** Personal userlinks - original code from [[User:Majr/hydra.css]] **/

/* Add [[File:Userlink Self.png]] to my userlinks */
.mw-userlink[title="User:KnightMiner"] {
	padding-left: 19px;
	background: url(/media/a/a8/Userlink_Self.png) no-repeat left center;
    image-rendering: pixelated;

/** Courtesy of [[User:Goandgoo/common.css]] **/

/* Label anonymous userlinks (IPs) differently from others */
.mw-anonuserlink {
    background-color: #CCC;
    font-family: "Courier New";

/** Courtesy of [[User:Majr/hydra.css]] **/

/* Make the "changed since your last visit" on page history have a cyan background and darker cyan outline
   Basically a cyan version of the "You have new messages" box */
.updatedmarker {
    background: #00FFFF;
    border: 1px solid #00BEFF;
    padding: 1px;

/* Hide diff markers, the colours make it obvious */
td.diff-marker {
	visibility: hidden;
table.diff col.diff-marker {
	width: 0;
table.diff col.diff-content {
	width: 50%;

/* Stop pre (often used for code blocks) from breaking out the page */
pre {
	overflow-x: auto;

/* Make redirect links green on editing */
body.action-edit .mw-redirect,
body.action-edit .mw-redirect:link,
body.action-edit .mw-redirect:visited,
body.action-submit .mw-redirect,
body.action-submit .mw-redirect:link,
body.action-submit .mw-redirect:visited {
	color: #008000;

/* Prism syntax highlighting */
 * prism.js default theme for JavaScript, CSS and HTML
 * Based on dabblet (http://dabblet.com)
 * @author Lea Verou

.mw-code {
	font-family: Consolas, monospace;

pre[class*="mw-code"] {
	color: black;
	direction: ltr;
	text-align: left;
	white-space: pre;
	word-spacing: normal;
	-moz-tab-size: 4;
	  -o-tab-size: 4;
	     tab-size: 4;
	-webkit-hyphens: none;
	   -moz-hyphens: none;
	    -ms-hyphens: none;
	hyphens: none;

.token.comment {
	color: #45A946;
	font-style: normal;

.token.cdata {
	color: slategray;
	font-style: normal;

.token.punctuation {
	color: #999;

.namespace {
	opacity: .7;

.token.boolean {
	color: #905;

.token.regex {
	color: #1E66B1;

.token.url {
	color: #a67f59;

.token.keyword {
	color: #DD0058;

.token.important {
	color: #e90;

.token.important {
	font-weight: bold;

.token.entity {
	cursor: help;

/* Make links in code keep their syntax highlighting colours
 * but add an underline so it's still obvious they're clickable */
.mw-code a:not(:hover) {
	color: inherit;
	text-decoration: underline;

/* Remove the <code> tag borders */
pre code {
	border-style: none;
 	padding: 0;

/** Testing stuff **/